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29 Dec 16
20 GB 4G offer + 5000 min all network + Unltmd txt for all customers (not only retention for existing users like deal before).

Basically you have to order sim card up to 31st January 2017.

Virgin use EE network so it is exactly the same coverage. 30 day contract so you can check it without 12/24 months suffering :smiley:

How do I get £10 off 20GB plans?
All you need to do to save £10 a month on our 20GB SIM and Pay Monthly plans is order by 31st January 2017.

The £10 discount will apply every month for as long as you stay on that plan.

If you move down to one of our other 4G plans later, the same discount will not be available again.

"WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger pics and video without eating into your data allowance." - good thing if you run off your monthly data allowance. After it you still can make a calls, video calls, upload pictures etc through above apps
"£7.50 cashback with Quidco" or £25 TopCasback (not confirmed)
Top comments
lemongrab to interbanega
29 Dec 16 15 #15
Everyone always bangs on about mobile provider customer service but how often, in all honesty, are you people ringing them? I ring them once a renewal is due - that's it. What else are you ringing them for? A monthly chat?
12 Jan 17 3 #331
Or iMessage if you and your friend have iDevices.

The bottom line is there is no real reason anyone should be using MMS these days.
12 Jan 17 3 #330
Use Whatsap
All comments (585)
29 Dec 16 #1
This is also worth to mention:
Inside EU you can receive calls and texts absolutely free, and you can even pick up your voicemails at no cost.

We use the EE network
98% UK population coverage – and not just in towns and cities

Free WiFi at 250,000+ hotspots

Topcashback offer £25 cashback for this tariff but i am not sure is it work when you receive £10 off monthly from Virgin.

Virgin also offer Data Rollover - if you use only 5 GB, next month you can download 15+20 GB etc.
"Any data you don’t use this month gets added to next month’s data. You’ll use up this rolled-over data before you start eating your regular data, so nothing will go to waste.Only unused data from this month can be rolled into next month. If you’ve got data left over from your previous month, make sure you use it up to get the maximum benefit"
29 Dec 16 #2
Shame the deals with the Telly tablet are so poor
29 Dec 16 #3
Can you tether with Virgin
mynameisthehulk to 3amr1
29 Dec 16 1 #6
Good question, also anyone have any experience of Virgin on 4G in comparison to EE - are the speeds and coverage exactly the same or does it look like they get throttled during peak times?
woohoo1234 to 3amr1
29 Dec 16 #9
Apparently not according to their online chat advisor.
29 Dec 16 #4
Seems good as also the data for whats app and Facebook messenger doesn't come out of your data allowance
29 Dec 16 #5
possible £7.50 cashback with Quidco
29 Dec 16 1 #7
Avoid virgin, customer service atrocious, but the coverage is fine
lemongrab to interbanega
29 Dec 16 15 #15
Everyone always bangs on about mobile provider customer service but how often, in all honesty, are you people ringing them? I ring them once a renewal is due - that's it. What else are you ringing them for? A monthly chat?
29 Dec 16 1 #8
voted hot, got my pac code from EE. They could offer or come close to this deal. Still no call up from EE. Guess they aint bothered.
29 Dec 16 1 #10
Awesome price
29 Dec 16 #11
Great deal!
29 Dec 16 1 #12
I read something the other day about they cap your speeds after 3.5gb which put me off. Is this true ?
29 Dec 16 #13
Amazing deal, just what I was looking for... 2 weeks ago... Just signed up to a 12 month contract ☹
29 Dec 16 1 #14
Just spoke to online chat. no caps
29 Dec 16 1 #16
It's not the same coverage as Virgin customers cannot use band 20!
madscientis to GigabitEthernet
29 Dec 16 1 #19
Band 20 (800mhz) is mainly used by Vodafone & o2 to provide 4g services. EE dont use Band 20 according this summary:
4g frequencies uk need know/
29 Dec 16 1 #17
I was previously on an unlimited everything plan with £10 monthly discount. Just changed to this and my monthly discount has carried over.

Total monthly is now £5 a month! Thanks OP :smiley:
29 Dec 16 1 #18
​Agreed. I've found them all to be of a generally low standard on the very rare occasion when I've had to call.
29 Dec 16 1 #20
Spoke to online chat:

Do you cap your speeds
Sofia at 14:02, Dec 29:
No , we don't throttle our speeds

So there are no restrictions after 3.5GB of data usage
Sofia at 14:04, Dec 29:
No, we don't have any restrictions to the usage of your allowance either.

also is tethering allowed on the 20gb allowance?
Sofia at 14:06, Dec 29:
Tethering is not allowed through any of our plans

I thought the EE network is fast, also its 30 day rolling contract for only £15
Shame about the tethering, maybe a good deal until another one pops up.
djolltax to minty72
29 Dec 16 1 #23
​ok now that means Virgin are (probably) liars. I recently left them to go for the 4GB plusnet 4G @£10pm.

When leaving, I was asked why, and one of the reasons I stated was that tethering was not allowed. they stated over the phone that it was on 4G.... now thats weird because in their terms and conditions:

Data usage on some Virgin Media tariffs is for mobile internet services and data consumption actually on your handset. It does not include using your handset as a modem to connect other devices such as laptops and tablets - also known as "Tethering". Please refer to your terms and conditions and other communications from Virgin Media to check whether this applies on your tariff. This applies to all new and upgrading customers since 24 January 2013.

So I guess it comes down to what "some" actually means.... I did tether for small tasks to my wifi tablet, but now I am unrestricted, I can do what I want..... not sure how policed virgin tethering is....

anyway.... if this deal was on the table I would probably have taken it and stayed - so its still a hot deal from my perspective :smiley:
29 Dec 16 #21
Three had a similar deal with 20gb tethering allowed
29 Dec 16 #22
I am with Virgin from 3-4 years. Tethering officially is not allowed but from time to time i am using my phone as a hot spot for 3-4 other devices. No problem with it during these years. Same conclusions from other users. This is only 30 days rolling contract so you dont risk nothing.
29 Dec 16 #24
Virgin will use EE standard 4G speeds which is up to 30mbps :smiley:
29 Dec 16 #25
This does not include the speeds of 4GEE (Up to 60mbps) or 4GEE Max (Fastest 4G Speeds) :P
29 Dec 16 #26
"No caps but lots of help to stay in control" I'm glad OFCOM is doing it's part.
29 Dec 16 #27
Will all the above EU things be still applicable in x-months/x-years time, when we end up inevitably leaving EU Member States, or whatever?.

12+ month's down the line, you could end up being financially stung harrrrrd! (and in more way's than one also ..... )

These Telephone Tariff's that still peddle EU incentive's are a bit suspect now I think?, as through no fault of your own, you could end up falling into certain unfortunate 'traps', and end up left to own devices when it come's to working an amicable way out of the problem via your Network and you? (be careful basically, such things are not so much clear cut today again, as they were this time last year ..... )

But enjoy nonetheless?. :-)
29 Dec 16 #28
called virgin media they offered me £12.50 for 6 months then £25 but they said you can call us in the 5th month to get a loyalty discount
29 Dec 16 #29
I literally just finished ordering the "double data" 4GB deal for £12/month when I saw this. Hopefully they will let me upgrade to this offer when I call them later tonight.
29 Dec 16 #30
Does anybody know whether this is an online only offer or available in store? I could do with a Sim pre New Years ideally but none of the Virgin Stores seem to pick up their phones. Cheers.
29 Dec 16 #31
Why would they care if you tether? It's still data , and even then , it's not like you are actually consuming anything.
29 Dec 16 #32
good deal! heat added
29 Dec 16 1 #33
call EE guys and they will match this offer;).. good luck
hishaq to yahya18
29 Dec 16 #37
I called EE and they said they don't match other networks
29 Dec 16 1 #34
So I got this last week as they rang me as an existing Virgin Media customer.

Got £12.50 Month for 6 months for the above 20G tariff. Rolling monthly contract so I can leave whenever!

Sim arrived 4 days later. I rang at 11am and gave them PAC code, they ported in my old number from Vodafone the next day, all done by 3pm.

In 4G 2bar coverage area I'm getting 18Mb down and 8Mb up on speed test.

Wifi app installed no problem and seems to give me connectivity in most pubs I've visited over the holiday period
29 Dec 16 #35
£25 topcashback available too (and it does take you to the same tariff and show the £10 discount)
29 Dec 16 #36
Tethering is also working fine by the way!
29 Dec 16 #38
Ee did not price match
29 Dec 16 #39
​I don not see why it will make a difference as the EU will still exist, just the UK will not be part of it. So it is still a selling point that you can use your allowance in the EU as many people will still go there, it will be even more of a selling point when we have left.
The difference will come with the EU ruling abolishing roaming charges as of I believe next june/July. As if you do not have inclusive EU or European min/txt/data you will probably be charged high rate to use your phone like it has been in the past.
29 Dec 16 1 #40
call again and spk to someone else - this is not other network - VM used EE network - they have to match it - after EE offered me some rubbish deal. I told the EE guy VM doing for £15 and they use EE network so why i am have to pay more with EE. This deal is confirmed because i managed to get it. Sometime is luck who you spk to.
29 Dec 16 #41
Ohhhhh blinking 'eck...

I had just made my mind up I was going to switch to Three on their £18 - 600 mins and 30GB plan. Now I've seen this!

While the inclusive roaming with Three is very tempting, I don't need 30 GB of data, and Virgin are offering a 30 day rolling plan. Also as I am currently on a T-Mobile plan, I can be confident I'll get the same coverage.

Can any users of Virgin Mobile advise of the data speeds? While I appreciate they now offer 4G, people in the past have commented on how slow their data is and that is capped at a certain speed, when tthey only offered 3G.
29 Dec 16 #42
Just ordered one..! Moving from giffgaff..! Hope they allow Tethering..
29 Dec 16 2 #43
It's only when something goes wrong does the quality of customer service really matter so for many people there's no issue.... but when I ported out of Three over to EE I had no end of problems and was thankful that EE had a helpful UK call centre, no disrespect to overseas call centres but they're diabolical compared to most UK centres, the low quality voice call, the difficulty in clear spoken communications between both parties. I will always be prepared to pay a bit more for a company that has a UK call centre or at least some UK call centres for escalation.

Life's too short!
29 Dec 16 #44
£15 30 day rolling SIMO with 4GB data
Cashback £15.00 ....they will pay 15£ cashback for 20gb/month?
29 Dec 16 #45
Im on a sim only deal already from VM, but 2 weeks ago changed my tariff to get my 4g sim sent out. I pay £11 per mth for 2gb data. My new tariff kicks in on 6th Jan. Just called up to change to this deal and the member of staff told me i have to wait until after the 6th before u can change again. This offer should still be live then so thats the plan.
Presumably this offer is a discounted price, does anyone know what it is full price, and how long its discounted for?
29 Dec 16 1 #46
Hi guys, carefull with videos and pictures over Whatsup, are not included in the Virgin deal. It is only for messages, I checked with them. I eat all my data monthly allowance , because of this.
29 Dec 16 #47
I just cancelled all 3 of my sims after many years with them and they didn't offer me a deal.
29 Dec 16 2 #48
No the speeds are definitely different, for virgin average 4G speed is 20-25 Mbps whereas on EE it's more like 50-60 Mbps, and yes before you ask I have both EE and Virgin sim so I have tested them side by side in various locations using okla Speedtest
29 Dec 16 #49
"Message and share pics and video without eating into your data allowance" Data rules
29 Dec 16 #50
​in what scenario would anyone get stung if roaming EU tariffs change?
29 Dec 16 1 #51
I cancelled my virgin £10 4gb 4g deal 3 days ago, they offered me nothing decent.

I sent an email to the exec team telling them about the BT 15gb 4g extra speed unlimited mins/texts £90 amazon voucher and £60 quidco for £16 a month.

I got a phonecall this morning from the exec team, she said she was sorry to see me go, but they couldnt come near the bt deal.

£15 for 20gb is pretty good, but i think the BT deal is way better with the voucher and quidco and upto 60mb download 4g speed.

Its funny how a few hrs later after i complained they have started this offer.

I was quite happy with the 4g on virgin, 26 down and 10 up at home, better than my fttc! tethering was working fine as well.

Will do a speed test on BT when the sim comes.
29 Dec 16 #52
​"The £10 discount will apply every month for as long as you stay on that plan."

so it's £25 a month standard price at a guess.
29 Dec 16 #53
Will it work OK in a moto g V1 which only does 3g?
29 Dec 16 #54
Ordered mine,
Leaving giffgaff
29 Dec 16 #55
The legal stuff

Pay Monthly: The prices shown require you to use eBilling. For monthly price with paper bill add £1.50. Credit check & payment by Direct Debit required.
29 Dec 16 #56
Would love to jump on this but I'm stuck with Three as their Feel at Home is unrivaled.
29 Dec 16 #57
I want to cancel my 600 mins 8gb data with three which costs £10 a month as I get very poor signal but I don't know what is my best option this deal or any other.
29 Dec 16 1 #58
Good deal, thanks
29 Dec 16 #59
No tethering is the deal breaker for me. Three deal is better, however i voted hot due to the 30 day rolling contract and 5000min.
29 Dec 16 #60
my other half contacted ee as he is now nearly at the end of his contract and they would no way match this offer at £15 they would at £ now he is leaving ee
29 Dec 16 #61
Speeds will be decent as virgin is a mvno using EE network
29 Dec 16 1 #62
not sure if there customers services being as good as a chocolate fireguard, them switching their customers tariffs, so they don't have to honour these deals forever and increasing the price on certain packages by nearly 100% over 3 years is worth staying with them for this deal.
29 Dec 16 #63
Don't know if anyone has pointed this out already, but existing Virgin 4g customers can also take up this offer. If you sign in to your Virgin Mobile account online, go to your current plan details, and then "Manage my add-ons", you'll see the Double Data promotion is available as an add on (at zero cost).
I was on the £6 per month, 300mb tariff, and have just doubled it to 600mb.
29 Dec 16 1 #64
​​Will it work OK in a moto g V1 which only does 3g? Please.

