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Tesco Mobile Christmas Offer : SIM only £12.50 pm for 6gb or £17.50 pm for 12gb
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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17 Nov 16
**This deal has now expired BUT: the £20pm for 20GB is BACK!! So I'll look out for that one posted soon ¬.¬

I don't know how much it is per year but since only about 4 people in the UK pay for their year's SIM only contract upfront I don't overly feel the need to do the maths.

Quidco seem to be offering £27.50 at the moment.
If paid out with the Tesco App it would bring the monthly payment down to £7.50ish a month..Bargain
- thisismark
Top comments
17 Nov 16 4 #1
It's worth stating that if you're already on Tesco Mobile and are paying less than this £12.50 a month, you can upgrade to this tariff (or any other higher priced tariff) without having to start a 12 month contract all over again. I got this deal for both myself and my wife the other week
17 Nov 16 4 #8
In case it helps, I've been very happy with Tesco Mobile on a rolling monthly contract for the past few years.

The signal has always been excellent, 4G data is fast, and the customer service is UK-based and very helpful. I don't think I've ever waited to speak with someone. And if you prefer, you can always sort out any problems or get a new SIM card from a Phone Shop in a Tesco store.

This past summer, they had a "feel at home" thing (similar to Three), where you could use minutes, texts and data in the EU without additional costs. Once that ended in September, the roaming charges are quite fair - about 4p/min for calls and 1p for texts in the EU or back to the UK. Foreign usage was important for me, as I travel quite a lot.

Obviously, your local signal may vary - and others may have had a less enjoyable time with them - but I thought a review of long-term usage might help anyone thinking about committing to a new 12m contract with no previous experience.

Er... and no, I don't work for Tesco!
17 Nov 16 3 #12
I jumped on the 6gb offer last month, was on a rolling 1 month contract with them with 2gb for £12.50. No brainer getting 6gb for the same price.
Been with them for a couple of years now (they network share with o2). Had no issues, 4G is quick and coverage excellent. Call centres are uk based and always really helpful.
Latest comments (78)
24 Nov 16 #78
Been on the phone for almost 40 mins but I gave up, first person couldn't update the 3 mobiles on my account to the current black Friday deals, been with Tesco for years so my contracts are now rolling, that seems to be a problem. Nice staff tho.
24 Nov 16 #77
Only 300+ heat on this deal is crazy!!!
I have my Quidco account tracking at £27.50.
With the Tesco App this will cost £7.21 per month
23 Nov 16 1 #76
Yeah that's not to bad, maybe they just had enough of folk phoning up. Good stuff though
23 Nov 16 1 #75
Did as suggested but they still wouldn't budge. So I called today to basically have a moan haha, said I didn't think it was fair some customers could move but I wasn't allowed, been a loyal customer for years etc etc. So they've lived me to a tariff of 1500mins and 4gb data for £12.

I'm happy with that!
21 Nov 16 #74
Was just gonna get this for my wife! Now a third of the minutes and half the data for just £1.50 month less! Oh well sorry tesco but you won't get my custom now
21 Nov 16 #73
Gone from the site, replaced by their Black Friday deals. Closest is £11/mth for 4GB and 250 minutes.
20 Nov 16 #72
Today was supposed to be last day of deal.
20 Nov 16 #71
Thanks for the posts. I upgraded my 1 month rolling contract (£10 - 750 min, 5k texts and 1 GB data but paying £7 because of xtras app) to £12 per month yearly contract (they offered either 50p off or to increase minutes to 1000 or upto 7GB data allowance as loyalty as I have been with tesco for a while). If I will ever use 6GB mobile data is another question. And on top of this, the support guy upgraded my data allowance to 8GB till my next billing cycle from today. Tesco mobile is brilliant :smile:.
20 Nov 16 1 #70
just did it myself, was on £10pm 1Gb rolling contract, upgraded to this offer (£12.50 for 6Gb), asked for a little more discount as im a loyal customer, gave me 50p off, so £12 a month....better than nothing i suppose
19 Nov 16 1 #69
Yeah its strange this one. Although I do agree the first guy from whatever dept I phoned couldn't do it and gave me another number. Unfortunately I binned the number, was 0345 something, not the freephone number.

