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Upcoming - Titanfall 2 (Xbox One & PS4) £24.99! Black Friday Sneak Preview - @ hmv
5+++ stars +1.4k

Upcoming - Titanfall 2 (Xbox One & PS4) £24.99! Black Friday Sneak Preview - @ hmv

£24.99 HMV 19 Nov 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
19 Nov 16
hmv are going a little bit mental for Black Friday!

The leading game title will be Titanfall 2, priced at £24.99 on all available console formats.

This isn't supposed to be public, yes, I am a naughty boy. But at this price, it's only fair to let people know what to expect for Black Friday!

First ever time posting, so sorry if anything is incorrect or I'm not supposed to post deals that aren't actually available yet.
Top comments
19 Nov 16 16 #4
Heat for Titanfall and for being a naughty boy . Other deals seem a bit meh.
19 Nov 16 12 #16
This is gonna sound really, really weird. But I didn't realise posting a deal on here would be so exciting! Definitely gonna have to stop being a lurker
19 Nov 16 10 #2

I think the Guitar Hero double guitar bundle, Lego star wars and AC syndicate are also pretty well priced. :smiley:
furiousjammin to MannDuo
19 Nov 16 9 #24
​You get a weird fuzzy feeling every time you come back. And you get addicted to checking how much heats it's got and who is commenting. You get protective if anyone puts a negative comment "my precious".

First posting. We've all been there :wink:
Latest comments (197)
25 Nov 16 #197
titanfall2 deals still on hmv went today cant find it
25 Nov 16 #196
​I don't know either. Surely this thread should be deleted purely because of incorrect pricing and misinformation. Anyone could have typed what's on that bit of paper on a PC... :neutral_face:
25 Nov 16 #195
Got Titanfall 2 on PS4 from HMV store in Glasgow today (not busy at all) for 19.99 only one game per person.
25 Nov 16 #194
good few in Aberdeen I bout at 11.20 and still lots left but a lot had been sold must have been extra stock here
25 Nov 16 #193
Apparently Worthing sold out in 2 minutes.
25 Nov 16 #192
None in Coventry
25 Nov 16 #191
Sold out in Manchester, one per customer.
25 Nov 16 #190
Went to local store on opening this morning. A few people waiting outside. There was only 2 copies on xbox one and someone grabbed both of them. Seen a CEX manager run in to try and find a copy further in the store but there was none. Think there was a couple PS4 available but they wont be there now.
25 Nov 16 #189
Friend of mine managed to get me and my mate a copy from Gunwharf Keys, although it was limited to one per customer :wink:
25 Nov 16 #188
Picked up the only PS4 copy at HMV Basingstoke for £19,99

Seems a bit early to just havec1 left when onlyv1 per customer (and it's quite quiet here really)
25 Nov 16 #187
Just got mine from HMV Staines they have a couple left... Thanks OP... shut up and take my heat!!!!
25 Nov 16 #186
I ain't going to no shop, fool!
I pity the fool...
Mr. T.

25 Nov 16 #185

THE ****.


IT'S NOT EVEN £24.99 :laughing:
25 Nov 16 1 #184
just bagged it from hmv. 19.99!
25 Nov 16 1 #183
Just bought mine for £19.99 in store.
24 Nov 16 #182
​HMV don't sell games online
24 Nov 16 #181
Can't believe HMV are doing a reduction on video games. I'm sure FIFA 14 is still £50 in there stores!
24 Nov 16 #180
Is the titanfall offer available on line?
24 Nov 16 #179
Cold lol

Cheaper with simply games
24 Nov 16 1 #178
It is. F*** knows why this is still sitting unexpired. It's one of the hottest deals in Gaming ever, and it doesn't even have the right price. Someone else posted £19.99 (see Top Deals).
24 Nov 16 #177
I asked in store, my local is open from 8am and will only have 5 copies (I'm assuming that's 5 for each platform, but I could be wrong.)

They said they'll put aside a copy for me, but we'll see if it's actually there tomorrow morning.