Also, how would they know if you're tethering anyway?
29 Dec 16 #65
Your milage will vary, my experience is completely the opposite of yours
29 Dec 16 #66
Hmm I was on unlimited data, calls and texts from Virgin for £15 per month. Used barely any texts or calls and used about 4 - 5gb of data per month. At the end of the 12 month contract they moved me to 1gb of data for the same price, with exorbitant charges for going over. When I rang them to ask why they had done this, they told me I was classed as a heavy user. It was their way of either getting more money from me or getting shut of me. I left, as the reason I got an 'unlimited' data package was because I needed a lot of data. The package wasn't 5gb it was unlimited! Good luck with a 20gb data package, but if you go over 5gb, don't expect it to last for long, especially if it's a 30 day contract!:smile:
29 Dec 16 #67
Wow virgin mobile network finally using 4g data! Good deal though, heat added!
29 Dec 16 #68
I think infrastructure is good enough right now to allow all users reach 20 Gb per month. Things change over a year or two. To be honest UK is still MEGA overcharged for mobile data. For example friend of my who lives in Poland (EU) is paying around 17 pounds per month for 500 GB Data (without minutes and txt). Yes - 500 GB monthly. This is Orange deal. Normally is 300 GB but they gave him 200 GB for loyalty. This is offer for "4 G home mobile internet".
29 Dec 16 #69
In my limited experience you can't just ask ee to match this deal or something like it, they will struggle. You have to actually be leaving, get your pac code and say bye. A couple of days later - or later in the day even - someone phoned you back who can actually negotiate on a seriously good deal
29 Dec 16 #70
I only left them 3 months ago, so things haven't changed that quickly. They are in my opinion greedy and will keep the user's that use very little data and get shut of the heavier users. The crazy thing is I was only using so much data, because their wifi kept going down. I had been with them for 20 years, but have just terminated my broadbald with them too, because they treated me so badly. Wow to 500mb!
29 Dec 16 #71
​I'm on virgin and I can tether normally without any extra charges!
29 Dec 16 #72
​i agree...I asked them a few months ago and they said I couldnt
29 Dec 16 #73
it would be a good deal..shame about no thethering
cold for me
29 Dec 16 #74
Anyone able to tell me if virgin have wifi calling.. like EE and three.. I've got very poor signal at work so need a network that lets you call using wifi
29 Dec 16 #75
You can tether on Virgin, anyone who is on it will tell you that! ive been doing it fine.
29 Dec 16 #76
I would sign up but I have no idea if it will do 3g only so that's that. I asked twice but nobody seems to know!
29 Dec 16 #77
​What are you on about, telecoms moves at a snails pace, so any changes as a result of us leaving the EU, will take years for the consumer to see
29 Dec 16 #78
The discount is applied when you add it to the basket, I'm going to ditch my Voda Contract for this, can't wait my Voda has 2 more weeks
29 Dec 16 #79
virgin is **** as a company, go with BT,

Virgin waited for the 4g upgrade as it would make their unusable disconnecting piece of **** broadband unviable for most home users
29 Dec 16 #80
I'm on a great tariff with virgin too at the moment, Only thing with virgin is iv never had 4G coverage, it's always 3G. And the network strength was not good as previous network, and I was with ID mobile. Worth a think about if you depend on the network speed and coverage.
29 Dec 16 #81
Cool, good to hear.

29 Dec 16 1 #82
heat added but EE have upgraded me to a sim only deal of £14.99 PM for 25gb data,unlimited minutes and texts
30 Dec 16 #83
​Disagree, my experience with them over many years has been excellent. C.S very good
30 Dec 16 #84
Just purchased, Will be switch over from iD Mobile due to very poor coverage (i've had it for 2 months). This looks to be the best offer at the moment thanks OP.
30 Dec 16 #85
I find this really weird. In a business perspective, the parent owners of EE are BT. So, technically BT is letting VirminMedia (Liberty Global) use it's network of Cell Towers. VerminMedia (Liberty Global) is BT's competitor!!! Why would a company let it's competitor use it's resources? Also, the 20GB tariff mentioned in this post is competitive to what BT Mobile offers. I just can't get my head around this particular business model.
30 Dec 16 #86
​​I secured two connections for £11/month each (20GB 4G , 5000 mins and unltd text) with 30 days rolling contract and price would remain same.
30 Dec 16 #87
Damn I am in the 2 % that cant get EE on 4G
30 Dec 16 #88
Apple use Samsung parts in their iPhones, it's about money they earn a lot more revenue by selling to their competitors.
30 Dec 16 #89
You are wrong. They have just started rolling it out and will expand it hugely during 2017.
30 Dec 16 1 #90
I noticed this:

"The charge for your airtime plan will increase with your July bill each year. Any increase will be in line with the retail Price Index (RPI) rate of inflation announced in the April before and we’ll always give you 30 days’ notice of the exact increase each year."
30 Dec 16 #91
Having been with virgin mobile for years, I am on a kind of left over package where I used to get unlimited data. I still do apparently. It is marked so on my account. Everything is unlimited. Calls, texts and data for £17.50 a month. It used to be £15 but they recently told me I had to get moved onto a "different tariff" for it to continue and they put the price up to £17.50. I'm wondering if it is genuinely unlimited though. I've never pushed it to see. I don't think I would ever go over 20GB, but I wonder if they call it unlimited but have just put me on their top 20GB package for some time.
Anyone else on "unlimited"? Noticed throttling or getting charged when you go over a certain amount?

I'm wondering whether to leave it as is or drop to this new 20GB one to save £2.50 a month (x2 as have two accounts on that tariff).

I also want the 4G which they have put on their site as requiring a new SIM for it to work. Is that BS and they just want you on a new tariff or do you genuinely need a new SIM? If so, my hand may be forced anyway.
30 Dec 16 1 #92
​I was on the same tariff as you. As I never went near 20gb anyway, and this plan includes rollover for unused data it was worth it for the 4g upgrade.

Wife switched to a 4g plan last month with Virgin. New sim is definitely required.

Sounds like you have a recurring monthly discount too? If you're like me, that discount stacks with this deal when you switch online. Mines finished at £5 per month.
30 Dec 16 #93
Was this a retention deal they offered you or are you a new customer?
30 Dec 16 1 #94
​i had one connection before and told them if they meet my budget of £10 for 20GB package then I will buy two new connections right now and 2 more after testing their service. First they offered me 50% of 25/month I.e £12.50/month for first 6 months which I turned down politely and thanked him for his time. Afterwards he put me on hold and offered me £11/month with this info that no one has got this discount before on this package, but I am sure I won't be last one
30 Dec 16 #95
Great deal just amended my contract whilst in my 24 month deal from 2gb a month 3g for £12 to 20gb a month 4g. This makes 18gb for £3 extra. Bargain.
30 Dec 16 1 #96
I would like to call them and say " why am I not getting the same experience as this doughnut"
30 Dec 16 #97
There international roaming is a bit long winded
30 Dec 16 1 #98
I guess you have to be a Virgin customer for this offer?
30 Dec 16 #99
I'm on £12 pm unlimited everything, Inc tether. Never had any warnings using up to 8gb a month, and my experience of cc has always been excellent, been with them since NTL days.
This is hot for me
30 Dec 16 #100
Thanks for posting op seems a great deal.

It really makes Giffgaffook look worse and worse value

Few questions I still have which appear unanswered in this thread are 1) which 4G band does it use? (in case of Chinese phone users) and 2) does it get the full EE 4G speeds or not? (EE have the fastest 4G network by a mile I hear)
Chivas Regal
30 Dec 16 #101
Do Virgin offer any roaming add ons? For Spain and USA?
My ayce everything (£20) on three is up in February and I don't think ive ever used more than 5gb. Thing is three is great when abroad so if virgin offer a roaming add on it'd be worth getting!
30 Dec 16 #102
Existing Virgin Mobile customer so spoke with webchat advisor who advised to seek PAC code on existing contract and then take new contract - the same deal was showing at £25pm when I logged into my VM account. Phoned VM and they can offer same deal as on web £15pm - so changed it with them. Hope helps.
30 Dec 16 #103
I think this is a great deal. While the Three network is great with Feel at Home, I now buy a Three PAYG Sim when travelling - one with 3GB is only 9.99 GBP

This then means you can choose any network here in the UK for your monthly sim only plan.
30 Dec 16 1 #104
Ref Voyto - Thanks for the info - I was on unlimited everything too (previous HUKD deal - was £8, but went up over 3 or 4 years to £10:40p). Just switched online and have 2 discounts bringing it down to £5/month, result Thank You :smiley:
30 Dec 16 1 #105
And they would say, "because of your negative attitude sir"
30 Dec 16 #106
Why is data a big deal nower days? Especially when their so many wifi spots? I prefer more minutes personally... What's app calling and Facebook calling will take years before its properly established
30 Dec 16 1 #107
Yes it'll work fine but no 4G on that phone of course. Tethering can be detected by the network because whatever you're tethering to (eg a laptop) will have its own unique MAC address which would show the network that 2 devices are using the same connection and differs from the phone's MAC address..... plus network activity from a laptop has bits in it that identifies it differently like browsers info, updates, etc. or something like that.
30 Dec 16 #108
Does anyone know whether this price is before or after VAT?
30 Dec 16 #109
0844,45,70 numbers included in 5000 min allowance?
30 Dec 16 1 #110
I think you're probably in the minority here, I suspect the majority smartphone users will use far more data than any voice or texts. You can't fail to see millions of people staring into their phone contstantly looking for an update on Facebook or to see the latest photo of breakfast/lunch/drink/dinner that their peers are consuming. It's essential information apparently.

Those zombie films were right except that they're not the living dead (oxymoron?!) but the living stuck in a mobile hell.
30 Dec 16 #111
​Thank you, that's very helpful.
30 Dec 16 #112
I browse the web and text over whatsapp all the time. rarely use my minutes or text allowance.
30 Dec 16 #113
Would someone be able to DM me the direct link. I'm in work and they won't allow me to open through "Get Deal"
30 Dec 16 #114
Look at it this way
with vat it will £18
without vat it will be £15
30 Dec 16 #115
Brilliant!... God a miss the 90s
30 Dec 16 #116
Does anyone know what the costs are for using this deal abroad e.g. Spain? Can you still use your allowances or do you have to buy data packs etc?
30 Dec 16 #117
How???? :disappointed:
30 Dec 16 #118
Denied it because apparently there's a problem with my debit card that literally works for everything else known to man. Now I have to call them to order it. LOL.
30 Dec 16 #119
Speak for yourself, I probably use like 5 minutes per month.
30 Dec 16 #120
Thank you for that, exactly the kind of response I was after! 25mbps would be fine tbh, it is just areas where you are getting say 7-10mbps on EE would you be getting 3-5 on VM because that would make a difference to the ability to stream.
30 Dec 16 #121
I would say go back to virgin to get that sorted, this is taken from the website

Message on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger without using up your data
Message and share pics and video without eating into your data allowance
30 Dec 16 #122
Thanks OP. Best they could do for me 2 weeks ago was 10GB £18 wit a £2 loyalty bonus
£16 month rolling 30 day

just changed mine over from 10GB 4G to the 20GB. No problem, just said of course..
30 Dec 16 #123
What a gripping life u must lead!... Not many people to call?
30 Dec 16 #124
I doubt it, maybe I'm not narrow minded enough.
Chivas Regal
30 Dec 16 2 #125
He's probably too busy posting stupid comments on the internet, oh no wait a minute, that's you!
30 Dec 16 #126
With Virgin Media already will be great for my teenage daughter as cost me a fortune with her monthly sim deal at £15 but she always goes over her data (mostly double!) should be no excuse now with 20 GB! Happy New Year! :smiley:
30 Dec 16 #127
​being the case why are mobile handsets still selling? if all u wanted was a "social media chat" invest in a tablet or ipod clown! what's the point in owning a phone if u don't use minutes?
30 Dec 16 #128
30 Dec 16 #129
I don't understand why this deal at £15 month is better than the BT mobile deal that works out at £8.50 per month that someone posted.

I know this is 20gb and the BT one is 15gb. But who really uses that much data.

Both are on the EE network as BT mobile own EE.

I will get one of these, but which one?
30 Dec 16 #130
for me it's better because with Virgin I can use WiFi on the London Underground - I'm not sure if I could with BT (can someone confirm?). Also, with Virgin, it's a 1 month rolling contract and the discount is for life, with BT you can't move before the year is up and you'll need to swap to a cheaper contract in 12 month's time, otherwise it's £21 a month.
30 Dec 16 #131
didn't see that deal, any chance of a link please, just searched and couldn't find it
30 Dec 16 1 #133
​So for bt after 12months will it work out same price? Is it for non bt customers? Data rollover on bt? Not every month is same so sometimes data is more needed which rollver makes things better.
30 Dec 16 #134
1 is 30 days and the other is 12 month contract term.
30 Dec 16 #135
That is true receiving calls in the EU. But what about making calls to an EU country while you're in the UK. It's atrocious . something like £0.90 / minute. £0.60 for Ireland.
Good value if you you use your phone only in the UK
30 Dec 16 #136
careful, the free watsapp only includes messages and definitely does not include photos, videos, voice calls and video calls.

