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eBay 50% off final value fees
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eBay 50% off final value fees

50% off eBay4 Dec 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
4 Dec 16
50% off final value fees on ebay until 12/12/2016 for 100 listings auctions or fixed price. Apparently invitation only on certain accounts.

link for 75% off FVF - try both
- luvsadealdealdeal
Top comments
4 Dec 16 3 #102
Back in the 90s it was only around 2.5 to 3% fees. I don't know if it changed gradually but I remember the shock a few years ago when I sold some things and it had gone up to nearly 10% then, plus paypal fees too.

I rarely bother with ebay now, and only ever when I get at least 50% off, or usually 75% off or £1 max.

And now they charge you the fee if you end an auction early! Although I think only if an item has a bid on it.

They got greedy and people have found other ways to sell their items - good.
4 Dec 16 3 #100
royal mail squeezing from one end and ebay from the other means it's much less attractive, just too much hassle
whatyadoinsucka to moneyballs2
4 Dec 16 3 #28
On this promotion it says thanks for selling in 2016, if I was you sell a Few small ticket items, DVDs still sell remarkably well for a couple of quid, and 10% of a few pounds is nothing really ,
EBay's systems willl recognise you've sold a few items and you'll start getting promotions
Latest comments (131)
12 Dec 16 #131
Just alter the price a tiny bit.
12 Dec 16 #130
I'd agree - if you try to list two identical items, typically, eBay will prevent the second listing:
12 Dec 16 #129
I have done it before with the £1 offer, no issues and just listed 2 of same item again this evening.
12 Dec 16 #128
I thought it didnt let you do that?
12 Dec 16 #127
Less than 6 hours left to list for this mentioned before on previous thread.. might be best to list duplicate items seperately. Happy selling.
11 Dec 16 #126
All this moaning about Ebay gets on my t..s! Never had a problem in over 400 transactions and happy to pay the 10% as it gets me access to a huge market. Almost always I get a price that is equal to if not better than I ever expect and better than I would get at other sites with smaller customer bases. You get what you pay for and on Ebay it's simple - work hard with your listings (get them right) and you will attract customers. It cant be as bad as some make out. If it where the larger sellers would be no where near it and almost everyone has a store on it. No where else gets you access to the same mass market of customers
9 Dec 16 #125
Went through the T&Cs and saw it doesnt apply to multi listings. All mine are so no win for me!!
Scotty Boy
9 Dec 16 #124
My understanding was you had to list from scratch and you weren't able to relist items...I could be wrong though.
8 Dec 16 1 #123
Okay, So I relisted all my items after accepting the deal, A few bits have sold and when I check my pending invoices its still showing the full 10% charges. What gives?
7 Dec 16 #122
​I used a similar deal, with the same t+c.I listed 13 listings for the same item and only paid the promo fee. all ended the same night too.
I'm not eligible for this one tho!
6 Dec 16 #121
this has a lot of terms tacked on to it, one of witch is listing for more than 1 of the same item (having 2 to sell of something)

so well it might look good its not really worth much
6 Dec 16 #120

5 Dec 16 #119
Boom, 50% off FVF - now to get selling! Cheers op.
5 Dec 16 #118
Is this for both buy it now & auction style listings? When ever I sign up to these kind of deals I never seem to get the promo discount the on fees on my fixed price listing
5 Dec 16 #117
Link worked for me. Thank you!!!
5 Dec 16 #116
Gumtree is owned by eBay so I don't think they're competitors.
5 Dec 16 #115
The offer's only available for specific accounts; those with ineligible accounts are marking it as expired when that's not in fact the case, in sufficient numbers to trigger the "expired" status.
5 Dec 16 #114
Any idea why expired? working for me..
4 Dec 16 #113
​ same here and nothing in selling. :disappointed:
4 Dec 16 #112
Thanks I got 50%
4 Dec 16 #111
Promotional seller fee rates only ever apply for the original listing (made within the promotional period), not any subsequent relisting.
4 Dec 16 1 #110
Does not work for me.
I receive the following message: "
Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only."
4 Dec 16 #109
Do you know when you place items on with the £1 offer and they don't sell do the qualify again if relist them, I'm sure read that before somewhere
4 Dec 16 #108
Wasn't eligible for 75% off but managed to get 50% thanks OP!
4 Dec 16 #107
4 Dec 16 #106
The links say the offer has expired for me :disappointed:
4 Dec 16 #105
Nah... I prefer the 75% off fvf or the max £1 offer
4 Dec 16 #104
I'm pretty sure it is there best offer, because they always do free listing days but I pay more in FVF that I ever do on listing fees.
Gutted I havent been invited to this offer.
Is this just for private sellers?
4 Dec 16 1 #103
They also charge 10% of postage costs
4 Dec 16 3 #102
Back in the 90s it was only around 2.5 to 3% fees. I don't know if it changed gradually but I remember the shock a few years ago when I sold some things and it had gone up to nearly 10% then, plus paypal fees too.

