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Opening post
2 Dec 16
Only from Thomson In the UK, this holiday is only available from the Thomson group.

With 4 swimming pools and a beach on its doorstep, the Tikida Dunas is a water baby’s paradise.

This hotel has a standout setting. Not only is it on its own stretch of hourglass-fine sand, but it’s just footsteps from shops, restaurants and bars. The centre of Agadir’s only a 10-minute walk away, too.

There are 4 pools, 3 restaurants, and plenty of sports to try. The whole place got a top-to-toe makeover in May 2015, too, so it has a modern new look.


7 Nights

2 Adults

£231.92 per person

OUT: London Gatwick Mon 12 Dec 2016.

Dep 08:50 Arr 12:30. Thomson Airways. Direct.

RTN: Agadir Mon 19 Dec 2016.

Dep 13:40 Arr 17:25. Thomson Airways. Direct.


Standard Seats × 2 Included

20 kg luggage × 2 Included


Twin Room with Balcony or Terrace × 1 Included

All InclusiveIncluded


World care fund donation £2.00

Overseas Coach Transfers Included


Discount:- £616.16

Basic Holiday£1078.00

Options & Extras (total)£2.00

Total Price£463.84


Flight and Baggage

Information and upgrades:

luggage allowance, seat allocation, extra leg room, in-flight menu...


Standard Seats × 2 Included

20 kg luggage × 2


Room and Board

Information and upgrades:

room types, board, late checkout...


Twin Room with Balcony or Terrace × 1 Included

All Inclusive

4.5 Tripadvisor rating.

Flight Manchester also available on 12 Dec but the price goes up to £241 pp.
Top comments
3 Dec 16 17 #54
The generalisation of some of the posts on any holiday deal in a Muslim country really wind me up. Could i just ask the fearmongers when the last death from a terrorist attack was in agadir?

The UK travel advice is a bit of a joke it only lists one attack on their page from 2011 which was in Marrakech.

You probably wouldn't get these idiots posting "France you must be joking" or "Germany you must be joking" yet they are also both listed as high with a much higher number of attacks and deaths than anywhere in morocco.

I'm not saying there isn't a treat there is everywhere, but you are no safer in your little european bubble. The authorities in Morocco are extremely pro active, they are often taking down cells all over the world not just in their own country and have active police presence around the country.

Anyway stick to your tacky all inclusive in benidorm and leave us with a bit more of an open mind and common sense to travel and enjoy the rest of the world
jgtuk to _scott_
2 Dec 16 15 #4
Have you been then?
Nothing wrong with Morocco, Not been to Agadir but Went to Marrakesh last year with whole family (including young grandchildren) and had a fantastic time. Went again earlier this year just with Wife and again had no problems. Lovely people, beautiful historic buildings and great weather, sadly spoiled by the media scaremongering everyone away from any Islamic country.
BTW, I'm white, non Muslim and British.
2 Dec 16 13 #16
Taken from

Morocco Travel Advice


There is a high threat from terrorism in Morocco.

Attacks could be indiscriminate and could target foreigners. In April 2011, 17 people were killed and 25 injured in a large explosion in Marrakech at the Argana Restaurant in Djema el-Fna Square.

Protective security measures, including security personnel, may be visible in certain areas including hotels and sites popular with tourists.

The Moroccan authorities have warned of an increased threat linked to the growing number of Moroccans sympathetic or belonging to Daesh and other extremist groups, and regularly report the disruption of terrorist cells, some of which intended to carry out attacks in Morocco.'

Now, personally, I would rather go somewhere safer. Call me names if you like, but the reasons not to visit Muslim countries are there, and are obvious. And yes, I realise that most Muslims are peaceful. But, as ISIS and their sympathisers are Muslims, then the more Muslims in a country, means the more sympathisers in a country. Which means greater risk of terrorism. I love to save money and visit the site every day. But some things just aren't worth saving a few hundred quid for.
2 Dec 16 7 #30