They only zero rate the destination ip address' of watsapp, a call/video call for example is peer to peer and is not covered!
30 Dec 16 1 #137
I use even less. Listen to other people's phone call conversations when out and about and it's mainly pointless information which is generally repeated numerous times.

Sending a message is much quicker and gets to the point. You need to leave the 80's behind.
30 Dec 16 #138
Im on an old 'unlimited' package. £23 with loyalty (£10) paying £13pm.
Very tempted by this deal, pay £2 extra a month for 4G. but wouldnt mind keeping the loyalty as well (£3pm)

When i try to take out the deal, it tries to force me for new number too. if i call CS i will get it for £15 but probably lose the loyalty.....

tempted to wait even longer and see what they offer the LOYAL customers :smiley:
30 Dec 16 1 #139
If you use this app you will pay 0.002 pound per minute mobile / landline to most EU countries. I am using it from years. Works fine.
30 Dec 16 #140
I currently have the 3G 5000 Minutes + 5GB Data for £15.00. Phoned Virgin and they switched me over to this 20GB (4G data) plan, also for £15. Thank you HUKD! <3
30 Dec 16 1 #141
​That's exactly what I was on, paying 13 a month. I upgraded via the online bit, pressing the red button to switch to 4g. My £10 loyalty discount has carried over so its 25-10-10= £5 a month
30 Dec 16 1 #142
One is £8.50 and one is £15. This is the £15 one.... So I still don't get why it has so much heat
30 Dec 16 #143
When there's a cock up they get it wrong time and again, then you suffer.
30 Dec 16 #144
30 Dec 16 #145
You would probably ring for a monthly chat. That's what customer support is for Mr perfect
30 Dec 16 #146
No tethering allowed on any virgin contracts
30 Dec 16 1 #147
EE just price matched this for me!! And with 12 months BT Sport added for free :smiley:))

Was due to upgrade and phone fine - bill gone from £53 to £15 as of midnight tonight!! Happy days !!
30 Dec 16 2 #148
Good deal. Those wanting to tether a laptop should lookup PDAnet+ I have only 4gig tether with 3 and that app allows me to abuse that on my netbook. (android to windows only sadly).
30 Dec 16 #149
Oh WOW!, never heard of that one before, lol.

I'm assuming it pretty much does what it say's on the tin then?. :-)
30 Dec 16 #150
Did everyone else who ordered on their final order summery page say that you have £25.00 to pay each month? Just concerned if it should state the reduced price of £15
30 Dec 16 #151
I just ordered the same deal for £12.50 for 6 months
30 Dec 16 1 #152
I just got this deal. I called them. I was told it would be straight £15 a month.

I was also told any unused data rolls over to the next month and adds to next months allowance.
30 Dec 16 1 #153

£5 per month surely won't stick though will it? Sounds like you were getting an already very good deal. I have 4 - yes 4 - mobile contract sim only mobile numbers with Virgin and don't get anything on the £6 / £9 per month ones. On the other two I get unlimited everything for £17.50. Just checked and it does indeed say I get a £2 discount per month on each one normally being £19.50.
So when I go to change tariff on my account, it just comes up with the £25 per month deal for 20GB with no mention of it being £15. Does it do all that calculation at checkout or do I have to wait for the first bill?

!!! EDIT: sorry actually if you click to go into the tariff it immediately calculates on the next page. It does indeed come to £15 minus my "£2 monthly tariff discount" with a total of £13.
I'm not sure if all of these will be honored? Hope so.

Cheers guys
30 Dec 16 #154
Discovered that after paying an extra £40.00
30 Dec 16 #155

Yeah, hides the usb network connected windows device from your mobile provider.
30 Dec 16 #156
​With Virgin’s WhatsApp On Tap, you’ll be able to use WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger as much as you like without eating into your data allowance! 

Sending messages to your friends won’t touch your data and no other charges will apply.  You’ll even be able to use it if your core data allowance runs out! It will work with all forms of messaging: Text, Voice, Picture, Video, Audio.

This is from virgin site, hope this helps people?
31 Dec 16 #157
They should let you upgrade. You usually have a cooling off period where you can cancel the contract, unless you're starting the contract straight away. Anyway, as its a 30day roll contract so if you have started the 4gb deal, you could always schedule it to start when the contract renewal date is due.
31 Dec 16 #158
Rang up and asked if they could do it for £13 - they said yes straightaway. I am an existing customer, all previous loyalty discounts had been withdrawn a few months ago. Maybe wish I'd asked for it for even less, but am happy with the value for money for £13. Thanks for posting, I'd been meaning to sort out mobile contracts for a while and this has prompted me to do it :smiley:
31 Dec 16 #159
​I can second this. Rang them for two sims - have virgin cc and broadband - there was some confusion but hopefully I should have got them for £11 each! You don't ask you don't get.

Jus the hassle of porting my number left when the sims arrive.

Seen another thread where some people have asked for half price for 6 months which is also a good deal.
31 Dec 16 #160
I just applied the tariff change on my account and it gave me a new monthly price of £13. I then went back into the account and checked my tariff and it said the monthly cost was £7.50. lol
Then on another part of my account it says my tariff is £13 per month, and another section says £25 per month.
I wonder if they did my original £19.50 minus £2 discount minus £10 promotional discount for this tariff, arriving at £7.50 per month.
Not sure what it will be when it all settles. I suspect it will screw me over and start billing me £25 per month! ;o)
31 Dec 16 #161
Was waiting to leave 3.
Their service has regressed so much in luton
31 Dec 16 #162
Anyone else get rejected for credit check reasons?! I've checked my equifax and everything's hunky dorey, so no idea why I've been denied :disappointed:
31 Dec 16 #163
they definitely cap the speed after 3.5gb usage. confirmed by customer service was with virgin years
31 Dec 16 #164
They maybe Virgin but they'll **** you up
31 Dec 16 #165
Did you gave to apply the discounts
I was in the discount pack for everything unlimited , but now pay 21.50 pm as the discount has been taken away .
How do I get the 10 pounds discount on this plan
31 Dec 16 #166
​call them
31 Dec 16 #167
​I just had a recurring, never ending monthly loyalty credit which adjusted my previous £23 down to £13. Switching to this deal hasn't touched the recurring credit, so the monthly is now £5. Didn't do anything fancy, just switched plans.
31 Dec 16 #168
I have been on the unlimited mobile tarriff and now paying nearly £23, how did you get the loyalty discount and when? Your response can help me get the loyalty discount as well, thanks
31 Dec 16 #169
when did you get the loyalty discount and how? I have been on the unlimited mobile tarriff and now paying nearly £23, how did you get the loyalty discount and when? I called them up yesterday but they refused and said that they do not have any such loyalty discount and dont offer it? I had a right big argument with them but they did not budge. Your response can help me get the loyalty discount as well, thanks
31 Dec 16 #170
how are you guys getting loyalty discount? i called them and they refused and said that do not have any loyalty discounts and dont offer any???
31 Dec 16 #171
I called them yesterday and they refused and said they dont have anything called loyalty discount and dont offer any discounts (i even recorded that call) , i have been with them (virgin mobile) for 3.5 years and even longer as a virgin media customer, can you help? how can i get the loyalty discount???
31 Dec 16 #172
4G Plans aren't capped
31 Dec 16 #173
Been with VM since the old NYNEX days.
I've had some kind of loyalty discount for years, the kind of thing that they say if you change your deal the discount will be taken off. Deals changed and discounts still applies. But this time this deal beats any loyalty discount.
31 Dec 16 #174
The only difference is the old 3G tariffs inc 2500mins of 0800/0845/0870/0871 and so on for free but the new 4G tariffs are excluded.
1 Jan 17 #175
I went for £9 deal
1 Jan 17 1 #176
​this is same with all operator, nothing shocking or unusual
1 Jan 17 #177
I had an online chat with a Virgin Mobile advisor asking if there were any restrictions with this deal and he said that after 3GB has been used, they knock the speed down to 3G from 4G for the remainder of the data allowance. If anyone else has an online chat with them, see what they say as there seems to be mixed messages coming out here.
1 Jan 17 1 #178
I was on 3G tariff of 5000 mins and 5G data which is £15 and I receive an ongoing £5 monthly loyalty discount (that I got when I phoned up and asked for a better deal), so I was paying £10 per month. I went online and chose the 4G pacakage with 20GB data allowance for £15 offer. I added this to my basket and went all the way to checkount and my existing £5 monthly discount also showed, making the net price per month of £10 for the new 4G pacakage with 20GB data. My refresh date was today 1-1-2017 and it all went through and I now get new 25MB 4G data speeeds OK (I was sent a new sim which I swapped over with ease), but when I received the usual refresh texts from Virgin Mobile today saying my allowances have been updated/refreshed there was also an additional text from them to say my monthly £5 discount had now been removed (hence making my new monthly payment £15, not £10 as I thought it would be). I had taken a screenshot of the 4G data plan order shwoing the new price of £10 per month (attached) and I have now emailed Virgin Mobile CEO office complaining and asking them to honour the £10 price that I agreed to. [img][/img]
1 Jan 17 #179
That would appear to be wrong advice from advisor - the deal on Virgin mobile website implies 20GB of 4G data a month! - assuming you're in 4G coverage area.
1 Jan 17 #180
That BT deal is awesome, deserves more heat, come on chaps and chapesses!!!
1 Jan 17 #181
I agree, nowt stranger than folk, well maybe daft consumers are :stuck_out_tongue:
1 Jan 17 1 #182
​You're actually paying £21/month without factoring in quidco etc rather than £15 here.

Assuming quidco doesn't track and you get the Amazon voucher its £13.50/month at BT. So not much in it.

Other plus for Virgin is that it's a rolling contract.
1 Jan 17 #183
Will this work with a OnePlus 3?
2 Jan 17 1 #184
2 Jan 17 #185
Yes. I'm replying to you via my tether with this deal :smiley:
2 Jan 17 #186
Yes, assuming the OnePlus 3 isn't from O2.
2 Jan 17 #187
Bought mine from the store.
2 Jan 17 #188
Seems so. Just performed a mobile Speedtest via tether and getting 29mb down, 9mb up.

Browsing is incredibly responsive. Love it. Far snappier than on BT Fibre. Go figure
2 Jan 17 #189
Hi just giving people a heads up regarding this deal. I spoke to virgin mobile this morning, And you will not be able to carry over any discount you had on your previous deal with the 3G setup. A lot of us had a least £8-£10 discount with the current 3G service. So you will pay £15 a month that's it no £5 or £6 a month, which a lot of us thought we was getting, which is a shame but you can understand they can't do it that cheap, Or could they. Cheers
2 Jan 17 #190
7.5%quidco cashback for every month?:smile:
2 Jan 17 #191
​If you're buying/switching over the phone, I think they can add some further discount. I used the line that I have broadband and a credit card with them, though I'm still waiting for my sims!!
2 Jan 17 #192
I have just rang EE to request a PAC code and mentioned this deal. They have price matched it for me. Same deal but unlimited mins for £15 a month, 12 month contract.
2 Jan 17 #193
Considering either this deal or BT Mobile one posted here:

I understand they both use EE, does that mean there 'should' be no difference in mobile data speeds between the two?

2 Jan 17 1 #194
The bt deal uses extra speed 4g upto 60mb, I know I'm on it for the last 4 days.
2 Jan 17 #195
It might be on EE's network but you won't get the same service, I know this for fact. It must be throttled. I was on Virgin for years, unlimited everything for £7 a month, so cheap but I swear the service and coverage was shocking. people would tell me they tried to call and send texts but they never got through. I missed some really important calls. I always had a few bars yet no sevice while my partner on EE had full coverage as blazing fast, my internet speeds were snail pace or a complete stop. Hard to give up the cheap deal but going to EE was the best thing I did, a lot more expensive but at least I was getting what I paid for.
2 Jan 17 #196
Virgin Mobile fair use policy. Excessively use over 3.5GB of data per calendar month will result in your maximum bandwidth being restricted to 3G speeds (384kbit/s downstream, 200kbit/s upstream)
2 Jan 17 1 #197
​£90 Amazon voucher & £75 cashback via Quidco makes the BT deal alot better doesn't it? Not worried about a rolling contract (& a current BT customer)
3 Jan 17 2 #198
I really hope that isn't the case, as I will cancel. Personally I suspect that the T&Cs haven't been updated to reflect the new 4G service, also there is no mention of that in the specific 4G terms of use (but is still within the pay monthly general terns). I will give this a try when I get my SIM, if it turns out it really is throttled at 3.5GB, then I will move on to another I'm sure many will!

