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 Sky - Rejoin with 75% off and £100 credit
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Sky - Rejoin with 75% off and £100 credit

£100 75% off Sky Digital15 Nov 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
Spread the word - don't keep it to yourself
Opening post
15 Nov 16
Not sure if this will work for everyone, but if you have left in the last 12 months and want to rejoin try this. It won't work if you're in your notice period, although some are getting offered 60% and £50.

Google "come back to Sky" and click on their add.

Packages available are here
- W1zz
All comments (1182)
15 Nov 16 #1
I clicked on the ad, but get a 'can't process your order online message'
15 Nov 16 #2
Sorry cold only for some :disappointed: good if you can't get it though!
15 Nov 16 #3
yesterday I was offered 75% off and £50 credit and accepted. it worked out the £38 package over 12 months was equivalent of £5.33 a month. but I'm not tied into 12 months contract, it's 30 days rolling. with £100 off it would mean the 12 months being £114 minus £100 credit which is £14 over 12 months or £1.17 a month if you can get the deal. maybe the £100 is for a 12 month contract and £50 is 30 day rolling. technically I can cancel after 5 months and have 5 months for free
15 Nov 16 #4
​Same here
15 Nov 16 #5
I'm getting the cant process response.

Suspect i'll getting a phone call at some point this week [usually at 7pm when i'm trying to get the kids to bed!]
15 Nov 16 #6
Page is broken
Sorry, this page isn't available at the moment.

Please try again later. In the meantime, check out My Sky to manage your account and more.
15 Nov 16 #7
Tempted, can I get variety bundle and add sports for less than the £20 complete bundle?
15 Nov 16 #8
same here, can't process your order online
15 Nov 16 #9
Same. December 1st we are de $kyed :-)
15 Nov 16 #10
Yes it's also for 'rewards' too - can't see then besting this for subscription prices.
15 Nov 16 #11
Are they any good? I'm thinking of leaving Virgin
15 Nov 16 #12
I got variety, cinema and sports for £17 a month. Originally they were giving me the full package for £20.90, but I didn't need the boxsets nor HD so had those removed.
15 Nov 16 #13
I logged in on an old account and that particular bundle isn't listed. Not sure if you could pick the original bundle and then, if you can add the sports package before you finalize the order.
15 Nov 16 #14
looks like that's going to be a common message. I got it too. It's normally a tactic used to lure you in and then attempt to sell you something else.
15 Nov 16 #15
Awesome. Quick live chat and all sorted, 75% off, £100 credit and 31 days rolling contract.

Can't remember when i last paid anywhere near full price for sky tv.........
15 Nov 16 #16
Although it's showing on my account as 75% with £100 credit, I've just tried chat to see fit there was any option but with a Sky Q. Was told not, but I could update to Sky Q at a later day, but he couldn't say what the cost would be.

Then he tried to get me to upgrade via the chat but was only offering 60% and extra for the HD Package. Kept saying I could only get that offer via chat. Even though I can see the better offer on my account.

I politely told him I'm going to think about it - Cheeky so and so.

Logged into my account and upgraded with 75% off and £100 credit. :stuck_out_tongue:
15 Nov 16 #17
As long as you don't have any deals on anything , they will give you 75% off and £100 credit, if you do then they will only match whatever offer you have, only option then is cancel and you just have to firm with them and be patient if they don't give you what your looking for, I've never had worse than 50% off in last 10 years
15 Nov 16 #18
Worked fine for me. Left sky 2 days ago. Effectively got it free last year and again this year
15 Nov 16 #19
i play this game with sky every 12 months ( i canx - see out my 30 days notice - then they keep sending me emails tempting me back with some randoms offers ) best one i seem to get is 60% off the package and a 100-00 credit ( seem to get that 3 - 4 months after my canx date ) great deal if they have up their game to this ......
15 Nov 16 #20
Worked for me too, Thanks
15 Nov 16 #21
Cheers OP ordered it, HD doesn't cost extra guys my services are already on and everything works in HD despite what the small print says
15 Nov 16 #22
Worked for me too.
Thanks OP.
15 Nov 16 #23
Has anyone had Sky Broadband / Sky Talk but NO Sky Tv in the last 12 months managed to get this deal?
15 Nov 16 #24
Sky 2015 Black Friday deals were below, just to give an idea of what they offered last year.

Sky has unveiled several deals on its TV bundles as part of its Black Friday deals.
Customers signing up to Sky TV online will receive a haul of free gadgets, including a 32” LG TV, Samsung Galaxy Tab E and LG Soundbar.
Other freebies include ten buy and keep movies from the Sky Store, or alternatively a £100 reward.
The deal, which runs from November 23rd through to 23:59 November 30th, is likely to generate a lot of interest among potential customers, many of whom may view it as an ideal way of preparing themselves for the upcoming festive season.
Sky is also using the Black Friday week to offer customers 12 months of free Sky Broadband Unlimited without TV, which comes with a free Samsung Galaxy Tab 4, £100 M&S or Tesco e-voucher or £100 Prepaid MasterCard.
It's not just new customers that are set to benefit, with Sky offering existing TV subscribers 12 months half price and the chance to upgrade to the Family Bundle, 12 months of half price Sky Go Extra, or the chance to upgrade to Sky Multiscreen for 12 months at half price.
15 Nov 16 #25
​It's definitely not a targeted offer
15 Nov 16 #26
Obviously your a liar
15 Nov 16 #27
We had a similar deal last year.

For the package we wanted it worked out that Sky were actually paying us £2 to have Sky TV for 12 months.
15 Nov 16 #28
I left quite a while ago, but have a sky+hd box and dish still in use. did a online chat and was told I had to phone to get the offer.
15 Nov 16 #29
Once you pick your bundle is there an option to add Sports or Movies, because there isn't an option for the Variety Bundle plus Sports.
15 Nov 16 #30
Just completed on the full package including hd sports and movies for £20.90 a month and £50 credit. Not bad at all
15 Nov 16 #31
​I had no code. and my account was way outside the 12 offer....bluff.. only thing I didn't haggle was getting a new box as I don't have one atm
15 Nov 16 #32
Just make sure you have cancelled and then go on the webchat page that comes up once you log in or try one of the others come back to sky links and quote this. I was on a 60% off desl withbaccount credit which had 11 months to run and cancelled again. Got the 75% off just by asking. There is a massive thread on misc about this as someone who has been getting deals for 14 years no one should ever be paying full price for sky or even virgin.
15 Nov 16 #33
Wait until 21st when sky have some mega Black Friday deals starting
15 Nov 16 #34
I hope th credit is not a sky credit to buy/rent movies
15 Nov 16 #35
I don't know, just ask for it, they will probably give it you
15 Nov 16 #36
Did you talk on the phone and get told £20.90 as there systems are not set up properly yet also?
15 Nov 16 #37
Anyone paying full price to sky is a MORON!!!!
15 Nov 16 #38
can you get the sky q box with this deal? as I don't no if my old one works.
15 Nov 16 #39
​were you in your notice period or cancelled?
15 Nov 16 #40
Does any one know what happens to the left over credit?
Say if I take original bundle, so that's around £68 for the whole year.
What happens to £32 if I decide to leave after 12 month? Do I get it paid ?
15 Nov 16 #41
​Complete bundle is Box Sets bundle with Sports, Cinema and Sports HD pack
15 Nov 16 #42
No code needed just patience and perseverance on phone call
15 Nov 16 #43
I cancelled mine yesterday which was costing my 65pm, I was offered 7 off pm discount. Obvz I said no. Unless they offer better I won't be returning
15 Nov 16 #44
​no. it's for sky+ only
15 Nov 16 #45
Just a heads up for anyone - legal bits at bottom includes 'Discount does not apply if you change your package.'

They've usually applied discount if you add channels, take them off, in the past, so good idea to check what they mean by 'package'.
15 Nov 16 #46
​You can't beat sky for TV despite there reputation and hatred by all here.
15 Nov 16 #47
Sky **** all over loyal customers again?

I'm paying £52 A MONTH and that's not a full package (no movies etc)
Still got like 8 months remaining :disappointed:

I'm off after that....jokers
15 Nov 16 #48
Did you not get SkyQ in the end?
15 Nov 16 #49
Thanks OP.. £100 credit added plus 75% discount after 30 mins chat..
15 Nov 16 #50
Engage your brain, understand new trends and maybe one day, after years of working at it you too will be enlightened.
15 Nov 16 #51
out of interest is it 75% off whichever you choose? I need a bb/phone potentially tv bundle.
15 Nov 16 #52
I'd left about 2 months ago [after coming out of another discounted + credit deal!!]
15 Nov 16 #53
canceled sky about a month or two ago, went to IPTV, but at this price sky is cheaper for me ( kids TB and entertainement)

android box is still great for series thou :grin:
15 Nov 16 #54
I was a month into a 60% and £50 credit and did it again on Friday and got the 75 couldn't get credi as there was already some on the account
15 Nov 16 #55
Ok dude!
15 Nov 16 #56
The 'failure' message's URL is "" - that last part likely means I'm excluded I guess. Cancelled around 2.5 years ago but still have an active sign-in/account.
15 Nov 16 #57
15 Nov 16 #58
Got ask as many post they get these discounts and credit but all iv got so far is 35% off max and have started the cancellation process I was on variety bundle and HD subscription which was £44 p/m starting to feel it's only certain packages that get these deals
15 Nov 16 #59
Cracking deal thanks for this post, I've just left sky and then re-joined hopefully all get activated fine :smile:
15 Nov 16 #60
no, it sits in your account
15 Nov 16 #61
I called to cancel the other day for £25 pm for full package for next 12 months that's after having it for £25 a month for 12 months on a mates rates deal
15 Nov 16 #62
Going to try again then leave it for a few days :smile: I've played this game for a few years now and to be fair, I only cancelled today...luckily I did as I had the date down wrong but full price was about to kick in in exactly 31 days!
15 Nov 16 #63
For people who aren't getting an offer - try downloading the sky services app and sign into that. I was getting an offer (50% off for 12 months) pop up everytime I signed into it, but the offer wasn't showing through their website.

Worth a go.
15 Nov 16 #64
I don't know why anyone would bother with SKY.

Just get urselfs an Andriod box and get all the channels free.


‌ :stuck_out_tongue:
15 Nov 16 #65
i got the offers - lots of different ones all with %75 off and £100 credit. just gotta see what the missus wants now
15 Nov 16 #66
​when did you leave sky?
15 Nov 16 #67
Been offered 75% off and £50, just having issues getting it applied as they say I didn't pay final bill which was under £10!
15 Nov 16 #68
In the last 14 years paid full price about 6 months, had three 75% ,one 50% and one 60% in the last 5 years plus about £300 credit and 3 new boxes including two 2tb ones if you don't play their game you don't get anything :smile:
15 Nov 16 #69
I left Sky in October so thought I'd gI've this ago and phoned them up and not a problem at all.

Signed up to the box set package at £9.50 a month which will be £114 a year, take away the £100 credit and that brings mine down to £1.16 a month so happy days.

Many thanks OP
15 Nov 16 #70
Anyone got a number to call.

Number I called says they are now closed, call back between 730 and 2100!
15 Nov 16 #71
True but let's face facts anyone quitting just to get a better deal is lying also.
15 Nov 16 #72
I can't seem to get this deal. I've signed in to my account but nothing is there. I cancelled sky about 5 days ago
15 Nov 16 #73
it depends who you get through to and the way you push, I ended a 60% deal last Friday which had 11 months to run and still had credit on my account, got 75% off a few hours later couldn't get the credit as already had some. If you don't try you certainly don't get :smile:
15 Nov 16 #74
To check what offer is available, login in to your sky account online and under 'My Sky' menu, you should see an option called 'left sky in last 12 minths' and clicking on it should bring this page of offers listed by OP.
15 Nov 16 #75
wow this looks like a really good deal. My 12 months ends next Wednesday so cant give my notice till then.
Currently on full package including multi room but old Sky+ boxes for £31 per month
15 Nov 16 #76
Not as good as your delusionary skills Coco!
15 Nov 16 #77
Took me 10 minutes on the online chat, after a few minutes of being fobbed off by the idiot on the phone line.

I refused to accept the 75% + £50 credit on the phone as it's not what the terms online state. I refuse to jump through hoops to rejoin a dying company that won't exist in 5 years!
15 Nov 16 #78
Chat not currently working for me.

I'm a current phone/BB customer and gave up TV late 2014. Going to try it on anyway.
15 Nov 16 #79
Thank you. It worked for me. I left on the 11th Nov and was only being offered 50% until I came across this deal.

We now have the Complete Bundle for £20 a month but it works out at just over £10 once you take the £100 credit into account.

15 Nov 16 #80
Excellent. Did you ask if there were any options to upgrade to Sky Q ?

I'm just about to re-activate one of my old Sky accounts
15 Nov 16 #81
If you cancelled Sky TV over 12months ago, then you will be classed as a new customer again, and probably able to get an even better deal... and on SkyQ if you want that.
15 Nov 16 #82
Worked second time round.

First guy on chat said no credit offers.

Second person asked me if I'd had an email or letter with an offer. I said yes, 75% off and £100 credit. She said max credit is £50, went away for a few mins and then said yes to £100.
15 Nov 16 #83
Ok dude!
15 Nov 16 #84
Hate to be 'that' guy, but:

Anyone paying full price for sky is a MORON!!!!
15 Nov 16 #85
Chat is working but very busy or they are too lazy to answer. You just need to stay on that screen until the button becomes available to click.

I just spoke with someone and told him I had only signed back up a few days ago and just after that saw this offer but he was having none of it (and came across quite rude to boot, virtually telling me to get off the chat)

I think I will just leave it since I'm paying £14 a month for Box sets + Cinema (HD, 3D included) so for a few quid less a month it's not worth it for me to call them or chase them for hours. At least now I know to cancel around this time next year :smile:
15 Nov 16 #86
what's the £100 credit? please can someone explain left sky a week ago .
15 Nov 16 #87
Well done for the 30 days rolling contract, wouldn't budge for me.
15 Nov 16 #88
Once you have the discounts applied you can upgrade to Q online. The discount will be carried over but it is an extra £12 pm for Q, plus the installation costs.
15 Nov 16 #89
You can give notice after 11 months - 30 days before it expires! :smile:
15 Nov 16 #90
Hi ,do you get the full £100 off your bill or do you still only get the equivalent of the first 3 months free(presuming it doesnt add up to more than £100) becasue it used to be only credit for the first 3 mnonths,thanks in advance
15 Nov 16 #91
people who have successfully managed to get this. what exactly are you saying? i just cancelled and all services will be disconnected in 14days. the lady on live chat offered me free broadband for 12 months and i have to sign up for another 12months (been with them for years) so of course said no .
15 Nov 16 #92
For anyone unable to get a good deal, cancel your subscription and sign up in your partners name using this code (expires tomorrow)


Complete bundle for £30 Inc sports movies and box sets for a year plus £25 Mastercard. I believe it also gives you the option to add multiroom for an extra fiver.

Not 75% off but may benefit a few.

Hope it helps someone :smile:
15 Nov 16 #93
I never got the discount through my online account, it was through the account services on the sky box itself. That was 50% off the package i`d just cancelled 2hrs previous.
15 Nov 16 #94
I keep getting can't process online please go to live chat. Have spoken to them all they will offer is 60% off & £50 bill credit 12m contract
15 Nov 16 #95
It showed me the options for all bundles. I selected the 'Complete' which was £20 which included Movies, Sports and HD.

Did you have movies and sport before? I previously did. Maybe it only lets you come back to the package you left with?
15 Nov 16 #96
This seems to be the standard response I keep getting. I am going to hold off as I have some friends who got a decent SkyQ deal for much less.
15 Nov 16 #97
Just called sky and gave my notice. Cut off date is 23rd Dec. They offered me 40% off the full package and then laughed in my face when i asked if they could keep me on the 75% off saying nobody in sky would offer me this.
It's not my first rodeo with sky so if they don't offer anything decent then its back to Netflix and kodi
15 Nov 16 #98
I cancelled TV in the summer but kept the monthly Sky+ subscription for £10 as every PVR I've had isn't as good.
Website says I have to ring for any offers.
Anyone else paying £10 a month getting offered the discount ?
15 Nov 16 #99
15 Nov 16 #100
Sky credit your account with £100 - so your monthly subscriptions will come out of this before money comes out of your bank, or however you normally pay.
15 Nov 16 #101
just tried on live chat as i cancelled yesterday. ends 14th of December. Said no as this is a '3rd party deal' and not official with sky. Then explained about this site. Then said the £100 credit deal expired. I said this deal was sorted 3 hours ago. End of chat. So I have to play their stupid games again...I'll wait and the week before i'll get a call. Then I'll demand this deal. The games you have to play!
15 Nov 16 #102
does this include bt sport and sky q box?
15 Nov 16 #103
I think that's where i am, i think Wednesday is the 30 days notice before it goes up to £91
15 Nov 16 #104
15 Nov 16 #105
i cant get the offer, but heat for sharing
15 Nov 16 #106
I have just left sky but can't get this , I clicked my sky and it shows me an advert for 50% off they can keep it if offers like this floating about.
15 Nov 16 #107
​they add a credit of £100 to your account balance
15 Nov 16 #108
Thanks just got this,(left 6 months ago been using now tv) - i didn't have any offers on log in either but I phoned up stating seen advert on google they quickly checked account and stated they could activate straight away which they did 75% off and £100 credit.

Many thanks
15 Nov 16 #109
When you say ended, did you give 30 days notice to cancel? Presumably if you couldn't get the 75% you would have just reversed to cancellation?
15 Nov 16 #110
I've just called up and blagged I got this deal via letter in cancellation. I've got full package with phone and broadband for £37.40 per month. Took me an hour of going through managers
15 Nov 16 #111
Same answer no more imaginary deals
15 Nov 16 #112
As night follows day, they will contact you soon with a better offer.
15 Nov 16 #113
Managed to get the Complete bundle for £20.90 a month plus £100 credit. All activated immediately after live chat including credit showing on my account. Had to re-sync the card online but that was easy. Thanks OP :smile:
15 Nov 16 #114
going give this a try then
15 Nov 16 #115
I've been offered 75% off, £75 credit & no contract, I left in July, son has since added me on his Netflix account so been watching some good stuff on there. Is Sky Q much different to Sky+.
15 Nov 16 #116
I had the Variety plus Sports bundle previously.

I get the bundles shown in the original post, but this doesn't include Variety Bundle plus Sports. It's either Variety or Sports bundle (which is the Original bundle plus Sports).
15 Nov 16 #117
asking me for a unique code.
15 Nov 16 #118
Even at £20 I'm still not tempted to go back
Voted hot btw
15 Nov 16 #119
your services will cancel in 31 days not 14 so thats not true if they said 14 days.
15 Nov 16 #120
I got the same offer, I left Sky about a month ago.. First offer was 50% off, then an email for 75% off.
However, I'll never go back to Sky, I don't like their greedy ways.
15 Nov 16 #121
​Google come back to sky and then click that link. it will take you to the sky sign in page and the offer shoukd pop up
15 Nov 16 #122
My 12 months back with Sky is up in mid-january, so I will be giving my 30 day notice next month.

Currently on a 50% off the cinema bundle offer, so will want at least that to stay with them. Have read on other forums that the opening offer when you cancel is around 40% off. This rises to 50% off during the cancellation period, can peak at 60% near the end of the 30 days. But if you let it actually cancel, then the 75% offers generally follow soon after to go back.

So I'm tempted to let the cancellation go through and potentially rejoin with a 75% off deal.

Even if you let it cancel, they can switch you back on within an hours or so at longest once you agree a deal.

Its all part of the 'cancellation game' with Sky.
15 Nov 16 #123
So...been with Sky for over 18 years, currently have NO OFFERS on my account, done online chat and phone and got offered NOTHING! What do I need to do get to get an offer? Currently pay full price for TV + phone + broadband. Please comment or message me!
15 Nov 16 #124
just signed up to this. went on chat to find out cost of multiroom and got that half price too, £26.90 with £100 credit on a 30 day rolling contract. thanks op
15 Nov 16 #125
I've been through it many times if after cancelling they don't call just call there detentions department in week 3 of cancellation and say either you had a missed call or a letter through saying 75% off etc works for me always.

This deal taken now is out of contract also
15 Nov 16 #126
They mention 3D still on the channels list but where is it? Anyone got a channel number?
15 Nov 16 #127
how are you getting the sky chat to appear. it says it shut at 8pm when i click on it
15 Nov 16 #128
I used the following link to get the deal…v1w
15 Nov 16 #129
When I spoke to them on chat they said it was a technical Error & it's being sorted and won't be honouring that deal again oO
15 Nov 16 #130
No chance
15 Nov 16 #131
I just left last week after five years, and they offered me a tenner off the £75 they wanted to charge me for entertainment and fibre broadband. Seems remiss of them if they had this deal available or in the pipeline...
15 Nov 16 #132
Yeah, but I'm trying to get something sorted for my parents who have just cancelled their contract (and gone all the way through cancellation)
15 Nov 16 #133
Damn already re signed up and waiting for install.

Anyone know if you can cancel before install without charge?
15 Nov 16 #134
Great offer - left sky tv a while ago, although they recently re-activated sky record free of charge for 6 months (without me even asking them!). As such, thought this wouldn't work for me, but just went through live chat and it did! Thanks OP. Already got free broadband for a year and £10 line rental, so really got the offers stacked now. Seems a bit too good to be true but sky sports channels were on within a few seconds. Nice to have it back - it is a great service, but just too expensive without these amazing offers.
15 Nov 16 #135
Thanks OP, worked for me. Went for the complete bundle at £20 per month.
15 Nov 16 #136
I kept broadband/line rental/international talk for £25.40 since July, last time Sky rang me they offered 75% off £75 credit no contract, tempted if they make it £100.
15 Nov 16 #137
Just chatted to sky and its apparently sky account specific but I got 60% off and £50 voucher and still rolling contract so 3 months free for me then ill cancel again :smile:
15 Nov 16 #138
I managed to get 70% off the box set bundle plus £150 credit, no new minimum contract term
15 Nov 16 #139
Heads up to anyone who is looking to cancel Sky soon, I just got a pretty good deal.
Went to cancel my Sky Sports package that finishes the middle of next month, was going to drop to just have Sky+ recording/Freeview features for £10 per month, but got offered the 'Original Bundle' (which includes the Sky+ stuff anyway) for £5 for 10 months (and £20 for two) for a total of 12 months. Didn't think that was a bad price!
15 Nov 16 #140
My contract is up mid January, and currently paying £75 (including BB and line rental). Is it worth cancelling a month early and taking the £17 hit to try and get this deal or anything that might come out for Black Friday?!?
15 Nov 16 #141
If you're out of contract just leave and within three weeks they will offer you 70% off anyway works for every year
15 Nov 16 #142
i can confirm its worked for me
15 Nov 16 #143
Sky deals bounce like a Boxer dog on a trampoline
15 Nov 16 #144
leave them and you should get a call from the we want you back team and they will offer you hopefully a better deal :smile:
15 Nov 16 #145
Cool, or more specifically, this one:

Coming back to Sky…dex?

15 Nov 16 #146
maybe I should have tried harder for a replacement box lol...but i suppose that was to greedy.... or maybe a call back saying it's
15 Nov 16 #147
Wouldn't quite describe as "dying", they are still making £400k a DAY profit, I'd describe them more as slowing down.
15 Nov 16 #148
Yes I did, had to wait 5mins as chat was busy but then connected fine. I also cheekily asked for a 30 day rolling contract but they declined. Still £14 for 12mths ain't bad!
15 Nov 16 #149
heat added
15 Nov 16 #150
I just went on chat - the women on chat said there is a code?? - Anyone have a code?
15 Nov 16 #151
You will only get an offer if you start the leave process. Go nuclear, cancel everything and unless they offer you at least 50% off for 12 months, cancel the lot on the phone. You then have Sky for the 31 day notice period. I did this at the start of October. Within minutes, the app was offering me 50% off to stay. When I got cut off on Nov 2, I was offered 60% off for 12 months. When I went to my account, clicked My Sky, there was an option for those that 'left Sky within the last 12 months'. I clicked that yesterday and there was an offer for 75% off and £100 bill credit. I took that and the Sky was back within minutes despite the notice saying it may take up to 3 days to process.
15 Nov 16 #152
Like WOW!, I'm sure your proper laughing now!!, lol.
15 Nov 16 #153
I chose my package and confirmed my box and I got 'Please contact us to discuss your requirements'.

Got to do live chat after awhile and I've picked the Box Sets package for £9.50 p/m with the £100 credit. Package was live within an hour. Excellent to have live pause back. I could do it on my Samsung TV but it's no where near as slick as the Sky Box.

One thing to bear in mind is that regardless of the prices shown, Sky will always put the price up during your 1st 12 months!

Thanks OP.
15 Nov 16 #154
Why on earth pay £10 or £120 a year to record? Can do it for free on a Sky HD box...
15 Nov 16 #155
Sky are robbers offered me 25% off I declined and cancelled on the spot
15 Nov 16 #156
Am I the only one getting application error once i've logged in.tried on google and safari
15 Nov 16 #157
Just got off the phone.

Apparently I wasn't eligible for the 75% off + £100 credit offer. However they were able to offer 60% off + £100 credit on a rolling contract, of which I said yes. I left the TV package in Sept, so wasn't entirely sure what's their eligibility criteria.
15 Nov 16 #158
Does anyone still have this being offered that hasn't yet taken it up?

Could you get some better screenshot of whats included in the 'Complete Bundle' as it's been cropped off in the original post.

It did say a certain amount of HD Channels. But reading the t&c on my account, it says: "Sky Sports/Cinema in HD are not included in the offer and will then be £6 pm extra"

But this is not what's indicated on the package you select. It specifically says the channels are in HD (Not just the freeview ones). ie. It's the Complete Package.
15 Nov 16 #159
Me too Complete Bundle shows as £20 although I don't miss it at all so still wouldn't return even at that price, too many adverts and too many repeats.
15 Nov 16 #160
Ok petal, fyi the deal was posted on HUKD 2months ago for 70% off box sets with sky cinema or sports (for new customers), I already had cancelled prior to that. I never called sky, they called me as per to come back. So I asked for 70% off with out the sports or movies and £150 credit, initially was offered £100 but when I stated I had a £100 credit last year plus 65% variety package and others were currently getting a deal with £150 he matched it. Simple as that.
15 Nov 16 #161
Just ring them up if you can't get it working online and say you saw the advert. Last year I even told a little white lie and said I was offered £100 credit when I wasn't the call before.

They just took my word for it and added it anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
15 Nov 16 #162
I got the offer, took Box-Sets bundle + Cinema.
Works out £68/year after £100 credit (equivalent of £5.66/mo).
I can cancel cinema whenever (30 day contract).

Made up, spoke to them 10 mins ago and he made it live over the phone.
15 Nov 16 #163
Thanks for this, managed to get 75% off and £100 credit as per OP.
15 Nov 16 #164
whoop whoop just got the deal. works out £12.57pm with credit for existing box with TV, movies and HD Sports
15 Nov 16 #165
You need to cancel, which means you enter 30 days notice - once in this period you will be offered 50% off to stay. Asking for an offer will just get them trying to reduce channels etc.
15 Nov 16 #166
Hahahahahaha, I hear that!, lool.

Which/what Android Box/IPTV Box are you using?, how much was it?, and/or where'd you buy I from too please?. :-)
15 Nov 16 #167
Did you get to keep the sports for that price?
15 Nov 16 #168
I renewed my contract 3 weeks ago with what i thought was good, but nowhere near this good.
I got on Sky Chat this afternoon and cancelled my subscription, mentioning to the Sky person that i had seen this offer. She was having none of it.
Got my cancelation e-mail through, then waited an hour and got back on chat.
Talked to a differant person and mentioned this offer. He checked my account and said i'd only cancelled today so was still in my 31 day period so couldn't offer me it, however he could offer me 60% discount, £50 credit, and free Sky broadband for 12 months.
Worked out £15 cheaper per month than i was paying and now have £50 credit.
So for anyone who is ready to cancel, try doing what I did.
15 Nov 16 #169
it will be of no use, as you need to wait until the 31 days notice as expired before you can resign up in another name, you cant have 2 active subscriptions at the same address
15 Nov 16 #170
Worked for me, thanks very much!
15 Nov 16 #171
Nothing was mentioned. I cant get fibre in my area, so don't think i can have skyq? Assume i got this deal with no arguing was due to me using an ancient sky+HD box that i've had for years now. All they have to do is turn my signal back on.
15 Nov 16 #172
In the big headline offer it includes HD. The small print is opaque and can be read as not including HD but this must refer to if you select the Sports or Cinema options. I got the full package and it came with HD sports movies and normal channels without having to pay extra for HD
15 Nov 16 #173
It's true enough what your saying, but, bare in mind this too, each Month and each Year NEW Movies are coming out right? (constantly!).