I didn't ask about the price because I was in a rush
24 Nov 16 #176
I thought TF2 was going to be £19.99 ?
24 Nov 16 #175
You are KIDDING me!? Hmv do not sell games online anymore this in-****-store only? F*ck Op!
24 Nov 16 #174
What time tomorrow is this gonna happen?
24 Nov 16 1 #173
John Lewis is price matching is it not for TF2 and hopefully Amazon will too.
24 Nov 16 #172
I was thinking more whether everywhere else will price match.
24 Nov 16 #171
Probably the latter due to the closure of so many HMV stores over the few years. Also don't forget about the bawbags who will be there at 5am to queue up so they can buy dozens of copies to flog on eBay. :stuck_out_tongue:
24 Nov 16 #170
So are we expecting £20 copies of TF2 to be bountiful tomorrow? Or am I going to have to wade into HMV elbows flailing?
24 Nov 16 #169
Isn't this now confirmed at £19.99? Expire.
23 Nov 16 #168
Do HMV tend to get stock in for this? I popped into my local today to find a not so massive amount of PS4 games made up of about 8 different titles, very poor offering indeed.
23 Nov 16 1 #167
I went into HMV Leeds today to ask about this.

the very helpful staff member said , when asked about the price being dropped 'maybe, maybe not'
23 Nov 16 #166
You can 'technically' buy it now and for under £25... If purchased from the Indian xbox store. Only negatives are that theres no physical disc (if buying as a pressie) but on the plus side, no physical disc!! :smirk:
23 Nov 16 1 #165
Yes you can buy it today on-line.

Unfortunately not at £20/£25 from HMV though. :smiley:
23 Nov 16 #164
I saw an advertising hoarding for HMV on another site saying it's gunna be £19.99!!
23 Nov 16 #163
​Haha I didn't even check that previous comment. Thanks anyway :smiley:
23 Nov 16 #162
Can I suggest reading up by at least one post? :wink:
23 Nov 16 #161
Can you buy online from HMV?
23 Nov 16 #160
Just seeing you say "order" - bear in mind that HMV no longer sell games online; this is in-store only (but may actually end up being priced at £19.99).
23 Nov 16 #159
Could be tempted to order this...

Thanks for the post!
22 Nov 16 #158
Great Find! Make sure you post sneaky upcoming offers, headsets and other stuff.
22 Nov 16 #157
Seems like it's been a few hours since we've had this, so, can I buy it today and ideally *online today*? :stuck_out_tongue:......
22 Nov 16 #156
Nah, Doom is still better, gameplay wise..
Although I loved Titanfall 2 as well. Maybe second best for me.
For those who haven't played TF2, it's essential you do.
21 Nov 16 #155
​shhh your telking them the secrets
21 Nov 16 #154
MannDuo I have unexpired and edited back again to £24.99.
If a price changes by any significant amount you should repost rather than edit
21 Nov 16 #153
When is this happening :disappointed:
21 Nov 16 #152
To be fair to the OP, it had over 1.5k heat and loads of comments before the 'possibly £19.99' amendment.

It's all a bit weird to be honest, as the £19.99 mention in this thread, and this standalone thread, all seem to stem from this one tweet which has had no other verification. The other HKUD thread looks to have just photoshopped the twitter pic to make it look like it's from a different source.
21 Nov 16 #151
Hi MannDuo
As you posted this at £19.99 and have just edited to £24.99 I have edited this back to £19.99.
If it is £24.99 it will need a new thread as all the heat and comments are based on it being £19.99.
The difference between £19.99 and £24.99 is quite a lot.
21 Nov 16 #150
Saw this on twitter.
21 Nov 16 #149
Why don't you just read the thread?
21 Nov 16 #148
Thanks cheapest playsation plus deal
21 Nov 16 #147
Can we buy online from HMV?
21 Nov 16 #146
Will we be able to buy the game online from HMV?
21 Nov 16 #145
Sad nerd bringing this lame nerdy fanboy shi* in a deals website lmao
21 Nov 16 #144
It wasn't on sale today in HMV Leeds
21 Nov 16 3 #143
Don't most new games run like **** for the first few week on PC nowadays?

I think the top played game on Steam is 'Waiting For New Driver Simulator'
21 Nov 16 #142
Yep this will be a £5 by Crimbo, Battleborn will be free to play and bonus DLC free, Killzone and Knack will both be on ps+ in December too...

but shssssssssssssssssh don't tell everyone.....
21 Nov 16 #141
How is Titanfall 2 potentially £19.99? Your post doesn't explain! :confused:
21 Nov 16 #140
You shouldn't believe everything you read on reddit.
21 Nov 16 1 #139
​Haha good one. I hate CoD not played it for years. Ive put in around 700 hours on TF1 so I know what im talking about. Id say its you who hasnt played Titanfall before. If you did youd be hard pressed to recommend TF2
21 Nov 16 #138
The OP posted a pic of a promotional display showing the game at £19.99.