I rarely bother with ebay now, and only ever when I get at least 50% off, or usually 75% off or £1 max.

And now they charge you the fee if you end an auction early! Although I think only if an item has a bid on it.

They got greedy and people have found other ways to sell their items - good.
4 Dec 16 1 #101
Its time eBay get what they deserve ....... a shortage of people selling on their platform since they only care about buyers while sellers lose out money from their own pocket if buyer change mind after purchase.
4 Dec 16 3 #100
royal mail squeezing from one end and ebay from the other means it's much less attractive, just too much hassle
4 Dec 16 #99
75% off link says it was expired but I looked on my selling page in My Ebay and the 50% offer was still there. Thanks!
4 Dec 16 #98
Anything you list from now till the 12th will have 50% discount on FVF, so do a load of 30day buy it now listings!

No anything you list now, will have the discount applied when sold.
4 Dec 16 1 #97
If i list now and it sells after the 12th will i get charged the full fee?
4 Dec 16 2 #96
How does this work exactly? Anything I list till the 12th will have the 50% discount on FVF? Or just anything I sell until the 12th has the discount?
4 Dec 16 #95
I agree, except it depends what the value is of the item you're selling - a £1 fee might end up being a lot more than a 5% or 10% fee.
4 Dec 16 #94
You are right...this worked for me and the link did not thanks! :smiley:
4 Dec 16 #93
No invitation once again here. I'm convinced I have a strike of some sort against my account because of some plonker buyer in India who messed me around with payment one time years ago and I had to argue the case with eBay over it for days just because of their absolutely daft policies. Awful, greedy company. COLD.
4 Dec 16 #92
Same for me, just checked. I miss Yahoo Auctions, know that's old school but they were great and kept the fees low.
4 Dec 16 #91
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.
4 Dec 16 2 #90
eBay getting desperate these days. site had became a joke. shame really. it used to be good for a bargain but it's just turning into an Amazon type clone. full of businesses and flooded with China rubbish. :disappointed:
4 Dec 16 1 #89
F*** ebay. Sided with a buyer who just chaged their mind about my phone. Phoned them to complain and they said i could appeal. Told the customer service rep my appeal and 2 minutes later as i was still talking to her she said the appeal is unsuccessful.

When i questioned how this was possible as i was still talking to her she claimed the appeals team had made their final decision and nothing could be done. Waste of time company that sides with scammers.
4 Dec 16 #88

Fair enough - I can only guess you have declined emails of this kind from Ebay through your preferences otherwise promotional offers open to you will be emailed/messaged to you
4 Dec 16 2 #87
Even with this offer I still wouldn't bother to sell on eBay.

50% off the final value fee, 100% loss when an unscrupulous buyer requests a refund.
4 Dec 16 #86
I know!!! I have 2 accounts and before I make any purchase, I research on ebay and amazon. I've recently tried to unsubscribe to a lot of mailing lists and minimise total number of emails, and this makes a mockery of the entire exercise.
Their emails have never once swayed me - I am aware of what I need/want to buy and purchase on my terms, not because I forgot or because there's only a few left.
I think ebay will only be browsed in incognito mode from now on. I think a request to separate the two will be ignored as the promotional emails are the price/punishment for opting in to the FVF emails!
4 Dec 16 #85
Sorry, no. But nice try though :smirk:
4 Dec 16 #84
I found the offer right at the bottom of my selling page, had to opt in.
4 Dec 16 1 #83
If the deal isn't working for people (the link said it was expired for me) then login My eBay > Selling and then scroll down to the bottom to the "Offers" section. I found it there!
4 Dec 16 1 #82
Not true - I never get messages or emails about these offers and yet my account is valid for the offer - I can see it under promotional offers but I only check that when I see the offer on HUKD.
4 Dec 16 1 #81
I never get any if these for some reason. And every time I try and apply them it says "Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only". Not one has ever worked
4 Dec 16 #80
EBAY Not a auction anymore, Just an shop for businesses, used to be good
4 Dec 16 #79
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.
4 Dec 16 1 #78
Although this deal is listed as expired, I just tried it and it worked for me.
4 Dec 16 #77
because the links work fine, no need to check your Ebay messages at all :smiley:
4 Dec 16 1 #76
This absolutely infuriates me! I'm not such a complete halfwit that I need to be reminded that I am interested in buying something, and often these emails are telling me about items that I've only looked at because I'm selling a similar item! Yet these are classed as being 'promotional emails' so if you unsubscribe from them, you miss out on proper promotional ones like FVF reductions. They really need to sort this out...
4 Dec 16 #75
I didn't get any message/email offering me anything. I clicked the link and the deal has been successfully applied to my account.