So those repeats you speak of, will ONLY be for any given 'cycle', any cycle alone?. :-)

As an example, any Movies that came out on SKY Movies 2+ Years ago will not be still repetitively repeating themselves still via your existing SKY Box now, would they?, but something that came out only 6 Months ago, just still might?, so ..... SKY's game has always been this way? (for the years that we've had it, anyway?) lol.
15 Nov 16 #174
Yeah they offered me this to as he said i get to keep my old sky boxes, then i said they were rubbish as once you cancel sky the pause rewind functions cease to work, then he offered me the deal you mentioned. I declined tho as I want the full package, sky Q the works
15 Nov 16 #175
15 Nov 16 #176
does anyone know if you can get a new box with this deal mine got a new home at the dump.
15 Nov 16 #177
can I cancel give my notice in today and get this deal?
15 Nov 16 #178
Good deal heat added.

Have BB/Line but it's being case managed to a specific DEPT as they said I have had too many deals in the past 7 years?

‌ :stuck_out_tongue:
15 Nov 16 #179
Hand in 30 day notice, retention is currently 65% off
15 Nov 16 #180
My point is, ITV and Channel 4 has adverts that's fine I can live with that as that's how they fund themselves therefore it's FREE however Sky is a country mile off being free and has even MORE adverts, why?. In addition most of the really good series of late has been either on terrestrial or Netflix.

Before leaving I searched through my planner and 75% of the recordings were from terrestrial TV, hence why I don't miss it.

I don't watch sport and rarely watch movies.

However I voted HOT as its cheapest way of getting sky.
15 Nov 16 #181
Why you talking about a deal from the past not relevant to current deal being discussed (petal) ??
15 Nov 16 #182
best to wait 3 days after you cancel now to see deals in my sky,its a recent change as before they was there same day.
15 Nov 16 #183
How does it come to £68/year.. Is sky box-sets+cinema £56/mth?
15 Nov 16 #184
Thanks. Worked for me.
15 Nov 16 #185
Go on a "How to be Assertive course"
15 Nov 16 #186
Could someone confirm what the complete package should cost? I have been told £44 inc multiroom... Then was told I can remove the HD or take the deal and be passed to SkyQ team.
15 Nov 16 #187
my contract with sky ended about 2-3 years ago and my price keeps going up. can i get this deal or not? my current package is unlimited phone/unlimited broadband(standard)
15 Nov 16 #188
Tried again, think the staff are fed up now, told the guy I was interested in the 75% off deal and he said "that's an amazing deal!" but not for me...he wasn't interested in chatting at all, lol.
15 Nov 16 #189
Complete packages with hd sports £20.90 and £100 credit.

It took 3 attempts as I kept getting disconnected from live chat mid conversation :neutral_face:
15 Nov 16 #190
Google is your friend.
15 Nov 16 #191
How do you cancel sky tv online?- can only see cancel broadband, phone or the ad-on options - do you need to do it over the phone or via chat?
15 Nov 16 #192
Hi guys
I'm on 50% off sports pack with Sky already (paying £25 instead of £50) I've got bband and phone with them but no discount

Is it worth me cancelling and trying to rejoin for 75% off?
If so, how long do I have to wait before rejoining
15 Nov 16 #193
Wow, fantastic deal, thanks for sharing. We cancelled sky in Jan this year, and have been on Now TV since. But this is worth re-joining for, so I just signed up for the box set bundle (as that's what we watch the most), for £9.50 a month, with the £100 credit means we'll only pay £14 over the year. I've not really missed the whole Sky thing, but for this price it will be nice to have live pause and record back! Now TV has been enough, but I find their menus very difficult to navigate.
15 Nov 16 #194
Are you trying to portray yourself as an idiot? oO
15 Nov 16 #195
Keep digging Pal, love hearing porkies evolving by the minute! Sure you didn't get a free Ferrari as well.??
15 Nov 16 #196
Just done it via chat... box set bundle £9.50pm + £100 credit = 12mths sky for ........£14
15 Nov 16 #197
I left sky about two months ago, just checked my account and the offer is there. Signed up to box sets online in about 10 seconds, £14 for the year, thanks for the heads up op
15 Nov 16 #198
I called shy to renew my contract last week and they offered me £3 per month off full price, been with them 5 years. So told them to stick it signed up with Bt and a few weeks later got a letter offering 75% off.
15 Nov 16 #199
yes just done it
15 Nov 16 #200
Followed the link it took me to live chat had a very helpful advisor who gave me the 75% and £100 credit for the complete package still pay £6 for HD bit as mentioned I think it's only for sports and maybe movies so that may well get cancelled. Oh and my TV package had been switched off since yesterday all credit to the OP
15 Nov 16 #201
Ring them and cancel and accept nothing they offer. Only way
15 Nov 16 #202
I wish! It's just the standard Sky channels
15 Nov 16 #203
Managed to get this, took about an hour on Chat to get it, but got it, thank you.

Rolling contract too.

Wonder the cost to upgrade to Q, forgotten how I hated my Sky+ box, and how inflexible it is. Use the apps to run it.

Don't forget, you get sky go as well.

Will call them tomorrow to see if I can upgrade to Q
15 Nov 16 #204
I cancelled about 6 months ago will qualify Can somebody confirm will I need to reactivate my phone line aswell for £17.99 or does it cost more now and can you get broadband free always found that quite stable
15 Nov 16 #205
My inlaws were in the notice period and were getting offered 50% online - went on chat quoting the above and really pushed it with the guy on chat - best I could get was 60%, half price multiroom and £50 credit. Decided to wait it out for another couple of weeks
15 Nov 16 #206
I have BB and phone, cancelled SKY well over a year ago.

What sort of offers could I get?

Was thinking of a Youview box, but this is tempting.

Also do I need to use my old box? It's in the loft.
15 Nov 16 #207
I cancelled Sky a couple of weeks ago and took them up on their 50% off for a year offer when they called me back at the weekend.
Having absolutely no luck with live chat in getting this offer instead - they are trying to fob me off saying it is a direct promotion which is targeted to people (even though it appears on a simple google seach!).
15 Nov 16 #208
Just to add the complete bundle price is inclusive of HD channels. If you drop the sport HD you can actually get it for £18.50
15 Nov 16 #209
You could of got sport and originals for £12 pm
15 Nov 16 #210
This is not true I renegotiated sky last week after the usual cancel and wait process. I took 60% of and £50 credit and re signed.

Saw this deal today and I called sky and told them I had received this offer through the post and must have been sent before I agreed the deal for 60%. They were having none of it as I asked for the manager who then questioned wether I got a letter or not. She asked me what phone number was on the letter so I gave her one for sky's retentions department which she went and called and then after I was put through the guy said there sending these offers out even though there systems are not ready for it so the complete bundle was £20.90 but after I removed the HD for sport it went to £18.50.

£18.50 TV
£17.40 line rental
Free broadband
No new contract but deal in place for 12 months
15 Nov 16 #211
What's the bundle with everything except sports ? (On demand / box sets etc)
15 Nov 16 #212
How is this done? Online chat? Because in my offers it comes up as Please call us no offers available
15 Nov 16 #213
Hi, if you use the internet a lot I would stick with Virgin. We joined Sky with the new Q box and Q hub, unlimited fibre, and I've got to say the wi-fi is really bad. I wish I'd stayed with Virgin
15 Nov 16 #214
I've just rang sky, my subscription ended 3 days ago, I've got sports movies and the original bundle over 12 months for £14 a month, with £100 credit, meaning I won't pay a thing for 5 months
15 Nov 16 #215
Yeh Right!! (There's always one...)
15 Nov 16 #216
Try in the morning first thing
15 Nov 16 #217
What did they charge you for a new box? Want a 1Tb but they said they don't do them any more. Only Q
15 Nov 16 #218
Lol my sky cancels tomorrow. Good timing
15 Nov 16 #219
​No, my service is due to end in 12 days (30 cancellation period) and i cannot get this deal i enquired with live chat who could only offer 60% off tv and £50 credit with full price multiroom yet my current deal which ends this month was for 60% off tv and £5 a month discount on multiroom so im waiting 12 days and hopefully this deal is still on and i can signup again and get a better package for less than i'm paying now.
15 Nov 16 #220
Looks like Sky will be doing some Black Friday deals…ay/
15 Nov 16 #221
I have complete bundle 60% off and 3 multi rooms , 2 half price , 1 full price, costs me £53 all in
15 Nov 16 #222
signed up for 18.50 complete bundle without sports in hd last week 75% and 20 credit wish i pushed for more now!
15 Nov 16 #223
And a free packet of Jammie dodgers
15 Nov 16 #224
chat shut at 8pm no you didn't
15 Nov 16 #225
same here got the box set deal for £14/year..thanks OP :)...i also wanted a engineer visit to sort out my sky cables as the signal is poor at times but they wanted me to pay for this :(...
15 Nov 16 #226
​same package i'm on now but chat wouldn't offer me a deal on multiroom so i didnt bite, think i need to be patient and wait for a better deal aswel.
15 Nov 16 #227
God damn it, got a 60% off deal 3 weeks ago and went with that.

With those asking about SkyQ, as far as I understand, that is in effect a separate contract to your actual Sky, as you are "renting" the SkyQ box and associated services for 12/mth.
15 Nov 16 #228
As a (quote/unquote) "New Customer", they'll give you a free new SKY+ Box (or Boxes) anyway?, so .....

If we weren't already existing Customers, then this would blatantly be how I'd be milking the cow (think about it?). :-)
15 Nov 16 #229
thats on a monthly contract
15 Nov 16 #230
That's a good deal, but I just wasn't too fussed about trying to keep Sky Sports, I've got access to a friend's BT Sport account - and I watch in total only about 1-2 games every month, so it didn't seem worth paying for it.
15 Nov 16 #231
Shuts at 11pm actually.
15 Nov 16 #232
Just come of a long live chat.
£100 credit and box set bundle for £9.50pm.
Left sky 2 years ago.
Thank OP
15 Nov 16 #233
Yeah, I'll hold out on the grounds of pure speculation.
15 Nov 16 #234
Told my mate about this, he rang and they gave him complete bundle £29.
15 Nov 16 #235
thats on monthly contract
15 Nov 16 #236
My contract come up an end so I called. Automated service offered me 40% discount to stay but I said no & was put through to an agent. He offered me 30% discount for 10 months!! I cancelled my subscription! I'll see if I can get better in the future.
15 Nov 16 #237
Haha my thoughts exactly
15 Nov 16 #238
Hmmm, just left Sky and torn between zgemma box or this deal.

HD for more channels, CatchupTV and Boxsets on Demand movies.
Vs All channels but no Catchup or Boxsets.

£20 a month = £240 - £100 = £140
So same price for either option.

Hmmm. Might have to think bout this one.
Any suggestions from people who are aware of both options? (Thanks in advance)
15 Nov 16 #239
I cancelled about a week ago. when I log in I get the following message "Sorry, we can’t process your order online" and web chat is busy. Dont need skyq as dont have 4k tv
15 Nov 16 #240
​was that including hd?
15 Nov 16 #241
I've handed in my notice today and trying just now...told 75% was only for specific accounts with an offer code, trying to offer me 60% off.

Think I'll wait it out for a couple of weeks and try again.
15 Nov 16 #242
full package for just over £11 for a year. Pretty much what it's worth given the competition!

Thanks for sharing, I've gone for it.
15 Nov 16 #243
Unless they offer something game changing - in 5 years they will only be retaining their legacy customers, who will be older people that don't know any better. That is by any definition a dying company.

Online content is the future and will only become better. This with the basic BBC + free offerings will be sufficient for everyone, except the older generations that don't know better.

I'm in my very early 30s and would never pay £80pm for the package they are now offering for £11. £11 is what it's worth in 2016, by 2021 even £10 will be overpriced. It's a company that's not evolving quickly enough and the market will kill it.

Do they still charge £5pm for HD channels? LOL
15 Nov 16 #244
massive thank you I have just had My sky reconnect and its costing me around £1 per month
15 Nov 16 #245
Hoping this deal is around in April when my BT deal runs out, not been impressed at all
15 Nov 16 #246
chances my arm... haven't had sky in about 2 years. Had to password reminder everything using my old email address. I got rid of my box so will need to pick up a cheap one, but got tv/ movies / sports all hd for £20.90 75% AND Got £100 credit with cancel anytime
15 Nov 16 #247
Ok, so because you didn't get the same that means I didn't get 70% off plus £150 credit too right?? Really? Don't be a moron. Over the past 4 years with sky I've had numerous amounts of credits and discounts for briefly cancelling sky and taking an offer to go back. Obviously your haggling skills are lacking, you clown!
15 Nov 16 #248
They're getting smart :disappointed: Just asked me to copy and paste the offer email and told me they knew I'd been on chat a couple of times already. Best they can do is 60% off and £50 credit.

Oh well, will leave it a couple of 31 days after all.
15 Nov 16 #249
Be careful.I renewed my contract in January and was told I could terminate at any time without penalty.Despite being told this would be recorded on their computers this was not done.I have now been told that the cost will rise and I cannot terminte until Feb 2017! I am awaiting clarification
15 Nov 16 #250
They're getting so desperate for customers now. This is what happens when they continue to bump up the prices of packages and lose content. Net result is rententions are even busier than before. I left Sky several months ago and have zero urges to head back. We still have more than enough to watch, some of which is Sky produce via their NowTV box, but my yearly cost is just £40. The only thing we miss is recording but On Demand has eased that pain somewhat.
15 Nov 16 #251
Worked for me! Thank you so much
15 Nov 16 #252
you could but you would need to wait the full 31 days before you can re sign up sadly
15 Nov 16 #253
It's worth holding out - we cancelled our tv package about 4 months ago and have been holding out for a deal. Got offered 75% off so got Original, Boxsets and Cinema for £14. But cos we were already paying the £10 for sky+ and live pause, and that is included for free once you resubscribe, it's actually only costing us £4 a month extra for it all!
15 Nov 16 #254
Just did this via chat, £14 per month for cinema & boxsets, bargain. Cancelled 4 months ago and was only offered 25% discount lol. Thanks op
15 Nov 16 #255
I left sky a couple of months ago and it says I am ineligible and live chat is offline. Never mind!
15 Nov 16 #256
15 Nov 16 #257
is it best I give my notice in today to get this deal? I still have 2 months of credit still left from the previous deal.
15 Nov 16 #258
Going to give this a go. Anyone had success getting a decent price on TV, Broadband and Calls?

I'm in the process of switching to BT at the moment, but would stay if they can offer Fibre, Weekend Calls and TV at under £40 a month (that's what I can get with BT...)
15 Nov 16 #259
Spoke to the guy on online chat and he was giving me Sky Q complete package for £30 but I didnt bite.
Wanted the £20 deal and credit.
15 Nov 16 #260
WTF? leaving is a legal thing to do once contract is up,its sky who offer the rejoining deal so its nothing deceptive!
15 Nov 16 #261
I agree there is no way you can get that!
15 Nov 16 #262
It's a good deal (voted hot) but I won't take it up as I gave them the chance to reduce the price when I called to cancel and they were insistent that the small discount they offered me was the absolute best. Now TV gives me everything I need from Sky now. If you want to give them another chance this is great of course...
15 Nov 16 #263
Chat shuts at 11pm oO
15 Nov 16 #264
clear your browser as that can interfere if there cookies still. If not then ask them why you have no deals and make sure you have no other sky services
15 Nov 16 #265
Just worked for me Full package £20 per month And £100 credit. Cancelled sky 3 weeks ago after just 1 year which they actually paid me for.....Great deal !!
15 Nov 16 #266
Tip: talk to the online help, the people on the phone lines are complete morons.
15 Nov 16 #267
They don't have a 3D channel anymore, only "On Demand" stuff.
15 Nov 16 #268
Got open box myself and kodi but will always pay for sky in HD and the whole set up as sat boxs are junk compared to true sky. If you can afford £20 then get sky as you wont get HD anymore on these other formats and lines always stutter and in general are nothing like the real deal.
15 Nov 16 #269
The credit Sky gave me last year ran out once the monthly rate I had agreed to pay has been used up so I got 5 free months before I had to pay anything.
15 Nov 16 #270
I've done the same... but does that mean I've actually left then and unlikely to get any offers?
15 Nov 16 #271
Gutted, rejoined last week at 50% off. Should've held out bit longer lol.
15 Nov 16 #272
Just left Sky for an appalling service of Sky Q! Wouldnt go back if they paid me. Needs at least another 12 months in development, clearly not enough testing for the amount of issues, even the sky engineer said the same on the final of many visits.
15 Nov 16 #273
Hmm I just signed back up a few days ago on retention of 75% for Box Sets + Cinema. It is a rolling contract. Is there any way I can get them to give the £100 credit??
15 Nov 16 #274
No you dont i had HD account and took SKY Q out in misses name just put an A or B after you door number and it will work,will even work in your name i think.
15 Nov 16 #275
And you just proved my facts,you had to deceive them to get it,i know how deals work and what you can and cant get. You got the deal by saying you got a flyer thats untrue,nowhere did i say you cant get a rejoining deal if you lie.
15 Nov 16 #276
wouldn't go back to sky if it was free! after being a loyal sky customer for over 16 years and never been offered a discount I cancelled and moved to BT! its the loyal sky customers paying premium prices that pay for these sky discounts for new customers shame on you sky!!
15 Nov 16 #277
While you have the crystal ball out.....what's the lottery numbers?
16 Nov 16 #278
Signed up .. also if you had multi room in the past and call them up to re activate a box normally £12 for the multi screen however the 75% discount applies and you get it for £2.50 !!!! Not bad lol
16 Nov 16 #279
Anyone manage to get a new box included with this offer??
16 Nov 16 #280
Just tried that but same thing...... thanks though
16 Nov 16 #281
​You will get it by talking to them I'm sure, on chat you can say you was offered it but want to get clarification as to terms
16 Nov 16 #282
Thanks, the misses has been without Sky for a month and was getting withdrawal syndrome. Complete bundle ordered @ £20pm.
16 Nov 16 #283
I've moved over to BT but would go back for £20, what about internet and phoneline etc, and does this include HD or do we have to pay extra as per normal?
16 Nov 16 #284
A rather sweeping and patronising statement about the older generation not knowing any better. As one of the baby boomer generation and recently retired, both I, and the vast majority of my family, friends and colleagues of the same generation, all own smart TVs, smartphones and use the internet regularly so probably do know better than you might think. Believe it or not, HUKD membership and an interest in technology, online content and good deals is not just the domain of millennials and teenagers.
16 Nov 16 #285
The cinema and box sets would effectively cost you just over £1 a month which is good vfm.
16 Nov 16 #286
I've got the offer in my account... should I chance it and try and get a new box out of them or just got for the renewal?
16 Nov 16 #287
I'm about three weeks into the cancellation process. Chatted online, they claimed no offer exists but they can do 60% off and £50 credit.

Obviously I told him he is lying, and will continue my move to BT.

Will give them a call later, anyway, but not going to cry if they don't budge! They have one week.. BT Black Friday comes then :P
16 Nov 16 #288
How are people getting rolling contracts? On my account it says it will be a 12 month contract...
16 Nov 16 #289
will obviously need to pay for line rental, but he is the fibre free ?????
if not how much have you guys been charge for line rental n broadband bit ???
16 Nov 16 #290
Picture quality is good but nowhere near as clear as sky, and neither is the sound. Ideal for 3pm kickoffs though ;-)
16 Nov 16 #291
This is a cracking deal - only pain us that I've just got three months of movies on the Now box. Wonder if they'll let me transfer... Thanks for posting!
16 Nov 16 #292
£11 with sport? that is on fire!!!! HOTTTT
16 Nov 16 #293
I'm getting "ineligible" and "can't process your order online" despite the fact I cancelled 2 weeks ago. Is the same deal available if you phone them?
16 Nov 16 #294
is they're anyway getting this deal in the cancellation notice period?​
16 Nov 16 #295
Thanks OP! Got the rolling contract, £100 credit and 75% off :smile: Well pleased!
16 Nov 16 #296
phoned virgin at 8am amd cancelled as within 14 day of installation. called sky at 8.15am got full house for 20.90pm free multiroom as I had that with them before and half price fiber 38mb unlimited. all in 48.30pm haha with virgin I had 50mb basic channels and multiroom box 53.70pm going up to 58.70pm after 3 months. thanks op. life and money saver.
16 Nov 16 #297
uh oh i'm getting can't process order online! help!
16 Nov 16 #298
just joined back, went thru TCB just in case, anyway, the order will be activated in 3 days they say in email
16 Nov 16 #299
If you no longer got your old sky box do they provide a new one for free?
16 Nov 16 #300
Livechat is awful today. passed from team to team.

one guy just said he would sort it, passed me over to winback, who said they dnt deal with active accounts and passed me back... even tho I specifically said it was active because the earlier agent this morning activated on the lesser offer!!

I may ring up shortly and lose it with them
16 Nov 16 #301
​do you have a link for online chat. İt's always busy when I try
16 Nov 16 #302
Nothing on mine when I click on upgrades just says 'unable to proceed' Thing is if I do come back I would like to upgrade to sky Q (2Tb) which I believe opens up another can of worms. They are asking for £99 extra, throw in sky multi room and an extra standard Q box and that jumps to £200 plus you have to send both boxes back at the end of the 12 months (if you leave again)
16 Nov 16 #303
​having done the same after vm prices shoot up and happy so far
16 Nov 16 #304
on chat now, offering me 60% and £50 credit.

Denying that the 75% one and £100 is even an offer, asking for screenshot etc.

Mine cancels today so 60% is still good
16 Nov 16 #305
I've been using this for about 6 months and its good but do miss the HD Channels so may go for the £20 a month then cancel again after 12 months.
16 Nov 16 #306
See below

16 Nov 16 #307
As soon as i cancelled I went on the interactive part through the sky box, 60% offer showed up straight away. Still giving it 5 days though.
16 Nov 16 #308
​Can't comment on zgemma but previously with a sky box... At the price available within this offer, the slickness of the sky software and on demand what not wins for me.
16 Nov 16 #309
Same to me atm
16 Nov 16 #310
oh and 100 credit
16 Nov 16 #311
16 Nov 16 #312
I just tried again but this time via the app and it now shows '50% off your sky tv if stay with us for the next 12 months'
16 Nov 16 #313
If you are no longer a Sky customer can you still log into your Sky account?
16 Nov 16 #314
Keep pushing for it, they denied it with me and then called me back shortly after i hung up!
16 Nov 16 #315
Some advisers are saying it doesn't exist full stop and even when you point them to the links they claim that this was an old deal that has not been updated. They tried to convince me by saying others are only getting 30% and to take the 60% as it's the best they could do even though another adviser just before offered 60% + 50 credit.

Either way, seeing as I have seen people mentioning on here that they have spoken to the same advisers I have spoken to on agreeing to the deal with (despite saying no to me) makes me realise that this deal is only available to those who have actually been disconnected. I'll wait until my notice is up in about 10 days and see what they say then.
16 Nov 16 #316
Explained as much to them.

Anyways it's no big deal for me. Will wait it out and see what happens. Worse comes to worst then I'l be without Sky for a while. Which will save me some money in any case as I don't watch much live TV anyways and either record for later viewing or stream online.
16 Nov 16 #317
That's what I got.
Then...Mail in post saying 50% Off for 10 months on 12 month deal (so slightly worse)
Then...Once cancelled now says 60% Off
Then...See this deal.
Best I seen before, but Zgemma may have tempted me away.......though I will think bout it as still very tempting for all that HD goodness!
16 Nov 16 #318
Ellen, how have you done that? Have they offered it to you once you cancelled your contract or when you still had a contract (but it was going to an end)? I have the same boundle (by end this month) and I'm paying £21/month so I would like them to make some offer for me... Should I chat with them/call them or cancell contract first???
Please reply, thanks :smile:
16 Nov 16 #319
doing the same, love the TCB deals
16 Nov 16 #320
on chat now got sports for £11 and £100 credit no arguments
been left about 7 months fwiw

need to get myself a box and pay the £35 home move charge but even so works out £100 a year for sports thats including the box and dish fitting

very hot thank you
16 Nov 16 #321
Great! Thanks OP!

Just got the Variety Bundle with Cinema Bundle for £12.50 per month + £100... so £50 for the year, cheaper than Netflix!
16 Nov 16 #322
Is it only for customers who have left within the last 12 months (< 12 months). When I try with my online account, get the message 'Sorry, we can’t process your order online'. I am keen for this deal to have Broadband, TV, Line Rental. I need to rush as I have signed to the BT deal and is due to be transferred on 21 Nov.
16 Nov 16 #323
How long ago did you cancel?
I did mine last month and managed to get Sky with Movies & Sports, Unlimited Fibre BB, sky talk & 2 x Multi rooms for £86pm, not the greatest but still saved £50pm.
Just went on chat once the offer was on the TV.
What I quoted above is for my in laws, within 5mins quoting 60% off.
16 Nov 16 #324
I cancelled sky 10 days ago, went to online chat and got me 60% off tv package and 50% off multiroom with £50 credit, 30d rolling for 12 months. They wouldn't honour 75% deal as I technically had 20 days left before I cancelled and denied such a deal existed. Heat added..
16 Nov 16 #325
can i get fiber cheaper also. left cky last month and moved to virgin. still in my 14 day period. paying 48.50 for 2 boxes (the new v6 ones like skyq) and 100mb internet but no sports or movies. and some channels missing and others not in HD.
16 Nov 16 #326
no Ben

See my post
16 Nov 16 #327
the live chat didn't give me anything
16 Nov 16 #328
Yes, you have to have cancelled within the last year. If you left Sky more than 12 months ago then you're treated as a new customer again
16 Nov 16 #329
Looks like most of that 3D on demand stuff is movies, which is a subscription I don't have. Seems wrong for them to say the boxset package has 3D.
16 Nov 16 #330
It's important to understand that Kodi on its own doesn't give you free TV or films - Kodi is a piece of free software that plays whatever music and videos you load into it. What you're thinking of are addons for Kodi that let you get free TV and films.
16 Nov 16 #331
Subscriptions freeze, no matter what anyone says they all do at some point, having all the options that the sky box does and not freezing vs the zgemma would outweigh it for me, sky is the way to go for functionality, plus it's legal :stuck_out_tongue:
16 Nov 16 #332
I agreed to 60% at first, and now I just said please dont proceed and they saying they have and I have to cancel it!!! ffs
16 Nov 16 #333
hot hot hot!!!!!!!!!!!!
16 Nov 16 #334
Live chat straight up rejected mine and wouldn't even offer the 60% off.... I'm going to cancel lol
16 Nov 16 #335
By the way, why are you due to be disconnected on Dec 23rd? That’s more than 38 days.
16 Nov 16 #336
anyone managed to get this deal as a new customer? I've never had sky but £11 for sports is worth it!
16 Nov 16 #337
I asked and they say you can upgrade later. But this is £12 extra a month plus the Sky Q box install. Not sure if this is £50, £100 or £199. Seen all 3 prices listed.
16 Nov 16 #338
​I couldn't get a box. luckily my brother in law has 2 spare
16 Nov 16 #339
Just go with the cancellation rubbish. I have done it every year and always get a reasonable discount. However, knowing this is available I will not accept anything less - any less and I'll go to BT.

Heads up that they will have Black Friday deals next week most likely.. possibly 50% off Infinity, plus possible discounts on TV. Would bring it all (inc calls) to under £45 a month, even less once you take cash back and vouchers into account.
16 Nov 16 #340
Probably because like me you're in your notice period so are ineligible.

Would anyone who has access to the link mind copying the terms and conditions on here so it's clear for everyone?
16 Nov 16 #341
​Lol. I can't get a link. I searched via Google, clicked on contact sky link and can't seems to find a link for online chat in anyway
16 Nov 16 #342
For me its always been 75% off or nothing. I've had 75% twice once when I lied that I received a flyer in the post and the second time via a vouchercode. The time before last they refused to budge and only offered 60% which I didn't accept and I was without sky for 2 years.

The question I always ask people is if they can live without sky? If you can't then take what you can get it. If you can then hold your ground
16 Nov 16 #343
that's separate and not included in the discount
16 Nov 16 #344
Assume you were out of your current contract, not in the cancellation period.
16 Nov 16 #345
Stupid question but do they still share data with TVL?? I don't pay licence n never paying it so for that reason I avoid any live tv
16 Nov 16 #346
Yes true.

I am with BT anyway for Internet as I left sky when my BB deal ran out lol.
16 Nov 16 #347
Not got a clue what to do with the £100 credit :neutral_face:
16 Nov 16 #348
Some people on here who have cancelled even up to two and a half years ago have managed to get it. The link probably doesn't work because you have left longer than 12 months ago.