They have since deleted this pic. Possibly realising that posting potentially sensitive information from the company you work for, on a public deals website, might not be the smartest thing to do. Especially if there is anything in the picture that could identify them.
21 Nov 16 #137
Anyone actually been in HMV to see if this price is live now? Or if it's only on Friday.
21 Nov 16 #136
Am I being stupid here? I've read the comments but can't see how it would be £19.99?
21 Nov 16 #135
Any ideas on restrictions per person? I wanna get 3 (son & 2 nephews)
21 Nov 16 1 #134
Absolutely brilliant game, well worth £20!
21 Nov 16 #133
£19.99 yes please :smiley: but no HMV near me :disappointed:
21 Nov 16 2 #132
Looks like we found the CoD fan.
21 Nov 16 #131
No suprises whatsoever that this game is down to 20 quid. Its garbage in all honesty. Plays nothing like the original. Will be £5 by Christmas.
21 Nov 16 #130
Is this available today at this price??
21 Nov 16 #129
Wow this year has been brutal on sequels, Titanfall 2 despite been great is bombing as is Watch Dogs 2! CoD despite impressive numbers is way down on what they expected too! Crazy.

Oh and not to mention Dishonored 2.
21 Nov 16 1 #128
Will this only be in store or online too?

21 Nov 16 #127
Anyone think amazon or Tesco will price match ?
21 Nov 16 1 #126
21 Nov 16 #125
Ok I'm looking at HMV online and I can't even find games, am I looking in the wrong place? Wanna be alert and ready to buy!
20 Nov 16 #124
Guys, everyone says the other games's prices are nothing special but where can / will I be able to get fifa 17 cheaper than that for the ps4, between now and Christmas?
20 Nov 16 #123
I don't know what the process is, but I hope either Tesco or some online retailer match this price as the nearest HMV would require at least £10 in petrol & parking. Would be great to get it delivered
20 Nov 16 #122
HMV no longer sell games online.
20 Nov 16 #121
Is this due to be live only on Friday or all week, also is it only in store?
20 Nov 16 #120
amazing game on and offline...
20 Nov 16 #119
when does it go this price Friday? I'm gona bite for sure at this price! :smiley:
20 Nov 16 #118
Will probably be cheaper before Christmas
20 Nov 16 #117
Good work OP on using HKUD to heavily promote this deal. Hopefully you get a bonus from work :smiley:
20 Nov 16 #116
To everyone saying they hope "amazon price match" this deal can I ask what's the process of getting them to price match. Waiting for emails to exchange on black Friday seems a little long winded, especially on BF.
20 Nov 16 #115
​its a lot of content for not a huge sum of money. I put over 1000 hrs into Destiny and yes it can get a bit samey eventually but if your a new player it will take a long time before you've seen and done it all
20 Nov 16 #114
Is this instore only? Just registered on their website and they don't seem to sell games online?
20 Nov 16 #113
Hey! Check out the Titanfall/Battlefield 1 deluxe pack deal on here, the comments include links to buy roubles and purchase from the Russian store for £46
20 Nov 16 #112
Wish they sold PC games :disappointed:
20 Nov 16 #111
Simplygames has had it cheaper recently, a simple search on hukd shows that :wink:
20 Nov 16 #110
Read the footer of the notice reqesting that they use social media to promote, especially the TF2 price!
20 Nov 16 #109
is the destiny deal worthwhile?
20 Nov 16 #108
hopefully amazon will price match as hmv only have one store in this area which is miles away and no doubt it will sell out straight away
20 Nov 16 #107
So? Nothing wrong with a heads up surely?
20 Nov 16 1 #106
Playing this more than COD remastered. Well worth £25
20 Nov 16 1 #105
Seems like a convenient "leak", drive some free traffic.
20 Nov 16 #104
Will this be online too?? Nearest HMV is miles away for me :disappointed:
20 Nov 16 #103
Hot. Huge improvement on that psn discount code con a couple of days ago. Talking about that, it's no surprise that code came out a week before black Friday when all the companies are probably going to hugely discount titanfall 2. I assume it simply does not have the cod or bf following and so sales have been comparably low? I want to give it a go and will make a b-line for HMV on Friday. Thank you for the insider knowledge OP.
dai bonehead
20 Nov 16 #102
I'd spend that credit asap. Giving game your cash as credit is bonkers.
20 Nov 16 #101
Thanks for the heads up
20 Nov 16 #100
Wtg on ya first post op heated for your enthusiasm lol and coz I told my bf to wait till Black Friday to get but he didn't listen lol ha ha ha.... I woz right again lol
20 Nov 16 1 #99
No worries. Every other deal ever posted from the in-crowd isn't available yet. :smirk:
20 Nov 16 #98
Thanks for the post. Might get Titanfall 2 for my lad...
20 Nov 16 #97
I hope Game can pricematch this as ive got over a £100 instore credit and titanfall is on my sons list for xmas :wink:
19 Nov 16 #96
heat for titanfall good SP and multiplayer is great!
19 Nov 16 #95
PS3 cod infinite warfare bundle for £160 and now titanfall for £25, turning out to be a good day for deals :laughing:. Now just need to see if I can get a dual shock 4 with double up nectar points
19 Nov 16 #94
At a guess, that'll be for once the announcement's been made, not before.
19 Nov 16 #93
if your not supposed to tell us then why does it say please use your social media account to heavily promote titanfall 2 at the bottom
19 Nov 16 #92

