Great for Christmas! Offer on until January! Lamb joints also half price!
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6 Dec 1618#4
When I went in, the butcher said I bet you a tenner you can't reach the meat on the top shelf' ...I said ' no way, the stakes are too high'
6 Dec 1611#8
Morrisons beef is crap, morrisons in general is a crap supermarket
6 Dec 1610#12
They've got 8 legs of venison in Asda for £20 per kg.... is that too dear???
Edward_Nigma to PLANKT0N0
6 Dec 168#5
Latest comments (54)
7 Dec 161#47
Postman delivered this with the usual Talk Talk/Virgin Media junk mail this morning.
katymabel to 0dd8a11
20 Dec 16#54
Is this one use only or generic? I.e. could I print it off and use it :smiley:
9 Dec 16#52
I saw these but also saw the layer of fat plonked on the top in the vacuum pack so I went to the butchers counter and they have beef joints there for £5 a kilo too. I requested one still sealed from the back-up fridge.
The piece I got was 2.5kg and I'll be cutting it up and using some for steak, some for a stew and then a roast beef (in a roasting bag with french onion packet soup - makes the best gravy I have ever tasted!).
I know Morrisons is cheaper but I drive past Tesco on the way home from work and Morrisons is a 60 minute round trip. Maybe I'll go nearer Christmas.
joostme to socks_uk
9 Dec 16#53
nice heads up, don't mind the vacum pack as I usually buy for stew but got a lump from the counter last year and it was fab
7 Dec 16#50
Do you know if this is in Tesco Express as well - my bigger Tesco is a good few miles away? Thank you.
talialane96 to Sophiasky
7 Dec 16#51
Sorry I'm not sure I haven't looked but I would assume so as other offers are available in tesco express!
7 Dec 16#49
Only problem I have found with Morrisions beef is they are all quite small, where as the Sainsbury's / Tesco are readily available at least twice the size.
6 Dec 1610#12
They've got 8 legs of venison in Asda for £20 per kg.... is that too dear???
thfcpaul to suziemaclondon
7 Dec 161#30
Sounds like a spider!!!
beanabadger to suziemaclondon
7 Dec 162#36
It seems I stumbled into Hot UK Dad Jokes :laughing:
hass123 to suziemaclondon
7 Dec 16#39
Was it Flamedeer?
nevergofull to suziemaclondon
7 Dec 16#46
Hey, my dad wants his joke back :-)
Rudess to suziemaclondon
7 Dec 16#48
Ho Ho Ho, a cracking joke that deserves some Xmas crackers ;-)
Mr cool
7 Dec 16#45
good price
6 Dec 1611#8
Morrisons beef is crap, morrisons in general is a crap supermarket
wiggywig to bold_guy
7 Dec 166#32
Well they won Meat and Fish retailer of the year, so *shrug*
Where's General? I'll try and avoid that one. Thanks for the heads up.
-=blootoon=- to bold_guy
7 Dec 16#44
I would rate Morrison's butchers well above those of Tesco's, In the past the beef at Tesco never seems to be aged long enough so it is normally tough, very pink and tasteless, but they have maybe improved as i know it is a while since i tried any roast from them.
7 Dec 162#43
Morrison's is the only large supermarket that runs their own abattoirs as well which is why they managed to avoid the horsey scandal back in 2013.
Most crap meat came from Tesco's or the likes where the supply chains were pressured to cut costs.
And no.. i don't have vested interest in Morrison's and i usually shop at Tesco's... and i'm getting my coat to get me some beef now!
Thank you OP! :innocent:
6 Dec 1618#4
When I went in, the butcher said I bet you a tenner you can't reach the meat on the top shelf' ...I said ' no way, the stakes are too high'
Edward_Nigma to PLANKT0N0
6 Dec 168#5
themachman to PLANKT0N0
6 Dec 165#29
ronmanager to PLANKT0N0
7 Dec 163#42
I went to the Christmas tree seller and said I wanted to buy a 6ft tree. He said "are you going to put it up yourself?" I said no I'll probably just stand it in the living room.
7 Dec 16#41
Lamb also on offer @ 5.00 a kilo
brought half a leg yesterday (lower half)
and will be buying two whole ones later on in the month for my christmas dinner, afterall turkey is the worst meat.
LAMB Is just pure delight.
7 Dec 16#40
We've had these a couple of Sundays over the past few weeks and have to say that the meat is so tender - normally have a real struggle getting my kids to eat beef as they say it's chewy but they have both asked for seconds of this. Really lovely.
7 Dec 16#38
Did I hear Half price Lamb....:stuck_out_tongue:
7 Dec 16#37
Yer Morrisons fat cheaper
7 Dec 16#35
according to my dad its the same price in asda tooo
7 Dec 16#33
With added water, what rubbish.
7 Dec 16#31
got one the other day looked all nice and red on outside until i took it out of packaging and unfolded it was all white fat on inside
6 Dec 16#28
Mine definitely doesn't have that much fat
6 Dec 16#27
Tesco says with added 36% basting fat - £5 + 36% = £6.80 per kilo.
6 Dec 161#26
Yeah i would like to know that too since no one has mentioned it :-)
6 Dec 16#25
Already posted twice
6 Dec 161#24
£20 an inch ... think about it
6 Dec 162#22
I heard that Morrisons are doing beef for a good price also
Crapweasel to rpope
6 Dec 161#23
Really? How much for a kilo?
6 Dec 166#21
Anyone know how much the beef is at Morrisons?
6 Dec 164#20
we have had the Morrison's beef and good for £3.97 kilo.
6 Dec 16#19
All meat on the fresh meat counter is british,beef and lamb is also £5 kg,they also doing bone in rib for £9.50 KG
6 Dec 161#18
£3.97 a kilo in Morrisons
6 Dec 16#17
Got a 2.5kg Irish beef for £12.
Irish beef cheaper than the British.
£12 British got you about 1.6kg
6 Dec 161#16
Got one in the freezer ready for Xmas :smile:
6 Dec 16#15
Disco Dave
6 Dec 162#14
Whoops just saw the other post
Disco Dave
6 Dec 16#13
Just been to Morrisons only £3.97 per kilo
6 Dec 16#11
waiting for the prime rib
6 Dec 161#10
Nice <3
6 Dec 16#9
Is the finest on offer also.?
6 Dec 16#2
Is this vacuum packed?
johnthehuman to ajm007
6 Dec 164#7
No it's beef.
6 Dec 164#6
Wifey has just bought 9 kilo's of it at Morrisons, at £3.97p per kilo (less than half price!).
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The piece I got was 2.5kg and I'll be cutting it up and using some for steak, some for a stew and then a roast beef (in a roasting bag with french onion packet soup - makes the best gravy I have ever tasted!).
I know Morrisons is cheaper but I drive past Tesco on the way home from work and Morrisons is a 60 minute round trip. Maybe I'll go nearer Christmas.
It seems I stumbled into Hot UK Dad Jokes :laughing:
Most crap meat came from Tesco's or the likes where the supply chains were pressured to cut costs.
And no.. i don't have vested interest in Morrison's and i usually shop at Tesco's... and i'm getting my coat to get me some beef now!
Thank you OP! :innocent:
brought half a leg yesterday (lower half)
and will be buying two whole ones later on in the month for my christmas dinner, afterall turkey is the worst meat.
LAMB Is just pure delight.
Irish beef cheaper than the British.
£12 British got you about 1.6kg