The link doesn't work for those of us who are still in their notice period because we are ineligible even if we get through to live chat (with the same Advisers who have applied the code or others rejecting it). Those of us who are in this boat will probably have to wait it out and get disconnected. Let the games begin.
16 Nov 16 #349
As other posters have said it isn't as good as Sky.

I pay for an IPTV service with every channel Sky has and more, but often channels stop working and the picture and sound quality isn't that great. As for live sporting events they often crash and streams go down. You can't record shows. Also video on demand sports events can only be played back in real time so no fast forwarding.
I can live with these faults but it isn't a patch on Sky.
16 Nov 16 #350
There seems to be a bit of greed creeping in. Think about about it - those who are offered it. You are getting 75% & £100 credit. Yet some want free boxes etc etc.

Take the damn deal. You will regret it if you foolishly think like a sheep and think you can hold out for a 'Black Friday' deal!!
16 Nov 16 #351
The complete bundle is £20 a month with 75% off. Where are people seeing it as £20.90?
16 Nov 16 #352
Stunning prices for the most complete TV experience available in the UK. Do not hesitate as this deal will only run for a week or two and will be gone forever.

This is an incredible buy in opportunity for anyone eligible. Unfortunately if you've only recently cancelled and are in your notice period - or are thinking of cancelling today - you will not be eligible for this truly stunning deal.
16 Nov 16 #353
just bagged a rolling contract but slightly more at £20.90 a month( £100 credit too).happy days, thanks for the heads up op. The 90p he says was for hd!
16 Nov 16 #354
How does this work if I wanted multiroom adding? I have never had before. Just wondered what extra cost would be? Would I have to pay an installation fee? It's 3rd floor of a townhouse, would they do this?
16 Nov 16 #355

Should come up with 2 options;

Chat online with our Sky experts
Click here
Call our Sky experts
16 Nov 16 #356
1. How long after being disconnected i.e. without Sky can you get 75% with.£50/£100 credit? If say I'm disconnected today (, can I still get the deal?

2. and have programmes on.the Box do these get erased and if I rejoin on same day can I still watch these?
16 Nov 16 #357
You cant seem to do it over online on your account anymore. It seems that getting the deal is by live chat now, I got the complete TV bundle for £20.90 +£100 over live chat
16 Nov 16 #358
Thanks OP, cheap sky for me! :grin:
16 Nov 16 #359
​we're you already cancelled or in your notice period?
16 Nov 16 #360
All I get is.

Sorry, we can’t process your order online

Start live chatBusy
Live Chat is available 7am to 11pm, 7 days a week.
16 Nov 16 #361
Do they send a new card or just activate the old one?
16 Nov 16 #362
Dude there are way better things out there than zgemma.

Zgemma is one of the worst ones! Only a little better than kodi
16 Nov 16 #363
no never heard of "SKY" and dont know anything about them :smile:
16 Nov 16 #364
Doesn't it just get used against the monthly subscription fee?
16 Nov 16 #365
hi I would appreciate it if someone could answer this but would I be able to get this deal if I am a new customer and I don't have a sky account? am with virgin and am thinking of leaving. thanks in advance
16 Nov 16 #366
I'm in cancellations period (tv package ends next Friday) just got full tv package (movies, sports, kids, everything) for £24.50 plus £50 credit. Rolling contract. Not quite the 20 people are getting but still pretty good
16 Nov 16 #367
no you have to pay, or you cant get this deal, its only for people who still have the equipment
16 Nov 16 #368
didn't manage to get the 100 pound credit. instead I said yes to 75% off the full package 75 pound bill credit and 60% off the HD pack for 12 months. works out to be £20.90 a month. really happy with that. thanks everybody on here for the tips. I cancelled my sky on Sunday. After only getting offered 60% off with various bill credit amounts, finally after 4 live chats persistence has finally paid off. 12 month rolling contract!
16 Nov 16 #369
Does this include movie and sports?
16 Nov 16 #370
has anyone managed to get this deal in your cancellation notice period?
16 Nov 16 #371
Please contact us to confirm your details

Start live chatBusy !!
16 Nov 16 #372
​Thanks mate. I have been trying this all morning and always seems to be busy. I guess it's just my luck
16 Nov 16 #373
Are you ?
16 Nov 16 #374
You can still do it online. Signing to your account and go here:…unt
16 Nov 16 #375
I had to go through live chat, wouldn't let me do it online. They said they weren't able to do 75% off the HD pack, only 60%. So worked out at £20.90 p/m.
16 Nov 16 #376
Ok 3rd time lucky as they say.

Managed to finally get 75% + the £100 (12 month contract) I cancelled yesterday and still had 30 days before the cut off. Took the advise from a previous poster and said i received an email about the above offer (i had not)
They offered me 75% off full package but said this does not include HD or Multiroom which i currently have. Did a bit of haggling he offered a further 60% off HD and 50% multiroom which brings the whole thing to £26.90 a month (I'm currently paying £31 for the exact same package so works out cheaper +£100 credit)

In terms of Sky Q, they wont touch it as soon as you mention it they wont to close the chat and transfer you to another dept. I'm now going to try that dept and see what the deal is. If it looks like its going to mess up the current offer i have been given then ill leave it
16 Nov 16 #377
Well if you want a 100% up time with no issues go why sky i wouldnt waste my time trying to stream it on a box
16 Nov 16 #378
Had email overnight and my services are now active. Logged in and it's all there. It does include the HD Pack.

£100 Credit also showing on my account :sunglasses:
16 Nov 16 #379
Father in law got this offer through the post, however his offer had no long contract!
16 Nov 16 #380
I've got a Zgemma as well and works well just no HD channels bar freeview ones.
16 Nov 16 #381
Thanks OP. I moved to Virgin a month ago for a better deal and although the BB is fine the Tivo box is woeful :disappointed:

This is best of both worlds with no hassle. Keep the Virgin contract, swap the Tivo box for the Sky box and still paying less than Sky were willing to offer to keep me :smile:
16 Nov 16 #382
1) Assuming these offers are still ongoing then pretty much as soon as you are disconnected then you'll be able to take it up, depending on if the adviser is being difficult or not but you should be able to get one that agrees.
2) These remain and you are able to watch whatever you have recorded previously so long as you have a package that has access to the channels from which the recordings were taken.
16 Nov 16 #383
New customer deals are different. This is a retentions offer.
16 Nov 16 #384
Just called to cancel... offered me 20% off!! I told them I was off!! Now to see what they come up with
16 Nov 16 #385
I rang them up rather than use the chat.
Went through to the Win Back team and told him I had received the letter offering 75% and £100 credit.
He was fine with that and I agreed to a 12 month contract for the Box Sets bundle.
I wanted Eurosport HD for the winter sports and it's included in Box Sets so I'm happy with that.
£9.50 a month and £100 credit = £114 - 100 = £14 for the year

He said I can add movies or sports any time and they will qualify for the discount till the discount period ends next year.

I already have Sky phone and broadand and was out of contract with the TV.
16 Nov 16 #386
I can't get through live talk is busy all the time, are people saying they are or aren't a sky customer?
16 Nov 16 #387
Did it for my mum just last month. When she had the new sky put in, she still had some days left to run on her contract. No problems. If what you are saying was the case, when you moved into a new property and wanted to get Sky the previous tenant would have to have been out of contract and that's not true. This is why it has to be in someone else's name...has to appear to be a new customer.​
16 Nov 16 #388
My experience of Sky has been getting involved in a deal with them is like getting in too deep with the mafia.
16 Nov 16 #389
Thanks got the full deal for £20 a month and £100 credit, signed up last night and already all up and runing :smile:
16 Nov 16 #390
My contract doesn't end until April 2017, but my 30% off TV discounts end in Jan & they will only offer 30% off on a new contract.. so got to pay full pull price from Jan - April so I can properly end my contract & try get a much better offer, sad times
16 Nov 16 #391
Great deal.

It might have already been said in the comments but if you have an old Sky account it's worth looking at reactivating this. I've just cancelled Sky on my current account and my subscription is due to end on Dec 14th. I called to rejoin and was told because my account is still technically active the best they can offer me is 60% and £50 credit. However, I had an older sky account from before I used my current one. I asked them to reactivate this one instead. They told me that I could now get the 75% off and £100 credit. Worth a look if you're like me and swap accounts every 12 months to take advantage of the best deals.
16 Nov 16 #392
Should of waited they will give you 75% off
16 Nov 16 #393
Did you this by phone or live chat?
16 Nov 16 #394
buy one off ebay for £20.
16 Nov 16 #395
16 Nov 16 #396
Works out at £14 x 12 = £168.
-£100 credit = £68.
16 Nov 16 #397
I pay now £17.40 for sky rental and £4 for Sky talk package (phone). I am not sure when my contract expires, but it should be sometime soon (sky line rental installation took place on December 4 last year). I went into my online account and when I mentioned that I'm thinking about leaving Sky, I was offered automatically following:
Get your Sky Broadband Unlimited, free for a whole year for 12 months (then £10.00 a month)Sky Line Rental £17.40 per month. So basicall they are offering me the same :disappointed:
Have you had such situation? If I talk to their customer service, will they make this offer better?
Thanks for reply :smile:
16 Nov 16 #398
Did it do it with out good to live chat to confirm ?
16 Nov 16 #399
Boo on the engineer, we used a local tradesman recently and were only charged £40 so that may be an option for you else maybe wait a couple of months and see if you can get a free visit then, good luck :sunglasses:
16 Nov 16 #400
apparently this offer is being removed tomorrow... please update people, i suspect sky are lying as usual
16 Nov 16 #401
​thanks for clearing that for me
16 Nov 16 #402
I cancelled today just managed to secure top package with 75% off and £100 and half price multiscreen with 30 day rolling contract :smile:
16 Nov 16 #403
Ok so cancelled this morning, still in cancellation period obviously. Just got the works for £24 a month, £100 credit on a rolling monthly contract. Shifa (their name) on the chat system, 15 mins max! Thanks OP
16 Nov 16 #404
great deal just signed up to box sets will only cost me £14 for the
16 Nov 16 #405
16 Nov 16 #406
do you need to have Sky TV to get deal

I've had Sky BB and phone, am I eligible?
16 Nov 16 #407
Not had long, but waaaay better than Kodi.
More responsive, a workable EPG, looks exactly like Sky.
Plus All channels PPV Irish etc.
Tv does decent job of upscaling but do miss out on HD. Mine is H2S so can record etc.
16 Nov 16 #408
Well yes and no. Those customers are able to take up new customer deals but for some reason are still being allowed to take up this offer (there are at least 4 or 5 people in this thread alone who already done so).
16 Nov 16 #409
Direct link for retentions:…ion
and this is the more general sky chat link (for new/rejoining customers, technical support, upgrading etc):…ybe
16 Nov 16 #410
then why not keep the VM broadband, and get sky tv separately? that's what i did and it has the added advantage of having much faster broadband to download the box sets!
16 Nov 16 #411
has sky live chat got problem today I'm trying to cancel and keeps disconnecting in the middle of the chat . 3 times now
16 Nov 16 #412
Just tried to get a new box but told 75% off and £100 credit only if you had existing box. Did offer 30 day rolling contract. Anyone had any better offers ?
16 Nov 16 #413
I had this option initially but those are the prices if you are new to sky. If you choose those prices it asks you to choose what TV packages you want which it shouldn't as you already have them on your current package. When i refreshed the page the my tv packages were now showing but Q showing as £99 for 2TB plus £99 for extra multi room box
16 Nov 16 #414
it showed no offers as I canceled sky 4 years ago so I went on Web chat where they offered me the 75% off. all channels except sport for £14 a month. tastey
16 Nov 16 #415
Just rejoined on this. Thanks OP.

Their best offer yet.

My service went off two weeks ago when they were insistent they couldn't do anything, why they do this dance every year I don't know because at the end of the day I am not paying any significant amount of money for Sky regardless of their content.

It would have saved me having to switch to Virgin as well in the other room.
16 Nov 16 #416
So what you done with Zgemma now you signed up to Sky?
Another room or saving for PPV?
16 Nov 16 #417
I left sky more than a year ago but a very helpful advisor gave me the 75% off plus £100 credit for the variety bundle. So I will be watching sky for free for next 12 months and still have £4 credit left. Went through live chat. Very happy
16 Nov 16 #418
My previous deal had actually expired last week and i phoned and they said they could only offer me a £3 discount to take my monthly bill to £33.50. But yeh just went through chat and cancelled- they said "we can offer you a massive 30% off" but i went through with it.

2 minutes later mysky has the 50% off for 12months offer- such a joke! X)

Think i might actually try a month without sky. Freeview, Amazon prime tv and catchup services i think cover the majority of my needs. Sky+ is just so useful/convenient though......... *sigh*:(
16 Nov 16 #419
Placed the order today with an entry in the calendar to cancel on October 16 2017. Variety bundle for £8 x 12. Might as well as its free.

They say 3 working days but will probably be switched on by the time I get home this evening.
16 Nov 16 #420
I've just done mine through their chat and got it for £20.90 and £100 credit.
16 Nov 16 #421
Ok guys managed to get the 75% off and £100 credit. In the end it was easy. On that website there was a chat link, I used it to contact them rather than going to the contact us on the main Sky website, I told a white lie in that I said I had received an email, no questions asked and they put it through
16 Nov 16 #422
Still showing here mate
16 Nov 16 #423
Re-activated in my name yesterday. Partners £25 deal is still active until end of December. Her deal overlapped my previous deal by 3 months where I was on £25 for 25 months.
16 Nov 16 #424
Could you take the deal then upgrade to sky q?? When I was chatting to them last month, they told me any offers on account remain when switching to sky q
16 Nov 16 #425
Indeed, I am in notice and only entitled to 60% off. Thanks for clearing that up.
16 Nov 16 #426
The point is it is free, I said the same and went with Talktalk on a 30 day rolling, for £14 a year for boxed sets against Talktalk's £6 per month, this was a no brainer and the lower priced bundles, sky are effectively paying you to return.
16 Nov 16 #427
Thanks im going to wait it out i want 75% or im not going back
16 Nov 16 #428
complete bundle £20.90 pm and £100 credit via chat.
16 Nov 16 #429
​did they not say to you that you have to be completely cancelled before you can get this?
16 Nov 16 #430
​Notice period. Also had new Sky q install booked but cancelled that after
16 Nov 16 #431
Link you posted doesn't show. When you are on the upgrade page does it say on the tv packages you took out 'You already have this' or is it asking you to add them to your order.
16 Nov 16 #432
I left Sky to join VM, the broadband was so slow.
16 Nov 16 #433
Nope. A variation of 50% to 60% to a maximum of 60% and 50 credit at one point. Some claim the deal doesn't even exist when it obviously does, others just say I am not eligible for vague reasons but I'm sure it's because I am in my notice period. Spoke to 7 different people. Anyways when I get disconnected next week we'll talk again.
16 Nov 16 #434
Thanks again OP. All sorted over live chat this morning without any issue...a very genuine HOT UK Deal.
16 Nov 16 #435
I had sky broadband which I cancelled in July 2016, but never had sky TV. I cannot get this deal as you had to have had Sky TV in the last 12 months, but also cannot get any new customer offers as I have been a sky customer in the last 12 months? Anyone know where I stand, and what offers I should be able to get? Thanks
16 Nov 16 #436
We got a new cable fitted and drilled through the wall, it was in a bungalow but cable came from high on the chimney so definitely was around second floor height. He came and had a look and said it would be £40 if we wanted it doing and was all done in about 30 mins. No call out charge, not sure if that's the going rate but definitely worth calling a few numbers local to you. He said he used to work for sky too. Hth.
16 Nov 16 #437
Well i put in my cancellation today spoke to live chat can offer 60% off and £50 credit.

They said cant do 75% as only can do that when i have been cut off so will wait until i have been cut off :smile:
16 Nov 16 #438
60% off is not £20.90, £20.90 is something like 74.x%

I got the same price, couldn't be bothered arguing the toss about the extra 90p. I was happy enough.
16 Nov 16 #439
I cancelled sky on the 1st Nov so I am currently in the middle of my cancellation phase. I have been trying to get this offer for the past 2 weeks but have had no luck.

However after going through 2 live chat agents i was able to get 75% off the complete bundle which is basically everything in hd plus 50% off multiroom on a rolling contract plus £100 credit. my new monthly bill is now £26 :grin: .

How i got this was i said i was chatting to their colleague named Nilofar earlier we discussed a letter I received about getting 75% off the complete bundle in hd and multiroom on a rolling contract with £100 credit. After having discussed the offer with my wife I would like you if you could or your manager to put that offer through for me?

that was all i said and he agreed apart from 75% off multiroom could only get 50%. So keep trying you can get it
16 Nov 16 #440
Lol I meant world of Zgemma. But now ya asked...35years!

Loving the early days of Zgemma because of all the extra channnels. But hard to ignore this deal. Especially if the romance with the box should ever suddenly be turned off.

I'm lazy and if it was just a USB type connection I would have both. But Cani be bothered screwing and unscrewing 2 cables all time.
16 Nov 16 #441
​We cancelled 2 months ago and everything was switched off after 14 days. I was surprised as was expecting 30 days.
16 Nov 16 #442
Is live chat busy for everyone or just me?
16 Nov 16 #443
anyone has a link for live chat please. the one I try is always busy :disappointed:
16 Nov 16 #444
Good timing, as my current deal had just run out,checked my sky account and had just paid the £80 full subscription oO (first time in years)

just been on live chat and this was the 1 and only offer they offered

I understand ,Right ****, First of all i can see you have been with us for over a decade now, so on behalf of Sky thank you for that. But to reward this loyalty i have a craking offer for you. It is 40% off your TV package. So keeping everything as it now currently that would bring your package to £52.80 for 10 months on an new 12 month minimum term. saving you over £270 this year

Naaahh, carry on with cancellation please :smile:

Ok i told a fib, as he was cancelling he offered me this

We do have an option on the sky plus features. You can keep the sky plus features to use with the freeview channels even if you cancel TV for £10 a month. No contract Would you be intrested?

Naaahhh carry on please X)

Will wait for them to contact me in the coming days/weeks......
16 Nov 16 #445
Not upgrades - My Sky
16 Nov 16 #446
bargain best to go for complete bundle
16 Nov 16 #447
Live chat
16 Nov 16 #448
Yes stunning deal i never bothered with full package but did as i got the same :smile:

I cancelled today and got this a few hours later
16 Nov 16 #449
Nice, my one shows the more expensive prices. Not sure if having multi room has anything to do with it
16 Nov 16 #450
The law has changed now...even if you watch any recorded or live tv on any device (tv,phone,tablet, pic etc) or use things like the iPlayer then you need a licence
16 Nov 16 #451
Anyone got a new box with this?
16 Nov 16 #452
​And then when you sit down to watch the big game or get nothing.

Anyone who thinks KODI is the future or a replacement for Sky is deluding themselves!

I have KODI but its a pain on the backside.. and that's on its good days!
16 Nov 16 #453
The Complete bundle includes movies and sports, plus kids, entertainment etc.

I received confirmation and welcome email for the 75% discount plus £100 credit this morning. Plugged the Sky box back in and all is working.

Including the credit I am getting the complete package for £11.66pm. It's worth that just for the footie and F1.
16 Nov 16 #454
OK some clarity on the issues of some people getting a rolling contract as opposed to a 12 month contract.

It appears that if you take the "HD Pack" they require you to sign up for a 12 month contract and as the HD pack is only required for the Sports pack then dropping this you can get a rolling contract.

To test this I tried my theory with two separate assistants on two separate chats and the outcome was the same. The 75% offer and £100 credit was available on my account but I blagged the rolling contract bit (twice) and both times I was successful. On the second call I was asked if I wanted the HD pack for the Sports and I said yes. It was then I was told I would have to sign up for a 12 month contract. I told her to take the Sports off which brought the price down to £14 per month and (Box Sets & Cinema in HD) and I was put on a rolling contract.

Just a heads up for those of you yet to sign up for this offer.

For those of you interested in knowing if they are offering any line rental & fibre offers on this deal, I also checked this out....twice. Once on a call and once on chat (they log your chat conversations so can see what was said previously). Line rental & fibre are 12 month contracts.

On the phone: £39.99 Activation Fee (which I managed to get waived)
£17.40 Line Rental per month (no offers)
£20.00 Fibre Unlimited per month(no offers)

On the chat: £17.40 Line Rental per month (no offers)
£10.00 Fibre Unlimited per month (half price)
16 Nov 16 #455
Does complete bundle include the porno channels?
16 Nov 16 #456
nope i did this several times and 3rd person agreed with 75% so went with it got the full package with half price multi screen
16 Nov 16 #457
Just spoke to the guys at Sky Q, they can add Q to your installation package but you will have to cough up anything between £99 to £198 depending on the capacity of the box and if you want multi room. The cost is for installation and the box you will have to return should you leave at the end of the 12 months contact. Their justification for this is that the box comes with a life warranty and if anything goes wrong call out charges and replacements are free unlike the old boxes which are only covered for 12 months.

Also if you currently have a deal on multi room like 50% off, upgrading to Q with multi room will break that deal and you will be liable fo the full £12 a month

Other than that your £100 credit and 75% off tv packages are unaffected
16 Nov 16 #458
I posted a second image. Shows I already have them! Just waiting to get on chat to see if it'll come out of credit. Think I may opt for 1TB and mini which would be an effective cost of £29 per month. I have a 4K set but still don't think the uptake on Sky 4K will be high for another year.
16 Nov 16 #459
Live chat is not loading for me

I agreed a rolling 12 month contract two weeks ago with 50% off and 50 quid credit
16 Nov 16 #460
We had given our notice a week ago, i just called up and the best they could offer is 50% off tv with £30 bill credit so i think we will be waiting it out until black friday deals. Thanks for the info op
16 Nov 16 #461
Kodi only decent for Movies and Boxsets or anything prerecorded. Anything to do with live team is like making a crisp sandwich with a cheap loaf of bread. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But always leaves a bad taste in the mouth in the end!
16 Nov 16 #462
I am currently out of contract and currently paying £52 a month including sky movies package and sky multiroom (it isnt connected to a telephone line) and they said they could only offer me 20% off the total. They are a joke, the ammount of money they make, I may just cancel and resort to Kodi
16 Nov 16 #463
Hi,you know the credit(£100) does it automatically come off your monthly bills or do i have to do something for the £100 to be deducted?,ive got my first bill and the credit shows up but when i look on my future bills(included next months) they all say its £9.20 a month and no sighn of it being deducted( i signed up for the boxset offer) thanks in advance
16 Nov 16 #464
16 Nov 16 #465
Well done, I tried again but can't get them to budge!
16 Nov 16 #466
There we go.
4th time lucky 75% off, £100 credit and a monthly contract.
Luck of the draw.
16 Nov 16 #467
Cancelled at 7:45 and have just re - joined - Box sets £9.50 plus £100 credit. As I was in credit for £20, now have full 12 months free!!!
16 Nov 16 #468
Cancelled my £80 a month contract 2 months ago and got the new deal. So my £960/year has gone down to £140/year and very happy. Many thanks to OP!
16 Nov 16 #469
Hi , can any help answer this? I've Just taken out sky tv on Saturday for 50% off, could I cancel in my cooling off period and reapply for this deal ?
16 Nov 16 #470
what did you say because ive spoken to two people on live chat who have give me nothing
16 Nov 16 #471
Fantastic deal. Cancelled my pending installation form Carphone Warehouse deal and then re-activated my old account. £20 for everything, minus £100 bill credit. £11.70 something per month for a year. Brilliant, thank you.
16 Nov 16 #472
For those you asking what happens to the £100 credit on your account. It is self explanatory. It is a £100 credit on your account that will be used towards your monthly bills.

So if your monthly package costs £20 per month and you have £100 credit then in effect your first 5 months are free and you pay a bill for month 6 onwards. You can't use the credit for anything else.
16 Nov 16 #473
cheers for this ive got an old sky account that hasn't been used in about 4 years and in credit of about £1.20. Ill go on live chat later on and see if the 75% works then delay the activation till the 30 days on my old contract is up
16 Nov 16 #474
I tried as well and got to £50.40 and that is it. Oh well who needs sky?
16 Nov 16 #475
i cancelled mine yesterday. do you mind telling what you said to get it. my services will disconnect end of the month
16 Nov 16 #476
Yeah second image shows now, i called up and they said it would be £198 for both boxes. Might try again. Hopefully they can take the money for the boxes off your credit
16 Nov 16 #477
If you are an existing Sky customer, can you cancel and then after a couple of days re-join by signing up to this offer?
16 Nov 16 #478
They don't like making it easy to cancel, you have to call/live chat.
16 Nov 16 #479
​That's my point. I use it only for TV shows that are shown in the USA & I wait a couple of days after first showing. But even then there's no guarantee. For Example.. Exodus & Phoenix both been down intermittently since weekend.
16 Nov 16 #480
Got full package plus HD for £24.50 per month, not including phone/broadband, plus £100 credit. I left about 4 months ago.

Does Sky Q allow you to watch live TV in other rooms, a bit like how multiroom/multi screen works? Multi screen is still £12 per month though so I will pass on that for now.
16 Nov 16 #481
Didn't quite get 75% but matched what I was paying already so £38 a month rolling contract complete package plus HD, Multiroom and £50 account credit. Like the fact I can give 31days notice any time.
16 Nov 16 #482
I only cancelled 10 days ago and have just managed to get the 75% off and £100 credit. Thanks to the OP!
16 Nov 16 #483
Got the deal but can't see confirmation of the £100 credit in my account. Anyone know where it show?
16 Nov 16 #484
I've just signed up again with 75% and £100 credit. I signed up for the package I originally had with a friends and family discount, which included the variety bundle, with added movies, sports and multiscreen. Works out at £33 a month after 75% off and I won't have to pay for the first 3 months due to the £100 credit!

Cheers OP!
16 Nov 16 #485
​how did you rejoin what did you say to them?
16 Nov 16 #486
Anyone tell me why sky is still good? I had it before and remember watching terrestrial channels most of the time. Other than football, which I watch in pubs/ friend's homes.

As for box sets I share a Netflix account with my brother, and my wife has a student Amazon prime account.

What do you think I'm missing out on?
16 Nov 16 #487
Live chat busy.. you guys not got any work to do?! :P
16 Nov 16 #488
Sky hq?
16 Nov 16 #489
I had sky for a year for 28 with Internet, phone calls, movies, 1tb hard drive and family package . Also vouchers for 100 pound to spend in marks and Spencer brought my daughters school uniform.

They wouldn't give me deal again wanted to charge me 70 plus pound per month. Then went to the world of zgemma and BT.
16 Nov 16 #490
Having cancelled my subscription earlier today, I was offered 60% off (for 12 months) and £100 credit. I was able to negotiate a rolling monthly contract (as opposed to being tied in for 12 months).
16 Nov 16 #491
While since I heard that word, reminds me of this...
16 Nov 16 #492
​For that reason I'm out :smile: it's a cracking price n no matter how much I hate Murdoch I would av jump at this deal. My question was slightly different though I know u require TVL but do they share database
16 Nov 16 #493
I cancelled 2 weeks ago and have tried chat a couple of times but they won't offer me the 75% off. They told me the offer had now expired due to very high uptake. They would only honour it if I could produce the email with the offer in it, otherwise they could not help. So if someone has the email can they please forward it to me!
16 Nov 16 #494
on-line chat that I had seen the offer for 75% off and £100 credit and could I have it. Chat operator said fine and now my account is showing the credit and £9.50 a month.
16 Nov 16 #495
Netflix is good but different content to sky. Sky has Game of thrones and some other HBO stuff. Plus sky movies if you get that bundle/package where many movies are newer than available on Netflix. The sports is obviously another key thing which includes certain cricket and boxing too for those interested.
16 Nov 16 #496
I've got Sky BB/line rental/phone, no TV since July, was offered 75% & £75 credit & no contract couple of weeks ago, said no but I would go for this offer.
16 Nov 16 #497
Okay, I cancelled 2 weeks ago and in the meantime retentions have offered me 60% off. Having spoken to them online this deal offers the same: 60% off plus £50 account credit to people who are in the 31 day notice period.

Only people who have left in the past 12 months and who are not in the 31-day notice period get 75% off + £100 credit.
16 Nov 16 #498
Think the op needs a Summary at the top:-
If you have no sky i.e. service has been switched off you can get 75% with £100 cash back

If you are in cancellation period i.e. sky still switched on best I can get is 60% with £50 cash back and 1/2 price multiroom

If you are just fed up with the price of sky, chat will not give you this price, you will need to cancel the service and enter the 30 day cancellation period.
16 Nov 16 #499
cheers trustus,i didnt understand why next months still showd as £9.50 insted of zero thats all,thanks for the info
16 Nov 16 #500
Interesting but doesn't work for me. I had sky 6 years ago and cut it off (was a former sky employee) when they wanted me to actually start paying for it ...