Sorry, maybe wait a few days and try again, its a shame to miss all that extra data for a couple of quid.

Good luck!
19 Nov 16 #68
This deserves a lot more love. Heat added.
19 Nov 16 #67
I'm on £10 1gb. They said no customer in contract could change I told them plenty of posters on a well known bargain site had done just that. They said whoever has posted that was lying. So apparently you're lying.

I can't abide companies who can't be bothered to at least try to treat all customers equally.
19 Nov 16 1 #66
I was on the £11, 2gb sim. As mentioned, no issues with switching. No idea why
19 Nov 16 #65
I asked about that and was told it wasn't possible.

Tried again this morning in case I got someone having an off day and nope. I'm not allowed to change tariff.
18 Nov 16 #61
Just called. I have a £10 sim only contract with them. They said if I wanted to switch I'd have to pay £80 then take it out as a new contract.

I did ask them why some customers (as mentioned here) were able to change in contract but not others. They said anyone who claims to have switched in contract is lying haha.
ibblackberry1 to Wotan
19 Nov 16 #64
They originally quoted me £40 to switch, I said I was looking to upgrade my tarrif, they said another department had to deal with it and they put me thought and I was upgraded immediately, no one off cost and no extension to my contract.

The new data allowance starts in about 30 days for me
18 Nov 16 #63
Regards X'tras this app is available for Tesco Mobile custoners with Android mobiles and can be downloaded from play store.
You get add's on unlocking your phone normally only every second or third time so not every time.. you do NOT have to have your mobile data and or WIFI switched on 24hours a day.. to qualify for the discount you need only to view one addper day.. although you will prob get more ..for at least 21 days of your billing month.
You get a free extra 200 mb of mobile data a month added to your account which I have found more than covers the data used.
You don't have to click and open the adds you can just close them down if you want.
If you qualify as previously mentioned you get £3 a month off your bill.. and if you have more than one qulifying phone on your contract you can put the app on each phone and therefore get £3 off per phone.
There is an option within the App to pause the add's for two hours which is
handy if you are doing something and really don't want an add popping up.
I have run the App since it started and happy to do so.
Been a Tesco Mobile customer for over seven and half years and very happy with the service .. mobile use and Tesco Mobile themselves.
18 Nov 16 #62
Yes it's a 12 months contract ☺
18 Nov 16 #60
​I assume so as that's a proper change in existing terms
17 Nov 16 4 #1
It's worth stating that if you're already on Tesco Mobile and are paying less than this £12.50 a month, you can upgrade to this tariff (or any other higher priced tariff) without having to start a 12 month contract all over again. I got this deal for both myself and my wife the other week
mikeh1982 to mcaf123
17 Nov 16 #10
​how would this work? currently paying 11.50 a month for an almost useless 1gb of data, can I just go into tesco (with a phone shop obviously)?
daedos to mcaf123
17 Nov 16 1 #21
didn't work for me, they said it would be a new 12m contract.
cruisecars to mcaf123
17 Nov 16 #30
This is not correct im a long term customer they said i would need a new 12month contract !
fireman1 to mcaf123
17 Nov 16 #32
So this is confirmed not correct?
I pay 10 a month and would certainly upgrade to get this on my existing rolling one month.
I do feel however that common sense says that you would have to sign a new 12 month contract? Love to be proved wrong though.
X10 to mcaf123
18 Nov 16 #59
Presumably if you're on a 1 month rolling contract you would have to take a 12 month out?
18 Nov 16 #58
I don't believe it does from what I've read and Tesco say they 're-imburse' the data that the app uses at the the end of the month anyway. I think it's 200Mb or something, which is actually more than the app uses, so reports have been that you get a bit more data on top each month anyway.