Anyone who's got this plan already - can you confirm if throttled at 3.5GB?
3 Jan 17 #199
I was told by one of their operators on customer services, he wasn't sure though and asked me to read the terms and conditions on their website. Anyways I'm giving thirty day cancellation notice, during this time I will decide by using their 4g service
3 Jan 17 #200
Yeh I was with virgin botched service people telling me they tried calling no notifications. virgin also removed all my discounts without fair warning would go back because all the stress
3 Jan 17 #201
Great deal, ordered my sim and got £12.50 through quidco which has already tracked. Been with Virgin before never had any problems.
3 Jan 17 #202
Can anyone with this plan verify this is true? if so its a deal breaker.
3 Jan 17 #203
Perhaps because if you allow people to tether they will use more data and therefore cost more to keep as customers, and therefore your headline cheap price high data package becomes less economical....?
3 Jan 17 #204
I use the OnePlus3T and use EE. EE gave me the retention deal of Unlimited minutes, texts, 20gb of data (15gb of which I can use in the EU) only catch is its now a 12month contract. My point is that if you are on EE it works with the phone and they should gibe you a retention deal to match this
3 Jan 17 #205
Can't see the £10 off or am I missing something???
3 Jan 17 #206
Can't see the £10 off or am I missing something???
3 Jan 17 #207
I think it subtracts £10 when you go through to basket, then order...then confirm - if I recall correctly!
3 Jan 17 #208
3 Jan 17 1 #209
Cashback on TCB has tracked at £25 too
4 Jan 17 #210
This is **** capped at 3.5gb. EE the network this mvnos on do a 32gb for 14.50 forever. Its been on three times now. Waiting for it again as on three till june cold from me
4 Jan 17 #211
On that website showing the frequencies companies use. Virgin's blank under 4G.

Does that mean we just go be EE's (i.e. 1800MHz & 2600MHz) ?
4 Jan 17 #212
The 3.5gb capping applies to the 3g sims/service, Virgin's 4g service is not capped.
4 Jan 17 #213
Any good Vodafone or piggyback provider deals similar to this ? my phone is locked to voda
4 Jan 17 #214
This says different:

Unless it's just iDevices that are borked.
5 Jan 17 #215
Do virgin support Wifi calling like EE do?
5 Jan 17 #216

Realistically, Virgin should call their service 3.5G, as max speeds are 25mbps.
5 Jan 17 #217
EE just matched this for me with a very simple 3 minute phone call. Really shocked that I got it with all the folks nay-saying EE matching deals. I'm well chuffed with that
5 Jan 17 #218
​Why not get the phone unlocked?
5 Jan 17 #219
This question also... looks like a no from random comment here, but who knows from a quick google.
EDIT: Aha, now also answered to someone elses similar question above (#216)
5 Jan 17 #220
Annoying though hey. I need a data only tariff to stick in a dongle and use when O2's signal is too abysmal for words... :disappointed:
5 Jan 17 #221
Thanks, Although the responses don't inspire me with confidence . I may ask.
Wifi calling is part of the OS these days not an app. It fails over if there is no mobile coverage. Thats how EE's works.
5 Jan 17 #222
What you forgot to mention is that this only applies to selected handsets on selected networks.
5 Jan 17 #223
25mbps is perfectly reasonable isnt it? Dont forget the original 3G specification only allowed for speeds up to 386Kbps so your comment is a little ambiguous
5 Jan 17 #224
Did EE offer data rollover same as Virgin?
5 Jan 17 #225
didn't even notice that was part of the offer so I highly doubt it. I don't need the 20gb anyway just wanted to stay with EE for the extra speed as it is a 4geemax plan
5 Jan 17 1 #226
I've been umming and arring about this deal. I know it's 8GB less, but thinking I might go with the new EE 12GB unlimited/unlimited plan for £19.99. I know you can't rely on it, but it coms with £55 cashback, 6 months Apple music, and 3 months BT app access. Plus obviously you get the full speed/roaming/tethering benefits. 12 month contract tho....decisions decisions.

I'll just post this now to get it out the way :wink:
6 Jan 17 #227
This is for old Unlimited 3g tariff. You can check new rules under 4G Service . They capped all Unlimited tariff s becouse they don't want to kill their fibre broadband services. Fair enough from business point.
6 Jan 17 #228
Networks can choose to support it. EE do , and a very good implementation.
Handsets - If you want the feature you buy a handset that has support. All unlocked IOS devices since IOS 8 do and recent Android versions.
If you have network locked phone and have no WIFI calling support its your provider making the section for you and restricting the phone.Not the phone manufacturer.
6 Jan 17 #229
So like i said selected handsets only support the integrated feature and not all handsets support wifi calling via an app.
6 Jan 17 #230
​Sorry I'm a bit confused. Would I be able to do voice/video calls with WhatsApp if I have a virgin sim in an unlocked phone?
6 Jan 17 #231
7 Jan 17 #232
4g Speed is caped at 24mb
7 Jan 17 1 #233
Try cancelling with them and then realising that they still haven't cancelled it a month later then call again and cancel it and they still haven't. This is why poor customer service is more hassle than its worth.
7 Jan 17 #234
The problem is nearly all providers will have the same stories. It seems to be the luck of the draw.
8 Jan 17 #235
I get above 24
8 Jan 17 #236
a 4G plan at 3G speeds, makes sense.
9 Jan 17 #237
Can you tether/ hotspot on this and if so how much data ?
9 Jan 17 #238
Oh I wish, when I renewed my contract with Vodafone they first messed up on my data allowance leaving me without data which I had to call them 5 separate times for to rectify and I wish it was only that...

Then they overcharged me month after month (more than £100 total) which took another 6 or so calls to resolve and hours of my time. (every time I was promised it would be sorted then and there)

Just because you don't have any issues does not mean anyone else doesn't and when you DO have any problems good customer service is paramount.
9 Jan 17 #239
No. not without something like PDANET+ and that only works usb to a windows device.
9 Jan 17 #240
Yes you can access whatsapp and Viber using Virgin data but not wifi calling as they don't offer it. Only EE, O2, Vodafone and 3 offer wifi calling which comes in handy when indoor reception is not good. EE and Vodafone also have signal boosters to help with poor indoor reception. Virgin mobile is great if your indoor reception is ok. Hope this helps :smiley:
9 Jan 17 #241
Great deal, Heat added.
9 Jan 17 #242
Heat added
9 Jan 17 #243
I just made a call with WhatsApp and a video call on 4g
9 Jan 17 #244
been with virgin since my first brick phone last century , yes you can tether and good coverage
9 Jan 17 #245
no one has suggested that this isnt possible but the data used on that call is not zero rated and will come from your allowance.
9 Jan 17 #246
With that in mind, does anyone know, on average, what's the cost per minute in data for video calling?
9 Jan 17 #247
"WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger pics and video without eating into your data allowance." - good thing if you run off your monthly data allowance.

After it you still can make a calls, video calls, upload pictures etc through above apps
9 Jan 17 #248
Remember +rpi each year will be added.
9 Jan 17 #249
Left Virgin was on a previous deal with monthly discount which they suddenly decided they were no longer going to do, got an ok deal and then the increases started... final nail in the coffin was wanting to charge me more for 4g, seriously 3 accounts, many years with them and they made it quite clear as I'm not able to buy their TV & Broadband they werent interested.

So moved to plusnet, 4g, more data, cheaper and still 30 day contract
9 Jan 17 #250
Well for me it's a 30 day contract, when I am not happy I will cancel,or when a better deal comes along.
But at the moment it is working fine for me.
Also when the price increases, I will speak to retentions, and if I don't get no where, I will cancel.
9 Jan 17 #251
I was with Virgin for years but I eventually got fed up especially as they increased my deal price to exactly match a non deal price just out of the blue.
9 Jan 17 #252
If they increase then just leave. Can't see how it's a massive problem.

To be honest, no-one is offering anywhere near this deal on a rolling month contract at the mo.
9 Jan 17 #253
i got my sim but 4g isnt showing. how long does it take to activate

upgrading from 3g with virgin
9 Jan 17 #254
"WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger pics and video without eating into your data allowance." - good thing if you run off your monthly data allowance. After it you still can make a calls, video calls, upload pictures etc through above apps 

I read due to EU competition / Net Neutrality laws/requirements Free data when using FB and WhatsApp only applies if you have data left even though it wont eat into your data.
Once data runs out you are charged for WhatsApp and FB. I will try and find article but your welcome to confirm this via Virgin Chat.
9 Jan 17 #255
Is the data automatically capped? What happens when you hit 20gb?
9 Jan 17 #256
No data cap, so you need to keep an eye on account. I believe you get an alert when you're close, or go over the allowance. Once you go over, each day you use any data it will cost £2 for unlimited data that day.
9 Jan 17 #257
Same situation here, but I'm guessing the 4G is activated when the next topup/payment is made - in my case this is the 14 Jan. I'm just getting 3G at the moment and my online account shows new account pending on 14 Jan.
9 Jan 17 1 #258
As per Blotch. You will not get 4G till the next refresh date if you're upgrading within Virgin.
9 Jan 17 #259
Will Virgin work on my EE signal booster box? I have terrible EE signal at my house and my office provided a signal box.
9 Jan 17 1 #260
Just to confirm that a VM rep confirmed Tethering is allowed, however they do not provide support if it does not work on your phone.
9 Jan 17 #261
£25 Topcashback tracked. Took one day to show as tracked.
9 Jan 17 #262
The price won't increase until you change it yourself
9 Jan 17 #263
Down to £12.50 now with the correct tariff price. Wonder if it'll get adjusted?
9 Jan 17 #264
damn my vodafone contract ends on the 15th of feb....
9 Jan 17 #265
Ring them and ask them to match the Virgin deal - they have for me although on a 12 month contract, I spoke to someone today as my contract is up on 1st Feb.
9 Jan 17 #266
I will, it's just, I don't want a 12 month contract. I've seen some really nice deals go on here but i've been stuck in contract mate
9 Jan 17 #267
Heat added, just ordered for my daughter
9 Jan 17 #268
Deal runs till the 31st I believe. Just sign up then and take the hit of having a slight overlap in services.

Just make sure you order PAC, cancel and port numbers all in the right time frames.
9 Jan 17 #269
​What exactly are you getting with your Vodafone renewal? I've tried to renew with them (hate changing phone providers!) but they only could offer about £16 for 10gb data (ultd mins etc ) and 12 months sky sports.
9 Jan 17 #270
​The thing I like about Vodafone sim only contracts is that after 3 months you can upgrade on a pay monthly phone plan and you get a new 24 months contract (rather than a 24 + months remaining from sim only deal).
9 Jan 17 #271
Yes, but you're still locked in
9 Jan 17 #272
​If they give me 30/40% off the s8 (for example!) I would be happy to be locked in!
9 Jan 17 #273
9 Jan 17 #274
my ee coming to an end in few months this looks awesome...
10 Jan 17 #275
Stuck in my contract till September
10 Jan 17 #276
Unless people are hitting on somebody in the customer services or if Virgin did a terrible bad job in billing, i dont find a reason for some one to call them quiet often :smiley:
10 Jan 17 1 #277
Qudico -
£25.13 for a 30 day rolling SIM only contract of £15 (was £25) a month with 20GB data Expires in 5 days
10 Jan 17 #278
I called virgin mobile today and they said I will be paying £7.50 for 6 months then £15.
10 Jan 17 #279
Just got EE retention deal for £15 and 20Gb without whingeing too much. It's not a 30-day rolling, it's 12 months. But I prefer the extra speed of 4GEE and also their plans are easier to use in the EU I believe. They also offered me same deal on an extra SIM for £12pm but I don't need one.
10 Jan 17 #280

Excessive use over 3.5GB of data per calendar month will result in your maximum bandwidth being restricted to 3G speeds (384kbit/s downstream, 200kbit/s upstream) on our network. We reserve the right to review these usage levels from time to time. At this reduced speed, customers will still be able to browse web pages, send/receive emails, and stream audio and video all at 3G data speeds, but peer-to-peer and large file downloads/uploads will be slower than normal.

Confirmed by Customer Services as well
10 Jan 17 #281
Just confirmed with VM that there is No Teethering and its not EE's max 4g speed, its the 25Mbps 4G speed.
10 Jan 17 1 #282
That is stated on Virgin's website several times....and possibly in this thread.


...the tethering one is a bit odd, tho, as people have mentioned being able to do it on here.

You probably won't if the tail end of the comments for this deal are anything to go by:

That seems contrary to this:


...and given a CS rep thought they had WiFi calling, I really don't know if I would believe everything CS told me.
10 Jan 17 #283
they told me £7:50 when i sign new contract but bill says £12:50. hope you get what they said.
10 Jan 17 #284
Well that's rubbish, i recently signed up to Virgin Mobile when they were doing there double data for Black Friday (£12 PM for 4GB data)!. Whats the chances of them letting me upgrade to this offer
10 Jan 17 #285
Erm...ring them and find out?

