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Brewdog Bond 7.5% annual interest plus goodies - £500.00 minimum investment
3.5 stars +297

Brewdog Bond 7.5% annual interest plus goodies - £500.00 minimum investment

£500 Brewdog3 Dec 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
2 Dec 16
So brewdog are now offering a bond with a fixed 7.5% interest rate.

-The BrewDog Bond accepts a minimum investment of £500 (there is no maximum!)

- There is a fixed annual 7.5% yield over 4 years

- Interest is paid out biannually

- The Bond will be available for 45 days

Fun stuff....

We will dispatch to Bondholders an exclusive BrewDog ID card which can be used to secure a 10% discount in all BrewDog bars, whether in the UK or overseas. Plus the card-holder will receive a free beer on their birthday, on us, and £10 of BrewDog beer bucks to redeem in one of our bars. Each and every BrewDog Bondholder will also receive a discount on their online purchases of 20%!

Bear in mind that any investment is at potential risk, due to the lack of FSCS protections on such a bond!
- Ashe
Top comments
marmaluke to 3guesses
2 Dec 16 13 #16
Oh god, YAWN
Tapasman to Ralph888
2 Dec 16 7 #5
So far Brewdog has raised £7m in UK through three crowdfunding offerings and equivalent to £15m in the US. Not an entirely unsuccessful track record.
muffinman_84 to davester2k
2 Dec 16 6 #7
you obviously drink Carling then.
Rickardo to mike_6480
3 Dec 16 4 #29
Where's the smug face emoji?
Latest comments (88)
4 Jan 17 #88
It's had the full 10m subscribed now
4 Jan 17 #87
Is this deal expired? Can't find it.
4 Jan 17 #86
The link doesn't work anymore. Is the offer over?
22 Dec 16 #85
​This is more like "hey guys, check this out" thing than "you have to get this deal and earn money". So it's not an advice. As a bottom line HUKD does not promise anything. And s you said if HUKD does not have the authority to give financial advice, then anything said on HUKD should not be taken as advice but food for thoughts. :wink: peace
10 Dec 16 1 #84
Bond maturity date is reached. Interests payments stop and initial investment amount is repaid to investor.
7 Dec 16 1 #83
Triple my investment :smiley: and I got 12 bottles (660ml size) too. Cheers :P
7 Dec 16 #82
What did you make out of it? Camden Town Beer is now poor, I was very disappointed when I went into Four Walls pub in Newcastle.
6 Dec 16 #81
Hot.... loving the Handbags at twenty paces! Thanks guys, time for a rub-down with a copy of the FT :confused:
6 Dec 16 #80
Thanks for taking the time to post that. Most helpful.
6 Dec 16 #79
​I could bother myself routing through my FCA handbook to put it to rest, but I can't be bothered. There's little point and I don't care enough about educating you on the subject.
6 Dec 16 #78
Is that official FCA policy then?
6 Dec 16 #77
My point is that we have the ignorant advising the ignorant on a financial investment, which is one problem FCA regulation is designed to prevent.
5 Dec 16 #76
A few years ago, the big boys are scared!
5 Dec 16 #75
Fastest growing company for four years straight or something and you think in ten years everybody will suddenly decide they're worthless? Idiot.
4 Dec 16 1 #74
​Again, you won't find the FCA taking any action against an informal forum discussing or even recommending investments.
4 Dec 16 #73
No, your point was, to quote: "I'm pretty sure you have to be FSA-regulated", but this has not been evidenced at all. This deal is a posting by a member of the public, put to the front page of the site by members of the public.

If you'd have said "This investment is risky, and should have appropriate warnings", that would be a valid argument I'd agree with. As such, I've just added a note to the deal which really should have been in there from the start...
4 Dec 16 #72
Yes. I also answer direct questions.
4 Dec 16 #71
Out of interest do you understand the difference between information and advice?
4 Dec 16 #70
Thank you for making my point.
4 Dec 16 #69
But there's the rub. This hasn't been posted in the discussion forum (Misc), it has been posted on this website as a deal and therefore, IMO, constitutes a recommendation to invest, together with anonymous users appearing to offer investment advice on this instrument.

No, it wouldn't help me if a Mod were to "tell me", but it would certainly help if the FCA were to do so.
4 Dec 16 2 #68
To quote MSE's forum:

That said, I totally agree it's inappropriate to have something like this on here without big warnings that people could lose their money.
4 Dec 16 #67
You clearly are struggling to grasp the concept.

HUKD forum= Not regulated
MSE forum= Not regulated

I can't possibly make it any simpler than that!

Do you now understand?

How many more forum members do you need to tell you you are wrong?

Would a Mod telling you help?

Ps. Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny don't exist either! :smiley:
4 Dec 16 #66
Again, I am not discussing what goes on at the MSE website but what is going on in this thread. And if you think you can go around issuing investment advice without the authority to do so then I think you are mistaken.