Edit: Link
18 Nov 16 1 #57
Heat added, just gone up from 3GB to 6GB for no extra cost. Excellent network never had a problem
18 Nov 16 2 #56
Gone for this after I realised my tariff-only charge was £28 from O2 last month!
17 Nov 16 #14
Took this deal for £9.50 (£3 discount using Tesco Xtras App & extra 250Mb)

Tesco has proper 4G in my area. Tempted to get rid of phone & broadband at home now?
bestestbud85 to cullies
18 Nov 16 #54
Hi whats the tesco xtras app? Cant find it. Tnx
17 Nov 16 #53
​I'm just repeating what the customer service lady I upgraded my tariff with told me. She specifically said as it's more expensive than the one I was on, I won't have to enter into a new contract (although I wouldn't have cared because it's such a good deal)
17 Nov 16 #52
Anyone know how long this deal is available for? I don't need to change mine for another month..
17 Nov 16 #51
My wife and I have been with them for 3 or 4 years now. I'm just repeating what they told me on the phone last week and based on past experience of doing this multiple times before
17 Nov 16 #50
​When I called them up last week that's what they told me. I've also done it before when I was on a contract linked to a handset. Whenever I found a better deal than the one I was on for the same price or more, they have always put it through as an upgrade within my existing contract terms
17 Nov 16 #49
I did it this morning and as I was increasing my monthly payment there was no increase in the contract term.
17 Nov 16 #48
I had been on GiffGaff since they started. I left for EE (silly mistake) I then rejoined GiffGaff and after a month or so, they stopped the unlimited 3G and went to 4G, which seemed the same speed as their 3G. Anyway, I bought this. Suppose it comes with the 14 day cooling off. I've got a rooted android. I'll see what I can do and see if I find a workaround for the app. :wink:

I suspect this app uses a fair amount of data!
17 Nov 16 #47
I just phoned up customer services and the changed my tarrif to this one. Took 10 mins. Contract term not extended, no other charges.
17 Nov 16 #46
Realistically what 4G speed ISN'T minussed a bit. :smirk: This is why they're working on 5G.
17 Nov 16 #42
Surprised Apple allows this, if it works on iOS.
Bit intrusive and I think I'd rather pay the extra £3. Considering the £12.50 is pretty damn cheap as it is.

Any comment on their 4G and tethering?
americanv8 to Mortis123
17 Nov 16 #44
4G is very quick & no issues with tethering.
daedos to Mortis123
17 Nov 16 #45
Android only.

Yes, 4G and tethering allowed. Network is O2 based so take that speed and minus a little bit. Will you notice the difference? Unlikely. Get the deal.
17 Nov 16 1 #43
Yes,I don't mind though, no intention of moving on.
17 Nov 16 #41
It does require that you look at ads yes but you can close them immediately. Personally I just don't want to **** my phone out as it would feel less personal. But they are still nevertheless giving you £3 a month off. You have to be a bit realistic and expect to have to do SOMEthing for £3 off every month.
17 Nov 16 #40
Hi all. Iam with id mobile on monthly contract and pay 12.50gbp for 6 GB data but from January will be a year when Iam with them and offer 12.50 GBP for 6Gb data will end and I will have only 3Gb.
I think to jump on to Tesco mobile 12 month contract for 17.50 with 12gb data. Pls tell me which is the best way to get it cheaper. Via top Cashback or Tesco mobile app. If app did You all mean Tesco mobile xtras?
17 Nov 16 #39
Yuck! And you HAVE to have it on 24 hours a day?

Wonder if you can activate this on a tablet and then block the app in the host file? Or does it need to confirm ads opened/viewed?
17 Nov 16 #38
it forces ads on your phone
17 Nov 16 #37
I was just reading their page about it... does it force ads on your phone or do you open the app and view an ad?

