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4GB Sapphire Nitro Radeon RX 470 £149.99 / £154.78 collect from local shops del @ Scan
3.5 stars +241

4GB Sapphire Nitro Radeon RX 470 £149.99 / £154.78 collect from local shops del @ Scan

£149.99 Scan25 Dec 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
24 Dec 16
4GB Sapphire Nitro RX 470 at £149.99. In terms of performance, it destroys the Nvidia GTX 1050Ti which is currently around this price.
Top comments
25 Dec 16 6 #34
Wow. This thread went down the toilet.

Why the need for the hostility? It's a graphics card. Nobody gives a ****. Just buy whatever offers the best value at the time.
wooden top
25 Dec 16 4 #29
You got some issues there my friend which cannot be solved on an Internet forum. You asked who would consider a 1050 so I gave a reasonable answer. If a person has a dell vostro or similar with 300 watt psu and is looking to upgrade the on board graphics with a low power card which is pretty much silent and can play the 'latest games' albeit not on ultra, but still have a decent experience then a 1050 is alright in my opinion! Edit to add that I couldn't care less about company brands.
thedaman to madmaxpayne
25 Dec 16 4 #20
Why comment then hahaha
Easy2BCheesy to basergorkobal
27 Dec 16 3 #45
It's a downgrade in many areas - DX12 is your only real upgrade area here. The GTX 970 remains the most popular GPU used by gamers, so it is far more likely that developers will ensure that their games work well enough on this GPU. In terms of 'future proofing', downgrading in the short term is a terrible idea. Why not just wait until DX12 is actually more important? By that time, paying this amount of money for a GPU will result in a clear performance upgrade in all areas.
Latest comments (65)
3 Jan 17 #65
just received 'despatched' email. So not cancelled, just delayed (got email few days ago with info regarding this).
29 Dec 16 1 #64
Mine arrived just fitted it in, btw this is a totally no frills version of the Nitro i.e. no backplate, no leds, no dual bios, just the overclocked card, which is fine by me for a £150.
2 hrs to reinstall GTA V for some benchmarks, so just waiting.
29 Dec 16 1 #63
Don't worry, I contacted scan today, they will fulfil the orders. The customer services guy said they oversold and they've had to order some more in. Should receive our orders sometime next week :smiley:
29 Dec 16 #62
ie 6100 is 5400 passmark so you should be very happy with this!
29 Dec 16 #61
​Sounds great. Thanks
29 Dec 16 #58
Ordered this on the 26th for my new build and it's waiting for me at the local pickup place. How well will it run with the i3-6100 and MSI H110m gaming mobo?
jameshothothot to ilonajones
29 Dec 16 #60
​i use this in a xeon e5620 and it rocks everything 1080p ultra. put it in a dual core e6750 and was bottlenecked by the cpu (passmark 1500). upgraded that to core 2 quad q9400 and was partly bottle necked in gta v but xcom 2 perfect and rainbow six seige seemed fine. passmark on core 2 quad is 3000 probably similar to your i3? so think you will be fine for most things on max. i use raptr to optimise
29 Dec 16 #59
this is terrible if not honoring. another reason to go to amazon and kill the competition. amazon wins as they have best customer service ans logistics. old guys match or fail just as j sainsbury took over food retailing when launched first quality shop and supermarkets took over when introduced self service. the world keeps reinventing itself
29 Dec 16 #56
Just spotted this.

I hope they dont cancel this one as I flogged my old R9 270x last night as my new card is due delivery today or tomorrow.

Just checked on Scans website & its showing as awaiting picking which doesnt look good.

If Scan have known there is an issue for over 24 hrs and havent notified me I'll be rather hacked off....
7777777 to Tomb
29 Dec 16 #57
I am in the same boat, the same message in order status and the expected delivery delayed. Allegedly, as per their T&Cs, once the money is taken, the order becomes 'unconditional' and valid. They still have one line stating that they can cancel the order once unable to supply due to suppliers' fault. I cannot imagine Scan having no order limits available in their ecommerce platform and any of the suppliers playing games with such a big retailer. Thus, if they oversold,regardless whether someone was in the office or not, it is Scan that messed this up. I will leave them for a while to get the problem sorted, then wouldn't be happy should they fail to deliver it.

I used to order quite a lot from Scan (spent good few grands there ) but stopped 3 years ago after some fups. This situation reminds me of why I had done so...

