This seems to be the best price I can find for what looks like a pretty fun game.
24 Dec 16#11
Eh might pick it up. Wasnt all that impressed with the first game but it was enjoyable enough. People kept on saying that its a spiritual successor to Thief... never saw it myself.
24 Dec 16#10
24 Dec 161#9
No Worries bud, Enjoy it's a brilliant game. Itcan be a bit slow to load at first but that's just denuvo being a a pain, the recent 1.3 patch really helped it.
Depends on what kind of system you have, I've got 16gb ddr3, i5 3570k and a gtx 970 and play it on most settings on high some on medium, unnecessary rubbish like motion blur turned off and get a smooth 60fps.
23 Dec 16#4
good find op, heat
23 Dec 16#3
9.2% cash back with TCB which brings it down to £18.16
23 Dec 16#1
Also this price in store at game picked it up today from the leeds white rose store
matt101101 to Dean2k14
23 Dec 16#2
Nice, it was this price online at GAME a while back (for a physical copy, I think), but it's OOS now.
Opening post
Should be fine then. Ta
Personally, I'd wait.