I live in the UK, and as my work, family etc are here, there is nothing I can do about that.
I can however, do something about where I holiday.
I also don't live in a city, so the chance of terrorism where I live is very slim.
Brits in Muslim countries are an easy target for terrorists.
If you think you're as safe in Morocco, as you are in somewhere like Lanzarote, then you're deluded.
Latest comments (101)
12 Dec 16 #101
I'm voting HOT for the name " RuudBullet"!!
8 Dec 16 #100
£307, is still shot deal on price alone. This is for the fearless.
4 Dec 16 2 #95
smiler594 to Kimbrehhh
5 Dec 16 #97
If I had a choice in how to die, I'd prefer it wasn't being beheaded by ISIS on tv.
sydney871 to Kimbrehhh
7 Dec 16 #99
Thomson has put up the price to £307 today.
Editor can you please expire this deal?
4 Dec 16 1 #92
That 1 in 600,000 could be you or yours
jgtuk to smiler594
6 Dec 16 #98
What does that have to do with anything? I could probably find many, many examples of brutal killings and murders in new york, some just as macabre as the crimes against humanity committed by Isis.
We're talking about Agadir...
5 Dec 16 1 #96
To be honest, New York is not safer than Morocco...
4 Dec 16 2 #94
Mexico is not safer than Morocco.
4 Dec 16 2 #93
So, I've been to Egypt 7x, Turkey 4x, Tunisia 2x, Morocco 2x. Ive loved going to that part of the world. But under the current ISIS threat, I'd rather be going to places like Mexico e.g. Xmas flights found on here £219!!. I've booked Mexico this Xmas for 2 weeks on a bargain deal! It's further, its safer and just amazing.
3 Dec 16 1 #91
Great place and great hotel. Have been about 3 times before. Already booked for next Feb. Dont believe the scaremongering... most of Europe and the UK are on high alert. Marrakesh is miles away from Agadir. More chance of something happening to you on a night out in the UK than a holiday in Agadir.
3 Dec 16 1 #90
Just booked bargin thankyou
3 Dec 16 #89
Where does it say "do not travel too"?
3 Dec 16 #88
Agreed agreed
3 Dec 16 #87
Seriously, I'm glad we can have a sense of humour, agree to disagree and move on.
3 Dec 16 #86
​Thanks just found her, phew that was close thanks a lot.
3 Dec 16 #85
Scott, I think your Mum's calling you. Don't wander off now, it's dangerous out there...
3 Dec 16 #84
Your quite clearly out of your depth on this thread. Please refrain from submitting any more comments unless they are in a positive way.
3 Dec 16 #82
I also went to France and Belgium this year and spent a week driving around the war graves and memorials (it's the centenary of the deaths of four of my relatives, as well as millions of others, of all nationalities) and I felt completely safe. I spent a long summer in Syria in 1985 and have fantastic memories of a wonderful country and it's people, sadly now almost destroyed beyond recognition. Terrorism and fear should never be allowed to prevail.
I'm out now.
pink to jgtuk
3 Dec 16 #83
wouldn't book with thomson again awfull customer service. had a lot of trouble with them
3 Dec 16 #81
how could i miss them ill just add them to the list
3 Dec 16 2 #80
Afghanistan and Iraq? I hear they're quite cheap at the moment
3 Dec 16 #79
The only countries people should be avoiding is France Belgium and Syria apart from them its safe to go anywhere
3 Dec 16 1 #78
The terrorists have clearly won from the degree of paranoia evident in so many of these posts. A far more realistic threat in Agadir comes from Mother Nature. Most of the old kasbah was completely destroyed and a third of the population killed by a catastrophic earthquake in the early '60s. Most of the new buildings are not earthquake proof, and the Marina built in recent years lies across the main fault line that caused the earlier devastation. I regularly take breaks in Agadir. I find the background rumbling threat from Mother Nature masks any thoughts of threats from humankind. Life's a bummer. Take a few risks.
3 Dec 16 1 #77
Agree with the mod.
@ _scott_ and @ futura there is no need to call anyone a moron or an idiot. It does little to help either of your opposing arguments no matter how warranted you think your assessment is. Please accept like most deals and like most politics there will be different views, so please find a better way to articulate yourself and be more understanding of the other person.
Back to business...this is a great deal OP!
3 Dec 16 1 #76
​Yes it can happen in any country at any time but if you read the link I have attached it clearly states that there is a high level threat of terrorism in Morroco at the moment, personally I would rather go to the carribean but hey that's hurt me.
3 Dec 16 #75
Terrorism can happen in any country at any time, if it's that bad I'm pretty sure the uk government would stop all flights and holidays from the U.K. to morocco and any other " high threat" country even U.K. Itself. I'll be definitely taking advantage of this price. Just saying
3 Dec 16 3 #74
Good Morning