But I see no reason they wouldn't. You'd just start on the better deal when your current tariff's month is up.
10 Jan 17 #286
good spot just upgraded the missus tariff onto it
10 Jan 17 #287
im confused so is everyone paying £15 pcm for 20gb of data
that what i have got and got sent a sim, waiting for 4g to be active

shall i ring again asking for better price? or go to another provider
10 Jan 17 #288
Check post 227 or better 282. Knowledge of their Customer Services is poor.
10 Jan 17 #289
If you are with EE they will beat this deal if you tell them you are going to leave and go to Virgin
10 Jan 17 #290
Does anyone know if this network could be used for TV services such as Netflix or Iplayer etc using tethering to a smart TV?
10 Jan 17 #291
on my online mobile account monthly total says £7.50 And the first bill £12.50.
10 Jan 17 #292
that's what happend to me​. I called them to ask what's going. After transfer me here n there they refused to honer the deal and appolised for mis sold contract. so cancelled contract
10 Jan 17 #293
Do EE offer the 30day rolling contract, or are you locked in for 12 months?
10 Jan 17 1 #294
12 months only I'm afraid but they do give you BT sport for 12 months and you can use your data etc abroad for free
10 Jan 17 #295
rubbish, bt mobile 15 gb £21 a month (£80 amazon gift card)+£60 cashback(had two of them confirm and pay)

=£15 a month- £5 a month=£10 a month( bt hotspots included-great for ipad /tablet /laptop when your out and dont have battery life)+free bt sport
11 Jan 17 #296
yiou can do it if you are on a 30 day rolling contract, just give them a call on 789
11 Jan 17 #297
Cashback is never guaranteed, so you could end up paying the same price for 5GB less data and being on a year contract. Ok, you get tethering and slightly faster speeds, but no data rollover either.
11 Jan 17 #298
Anyone saying the BT deal is good has not had a BT sim before, the quidco etc aspect is good IF it tracks) but when it comes to using the BT 4G network good luck! They want you to buy the £4 a month speed boost they offer otherwise your getting very minimal speeds, lucky enough my mum only uses BT sim for Facebook/basics while out, meanwhile i borrow it to watch BT sport when connected to home WiFi (SKY) otherwise its VERY slow all round. Due to this deal being 30 day rolling contract, along with using the EE network not BT (i know they are the same company but they operate VERY different in terms of service) am happy to give my mum this virgin sim as it can be no worse than BT. Will report back with a comparison at a later date. Thank for the heads up OP! :man:
11 Jan 17 1 #299
Apparently you get Extra Speed thrown in if the BT checkout is anything to go by.
11 Jan 17 2 #300
​Yes it will. We run one in our office and my current virgin sim connects just fine through it (3g speed though)
11 Jan 17 #301
Good deal but no tethering means im going with three
11 Jan 17 #302
The price on this contract will increase every year by r.p.i it's in there terms and conditions.
11 Jan 17 #303
The BT deal is extra speed upto 60mb , i said on the BT thread it was.
11 Jan 17 #304
​i called them today and they said you will definitely have it for £7.50 after the first bill which is £12.50.
11 Jan 17 #305
I have a £5 monthly discount on the sim only tariff making it £7, I didn't realise you could carry it over if you change, I've been on this for years. Just changed to a different tariff (1000 minutes, unlimited texts, 1gb data) and my monthly bill will now be £3! :smiley:

This deal is great for 20gb but my phone isn't 4G so there's no point changing to this.
11 Jan 17 #306
If you have a 3G only phone this will still work! I have been with Virgin for years and to be honest I am not bothering to upgrade to the 4G package as the 3G speeds have been fine
11 Jan 17 #307
If they are Virgin you have to ring them once a month to tell them their cell service is awful, and then again when they offer deals to new customers but never to existing ones.
11 Jan 17 #308
I bought this deal two days ago and Quidco tracked it at £25.13 x
11 Jan 17 #309
Thanks again mate... just got off the phone with EE.. 20gb and unlimited calls and texts, 15gb euro data and BT sport
£20 a month for 12 months.. pretty chuffed with that!

Kind regards
11 Jan 17 #310
If they don't allow tethering then the APN settings won't provide hotspot connectivity on some phones.
11 Jan 17 #311
They wouldn't do it for me :disappointed:

They have now, but a 12 month contract. I don't mind that as I like EE. But they put me on the Max package which also means the super fast 4g, rather than the normal 4g i got before.

I also asked for the 6months apple music and they gave me that too.
11 Jan 17 #312
11 Jan 17 #313
OK someone please tell me what to do to get £15 for all this...?
step by step please!
11 Jan 17 2 #314
Erm. Click get deal link and press buy?

Or if that's a bit too technical, then ring them.
11 Jan 17 #315
You obviously have a lot of time on your hands
11 Jan 17 #316
No they won't. ​
11 Jan 17 #317
Help! Do u need a credit card? Can't u just get it with normal £15 top up
12 Jan 17 #318
It's paid via DD monthly.
12 Jan 17 #319
12 Jan 17 #320
I still have my 3rd Gen Apple TV which I use to Airplay stream Netflix, iPlayer etc from my iPhone- as the iPhone and Apple TV communicate over WiFi Direct there is no need for them to be on the same network- so the Apple TV can receive the Airplay streams but it isn't a 'tethered' data connection- so it doesn't fall foul of any network restrictions on 'tethering'
Another option to consider, that I've found works successfully to avoid detection is to us a VPN. My laptop/iPad and phone all use VPN connections
12 Jan 17 2 #321
When GiffGaff first launched I signed up to their unlimited data sim- which prohibited 'tethering' and at first I had no problems when tethering- then after a while they started cracking down on people that did. I kept getting warnings that I was tethering and it wasn't allowed and if I continued I'd be cut off.
If the idea was to make stop it failed miserably; instead it made me curious how they detected a device was tethering and then ways to avoid triggering that detection. One way networks can detect tethering is by employing packet inspection- so that if your phone is sending/receiving data packets from PSN network, or Call Of Duty gaming servers, or Windows update services, for instance, the Network can be pretty certain that those packets aren't originating from your phone

So I made sure my phone and any device tethered to it used a VPN connection- which prevents the network from using packet inspection as they're all encrypted.
No more warnings about tethering did I receive! Also, when people complained that GG would throttle data speeds at peak times to streaming services, P2P and torrent services- the fact I used VPN connections meant I avoided such restrictions.
12 Jan 17 #322
​The best 30 rolling contract I could get out of EE was 3gb, unlimited texts, unlimited mins for 20.99 a month.
12 Jan 17 1 #323
Same as other networks.
12 Jan 17 #324
Can anyone tell me if it costs to send picture messages? I'm currently with plusnet and get charged around 30p per picture message
12 Jan 17 #325
12 Jan 17 1 #326
trust me you do need customer service, because of the appalling service by three I had to call them once a month because of overcharging me which after every call they messed up one thing or another
12 Jan 17 #327
​What is a VPN connection?
12 Jan 17 #328
Ahhh that's outrageous, why can't they just class it as data?
12 Jan 17 2 #329
Virtual Private Network. It stops your ISP and host websites from knowing your actual location or packet contents.

These can be free, slow, or paid for like PIA from £30+ a year, depending on speed and server locations.

Bit more info:
12 Jan 17 3 #330
Use Whatsap
12 Jan 17 3 #331
Or iMessage if you and your friend have iDevices.

The bottom line is there is no real reason anyone should be using MMS these days.
12 Jan 17 1 #332
I am tethering without any issues.
12 Jan 17 #333
Anybody else having issues setting up the virgin media wifi app? I can't get mine to work help!
12 Jan 17 #334
12 Jan 17 #335
​On a 30 day rolling contract? Bullsh1t!
12 Jan 17 #336
EE will be matching, but on 1yr contract I imagine.
12 Jan 17 #337
Yes that's what happened to me. I don't need the flexibility and the quidco isn't enough to make it worth switching. Plus, I really like the 4GEE speeds
13 Jan 17 #338
This deal is available to existing customers too. Just pop into your local Virgin Media store to upgrade your sim!
13 Jan 17 #339
This is a great deal for those with good EE4G coverage, we had 4 EE stores via 2 Orange, 2 T-Mobile - only store left is the one with no 4G coverage LOL yes what retail regional manager came up with that bright idea!

I would recommend this to many people if any of the main cities in 50 miles had 4G outside the city centre locations where they state city wide 4G.

EE Scotland coverage has become a joke outside the central belt of Glasgow/Edi, even the west coast line is patchy as a spiralised cucumber, where as Vodafone coverage was most the way.
13 Jan 17 #340
​Thanks. :smile:
13 Jan 17 #341
What for you can use internet faster than 4G with your 4-5 inch mobile phone ?
13 Jan 17 #343
Got your tin foil hat on?

Somebody would have to specifically be targeting you for this. Maybe scary if you're Donald Trump's aide, but for John Smith who works in an office in Peterborough? Probably nothing to worry about.
13 Jan 17 #344
huh no tethering? all of EE data you can tether, been downloading torrents fine
13 Jan 17 #345
Thin end of the wedge, innit.
13 Jan 17 #346
Strictly speaking, VM prohibit tethering. Whether they enforce that ban is another matter.
13 Jan 17 #347
True enough my friend.
13 Jan 17 #348
Watching Netflix etc
13 Jan 17 1 #349
The EE deal posted on here today is better value.
Unlimited mins, Unlimited text, 20GB Data, Fastest EE SPEED, BT sports included, can tether and use data in Europe.
13 Jan 17 #350
link please
13 Jan 17 #351
Depends how much its costs ..
13 Jan 17 #352
Not sure why dafasabursh is being so coy. He/she posted the deal they're on about....they do, however, neglect to mention it's a retention deal.

Oh, and £15.
13 Jan 17 #353
Tinfoil hat removed...

That was a mad couple of hours :man:
13 Jan 17 #354
Because its Virgin, have been with them before and service and overall package is a nightmare! Trying to exit even a 30 day rolling contract is a complete joke. DO NOT ENTER ANY CONTRACT WITH THEM!
If they were that good why did they not buy Orange and T mobile?
I tell you, because like everything today, they go into a sector they don't do, undercut experienced rivals prices to get their data!
When was the last time you flew on an EE, T mobile, Orange, Three, Vodafone or BT plane!!!!!!
14 Jan 17 #355
Is anyone getting the up to 20MB on the Virgin Deal? I would like to confirm because my Vodafone 4G speed is only 28MB max i have ever achieved. My contract is up and i dont mind losing a few MB speed if i can get thier deeal.

Lastly i travel alot to EU. Anyone know how much It would cost to add an addone to Use Data In Europe with the Virgin Deal?

I know they use EE network. How good is the network coverage nationwide at least compared to Vodafone. ?

Thanks in advance
14 Jan 17 1 #357
Thank a million. it would seem this deal is for people who dont roam alot then
14 Jan 17 #358
To be honest, none of them are that good. If I was abroad a lot, I reckon Three with their 'Feel At Home' would be the best bet.
14 Jan 17 #359
Just checked and Tethering works fine for me. I do think it's worth investing in a VPN to ensure that VM do not have access to the packet data as mentioned by goliath. free VPN apps are all over the android play store but i like CyberGhost 5.5. Still waiting until the end of this month to be able to get my 20GB though as renewed just after my monthly contract date. IF Virgin did try to do anything regarding my data usage, I'd take my business elsewhere.
14 Jan 17 #360
My phone is locked to ee, can I use Virgin if they use ee's network or do I need to unlock my phone?
14 Jan 17 #361
Does it say in your terms and condition that can officially tether for free using your data allowance?
14 Jan 17 1 #362
No. Tethering is categorically prohibited in the t&cs.
14 Jan 17 #363
Check your online loyalty discount status. If you have one you can lower your monthly payment. For example "Your total monthly cost: £6.00"
15 Jan 17 1 #364
Why do they care if we tether? You can watch HD movies on a phone, or tether larger devices...aren't we using the same data?
15 Jan 17 #365
Has any one had any success in getting Vodafone to either match or aim to better this offer? I have three contracts to renew, all currently with Vodafone. i am currenlty paying £14 for 1GB, and 600 minutes! Need to do better!
Slick Rick
15 Jan 17 2 #366
Pity about that.

I need tethering, but for anyone who doesn't, this is a cracking deal.
15 Jan 17 #367
Cheers OP. I was on a £15/month 4gb contract so just got a free upgrade! Bosh!
15 Jan 17 #368
Just went on chat and was told that tethering is allowed "on occasions". He mentioned once a week is fine. Also, the RPI is only 1.6%, so it will only go up by 24p in Jul, not in Apr, if you take up this deal in Jan17. Really good. However, EU roaming is not included on any of their plans eg. to make calls. However, to access your voicemail and receive calls within the EU are free. I really like the fact that this is a 30 day rolling contract - so no tie in for 12/24 months. I would get this and then when another good deal comes out later in the year that beats this one, then you are free to leave without penalty. A huge plus point for me..... :smiley:
15 Jan 17 #369
Shouldn't need to unlock it. Should just work.
15 Jan 17 1 #370
Probably they dont like idea that a couple of devices use only one payment plan. If you think deeper all mobile phones are small walkie-talkies. Why we cannot use it for free for short distance?
15 Jan 17 #371
What sort of Sim card do Virgin send out? Would it fit into an iPhone 7?
15 Jan 17 #372
Multi-size SIM, just pop out the size needed...
15 Jan 17 #373
Perfect. Thank you!:smile:
16 Jan 17 #374
who is using MMS nowadays, if you do have the following apps: Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, cost only some amount of data from your data plan.
16 Jan 17 #375
Thanks OP, took the deal, absolutely amazing internet speed
16 Jan 17 2 #376
They don't want people to ditch their more expensive home internet broadband service for a cheaper equally good mobile broadband solution.
16 Jan 17 #377
Leaving Gif gaf, heat added
16 Jan 17 #378
I ordered last Sunday and still have not received sim. The dispatch email missed my house number. Is this normal? Any one else had any delays in receiving sim card?
16 Jan 17 #379
Networks are happy to give you say 20Gb as they know that on average you'll only use about 2 or 3Gb. There's only so much you can do on a phone. As soon as they allow tethering, more people use more gadgets and more data and the network becomes more congested, customers get grumpy and leave etc etc
16 Jan 17 #380
Been with Virgin for years on a sim only deal.
Regularly tether my iPhone to my iPad.
No problem
No fee
16 Jan 17 #381
Just quick question , planning to buy this using Quidco and collect the sim from Store , Will Quidco still be paid ? or for only for deliveries please?
16 Jan 17 #382
No, MAC addresses will not be visible from any devices other than the tethering device.
They can detect tethering in a number of ways though, but not through the MAC address.