I am quite fond of HUKD and don't really wish to see it get into any unnecessary trouble.
4 Dec 16 #65
My point is that we are discussing THIS website (EDIT: more specifically, this thread). Others chose to refer to MSE, which I pointed out was regulated by the FCA (sorry, was the FSA when I was an active investor).
4 Dec 16 #64
Just out of interest, are you authorised to give financial advice?
4 Dec 16 #63
Do you think I, or any other random poster, have any added authority behind any posts I put on the MSE forum compared to posts on here?

If you think I do, it just demonstrates how irrelevant that 'authority' is when applied to the forum, because I could post financial nonsense on there if I so desired. If you don't, why are you arguing the point?

I also wonder whether you've gone onto the bank account switching threads and told them there that HUKD have no accreditation and need to pull those threads...
4 Dec 16 #62
What's your point?:neutral_face:

I'm not talking about published articles. I'm talking about the general public talking about products on a forum, just like here.

So I'll stick with my 100%. :smiley:
4 Dec 16 #61
From a recent MSE email newsletter:
4 Dec 16 #60
I'm 100% sure the MSE forums are not regulated. :smiley:
4 Dec 16 #59
I bow to your superior knowledge, but the point is that this bond isn't just being discussed here, it is being recommended.
4 Dec 16 #58
Possibly true, but then you have no legal comeback.
4 Dec 16 #57

Pretty sure MSE is regulated.
4 Dec 16 #56
I'm seeing $500 not £ am I looking in the right place?
4 Dec 16 #55
Yes, those figures are correct.

I see someone has done £200K. As you only put a small part of your wealth into this, minted!
4 Dec 16 #54
Surprised to see the amount of loans they have.
Am I right in thinking if it's £500 invested, interest would be £37.50 (£30 after tax) each year so total return would be £120
3 Dec 16 1 #53
this company is the very few that have a gluten free beer is pretty good! im very tempted by this :smiley:
3 Dec 16 1 #52
​It's used to be the you know
3 Dec 16 #51
Just for note, from reading the documentation it's 7.5% on the principal (not compounded), paid bi-annually.
3 Dec 16 #50
That's right.
3 Dec 16 #49
So if they go bust you lose the £500? Otherwise after 4 years they pay you it all back?
3 Dec 16 1 #48
I put £500 in, I can afford to lose it, that's where you should start with a gamble like this.
3 Dec 16 1 #47
I put some money in, far better interest than sitting in a 1% savings account and I can't see Brewdog disappearing as their beers are sold everywhere now. Plus the little extras are an added bonus!
3 Dec 16 #46
Yes publicity has worked up to £902,000 and 293 Investors this morning. Still think 7% is to good to be true and its high risk, I personally wont be investing.
3 Dec 16 #45
That only appies to interest from savings unfortunately.
3 Dec 16 #44
That's since yesterday.....keep an eye on it..
3 Dec 16 #43
No such payday coming here though. At the AGM earlier this year they changed the company constitution :-

"The meeting gave young founders James Watt and Martin Dickie a platform to unleash five new brews, and propagate their derision of big industrial beer companies Diageo and AB InBev by announcing an official change in their constitution, entrenching the brewery’s independence by passing a motion to ensure that BrewDog can ‘never be sold to a monolithic purveyor of industrial beer’."

Motion was carried overwhelmingly by all 6,000 attendees
3 Dec 16 #42
Are the benefits lifetime like the equity punk or length of bond?
3 Dec 16 3 #41
Cheers OP. I was aware of the Brewdog bond and the generous 7.5% interest.
Originally, I had invested in Camden Brewery another "craft beer" company on Crowdcube. It was taken over by AB InBev. Kerrrrrrcccchhhhhiiinnngggggg
I had landed on Mayfair, payday had come early. :smile:

IMO Brewdog has a huge following, and is becoming a great premium beer brand, found in various supermarkets and bars. DYOR. :man:
3 Dec 16 #40
3 Dec 16 1 #39
This is so haram lol
3 Dec 16 #38
What happens after the 4 year term?
3 Dec 16 1 #32
Fair play to them for having an anti-establishment sales pitch and setting up a 'cool' brand, but they really are chancers - Creators of a reality distortion field worthy of Trump.
Buy and enjoy their beers if that's your thing, just think long and hard before putting hard cash into their business as if they are a bank.
Chris0288 to Smithers01052
3 Dec 16 #37
Having worked for RBS, and been a customer of pretty much all the main banks. They the scummiest of them all. If it wasn't for the 75k the government backs up there would be no real benefit to putting your money in a bank these days. Ooohhh 0.5% interest than you very much kind sirs! That they then change whenever they want, while bending you over for fees, charges, their own interest rates on products, changing terms and conditions when they want, losing billions casually as if it's nothing.
The money they waste is staggering and the attitude about it even worse.