Obviously, chances for enforcement of the order in case Scan refuses to honour it are null.
28 Dec 16 1 #52
Contacted Scan live chat and they said my order (and probobly any order past the 26th) has been canceled as they were meant to expire the offer however didn't cancel while they were not in office, they should email you soon.
lindtexcellence85 to hamish_stuart
28 Dec 16 1 #53
Wow, what crappy service. :confused:
ah_heng to hamish_stuart
28 Dec 16 #55
That's very bad of them...
28 Dec 16 #54
Terrible. Can't believe they're pulling that one.
28 Dec 16 #51
Expired now
28 Dec 16 #49
not sure do i upgrade from a 7950? LET ME KNOW :smiley:
jameshothothot to llukejames
28 Dec 16 #50
​i don't have the link on me but google tom's hardware gpu hierarchy. you need to be 3 tiers up. i was looking to get a r9 290x on ebay. listed at 140 and i bid 110 and was rejected and decided to get this as has freesync and hdmi 2.0 so more fiuture proof. performance of this and r9 290x similar. was also looking to buy a 7950 for about 70 to 80 quid as it was better than that for full 1080p max. you can also google 7950 vs rx 470 and you get gpu boss and others. cannot remember the best one but you get gaming benchmarks if lucky!
27 Dec 16 #48
Still in stock! :confused: Maybe this is going to be the standard price from now on?
27 Dec 16 #47
Much better yeah, like 40-60 fps better in most games :smiley: easiest comparison to make is "GTX 750 TI vs RX 470" in google
27 Dec 16 1 #46
It's not a downgrade at all, at worst it's a side grade, DX11 perf of the 470 is on par with the the 970. At the moment for longevity, AMD is the better choice, they have the advantage in DX12 and have better driver support for older cards.

The GTX 700 series being popular cards didn't stop Nvidia from abandoning driver optimsations and causing the performance of those cards in new games to go down the gutter. Even the once mighty GTX 780Ti which is as powerful as a GTX 980, struggles to beat a 1050Ti in newer games.
26 Dec 16 #41
I'm seriously considering selling my gtx970 for this. Not really an upgrade I know. But I don't need more power. From what I read this used less power and would futureproof me for dx12 games. Is that a good idea?
ladaowner to basergorkobal
26 Dec 16 1 #42
Tim1292 to basergorkobal
26 Dec 16 2 #43
If it doesn't cost you too much then yes. I'd say better DX12 performance, freesync and lower TDP is enough to warrant an upgrade.
Easy2BCheesy to basergorkobal
27 Dec 16 3 #45
It's a downgrade in many areas - DX12 is your only real upgrade area here. The GTX 970 remains the most popular GPU used by gamers, so it is far more likely that developers will ensure that their games work well enough on this GPU. In terms of 'future proofing', downgrading in the short term is a terrible idea. Why not just wait until DX12 is actually more important? By that time, paying this amount of money for a GPU will result in a clear performance upgrade in all areas.
26 Dec 16 #44
ordered it, it should blast my 270x out the water, hopefully will be the golden grail for 1080p gaming, if so keeping it till it dies.
25 Dec 16 #40
i got a gtx 750ti to turn a cheap business pc into a gaming oc. i agree the 1050ti can do a similar great job as could an rx 460. i decided to get a second hand Dell workstation to run the rx r70 and who knows what in the future. so for low powered pc, the 1050ti or rx 460 is the way to go. those with better psu... go for the rx 470. it runs everything 1080p max for me
25 Dec 16 1 #39
So you're looking at all hukd server logs to see what people are using are you?

Jesus mate grow up
25 Dec 16 #38
Jesus mate ask Santa for some Valium for Christmas next year.

The sort of people with an inadequate psu? Let me see someone looking to upgrade their cheap shop bought pc?

Go chill out before you have a stroke ffs
25 Dec 16 1 #37
is this much better than a 7850?
25 Dec 16 1 #36
That's what i suspected looking at the comparisons, thanks man! Merry Christmas :smiley:
25 Dec 16 3 #35
Errrr... Guys... It's Christmas :smiley: it's supposed to be a jolly good day :smiley: Happy Christmas!
25 Dec 16 6 #34
Wow. This thread went down the toilet.

Why the need for the hostility? It's a graphics card. Nobody gives a ****. Just buy whatever offers the best value at the time.
25 Dec 16 #33
Stop making a fool out of yourself. Nobody on here has a dell vostro with 300watt psu and looking for turning it into a gaming PC. People I see were clearly those who considered buying 1050ti but then went for RX470, as it is better. And their system clearly supports a 120W card.

It's not a 350W Nvidia GTX480 which people happily bought. It's just 120W. 1050ti is junk, noone should buy it apart fro m5 people in this country with dell vostro, who want to play latest games.
25 Dec 16 #25
Nice upgrade from my 7970 GHz edition?
ollie87 to davidcusworth9
25 Dec 16 #32
Not really, probably look at a RX 480
25 Dec 16 1 #31
Why the comparison? The 1050Ti is cheaper, lower power, runs cooler, and is available in Mini, Low Profile and (soon) single slot variants. It's a great card for the money - the 470 isn't usually available at this price.

