Got mine set up, so honest review, compared with smaller version. Firstly, far more stable with 4 legs. However, the lower 'arms' are much lower, so some of my laundry touches the floor and the legs do get in the way. The upper arms are spaced to be between the lower ones, but the distance between them is not huge. Thus, large items touch the ones below, which I would think would impact on drying time. That said, the upper arms are ideal for my 13 year olds t shirts. Not sure how this will work with jeans, I used to use my smaller one a lot for jeans but lower arms won't work for this due to height. Got a wash in just now to test out jeans
dealchaser888 to shopaholic8
2 Jan 17#7
Thanks so much for all the details, I have not tried a washing load, only do some hand wash socks and some hand towels. For such, it is fine. But as you say, the legs definitely get in the way for trousers etc.
31 Dec 16#5
48 items... me thinks not...
30 Dec 161#4
my clothes hanger is marketed as gym equipment. morons.
30 Dec 16#3
thanks ordered one
30 Dec 162#2
Cheaper than the exercise bike that's doing the same job,
30 Dec 16#1
item Description :
Convenient and flexible to use, this 6 arm ironing tidy from Addis can be used to dry clothes on hangers or use to hang and organise ironing. Compact in design, this tidy holds up to 48 items and dismantles for easy storage.
Opening post
argos sell a similar one for £14.99 (
or I see one at amazon market £10.87 (please check comment/everything before buying)
Convenient and flexible to use, this 6 arm ironing tidy from Addis can be used to dry clothes on hangers or use to hang and organise ironing. Compact in design, this tidy holds up to 48 items and dismantles for easy storage.