Last year I had an email from Sky offering 50% off for people who haven't had sky for more than 3 years I think ... I tried the link. It says i'm ineligible. Nice. Only wanted documentary channels so not prepared to pay full price for garbage repeats.

I do also agree with some posters who say they will decline. It's proven in the US that streaming services like Netflix now have more customers than Dish/Cable companies. I expect however they will try to significantly up their offerings with streamable stuff.

Also just tried an online chat. Operator also denied that any such deal existed.
16 Nov 16 #501
Just an't get through via live chat. Constantly shows 'busy'
16 Nov 16 #502
I cancelled mine yesterday and took me 3 chats, just say you received an email offering 75% and £100 credit and you would like to take them up on it. My cut of date was supposed to be for the 23rd Dec so i was still had more than 30 days of my contract left
16 Nov 16 #503
​did you tell them that you received an email?
16 Nov 16 #504
Yup same here.....
16 Nov 16 #505
​I phoned
16 Nov 16 #506
Thanks OP, got Box Sets + Cinema Pack for £14/mo with £100 credit. I cancelled my Sky probably 2.5 years ago now.

Got this no issues via live chat.
16 Nov 16 #507
What did he do for £40?
I think I can see another 2 holes in the middle of the two existing ones that might be for another 2 cables.
I'm wanting another cable to run from Skydish that is just above 2nd floor height, up to the bedroom and through the wall to my Tv. Maybe 4m of cable and a hole in the wall and sealed. That way I can grab this deal and use downstairs and then use Freesat box upstairs.

Wonder how much I should have to pay for it being done? I'm in 3 story town house.
16 Nov 16 #508
just tried to get the offer but the link did not work but i went on live chat and asked for the 75% and £100 and got it straight away from Kamal,on a 12 month contract though they would,nt give me it on a 30 rolling contract
16 Nov 16 #509
How specifically, chat? Phone?
16 Nov 16 #510
Very much account specific this. My Sky went off last week. In the My Sky section of the website it says 50% off discount with no credit but I phoned Sky up and said about the 75% and £100 credit and got told no thats not available for your account, I said OK she didn't even make me any other offers and away I went. Not overly bothered really but it would have been nice having Sky for Xmas.
16 Nov 16 #511
Can you use old card with this or need to contact sky for new one?
16 Nov 16 #512
Great deal, I've been out of contract since the summer and going without sky but couldn't pass this offer up, thanks for posting OP!
16 Nov 16 #513
Made up...and the family will be more so..
Thank you!
16 Nov 16 #514
When they get you into this new 12 month contract whats the betting the price goes up mid contract.
16 Nov 16 #515
​ Grant Way
16 Nov 16 #516
Booked it, and now working, so as I'm working from home today (ahem), I've been playing with it. Fantastic - really missed Sky and hated the less than intuitive Now box. Went for the box sets package, which over a year is going to cost about £1.15 a month! What a bargain.
16 Nov 16 #517
What about a discount on multiroom?
16 Nov 16 #518
How did you do this i cancelled today and all they could offer is 60% ?
16 Nov 16 #519
Beware, the 'Sports Bundle' does not include the HD Channels or HD Sports Channels. It's based on the 'Original Bundle' plus SD Sports Channels. I wish I had gone for the 'Complete Bundle' now as I have had to upgrade to Boxsets and HD Sports Channels to get them all once I realized this.
16 Nov 16 #520
I said I had the email and they were asking me to paste it in the chat window, which was a bit awkward as I could not do that
16 Nov 16 #521
Sky are terrible, left 18 months ago and never looked back. They have been gouging folk for years
16 Nov 16 #522
Just to confirm presumably the £100 credit can be used to pay the monthly bill? So in effect signing up for the original bundle would be free?
16 Nov 16 #523
Anyone know what the BB offer is? I was offered £10/m about 3 months ago but left for Plusnet for a large cashback which they cancelled so trying to leave them.
16 Nov 16 #524
Perhaps that has been covered in comments but there's too many to read, what if someone left more than a year ago. My 18 month contract with talktalk has just come to an end and I want to switch to different provider, sky was ok so I'm happy with them.

Weird thing about this deal is that you usually sign 12 or 18 months contracts with other providers so it's unlikely you are eligible to come back within 12 month period?

Edit: sorry I got too excited and didn't notice it's the TV bundles, I am just wanting broadband:)
16 Nov 16 #525
Good info.

Maybe everyone needs to like your post so it goes to the most liked posts on the first page.
16 Nov 16 #526
Is 75% of tv bundle..does it mean rest the broadband and line rental are full price?
16 Nov 16 #527
hmmmm I see a lot of talk about 75% and £100 credit but not much talk of sky Q. Has anyone managed to get sky Q thrown in and how much extra for the box or sub?
16 Nov 16 #528
It will be on your next bill.
16 Nov 16 #529
got the Box Sets bundle with 100 credit on a months rolling contract
16 Nov 16 #530
Can't complain if you're getting it free.
16 Nov 16 #531
Thank you SO much!
I have Netflix and Amazon prime. Should I get the cinema package or the box sets package? Which is better in terms of up to date and quality material?
16 Nov 16 #532
16 Nov 16 #533
I just told them I wanted sport bundle as quoted in the promotion. Got it no problem.
16 Nov 16 #534
My contract with Sky broadband and phone was up in Feb but I've stupidly been paying the standard rate since then, can anyone suggest my best option for broadband in this situation?
16 Nov 16 #535
I got the 75% and £100 but the guy on the phone said multiroom will be £12 per month.
16 Nov 16 #536
It would appear that the first chat you have gives 60% off, then second time a week later he upped it to 75%.. He initially offered £50 credit but after speaking to a supervisor upped it to £100. It is a new 12 month contract (perhaps as I have the HD pack)
16 Nov 16 #537
just got off chat and the best they would do was 60% off whole package plus £50 credit and Rolling Contract. I thanked them but said I wanted 75% and £100. I only cancelled yesterday and still got 30 days to go so this was kind of to be expected.
16 Nov 16 #538
Like i said i had to try 3 times, all depends on who you get
16 Nov 16 #539
was asked how I had heard about it and said by e-mail
16 Nov 16 #540
same for me
16 Nov 16 #541
The offer is listed for customers who have left Sky. I'd imagine that the advisers are telling some of you that the deal doesn't exist because you're still in your cancellation period and this offer won't be for existing customers
16 Nov 16 #542
Exactly.I'm just going to wait until my notice is up then press them on this. If it's not available anymore at that point then I'll just let it stay off. Can find most things I watch on there online anyways.
16 Nov 16 #543
How long you been in this world? How you finding it? I been in the world for a week or so, but tempted by this deal. Though at the minute, the fact I have so many more working channels to Sky Complete package (because of Boxnation and all the other ones being open) at the moment is slightly outweighing the fact I lose out on HD and a simpler solution to catch-up Tv.

Need to sleep on it and see how I feel. Love to hear everyone else's view who may be reading though. Thanks in advance for any info, large or small
16 Nov 16 #544
​l just jumped on live chat not expecting much after all the negative comments on here and then was pleasantly surprised, but guess like some say it's down to the luck of who you get.
16 Nov 16 #545
This is a sky+ retention deal only.
16 Nov 16 #546
Call them up, quote the order number and they may be able to change it.
16 Nov 16 #547
Looks like they wont be accepting it maybe now ?
16 Nov 16 #548
Interested in the full offer for £20 a month.
I see some getting half price multiroom. Do you have to have this already?
Wonder if they would fit and supply a new box on a 3rd floor of a townhouse and offer the deal?
Really after a Sky connection in the bedroom. That way in future can have connections in both rooms.
16 Nov 16 #549
£5.63 * 12 = £67.56
£31.44 left after the 12 month period so you could use one month more of free TV with that credit and then cancel meaning very 13 months free sky.
16 Nov 16 #550
Wish I had seen this offer before investing in Zgemma.
Would Sky fit it in another room as part of this deal? Or how much extra for multi room if I wanted that?
Also how much would I be charged if I wanted another 2 cables coming off my dish by an independant Tv installer? Just thinking could have Sky in one room and Zgemma in another.

One of other financial reasons why I quit Sky is because BT was charging around £6 a month to watch thier service on SKY plus another £5 for HD. (This used to be all free)

Would be a pain having to unscrew the LNB from one box to another just for PPV and BT Sports.

Really tempted with this deal though. Last year was 65% and £50 credit. This is even better now.
Plus the Mrs uses Sky easier. Catch-up is easier for her and also out and about with the SkyGo is decent feature. Hmmmmmm!?
16 Nov 16 #551
sky live chat link please :smile:
16 Nov 16 #552
I would of thought so i just cancelled mine
16 Nov 16 #553
what did u get ?
16 Nov 16 #554
Thank you op, managed to get the 75% off and £100 credit on a 30 day rolling contract. Happy considering I wasn't going to bother having it again.
16 Nov 16 #555
Thanks got this deal via chat £14 for a year of box sets with £100 credit
16 Nov 16 #556
you gotta laugh at sky asking for £99 to £199 for sky q box, you then have to send it back at end of contract lol, and you DONT get your money back either for the box u paid for, total con paying for box
16 Nov 16 #557
Wait until you have to spend 45 minutes paying Sky and jump through tons of questions to cancel. Terrible company
16 Nov 16 #558
got this deal it was all completed on live chat in 6 mins :wink: practically free tv on a 12 months rolling contract.
16 Nov 16 #559

So this mornign live chat added me back with 60% and £50. I rang up Winback on 08442411624 and moaned about it, said I got this through the post etc, and he got his manager to authorise it.

Woohoo, £20.90 for sky world
16 Nov 16 #560
There are a number of people who have cancelled before this deal even came out who have been unable to get it. We need to wait until we are disconnected before we are going to be in a position to force their hand. I've been through maybe 7 or 8 different agents (once I got the same guy I chatted to yesterday) and was given a maximum of 60% off and 50 credit. For the time being I have given up going through chat again as they all have transcripts of the previous chats (that's how the guy I mentioned previously noticed he spoke to me the day before.). I'm due to be disconnected at the end of next week. I will wait until then and see if they bite.
16 Nov 16 #561
Yea, same here. Might skip the sports pack to be able to get the multiroom.
16 Nov 16 #562
I understand that but surely if you are gonna sign up for another 12 months (if you add Sports HD) then u can use the opportunity to upgrade from standard to Q? I don't expect them to do it for free
16 Nov 16 #563
Yep, there should be a cooling off period so amend the order asap.
16 Nov 16 #564
Not sure this is worth it for me as I got a pretty good offer for the VIP package on Virgin. Can someone tell me the monthly price for Sky full bundle plus multiroom on this 75% off deal, as I think the multiroom is only 50% off? Also does it include HD and if not how much extra is that?
16 Nov 16 #565
What a load of rubbish easy to cancel done this several times took a few minutes via live chat easy..
16 Nov 16 #566
use kodi , no contract+totally free+more channel than virgin and sky all together
16 Nov 16 #567
It's clear Sky know what they're doing and they have worked out that many of those in notice won't want to be without services (they'll change their minds within the notice period), so they can offer them a lesser deal to those who have actually left. Yet another company who don't value rewarding customer loyalty.
16 Nov 16 #568
I just entered the 30 day cancellation period how long do i need to wait ?
16 Nov 16 #569
I initially joined sky TV back in 2014, where I got 50% of via a code. After the 12months, I haggled over the phone and manage to get 50% off again but for only 10months (12 months contract). They told me to call back on the 9th month and renegotiated another deal, which I did and got 50% for another 10months. However after a few days, I changed my mind and cancelled.

I was worried that I would have to pay the last 2 months in full, but I didn't have to as I signed a new contract and I was on my cooling off period. Yippee

Since then, they have been calling me, offering me 50% off for 12 months which I declined and then 60% which I also declined. 1 week ago, they offered me 6 months free(basic packaged sky1 etc), no contract and I can leave after that. I accepted.
16 Nov 16 #570
The only way to find out would be to ask them as I haven't seen any posts on the thread from people who have tried.
16 Nov 16 #571
Can you order your old sky card when contract updated?
16 Nov 16 #572
just spoke to someone and she straight up said its only available if you dont have active service for a some time. will keep trying till i get it
16 Nov 16 #573
Thanks OP cancelled in Oct and just renewed as a result of your post - top poster :p:p
16 Nov 16 #574
If I left sky now and cancelled everything could I just resign up with this offer?
16 Nov 16 #575
Depends on whether the offer is still active when your cancellation period has completed
16 Nov 16 #576
thanks for posting this. I joined sky last year through one of those CPW offers and cancelled the TV last month, keeping only broadband and phone (£17.40). I just called them and told them i had received this offer in the post and the agent had no problem in giving it.
16 Nov 16 #577
Legend :):D;)(_;):P :heart_eyes: 8)X):(:|:3:{
16 Nov 16 #578
Left sky in January 2014. Just been on the online chat and they gladly activated the Variety TV bundle at £8 a month on a rolling contract with £100 account credit.. Result!

Free Sky for 12 months :smile:

Thanks D00nhamer!
16 Nov 16 #579
I cancelled recently, and was due to be cut off this weekend.

looked at my account online, and they were offering me 50% discount to stay. went on the webchat, mentioned that i had heard they were giving 75% off and £100 credit and asked if i could have that. they came back and offered 60% off and £50 credit. i said no thanks, but if they gave me the 75% deal, i would sign up.

Waited a few minutes, they came back and offered 75% off and £50 credit. i took that - nothing to pay for 4 months, then £11 a month for the sports and variety pack. well happy with that.
16 Nov 16 #580
I took the 60% off and £75 credit just over a month ago, but I cancelled a few days after. I took this offer of the full package for 75% off and £100 credit last night. When I checked the account this morning I had £162 in credit. which basically means I'm going to pay £80 for a years subscription.
16 Nov 16 #581
The only thing rubbish is sky and their warped attempts to keep folk hanging on the premium line
16 Nov 16 #582
Nothing weird about that. Shrewd, vague, clever? Certainly.
16 Nov 16 #583

Almost word for word conversation I had with them yesterday when I cancelled. The only difference was they offered me the last bit for £5 but on a 10 month contract. I said no to both
16 Nov 16 #584
A date with Manisha by the sounds of it
16 Nov 16 #585
So yes i got offered 60% off chat should i wait then
16 Nov 16 #586
I am not sure I understand the question. Assuming you still have your existing box and card then they just activate the card again.

When you sign up to the deal there is an option that asks have you still got the equipment and card. I dont know what happens if you select 'no' as I still have mine.
16 Nov 16 #587
Completely dependant on who you get I think!

I can confirm Tajinder will offer 60% and £50 but will speak with his manager twice, firstly offering 75% and £50 and then the full offer.

Only asked where I'd received the offer which I said via email, no questions asked. Cancelled and re-subbed within 30 minutes.

If anybody gets a decent Sky Q deal then please shout!

Superb OP, feel my heat.
16 Nov 16 #588
How do I get BT sports on Sky?
I have the complete Bundle.
16 Nov 16 #589
@ coco,

did you keep your old box,
I left 2 tears ago but sold my box, gutted,
been on live chat cant get a box.
16 Nov 16 #590
Good luck, I'm due to be disconnected 23rd Dec by then all the deals would have dried up for me
16 Nov 16 #591
you lose It
16 Nov 16 #592
I am in same situation. I called today to cancel but just saw this. Should i call to discuss with sky, what was ur pitch/story ?
16 Nov 16 #593
im getting offered 75% no credit only on the original bundle
16 Nov 16 #594
Not true but I guess it depends who you get. I only cancelled this morning and got the deal - or £4 more as the HD for sports wasn't discounted
16 Nov 16 #596
If you go to My Sky after a few hours you will get a 50% off advert after a day or so (although I read someone say it took an hour) - then you click that and then speak to an advisor - good luck.
16 Nov 16 #597
16 Nov 16 #598
What team do you talk to on live chat? Or what do you say to get in touch with the relevant department who offered you your deal?
16 Nov 16 #599
Fab deal thanks op, just got 75% off and £100 credit for my daughter. She only cancelled her 60% off deal 5 minutes before. The adviser was Sahil and he was very efficient.
16 Nov 16 #600
Just upgraded via the website. Fantastic deal! Works out at under £12 per month for the full bundle with HD! Ridiculously good price. Heat! :grin:
16 Nov 16 #601
Well its better than the others at these prices if you dont like it dont get it simple !
16 Nov 16 #602
Just wait it out and see. They’ll always come back with an offer.
16 Nov 16 #603
​l just went with the original bundle
16 Nov 16 #604
Ha ha ha. Youngish wet-behind-the-ears whippersnapper who thinks the older generation dumb. Fool. One day my friend, you too will be old (if you're lucky, although looking around at the obesity levels many will not). Imagine how the next younger generation might treat you as an 'old fart'. Probably a lot worse than the contempt you are treating us with. Hey, guess what? You'll deserve it, you patronising ageist idiot!
16 Nov 16 #605
I said 60% off the HD pack, not the whole package. Think it's the Sports HD pack which is £6 or something? So 60% off that instead of 75% works out as an extra 90p a month. But like you say, no biggie
16 Nov 16 #606
You use the existing equipment - card, box and dish.
16 Nov 16 #607
What it costs more money??
Thought was included.
16 Nov 16 #608
​Been in this world for 39 years and I only cancelled contract in July 2016. I get every sky channel going now sports movies box office.

How long you been in this world.
16 Nov 16 #609
So, also got it on my wife's account. £14 for everything minus sports with £100 credit. The only caveat is that you need to already have a box.

Quick question though. Anyone get sky fibre with the deal?
16 Nov 16 #610
Got the %75 off + £100 applied to our account. I have started cancellation process an hour ago. went to chat and told them that I have received an email with this offer and would like to have it. After been transfered twice I was given this deal. Now need to sort my sky pro broadband and land line with them. was told it was a different department :face_with_monocle:
16 Nov 16 #611
This is a great deal if you can get it and only want TV - well done OP. I think broadband and phone are not discounted though, so once those are added in, plus multiroom and HD it might end up substantially more than £20 a month. I lost patience with livechat having been asked to show the email but I might try again tomorrow just so I can find out how much my monthly spend will be with these extra services.
16 Nov 16 #612
Cant get or search the deal on my phone. Has this deal now ended as was searchable earlier on the iPad!?
16 Nov 16 #613
I've got 2 months of credit still left on my previous deal is it best I cancel this?
16 Nov 16 #614
Do they resupply a box if you got rid of your last one?
16 Nov 16 #615
£26.90 for full package, HD and multi room +£100 credit
16 Nov 16 #616
Yes it costs extra
16 Nov 16 #617
Just got the deal....

This is my chat transcribe..

i would like to get the current Sky retention deal of 75% off and £100 credit

Matthew as I can check on your account I can give you a 60% off deal.

no - there is a current retention deal for 75% off and £100 credit

May I know where have you seen it or have you received any letter or email about it?

yes it is a letter

Do you want the same package which you have currently or do you want to make any changes to it.

Sky then confirmed the deal:-
The minimum term duration for your: Sky TV services is 12 months contract. Prices may increase and services may vary, including during your minimum term. Here is your package summary: Box Sets Bundle @ £38.00 pm (With discount £9.5) Sports & Cinema Pack @ £36.00 pm (With discount £9) Sky Sports HD Pack @ £6.00 pm (With discount £3) So your total monthly cost will be £21.50pm for 12 months and after that £80 per month.

So is that 75% off?

yes it is 75% off deal on the Tv packages and 50% off deal on the HD package.

ok - will the £100 credit also be applied?


The offer is 12 months 75% discount on your TV subscription. The discount would cover Original/Variety/Box Sets Pack, Sports and Cinema packs. It does NOT cover stand-alone Premium Channels, Sky Box Office, Sky Store, pay-per-view services, Multiscreen or the HD pack (including Sky Sports and Sky Cinema in HD). After your 12 month Sky TV offer ends you will pay the full price for your Sky TV package. Prices may increase and services may vary, including during your minimum term. This offer isn't available with other offers. Please note you need to give us 31 days' notice to cancel or change your package. Your cancellation rights will be sent to you with your full terms and conditions. Your Sky services are for domestic use only. Other charges, such as Sky Box Office or non-inclusive call charges will be billed in arrears. Any offers will be shown on your statement. Pay as you use services, such as Sky Talk call charges, not included in your package cost or Sky Box Office, will appear on your next bill once they've been incurred. You can view your bill at least 14 days before your monthly payment due date, make payments and manage your account online through My Sky or Sky Active on your Sky box. Once your account is reinstated, You will be able to view your new package within 4 hours.
16 Nov 16 #618
Thanks £42.44 for sky sports package for the whole year!
16 Nov 16 #619
MSE were doing a deal last month (now ended) where you could get Sky Q, full package for £30 per month and only £15 setup.

But that was for new customers.
16 Nov 16 #620
HD sports and cinema channels cost an extra £6 pm. Watch out for these hidden extras!!!
16 Nov 16 #621
Thanks OP. Got the complete bundle for £20.90 a month + £110 credit. The extra £10 credit to cover the extra 90p a month lol. Also half price multiscreen. Forgot to ask about a rolling contract though. Ah well, not too fussed :smile:
16 Nov 16 #622
How did you manage that? I tried today but ended up cancelling completely
16 Nov 16 #623
Sky Q wont budge they even said they would have take back the 50% off multi room if i want Q multiroom
16 Nov 16 #624
So if I have the Variety bundle for 12 months Sky pay me £32.44 if I cancel before payments go up?
16 Nov 16 #625
I spent an hour on live chat would you believe, it was like pulling hairs teeth, the offers started at 35% off and he kept going away to confirm everything with his manager. In the end I got up to 75% off but no chance of a credit. Told him to keep it.
16 Nov 16 #626
£20 per month for the complete package and £100 bill credit! Awesome! Thanks so much, my Sky literally finished about 2 weeks ago and I was missing it! This is a bargain!
16 Nov 16 #627
On Sky Chat for now over 1hour after being placed 12th with estimate of 18mins.
Now says 3rd with 5 mins.
Had enough now....need to go to work.
Guess if I loose out on this deal I will stick with ZGemma. Oh well. What a waste of time (for me anyhow. Doubt this will be available tomorrow)
16 Nov 16 #628
After 5 attempts and two days. Got 75% off full package and hd with the £100 credit. 30day rollingcontract. Works out £15.50 a month I think after credit is applied. What a deal.
16 Nov 16 #629
Saw your comment above. Already a difference in pricing as when I log on my account to view the uprade options, Sky Q 1TB is £15 set up and 2TB is £60. Multi screen is standard £12 pm and then they want £40 for your first Mini box and £99 for any subsequent minis.
16 Nov 16 #630

If you have signed up to the deal and also have unlimited fibre/phone, can you confim if you've had to pay full price for these other services - or were they also discounted.
16 Nov 16 #631
I didn't try for the 30 day rolling contract ! but will just cancel in 12 months and go back to my Zgemma h2s!
16 Nov 16 #632
What I do wonder though is, if I were to order the 2TB and one Mini for £100, would it use my account credit first? That way it would be Sky Q complete package with multi screen for £32.90 pm for 12 months which sounds decent to me.
16 Nov 16 #633
sky wont pay you anything
16 Nov 16 #634
16 Nov 16 #635
get mxq android box with kodi mobdro and movie hd and cartoon hd and you get all sports movies tv shows free just make sure you have a very good internet connection like bt infinity.
16 Nov 16 #636
​wrong... I got the deal without the box. easy enough to pick a 2nd hand one for £20 . but I got one of my brother in law for nothing
17 Nov 16 #637
Hi, my bill was £58 and I cancelled today on phone, immiediatly was offered 50% off on the Sky app, I went onto chat and told them I'd been offered 75% and £100 credit in the app and they agreed straight away, it's all been sorted and monthly cost is £22.10 for 10 months then £24 for two months.

However the next bill was due 26th November and as you know is for the month ahead. It has taken the £58 out of my £100 credit, shouldn't it have only charged me the new £22 for first payment as it isn't due until the 26th. As they are charging me for the next month at the old price, any advice on this? If it's a mistake?
17 Nov 16 #638
after reading everyones comments about 75% off and £100 credit, i decided to go back to Sky after accepting 60% off and £50 credit yesterday and to my surprise, they agreed and applied the 75% off sky TV, 50% off one multi-room and £100 credit, thank you everyone for additional comments.
17 Nov 16 #639
Yeah the sports HD ain't included in the 75% offer but if you haggle with them they should take off 60% and if you want multiroom then it's 50% off bringing the complete package + multiroom to £26.90
17 Nov 16 #640
​Not everyone is happy being a thief.
17 Nov 16 #641
Does anyone have any idea what time live chat opens. I can see times any where thanks
17 Nov 16 #642
does this offer not apply to broadband/phone users? i never had TV on my account so the guy i just spoke to was happy to offer me this deal but since i never had tv associated with my account he said i cant get this
17 Nov 16 #643
Yep I've been caught out by that before. Had all the other channels in HD, got a special offer to upgrade to Sports for 3 months, but of course it was only in SD which was rubbish quality. Hadn't realised there was a separate Sports only HD charge. However I think with Cinema (Movies) HD is now included as standard.
17 Nov 16 #644
they called me and made the offer to me and i accepted. i just said i dont use it much and its not worth the money for not using much so they offered that deal. i didn't know about the £100 credit or thought i'd get that much
17 Nov 16 #645
They said no to me. I had to pay to get the Sky Q box.
17 Nov 16 #646
Trying to chat since 7am. Available 7am-11pm
17 Nov 16 #647
I tried putting my cancellation notice in this morning using the chat... (I'm currently 3 months into a 50% off deal on a rolling contract with no account credit left)

"Sarah" said it would take half an hour as she HAD to go through my account and see if she could downgrade/change my package before she could cancel, she couldn't skip the home and lifestyle questions even though I said it just wanted to cancel and I wasn't interested in changing...

didn't have a spare half an hour so I will try again tonight...just hope the 75% + £100 offer is still on tomorrow!
17 Nov 16 #648
Finally I managed to get the deal. I am on my notice period of 31 days until 28th November. I mentioned in the chat that I got the leaflet for the deal. no question ask and got Box bundle for 9.50pm with 100 credit . Thanks op.
17 Nov 16 #649
Looks like it worked! I only got disconnected a week ago so back on for free hopefully as 5.63 a month plus bill credit £100 leaves me in profit in a years time!
17 Nov 16 #650
Get multi - screen i got free installation :wink:
17 Nov 16 #651
75% and 100 credit applied to my account whilst in cancellation period . SUCCESS!
Any package this could be applied to. i went for boxsets.
17 Nov 16 #652
HD is included in the 75% Offer + £100 Credit on the 'Complete Bundle' and 'Box Sets Bundle'

I re-joined Tuesday and became active yesterday. I went for the 'Complete Bundle' - Did this in My Sky not via chat
17 Nov 16 #653
re. Sky Q: ​not when I did it for my mum a couple of months ago, it was seperate and payment needed to be made there and then by card. not sure about box office
17 Nov 16 #654
Use the online chat, I rang and got offered 50% but online got the 75% on the same day!
17 Nov 16 #655
Just went through chat on this link told them I'd cancelled a month ago and I'd like to redeem the offer of 75% off and £100 cashback I received via email. They said they don't see the emails they send out and to follow the instructions on the email to get the offer and there was nothing they could do.
17 Nov 16 #656
just brought the sports bundle £11.88
17 Nov 16 #657
With 75% off plus the £100 credit, this must be the best Sky Commeback Offer so far.