We get Black Friday deals every week of the year.
19 Nov 16 #91
I already have titanfall from release day. when did online fps become playable for the campaign? the online multiplayer is good, time to kill is low but now the meta way of playing is to camp. if everyone ran round jumping wall to wall like it was suppose to be the multiplayer is bloody good. pun intended,
19 Nov 16 #90
If you want them for the single player this is probably the best time to buy as their trade in value is still high.
19 Nov 16 1 #89
Amazing titanfall deal. Good move by Sony starting the ball rolling...probably should have waited.
19 Nov 16 #88
After reddit posts, it seems that TF2 is already half dead due to low player counts! Month or two and you will be able to pick a copy af TF2 for a tenner!
19 Nov 16 2 #87
HMV don't sell games online.
19 Nov 16 #86
Is this deal only in the shops, can it not be bought online?
19 Nov 16 #85
h m what? lmao
19 Nov 16 2 #84
Its release timing really didn't do it any favours, sandwiched right between Battlefield 1 and Infinite Warfare.
19 Nov 16 #83
Great! I just paid £42 3 days ago.
19 Nov 16 #82
So This price drop isn't a shocker. Triple A games that don't sell well initially, will always have big price drops early. I'm guessing Dishonoured 2 will be the same.

I read TF2 sold less than TF1 and that says alot considering TF2 has released not only on the Xbox, but the PS4 and PC!!!
19 Nov 16 #81
going a bit mental fo black friday? bit timid by looks of it. When will they go bankrupt?
19 Nov 16 1 #80
Love Titanfall 2, awesome game that's put battlefield 1 and COD IW/MW on the shelf. Each for their own, but for me this is the evolved COD. But different enough to warrant buying battlefield 1 and this. Great price.
19 Nov 16 #79
What's the couple words missing from the last line?
19 Nov 16 #78
Digital deluxe copy and BF deluxe from Russian Xbox was only £50

Although this is a great price for physical! Hear added
19 Nov 16 #77
I didn't know at first. But as i've just realised, the 'new' hmv website doesn't actually sell games.

So it will be instore only by the looks of it.
19 Nov 16 #76
@OP: Is this in-store only as far as you're aware?
19 Nov 16 #75
I'd pick up Syndicate for £13!
19 Nov 16 #74
Good price for that one. The rest are a bit meh though. Thanks anyway though!
19 Nov 16 1 #73
Holy fudge balls on cocktails sticks, this was unexpected.

As has been mentioned a few times, the others on the list aren't exactly "deals" in comparison to other retailers, this was only posted for Titanfall though, was just the only way I could take a picture of the price.

If there's any changes in pricing between now and then, I will update here.
19 Nov 16 1 #72
I doubt they'd want it public knowledge already, nobody is going to buy it at the current price now!
19 Nov 16 #71
Thanks OP - looking forward to getting this next Friday.
19 Nov 16 #70
Naughty Boy??