Browsers do have different identifing signatures, but on https connection, it will be encrypted.
16 Jan 17 #383
One , max two working
days delivery.
16 Jan 17 #384
When I try to order this deal, they ask me to call them?
16 Jan 17 #385
Is missed my house number on email as well.
Delivered ok
16 Jan 17 #386
I'm £15 a month 30GB not as many minutes.
16 Jan 17 #387
How much longer before you'll be able to use something like this as a house hotspot and ditch the landline. Can't be long surely. My BT 4G EE sim matches my home BT fibre in all but upload speeds. On the basis I wouldn't be using wifi at home if not there, as soon as it becomes viable to hook home gear into mobile data the landline is defunct!?
16 Jan 17 #388
Providers are probably thinking how they can still charge some kind of rental fee without the landline lol.

I can get 160Mbps speeds at home on my EE sim. Not far off my virgin media 200 speed. Ping and connection quality are a different thing of course though
16 Jan 17 #389
Is the data, calls and text in Europe inclusive in the same way as 3 Feel at Home use
16 Jan 17 #390
​Same here ordered Sunday but no sim card arrived, being new customers you would of expected them to pull there finger out. It does state 5-7 working days but still a long time to wait......
16 Jan 17 #391
​And also missed my house number off to.
16 Jan 17 #392
I have tethered before to my laptop very occasionally and didn't even know it could be a problem! Shame on them for trying to restrict how you use your data!
16 Jan 17 #393
Well I don't personally know for sure but several articles online suggest the MAC details can be determined when tethering and so the network could tell more than one MAC is being used. I don't actually know but it's something I've read a few times but it could be wrong of course. Article 1Article 2 as a couple of examples.
16 Jan 17 #394
Nop. Only Three has this offer.
16 Jan 17 #395
Sorry, No tethering allowed :disappointed:(

better option: with Three Unlimited calls/txt/even Tethering (30GB limited for tethering, but you can watch/stream vids on your tablet/phone unlimited) for 32monthly or 600min/UnlimitedTxt/ 30GB-tethering for 27/monthly or see
16 Jan 17 #396
That's why tethering is not allowed. They would lose the broadband business
16 Jan 17 1 #397
Thanks, hope the following will forever make you read the comments not just the article:
- if you look at article 1, the answer that mentions MAC idetification has a few comments which I'll paste below:

"thanks for the very knowledgeable and insightful answer. i only want to object to the MAC inspection section. if you're using your phone as a router (as in for tethering your outward internet connection) your clients' MAC addresses are not at all transmitted to the provider, as per the definition of IP routing. they are replaced by the MAC of the phone which is what the operator expects."

"A note on your MAC address point: Tethering is just NAT (well, it can be that simple). As such, a internal(ip:port) externa(ip:port) mapping must be managed by the NAT device but other than that, the actual IP payload is the only thing needed. Infact, if you somehow identified on your internet interface by the tethered devices MAC it would never route. Not sure how/why the internal devices MAC can/would/should be exposed"

- if you look at Article 2, it is just plain ridiculously misleading, and comments go in the lines of :

"Whoever wrote this article is incopetent. end devices MAC is not passed to provider. Three can only see mac of your phone not PC!. Getting around this ban is very simple but I'm not willing to share it on here."

"By claiming it's the MAC address is like saying that THREE have total access to all files, folders and data on your handset."

I can go on, but it should be even easier if you just read the comments yourself. CONCLUSION: No, MAC addresses are not passed on through the tethering device. Virgin will only see one MAC address.
Ok, one more comment as it says it all:
"I think someone needs to learn how a network functions before writing any more articles...

MAC Addresses will not be exposed past your mobile device as it will be using NAT.

There are other ways to detect tethering (TTL differences, user-agents, etc) but MAC Address is not one of them!

Next time you use a Stack Overflow question as article fodder, read the comments too!
17 Jan 17 1 #398
I have used 4.6gb

Upload at 9mbps

Download at 24mbps

Will keep you informed, but I don't think my speeds have been capped.
17 Jan 17 #399
​cheers, I've learned 3 things here,
1: read all articles and comments,
2: remember someone else is always more knowledgeable,
3: don't believe anything on the internet,
4: don't add extra points when unnecessary.

17 Jan 17 #400
For anyone thinking of doing what I did be careful, my tariff has just changed but they've removed the £5 discount!

Just been on to chat and apparently my tariff is so old that it doesn't exist anymore and neither does the discount. As I've changed the tariff the discount has been removed. Even though it showed my bill would be £3 and no mention of the discount being removed.

I have now upgraded to a 4G tariff (1000 mins + 1GB data) for when I do upgrade my phone. This is £8 but they've given me a £10 credit to make it £7 for the next 10 months.
17 Jan 17 #401
Does the monthly contract begin when you order your SIM online or when you put the SIM into your phone & activate it?
17 Jan 17 #402
can I use this SIM in an Alcatel mobile wi-fi router or not?
17 Jan 17 #403
ive just upgraded my sim only plan i was paying £15 for 2500 mins and 4gb of data well done virgin
17 Jan 17 #404
Virgin will give 30 days notice of withdrawl of EU inclusions as soon as brexit is complete. As will others.Contracts will be shifting networks or MASSIVE deals from retentions if the computer calculates you are worth keeping depending on how much revenue you made the network.

Ofcom will be under no obligation to enforce EU rulings, rates etc etc.

Mobile charges will go up in the UK because of brexit, there will be very little Telecom regulation left - not that Ofcom used to follow all of it.

Lock in as low as you can excluding EU roaming right up till brexit, costs will be going up. Vodafone being massive will prob be the best bet post brexit swiping other networks customers as they have so many EU divisions to support VUK, Three have little EU/International networks, Telefonica Europe have 2, UK & Germany and BT own no mobile networks UK or international.

Here is hoping Voda sort out their third party care (inhouse hopefully) before brexit, because they will have the most to offer.

30 day, 12 or 24 month contracts will all get 30 days notice of EU inclusions removals, the UK call termination rates are down low but the roaming costs will sky rocket like a DWP/NHS/Brexit Tory campaign.

I have already locked myself into 2 contracts for £16.50 a month, unlimited data, texts & calls - I am not wasting time on EU inclusions now and paying more to lose them later. If you want EU calls get a secondary Freedompop roaming sim, activate, throw in drawer and use the app with wifi/data home & EU with its international bundles.

Prime Minister confirmed this will be a hard exit today, no EU single market trading as is.

NHS 300m lies, single market - more LIES...just like Trump playing on fears of the poorest & all to benefit the rich with unregulated markets.
17 Jan 17 #405
I've received my sim today, does it cost to call voicemail on this tarrif?
17 Jan 17 #406
I phoned to cancel with EE told them about the offer for £9 with Virgin and they gave me Unlimited Calls Unlimited texts an 4gb Data for £7.99 :-) RESULT!!!
18 Jan 17 1 #407
If your a new customer it activates when you activate it / start date. For existing customers it activates on your usual monthly refresh date - in my case it was 14th Jan. I just switched phone off then on again after I got the refresh text from Virgin.
18 Jan 17 #408
Got a great retention deal from EE. More or less the same as this deal but you can use 15gb of the data anywhere in europe and you can use all the calls and messages in the EU too. I travel around europe once a month and the first thing I do is turn off my data so this is an amazing deal for me. Thanks Virgin for pushing EE's hand
18 Jan 17 #409
We are leaving the single market. Single Union and everything relate to eu. Everything will be expensive. Brexit still win. Please don't bring politic in here.
18 Jan 17 #410
Cheers, will order this. Only been with Giff Gaff for 10 days; total horror show, never again.
Request my PAC ready to switch over to this deal.
18 Jan 17 #411
Did you change it online or chat adviser gives you this discount ?
18 Jan 17 #412
Heat OP just took out this deal as a upgrade, stepped up from 2GB a month to 20GB, will be nice to be able to surf more when commuting n not worry about data
18 Jan 17 #413
Do you only get to see the £15 price once ordered, as a look online only shows the £25 price in the tariffs?
18 Jan 17 #414
I went on chat and they changed it for me, took about 10 minutes :smiley:
18 Jan 17 #415
Used 6gb of data
And speeds are still:

Download : 24mbps
Upload : 8mbps
18 Jan 17 #416
Do I get a loyalty discount if I'm a Virgin Broadband/TV/Landline customer? Seems like that and mobile use two different accounts on their website.
t rex
19 Jan 17 #417
I am probably on the same deal you used to be on. £7 / month rolling monthly contract (guaranteed no price increase for life) for 1gb. If I understand you correctly you have changed to still get 1gb but of 4g data for £7/month but only for 10 months then £8/month plus any other future price rises.
I don't need 4g so will stick with my old Virgin deal atm.
Thanks for your feedback
19 Jan 17 #418
19 Jan 17 #419
Yes that's correct, I also didn't get price increases. I used to get 1200 minutes on the old tariff so 200 less now but I barely use them. I don't need 4G yet but they said the 3G tariffs are being phased out so it won't last forever but I'd keep it for as long as you can. I've now got to haggle again in 10 months time.
19 Jan 17 #420
I'm guessing it would need to be activated by the end of the month to get it for £15 ?
19 Jan 17 #421
Anybody got their sim yet? Had all paperwork from Virgin. Been 5 days. Oh well guess waiting a few more won't hurt
19 Jan 17 #422
Just spoke to EE as my 12 month contract runs out, was told they have nothing to match this offer and that their January sales offers ended yesterday where he could have offered me £25 for 20gb however he was only able to offer £23 for 10gb

Goodbye EE, Hello Virgin

Quick question when i'm purchasing the virgin sim am i able to set a start day for the sim or isit the day i buy it online a little confused
19 Jan 17 #423

I was informed you can, but they don't provide support if it doesn't work on your phone. I have tethered to other phones, tablets and laptop with no problem.
19 Jan 17 #424
Daaaamn. £1 cheaper a month than BT with 20gb/unlimited calls and texts. Although I get tethering and BT wifi too.
19 Jan 17 #425
BT own EE... which in turn is bigger than Vodafone in the UK.
19 Jan 17 #426
Internationally Vodafone can subsidise Vodafone UK, nationally line rental subsidises BT Retail, mobile is growing, data sims are growing as GB per £/$ etc falls - landlines are falling, BT is no competition to Vodafone, BT debt was £4.6 BILLION and costing £800 million in 2014, in 2015 Vodafone sold its 45% holding in Verizon in the US it could have bought BT off its sweetie money - but who wants to buy a restricted highly regulated massively under invested landline network when connections are falling year on year.
19 Jan 17 #427
Now, about this deal.
Just read this
Freestyle Contracts: Based on a 24 month Consumer Credit Agreement provided by Virgin Media Mobile Finance Limited and a 30 day rolling Pay Monthly Airtime Contract with Virgin Mobile Telecoms Limited. Credit check & payment by Direct Debit required.
So... Is this as virgin mentioned it's 24 months consumer credit agreement. Would use other words and say it's based on 24 month contract.
So what is this bull... About is monthly rolling contact if you are committed to 24.
19 Jan 17 #428
There no such thing as European Rulings or rates. The EU make regulations which has to be then enacted into UK law, I don't remember if these actually went into UK law, the mobile companies reduced tariffs so avoiding the need for it to be put into law, and there was a fuss about pensioners who retired overseas and may end up with much bigger bill. If the regulations were enacted into UK law then Brexit has no effect, as they are now UK laws, and the UK Government would have to choose to repeal them.

Many of the so called "EU Rules" are the same, they were EU directives that are now part of UK Law so will stay in UK law until they are repealed.

I may be misunderstanding you but any contract can go up, there no "lock in" to a set price. 30 days notice is all is needed to change terms, and of course if you don't like them you can walk away, with nothing more to pay.

If you had a mobile with a contract thats great, you get to walk away with the phone, but on a sim only thats not a lot of use..
19 Jan 17 1 #429
What will be will be. Why fear, just accept and move on. If things were so bad, BT wouldn't be able to responsibly take over EE. 4.6billion in debt, ironically it cost around 8billion more to buy EE.
19 Jan 17 #430
Virgin does not allow tethering.

Can tethering be done on the Virgin Network, Yes. Can the network detect it Yes. Will they stop you, probably not in most cases

Virgin could stop you, but the fact they don't is not the same as permitting it.
19 Jan 17 #431
I spoke to their chat - and their agent specifically told me about apps I could download for my android phone to enable me to tether.
19 Jan 17 #432
Key word is "and". I think they mention about two separate offers in one sentence.
19 Jan 17 #433
Maybe, still does not mean Virgin Media allow it. Ask them to give it you in writing, I would not hold your breath.

As I said they don't actively stop it but that does not mean its permitted under the T&C, regardless of what any customer service agent tells you.
19 Jan 17 #434
My source of information was from a Virgin Mobile Rep so I can only go by what they say, and the call centre I got through to was the UK call centre so I am assuming information is a tad more reliable, but then again who knows...

Reading between the lines from the T&Cs, it looks like its tariff dependent, and only applies if you have unlimited data maybe?

Data usage on some Virgin Media tariffs is for mobile internet services and data consumption actually on your handset. It does not include using your handset as a modem to connect other devices such as laptops and tablets - also known as "Tethering". Please refer to your terms and conditions and other communications from Virgin Media to check whether this applies on your tariff. This applies to all new and upgrading customers since 24 January 2013.