I was tempted to order Sky Q plus additional mutliroom box for £12pm extra, but then realised having Sky Q would exclude me from such attractive comeback offers in the future. With Sky Q they expect you to return the boxes upon cancellation, so will likely charge for a new box install each time. It's safer to stick with plain old Sky+HD.
17 Nov 16 #658
Can you get this deal ,just for the TV without having to get phone line and broadband????
17 Nov 16 #659
Today they are having none of it today, they want me to ring up or follow the link in the email. They did offer me 20% off for 10 months with a 12 month contract ...!
17 Nov 16 #660
Took me over half an hour to cancel online too - I reckon the agents are dealing with more than one person at a time and that's why they're slow to respond and process the cancellation.
17 Nov 16 #661
I have sky and only just got a new 12 month contract but I have 31 days to change my mind, do you think I would get this deal or should i cancel now and then try?
17 Nov 16 #662
hey guys thanks for all your help. sorted out 75% off with £100 credit after only cancelling this afternoon. they did it straight away but its taken an hour to do on chat
17 Nov 16 #663
Left in July, said I'd never go back even if Sky paid me, guess what I'm back.
17 Nov 16 #664
Nope.....I told them I've been sent the offer by retentions!! Cancelled yesterday.....took 3 attempts on live chat but got the offer in the end
17 Nov 16 #665
The thing is they are getting rid of the old boxes and trying to get people to sign up for sky with Q. There was someone who posted a couple of pages up that he took the 75% offer but asked for an extra box to sent so he could do multi room. Sky said they could only send out a Q box as they don't do the old boxes.
Hopefully by the time next year there will be better offers for Q
17 Nov 16 #666
What broadband are people getting? The standard?
17 Nov 16 #667
Hugh thanks for posting this deal!. I got 75% off with £100 credit. I did online chat with sky 3 times but on 3rd time I was offered this deal. Sky original+sky sports bundle for £11.50 a month with £100 credit and it's rolling contract. guys try sky chat again & again untill you reach your goal.Thanks again
17 Nov 16 #668
Cheers sky sports package for £42.44 for the whole year!
17 Nov 16 #669
No i already had the multi room discount on my account, they said that to me yesterday just try again. I just said I've been sent this offer, if they ask say it was via letter in the post or you've had a voicemail from retentions
17 Nov 16 #670
yup they are pushing out sky q for one reason , they changed their terms, so once you end you contract you HAVE to send the box back to them,

if you don't they will charge for the box for non returning them

the days where you keep your old box and sell them is now over (as far as skyQ boxes are concerned anyway)
17 Nov 16 #671
My partner works at Sky and says they have had a massive amount of calls because of HUKD and Money saving expert X)
17 Nov 16 #672
Just got tv package
. However have broadband with virgin ending in a months, any advice for broadband
Would they give free broadband or...???
17 Nov 16 #673
I've just got this offer, wasn't asked how I'd heard about it, just applied it to account.
17 Nov 16 #674
It is for people who have:
a) Had TV
b) Cancelled TV in the last 12 months.
c) Have actually had the TV switched off i.e. are not within their notice period.
17 Nov 16 #675
I just rang up Sky to cancel and they offered me 50% off tv package which I refused. how long do you think I should wait before trying for this deal?
17 Nov 16 #676
re. my issues with the offer taking 24-38hrs I just tried again and he confirmed what I was told is correct, it's a technical problem on my account and has been passed to the tech team to resolve and I WILL get the 75% + £100 ....

while I was online I tried the broadband team as I'm just about to go full price...

best he offered was full price line rental (£17.95), half price fibre unlimited (£10) with £75 account credit...but said their were offers on line rental in the didn't get near my current free line rental and half price fibre deal so I've held off...
17 Nov 16 #677
​​​Hugh thanks for posting this deal!. I got 75% off with £100 credit. I did online chat with sky 3 times but on 3rd time I was offered this deal. Sky original+sky sports bundle for £11.50 a month with £100 credit and it's rolling contract. guys try sky chat again & again untill you reach your goal.Thanks again
17 Nov 16 #678
You're not the only one. If you'd said I'd be joining Sky again before the year was I out I'd have said you were mad.
17 Nov 16 #679
thanks. i guess i need to find better deal for broadband asap before my ends with sky on 30th
17 Nov 16 #680
you stand a better chance of getting the deal once your 31 days notice is over and your channels have become inactive

but some have had some success, but you should have no issues once your 31 days notice is up (assuming its still on by then)
17 Nov 16 #681
Mine is just TV.
17 Nov 16 #682
We cancelled yesterday afternoon, went on live chat this evening & got the deal
17 Nov 16 #683
​I went on to webchat at 7am this morning. told them I had tried to access the offer online but it told me to contact direct. He didn't ask how I knew about offer. Just applied it no questions asked!
17 Nov 16 #684
I just rang up Sky to cancel and they offered me 50% off tv package which I refused. how long do you think I should wait before trying for this deal?
17 Nov 16 #685
I got this deal this morning on Live Chat.
I said I had received letter (which I had, it was offering 60% off - I am in my notice period) but just said it was the 75%/£100 offer. They said I didnt qualify for the deal, I argued I had received the letter and that it said the offer ended on 21 November (which the letter said). He then agreed the 75% at first said I couldnt have any credit, then went to £50. I argued saying I wanted to speak to manager and they came back saying £100 credit applied.

My question is where does this credit show online?
17 Nov 16 #686
Google is my foe in this case, I have trawled the internet in search. PM me a link to info if you have it. Regards.
17 Nov 16 #687
Thanks! I accepted 75% off last week to stay with them on the original bundle. I was in cooling off period so I cancelled it 1 hour ago and got the box sets bundle through the chat :smile:
17 Nov 16 #688
I left sky about 3 months ago and I can confirm this link worked for me I got HD boxsets and HD cinema 75% off = £14 a month with £100 account credit too
17 Nov 16 #689
17 Nov 16 #690
Judging by several replies on here you can get 75% off straight away, but in 4 attempts I had no luck. I am certain you can get 60% off any TV bundle and 50% off multiroom right away - even if you handed in notice 5 minutes ago.
17 Nov 16 #691
Just been on chat with Divya using the link supplied a page back and got the deal! Box Sets Bundle for the year for just £14. Thanks to the OP!
17 Nov 16 #692
Can someone tell me if they can still view box sets and catch-up Tv with the Sky Dish cables pulled out?

Thinking of getting just for catch-up and Boxsets for £14 for year and using alongside Zgemma box.
17 Nov 16 #693
Whenever I go onto web chat, it just shows busy. Am I doing something wrong?
17 Nov 16 #694
you mean you are wrong, you just confirmed it, "you either buy a 2nd hand box" meaning YOU PAY FOR IT..or you find an old box from someone else (ie your brother) or don't get the deal simple,

this deal is dependant on you having your old equipment. either that or you buy/borrow an old box, same with dish, if you don't have that they will charge you a fee
17 Nov 16 #695
hmmmmm thoughts on this then...

I've cancel via live chat

Straight after I go to the "left sky in the last 12 months" chat and ask for the 75% off + £100 credit and speak to Kapangailu who, after asking me how I got the offer (email) agrees to do this no problem...

whilst processing he says "due to some error the offer can not be added at the moment but it'll be added within 24 to 38 hours." - goes on to say it's because I'd only just cancelled..

100% assures me that I have received this offer and it will take place and show on mysky account within the time frame mentioned....

I've taken screen shots of the full conversation, just hope he's not fobbed me off!!
17 Nov 16 #696
I just cancelled again as they wouldn't let me upgrade from my 60% off. The lying toe rag told me that the 75% offer was sent out in error and apparently nobody is actually getting it. Yah....

Hope they send me the offer soon, sky is due to end 18th December and I don't think il cope with Christmas without Peppa Pig and NicJnr!
17 Nov 16 #697
You can, see my post #754...

"I signed up for box-sets, HD and Sports. Now if I go online I can get Sky Q for a REDUCTION of (about) £3 pcm - but I need to sign a 12 month contract.

There is a £199 charge for a 1TB box OR 2TB box
17 Nov 16 #698
​You just have to sit there waiting. As soon as it says someone is available you have to click the link.
17 Nov 16 #699
the £100 credit is an incentive only if you cancel at any time and you have part of that credit left in your account you wont get a penny as they just cancel the credit.
17 Nov 16 #700
assuming the live chat advisor added it, it will show on your account straight away (or a few mins after they have added it)

I made sure to ask this and I also kept the conversation just incase ( it wasn't £100 tho it was a different amount a few months back)

but yes it will show on your online account more or less straight away

if it doesn't then I would get back in touch
17 Nov 16 #701
This deal is for TV only. You dont have to have the phone and broadband.
17 Nov 16 #702
Do these Q need extra connection to the Sky Dish? I only have connection in my main room.
17 Nov 16 #703
After a failed attempt to get the offer earlier on this morning I then tried this link.…ble I got through to someone called Salman and told him I'd like the retention deal of 75% off and £100 credit. He then said OK and I took the complete deal for £20.90 pm (reduced from £80) and £100 cashback. The whole chat took around 5 minutes!
17 Nov 16 #704
I just rang up Sky to cancel and they offered me 50% off tv package which I refused. how long do you think I should wait before trying for this deal?
17 Nov 16 #705
yup you may get lucky if your still within the notice period, but if your outside your 31 days notice you wont have any issues at all,

just saying you stand more chance of success if your outside the 31 days notice period,

but by all means keep trying, as other posters have said they have had some success. but not all, but that's no surprise as most are still within their notice period and have the channels are still active
17 Nov 16 #706
How much is Boxsets with Sports HD using this deal?
17 Nov 16 #707
£3 reduction off what though?
Also how much was Boxsets with Sports HD as I may try for that? Thanks
17 Nov 16 #708
This appears in my sky under Shop then offers.
Hopefully this helps someone?
17 Nov 16 #709
This is not entirely true regarding point C. I called up to cancel on Tue and switch off date wasn't due till 23rd Dec but still gave me the 75% off +£100. I would say they need to see that you have requested for your sky package to be cancelled in order to be eligible for the deal.
17 Nov 16 #710
Give it a go, I got it.

I agreed to a new 60% off deal on Friday as I was already in a cancellation period and was quite happy with that until I saw this thread yesterday. Did a live chat last night and cancelled again as within my 'cooling off' period. Sky was due to be turned off in December.

Did a live chat this morning, but didn't get any joy, just 60% again, so I rejected it. Tried a few minutes later, said I wanted the deal and he gave it too me straight away, although it was £20.90 instead of £20. I tried to argue that it should be £20, but he said he couldn't amend, so after a bit of delaying tactics by me he offered me £110, which I accepted.

Feel short changed by 80p though:D
17 Nov 16 #711
You dont need the broadband. If you do then its on top of this deal.
17 Nov 16 #712
They normally have to visit to change the LNB (a component in the dish)). If your disk is old they will end up changing the whole disk. then they will setup the main box - any other Q boxes you may buy connect wirelessly to the main box.
17 Nov 16 #713
worked for me
17 Nov 16 #714
I asked for that. The advisor said that they no longer do multi screen. Only with Sky Q!? I asked for it on chat what cost of multi screen would be as didn't have the cable.

My thought was to possibly either do Full package £20 and pay for someone to fit extra cable upstairs for the Zgemma. Or just do the £9.50 and pay £12 multi screen so £21.50
But said no longer offer it.

Anyone else had a new multi screen done without Q?
17 Nov 16 #715
Thanks OP, went for the box set bundle to get the HD channels, Sky Sports News, and Sky+ back and will effectively be paying £14 for the year! That will do.
17 Nov 16 #716
I can't get live chat to budge from £50 credit :disappointed:
17 Nov 16 #717
​that's what I would like to know aswell
17 Nov 16 #718
All I know is that 75% for full package including HD came to £20.90 which with means HD was 60% off? If it's 75% then I'm assuming it's £20 per month. Most people seem to be paying the former
17 Nov 16 #719
We are on a 12 month contact with a offer that runs out on the 25th of this month.

It is for the full full package sports, Movies, hd, mut room, full package

And our bill gos up from £62 to £92 on the 25th of this month.... Have asked on the live chat for better offer and the best they offered was 20% off £92 on a 12 month contact......

We have about 3 or 4 month left on the contact....

Any advise what to do guys?
17 Nov 16 #720
Whats the price everyone is paying who has the complete bundle, multi room, unlimited broadband and phone line?
17 Nov 16 #721
got boxset deals an hour ago, all channels working except the box set.
anyone got same problem?
17 Nov 16 #722
Box Sets with Sports - including discounts
Sky Sports HD Pack - including discounts

if I go through Sky Q I get an adjustment of £-2.40. One off £199 to pay
17 Nov 16 #723
Any idea when this offer will run until? I have cancelled but still in my 31 day cancellation period!
17 Nov 16 #724
I got multi room thrown in with this deal but at £6 per month (50% off) I already had the boxes and everything set up from my previous contract so it never came into question. I tried to upgrade to Q with multiroom but they said they would need to disconnect the current standard box and I'd lose my 50% as Q has to be full price £12 for multi room
17 Nov 16 #725
The flip side is that if your Q box stops working (at any point) they take your old one back and send you a new one. With a sky+ box, after 12 months you were on your own.

You never own the Q box which is why they charge you if you don't return it after the contract ends.
17 Nov 16 #726
Probably too soon, wait 24 hours then call them if not working
17 Nov 16 #727
How do I knw if I have the deal on 12 months contract or no contract. Got so excited not to sure now !!??
17 Nov 16 #728
You don't need to wait for the the 31 days to end. I called up to cancel on Tue and my cut off date was to be 23rd Dec (37 days left of contract) and I got the deal yesterday
17 Nov 16 #729
I think if you have 3 to 4 months left on the contract then you won't be able to get anything. If you were on a rolling contract or had about 31-40 days left then yeah you would be able to cancel and jump on this
17 Nov 16 #730
Just another vote of thanks to the OP.
I left 6 months ago and switched to BT, but also got a NOW TV box (approx £3 / month) for the few channels we really wanted to keep from Sky.

This offer means I'll get so much more than Now TV, ability to record and still be £2 a month better off.

I phoned and said I'd take it if it's not a 12-month contract - and they agreed straight away.
Nice one!
17 Nov 16 #731
Thanks tried again with the link a few pages back and got through very quick..first of wouldnt go beyond 50% off and £50 credit but then after bit more banter offered me the complete package at £20.90 a month(only 60% off HD)..result bit confused though as my first bill is just over £43.00 next month and then £20.90 thereafter...i take it these first few bills are deducted from your credit and not from your bank account?
17 Nov 16 #732
When you sign up - you get a confirmation email with the T&C's listed. the email..... termination will be 12 months or 31 days.
17 Nov 16 #733
I cancelled mine a couple of weeks ago. Waiting to use the online chat function but it is saying busy. Was going to go to Now TV but an offer like this will tempt me to stay.

On the homepage it has an advert for 50% off for 12 months. I will see if I can get 75% off.

I cancelled my Sky broadband as well and moved over to BT. Getting a £100 mastercard and £90 cashback :smile:
17 Nov 16 #734
​B is not true entirely true either. I've not had TV for well over a year although I do still have sky talk and BB. I still got deal.
17 Nov 16 #735
i vaguely remember that was the norm with broadband routers a few years ago.
17 Nov 16 #736
Sky renewal time! Usual messing around!

Day 1 - contact Sky - can I renew with same deal of 60% off - Sky replies No! Best is 50%. Ok Sky cancel my account.

Day 2 - contact Sky - I've cancelled can you offer me a deal? Sky replies 60% off. (Done my research now and I know people are getting 75% off with £100 account credit). Tell them no I want 75% - Sky say no!

Day 3 - contact Sky - I've cancelled. Can you give me 75% off and £100 credit? Sky - sure!!
And it's not a 12 month contract - you can cancel anytime with 31 days notice!

So.... never take their crappy offers first time!
17 Nov 16 #737
I thought it was cheaper to have one supplier instead of two?
17 Nov 16 #738
I got through quicker here, waited about 15 minutes.…bal
17 Nov 16 #739
I initially tried to get the deal on an old account that hadn't been used in 4 years, they wouldn't touch it. Said I don't qualify as a 'returning customer' but a new customer. I think it needs to be around the 12 months mark
17 Nov 16 #740
Trust me mate I'm in that £20.90 camp and when I get home I'm gonna cancel the whole thing then try chat until I get it for £20. Its one thing to be surcharged by 80p but entirely another by £10.80

17 Nov 16 #741
ohh yesterday it wasnt showing the £100 credit, today it is but i have nowtv until January and you cant freeze the membership :disappointed:
17 Nov 16 #742
GOT DEAL AROUND 7/8 PM, but no email !
17 Nov 16 #743

Box Sets with Sports & Cinema = £74 - £55.50 (75%) = £18.50
Sky Sports HD Pack = £6 - £4.50 (75%) = £1.50

Total £20.00

Not sure why some being charged £20.90 unless they're only knocking 60% off the HD Sports Pack (£6 - £3.60 = £2.40) when done via chat and not the My Sky offers section.
17 Nov 16 #744
Thanks op, just got box set and £100 credit . works out as previous post total £114 minus £100 credit costing £14 for the year.HOT from me
17 Nov 16 #745
I cancelled my account in October as they were offering me pennies off, and then agreed to 50% off (no discount for multriscreen) last week via retentions. Cancelled again today as its still the cooling off period and whilst doing so was told that i had the best offer. Half an hour later tried the chat box on the 'come back to sky' page and said i'd received a retention letter with the above offer. Success! 75% off, 50% off multiscreen & £100 credit.

But note: its only a rolling contract if you continue with what you have. I was told upgrading the package would mean another 12 month contract, but i have time to decide as any package changes would still be done with 75% off.
17 Nov 16 #746
Hi, have you called via phone or via chat? If by phone - which number have you used?
Thanks for answer and sharing your winning story :smile:
17 Nov 16 #747
Thanks a lot! So only £2 more to get cinema as well. I thought Sky Q would be a higher monthly tariff, not a lower one! But the £199 charge is where they make the money I suppose.
17 Nov 16 #748
Only took 40% off HD for me. Guess I could of got better better for £22 a month and the credit can't grumble.
17 Nov 16 #749
I wonder if they stopped installing for multiroom then.
Does your second box have sky viewing card?
Just wondered if i paid a company out of paper to fit the 2nd cable and then just bought a 2nd hand box it would qualify to be multiroom ready.
£75 does sound steep for a ladder, drilled hole and a bit of cable.
17 Nov 16 #750
thankyou, I can't see on website where it would potentially show.
I didnt save the chat, I was on autopilot, I could kick myself
17 Nov 16 #751
Hi, all done by chat! Thanks to the help and advice on this forum ;-)
17 Nov 16 #752
how long between getting deal by online chat and confirmation email?
17 Nov 16 #753
Rolling contract here.
17 Nov 16 #754
​I get the impression from all the posts it's fairly pot luck. I last had TV over 4years ago as well. it seems the only hard and fast rule from the people who have been successful is that you need to be either in cancellation period or already left TV and if at first you don't succeed, try and try again!
17 Nov 16 #755
worked for me 10 mins after cancelling 75% off plus £100 credited to my sky account the phoned sky talk and got my line rental free for 12 months now paying just £32 a mo the for full sky TV cinema, sports, box sets, multiroom x1, broadband and phone line. just did sky chat.
17 Nov 16 #756
My contract expires 4th December and I'm wondering if any of you received a better deal only for phone and broadband?
I pay now £21/month for phone line rental&talk evenings and weekends plus unlimited broadband. I guess it's quite a lot considering the fact that I am not using any TV, TV packages, multiroom, etc...
Please advise if any of you has a better deal - I will be more prepared to talk to them :smile:
Thanks a lot for support :smile:
17 Nov 16 #757
Hi, use this one from the first page (credit Jaicov):…v1w
17 Nov 16 #758
Thanks OP gave my notice with sky yesterday, spoke with Live Chat and was offered 60% off and £50 account credit - was told I didn't qualify for the 75% off and £100 account credit

Spoke to Bhupendra today on live chat originally said could do 75% off but maximum off £50 account credit, asked her to speak to her manager as I'd been sent this as a retentions offer - came back and I got it!! £18.50pm for full package with sports and movies!! Just keep trying if you get told no
17 Nov 16 #759
Yep second box has a viewing card
17 Nov 16 #760
this ​worries me a little as I did mine straight after cancelling. He said it couldn't be processed due to an error as it was too soon after cancelling and would be 24-38 hours before it went through, but assured me it would go through...

sounds like I might have been fobbed off after all :disappointed:
17 Nov 16 #761
Is there a way to get all the main channels (not including Sport/Movies) in HD without getting Boxsets?
17 Nov 16 #762
I think it depends on whether or not you have had multiscreen before. As for me online, if I took the £12 per month sky q multiscreen subscription on a 12 month contract then they would give me a sky q 1tb for £15 installation. But it varies depending on different factors which is described in the terms and conditions "Existing customers taking a Sky Q Multiscreen subscription: Sky Q 1TB box: up to £49; Sky Q 2TB box: up to £99. Prices discounted to £15 for Sky Q 1TB box or £60 for Sky Q 2TB for existing customers without a current Sky Multiscreen subscription.

Existing Sky customers wishing to upgrade to Sky Q 1TB box or Sky Q 2TB box without taking a Sky Q Multiscreen subscription: £199"
17 Nov 16 #763
I've now spoken to them 3 times in 2 days, and as a customer in notice but the best they will offer is 60% off TV packages, and no discount at all on multiroom. After much haggling got offered the £50 account credit but it is much work. Either I've been unlucky with the 3 people I've spoken to or it's hard for people in notice to get the 75% off deal.
17 Nov 16 #764
​deal is only for TV package. I also have landline and broadband with sky, I have asked to see if I can get those in this offer, they said no.
17 Nov 16 #765
Tried again, got told no 75% offers as it had gone viral and now been stopped. After that on another chat I got offered 40% and told I was lucky to have this as I've £1000 of savings in the last few years...bye bye sky glad I cancelled last week, some other company will be getting my money from now on !!
17 Nov 16 #766
Hi, sorry to bother again but I just had a quick chat via skype (when I logged into my account) asking the lady (Priyanka) when my contract is about to expire and asking what offer can she give me to convince me to stay... She said she can't make any offer only I need to call 03300412526, what I can obviously do, but, honestly I'd prefer to have anyting in writing... So which chat should I use...? Thanks for help :smile:
17 Nov 16 #767
I left sky in the last 12 months but only had broadband and phone.

Anyone know if i qualify for broadband, phone & tv bundle?

One online chat agent says no, this 75% and £100 offer is for ex TV customers only?

Truth or blagg?
17 Nov 16 #768
Also on rolling contract!! Winner!!!
17 Nov 16 #769
Thanks guys, just gave this a try.
Cancelled a few weeks ago was in my notice period. Mangaged to get 75% off complete package box sets, movies, sports (£18.50 from £74), 60% off HD (£2.40 from £6.00), 50% off Multiscreen (£6.00 from £12.00) for 12 months with no contract plus £75 credit.
17 Nov 16 #770
If you switch to Sky Q they change the lnb on the dish so one cable sends an H signal and one sends V, that is why they are able to have so many tuners. An old sky box would have half the channels missing as it would not be able to switch the feed from H to V as it currently does - so no going back without getting a old lnb put back, can't run 2 systems off the same dish without a specialist offset and 2 lnbs.
17 Nov 16 #771
In the end I decided to go for the Virgin VIP package as I got fed up of being offered no more than 60% off TV bundles. With Sky multiroom at 50% off I was going to be paying £36pm for TV alone. Admittedly Virgin VIP is much more at £67pm, but it also includes line rental, talk unlimited extra, plus 200mb broadband; also get new Tivo boxes, which if they break will be fixed for free. Sky were offering me no new equipment nor discounts on broadband or phone. Well done on those who persevered and got the 75% off, however.
17 Nov 16 #772
Cancelled last night and got 75% off with £100 credit on my first try today. Thanks OP!
17 Nov 16 #773
See my post above!! Keep trying
17 Nov 16 #774
I got this yesterday night. I logged in and tried to buy it online but I was forced to go through live chat by sky website.
However agent was quite helpful, no fuss gave me the offer .
17 Nov 16 #775
I did it the same day and got 75% off and £100
17 Nov 16 #776
It's a shame Sky are not offering the Q boxes with this deal.
17 Nov 16 #777
So after the third chat I got 75% off plus £100 credit offer. I got disconnected and then had to start again. Mentioned agent name and deal and was offered it. Went with box set plus cinema at £14/month plus credit. Every chat I started with the best offer from previous chat.

What is next steps got new or refurbished box?
17 Nov 16 #778
I had left sky about 2-3 weeks ago so was out of my cancellation period and have been using Now TV to keep up with a sky package at a reduced rate (around £9 for entertainment, movies and kids). However it was not the same and was a bit of a pain. I have just done a deal with Sky and I managed to get:

Complete Bundle £20pm
Multiroom £6pm
Credit of £100

SO it works out at £15.56pm a little more than Now TV but a lot less hassle and I also get the Sports, its just a shame there is only one more F1 race this year!

Just thought I would post it in case this deal is of interest to anyone.

PS all of this was done on Live Chat.
17 Nov 16 #779
My contract is due up in March, got offered £30 and 75% - just push them with this deal and they should honour it, happy days! I only get the 50% offer on MySky page.
17 Nov 16 #780
Or you can ask the engineer to run a hybrid LNB so you can still access the freesat functions from the old box or if you have a freesat tv
17 Nov 16 #781
can see my monthly subscription cost and the credit but where would it say that it is a 12 months contract?
17 Nov 16 #782
Like others have already said, I cancelled my Sky at 8.00pm tonight. I then started a live chat from my Sky account at 10.00pm and got offered the 75% discount and £100 credit to my account straight away. I didn't even have to haggle. Credit to the OP
17 Nov 16 #783
if you buy a bundle can you change to another with this offer later?
17 Nov 16 #784
I just tried online chat and saying I got an email saying 75% off and £100 cashback BUT - the lady kept asking for reference number and phone number (which I didn't have) does anyone know what's best to do? Currently got phone + broadband + original package and paying £52!!!! And been with Sky over 15 years, advice and help needed :smile: Oh and I'm still a customer (haven't gone down the route of cancelling yet) is that the only way to do it?
17 Nov 16 #785
This is the same as my deal, and I have since added Sports with 75% discount.
17 Nov 16 #786
Boom. Thanks John. Cancelled my sky about 90 mins ago, then just went on live chat and 'John' sorted 75% off and £100 credit for me. He did initially say he couldn't do it but I said I'd been sent a leaflet so he said I could have it.
17 Nov 16 #787
Not been with sky for 2 years, bought a box off ebay and took this - thanks
17 Nov 16 #788
They ask if I have a letter or email to prove I can have the 75% offer and it's rather awkward when they ask me to paste the email in the chat box! Did you get a multiscreen discount this morning?
17 Nov 16 #789
you have to cancel first
17 Nov 16 #790
Go in bills section of mysky
17 Nov 16 #791
it doesn't, just go to live chat and ask them are you on a rolling contract or 12 month contract, be sure to keep the chat log for your records
17 Nov 16 #792
17 Nov 16 #793
75% discount + £50 credit = Result
17 Nov 16 #794
Im in notice period, coming out of it on 21th. Will try after.
17 Nov 16 #795
Worked for me. Confirmed this morning and credits added. Thanks OP.
17 Nov 16 #796
So been on sky chat. Contract expires in early December. Best offer 60% off plus £50 credit. So frustrating. Any tips.
17 Nov 16 #797
Many Thanks for this!
Had 50% off my tv - gave my 31 day notice to cancel at 5pm. Just tried to get this offer (didn't expect it) via web chat and the advisor agreed, only asking if I'd receive a letter or email offering me the deal. Just checked my account and the £100 credit and new charge of £8 in place for variety package - very happy!
17 Nov 16 #798
They've wised up to people lying about having been sent the offer yesterday!
17 Nov 16 #799
I got Zgemma.
However, If say I got this deal and uad Zgemma plugged in for tv.
Had the Sky hooked up to my TV too but without it connected to the satalitte dish (the Zgemma box would be) could I still use the Sky box for the Catchup services, On demand movies etc?

Or simple terms. Can anyone confirm if they can still view boxsets if there Sky is hooked up to internet and Tv but with the Sky cable removed?

(I ask this as mrs wants sky for catchup and boxsets, where as I just prefer having every channel)
17 Nov 16 #800
check mysky / bills section, you should see credit there
17 Nov 16 #801
So been on sky chat. Contract expires in early December. Best offer 60% off plus £50 credit. So frustrating. Any tips.
17 Nov 16 #802
Just got the 75% + £100, why are sky offering this, original shows as £5.00 month on my account so £60 over 12 + 2 months at £20 = £100 , how are Sky doing this, any other business offerring 14 months free would go out of business, what do they have up their sleeve for us all
17 Nov 16 #803
I left Virgin 18mths ago and already had a Sky order placed with 50% off. I phoned them about this offer and they said they couldn't do it. I threatened to cancel my installation and they came back with an extra £10 a month off. You just have to hold your nerve with the retention team.
17 Nov 16 #804
Thanks, I cancelled today as my contract was up. I will hopefully be able to access the offer tomorrow. Did you access online or via chat or call?
17 Nov 16 #805
I signed up for box-sets, HD and Sports. Now if I go online I can get Sky Q for a REDUCTION of (about) £3 pcm - but I need to sign a 12 month contract.

There is a £199 charge for a 1TB box OR 2TB box.
17 Nov 16 #806
Thank you so much I was just in cancellation period and then clicked link and said to live chat 3 minutes later all sorted absolutely brillant

75% 100 credit
17 Nov 16 #807
Hi ive currently got all 3 broadband tv and phone but tv isnt in contract so can cancel asap. Do you think it will work?
17 Nov 16 #808
This is what I want to know too.