Haven't they asked you to "heavily promote" the price of Titan fall 2 on social media??
19 Nov 16 #69
Actually a great deal. Nice one hmv
19 Nov 16 #68
Other than Titanfall 2, you can get same prices or cheaper already elsewhere.

I expect Titanfall 2 will be cheaper from other retailers before Friday anyway
19 Nov 16 #67
same here. heard a lot positive feedback bout those already. i just say: black friday :smile:
19 Nov 16 #66
If hmv are prepared to go £24.99 for titanfall 2, i wonder what tesco/amazon/asda will but the price at?
19 Nov 16 #65
Good price for Titanfall is good but all the others are very average!
19 Nov 16 2 #64
I know what you mean, and it's not just HMV - Black Friday is supposed to be about amazing deals but most retailers now treat it as an excuse to just make small reductions. The cheeky monkeys..
19 Nov 16 #63
Most likely Friday since its a Black Friday deal.
19 Nov 16 #62
wow cheers was waiting for a cheaper copy of titanfall 2 heat
Shakey Mic
19 Nov 16 #61
What is this?
19 Nov 16 5 #60
It is a sad state if affairs when a digital game on sale comes in at £39.99, remember when they would blame all the packaging and retailers cut for those £40/50 game prices, who are they blaming now. Lol
19 Nov 16 #59
Nice for such a prem title so soon!
19 Nov 16 #58
lol marketing 101. of course you werent meant to let us know. its not as if anybody will act aggressively to counter it, its only one game
19 Nov 16 #57
Thanks OP. Heat added. I am still in a little bit of a "I'll believe it when I see it" mode, but thanks for the heads up.
19 Nov 16 #56
F*** Yeah!!! Glad I listened to my instincts to wait till Black Friday to finally pick up Titanfall!!
19 Nov 16 #55
£10 for boxing day at the rate this game is dropping
19 Nov 16 #54
Good Mann, get in there. :smiley:
19 Nov 16 1 #53
titanfall is a deal, the rest are very poor.
19 Nov 16 1 #52
It's pretty much the only good deal on it.
19 Nov 16 #51
Heat from me, however the Birmingham hmv store's selection of games are slim to none. So wont even try disappoint myself.
19 Nov 16 3 #50
Honestly, probably not the best. Small stores only stock between 10 and 20 of each. Large stores aren't much better.

Most stores are opening at 7am. But as someone said above, wouldn't surprise me if other retailers price match this - probably the reason it's meant to be private, to try and jump the market on Friday. Think I accidentally ruined that though :/
19 Nov 16 #49
Looks like the only deal on there, but dunno if to bother with titanfall or not :neutral_face:
19 Nov 16 1 #48
HUKD loves naughty boys (and girls, especially). Great post. Heat added
19 Nov 16 #47
good price I like the early black Friday double deal on xbox one £71.49 for Titanfall 2 Battlefield 1 both deluxe editions. so £10 extra over this deal for deluxe isn't too bad.
19 Nov 16 #46
Any idea what your stock levels are likely to be op?
19 Nov 16 1 #45
The deal is for Titanfall 2 only really, the rest are on the picture because it's the only thing I could take a picture of to show the Titanfall price :disappointed:
19 Nov 16 2 #44
Black Friday? :neutral_face:
19 Nov 16 #43
hmv first thing on Friday for me.
19 Nov 16 #42
How's this burning the site when prices are hardly offers on any given Friday never mind Black Friday.
19 Nov 16 #41
Thanks OP :smiley:
19 Nov 16 #40
any idea when these deals start?
19 Nov 16 #39
Thanks OP! Heat added.
19 Nov 16 #38
Titanfall 2 best out of this list
19 Nov 16 #37
nice one OP for posting! :smiley:
19 Nov 16 #36
Hmmm my Russian Titanfall Deluxe is slightly better than this- though at least picking this up you can trade. Ah well
19 Nov 16 #18
Any deals on consoles
MannDuo to rdbradshaw
19 Nov 16 #35
Nothing better than what you can get elsewhere.