A 470 at £150 vs a 1050Ti at £130 is something of a no brainier in a traditional custom gaming PC set up, where there should be more than enough power and space available for the more powerful card. But the 470 isn't normally £150, and not everybody has standard custom gaming PC requirements.
25 Dec 16 #30
Exactly. There's no problem, because nobody ever had one. There's nothing even to talk about. RX470 is a low power consumption card. More than 1050ti, but who cares? 1050ti is a cripple without DX12 that will be twice slower in future titles than RX470. Anyone who buys it has no self respect.
wooden top
25 Dec 16 4 #29
You got some issues there my friend which cannot be solved on an Internet forum. You asked who would consider a 1050 so I gave a reasonable answer. If a person has a dell vostro or similar with 300 watt psu and is looking to upgrade the on board graphics with a low power card which is pretty much silent and can play the 'latest games' albeit not on ultra, but still have a decent experience then a 1050 is alright in my opinion! Edit to add that I couldn't care less about company brands.
25 Dec 16 #28
​i used my rx 470 in a dell t3400 i bought for my parents with q9400 quad core processor. dell manual said t3400 can only take 75w graphics card. this card is 110w but as motherboard should give it 75w I thought would only be 35w from the 6 pin anyhow. it works perfect!
25 Dec 16 #27
What the hell are you talking about? There''s nothing decent about 1050ti. Is there a problem with RX470 pcie consumption. HAS ANYONE REPORTED A PROBLEM? or are you just repeating this trash?
Why would a gamer not have a power supply to power 40 more watts than 1050ti? WHO ON EARTH doesn't have it? You are a deluded little nvidia fan liar. Stop posting.

People in this thread are not the ones who are concerned with those things you mentioned. Not one of them. They all have at least 350 watt PSU and are simply looking for best price/performance.
wooden top
25 Dec 16 1 #26
The 1050s are decent cards if you haven't got a great power supply and are looking for low power through the pcie slot only.
25 Dec 16 #24
Why would anyone want to handicap their gaming PC with 1050ti junk?
25 Dec 16 1 #22
i went for this as only have 1080p displays and thought heck this is a lot cheaper than 480 and 480 isn't much for 4k and no difference on 1080p and could always upgrade to "490" in future
ah_heng to jameshothothot
25 Dec 16 1 #23
Your thoughts are very close to mine. Will bite this after my dinner :smiley: thanks...
25 Dec 16 #21
Dam... Do I need a RX 480 or just go for this... Hmm... Decision decision...
25 Dec 16 #19
Don't rate PC games so not for me
thedaman to madmaxpayne
25 Dec 16 4 #20
Why comment then hahaha
25 Dec 16 #18
The best advice is to research more rather than post on here. That's a top of the range cpu, and how useful it would be depends completely upon how you intend to apply your pc.
25 Dec 16 1 #17
How useful would this be if added to an i7 6700k that runs 16gb ram? Thanks :smiley:
25 Dec 16 #16
Excellent deal. I nearly bought one last time it was at this price. I'm tempted to go for it now, but I'll probably just make do with the old R9 270. Pretty much all I play are M & B Warband and Atlantic Fleet. I might just wait till Bannerlord is finally released before upgrading.
24 Dec 16 #15
Hot. Didn't notice this earlier. Probably a better buy for me than the 480.
24 Dec 16 #14
Link to the original thread from black friday

It's the sapphire nitro; not the nitro+
-no backplate
-clocked 30mhz lower

It will still be better than a normal 470; but not as good as the nitro plus which all the reviews of this card are for.
24 Dec 16 #13
Great card although I'm probably bottlenecking it with my G3258 but looking at upgrading to an i5 4690
24 Dec 16 #12
'Bang for buck' king at this price.

24 Dec 16 #11
Lovely. 2 days ago I nearly bought a GTX 1050 Ti for £140. So so glad I've waited! Scorching deal, thanks op
24 Dec 16 #10
No delivery until 29th either
24 Dec 16 #9
No mention of Hitman this time, offer is still running.
24 Dec 16 #8
Lovely. 2 days ago I nearly bought a GTX 1050 Ti for £140. So so glad I've waited! Scorching deal, thanks op
24 Dec 16 1 #7
Perfectly fine :smiley:
24 Dec 16 #6
​6100 sorry :smiley:
24 Dec 16 #4
Thoughts on pairing this with an i3?
rev6 to ben38sufc
24 Dec 16 #5
i3 isn't really a good way of describing a CPU. Which one? It should be fine.
24 Dec 16 #3
Lovely price for a very capable card. Pair it with a £90 freesync monitor and it'll eat alive all games at 1080 resolution
24 Dec 16 #2
hot. got this from amazon for same price. runs everything 1080p max on 6 pin power connector.
24 Dec 16 #1
what a beaut
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