That would be why the link was posted.

Voted hot btw. Thanks OP xx
4 Dec 16 #74
Not sold anything so far this year, been far too busy (lazy). Will sell something crappy and cheap, and then put up the dozens of items I've been waiting to sell when/if they run this again. Thank you.
4 Dec 16 #73
Got the 50% one after clicking on the link three different times.
4 Dec 16 #72
Good deal.

Not on my ebay account, but voted HOT, HOT, HOT! for letting us know it was on yours
4 Dec 16 #71
Sale price x 0.913 = what you get after this offer & paypal fees (approx)
4 Dec 16 #70
Got the 50% one, the 75% one expired. Good job OP, got a few things I need to sell I've been procrastinating with.
4 Dec 16 #69
I know you'll get eBay emails if you opt in, but nobody on here is going to know the criterion for the way eBay choose who does and doesn't get these offers.
4 Dec 16 #68
i think it was in preferences, you agree to the marketing emails, but yes i also don't know how they choose which offers they give to people.
4 Dec 16 1 #67
Gumtree is owned by ........ eBay.
4 Dec 16 #66

Unless someone works for eBay on here, how would anyone know that?
4 Dec 16 1 #65
I think your maths need working on Lol. If the fees are £46.50 and you get 50% off then the fees are now £23.25, not zero. So the poster isn't saving £36.
4 Dec 16 #64
Doesn't work for me, says it's expired
4 Dec 16 #63
How long before Facebook starts charging fees for selling though?
4 Dec 16 #62
i get the ebay spam emails and they do send some good offers, but the 75% didn't work, but i wasn't sent that one.
4 Dec 16 #61
Not always the case.. There has been many times when i have not been invited or even received an email but clicking on the links on here has activated the offer.. pot luck as may work for some and not for others..
4 Dec 16 1 #60
"Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired." Message I am getting.... Yet before signing in says its valid till 12th :s:s:s
4 Dec 16 #59
Doesn't work for me cold
4 Dec 16 #58
and there was me thinking they were reaching out to me especially in the email telling me how many items I'd sold this year :disappointed:
4 Dec 16 1 #57
Why ask people to click on links? It's no use unless they have go the email from ebay inviting them. By all means ask them to check their ebay messages. I got the 50% one. Waiting on the 75 or better
4 Dec 16 #56
4 Dec 16 #55
I am not eligible either. How do you go about "getting offered it"? On what basis have they selected users?
4 Dec 16 #54
Does anyone know how to continue to receive emails about fvf discounts but to turn off those pesky, incessant emails that advise you of changes etc of every damn item you look at??!? I don't want to miss out on the promotions, but I also don't want to know there are only a few Star Wars monopoly sets left or have my day interrupted asking if I'm still interested in Mickey Mouse cufflinks
4 Dec 16 #53
Been waiting for this, thanks so much for posting!! :smiley::smiley:
4 Dec 16 #52
How to I check all of my active promotions? Can't find the correct page
4 Dec 16 1 #51
It's account specific! That's the message you get if you have not been offered it but try to sign up!
4 Dec 16 #50
I don't think so.
Gum Tree is meant to look like competition but since they exist only to crush actual ebay competition. ebay hasn't really got any competition in the UK
4 Dec 16 #49
I got that too

It may have been a limited number
4 Dec 16 2 #48
"Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired"
that's the message I get.
4 Dec 16 1 #47
4 Dec 16 1 #46
can I just end my fixed price listings and then relist after accepting this offer?
4 Dec 16 #45
If you have auctions "live" before this offer your only option is to manually end them and relist. Conversely items STARTED during the offer period will get the discount even if the end time is after the offer has ended
4 Dec 16 #44
50% link just worked for me, thanks
4 Dec 16 1 #43
I have 2 Ebay accounts. I got the offer on the one I don't use as much. Which is a pain as I'll have to cancel all items for sale & relist on other account but will take longer as can't just click relist button!
4 Dec 16 #42
worked. great stuff....thank you
4 Dec 16 #41
4 Dec 16 #40
Not their best offer but better than nothing I suppose. Time to get rid of the game glitch :laughing:
4 Dec 16 #39
Thanks op
4 Dec 16 #38
Thanks for the heads up op.
4 Dec 16 #37
I got one here. Still a bit miffed at not getting the nectar offers though for thanks for doubling up and all that
4 Dec 16 #23
Does anybody have any wisdom on how you become eligible for these final fee offers?

I haven't sold anything in a while, but I've sold over 50 things over the course of the past decade.

