I.e. £17 a night each. Most locations under £70 for the two nights. Must stay 2 consecutive nights out of the four Thurs to Sun. Bookings for 1 January to 31 march 2017. Plus topcashback 7.8%. Rooms very luxurious with very big Samsung TV with full free view same channels as free view in full HD (very rare in hotels, even if to is HD it's not in use usually).
May include gym and pool use usually booking on their site does but doesn't state anything about it. In my opinion club rooms aren't worth it.
26 Nov 161#6
Heat added - brilliant price. Rang the Liverpool hotel before booking as couldn't see free parking listed on the website. Can never be sure these days :innocent:
25 Nov 161#5
Some even cheaper deals than that actually - LEeds north 2 nights in January is £46 total for 2 people!! Good deal.Village hotels tend to be out of the centre somewhat but normally decent enough for what they are in my experience, and certainly at that price.
25 Nov 162#4
Just booked lovely club room stayed. Before. Big bed big room and giant tv and tassimo coffee maker if u book u get free breakfast as well with Black Friday deal good bargain
25 Nov 161#3
Thanks OP got good deal for weekend
25 Nov 161#2
Cheers OP, looks like a good deal to me.
2 nights booked in March just for the hell of it with breakfast for £58.30 all in, Hot ...hopefully just like the breakfast :smiley:
25 Nov 162#1
Other good offers too on there
50% odd Xmas party nights and BOGOF Sunday Lunches in January.
Opening post
May include gym and pool use usually booking on their site does but doesn't state anything about it. In my opinion club rooms aren't worth it.
2 nights booked in March just for the hell of it with breakfast for £58.30 all in, Hot ...hopefully just like the breakfast :smiley:
50% odd Xmas party nights and BOGOF Sunday Lunches in January.