Wanting Sky fitting in my bedroom but they said engineer visit to move from main to bedroom would be £75. I said that I wanted extra connection upstairs as it is rented accommodation and connections still need to be downstairs. First said that wasn't possible but then said they had spoken to engineer and they could do. Then ended by saying I would have to discuss and let engineer know when they visit!?
Really what I want to do is have a Sat connection both upstairs and down so I can move box to where I want it.

Possibly Zgemma in one room and Sky in other.

Is £75 decent price or independant installer better price? Also they said phone would have to go upstairs for Boxsets. But I don't want to loose phone line in my main room.

All confusing!
17 Nov 16 #809
Having tried 4 times to get 75% off and £100 credit I don't think you have a good chance unless you are out of contract completely.

If you are still in contract my advice would be cancel straight away - you can do that via sky chat or phone. Then 10 minutes later go back on sky chat and ask for this deal. The chat representative will log into your account and offer you 60% off and £50 credit. If you want multiscreen that will be full price, but if you press them they will reduce it by 50%. Compared to paying full price this is a pretty decent deal for those who don't want to wait 31 days or be without their sky tv for a few days or weeks.
17 Nov 16 #810
Do you not require to have 3rd party equipment like freesat Tv - I don't think they do it for old sky tech - I have not had it installed just surmising.
17 Nov 16 #811
I cancelled on Tuesday and had 3 unsuccessful attempts at the 75% off and £100 credit on live chat. Went on tonight, advisor agreed to 75% off right away. I then said a friend had also got a £100 credit and could I have that. Told no - can do £50 but that's it. Tried one last time and asked if he'd meet me half way at £75, went off to ask a manager, came back and said £70 is best he can do. So I caved and accepted. Have had 50% off the last few years so happy with that :smile:

Variety with Sports and Cinema - £17 per month but 4 months will be covered by the credit.
17 Nov 16 #812
I am not sure that anyone has actually been 'sent' the offer as it is showing on your mysky page when you log in.

They should know how the offer has been delivered so, assuming there hasnt actually been any email sent out, that alone should be able to weed out the people trying it on :wink:
17 Nov 16 #813
I used the chat, it took 3 tries. 1st go offered me 60% + £50 cash, 2nd go they said I didn't qualify and 3rd go got offered 75% + £100
17 Nov 16 #814
I've just this minute tried this, did a live chat, was told I could have 50% off but no credit or contract.

I told the guy I'd rather have a contract and 75% off and the £100 credit, so he came back with 75% off, £50 credit, and NO contract still!

Awesome, thanks for this OP!
17 Nov 16 #815
Keep trying, and get a different agent. I had several rejections. Tell them you've had a leaflet or email
17 Nov 16 #816
Can you use the £100 credit to upgrade to Sky Q? or for Box Office?

So long as it is before the next bill?
17 Nov 16 #817
I was in notice period and got 75% off with £100 credit first time with live chat.

Full sky package with sports, movies, hd and mulitiroom x 2 comes out at £42.50 a month for me
17 Nov 16 #818
So 75 % off TV package and 100 credit.
What about line rental and broadband ,how much are you guys getting it for??????
17 Nov 16 #819
Just got the deal - 75% for full bundle, 50% for HD and multiscreen and £100 credit. Cancelled on saturday, rejoined just now via live chat. Thanks OP!
17 Nov 16 #820
17 Nov 16 #821
Are you required to have phone line and broadband with them , can you get deal for TV only from sky ???
17 Nov 16 #822
Did just cancelled now or is your one month period finished too. Because after cancelling they take a month to actually let you go
17 Nov 16 #823
Hmm wasnt going to bother going on chat to try this,but give it a go...first attempt and was told this offer had now finished...wouldnt budge on deal...thanks Rachel..guess im staying with BT..well done everybody that got it
17 Nov 16 #824
So been on sky chat. Contract expires in early December. Best offer 60% off plus £50 credit. So frustrating. Any tips.
17 Nov 16 #825
Somebody mentioned the same thing 2 days ago, but i still tried today and i got it. Honestly, i'd just try again. Completely depends on who you get through to :smile:

Make sure you try the chat through:…sky
17 Nov 16 #826
Repeat posts are heavily frowned on
17 Nov 16 #827
I had just cancelled. Services weren't due to end until 19th December.
17 Nov 16 #828
how much will be monthly for sports and variety with the offer?
17 Nov 16 #829
I cancelled via chat, then 20 minutes later went to the sign back up chat. Told them about the 75% off with £100 credit offer and wanted to sign up for that. Operator told me the credit offer wasn't available anymore.

However, I persisted and 40 minutes later after some fun banter walked away with 75% off and £80 credit for Box Sets + Cinema

Grand total of £7.33 a month for Box Sets + Cinema. Locked in contract for 12 months but, result! :smile:
18 Nov 16 #830
got this offer from my sky, got email confirmation etc.. showing 75% £20 in account but can not see £100 credit? any idea plz
18 Nov 16 #831
About half of their customers are paying full price, I think they can get away with it for that reason.
18 Nov 16 #832
When my contract with special offers on expires I tend to let it run for a couple of months at full price until I cancel when there is a good deal like this! Gives a bit more leeway for bargaining if you've been paying full whack!
18 Nov 16 #833
I just called to cancel my current deal which I signed up to a month ago ago (50% off) and told the agent I got a letter for 75% off and £100 credit.
He said this deal has been withdrawn. Is this true?
18 Nov 16 #834
​Most ridiculous post of the thread here. Like they care if you pay full wack.only stupid people pay top price and sky know alot of these people exist.
18 Nov 16 #835
As I've said before, have read elsewhere that the 75% may only be offered once you're beyond the 30 day notice and the service has actually gone off.

Up to the end of the notice period, the maximum offer seems to be 60% - the offer of £ credits and the amount seem to be account specific, or how much you're prepared to argue.

My notice will be going in on 15th December (30 days before my 12months is up) as my bill will be jumping an extra £30/month once my current offers expire. I'd probably take a 60% discount if offered, but I may just let it cancel completely and see if the 75% materialises, as they can have the TV service back on within an hour.
18 Nov 16 #836
I Only paid full price for 1 month after £100 credit and 60% off last year which not many people got. Took a lot of effort to get the £100 credit which seems easier now.
Some people don't have the time to spend hunting deals like this. Even cancelling takes ages as they don't make it easy and people who can afford the normal prices maybe don't know any different.
18 Nov 16 #837
The Live Chat has been unavailable for me for the past few days now. I am logged into my account online and I suspect that this is a ploy by them to make me call them - any ideas?
18 Nov 16 #838
Exactly, I always make sure I've cancelled before they have a chance of charging me full whack. I know so many people that I've told to get Sky discounted by cancelling. Their response is always the same "Oh I dunno, what if they call my bluff and actually cut me off?" Way too many people dependent on sky. For me it's only worth having if I'm getting 65-75% off.
18 Nov 16 #839
Thanks for this, went onto live chat yesterday and the advisor started asking me all sorts of questions. I stopped the questions and said I want to join sky again if they offered me a good deal - I was offered 20% discount on the TV package I asked if they were joking! I wanted the full package with movies and sports 75% off and £100 credit before I considered coming back and no haggling they just replied 'Great! I will get you this deal'. So Variety, Sports and Cinema costing £17.00 a month for 12 months with £100 credit meaning I pay nothing until June next year then I will just cancel again when the 12 months are up. Sky isn't worth £70 a month but it is worth £17! Thanks D00nhamer!
18 Nov 16 #840
I just had the same, let me know if you hear anything/get any offers please! I'll do the same :smile:
18 Nov 16 #841
Thanks to OP, I just called, cancelled my subscription, left it 20 mins, went to online chat, asked for deal, was offered 60% and £50, refused and said I knew I would be offered that but was holding out for the full deal.
The adviser said without the email offer there wasn't anything he could do, copied and pasted the email from this thread and its all done, 75% off and £100 credit.
Thanks again!
18 Nov 16 #842
I took sports bundle yesterday for £11.88 and today they are offering me movies and sports on live chat for £9 a month he says it's a special offer
18 Nov 16 #843
Anyone who has been told theres a technical issue with the account and it will take 48 to 72 hours to be put on the account, have you had it activated yet?
18 Nov 16 #844
Upon asking for a cancellation sky stated "Please note it can take up to ten working days for the broadband service to be removed from your phone line, after which your new provider will be able to take over your phone line."
18 Nov 16 #845
Will do!
18 Nov 16 #846
​Yes me, (although they said 24-38 hrs)

and I've just logged on to mysky account and it's now showing the discount with £100 credit, it took 24hrs exactly to be resolved.
18 Nov 16 #847
There should not be a need to cancel, if your committed to changing a supplier then the new supplier will handle this for you.
18 Nov 16 #848
The cancellation and "come back to sky" are different. Cancellations don't have the authority I don't believe to give this deal only. You have to use the other chat "come back to sky"
18 Nov 16 #849
I was one month into my box set deal which was 50%. Cancelled this morning and then this afternoon got 75% off and £100 credit. Thanks OP.

PS. Although I was only one month into new deal I was not tied in for 12 months. I could leave at 31 days notice.
18 Nov 16 #850

Unless you're moving to Virgin, in which case you will need to have Sky cancel your broadband
18 Nov 16 #851
​they told me 48-72 hours so I guess the backlog is bigger now. the advisor did assure me the deal would be honoured. thanks for replying
18 Nov 16 #852
i just noticed the bill i got the other day is £38.74 for 200mb broadband alone, up £3 from last months £35.75 (which has a discount of £7 or something until Feb i think, been about 18 months discount). i have the 75% off boxsets with £50 credit so its equivilent of £5.33, so pre increase thats about £41 for tv and internet but now its about £44

i don't need the phone as i have a mobile i rarely use to talk to anyone on (virgin deal too) and not interested in the slightest in sports. sky has more channels including atlantic and i keep the boxes etc afterwards and can use freesat or whatever but virgin equipment is useless without a contract. granted with multiroom based on last years deal it would have been another £6 a month so £50 all in and that's with no phoneline but VM offered me a free line before and i declined as i don't need it and would have only taken it if it meant an overall cheaper deal, and i wouldn't have plugged in a phone so i can't get cold calls

sky's deals are basically crazy at the equivilent of a fiver a month for most channels but i suppose it technically costs then next to literally nother to add people like myself as the cost of me picking up the signal as opposed to not is zero. they pay the same to broadcast the signal whether people pick it up or not. i'm not sure why virgin isn't so competitive but i suppose sky own the channels so can charge virgin a price that stops them competiting like sky with crazy prices. i do like the superfast broadband which actually is superfast. i get about 233mb on my 200mb connection and always had about 12% at least faster than the advertised speed since i had the 10mb service about 10 years or so ago. started off on a half meg 12 years ago then 1 then 4 then 10 then 30 then 100 and now 200. crazy boosts in speed
18 Nov 16 #853
My 50% discount + £50 bill credit from last year was coming to an end - called to cancel and was offered 20% off for 10 months, then 40% off for 10 months. Logged into MySky and had the 50% off for 12 months offer on there. Went on to the come back online chat and was initially offered 60% off for 12 months. I said I'd heard there was a come back offer of 75% off + £100 credit. Agent went off to check with manager who approved it. Boxsets package for £14 for the year on a monthly rolling contract! :grin: Thanks OP!
18 Nov 16 #854
Did you have to pay £199 for the box at all?
Did you do this after getting the 75% discount applied?
18 Nov 16 #855
£20.88 that's 2p more than me at £20.90.......that's it am cancelling n trying again!
18 Nov 16 #856
£199 is only if you want Sky Q without paying for multiroom

But no I haven't got Q yet. The Q was immediately available when I clicked 'my offers'
18 Nov 16 #857
Hold off Sky Q until Black Friday. Hopefully the Q boxes will get a nice drop to go nicely with the 75% off!

Just need a stonking BB deal now to secure my yearly refresh!!…day
18 Nov 16 #858
First attempt, only offered 60%. I tried saying that I had spoken to others who had received this deal but said they couldn't do anything until my contract had completely expired. Do I just keep trying until I get the right person?!
18 Nov 16 #859
​I would keep trying it took me at least 4 attempts. persistence should pay off. have you told them you have received an email?
18 Nov 16 #860
So if I cancel my current bundle NOW (not in contract), the family bundle, how long would I have to wait to get any kind of offer? Cheers
18 Nov 16 #861
After a couple of hours according to some people on here
18 Nov 16 #862
​i put my cancellation notice in via live chat then straight away went to the "left sky in the last 12 months" chat.... asked for the offer and struck lucky with the chat advisor I got because he agreed straight away.
18 Nov 16 #863
Thanks OP, received the said deal + a Sky+HD box.
19 Nov 16 #864
I got an email from Sky today offering the original bundle for £5 a month plus £100 credit, I left Sky 14 months ago.​
19 Nov 16 #865
I got the variety bundle, after logging in to my SKY it says I can upgrade to the Box Sets bundle for £1.50 extra a month and have a £30 egift reward.
19 Nov 16 #866
Tried the various chat links posted here and it just says I'm ineligible and have to phone up?
A bit confusing as some said they cancelled and then an hour later got back on the live chat and got the deal?
19 Nov 16 #867
Tried this, as out of contract, they told some porkies, 1st they said the deal was over 2 years old, then a minute later said the deal had finished Thursday... and that to get it, would have to wait the month notice to get a 'come back' deal, should of just cancelled just cos of that, but tried again and got 60% off TV & BB, if we had cable round here, they'd be gone.
Probably due to the massive amount of disgruntled existing customers being ripped off trying to get a decent deal, all they can do is lie.
19 Nov 16 #868
Did anyone manage to get 75% of the HD sports/Movies? All I could get was 40% discount.
19 Nov 16 #869
Cinema includes HD now
Boxsets gives you HD
I think you pay HD just for Sports now!?

I got 60% so pay £2.40 and then £18.50 for Sky Boxset bundle with Sports + Cinema. Total £20.90

I think Sky are breaking it down like this rather than giving complete bundle, so that when there is next price hikes they will add a quid or so to each package. A few quid to Sports + Cinema and a quid to HD. That way we all get hit 3 ways.
Potentially another 4-5 quid. Obviously discount still applies but a quid or so a month X everyone who has taken up this deal will be millions..........just my thought!
19 Nov 16 #870
I have 10 months left on a recent crappy discount ..will this still work? thanks for an assistance
19 Nov 16 #871
On my email it says offer ends 29th december, not sure if that is specific to me.
19 Nov 16 #872
My Sky went off on Tuesday. Went on live chat...asked for this and got the 75% off and £100 credit without any hassle. Also multiroom half price for 12 months.
19 Nov 16 #873

I had 11 months left on my 50% discount but was not tied in for 12 months. My notice period was 31 days.

I cancelled in the morning then got the deal in the afternoon
19 Nov 16 #874
Did you try via the come back to sky option on the chat, if not I suggest you use that method.
19 Nov 16 #875
I suggest you don't sign into your account when using this method.
19 Nov 16 #876
I questioned why they were charging £20.90 for the complete package instead of the advertised £20. Advisor said she couldn't offer 75% off HD. After cutting and pasting the offer in the chat window she agreed to give me an extra £10 account credit. My sky package turned off a week ago and this morning I managed to get the complete bundle for £20.90 and 50% off multi room. £26.90pm in total + £110 credit and all on a rolling contract. Glad I ignored the earlier 50% and then 60% offers.
19 Nov 16 #877
thank u
19 Nov 16 #878
thanks OP, now on complete package with multiscreen for £26 with the £100 credit and a monthly rolling for 12 months... now to find a decent broadband deal to compliment it. Thanks again
19 Nov 16 #879
thanks OP... my cancellation was confirmed this morning and within minutes was on chat and got the deal. Didn't get 50% off multiroom but my bill each month is £40 for whole package, multiroom, unlimited broadband and talk. How can I check to see if my credit was applied? I got dc before he finished confirming everything.
19 Nov 16 #880
Cancelled my sky 28 days ago so only 3 days left. Doesn't show for me and they wouldn't do it via chat. They would only honour the 60% off so I'm holding out for Black Friday. FYI they said they've reached their target number for this offer now so it will be going very soon.

Heat added as it seems to have helped a lot of people.
19 Nov 16 #881
Does anyone know if you can upgrade and downgrade as you want within the 12 months and keep the 75% offer? I have everything bar cinema but what thinking about adding it for Christmas then taking it off in the New Year.
19 Nov 16 #882
Login to your SKY account and go into MY SKY and click on bills, it should show your credit there.
19 Nov 16 #883
What happens after 12 months if you are not purchased anything else and left with £40 credit after the £5 per month deductions ? I ask because other than Documentaries channels in Variety I found the Original Bundle is good enough for me - I am only looking at Sky as wife's wants to watch channels in the International section which is not Free-to-Air.
19 Nov 16 #884
My account is now showing the 50% off for 12 months offer. Going to hold out as I don't lose service until end of Jan 2017.
19 Nov 16 #885
Terms say discount will end if you make any changes to your package.
19 Nov 16 #886
Went on chat, best they could do as I'm still in cancellation period was 60% off for 12 months and £50 credit so took the deal.
19 Nov 16 #887
Thanks for the great post OP and all those who have added in the comments. I cancelled yesterday via chat, which took ages, then got back on chat today using the link provided. Told them I'd received an email for 75% off and £100 credit and got it straight away. Credit is already showing in my account.

Heat added.
19 Nov 16 #888
Worked for me - thanks so much OP!
19 Nov 16 #889
Hi, I cannot get to the page with live chat without signing into my account - then get the "sorry we can't process your order online" message and this is the URL:…ble
19 Nov 16 #890
​I had the ineligible page but I just waited for chat to become available and clicked. Done it twice on mine and dad's accounts. Got ineligible page on both accounts but got deal both times on chat.
19 Nov 16 #891
Got the offer through chat. Thanks OP.
19 Nov 16 #892
I just done the same, cancelled 2 days ago, offered 40% off, on phonecall, today 50% off on my Sky, chat offered 60% and credit so I took it as its less than it cost last year and that was good.
19 Nov 16 #893
Yep cheers I got there in the end -it was busy but then suddenly available for half a second and got in.
At first they refused more than £50 credit but eventually got the £100 but it wasn't easy!
19 Nov 16 #894
Thanks, I checked mine earlier and it just had the chat contact button as our offers weren't available. Will keep checking. Mine runs out 18th December so anxious to get it up before it runs out and we have no tv over xmas lol
19 Nov 16 #895
Can I just ask, how much are people roughly paying for the tv, broadband and line rental? We have all 3 and were paying £66 a month, hoping to get it almost half with this deal. Any idea of prices would be great! Thanks
19 Nov 16 #896
Checked my account and only £50 credit after they promised £100. Will have to cancel again :disappointed:
19 Nov 16 #897
It's best to copy and paste the chat into wordpad with a date and time, that's what I did. Incase they don't live upto their promise.
19 Nov 16 #898
anyone able to get through to the chat? always seems to be busy
19 Nov 16 #899
I pay £25.40 for linerental, broadband, and unlimited calls. I got £100 credit when I signed up to that and £73.73 cashback that's has already paid.

And I've been given this deal, so £20/month but I have £133 credit (they made a billing error so got an extra £33).

£304.80 + £240 - £100 - £73.73 - £133 = £238.07/12 = £19.83 per month for full sky tv package, line rental, broadband and unlimited calls.

The deals are out there but I wouldn't like to say how many hours I had to waste arguing with sky 'agents' . Not looking forward to having to do it all again :disappointed:
19 Nov 16 #900
just cancelled my mother in laws a couple of hours ago via live chat. immediately went back on live chat saying I had received an email offer of 75% off with 100 pound bill credit. mudassir the sky advisor put it through straight away! deal very much still alive people!
19 Nov 16 #901
Did not think this would work for me. Left Sky TV 4 years ago, just spoke on live chat and have got the Variety Bundle free for 12 months! That is a great offer! :smile:
19 Nov 16 #902
Went back in and got it this time, previous advisor basically lied to get me to sign up, 2nd advisor had a record of the chat and applied the agreed credit. One to watch out for
19 Nov 16 #903
guys how are you getting through to live chat?
19 Nov 16 #904
Will give it a go
19 Nov 16 #905
Will I tried again this evening and had mixed success. Tried the 'I've had an email technique' and copied email body when asked. They were able to offer 75% and really had to haggle on getting them to offer the Sports HD discount. However they would not budge whatsoever on multiroom for half price. Accepted the offer without multiroom and will try again specifically regarding multiroom at a later date. Happy all in all but will miss multiroom if I cant get an offer on it!!
19 Nov 16 #906
they only give multi room If you've had it before! that's what I've been told just now
19 Nov 16 #907
Oh I do (or did!) have Multiroom, that is the weird thing!
19 Nov 16 #908
Come off the page that says 'Busy'.. Type in live chat in the search bar. You get on that way no probs.
19 Nov 16 #909
I have cancelled tonight after paying full price for 5 years. Sky offered 40% discount for the first ​10 months then back up to full price. Let's see if they contact me to re join
19 Nov 16 #910
Good luck, you should have a 50% offer on your account by tomorrow but you can get more through live chat.
20 Nov 16 #911

That's what I figured also (that they will not offer multiroom if you have never had it before), as I have never had multiroom and still cannot get them to budge! However the second comment only brings more confusion!
20 Nov 16 #912
Try clearing your cookies, that normally does the trick.
20 Nov 16 #913
Just got this deal via chat using the 'email' method, £8/month for Variety pack and £100 credit on a rolling contract. Sky pay me £4 for having TV for a year! I had 8 days left on my notice period. Adding extra channels in the future would get the 75% reduced rate according to the chat advisor. Just got decide what do with Fibre & Talk now....:{
20 Nov 16 #914
Contacted them yesterday as I had cancelled last month. Spoke to the guy, told him that I was offered the 75% deal and I was sorted in minutes with no issues at all.

Got multi room as well for half price so have the Box Set bundle in HD, multi room, £100 and a rolling monthly contract, all for £15.50 a month
20 Nov 16 #915
just tried to cancel but my partner renewed so have a minimum 12 months I think from 9/10/16
boo hoo unless theres a way out?
20 Nov 16 #916
Thanks - just done this, it worked in 10 mins! 75% off and £100 cashback
20 Nov 16 #917
What is the email body that people are copying? i don't remember seeing that on this thread.
20 Nov 16 #918
Just got the complete package for £20 plus £100 credit, Thanks OP.
20 Nov 16 #919
This is for tv/sports/movies only right? Or is it also for bb and phone?
20 Nov 16 #920
Nice. Just renewed at £8/month which the £100 credit will cover over 12 months. Thanks!
20 Nov 16 #921
Hey everyone. I put in my cancellation notice during my cooling off period as I saw this crazy deal and was originally offered 60% discount with no credit two weeks ago. I copied streety_ post #873, told the advisor I wanted the complete bundle bundle with £100 credit for £20. As I wanted sky sports in HD, the advisor said the best he was able to do was 60% off the HD pack making the price £20.90. Turns out I had a price freeze offer and I would get it for £17.90 along with £100 credit on a monthly rolling deal! (apparently monthly rolling is the norm for the complete bundle) Averages out to about £9.56pm!! Guys, ask if you have price freeze offer as you may be able to get the deals even cheaper!
20 Nov 16 #922
I gave my 31 day notification of cancellation this afternoon. Then about 1 hour later used online chat and told them that my friend had got a new deal of 75% off and £100 credit and it they could do that for me. I was offered 75% off and £50 credit to my account straight away. I said I would accept the offer if they would give me £100 credit as I knew friends who have received this offer. After speaking to their manager again which took about 5 seconds I was offered the full deal. Thanks for posting this offer. Can now rest for another 12 months.
20 Nov 16 #923
.Hello {insert name here},

We haven’t forgotten that you were a Sky TV customer, which is why we’d love to welcome you back to award-winning TV with a great offer. Right now, it can be all yours again from as little as £5.63 a month for 12 months.

All of our Bundles come with 75% off so whichever you choose we’re looking forward to welcoming you back with great entertainment at an unbelievable price.

Click on the button below or call 08442 411 330

But hurry, this offer has to end on 1 December.

The Sky Team
20 Nov 16 #924
With this offer do they give you a new sky box?
20 Nov 16 #925
Just cancelled and rejoined via chat...
Told them just had received a email for £100 credit plus 75 percent off...
So offers still on...

Thanks OP
20 Nov 16 #926
No you have to keep/use your existing box...
It's a rejoin offer using your equipment.
20 Nov 16 #927
Just so you know I've had some success with this - I was an existing customer on a 35% offer (with no contract admittedly) but I was able to get the 75% off with a bit of bartering. Make sure you get through to the "winback" team, and not retentions or anything else... seems they don't have access to it.

They didn't however let me have the £100 credit as well though. But still better than nothing!

Now my total package is £20.90 - I added box sets and HD as well when I didn't have them before! (Previously £45 ish without these extras!) Thanks!!
20 Nov 16 #928
Cancelled current bundle at 5PM today. Contacted live chat at 6PM. Just got off now with complete bundle for £20 a month and £100 credit in my account. Saving us £450 over the next 12 months.

Thank you for sharing this great deal!
20 Nov 16 #929
I tried again today to better my yesterday offer, had to cancel again to go through the web chat, and ended up with £26.90 per month, including 50% off multiroom (£6) and £100 credit, the extra 90p he said was the system would only allow the HD @ 60% off not 75% off, oh well, I'll just about cope . Cheers for the post
20 Nov 16 #930
Wow nice one!

What did you say to get them to offer you that?
20 Nov 16 #931
Thanks very much to the OP for sharing this deal.
20 Nov 16 #932
You guys are my friends now.
20 Nov 16 #933
Extra Heat, thanks OP! Was able to reactivate the Complete bundle inc sports and movies and HD pack for £24.50 per month + £100 credit on account and it's a rolling 31 days notice non binding contract.
20 Nov 16 #934
Wow nice one!

What did you say to get them to offer you that?
20 Nov 16 #935
great post, I have just rejoined, I wanted the movies with the variety bundle not the original bundle so I picked one and then picked the option for no box. this then gave the option for an online chat. they gave me movies and variety for 12.50 a month with 100 credit. so basically sky for a year for 50 quid. it will also be reactivated within 4 hours :heart_eyes:
20 Nov 16 #936
Any one on a contact got this and how if you did?

Contract runs till march and paying full wack £92!
21 Nov 16 #937
Thanks to the OP & all the comments.

Cancelled Sky TV at lunch time. Was only offered 20% discount, so put in for full cancellation. Sky ending 23rd Dec

Within 2 hrs logged into sky app & had 50% offer.

Read forum & went though goggle link "come back to sky" this pm. First chat froze on laptop. Then went onto phone & followed same procedure to access chat.

After pleasantries said that I had seen 75% off tv offer & £100 credit & I would like to take the offer.

Also asked for a rolling contract again no problem. Asked if they could help with anything else & mentioned bb & phone. Straight off, was given free bb & a link for bb/calls chat & they were sure that I would be given an offer.

Doubled checked a few things & have complete package including HD for 75% off (£20 pm)12 mth rolling contract & £100 credit.