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but please don't resort to name calling if someone has a different opinion from yours :smiley:
3 Dec 16 #73
​Exactly the same, would copy and paste the link but you all should know by now.
3 Dec 16 1 #72
In case you hadn't noticed the UK is currently on extremely high alert with risk of terrorism "imminent". Remember London 2005? And many other attempted plots since?
So are you now going to leave the UK and move to Switzerland? I hear it's very safe there!
3 Dec 16 1 #71
Not seen this many trolls out for a while!!
3 Dec 16 2 #70
Think your the one who needs educating. Out if interest what is your opinion on travelling to France or Germany ?
3 Dec 16 1 #69
No thats not what I said, I'm just bored with the endless negativity from certain people who have probably not strayed further than there local Morrisons. Obviously some destinations are less safe than others. Whats the point of mentioning it on here.
3 Dec 16 2 #68
so we are only allowed to say positive things now?
3 Dec 16 1 #67
If the reports scare you, then just don't go! No need to come on here and go on and on about how risky some things are...personally I think every activity has risk and you have to personally tot up whether the risk is worth the experience.
3 Dec 16 1 #66
Great 'on a budget' destination. Would highly recommend it.
3 Dec 16 2 #65
Be careful crossing that bridge, the trolls are out.
3 Dec 16 3 #64
Lol '4* plus All Inclusive holiday to Agadir Morocco'
So you think this makes you some sort of independent world traveler?
Careful you don't loose that all inclusive wrist band
3 Dec 16 1 #63
Everyone has their own risk and reward appetite, neither is wrong or right.
Be responsible, and don't book just cos it's cheap

Make your own choices, I've visited Marrakesh and a few other places in the country, I've eaten at the touristy restaurants the top end of the square.
I loved it, sellers could be a hassle but I knew that.. morocco is not for everyone, but if you have a sense of adventure and take sensible precautions then you will likely enjoy it.

And talking about terrorist attacks you are more likely to get caught up in one in London.
Yes a sad state of affairs, but as my T shirt I bought in Bali, one year to the day after their horrific bar bombing
terrorism will not stop me
3 Dec 16 4 #62
I've been visiting Agadir every year for the last 10 years and bought and apartment there in 2011 where we stayed for 2 years.

I never once saw any trouble or experienced anything other than great warmth and hospitality whilst there. The locals have a real family ethic and wander around with the whole gang in toe. Its lovely to see them all out together from GPs to babies.

Since the whole radical Islam thing the tourist numbers have really dropped and now Agadir is primarily a holiday destination for Moroccan nationals. The gov have posted armed Police and military on most parts of the beach who patrol up and down, which whilst I find unnerving seems to sadly be necessary these days.

Given the climate however, I must admit that I always avoid going near the large Macdonalds on the beach as I figure if anywhere was to be hit... Although having said that its always full of locals so not many decadent westerners to be culled there!

Despite the slight anxiety, I feel far safer there than in London where where gangs of armed youths are stabbing eachother on a daily basis. I believe the last terrorist incidence in Morocco was a bomb in Marrakesh back in 2011. The Moroccan Gov has since really gone about their business with anti-terrorism and are reported to have the best intelligence agency outside of the west.

The only down side I could say about Agadir is that it lacks culture and is essentially and purpose built seaside resort. The old town was completely destroyed in an earthquake back in the 60s. Since I discovered this I have found myself worrying more about earthquakes than terroism lol.

Anyway, year round sun, lovely food and hospitable locas whats not to like...
3 Dec 16 #60

Not sure what you mean?
3 Dec 16 1 #59
I think your pc is playing up, every time you make a post that same url is there.
3 Dec 16 4 #58
​just because someone doesn't want to go to Morocco, you assume they are tacky and cheap. Who's making generalisations now?
3 Dec 16 3 #57
​so you'd go to Morocco, but not Syria? Why not Syria? I'm sure the Daily Mail just made up all the bad stories about the place. someone as said, it's all about individual choice and perception of risk/danger. I wouldn't feel safe in Morocco at the minute, despite the fact that Bob from Stoke On Trent got back from there last Wednesday and didn't die. So why would I holiday somewhere I didn't feel safe?
3 Dec 16 1 #56

Read this it might just educate you a bit.
3 Dec 16 1 #55

Read this it might just educate you a bit.
3 Dec 16 17 #54
The generalisation of some of the posts on any holiday deal in a Muslim country really wind me up. Could i just ask the fearmongers when the last death from a terrorist attack was in agadir?

The UK travel advice is a bit of a joke it only lists one attack on their page from 2011 which was in Marrakech.

You probably wouldn't get these idiots posting "France you must be joking" or "Germany you must be joking" yet they are also both listed as high with a much higher number of attacks and deaths than anywhere in morocco.

I'm not saying there isn't a treat there is everywhere, but you are no safer in your little european bubble. The authorities in Morocco are extremely pro active, they are often taking down cells all over the world not just in their own country and have active police presence around the country.