Anyway! Rant over
For the right person this surely is good
3 Dec 16 #36
Your first £1000 of interest is now tax free, surely it'd apply to this?
3 Dec 16 #34
So if you put £500 in and it doesn't go to the wall, what would your overall return be?
edwin29 to pippin000
3 Dec 16 #35
£650 but you'll get £620 after the interest is tax at 20%
2 Dec 16 2 #14
Don't wish to be a party-pooper, but I'm pretty sure you have to be FSA-regulated to be able to promote financial products, give financial advice, etc, amd I very much doubt HUKD (or those contributing to this thread) have the appropriate accreditation => this thread should be pulled ASAP.

Merry Christmas.
darren hardie to 3guesses
2 Dec 16 #15
​you do
marmaluke to 3guesses
2 Dec 16 13 #16
Oh god, YAWN
3 Dec 16 3 #18
Yes and take down MSE while you are at it! :laughing:
mcrobbj to 3guesses
3 Dec 16 1 #31
You probably get better financial advice from punters on here than IFAs who are only interested in lining their pockets.
stevemac40 to 3guesses
3 Dec 16 #33
​Not true, you should probably read up a little more on the 'FCA' rulebook. It is perfectly acceptable to discuss financial products in a non-professional capacity.
clint thrust
3 Dec 16 #30
Seeing as though most of you are experts in this. Where would you put 20K for four years then?
3 Dec 16 1 #28
Who is this FSA everyone keeps quoting? Do you mean because it's food related ie food standards agency, although not sure what protection they can provide from a financial perspextive. Or do you actually mean the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority)?

Rickardo to mike_6480
3 Dec 16 4 #29
Where's the smug face emoji?
2 Dec 16 2 #3
it my be a bit riskier than established companies that offer savings etc but the return is greater........the good old risk vs reward
Malabus to djames108
3 Dec 16 #27
Always look for a lower risk/reward theses days.
3 Dec 16 #26
Tried many of their tasters, desperate to find a beer I can drink, but like most 'craft beer' it's all battery acid style IPA. Brewing is all about finding a sweet spot of taste, unfortunately craft beer seems to be all about hoppiness.

Won't shed a tear in a decade when Brew Dog are no more
3 Dec 16 #25
surprised they need to do this, not a massive fan myself but they've grown quite big now
3 Dec 16 1 #24
Their alcohol really is over hyped hipster toilet water. However I like the brand and the bars are cool but I just can't recommend what I've tried.

This isn't about their alcohol though, the bond seems like an excellent opportunity. BrewDog has expanded so much over the past few years and I can only see them getting bigger. The whole craft beer phenom seems to be still a big thing and the market has bred more competitors but none of them have the global presence that BD have.
3 Dec 16 2 #23
Answer to my own question:

Mini-bonds provide a regular return by lending to established brands. They are only available to investors based in the U.K. and are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
3 Dec 16 #22
7.5% wow.

5x the interest on my Santander 123 accounts :confused:

Is Brewdog protected by the FSA?
3 Dec 16 2 #21
the irony, this post is just above and hotter than a Carling deal...
3 Dec 16 1 #20
When I first glanced at this I thought it was Brewdog Bond 7.5% alcohol! In otherwords a deal for a new beer.
3 Dec 16 3 #19
Perhaps you should go get the Money Saving Expert forum shut down because you obviously know more than the legal department of a 80million pound website. (edit: damn, beaten!)

That said, if anyone does want to stick their money away in a 4 year bond, I'd go for one actually protected by the FSCS. And for low amounts, far better ways of getting interest out there.
3 Dec 16 #17
Just saying...
2 Dec 16 #13
A fantastic forward thinking company that I've recently visited through work. Also just invested heavily on new distillery equipment.
2 Dec 16 3 #1
And what guarantees do they offer for the inevitable moment that everyone realises their beer is really really crap?
muffinman_84 to davester2k
2 Dec 16 6 #7
you obviously drink Carling then.
marmaluke to davester2k
2 Dec 16 1 #11
What's crap about it? Which brewdog beers have you tried? Been to their bars? Tried any of the hundreds of beers they've sold other than punk and dead pony? I'm guessing not...
carlosd73 to davester2k
2 Dec 16 #12
It's not.
2 Dec 16 #10
May as well just put the money in one of the peer to peer lending sites for more interest
2 Dec 16 1 #9
At no point in the UK, hence you have brewing conglomerates selling "craft ales".

Different in the US, where the term originated - they specify out put and ownership restrictions for "craft" breweries:
2 Dec 16 1 #8
So, at what point does a craft beer brewery become a multi-national mega brewery?
2 Dec 16 1 #2
Only 14 investors since September 2015 and only £33k raised so far, its not setting the beer world alight?
Tapasman to Ralph888
2 Dec 16 7 #5
So far Brewdog has raised £7m in UK through three crowdfunding offerings and equivalent to £15m in the US. Not an entirely unsuccessful track record.
FatSteve to Ralph888
2 Dec 16 3 #6
You do know it only launched this morning right? September 2015 was the last one to build the Ohio brewery
2 Dec 16 3 #4
I may do £500, I like their Punk ipa its a decent beer.
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