If your tariff includes unlimited data, then this is for mobile internet services and data consumption actually on your handset. It does not include using your handset as a modem to connect other devices such as laptops and tablets – also known as “Tethering”
19 Jan 17 #435
Am an existing Virgin customer and phoned up and got the 20gb £15 deal, but then noticed this thread said about logging in via the portal and upgrading via the add on instead to get an even lower rate. Any suggestions on what's best to do to try and get the rate lower than £15 now?
20 Jan 17 #436
I don't doubt what they told you but its pretty clear (bolded) that they don't allow tethering regardless what any customer service agent says.

I'm not saying it won't work, only if you are going to plan on knowingly breaking the T&C and risk later on getting a large bill for data used tethering you may want to consider looking elsewhere...
20 Jan 17 #437
​Like I said, it might be dependent on the tariff you are on, it's conditional (underlined) . Could be wrong. We'll find out sooner or later I guess.
20 Jan 17 #438
Used 7gb of data so far:
Upload is 8mbps
Download 24mbps

Been testing this everyday.
So this looks like the best I can get from this tariff.
Someone posted that it is capped after 4.5gb, but this has not changed for me.
20 Jan 17 #439
Is anyone able to confirm whether the Huawei Nexus 6P runs 4G on the Virgin Mobile Network?
20 Jan 17 #440
Wow. just tried calling to get my old account reactivated for this (former customer - I've been credit checked already). 20 Minutes later, it's not worth the effort. Customer service still bad.
20 Jan 17 #441
Is anyone able to confirm whether the Huawei Nexus 6P runs 4G on the Virgin Mobile Network?
20 Jan 17 #442
​hello.did they let you upgrade.thanks
21 Jan 17 #443
Nowhere on the order from accepting PAC code? I can't see it.
21 Jan 17 #444
Thanks for posting this deal. Used it to get a good retention deal from EE. Cheers.
22 Jan 17 #445
Does anyone know if 3 are price matching this Virgin contract?
22 Jan 17 #446
How will Brexit affect Roaming Charges? Will we return to the ridiculous rip off rates of before?
22 Jan 17 #447
I tried, and they offered £18/month 600 mins, unlimited text and 30gb data, 12 months contract. 4g speed with 3 wasn't that great for me so left them anyway.
23 Jan 17 #448
The Ghostbuster
23 Jan 17 #449
No as they said they don't have a 20gb option you can however got for 30gb 600 minutes and ayce texts for 20 quid thats the offer I got anyway (and apparently I'm a long term customer and they didn't want to lose me)
The Ghostbuster
23 Jan 17 1 #450
24 Jan 17 #451
Has anybody got their sim through yet? Been over a week with nothing
24 Jan 17 #452
Got mine after 1 week . download speed only 5mb to 10mb where as i was getting 15 to 20 mb with ee. Also cannot tether tried with tablet & laptop help !!!
24 Jan 17 #453
Same here, I've received my first bill but not my SIM! Very poor. Being ignored by the VM twitter account and live chat is always 'busy'. Starting to regret this decision already..!
24 Jan 17 #454
Tethering not permitted on this contract as far as I'm aware.
24 Jan 17 #455
Cancelled my contract today as I had signed 10 days ago but no sign of the SIM card. Yet my first bill was ready by day 3.

You have 14 days to cancel from day of purchase. I was told that there will be no cost involved.
25 Jan 17 #456
Virgin don't offer click and collect.
25 Jan 17 #457
As they use the same network you don't need to unlock it.
25 Jan 17 #458
My new tariff refreshed today and it went in at the full £15 per month rather than the £13 it was showing on my account due to an old loyalty discount of £2. I phoned them up and after being passed between departments and finally arriving back at retentions (which is the first place I phoned anyway) I seemed to luck out and get a helpful agent. He reapplied not just £2 discount on my two numbers, but £3 on each. So paying £12 per month now. I couldn't quite believe they did it to be honest as they kept going on about it already being discounted from £25 to £15 etc.

He then looked into my other numbers (kids) and without me prompting or asking, said he could discount those too! So the £9 per month 2gb package I now pay £6 per month for each! Result.

I'm well aware that when someone phones and tries this they are very likely to get a different result. It's the retentions lottery it seems. Plus I have had 4 mobile numbers with them and loyalty discounts for some time.
25 Jan 17 #459
Only run on tier 1 EE which I believe is capped at 1/4 of the available speed.

The other tiers of EE are exclusive to EE only, with virgin you should average about 10mbps.
25 Jan 17 #460
Ordered this sim on Monday and paid £3 for next day delivery. Took me longer to unlock the wife's phone
25 Jan 17 #461
Not sure that is strictly true. I only had 2 out of 4 bars earlier in an out of town area, and I was getting 26mbps down. I suspect inner city it would be much quicker. Will test.
25 Jan 17 #462
It is true tweet EE, the average of 10mbps was my guesstimate but virgin do only use the first tier of EE which has limited speed. I believe BT use the first tier too.
25 Jan 17 #463
How does that explain BT offering up to 60mbps with their Extra Speed bolt-on, or inclusive with their ultimate sim tariff?

Also, Virgin 4G is capped at 25mbps. BT's regular is 30mbps.

Source = have both.

Be sure. It's not true.
25 Jan 17 #464
Extra speed bolt on must be regarding EE double speed , I'm talking standard packages here like the post

EE is upto 120mbps direct with them now
25 Jan 17 #465
Same here, been getting 24 to 25mbps download speed in my local area, even with only 1 or 2 bars on signal strength!
25 Jan 17 #466
I've had letters and direct debits arrive at my house from Virgin but still no SIM card. Not a great start to be honest!
25 Jan 17 #467
Exact same situation here bud, if it's not here by tomorrow I might just cancel it.
25 Jan 17 #468
I have been with Virgin mobile from the early days and have a £15.83 loyalty discount. Just went online and changed my add-on to this deal and it has confirmed my monthly payment as £0.00.
Thanks Virgin
25 Jan 17 #469
my sim took 10 days!!! Maybe they have a backlog.

I called them about the immediate bill but they say billed as per normal cycle and then pro'rata on the following bill from when sim is activated.
26 Jan 17 #470

This is a response to someone's question regarding tethering, posted by Virgin Media on Facebook

"There wouldn't be any extra charge or penalty for tethering, however we don't support it and would kindly ask that you refrain from doing it in the future.

If you would like a mobile data broadband SIM then check out our latest range of offers here:- https://****/Rqs95m

The 3.5gb fair usage policy that we had in place has since been removed, and we know offer data rollover which lets you keep unused data from the previous month..."
26 Jan 17 #471
I have an £8 loyalty discount, but I was told I would lose this when I enquired about switching to this deal. Post #411 from another customer confirms this.
26 Jan 17 #472
The guy only registered yesterday, so take that as you will.
26 Jan 17 #473
If you're referring to the 12 month contract for 200mins and 20G, £20/month with first 6 months half price, I have it and wouldn't recommend, even if it's still available. Both 4G (when available) and 3G is really slow with lousy coverage and even the voice coverage is poor. The data speed is so slow, tethering just isn't viable option.
26 Jan 17 #474
How come it says on the sim ... your unlock pin is **** . Every time you switch your phone off you need to enter it . Anyway of removing it
26 Jan 17 #475
Yes. It will be in the phone's settings.

On an iPhone it's Settings > Phone > Sim Pin. idea.
26 Jan 17 #476
Cheers found it on google
26 Jan 17 #477
Wow, nice. I couldn't get my rep to budge lower than £9.99 for the same, but that's still far better than what I had previously.
26 Jan 17 #478
Will this work in phones with the same band as phones on EE network, ie band 20 missing won't be an issue?
26 Jan 17 2 #479
25mb download speed everywhere i go, fast enough for me
27 Jan 17 #480
Anyone managed to keep 08 call allowance on 4g?
27 Jan 17 #481
Ordered my SIM on the 18th Jan, still not arrived. Anyone else waited 9+ days for theirs?
Virgin were significantly quicker setting up the DD and sending me my 1st bill...
Hopefully, this isn't a sign of things to come
27 Jan 17 #482
Unless you plan on ordering more SIMs from them, not sure how this could be a sign of things to come.

Anyway, have you contacted them?
27 Jan 17 #483
The email says 5-7 working days. I'm still waiting on mine and received my DD and my bill very shortly after ordering..
27 Jan 17 #484
I ordered 4 on the 18th but only received 2 but managed to get the 2 ported over no problem actually in about 18 hours which was great. Phoned customer service and gave off about receiving only half my order so they are sending out another 2 sims overnight through yodel
Data speeds are faster than my WiFi 25mb compared to giffgaff 2mb
28 Jan 17 #485
My current contract ends with EE mid-march, I can request my PAC code mid February, if I order this simo now before end of January to get the offer, do I have to activate it by any certain point in time or can I leave it until I transfer my PAC code to it? Does anyone have a similar experience? :sunglasses:
28 Jan 17 1 #486
it'll come into force straight away I'm sure. you won't be able​ to defer activation or anything.

the PAC / port your number I think can be fine anytime
28 Jan 17 #487
anyone advise charges to use in canary islands which is not in eu? i currently pay £3 a day to use vodafones uk tarrif
28 Jan 17 #488
Try cosmovoip.
29 Jan 17 #489
Any one done this and got cash back via Quidco? I'm thinking about it. The £15 one
29 Jan 17 #490
I went through TopCashBack, and it tracked at £25 pretty quickly. Expecting payout in a couple of months I guess.

Don't forget this deal ends in a couple of days.
29 Jan 17 #491
Got EE to match this offer, question for those who have also managed to do this, have you been put on the 4GEE plan or 4G Max?
29 Jan 17 #492
Did u do the £15 deal or?
29 Jan 17 #493
Well, yes, of course. We're in the comments section of the £15 Virgin deal after all.
29 Jan 17 1 #494
True lol, so you get £25 back Every month coz that's what it's like via Quidco
29 Jan 17 #495
That's not how Quidco, or any cashback site, works.
29 Jan 17 #496
Wat do u mean ? How does it work then?
29 Jan 17 #497
I mean you will not get reoccurring amounts. Otherwise Quidco would be paying you £10 a month (well if they were offering £25 still) to have this SIM deal. Your cashback only pays out on the initial purchase.

How it works is you click through to the Virgin Mobile site via Quidco. If the purchase tracks, which it should do if you have all adblockers turned off, then you will see the amount of cashback Quidco are offering in your account. At this stage it will be marked as tracked. After a given time it's status will change to payable and you can withdraw it. There can be issues, tho, and never take any cashback as being guaranteed.

For what it's worth, for this deal, Quidco are offering £12.06....

....and TopCashback are offering £25.
29 Jan 17 #498
I mean you will not get reoccurring amounts. Otherwise Quidco would be paying you £10 a month (well if they were offering £25 still) to have this SIM deal. Your cashback only pays out on the initial purchase.

How it works is you click through to the Virgin Mobile site via Quidco. If the purchase tracks, which it should do if you have all adblockers turned off, then you will see the amount of cashback Quidco are offering in your account. At this stage it will be marked as tracked. After a given time it's status will change to payable and you can withdraw it. There can be issues, tho, and never take any cashback as being guaranteed.

For what it's worth, for this deal, Quidco are offering £12.06....

and TopCashback are offering £25.
Oh cheers mate. I'm going via Quidco as I don't understand the TCB one, would it mean that it's free?? It also says £136/7 a yeah does that mean if you do a 12 month contract? Cheers for explaining mate
30 Jan 17 #499
I'm experiencing very poor virgin mobile signal in my area
30 Jan 17 1 #500
Just rang EE retentions and they matched this deal straightaway but with 12 month contract and not 30 day rolling if that helps anyone. They said that Virgin only has the 'base' 4G network at 30mbps, as opposed to the EE 4G at 60mbps. Hope this is of some use.
30 Jan 17 #501
Cheers, same as me then, up to 60mb (4GEE Plan)
31 Jan 17 #502
Spoke to virgin on chat as wouldnt let me order online. was on chat for 40 mins and still didnt get anywhere.

Just stick to my talktalk unlimited everything bundle for £20.
31 Jan 17 #503
As far as I am aware you can only order online (via checkout), on the phone or in store.

Not sure why you would be on chat for 40mins?
31 Jan 17 #504
Ended my ridiculously expensive O2 contract last week for this, i only just got my sim card yesterday, and immediately rang them and provided my PAC code, number is now transferred and all is good, shame it took them long to deliver my sim card though.
31 Jan 17 #505
I phoned EE last night too and they offered £14.99 on 12 month contract.

I didnt clairfy which 4G it was cos I didnt realise there were two options.

But she did say up to 60mb and also the orginal cost per month was £34.99 - but I couldnt find this price plan on their website
31 Jan 17 #506
Happy to go with the Virgin offer with the 30 day contract - the website struggled for ages but finally got the order processed.
31 Jan 17 #507
Just to let anyone on EE know, they are currently matching this with added extras. The deal is:

-Unlimited minutes
-Unlimited texts
-20GB 4g (Double speed ie. upto 60mbs/s) data
-500mb roaming data (renewed every time you return to the UK)
-Unlimited calls and texts within the EU
-12 month contract which at the end reverts to £34.99/month unless you call 45 days in advance to cancel/renew (the earliest day you can request to cancel or upgrade).

Personally, I took the EE upgrade over this.
31 Jan 17 #508
Do you have a link to this EE offer?
31 Jan 17 #509
The woman i was seaking to on chat said she could place the place the order for me.