It sounds like the former.
17 Nov 16 #36
Yes but still very very annoying i would rather not save £3 its not worth it for all those adverts its a pain for someone that needs to use a phone for checking emails etc
17 Nov 16 #35
otherwise forced to pay remaigning contract fee even when upgrading
17 Nov 16 #34
new customers or people eligible to upgrade only.
17 Nov 16 #33
It does not flash up each time you use the phone about twice a day and easily dismissed by hitting X key on advert
17 Nov 16 3 #12
I jumped on the 6gb offer last month, was on a rolling 1 month contract with them with 2gb for £12.50. No brainer getting 6gb for the same price.
Been with them for a couple of years now (they network share with o2). Had no issues, 4G is quick and coverage excellent. Call centres are uk based and always really helpful.
cruisecars to americanv8
17 Nov 16 #31
Are you signed up for 12months now ?
17 Nov 16 1 #7
using Tesco Xtras app you could potentially bring it down by another £3 per month.
cruisecars to alladin
17 Nov 16 1 #29
I wouldnt use that unless you have time to waste each time u use your phone
17 Nov 16 #28
17 Nov 16 1 #27
Tethering on Tesco mobile. YES!
17 Nov 16 #26
Is tethering available and wifi calling?
17 Nov 16 #25
Yes sure does. Get the App on your phone and simply follow the instructions.
17 Nov 16 #24
​cool, I already have quidco, and the tesco app will reduce the cost each month automatically?
17 Nov 16 1 #23
I think I am ready to go for this one as been with Tmobile forever on 3G.
Daughter has a small rental agreement and only pays £4.50 per month with the app.
Yes like you I prefer Quidco
17 Nov 16 1 #16
Quidco seem to be offering £27.50 at the moment.
If paid out with the Tesco App it would bring the monthly payment down to £7.50ish a month..Bargain
The_Hank to thisismark
17 Nov 16 #19
​how do you do quidco and the tesco app?
MitchellT to thisismark
17 Nov 16 #22
Balls, that was the first place I checked and I didn't read the full line, saw the handset bit and thought it wasn't applicable.

Hopefully I'll get something from topcashback but much prefer quidco.
17 Nov 16 #20
Sign up for an account at Always clear your internet history and cookies before using.
Just simply add the Tesco App onto your phone simples.
17 Nov 16 #17
Do they use O2 ?
patcho to snoopy18
17 Nov 16 1 #18
Yes, they are 10% owned by O2 too
17 Nov 16 2 #2
Nice deal, they actually have real 4G speeds when compared to giffgaff.
eslick to MitchellT
17 Nov 16 1 #15
giffgaff are getting worse, how they justify 2Mb speeds on 4G is beyond me, I got a reply from their MD the other week when they were bragging about their profits, effectively he said the profits help o2 with their network upgrades, my reply back was that's great but its not helping giffgaff customers when they have the two tier system with o2 and Tesco getting the speeds and GG not. Only going to get worse form them with Sky getting ready to start a mobile service using o2. I am not signing up to a 12 month deal until we see what they can offer. In our area o2 has the best coverage, even of the others tell you they have.
17 Nov 16 #13
Shame still in my O2 contract for a little while, heat.
17 Nov 16 #5
How many minutes & texts included? Thanks
cullies to naturelover
17 Nov 16 #11
750 minutes 5000 texts

£9.50 when u put 'Tesco Extras App' on ur Android phone
17 Nov 16 1 #9
Great customer service plus every pound

you spend is another Clubcard point
17 Nov 16 4 #8
In case it helps, I've been very happy with Tesco Mobile on a rolling monthly contract for the past few years.

The signal has always been excellent, 4G data is fast, and the customer service is UK-based and very helpful. I don't think I've ever waited to speak with someone. And if you prefer, you can always sort out any problems or get a new SIM card from a Phone Shop in a Tesco store.

This past summer, they had a "feel at home" thing (similar to Three), where you could use minutes, texts and data in the EU without additional costs. Once that ended in September, the roaming charges are quite fair - about 4p/min for calls and 1p for texts in the EU or back to the UK. Foreign usage was important for me, as I travel quite a lot.

Obviously, your local signal may vary - and others may have had a less enjoyable time with them - but I thought a review of long-term usage might help anyone thinking about committing to a new 12m contract with no previous experience.

Er... and no, I don't work for Tesco!
17 Nov 16 #6
New customers only??
17 Nov 16 1 #4
Heat again & great customer service
17 Nov 16 #3
Decent price! Heat!
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