PS4 deals haven't been secured yet though, so we don't know what they're doing with those yet.
19 Nov 16 1 #19
Will this be both online and in store?
MannDuo to Madman123
19 Nov 16 #34
It'll most likely be on the website too. Lasts years "sale" with the same tags was on the website too, I'm not 100% certain though.
19 Nov 16 12 #16
This is gonna sound really, really weird. But I didn't realise posting a deal on here would be so exciting! Definitely gonna have to stop being a lurker
furiousjammin to MannDuo
19 Nov 16 9 #24
​You get a weird fuzzy feeling every time you come back. And you get addicted to checking how much heats it's got and who is commenting. You get protective if anyone puts a negative comment "my precious".

First posting. We've all been there :wink:
dougrobbins78 to MannDuo
19 Nov 16 1 #25
lol it's surprisingly fun. Acceptance and even praise from our deal seeking peers. Ah the joy

Note: above may seem sarcastic but I assure you it's not :man:
toiletseatlicker to MannDuo
19 Nov 16 #30
Bure11 to MannDuo
19 Nov 16 1 #33
Welcome to the place :smiley: keep em coming
19 Nov 16 #32
Infinite Warfare Singleplayer is awful. Look up any reviews online, this is widely agreed. I managed to get through it but do yourself a favour and go for almost any other COD game if you are after the singleplayer. I'm not a huge fan of the multiplayer either but zombies is great fun.
19 Nov 16 #31
Bleh. Barely any good deals. Titanfall 2 is well worth it.
19 Nov 16 #29
Lovely price
19 Nov 16 #28
Naughty boy. Don't expect much from Santa this year!
19 Nov 16 #27
Heat for posting early but there will be all manner of retailers doing the same and probably beating that price hands down on black friday!
Pukka deal
19 Nov 16 #26
Nice one, Thanks for posting
19 Nov 16 #23
So glad I never bought it at launch like last week.....
19 Nov 16 #12
Titanfall 2 is a good deal but the rest geez! do hmv even know what black Friday deals are all about!
Babbler to slimdavey
19 Nov 16 1 #22
Not see star wars lego that cheap before.

Hopefully Amazon will price match. To be honest expected amazon to have the titanfall for £25 on Friday anyway...
19 Nov 16 #21
Excellent price
19 Nov 16 1 #20
Crap. Nothing exciting
19 Nov 16 #17
Nice was going to grab it off Xbox store but that's a much better price -although I reckon HMV won't be the only ones reducing Titanfall 2 so may play the waiting game to see what emerges, if not HMV it is!!
19 Nov 16 1 #15
If the deal gets too hot, it's probably the new hell for being so naughty! lol
19 Nov 16 1 #14
​Same here, I think titan fall will be £20 or under by January. The first game didn't hold it's price for long, even the season pass content become free after a short time.
19 Nov 16 1 #13
Heroes don't always wear capes. Thank you for the heads up!
19 Nov 16 2 #10
Great price, I'm not really a fan of physical games but at this price I am going to have to give it some thought.

Problems for gamers :stuck_out_tongue:
mixmixi to oUkTuRkEyIII
19 Nov 16 3 #11
I am a fan of physical games and I am a fan of you so mathematically it makes you a fan of physical games too. Problem solved. :smirk:
19 Nov 16 3 #9
Titanfall deal is great but the others are shocking!
19 Nov 16 #8
nice deal, heat OP.
19 Nov 16 1 #7
Heat! May have to pick it up at this price!
19 Nov 16 3 #3
Single player campaign is supposed to be amazing. Up there with DOOM 2016. Defo gonna get it for this price.
DannGo to neilanderton1
19 Nov 16 #6
I want both Titanfall 2 and Infinite Warfare just for the SP. Going to have to wait for huge price drops for how short they are, though.
19 Nov 16 16 #4
Heat for Titanfall and for being a naughty boy . Other deals seem a bit meh.
MannDuo to DannGo
19 Nov 16 1 #5
Yeah generally hmv are quite behind when it comes to games, so the others aren't amazing (good for hmv though)

When I was going through the commercial pages this morning and seen Titanfall 2, I thought it was a typo, but it's been agreed with the suppliers, so is definitely happening!
19 Nov 16 10 #2

I think the Guitar Hero double guitar bundle, Lego star wars and AC syndicate are also pretty well priced. :smiley:
19 Nov 16 #1
I'm on mobile and can't seem to post a full size picture in the comments, I'll post one when I'm home later
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Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours
3 stars +115

Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours

£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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