Could it be as simple as opting into a particular mailing list?
whatyadoinsucka to moneyballs2
4 Dec 16 3 #28
On this promotion it says thanks for selling in 2016, if I was you sell a Few small ticket items, DVDs still sell remarkably well for a couple of quid, and 10% of a few pounds is nothing really ,
EBay's systems willl recognise you've sold a few items and you'll start getting promotions
Bossworld to moneyballs2
4 Dec 16 #36
I asked the same on another thread and yes you need to opt into promotional emails.

Unfortunately I now get between 2-4 emails a day, telling me what's hot on eBay, reminding me of things I've looked at, and finally, one email offering reduced fees.
4 Dec 16 2 #35
4 Dec 16 1 #34
all I get for both the 50% & 75% links is "Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired."

I did sell a couple of thing in the last month and did opt in to the £1 FVF promo(only 1 item sold during that promo though). Not a regular seller but currently got a few things to sell and was hoping I would be eligible for these type of offers...
4 Dec 16 #33
​Unfortunately that does not seem to be the case... I've sold in 2016 but don't seem to be eligible for this.
4 Dec 16 #31
' Unfortunately this offer is account specific '
So no deal!
whatyadoinsucka to Scooter42
4 Dec 16 #32
Acccount specific to anyone who has sold in 2016,
4 Dec 16 2 #26
Who would have thought the competition ebay have been luckily (for them) lacking for way too long would come from Facebook? About time they had some proper competition. And now they have just look at how many of these offers they are initiating. Excellent. Anything we no longer need in our house now goes straight on Facebook, haven't put a single item on ebay in a couple of years. Bliss.
Hammondhammond to bellboys
4 Dec 16 #30
​Amazon is good competition too
4 Dec 16 #29
Cool thanks mine was accepted for this one not the 75% one so you get the hot vote
4 Dec 16 2 #20
Meh. Waiting for £3 max.
whatyadoinsucka to smiggy
4 Dec 16 1 #27
£3 meh £1, they ended earlier this week (30 day),
4 Dec 16 2 #25
Awesome. Just cancelled my items and relisted them for half price fees. Thank you.
4 Dec 16 2 #24
Advise reading the small print; recently I got caught out by making a 'two of' listing.

Single item sales only!
4 Dec 16 #22
Ripper :smiley:
4 Dec 16 2 #9
good, better than nothing, but not good enough, 10% is daylight rip off, 5% is still unreasonable, 2% or fixed £1 is what it should be.
pew41 to xavierzzz
4 Dec 16 #12
Yes, just don't sell anything at 10%......
bryanhaines399 to xavierzzz
4 Dec 16 #21
​everywhere but UK seems to have low tiered fees. rip off Britain innit
4 Dec 16 #19
Just got the email invite. Perfect timing for me and plenty of time to list.
4 Dec 16 #17
I tweeted this to ebay on the 2nd

"@eBay_UK Where have all ur final fee discounts gone?There are 10000's of ppl waiting 2 sell their old stuff after upgrading on black friday"

Coincidence? Yes.
vassy4u to dijital
4 Dec 16 #18
I tweeted "@eBay_UK - We need 50% sellers fee offer"
Bingo - worked :sunglasses:
4 Dec 16 #16
I'm very tempted. Thank you.
4 Dec 16 #15
Yeah that would be a better plan :smiley:
4 Dec 16 #10
Anyone know if activating this will amend fees owed for any auctions created or ended beforehand? Literally just sold something and have 2 others ongoing. Would rather not pay the £46.50 fees! Lol.
vassy4u to Hiltron09
4 Dec 16 2 #11
Nope it will not amend fees. What ever you list after activation only counts
xavierzzz to Hiltron09
4 Dec 16 1 #14
if £46 is what you can save, then tell the buyer cancel the previous order and buy again, give them £10 off then you saved £36.
4 Dec 16 2 #13
Thanks very much. I'll just cancel and redo the other 2 :smile: should save me about £300 in fees over the next few weeks, cheers OP!
4 Dec 16 1 #8
Well can't help it. Atleast I'm able to help the early ones who spot it..
4 Dec 16 #7
Thanks just seen it now was not visible when i posted only trouble i see is lots of people will not get the discount when it comes to it as it's account specific.
4 Dec 16 #4
So where is the deal here ?
vassy4u to waterloo
4 Dec 16 #6
Link in first comment
4 Dec 16 1 #5
links work..heat
4 Dec 16 1 #2
Cheers, didn't have invite but link worked
vassy4u to natz265
4 Dec 16 1 #3
Happy to be of some help..
4 Dec 16 1 #1
Thanks OP. Heat added :smiley:
Posting the link here if it helps.
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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