Anyway stick to your tacky all inclusive in benidorm and leave us with a bit more of an open mind and common sense to travel and enjoy the rest of the world
3 Dec 16 #53
Been to Morocco and go Turkey every year if my time is up I'll go. for insurance reason if UK government say don't go to certain country I won't. Writing this from Pakistan just been to city busy as anything I've made it home safely.
3 Dec 16 #52
Will be too cold Been at this time of year before.... definitely no pools or sea.... resort a ghost town....time of year and people too scared to go.....Hurggada Egypt better....warm and open!
3 Dec 16 1 #51
If you let terrorists define when and where you go, they they win.

The atrocious acts they carry out have the mushroom cloud of fear attached.

Personally, Morocco is a great country and this a good deal, obviously you have got to be sensible, an all inclusive to Syria is not on the cards, but I have more chance of being hit by a bus so just try to get on with it.
3 Dec 16 #50
​600,001 if you believe the Mail....
2 Dec 16 3 #49
And there are 10 times more Muslims in Morocco than France. And whilst most Muslims are peaceful, the logic is that there could be 10 times more ISIS sympathisers.
And I'd rather holiday in the The Canaries, The Caribbean, The Algarve, Skegness.......The list is endless
2 Dec 16 1 #48
Us? Who are you, exactly?

You remember France, where even more people sadly died, right? You know the UK's terrorism level is set to 'Severe'? Where would you prefer to holiday?
2 Dec 16 #47
No it isn't.
2 Dec 16 1 #46
to be fair, there are high risk alerts for lots of popular holiday destinations. Spain has always been a risk turkey too and lots of people go there. I was in marmaris last year when there was a kafuffle, didn't spoil it or change my plans to go again this year.
2 Dec 16 #45
2 Dec 16 3 #44
Just back from Marrakesh and had a great time, no issues what's so ever.
2 Dec 16 2 #43
Unfortunately we are living in a world where terrorists can strike anywhere. Government advice to should not be ignored but each person should evaluate the risk and decide accordingly. Based on current government advice there is a terrorist threat in France for example
Would the same amount of comments appear if a deal was posted for a holiday in France?
2 Dec 16 2 #42
​Yes you are correct but there is a high level of terrorism threat at the moment in Morroco.
2 Dec 16 1 #41
Terrorists attacks can happen anywhere at anytime, not just so called hot spots.
2 Dec 16 #40
​Uhhh yes!!! Don't fancy like getting caught up in a terrorist attack personally but that is just me. Some people!!!
2 Dec 16 #39
So you would rather go to where " the brits " go and put up with the foul mouthed drunks ?
2 Dec 16 2 #38
Oh the daily fail readers are out in force, spreading more rubbish and scaremongering.
2 Dec 16 1 #37
Ignorance is bliss dont they say !
2 Dec 16 5 #36
600,000 British nationals visit Morocco every year. How many have been killed by terrorists?
2 Dec 16 5 #34
I have read it yes. And I will continue to holiday there. It's a wonderful country with lovely people, if i listened to everything our government said I'd be like you, and i certainly don't want that LOL
_scott_ to phillyboy
2 Dec 16 3 #35
​Good luck then, and don't come crying to us for help when it goes wrong.
2 Dec 16 1 #22
When was the last terrorist attack in Morocco? I watch the news and don't recall any
_scott_ to phillyboy
2 Dec 16 1 #23
​Like I said Ignorance is bliss.
RuudBullit to phillyboy
2 Dec 16 6 #33
You could have said the same about Tunisia until last year, when a terrorist pitched up on a beach and started shooting tourists, 3 more terrorists took hostages in a museum, and a suicide bomber blew a bus up. Over 70 people were killed, and a further 100 plus injured. All mostly tourists.
You remember these, right?
2 Dec 16 1 #27
Are Morrocco still on the "dont travel too list" ?
_scott_ to sweetpea10
2 Dec 16 1 #32
​Most certainly is
2 Dec 16 #31
​I certainly do not thank you very much, I take it you have read the advice from our government on Morroco now then :smile:
2 Dec 16 7 #30