Because to be polite wasnt the brightest bulb in the box. I needed my details for logging onto the website so i could go through topcashback however she was pushing me to go theough her so in the end i just ended the chat connversation.
31 Jan 17 #510
Just used this offer as an argument to change my EE contract down to 14.99 with their retention service... thanks OP
31 Jan 17 #511
Hell the £6 a month double data deal seems top notch. I pay a fiver with 1gb with iD, but coverage isn't great... Virgin/EE... maybe worth a try back.
31 Jan 17 #512
Another thing worth mentioning is EE told me that with Virin and other 3rd party services who piggy back off their network, they do get less priority on the bandwidth. So if a lot of people are online, Virgin customers would be lower in the priority and may suffer from slightly less speeds.

It may just be a sales tactic but she was genuinely quite honest with other stuff so I believe her.
31 Jan 17 #513
Whaaat?!?!! Just noticed about the price reverting back to £34.99!!! Is that definitely true as I wasnt told this. Is there an option to automatically renew?
31 Jan 17 #514
No, no way to automatically renew. But if you call well in advance of the end date (45 days being the earliest), they will renew at that price for another year. They may also have better deals available by then looking at the way things are going so I'd rather have the option to discuss better deals. Just put a reminder in your calendar and you're all sorted.
31 Jan 17 #515
Slower 4g however I believe? Not as fast as direct with EE.
31 Jan 17 #516
Could a mod add: ends 31/1/17 to the title
31 Jan 17 #517
I got 4G MAX+ unlimited calls and 15GB to use in EU for £15.
31 Jan 17 #518
Limited to 25mbps. But that's just fine for a non-thethering (officially) SIMO plan in my opinion.
31 Jan 17 #519
Did you call up EE for this deal or do it online some how?
31 Jan 17 #520
Just did it online for £15 and then offered £5 loyalty discount so great deal for £10 a month. Took a screenshot in case of any issues
31 Jan 17 #521
Can someone please tell me if EE allow tethering?

I was about to grab the Virgin deal, but that EE one is tempting.

31 Jan 17 #522
Thanks to this deal manage to use this as leverage with EE retention team, called them up as my contract ended today and they knew about this virgin offer and offered the same as others on a 12month simo unltd mins, txts, 20 gb of 4g data, can use anywhere in the EU and 500mb of internet in EU at the higher end of data speed, added bt sports free for 6 months too, so I decided to take the plunge and commit to EE. You have to ring 150 for deal.
31 Jan 17 #523
Took the plunge on this last week, was on Vodafone with a month to go but I ported my number over nevertheless since this is such a good deal. Data speeds seem good, much better than Vodafone as I wasn't able to use 4g with them (no band 20 on RN3 pro). Virgins 4g network works on phones without the band 20 in case anyone's interested.
31 Jan 17 #524
I keep hearing people getting these discounts, but all staff I spoke to said they can't double discount.

Was this over phone or online chat?

Were you an existing virgin mobile customer?
31 Jan 17 #525
I got the same, I had an £8 discount, and despite it showing up at checkout when I went back into my account it was no longer there but the full amount of £15. I consequently cancelled, after deciding I don't need that much data and today went for the double data offer instead for £9. Again, the discount showed as £1 being my monthly payment but in my account it's £9.

CS confirmed the loss of discount despite the receipt saying otherwise, but they kindly re-instated my discount when I cancelled. I've printed off both receipts showing the discount, but I'm not going to chase it up again as they'll just say the same and for an extra £2 a month on my part I'm getting 4G and 2GB.

Someone else had a similar experience, and you're one of the lucky ones if you still get your discount. As a matter of interest were you offered the £5 discount today?
31 Jan 17 1 #526
I just rang Ee to cancel my contract with them (it ran out last month). They asked why, I told them I was taking this deal and she immediately matched it, so I'm staying with Ee. The only difference/negative is that I'm tied in for another 12 months (virgin is just 30 days) but personally this is less hassle for me
31 Jan 17 #527
Just ordered this and have my pac code but can I transfer my number? If so how?
31 Jan 17 #528
Just taken the plunge - and found out I can get £32 cash back via my work's scheme!
31 Jan 17 #529
Be careful that when they do the annual July price rise, the percentage will be based on the correct amount rather the discounted price, that why I told them to go spin when they did their last price hike.
31 Jan 17 #530
Wait till you get your SIM, check you're happy with the reception, then ring 789 and choose any option to speak to a rep.

They ask you for security info, then the PAC code and your old number. If done before 6pm, it'll be done the next working day.

More info here: Virgin help.
31 Jan 17 #531
because its a rolling contract when price rise hits time to look back on here for a better deal.
31 Jan 17 #532
I have signed up to this, yet to receive my sim card a week later. Also, has anyone tried tethering? I did ask a few times to be clear when I ordered it and the lady said tethering is fine. She also mentioned using an app but I don't know about this. Any help would be appreciated.
31 Jan 17 #533
It's a retention's/phone only deal.
31 Jan 17 #534
Tethering works, but is not allowed.

Hope that clears it up.
31 Jan 17 #535
Newsflash. They never cared.

Loyalty is a made up concept by ignorant consumers.
31 Jan 17 #536
Great deal, would go for it if the EE service where I work wasn't so patchy.
31 Jan 17 1 #537
FYI, no Hullomail support on Virgin mobile which is a pain. You have to use a stone age voicemail system.
31 Jan 17 #538
I was on giffgaff there internet has become slower since I first joined 3-4 years ago. Virgins internet is waaay better there signal seems to be just as good if not better so yeah go for it 20gb compared to 4gb for same price is such a good price and the extra minutes if you need it.
31 Jan 17 #539
just got off the phone with virgin & asked about £15 deal with 20gb internet & told them i have a £5 loyalty discount on my account , after a few mintues talk with someone else, he cameback & said its fine & put the discount on, so i got deal for £10 a month. happy days , (now just a wait for the sim to come in the post)
31 Jan 17 #540
Question. Are these loyalty discounts from previous Virgin Mobile contracts, or just Virgin Media in general?
31 Jan 17 #541
Virgin Mobile
31 Jan 17 #542
Lucky you, and what a great bargain you've got.
31 Jan 17 #543
Looks like the TCB cashback has now dropped to £12.50 instead of the aforesaid £25...
31 Jan 17 #544
Is it possible to put a spending cap with Virgin Mobile so you are not charged more than the £15 per month?
31 Jan 17 #545

You should get texts when you're about to run out of allowance.
31 Jan 17 #546
Thanks for that. Didn't realise this one, so glad I decided to go back to Three from Voda.
31 Jan 17 #547
I'm currently with Three and the best the can offer me is 10gb Data with 600 mins on a 12 month plan for the same money. I genuinely just want to leave them and get this deal with Virgin but just can't make the decision. Ideally I wanna go with EE as they offer 4G LTE and 4gb Data roaming free but its £23 per month :disappointed:
31 Jan 17 #548
You've got about an hour to decide.

Look at it this way. You go with Virgin for a couple of months, and if it works for you then great, but if not you know you can leave when a decent EE deal comes up.
31 Jan 17 #549
was it me, of did virgin mobile website just crash at 2355??
31 Jan 17 #550
Same here.
1 Feb 17 #551
Probably just updating the deals, but did it a bit early.
1 Feb 17 #552
You'll probably find that you actually have 15GB of data to use in the EU and that BT Sport is a benefit for the whole term of the contract - not just 6 months.
1 Feb 17 #553
Gutted I have just missed this, Vodafone running out in 3 weeks :disappointed:
1 Feb 17 #554
I was told by EE retention team that the BT sports was a trial?
1 Feb 17 #555
Thanks for headsup. Got it last night. Topcashback issues with wanting bacs but it kept asking again and so gave up but continued purchase at virgin.
Any ideas if cashback can be added again if it messed up?
1 Feb 17 #556
just ring them im sure they will do it
1 Feb 17 #557
You can call on 0800 064 3820. They processed it after I told them their website had technical issues last night which prevented me from checking out.

I had to insist somewhat as the initial advisor was reluctant, but it went through in the end.
1 Feb 17 #558
yes they were fine about it! I just said I tried yesterday but had issues with the website and they took the order over the phone no problem...
1 Feb 17 #559
​What was all that BS in the T&Cs about you agree to taking out 24 months finance, when the deal was only a 30 day contract?
1 Feb 17 #560
It was in relation to a different product.
1 Feb 17 #561
Yes, but still listed in the terms and conditions of that package.
1 Feb 17 #562
Be careful, even though it says it's a 30 days rolling contract, apparently they can lock you in for 24 months and there's nothing you can do about, since there's no a single place that it says you can cancel your SIM only contract without paying any fees.

Check this blog post:

I'm waiting for someone from Virgin to comment, otherwise I'll cancel the contract.
1 Feb 17 #563
That's what i'm talking about, did no one read that?
1 Feb 17 #564
Exactly! That is what I was wondering... And when asking Virgin (believe me, I was with them for one hour on the phone) and they can't give you ANYTHING that proves that you can cancel at any time.

Initially the lady said I was in a 24 months contract, after disputing that, she told me that she was mistaken and I could cancel it at any time giving 30 days notice. When I've asked for proof, she spent 20 minutes looking for the ToS and said: "Look, I've found: Pay Monthly SIM Only: 30-day minimum contract applies." which I promptly said "that could be anywhere from 30 days to my whole life, which doesn't mean anything".

The only way to get some proof (if it's real or not) is to send them a letter that it could take up to 28 days for them to come back to you, which means you're tied in the contract already when the answer comes back. Unless someone says something in the next 2 days in that post, I'm out.

I've also tried to get hold of the recording of the call, and she said it was possible, but I had to wait 10 working days, call them back, ask for the recording then (surreal, right?), and it would take 40 days for me to receive a CD at home. And it's possible I'll call them in 10 days time and they'll tell me they never had the call in the first place. (believe me, it already happened to me with my Virgin broadband).
1 Feb 17 #565
I asked them about this just now in online chat, they confirmed it's a rolling contract that I can cancel with 30 days notice anytime after the cooling off period. I then asked them to email the transcript.
1 Feb 17 #566
Did they?
1 Feb 17 #567
Yes, there's an option in the chat window to email the transcript. I now have written proof of the cancellation terms.
1 Feb 17 #568
Perfect. I'm going to try this now.
1 Feb 17 1 #569
@junglestrike: That worked.

After giving the details of my contract they said: "I can 100% confirm that this is a 30 day rolling sim-only, we would only require a 30 day notice period to cancel"

And just to be 100%, I've asked if there was no cancellation fee after those 30 days, and he said there isn't any.
1 Feb 17 #570
Panic over then? :wink:

Although I can see how the terms are ambiguous. Did they say what the 24month credit agreement relates to? Handsets perhaps?
1 Feb 17 #571
They didn't say, but that's what it looks like. Having a generic contract if you're on a SIM only contract or financing a handset doesn't seem to be a brilliant idea, but I guess that's what they do.
2 Feb 17 #572
I initially thought the same but after logging into my account it looks likes its included in the package. I may be wrong though.
2 Feb 17 #573
Anyone know if Virgin have an app that works on Android to check remaining monthly allowance? The one I found just says it can't connect to the server while I am using Virgin 4G coverage.

They've also failed to port my number from my Vodafone account.

I suppose if they mess up I can dump them within 14 days anyway from the order date.
2 Feb 17 #574
If you're planning to port a number with these clowns I suggest you don't bother. I've had my Vodafone number disconnected and been told by Virgin that it can take up to 48hrs to reconnect that number.

Plenty of REAL (not MVNOs) offering similar deals now. I suspect Virgin might not even make it to 30 days.
2 Feb 17 1 #575
As a counterpoint, I rang them Monday afternoon and less than 24hrs later I had my number ported across from PlusNet.

When did you request the transfer?

Well yes, but last month no-one could touch 20GB on a rolling month contract for £15. Which is what this deal was.
2 Feb 17 #576
Ordered the sim last week, still waiting for it
3 Feb 17 #577
Funny enough 1 week waiting for SIM, but Virgin Mobile has already charged me for the last week even though I've not used the service. Seems a underhand tactic to scrape some money from new contracts. Not sure I like the start of this.
3 Feb 17 #578
​That's what happened to me I rang them after a week and they sent me a replacement next day delivery.
3 Feb 17 #579
Cancelled mine in the end, I had missed just how expensive the roaming data is. Probably just renew with VF I think.
4 Feb 17 #580
For anyone now on this tariff with Virgin, what's the signal and speed like where you are? Thanks
6 Feb 17 #581
Hi , so Today I switched to this amazing deal from 4gb unlimited mins and texts usually £15 with loyalty discount £5. I changed the monthly tariff online and when changing the tariff it clearly said that my £5 discount will continue and the monthly cost will be £10 per month. However today I received a text message from virgin informing me that my upgrade was successful and the £5 monthly discount has been removed. I called up virgin and spoke to the retention team and they said they cant do anything about this as the deal is already discounted and i cant go back to my previous package either.

Im so upset and annoyed about this, when changing my tariff it clearly said total monthly payment £10 this is the only reason why i changed. Is this even legal to do showing the customer a certain checkout price then changing it to £15.

Can someone please advise if they had a similar experience and if there is anything else I can do!
6 Feb 17 #582
Note - even though Facebook and WhatsApp won't eat into your data, if you run out of data facebook and WhatsApp will be charged for or stop
7 Feb 17 #583
1 mb at your account should solve it. Anyway thx for a proper rules explanation
19 Feb 17 #584
Barely a month after getting this deal. Virgin have been dumped already!
28 Feb 17 #585
My £25 Top Cashback has gone to payable :smiley:
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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