I've still got credit on my account - when will this expire?
26 Apr 17#45
Did you make the purchase online or did you do it through your Sky box on your tv?
26 Apr 17#44
charged me tooo,I had to get them to sort the credit out also for may bill
10 Apr 17#43
I had to get them to sort the credit out also. I messaged them and they transferred the credit to my box. It defaults to your online account. Why there is a difference I have no idea.
10 Apr 17#42
Well I got my e-mail this morning saying the copy of Rogue One I ordered with this was now available. On checking my accounts the credit in the sky store was unused and my monthly sky bill was charged the £13.99. I rang sky and a very helpful indian gentleman understood the situation straightaway and said he could make sure my account was not charged. I was put on hold briefly and then told it was sorted and I would not be charged. Fingers crossed it will stay as simple as that.
20 Jan 17#41
Warning ..Check your january bill as SKY charged me the £13.99 just called them intially said nothing they can do about, so i said i want to cancel sky altogether low and behold getting the money back as apparently they have had a lot of problems with the vouchers- scam if you ask me!
13 Jan 17#40
Ordered through box.. oops. Called for refund
12 Jan 17#39
Looks like I got charged for this.. wtf!
2 Jan 17#38
Did you get a resolution for this? I want to preorder Bridget Jones' Baby which is only showing as available via TV not the website. It shows as £0.00 but I don't want to order and then be charged. Did you get a confirmation email?
1 Jan 17#37
£1200 a year for Sky. oO
1 Jan 17#36
Me and my parents never got the gift and its saying the promo has ended my account said I would get an email with a voucher never got an email, and my parents account said 'they are still working on the gift come back later' and it has now expired this gift promo. Tried to contact to complain but they dont have customer help on evenings seems odd? Also no apparent email address to contact them. As I spend £100 a month on my account and £70 a month for my parents I am awaiting a good response.
1 Jan 17#35
I redeemed yesterday and it's still in my account as a credit.
31 Dec 16#34
See, I'm like most people. I only look at the FAQs when something goes wrong.
31 Dec 16#33
I hope you didn't get a Sky Q box. They are rubbish.
31 Dec 16#32
Account had to be active on the 15 th Dec, I had sky installed on the 17th therefore don't qualify, so why send me a message saying I have a free gift! Not happy and told customer services as much.
31 Dec 16#31
Rightyo ignore the above please. I was misinformed by the Sky customer services guy.
Sky have tweeted to confirm the credit will last for 1 or 3 years. That's still not clear but it doesn't have to be used by today either way
31 Dec 16#30
Hi All. I just spoke to a chap at sky customer services who confirmed the voucher needs to be redeemed and SPENT by today. I asked him to double check but he said they've got plenty of calls today and that is the case
He could be wrong but he said use it today or lose it
31 Dec 16#29
Hmm but the small print in the letter says: "3. Vouchers can only be redeemed and spent on the Sky Store website located at skystore.com before Expiry Date."
30 Dec 16#28
They did actually - on the thank you page's FAQs: Can I use my voucher for rentals? The voucher is intended to be used for Buy and Keep Movies or TV Box Sets only. If you purchase a rental with your voucher you will be unable to watch it on your Sky box and you will not receive a DVD copy of the rented title.
30 Dec 16#27
When I went through the process, there was a link saying 'Redeem voucher'. It then credits your account. So that should be enough and you can spend the credit whenever. I bought a £5.99 movie just in case though.
30 Dec 16#26
Well, this is a bit poor. I've also rented The Purge: Anarchy and I can't play it. I get this error:
This video can only be played on displays that support HDCP, please disconnect any external cables and try again.
I went for an SD rental, same as The Shallows, and this one won't play at all. Seriously unimpressed with Sky Store :disappointed:
30 Dec 16#25
That's great then, no need to rush deciding on what to pick! thanks for the info.
29 Dec 16#24
I was just wondering the same. I went on to the Sky Facebook page and scrolled down until I seen a reply from sky saying the voucher has to be redeemed by the 31st but the credit stays in your account for 36 months.
29 Dec 16#23
Oh sorry, I neglected to see the part where you mentioned that they were rentals, I thought you were referring to their Buy & Keep films.
29 Dec 16#22
I've credited my account, but do you know if you've got to use up the credit by the 31st? or was that only to redeem it, and I can use it up whenever? anyone know?
28 Dec 16#21
Sky does cost a fortune. I have had it for 22 years and pretty sure I paid £19.99 maybe £29.99 (max) for everything including new releases back in the day. Now I am paying over £80 a month BUT it's still the best service so I pay it. This free gift does sound like a bit of a nightmare to redeem though so will redeem with eyes wide open.
28 Dec 16#20
I've not had my code either and signed up 2 weeks ago!
28 Dec 16#19
Nice, which movies did you order out of interest? Thanks
28 Dec 16#18
Apparently you can't send rentals to your box. Shame they didn't think to mention this before :disappointed:
Watched The Shallows (meh) on my computer last night. Got The Purge to watch next.