I live in the UK, and as my work, family etc are here, there is nothing I can do about that.
I can however, do something about where I holiday.
I also don't live in a city, so the chance of terrorism where I live is very slim.
Brits in Muslim countries are an easy target for terrorists.
If you think you're as safe in Morocco, as you are in somewhere like Lanzarote, then you're deluded.
2 Dec 16 1 #29
You could be a lucky one too.
2 Dec 16 #28
No need for name calling. Do you read the mail or express?
2 Dec 16 3 #25
A quick internet search has saved the day. ALL reports in the last few years have been reported by the mail and express. If not reading these makes me ignorant then I'm proud to called that lol
_scott_ to phillyboy
2 Dec 16 3 #26
Our own government advises not to travel there you moron.
2 Dec 16 3 #24
No. Arrogance is.
2 Dec 16 4 #21
Still safer than a night out in Leeds lol
2 Dec 16 2 #20
​Could not agree more, some people on here must not watch the news. Ignorance is bliss heh.
2 Dec 16 #19
[quote=RuudBullit]Taken from
Morocco Travel Advice
There is a high threat from terrorism in Morocco.
Attacks could be indiscriminate and could target foreigners. In April 2011, 17 people were killed and 25 injured in a large explosion in Marrakech at the Argana Restaurant in Djema el-Fna Square.

Have you checked the security status in the UK, high alert, now for several years. Imminent attack......... and several other countries. BBC scaremongering, only tells one side of the story. Anyway, it's great deal, hot country, have some heat.
2 Dec 16 #18
2 Dec 16 #17
2 Dec 16 13 #16
Taken from

Morocco Travel Advice


There is a high threat from terrorism in Morocco.

Attacks could be indiscriminate and could target foreigners. In April 2011, 17 people were killed and 25 injured in a large explosion in Marrakech at the Argana Restaurant in Djema el-Fna Square.

Protective security measures, including security personnel, may be visible in certain areas including hotels and sites popular with tourists.

The Moroccan authorities have warned of an increased threat linked to the growing number of Moroccans sympathetic or belonging to Daesh and other extremist groups, and regularly report the disruption of terrorist cells, some of which intended to carry out attacks in Morocco.'

Now, personally, I would rather go somewhere safer. Call me names if you like, but the reasons not to visit Muslim countries are there, and are obvious. And yes, I realise that most Muslims are peaceful. But, as ISIS and their sympathisers are Muslims, then the more Muslims in a country, means the more sympathisers in a country. Which means greater risk of terrorism. I love to save money and visit the site every day. But some things just aren't worth saving a few hundred quid for.
2 Dec 16 3 #15
Just back from Marrakech, nothing wrong at all, I think the moaners are those who gotta go to a " costa " so they don't miss their " full all day English breakfast " or their " English pub ", and of course you can't mis-behave in Morocco, unless you want to get arrested unlike the costa's where you can be the drunken lout anytime.
2 Dec 16 1 #14
So tell us the reason you don't like it?
2 Dec 16 2 #13
I have been to Morocco (not that I need to prove it to some random loves it) and never again.
If you don't like my opinion then fine.
2 Dec 16 4 #6
Ten a penny Morocco holiday deals at the moment and for a good reason.
phillyboy to andy5and
2 Dec 16 1 #7
And that reason is?
jgtuk to andy5and
2 Dec 16 3 #8
Again, I'm not sure you've been.
To be honest, I've felt less safe in London and Manchester...
Armchair critics... :stuck_out_tongue:
Kimbrehhh to andy5and
2 Dec 16 #12
*has no good reason*
2 Dec 16 #11
Showers till Tuesday Sun after for 9 days average 20 Degrees spring temperatures :sunglasses::innocent::3<3:3:38)
2 Dec 16 2 #10
I went to Agadir during the summer, but stayed at the sister hotel to the Dunas, great place, good people, felt 110% safe there, no issues at all, people really do need to get over themselves..

Nice find OP..
2 Dec 16 1 #9
Wish I could go!!!!! What a deal!!!! Heat added :smirk:
S c 0 TT y
2 Dec 16 #5
Been there earlier in the year, amazing place.
2 Dec 16 1 #1
Morroco, you must be having a laugh surely???
sydney871 to _scott_
2 Dec 16 #2
Why am I missing something?
Kimbrehhh to _scott_
2 Dec 16 #3
Amazing deal. Just got back from Marrakech and Essaouira and had a great time. This place looks even better!

Don't listen to the naysayers.
jgtuk to _scott_
2 Dec 16 15 #4
Have you been then?
Nothing wrong with Morocco, Not been to Agadir but Went to Marrakesh last year with whole family (including young grandchildren) and had a fantastic time. Went again earlier this year just with Wife and again had no problems. Lovely people, beautiful historic buildings and great weather, sadly spoiled by the media scaremongering everyone away from any Islamic country.
BTW, I'm white, non Muslim and British.
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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