Will sort out bb & calls this week but have at least got free bb if I decide to stay with sky though may go with bt depending on deals available. Have screen shots of chat as precaution. Sky TV already update & account showing deals
21 Nov 16 #938
Have been disappointed with my Sky ADSL Broadband performance only getting a max of 12mb but frequently far less. Had decided I needed to get fibre and was intending to go elsewhere. Having been successful getting the Tv 75% discount and £100 credit thought I'd try the phone and broadband. Got a 12 month deal with similar credits to my account which came in at £23 per month of which I am quite happy for 40mb.
21 Nov 16 #939
I done this today (21st November at 11:30am) - the deal is still running. It just depends on the agent you are talking to - some are more lenient than others!
21 Nov 16 #940
Thanks everyone - renewed my box sets service for £9.50 pm with £100 account credit (12 month contract) via Live Chat. Absolute result :smile:
21 Nov 16 #941
can i ask, when going to the live chat which options are you selecting
21 Nov 16 #942
Well this still works today.
It was the third time trying, so be prepared to be persistent but got there in the end.
Net cost of £140 for the package for a year is good value but makes the starting point of £80 per month look very silly.
21 Nov 16 #943
Well radomly i was told there was an error when processing the deal
Leave it 72 hours and it will be added to my account
Naturally i thought i was been fobbed off

Check up on the request today

100% off sky bundles with inclusive sports and movies for 9 months
Rolling contract
Im gob smacked

I tried my luck for discount on the sports hd pack
Got told no!! Lol
21 Nov 16 #944
im trying to get a good deal out of them, but they will not budge at the min we are paying £56 amonth
21 Nov 16 #945
​I said I've got the screenshot of the offer (on page 1 of this thread) that states the offer is available, I said I'd send it to him if he wanted and he gave me an email address to send to, I sent it and told him so, an hour later I saw it didn't get sent anyway but he still have me the offer, but it was a challenge but I got there.
21 Nov 16 #946
Are you in your last 31 days of contract? If not you wont get this deal as the chat team only deal with those leaving and already left
21 Nov 16 #947
how much does it cost to get just sky sports hd?
21 Nov 16 #948
As john306 suggests can you give more information to allow us to make suggestions? e.g. What package have you got at the moment? Are you out of any sky contract period? What have you tried so far? Rgds
21 Nov 16 #949
Sports HD pack is £6 per month
Its on top of the premium part of the subscription
21 Nov 16 #950
I'm feeling left out with these deals. I called and cancelled about 5 days ago, and tried webchat today. Best was 60% off and £50 credit. Not budging on this. I mentioned the offer but was adamant no can do. Shall I just try again and try someone else? Cheers
21 Nov 16 #951
Just got this offer OP! £8pm with £100 credit = £-4 for the year! Thanks so much!!!! Legend!
21 Nov 16 #952
You have to stick to your guns. They will eventually give you the deal
21 Nov 16 #953
​yeah every time ive tried ive got the same result, and the keep asking me for my promo code
21 Nov 16 #954
For any of you that have been offered less cashback, I was offered £30, then £50 but nothing more than £75. I went back onto the 'rejoin' team and got the extra £25 as grossly unfair they have been offering such varied deals to their customers :wink:
21 Nov 16 #955
Keep trying till you get a CS rep that will give it to you, although I don't know if they log all the times/discussions you contact them or not?
21 Nov 16 #956
Hope this sticks around until Feb
21 Nov 16 #957
After cancelling ...
1st time I was unsuccessful using "left sky in the last 12 months" option under My Sky whilst logged into SkyID.
2nd time was successful (Just said Id like to accept the 75%/£100 credit offer) using the link on page 1 post 26 from jaicov. Said ineligible but still allowed me to open Chat... 1st attempt was after 30mins of cancelling 2nd was 24 hours later. HTH
21 Nov 16 #958
hasn't ever worked out that way for me; besides, i want the speed and stability of virgin's connection. openreach is dreadful in comparison - the only thing it wins on is the upload speed, and even that's debatable with the new 'gamer' offering from virgin that gets 20mb up.

virgin's internet is much better. sky's tv can be had for much cheaper than virgin. so make your own package up to suit your own needs, and pick it up from multiple suppliers if needs be.
21 Nov 16 #959

Have you done this to the £8 bundle?

Go to Quidco. Sky Upgrades.
Hit Free Samsung Galaxy Tab E with the Box Sets Bundle
This will add for £1.50 extra

£16.50 Cashback and a free tablet. £9.50 a month

Go go go
21 Nov 16 #960
For those who received the official email I think the end date is Dec 1st
21 Nov 16 #961
Thanks Op-just went into my account (cancelled my sky months ago) and clicked on upgrades and the offer was there.
I've only opted for the original package as I very rarely watch TV but £5.63 a month is OK with me!
21 Nov 16 #962
​cancelled it on friday, so we are in 31day period.
we have the original bundle with hd and boxsets, broadband and phone line
sky say the best they can offer is £53 down from £56 which looking at others deals is poor
21 Nov 16 #963
​currently talking to sky, they are still claiming no such offer exists anymore, funny how they let some people not others hey, thank you for your advice though
21 Nov 16 #964
Thanks OP, managed to get this today. Have not received any email confirmation yet, but do have a reference number give, so should be all good! Heat Added! - Oh, first time I rang they said not available for me, second time was so much easier!
21 Nov 16 #965
still no joy lol, apparently the offer ended
21 Nov 16 #966
Thanks OP! This worked!!!

So I have a few 'Old' accounts at home. I tried it first with Account 1 - this contract is not quite over - it ends on 23rd Nov. I am in the closing stages of the contract ending. The best deal they offered on this account was 50% off and no credit. I was not happy so ended the online chat.

I then tried Account 2 - this account was under my wife's name and has been inactive for over a year! I gave the details and I was very open to the Online Chat dude and said I was looking for 75% off and £100 credit as this was offered to a friend. He did not hesitate and honoured the deal. £20.90 a month for 12 months then £80 after plus £100 credit!

Very happy with the deal - works out to be £12.56 over the 12 months!! Just need to remember to cancel after month 11.

It just shows how much profit they are making from their customers... its alarming! It seems each person on the forum is paying different amounts for the same packages.

‌ :stuck_out_tongue:
21 Nov 16 #967
i know this is a bit cheeky. i took the full bundle for £20pm and £100 credit. on saturday. saw today that they offering free tvs and tablets etc due to it being black friday. not that fussed but went to cancellations online and selected i dont feel valued and it offered me a further 15% off my tv package for 10 months. shaved £3 more off a month so now paying 17pm and 100 credit. every penny counts.
21 Nov 16 #968
I had 2 accounts. Account 1 out of contract and not been used in 3 years. They said no. I tried account 2 in contract and not due to end till 23rd Dec they said Yes and gave me 75% off plus £100 credit.
Just depends on who you get on the Live chat.
21 Nov 16 #969
I cancelled on Saturday as my retention deal was ending. Saw this & tried my luck on Sunday evening.
Half an hour of online chat (including 1 disconnection) & I'd received 75% off, £100 credit & half price multiroom.
My bill will be £26.90 per month for the next year although the credit will cover the next few months.
Thanks to all who pointed out this deal :-)
21 Nov 16 #970
Cancelled this morning and went on live chat this afternoon. Tried absolutely ages to get the 75% and £100 credit, quoting the email and that a friend had already received this deal, but to no avail. I managed to debate on chat for a while and ended up with 60% off TV, £50 credit and 50% fibre unlimited. I'm now paying less than I did the past year, so a result for me nonetheless! Thanks OP.
21 Nov 16 #971
​where did you find the option 'not valued enough' ? thanks
21 Nov 16 #972
what exactly are people saying on the live chat to get these anazing offers
21 Nov 16 #973
My contract for broadband and line rental ends on 12th Jan. I would like to add sky TV to the package and ideally get a better deal. Would they offer me this? Best I've been offer is unlimited fibre, line rental and the variety bundle for around £50.
21 Nov 16 #974
I was very straight up and to the point. I said I wanted the 75% off and £100 credit offer and I would rejoin Sky. As mentioned above, it just depends who you get on the live chat. Hopefully you get someone decent who offers the deal right away!
21 Nov 16 #975
​log into account. go to cancel it will give you loads of blah blah. go to still cancel it will say why select feel undevalued then it will offer 15% off tv for 10 months
21 Nov 16 #976
the most i was offered is 33% off and no credit, making the service over £50 which isnt good
21 Nov 16 #977
also they said they said there is no such 75% off deal nor £100 credit, how can they offer such wildly different things to people
21 Nov 16 #978
Tried n got offered 60% off and £50 credit, told them no thanks. Maybe I should have taken it, I'm in the cancellation month, I might try again later what do you lot think, take the 60% n £50 or hold out n hope for better?
22 Nov 16 #979
Thank op
22 Nov 16 #980
I wouldn't do that!! I just had a look and as per the T&C's - you've just lost your deal!

T&C Sky -
"..This offer cannot be taken in conjunction with any other offer relating your TV package from Sky. Any existing TV offers will subsequently be replaced with the new offer.."
22 Nov 16 #981
My contract finishes with Sky on 25th Nov having been with them for many years. I've been through the chat several times and only get offered the 60% with £50 credit. I've pushed and pushed but nothing more.
The last Sky chat rep even said "I see from your account history you've asked for the offer a few times now and the answers still no, so asking again won't change our minds"
22 Nov 16 #982
​have you given 31 days notice of leaving and are on the correct chat team as linked earlier? I say this because the normal chat/phone call only have 60%and£50 on their system
22 Nov 16 #983
Can't you cancel now and then see if you can get the offer? You'll be saving in the long run.
22 Nov 16 #984
Yes, went through 'come back to sky'. My 31 days notice period finishes in 25th Nov. I'm then out of contract and my TV stops! Just realised I don't have a TV aerial either!
22 Nov 16 #985
The 75% off deal may apply to you on 25th November if you let them switch off services at the end of the notice period. I'd let them do that and then go on chat and say you're eligible for the 75% off and £100 credit as you cancelled over 31 days ago, and the deal for such customers officially runs until 1 December. I'd also locate an aerial so you have something to watch for the 24 hours you are without TV - either that or use your PC. If you can't wait £50 + 60% off is still a substantial saving on what you would normally be paying.
22 Nov 16 #986
Do you have a link saying that it last until dec 1st? My 31 days notice ends on 27th nov so hoping to order 1 day after if the offer is still on or i would have to go for the 60% off.
22 Nov 16 #987
The letter that people who were offered the deal received had it in: "But hurry, this offer has to end on 1 December." I think you'll get the deal if you are over the 31 days of the notice period before 1 December. It seems they have tightened up on others currently within their 31 days.
22 Nov 16 #988
OK so I was only 2 months into a contract and managed within a week to get £32 a month and £50 credit for the complete bundle. I was able to cancel my sky contract early by "upgrading" it adding sky sports pack, in theory putting me in a "new" 12 month contract. I then went to complaints online chat, moaned and managed to get it cancelled, I then went to TV sales live chat, and fed a load of lies about letter I got asking me to come back to sky with 75% off and £100 credit, the guy told me to hold, come back and said we cannot offer you this but can offer you the complete bundle and £50 credit for £32 a month, considering I was paying £80 a month before, I snapped at it. Attached a screenshot of the offer.…7ca
22 Nov 16 #989
I rang up to cancel this morning, then went on to chat this afternoon. The best I was offered was 60% off and £50 credit. I then said my friend was offered 75% off and £100 credit I was told all offers are account specific and this was the best offer available to me. I then started another chat after a while and was offered 60% off and £50 credit again. I said my friend had agreed this deal a matter of hours earlier, I was called a liar and asked if I had any proof. I told the agent I had a screenshot. I was then told the offer ended a couple of hours ago and my friend must have been one of the last ones with the offer. The best he could offer me was 60% off and £50 credit. Any tips for me to get the 75% off and £100 credit as I'm looking to try again tomorrow, as so far I seem to have hit a brick wall.
22 Nov 16 #990
upgraded on Sunday with complete bundle with 75% sports In HD on a rolling contract. still waiting for the HD channels to come on as they are having a 'problem' switching them on!!
22 Nov 16 #991
the sky box will continue to work as a freeview box and you now get bbc1 2 itv and channel 4 in hd as sky cant switch that off anymore.
22 Nov 16 #992
Called up to cancel the sports hd element and got it half price for 6 months

So my total sky bill for Box Set Bundle sports/movies and the sports hd pack for the next 6 months £3 per month
Guy I was speaking to, was in hysterics, said he had seen nothing like it before he said staff pay £17 per month for the same
I appreciate, mine is one off error
But really pleased the OP posted this as wouldn't of got it other wise
22 Nov 16 #993
​keep trying
23 Nov 16 #994
I didn't know this offer could be applied on a Rolling contract. I opted for the 12 month but didn't ask about the rolling contract. Am I correct in saying that on the rolling contract, you could essentially have the 75% off offer for life?
23 Nov 16 #995
The rolling contract can be changed or cancelled anytime with 1 months notice, with the 12 month contract you are tied in for a year.
23 Nov 16 #996
​i had this problem. then i got a text saying the problem was resolved and it wasnt. I rang them and they hadnt put the movies or sports on, and they hadnt put my account credit. the lady I spoke to was lovely. the other departments that deal with all the relevant deals were trying to back out of giving me the £100 account credit and 60% off sports HD pack but I argued and said thats what I was offered thats what I agreed to and that I have screenshots of the deal I was offered and accepted to prove it (which I do have screenshots). in the end she spoke to a manager and got the departments to back down and honour the deal. she stayed on the phone talked me through everything she was doing and made sure everything was done and working before we ended the call. I would give them a ring and kick them up the **** because they wont ring you. if they try and wriggle out of the deal be firm and tell them you have screenshots and you want the exact deal you were offered.
23 Nov 16 #997
yes ajay that's what it probably means. However my channels haven't been fully activated yet as there was an 'error!'
23 Nov 16 #998
Complete package, £20 a month £100 credit rolling contract job done! Will take me until the footy season is over and then cancel
23 Nov 16 #999
it's been 72 hours now and still waiting
23 Nov 16 #1000
Has anyone got a copy of the email? I know it was shared in a post for people to copy and paste but can't seem to find it? The one detailing the offer? :smile:
23 Nov 16 #1001
I had to call technical for them to push the signal through again
Apparently it was been blocked somwhere
Works fine now
23 Nov 16 #1002
just off the live chat and the best they would do is 60% off and a £50 credit
23 Nov 16 #1003
I tried today and could not get the 75% £100 offer, the best they could offer was 60% off every month for 12 months and £50 credit but on a month by month rolling contract which I accepted. That seems to be the best they will give now.
23 Nov 16 #1004
The internal codes for 75% off are finished.
23 Nov 16 #1005
so as i previously stated after taking the 75% and 100 credit i went through to cancel online and put my reason was didnt feel valued. (due to black friday offers) and saw i could get 15% off tv package for 10 months if i stayed. did this 2 days after it was all switched on. and someone correctly informed me on here that the t&c state that i would lose any current offer. this mean my bill jumped from 20.90pm to 63.40pm i phoned sky to complain that the t&c were not well advertised and that the deal made it look like i would get another 15% on top. they said it warns 3 times that i would lose my current offer when doing it online. i refused this and asked to speak to a manager. after waiting 15minutes they came back and took a further 15% off taking my bill to 17.90pm for 10 months then 20.90 last 2 and keeping my 100 credit, but warned me not to take any other deal again lol.
23 Nov 16 #1006
Has anyone managed to get a decent deal on Sky Q? I cancelled my sky tv on Thursday on the back of this post. Waiting to see if there's any SkyQ deals about as would love to upgrade to that. Don't want to take the £20 deal and find i'm stuck from getting Q.
Is it worth taking this deal and then upgrading to SkyQ afterwards? What are people being offered this way round?
23 Nov 16 #1007
i got offered £15 for 1tb box and £40 install. then they said if i take multiroom for £12pm they would give me a multiroom box for free. i said no unless multiroom half price. they said no. big advantage of multiroom though is it doesnt need a cable so if you decide you want to watch tv in a 3rd room ie bedroom then just take the multiroom box upstairs. it will also play all recordings on the main box. told install would be january 2017 though as they busy
23 Nov 16 #1008
also if you want to wach ultra HD you need the 2tb box which sky will want 199 for and you dont even own the box. disgusting
23 Nov 16 #1009
I've took out the Complete bundle at £20 a month with 75% off and £100 credit but it's showing as £24.50 on my bills. Is this correct?
23 Nov 16 #1010
£18.50 for your package, plus £6 for Sport in HD, some reported getting 75% off this too hence price of £20 or others got only 60% off this and £20.90 per month, I was offered the 75% and £100 but they wouldn't budge on HD and multi-room for discounts so told them to ram it..
23 Nov 16 #1011
my sky account is offering the SkyQ upgrade for:

1TB (£15) or 2TB (£60)
SkyQ mini box £40 (£99 for each additional mini box)
£12pm for SkyQ multi-room

Im thinking of taking the 2TB box with one mini box for £12pm & £100 set up cost...

I guess this is the standard price now? just wondering if it's a) worth haggling, b) if it is, what's the best way of doing it?
23 Nov 16 #1012
Thanks. Do you think it's still a good deal at £24.50 a month for Complete package or can I still cancel and come back as a new customer? I've only had deal for less than a day
23 Nov 16 #1013
its normally £80. so yes verry good
23 Nov 16 #1014
£6 is purely to watch sports in high defintion
A. Cancel the sports high def pack and pay £18.50
B. Call up to cancel the high def sports you will likely bw offered a discount to keep it ( i was offered 6 months half price been £3)
C. Kick off and cancel everthing under cooling off period...
D. Push very hard for the original deal of sports for £1.50 which it seems a mix bag that if people got or not
23 Nov 16 #1015
Cheers so I can do your option C? Thing is it looks a good deal but I need a new box as I only have old Sky HD without Wifi could do with an upgrade for Box sets etc
23 Nov 16 #1016
You have movies in hd without this pack.
You can always connect an ethernet connection
Or even request an on demand wifi box from sky (if you never had one i think they give these out on case by case basis)
23 Nov 16 #1017
Yeah I've done the Ethernet cable but it's obviously easier wireless. I may try for a deal on a 2tb wifi box
23 Nov 16 #1018
Ive checked ebay and they pop up all the time in my local area
Dont record that much i want to keep for long periods of time (on demand movies pretty much kills this need)
23 Nov 16 #1019
I done the cancel thing too and then tried for the 75% and £100. Online chat told me offer has been withdrawn by the marketing dept and is no longer available to anyone. Not sure it's just billy bull or true. The best she offered was 60% and £50 credit on a rolling monthly contract. Told her to keep it as we can live without sky but sky can't live without us subscribers. Will give it a couple of weeks and see what happens.
23 Nov 16 #1020
I gave cancellation notice last night. Tried online chat (the come back to sky one) 1 hour later and was offered 60% off with no credit (I was already receiving 50% off from a previous deal). I was told offers are account specific. I rejected the offer. Tried online chat again tonight and was offered 60% off with £50 credit. I was told the 75% off with £100 credit was only available on accounts that are outside of the 31 day notice period. I asked if I could get it if I waited 31 days and was told that offers change all the time and it may be no longer available by then. They said they would do a rolling monthly contract if I accepted their current offer so I decided to take them up on it. If I see other people still manage to get the 75% off offer then I'll just cancel again :smile:
23 Nov 16 #1021
I've just done the same. He wouldn't budge at all and he even suggested I take it and cancel after 31 days if I saw a better offer. Still saving £700 a year. Will be interested to see if anyone starts getting the 75% again.
23 Nov 16 #1022
Did you have multiroom on your account before? Mine is showing as £99 for sky Q 2TB and £99 for each mini box.
23 Nov 16 #1023
I got 75% for my TV package but for my Broadband + Line, SKY are not offering any discount on that. On top my Sky TV package they are charging me full price line rental £18 + £10 basic broadband (not fibre) + £8 for anytime call plan. Any ideas how can I get them to reduce this I have been with Sky for few years. I have told them that I want to leave Sky phone+broadband and Sky I am welcome to do that and its my choice and I will not get any deals on phone line and broadband. Any assistance will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
24 Nov 16 #1024
​When I signed up for the 75% I got half price fiber? pay 27.70 including line rental 38mb unlimited. hope this helps
24 Nov 16 #1025
​No, I've not currently got multi-room. That's harsh if the reason yours is more expensive is because your already paying them more money oO
24 Nov 16 #1026
Hi, once I got my 75% £100 deal for the TV I did the same for my broadband and phone, had problems with my "free" ADSL broadband only delivering at best 12mb but more often than not far less. Shopped around the market place for the best deals then spoke to Sky, got the fibre package at a minimum guaranteed of 34mb including a credit of £50 on my account that worked out at £23.23 per month with no installation charges, hope this helps.
24 Nov 16 #1027
Just an update- i contacted sky to cancel 1 week ago where they offered me 30% off but i declined. They contacted me since then with an offer of 60% off twice. Yesterday I managed to live chat with an agent and said I was messaged about an offer of 75% off with £100 credit. She said great i'll go check, and a few moments later said we can go ahead and apply that to your account.

So sky box sets bundle came down to £9.50! Was actually deadly serious about finally cutting the cord with sky this time round..... but i guess we're going to have to wait 1 more year! :smiley_cat:
24 Nov 16 #1028
Yeah this is the same as mine. If you already have multiroom and try to upgrade to sky Q then it's £198 for the 2TB box and an extra mini box. Also if you have the 50% currently for multiroom you will lose this and pay the full £12 if you upgrade to Q. I was on the phone with them last week to see if there was any wiggle round for the £198 or at least leave my 50%. They wouldn't budge.
I was hoping there would be Black Friday deal for existing customers for Q but this hasn't happened.
24 Nov 16 #1029
​Hi mate. were you in your 31 day notice period or was your tv completely disconnected. also which live chat option did you use?
24 Nov 16 #1030
Hi, yes i was about a week into my 31 day notice period (sky was due to be disconnected on 17th December). Not sure what you mean by options but I didnt go through the normal contact sky option in mysky. I followed what was suggested on this thread: search "come back to sky" on google then went on the following sky page:…sky

There is a live chat option there, just wait for it to go green and click. Maybe this is a different chat department to the normal one so they give out better deals but honestly i have no idea.

Good luck buddy!
24 Nov 16 #1031
I was reconnected on the 75% and £100 credit on 22nd November on Complete bundle but they've charged me £56.35 from 22nd November to 1st January seems a bit excessive and takes a big chunk out of my £100 credit when it's supposed to be £24.50 a month Complete bundle. I'm not sure whether to stick with it or scrap it and come back as a new customer. Any ideas?
24 Nov 16 #1032
I've tried in vain the last 3 days for the 75% offer, to no avail. The online chat folk keep telling me their colleagues have offered me the best possible deal available to me.

Would I be best taking 60% and £50 in credit, on a rolling contract, and cancel again next month? Or persevere for the jackpot :neutral_face:
24 Nov 16 #1033
I've been told twice today that because I have the 75% offer & £100 credit on my TV, it didn't make business sense to offer me any decent deal on my fibre/line rental and that the best I will be offered now is half price Fibre and full price line rental with no account credit (I'd already turned down this deal with £75 credit)

so although I'm saving big on my TV package, if I want to keep sky fibre I'm not actually saving much at all compared to my various discounts in the previous 12 months.
24 Nov 16 #1034
Just put in the actual cancellation. Immediately you'll be offered something on the sky app and on your home page when you do. Then call back and they'll offer you either half price internet with full line rental or free line rental with full price internet (which made more sense to me considering I was taking the regular broadband and not fibre)
24 Nov 16 #1035
​Thanks mate that's exactly the same page I'm using and spoken to about 10 guys but all saying 60% £50. Maybe I'll give it a week like u as I only cancelled two days ago...
24 Nov 16 #1036
Obviously its hard to tell if the 75% off / £100 credit is still on without trying it yourself...

For the sake of clarity and for everyones benefit can I ask if anyone has got the deal today 24/11/16 or later?

If you got the deal were you :-

1/ A real fully cancelled customer (i.e. you've been thru 31 cancellation period to the end and out the other side)

2/ Just cancelled recently and still well within your 31 day pending cancellation

I just thought that feedback would make it easier for everyone to see whats actually going on.

24 Nov 16 #1037
I also took the 75% off with the £100 credit offer on the 22nd and I have also been charged £56.35 on the 1st of Jan at £24.50 a month.

Don't worry this is correct as the £56.35 covers the rest of November, December and then January in advance. You wouldn't actually pay anything yourself until March. Assuming you want to keep the full package.

I'm happy with this deal as last time I only took the 60% off deal for the full package at £32 a month without credit.
25 Nov 16 #1038
I've took the Sports HD off as I was told on Chat that the Sports HD is on a 12 month contract everything else is a month rolling contract so takes it down to £18.50 a month. I'm wanting the monthly rolling so when Sky Q is available in my area I can get that.
25 Nov 16 #1039
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the thread. Some really helpful information in here that saved me and a lot of people money. I stumbled across the deal by chance and although I was never going back to Sky it was a no brainer. Even then I wasn't sure to post the deal as so many Sky deals head south very quickly on here...

It looks like the offer may have ended from recent comments, but lets give it a day or so to be sure and then I'll expire it.
25 Nov 16 #1040
I was told I could remove anything from my bundle at anytime giving them 31 days notice during the 12 month offer.
25 Nov 16 #1041
It appears that they do.

Actually follow through and cancel it. That's when they will probably offer you something.

You don't even need to be cancelled to get this, you just need to be out of contract

I wish I knew how. They just will not give me Multiroom. Did you already have it before?
25 Nov 16 #1042
[Sky I put in my 30 days notes me with sky tv 3 year now than do I get a call sum customers are getting 75% of but sum customers are getting sky tv free for 12 months
26 Nov 16 #1043
thank you .just got the box set package with hd 75% off and £100 credit 12 month contract
26 Nov 16 #1044
Just spent 30 mins haggling, best I got was 60% discount and 50 quid credit, wouldn't budge and told me the 75% and 100 ukp credit had finished :disappointed:
26 Nov 16 #1045
I've actually put my cancellation in for sky fibre & talk now as they wouldn't better the full price line rental & half price fibre for me.... I'm hoping I get some sort of email over the next few days or I'll cancel my cancellation as Ive got nothing cheaper lined up oO
26 Nov 16 #1046
...... Could get interesting between Christmas and new year at your place if they do not allow the cancellation of the cancellation!
26 Nov 16 #1047
Won't budge from 60% and £50 bill credit
26 Nov 16 #1048
I think if you keep asking a lot they mark you down as a mitherer on their system.
26 Nov 16 #1049
I've just got the 75% off and £100 credit and rolling contract - though I haven't been a customer for over 12 months. First time attempt at chat ...
26 Nov 16 #1050
Am sure they can handle it, not like we are paying them for it or anything is it?
26 Nov 16 #1051
Did anybody else have a problem getting the £100 account credit applied. I got cut off the live chat when I rejoined but got far enough to have my services enabled but no credit applied. I did a second live chat where the agent confirmed it had been applied but alas it hasn't and now Sky are dragging their feet about giving me the deal.

Makes me wonder if the first agent actually put me on a 30 day contract too because if he has that's my leverage to get this credit, I can simply leave and cancel my Sky Q install which isn't for another week.
26 Nov 16 #1052
Thanks OP, I rang last Sunday and got the 75% off and £100 credit. I hadn't done anything about broadband yet so I rang them up on Thursday and managed to get their Sky Fibre Unlimited for £15 a month, no one-off router/postal charges, 12 months free line rental, I mentioned that BT were offering a similar deal for £15 a month. Reasonably pleased with that.
26 Nov 16 #1053
I know, it's unfair.
27 Nov 16 #1054
My partner called up the beginning of the week, said he got a letter in the post about this offer and the £100 credit. The advisor didn't quibble at all! We got the variety bundle, box sets AND sky cinema for 75% off, we're paying £14 a month for the tv. Had to speak to the broadband department for a deal on that, we got a whole £2.50 off but they said as we got such a good deal with the tv they're reluctant to give a discount for bb too. Paying about £33 a month for tv and bb, half the price we have been paying for the last serval months! Thanks for this op, has saved us some much needed money and got movies just in time for Christmas :smile:
27 Nov 16 #1055
When I phoned up to accept the 75% and £100 credit offer the guy claimed that there was nothing on his screen that said I was offered the £100 credit. So I said well that's funny because I'm looking at 'My Sky' account right now and it definitely says £100 credit. He then put me on hold for a minute and then told me I could have the credit.

It seems sometimes you have to push for the credit even though it's offered to you.
28 Nov 16 #1056
Gave my notice to cancel my Sky TV, BB & Phone yesterday evening. Thought I was tied in for 12 months since I rejoined in January, but turns out I wasn't. But, my returning offer would be expiring from 15th January, and my bil would be going up about £30 more a month after then.

Saw the offer of Virgin Superfibre 50 on here for £18/mth without a phone line which prompted the live chat to Sky. We hardly use the home phone anyway, so happy to lose it.

First offer was 20% off my current TV bundle (Boxsets + Cinema) for 10 months, on min. 12 month term - I said no.

THen he came back with his 'best' offer - 40% off the TV bundle and line rental reduced to £14.99/month all for 10 months, tied in for 12.... again, I said no.

So my 31 day cancellation has begun. But I have placed the order for Virgin fibre50, so will be letting the SKy BB go anyway, and will be losing the phone line.

But, just gonna keep an eye on my account for offers on TV. If offered 60% I might take it, as that would make my TV bundle £22.40 a month... but i may yet let it go off, and see if a 75% offer is forthcoming.
28 Nov 16 #1057
Did anyone get any offers on multiroom on the SKY+HD platform? They seem to be pushing SKY Q now, so no discount was offered on my current subscription. If I upgrade, I need to pay £199 installation charge :disappointed:
28 Nov 16 #1058
Got a letter over the weekend saying "keep your discount for 5 years".

I'm getting the box set bundle (so all bar sport/movies) for £12pm and multi-room for £6 extra. Worth keeping I think rather than the hassle of cancelling and resubscribing for the sake of a couple of quid a month....
29 Nov 16 #1059
​further to the above, got the email this morning offering free line rental for 12 months :smile:
29 Nov 16 #1060
I got 50% off existing multiroom. I asked to upgrade to Q but they said I'd lose my discount and would need to pay £198 for instal so I left it.
29 Nov 16 #1061
I tried to get the 75% / £100 credit whilst in cancellation notice period and had no joy.