28 Dec 16#17
The BFG DVD arrived this morning. Thanks Op! :grin:
28 Dec 16#16
I received an email to say I could choose a film up to £13.99. I went on sky store via the TV and chose Star Wars rogue one as it's available to pre order. It didn't give me an option to enter the code but the price showed as £0.00. I have since received an email saying my account will be charged £13.99 when it is dispatched in may. I'm confused
27 Dec 16#15
Have you checked in the 'Purchased' tab in your planner on the sky box? Press the tv guide button, go down to the planner then press number 6 on your remote and it should be in that section. You highlight/select it and it will then download to your planner to view. When you've finished watching it you can then archive it by pressing the yellow button so it doesn't take up any unnecessary space on your available hard drive on the planner.
27 Dec 16#14
I still haven't received my voucher by email or post since signing up about 2-3 weeks ago. Anyone else who hasn't received theirs?
27 Dec 16#13
I can't send the two rentals I selected (who buys DVDs these days anyway?) to my compatible Sky+ box.
Online help was no help, neither was the customer service person I spoke with. Anyone had any success?
26 Dec 16#12
I cant seem to redeem my voucher-tells me I already have redeemed it (I haven't). In my account settings, I can see the credit there. What a pain in the neck-this will require a torturous phone call to Sky.
26 Dec 16#11
Had this with my friend (told me not working). I checked when at her house - only get access to box sets on the channels you have subscriptions to, so I assume you have tried one from a channel you usually do not get. Try a box set from Sky1/Atlantic etc. It will work
26 Dec 16#10
I probably got yours - they sent me two!
24 Dec 16#9
Went to the thankyou part of the site, it says I get box sets, but when I try to use them I'm told I need to upgrade to box sets...
24 Dec 16#8
Had to laugh, I've cancelled my subscription, but as it's not expired yet I still got the gift!
24 Dec 16#7
was just making comment again about their slow deliveries. They always seem to take a month to come even ones I didn't get for free as some people seem to get them quicker. I never have. made these comments as earlier in tread people were wanting them for xmas gifts and I was stating it was unlikely they would arrive on time!
24 Dec 16#6
Awww, that's terrible. Demand your money back then. Oh wait... oO
24 Dec 16#5
just got a email after my order a good few days ago stating delay on delivery of my dvd. I will have it by 30th January 2017. Just aswell it wasn't for a present for anyone.
24 Dec 16#4
Not sure if this has already been mentioned yet but the codes don't seem to be account specific. I used my own code and one my father was sent for his Sky which he didn't want- both redeemed successfully on my account.
24 Dec 16#3
Completely agree with your comments Woof1958. The voucher came through with "No Catches" clearly printed. Then after using my voucher with a cash top-up to buy the Hobbit trilogy, I found my box wasn't compatible. Scam to get people to upgrade to sky q!! The website is full of links to purchase a new box when you can't get the purchases tab available on your planner. Didn't bother ringing them, I'll not be upgrading
24 Dec 16#2
I got the £13.99 buy and keep voucher to use in Sky Store online. We have the full package so nothing to be gained from Sky Box sets. I followed the instructions using the PC only to find my Sky box was not compatible with buy and keep so was unable to send the film to the TV. Phoned Sky and was on the phone for an hour. They apologised and said we would still receive the DVD which has not arrived as yet and to buy the chosen film at £5.49 from the Sky box and they would credit us. They did not understand why I could not send it to the TV and when I suggested my box was not compatible they dismissed me. Guess what, when I did some online research my box is not compatible. So this reward was not really relevant to us. We chose Star Trek Beyond and it is not very good so I am not really bothered about the DVD. So all in all turned into a farce. I suspect this is probably to get us to upgrade to Sky Q
24 Dec 16#1
So I bought the £5.99 one thinking I could get two animation for the kids. All the rest are £7.99, £10.99 or £13.99... random as f!!!
Opening post
Latest comments (46)
Sky have tweeted to confirm the credit will last for 1 or 3 years. That's still not clear but it doesn't have to be used by today either way
I asked him to double check but he said they've got plenty of calls today and that is the case
He could be wrong but he said use it today or lose it
"3. Vouchers can only be redeemed and spent on the Sky Store website located at skystore.com before Expiry Date."
Can I use my voucher for rentals?
The voucher is intended to be used for Buy and Keep Movies or TV Box Sets only. If you purchase a rental with your voucher you will be unable to watch it on your Sky box and you will not receive a DVD copy of the rented title.
This video can only be played on displays that support HDCP, please disconnect any external cables and try again.
I went for an SD rental, same as The Shallows, and this one won't play at all. Seriously unimpressed with Sky Store :disappointed:
Watched The Shallows (meh) on my computer last night. Got The Purge to watch next.
Online help was no help, neither was the customer service person I spoke with. Anyone had any success?