£17.25 exclusive cashback through TCB when purchasing 1 month NOW TV Sky Cinema pass - This has just increased from £15.00 to £17.25. cashback Ends 19th December 2016 at 11am
There's 1000's of great movies that you're missing out on if you don't have a NOW TV Sky Cinema Pass! Watch movies and be merry with Christmas classics and the latest blockbusters, plus a new premiere every day. So why not get yours now whilst we're offering an amazing £17.25 exclusive cashback. What's more there's no contract and it's only £9.99, so you'll be making money - buy yours before this offer ends!
Make sure you cancel any recurring payments that may be taken when the the month ends.
Not sure if this is for existing or new customers but i had this offer sent to me as an existing customer,
26 Dec 16#13
Loads of TCB deals never paid
23 Dec 16#12
One months free Cinema for new and existing customers using discount code AANOWDMRW7MP
18 Dec 16#11
Here to said £42 through mobile phone site yesterday bought the phone then said get £10 when could have used a £15 voucher!
18 Dec 161#10
Good deal, but 1000's of great movies is stretching it a long way. More like a handful of great movies, a fair selection of reasonable but old movie, and hundreds of old ones that have been on the TV a hundred times already.
18 Dec 16#9
Keep a note of your transaction number when you purchase and open a missing cashback claim, quoting your transaction number and date of purchase if you need to.
18 Dec 161#8
Heating a deal purely on unreliable cashback - hmm, thanks but no thanks.
18 Dec 16#7
Just increased from £15.00 to £17.25 cashback
18 Dec 16#6
New customers only
18 Dec 162#5
I've given up with TCB
18 Dec 16#4
Im still waiting for my cashback from last november!
Opening post
There's 1000's of great movies that you're missing out on if you don't have a NOW TV Sky Cinema Pass! Watch movies and be merry with Christmas classics and the latest blockbusters, plus a new premiere every day. So why not get yours now whilst we're offering an amazing £17.25 exclusive cashback. What's more there's no contract and it's only £9.99, so you'll be making money - buy yours before this offer ends!
Make sure you cancel any recurring payments that may be taken when the the month ends.
Not sure if this is for existing or new customers but i had this offer sent to me as an existing customer,