Ok, this is what I did. I submitted my cancellation on 25th Oct. let contract expire on 25th Nov. On 27th Nov I used the 'come back to sky' chat and said I wanted the 75% & £100 credit. Was told that was fine. I also upgraded to SkyQ and this is what I got......
2TB SkyQ Box, 2nd room box
Sky Sports + HD
Sky Cinema
Sky Box Sets
£100 installation
£32.90 per month for 12 months
Life time sky box warranty, with free repairs
I'm paying £2.50 extra for Sky Go but this gets removed when SkyQ is installed

I'm happy with this offer.
29 Nov 16 #1062
Nope, have asked multiple times as well
1 Dec 16 #1063
Still having a mare getting Sky to honour the 100.00 account credit. I'm on the verge of cancelling my Sky Q order and my Sky services :disappointed:
1 Dec 16 #1064
Sky would not honour the 100.00 credit for me so I've just cancelled my Sky Q install and ended my services effectively immediately. Absolutely shambolic company sometimes.
1 Dec 16 #1065
What was their reason for not honouring it?
2 Dec 16 #1066
I did all the setup via live chat on my mobile and got disconnected part-way through (the first agent got far enough to enable my services but NOT apply the credit) so I did a second live chat and asked them to confirm if the 100.00 had been credited and they said categorically "yes" but it turns out it hadn't.

I called the promotions team who promised to look into it for me and call me back (which they didn't) so I called cancellations to give them a kick up the bum. The chap was really nice and promised to phone me back, which he did within about 10 minutes, but not with good news. He said as there was no mention of the credit on the first chat, he couldn't honour the offer. I pointed out that another agent had confirmed it had been credited and also sent him a screenshot of my account on the day but he wouldn't budge and gladly cancelled all my services and my Sky Q order.

Rather amusingly, I'm just on the live chat and have got EXACTLY the same deal (12 months at 75% off, 60% off HD and 100.00 account credit) and am in the process of "coming back to Sky" - what a farce :smile:

I've made absolutely sure (asked him 3 times to confirm) that the credit will be applied so there is no wiggle room this time!!
2 Dec 16 #1067
Good one. At least you got there in the end. :smile:

You even had proof that they said that they'd give you the credit but they still didn't budge. I would have probably wrote to them to complain if they didn't honour it.

Enjoy your TV.
2 Dec 16 #1068
Yeah, just a shame I wasted a couple of hours of my life trying to sort it out. And there's no Sky Q install slots until January now :disappointed:
2 Dec 16 #1069
Left sky 2 years ago live chat with sky tell them I heard there is an offer going around for ex customers who want to come back to sky for 75% off plus £100 the next thing you hear is let me check with manager which in 99% of the cases means yes. Got mine £20 per month full package inc HD
4 Dec 16 #1070
Thank you op, finally got round to going through to the sky chat, only managed to get 60% off and a £50 credit, but as I have a ridiculous account charge anyway, this has saved me over £600 for the year, thank you
4 Dec 16 #1071
Thanks for this post - took 75% off and £100 account credit.

Will now cancel my BT TV order (with two days to spare). Still taking out BT Infinity, though.
7 Dec 16 #1072
I'm currently going through this process as I agreed £20/ month for complete bundle but I'm being charged £18.50 with no HD sports (main reason I watch)
Been on live chat 2 days running and told extra £6 required, when I say I have a screenshot of the £20 deal I can email them both advisors have said that complaint has been escalated HD is being added to my account in 72 hours - why it should take so long is puzzling and I think it's just a way of getting me off their case.
Daft thing is I'd have been happy enough at £24.50 but when they state £20 they should honour it
7 Dec 16 #1073
I'm in the 31 day notice period, and there was a 60% off TV offer on my account, if I recontracted for 12 months.

Just been on live chat, and have managed to get the 60% off for 12 months, but on a monthly rolling deal (not tied in), and with £50 account credit. So Boxsets + Cinema for £22.40/mth for 12 month.

Happy enough with that deal... but, we'll play the game again in 11 months time!

My Sky BB/phone will still go off though, as I now have the Virgin Superfibre 50.
7 Dec 16 #1074
I did all this last week. I cancelled on phone on Tuesday at 2pm, they offered 20% reduction (£104pm down to £92pm) said no thanks too expensive been with them for over 15years. On Wednesday around 3pm I went on chat & blagged the 60% & £50. They confirmed I was entitled to my surprise lol. then haggled my 2 mutlirooms and.acjeoved half price.only on one of them.. low and behold my £104pm now reduced to £46pm after £50 credit. outstanding. Thanks to op. I think this all comes down to confidence and a little silver tongue. All done within ~24 hours Brilliant
10 Dec 16 #1075
I got variety package contract finishes in February 20th 2017, I have also signed up to sky multiscreen in July 10th 2016. I pay £16.00 for variety getting 50% off and £6.00 for multiscreen 50% off as well so total I pay is £22.00 a month.

My contract finishes in February so I need to give them 31 days notice to cancel can some one help me?

1. If I cancel the variety package in February do I still have to pay for multiscreen because it finishes in mid July or can I cancel both by giving my notice in by January.

2. If I was to cancel in January and gave them 31 days notice will I get the 75% off and £100.00 credit straightaway or do I have to haggle with them.

3. If I carry on with sky what is the best way for me to get the best deal on both the packages or just the Sky package, forget the multiscreen don't even need that.

Can someone be generous enough to help me out as I'm not sure what and where I should start.

What are my options and what is going to be the best way to contact Sky by phoning Sky, going to sky chat or emailing them please share your thoughts thanks
11 Dec 16 #1076
Just called to cancel mine I was on the 50% offer, so paying £28 a month. He offered me £33 a month i said no. So cancelled, gonna web chat now and see if this works.
11 Dec 16 #1077
Web chat is unavailable think its a ploy to get you to call them
11 Dec 16 #1078
Ok update. Within 1 hour of cancelling they have offered me £22.40 a month and £50 credit. He said the 75% off is for when you have left sky. Also no contract. Thanks guys very happy!!
11 Dec 16 #1079
My concern is if I did leave then the deal wouldnt be available then I would be out of getting any retention deals and have to sign up to full price ! £22 a month is a steal, i'm not going to risk it for an extra 15%
11 Dec 16 #1080
That was also a concern for me, but I can't see them cancelling the 75% off offer. Well I hope not anyway! 15% extra off is over £100 a year, plus hoping for credit also. It's a gamble, but I'm gonna hold out for the 75%. Thank for the reply.
11 Dec 16 #1081
Good luck man
11 Dec 16 #1082
I rang up earlier this week and they told me the offer expired on 30th November :s
12 Dec 16 #1083
I managed to get 75% off and the £100 credit via live chat 3 days ago. I left about 14 months ago.
12 Dec 16 #1084
We cancelled Sky a month before we went on holiday. Box was full, just 1% left for recording so pointless to keep sky when on hols for nearly a month. Came back on weekend (no sky) & saw this - have never paid full sky fees, been offered it free in past for nearly 2 yrs.

Told on live chat that 75% offer had expired & best they could offer me was 50% off. Hmmm I already had 60% off online offer.

Best I could do was 75% off and £50 credit. Makes it £5.33 a month for variety & box-sets (£9.50) after the credit. They wouldn't budge on the 12m contract though.

Probably could have tried again & hung out for the £100 credit but was OK with this offer. Bit jet-lagged still so maybe should have left it a day or so.
12 Dec 16 #1085
How did you get the Sky Q offer? I got the 75% + £100 deal on live chat, but they couldn't discuss Sky Q, they said they were just the 'win back' team?
13 Dec 16 #1086
it only shows now 60% off and no £100 credit =(
15 Dec 16 #1087
Today was the first day that my sky was officially off as my cancellation period ended yesterday. Used the link at the top of this deal and had to use live chat. Simply asked what the deals were and the adviser asked if Id received any emails/letters etc.

Although I've had nothing through, I confirmed that I had an offer for 75% off plus £100 credit about a week and a half ago but didn't take it up as my boxes were old. It wasn't a problem getting this deal but due to the good offer they couldn't offer me a new box.

I then said that's alright as there was no tie in with the offer so if one of my boxes broke I could cancel and the adviser came back saying there was a 12 month period and asked if the letter had stated that there was no minimum length.I said that I didn't have the letter any longer as I had shredded it ;-) but was positive it did so he spoke with the manager and waiving the minimum term was agreed.

The only thing I couldn't get a discount for was multi room so I declined that. £18.50 for the whole package minus HD sports makes £12 for multi room seem excessive but I may try sky chat later to see if theres anything else they can do!
15 Dec 16 #1088
I asked for 75% off any package and £100 credit and was fobbed off with his was advertised by a rogue 3rd party company, for direct offers you should speak to us directly and offer did spread like wildfire over social media but it was a complete false offer! Anyone else get this?
16 Dec 16 #1089
I got it. Worked out better than free for a year. I got £4 back.
17 Dec 16 #1090
What steps did you take? Did you give your 30 days notice? Any tips? Will try again. Thanks.
17 Dec 16 #1091
I live chatted sky there about multi room. Ended up getting 2TB Sky Q box plus 2 mini boxes for £199 plus £12 for multi room. So Ive ended up full package with top end sky q box and 2 mini boxes for £199 up front, £30.50 pm for 12 months (and tied for 12 months) plus a £100 credit to my account
17 Dec 16 #1092
Nice, thats the deal I'm after, not been offererd it yet, sky goes off on Monday, will try again then.
17 Dec 16 #1093
Good luck, especially to a fellow Scotsman/woman (assumption based on your name)
17 Dec 16 #1094
I had left SKY for 7 months and then came back to them when i saw this offer and they gave it me straight away when I mentioned it to them on the online chat.

This was about 3 weeks ago, I'm not sure if the offer is still on now.
21 Dec 16 #1095
Anyone had any luck with this renewal offer recently. The operator on online chat is telling me that it was for a select few people around Black Friday...
21 Dec 16 #1096
Got it Tuesday after my 31 days cancellation expired, 75% and £100 credit, no movement on multiroom so dropped that and Sports HD pack, £18.50 per month
21 Dec 16 #1097
I have found away round getting a decent deal but not 75% off and £100 credit.

Basically I am in contract until 21/05/17 and pay £30 for the complete bundle. Now I want sky q which is a 12 month contract so I wanted a deal to run along side my q contract. So I contacted sky placed my cancellation on my tv which would happen when my contract ended in May. I then contacted the win back team via live chat and got offered 60% off for 12 months with £50 credit which I accepted. My tv pack has gone up from £30 to £32 but this is covered easily by the £50 credit. They also offered me free broadband which I was paying for so that has covered the £2 increase on its own let alone the £50 credit.

I am now paying £32 complete tv bundle, £14.99 line rental (this is an offer), free broadband and £1 for sky go extra which is also an offer. It's a total of £47.99 which I'm extremely happy with. I am now going to try and get a deal on Sky q with a mini box.
21 Dec 16 #1098
I'm in my cancellation period and tried sky chat a few times, been offered 60% off and £50 credit. Waiting to see if they beat it after its actually turned off although sky said the 75% offer expires on 29/12. Call your bluff time.
23 Dec 16 #1099
Has anyone managed to get sky q on a 12 month contract? I don't want an 18 month contract whilst my 75% off only lasts 12 month.
23 Dec 16 #1100
I'm day three into the cancelation period. Did you persist in contacting them during those 31 days?

I was offered 40% off for the first 10 months which I politely declined.
23 Dec 16 #1101
Just got box set bundle for 5.25 a month with 100 pound credit while I was only 1 week into notice period
23 Dec 16 #1102
I got offered it about 3 days into cancellation period, though declined as others got the multiroom discount where they wouldn't move for me, I then tried again and got fobbed off with 60% and £50 credit, so didn't bother to ask until the cancellation period expired. Worth a go they can only say no!!
23 Dec 16 #1103
I've just got 75% discount and £75 credit, I'm happy with that, I was without sky for 24hrs.
23 Dec 16 #1104
Good price but u cud of pushed it a little and got 100 instead
23 Dec 16 #1105
Iv got sky q on a 12 months contract
23 Dec 16 #1106
Not long off chat and bagged 75% with £100 in credit, including half price HD sports. Merry Christmas to me :grin:

Thanks to the OP.
28 Dec 16 #1107
Just confirming that I was able to get 75% and £100 credit today via chat. Although calling up wasn't as fruitful. Just asked, and they gave. :smile:
28 Dec 16 #1108
​Have u already left? Mine is being cut off Monday so may try live chat x
28 Dec 16 #1109
I tried a few times while still in the cancellation period, and the best offer I received was 60% with £50 in credit. Tried live chat the same evening of sky being fully cancelled and received 75% and £100 in credit.

As soon as the subscription ends I'd get on live chat and don't accept anything less than the above.
28 Dec 16 #1110
is it broadband or tv?
28 Dec 16 #1111
It is only TV.
28 Dec 16 #1112
Those trying first time now, I would say to try on live chat as that has a higher degree of success.
28 Dec 16 #1113
I'll give it a go, cheers :smile:
28 Dec 16 #1114
I keep getting different offers, 25% off TV sent by email, 50% off TV on my Sky app, then I saw a Sky advert saying stay with Sky for 60% off. It told me to go to my account through interactive on my Sky remote and there it was, an offer for 60% off Sky TV if I stay. I haven't taken the offer as I'm hoping to get 75% off and the £100 credit that many seem to have received. Obviously you need to let your services come to an end but what excuses are people using to go on chat to then request the 75% off if they are no longer customers?
29 Dec 16 #1115
My service ended yesterday after putting my cancellation in the moment I saw this deal. I just said this is what I wanted and they gave it...on a rolling contract. Good luck :smile:
29 Dec 16 #1116
I just said I wanted this deal after a few friends got it, and was contacting to get the same deal. They will not ask any questions about why you're contacting them or why you left tbh.
29 Dec 16 #1117
​Thanks, I will definitely try that. My notice period doesn't end while 23rd January, I hope the top discount will still be on then!
6 Mar 17 #1118
None really just get onto Live Chat, say hello, and, they'll welcome you with open arms..... Was pretty much how it worked last year for me at least.

I've rung a couple of times in the past week, on unrelated matters, and they offered me 60% off for 12 months on both occasions without me so much as asking for offers. Just without the £100 bill credit this time. Which is what we've been used to on previous deals. Therefore I turned them down.

Just wondering if anyone has received 75% since new year? There's reports that they've decreased the top line discount back to 60% + £100 once again.
12 Mar 17 #1119
My sky has been cancelled and have got the 75% by email, the best the guy could offer be on the chat was 75% full bundle + £67 credit but only on the normal sky + which equates to 20.50 a month or 15.50 with the credit applied. He would only offer 35% disocunt if i took the sky Q and said the discount only applies for sky + not the sky Q. Has anyone else managed to get 75% off with sky Q?
14 Mar 17 #1120
Can confirm this is still on. Logged in to the comeback page with our account which was cancelled a few months ago. Showed 75% off, £20/month for complete bundle in HD which we previously had.

Went to chat and they first offered 75% off, but full price for HD Pack. Just said offer had changed which it clearly hadn't as I was logged in looking at the offer via the website. Eventually got it down to £20.80/month but with £100 credit (after some arguing). At which point I accepted as I couldnt be bothered to argue for the sake of the extra 80p/month.

Not available with Sky Q though.
26 Mar 17 #1121
Out of contract few days ago and disconnected. On my account says only 40%.

Just tried this today on Chat. First offered me 60% and I just said "thought it was 75%", he told me expired on the 23rd March. He said he'll see what he can do, speaking to supervisor.

He said fine to 75% 2 mins later. I asked about the "bill credit" not specifiying the amount, and straight away offered me the £100 bill credit. Perfect. Didnt need to fight for it.

Went for the Complete bundle with Cinema and Sports HD for £20.90. More than happy with that and bill credit and accepted the deal.

Hope this helps.
26 Mar 17 #1122
I just put notice in yesterday, fingers crossed this deal is around in 4 week
By the way I was offered 50% off for 18 months but with a £10 admin charge....which I declined
26 Mar 17 #1123
Anybody else had any success with this recently? I'm just about to help one of my neighbours with this, would be interesting to know what savings people are currently getting? And how they got it?
30 Mar 17 #1124
Just got Full package with HD and £100 Credit for £20.90 a month as of 21.00 tonight. Which is £12.57 a month after credit deducted. I got this though online chat. I left Sky in December.
30 Mar 17 #1125
I have tried twice on webchat and the best they will do is 60% on Tv and 50% on phone and broadband. Account has got 2 days remaining until it disconnects but sky keep telling me the 75% is account specific and 75% is not available on this account. Any ideas?
1 Apr 17 #1126
A week into cancellation and my 50% offer has gone up to 60%. I'm still holding out
2 Apr 17 #1127
2 days before disconnect, could only get 60 percent on tv, 50 percent on phone and broadband and £50 credit. Tried 5 online chats, had to give in and take it.
3 Apr 17 #1128
Not sure if you realised, but going by what the op posted, you had to have been disconnected to get the quoted deals.

I got the deal 3 days after disconnection(because I was no longer a existing customer), so therefore I became a returning customer.

On a side note, got my few days ago, and was missing the discount, and now they're having to reapply it manually, because apparantly it " dropped off". So check your bill carefully. All notes were on my account of what I had been offered so they have a record of the 75% and £100 bill credit.
4 Apr 17 #1129
Out of contract, paying £32 just for Variety Bundle, phoned yesterday and only offered to reduce down to £21.44.
Our SKY box is really old and starting to play up! No offer of a replacement box.
Asked for a better deal, offered Variety & Sky Sports for £39.87p on an 18 month contract.
Been reading all SKY postings and learning a lot and a special thanks to "Spenfica" for directing me to this thread!
I am going to Cancel my Sky today - is it best to phone them or cancel online?
Thanks all!
4 Apr 17 #1130
You can ring up to cancel, they will probably offer you 50% off to stay. I would say hold out for better, even out of contract you need to give them 31 days notice
4 Apr 17 #1131
You can buy boxes from eBay and gumtree for like a tenner .
7 Apr 17 #1132
Is it possible to get 60/75% off with credit if sky TV was cancelled a few years ago?
15 Apr 17 #1133
I've started getting personalised adverts on sky channels offering 50% off but on viewing my account using sky remote it says 60%....still not biting
18 Apr 17 #1134
​I'm in exactly the same boat, had offer of 50% off via sky service app and 60% off via sky remote. I gave notice I was leaving 2 weeks ago.
22 Apr 17 #1135
Had the weirdest experience cancelling sky which I think is mostly unheard off. Went to cancel by sky TV package which the the basic sky plus sky sports and multiroom. Had an offer on it which had expired . Was told no offers was available as I'm getting half price sky automatically with no contact until the year 2022. Since when did sky auto renew discounts for 5 years in one go??!!
23 Apr 17 #1136
I had this aswell but it wasnt the case and they charged me full price when my contract ended. I complained, left sky and rejoined under 75% off now paying 21.90 for everything with HD plus £50 credit. When i was complaining they did offer me this deal off half price until 2022 but it seemed as though the call advisor did not have their facts correct. I was a bit confused so i didnt proceed with it as i wanted the 75%. Dont try and complain to them as there complaints departements a joke, better off just leaving and they will bend over backwords to get you back
26 Apr 17 #1137
Well that's flippin marvellous, was offered 60% off and £50 credit and now that I've left best deal is 40% off with no budging. Was with them for 10 years
29 Apr 17 #1138
Well they honoured my 60% deal with £50 off, I only got 50% off the £6 sport HD so total subs of £29.20 for box sets with sports hd not too bad but could have been better if timing on my side
30 Apr 17 #1139
hi is there a number i can call because on chat. they are saying the offer is expired. or what can i do. thanks
10 May 17 #1140
Anymore update on deals including BB and line rental also? Thanks
11 May 17 #1141
I'm tempted to see if I can get this deal as well.
Is this on a new 12 month contract?
12 May 17 #1142
Update: Was wrongly told by sky adviser that my minimum term was till August 2018 for talk and fibre. In actual fact it's till August 2017 with the option of keeping the same deal till 2018 which is £20 a month. Now with that in mind my sky tv contract is finishing next month and they have posted me saying I will then be on a rolling contract paying the same price as I am now. Should I wait untill August and then threaten to leave tv fibre and line rental. Would that work? The only offer they are giving me now is 40% off on a 18 month deal which is effectively only 15% off as I already have 25% of from last year. So it's a saving of £7 which is garbage. Any help much appreciated!
22 May 17 #1143
Anyone is the last few weeks received 75%? I was offered on the basic TV packaged but I have box sets and cinema and I was told that the maximum is 60%. My service disconnected last week but no new offers - still 60% off normal Sky and £50 credit (option to upgrade to Sky Q paying for equipment connection) or 40% off Sky Q with main and mini box free.
22 May 17 #1144
I don't think anyone has got this recently, I got 60% and credit which I think is currently best at the minute.
22 May 17 #1145
What is the best way to get this deal? I keep getting told there is no credit. Thanks
22 May 17 #1146
Live chat always worked for me, not the first time but second I got the deal.
I usually just ask for credit to help with payments at first and even when they say they can't do that and the chat is about to end I get an offer from them or the message let me speak to my manager :wink:
22 May 17 #1147
Thanks. Did you get disconnected or commit during your notice period? I was on 60% rolling and was offered 60% contract but haven't taken them up on it yet.
22 May 17 #1148
I have done it before where I was only a couple of days into my notice period and got the deal although that was with no credit.
This time I let it go right through the notice period and a few days after getting disconnected I got the 60% off and the credit, I managed to actually get £100 credit so on the box sets bundle I'm not paying much for the whole 12 months.
I was tempted to leave it longer but don't think I would get a better deal that what I managed!
22 May 17 #1149
Good to know. I've always signed up at the last minute (or a few hours into disconnection). My services cancelled on Friday and I chatted to them on Saturday but £50 was the maximum credit. I'm not too fussed but I basically want Sky Q but I don't want to pay connection for the 'free' equipment (especially as I would like to get 2 mini boxes). I'm not sure why one mini box costs £40 to connect but a second one at the same time costs £99!

I wonder whether checking the account of contacting them actually shows you're more interested in staying. Will leave it the rest of the week and make a decision. I'm being offered a good deal with Virgin but would rather stay with Sky.
28 May 17 #1150
Got 60% off box set + £50 credit (within the 30 day cancellation period) then upgraded to sky Q

Reading online I don't think 75% and £100 credit is around anymore:(
29 May 17 #1151
I'm happy with the 60% discount I've been offered but don't want to pay £200 for the Sky Q box plus two mini boxes. I know the £50 credit would be a contribution to the cost of the boxes but I'm still don't want to pay £150 for setup of boxes I don't own.
1 Jun 17 #1152
my 12 month contract is due to expire although i have a couple of deals on my account. i have a 25% discount on TV which runs to 2022 and multi room for £6 until 2098. Basically i was sold multi room for £6 a month for life!!
Now im after sky Q so phoned up disconnections and the best deal they would offer is 40% off Tv and they offered me Sky Q 2TB and 2 mini boxes for £140. Ive asked them to save that offer and cancelled my subscription.
i cancelled online via chat and within moments there is the 50% offer on my account. The plan is to hold out for 60% and £100 credit. Once ive got that i will take their Q offer.

I will update here once ive got sorted. But for anyone worried about cancelling, dont you will get a better deal if you do!
1 Jun 17 #1153
Yeah I'm aware of that I was merely saying what deals I had. For those wanting Q do your deal on a tv package first then add Q as they only offer 10% on a Q package
1 Jun 17 #1154
Don't think your multiroom discount carries over, sky Q multiscreen is different product altogether
2 Jun 17 #1155
I was offered 40% discount with Sky Q, receiving the 2TB and one mini box for free, £99 for the second mini box (such a rip off paying £99 for one extra 'free' box when they're already here setting everything else up).

If you're happy to pay £140 for the Sky Q equipment, then take the 60% discount and negotiate a £50 credit, then upgrade to Sky Q for £200 (less the £50 credit will equate to £150 for the equipment with a 60% discount on TV). Some have received £100 credit but not sure if that's happened recently. The multiscreen cost is £12 - I would be surprised if you paid less than this (especially now it's Sky Q multiscreen rather than the original multiroom) but you could try.
2 Jun 17 #1156
Just to clarify, it was £199 for 2TB + 2 mini boxes if upgrading to Sky Q after taking the 60% off the monthly TV package discount OR get Sky Q with 40% discount off TV package and get 2TB and 1 mini box for free, the 2nd mini box would be £99. It works out about the same over the 12 months.
3 Jun 17 #1157
Couldnt really be bothered haggling. 10 days after services stopped.

Got HD,movies,sports boxsets and Sky go extra for £37 a month on 12 month contract with 1 month free.
3 Jun 17 #1158
Is that a 12 month contract or 30 day rolling contract not tied in?
4 Jun 17 #1159
The 60% discount was offered on a 12 month contract and a rolling contract (discount for 12 months). Taking the 40% with Sky Q or upgrading to Sky Q would be a minimum of 12 months over the phone (or 18 months if done online). Sky wouldn't offered me an 18 month TV discount (I asked twice on the phone and once online for an extended discount).

Be aware that different offers appear in the online account, via Sky box, via chat, and via phone - and these change. For example, I received an email with 60% discount, 40% appeared in my online account, I was offered 60% plus credit via chat, on the phone there was no credit and rates varied for standard and Sky Q. Take screenshots where possible.
8 Jun 17 #1160
I don't know if this helps anyone. But I recently just upgraded from to sky q via telephone as my previous deal was coming to an end. I got 2tb box with 2 mini boxes for £60 and my full tv package with sports and movies was discounted by 50%.

Good luck everyone. I'm sure there are better deals but I am happy with that.
8 Jun 17 #1161
Well done. The maximum discount with Sky Q I have seen has been 40% and £99 for the equipment you obtained (2TB and one mini box is often free on the Sky Q discount of 40% but the second mini box costs £99) so paying £60 and getting 50% discount seems good.
11 Jun 17 #1162
ive kept my 60% discounted and got 2TB Sky Q box and 2 Minis for £140 with the £12 a month multi screen subscription, but they would only do the Q on an 18 month deal
12 Jun 17 #1163
That's great.
Was this online chat or over phone?
Also presumably you were just on the 60 percent discount 30 day rolling contract before?
You are tied in to a 18 month contract now right, is the 60 percent discount extended to cover the full 18 month contract?
12 Jun 17 #1164
The 60% and £50 credit was done over online chat. On my sky account the 50% offer was showing but I asked for 60% and got it. That's for a 12 month contract. I had cancelled my subscription as out of contract and did the above 2 days into the 31 day period.

The sky Q was done over the phone with the retentions team as no one else could give me a deal. The Q runs for 18months but you can renegotiate your package deal when it's up in 12 months time

4 Aug 17 #1165
Tried getting this today and was told that the £50 credit offer ended in June :disappointed:
5 Aug 17 #1166
I'm 2 weeks in to my notice period, interested to see what anyone is managing to get at the moment.

Ultimately I'm aiming for the 60 percent off and somehow get on to sky Q. But for the discount to run the length of any sky Q contract they make me do.

Any thoughts?
11 Aug 17 #1167
They always say this, just try again and you will eventually get it.
14 Aug 17 #1168
Wouldn't bother and get a VPN and IPTV. Get all Sly channels in full HD for 75 quid a year with no buffering. Plus all the 3pm Saturday Premier League kick offs shown outside of the UK.

FabIPTV are about the best out there having used a few. Need to use a VPN now as all ISPs are blocking the traffic from IP addresses linked with streaming services. That way your ISP has no idea where your traffic is coming from outside of then VPN network and cannot block it.

Recommend a Mag256 box to access the portal provided by the IPTV provider.

eBay has lots of pre configured routers with VPN or get a router with WRT it Tomato to run an OpenVPN client.
24 Aug 17 #1169
im looking to go back to sky as soon as i move home in 4 weeks time. Whats the best offer anyones got so far this month?
25 Aug 17 #1170
I gave notice and disconnected 2 days ago, I wentI online chat today and transferred on online chat to the win back team (so they said it was anyway) and the best they would give is 40 percent!!
Any advice anyone before I give up and go else where?
28 Aug 17 #1171
I used the following link, given in one of the other sky threads credit to "annad1107"
Went through to live chat to ask for something better
He tried telling me this deal doesn't exist any more and expired at end of July.
I politely explained when I click on the link it takes me to a screen saying, one more click to come back to sky with 60% off.
He then asked me to upload this screen shot, he agreed to match the deal on a rolling contract and would throw in 50 quid credit if I did it now.
Not quite the same as before but much better than I was been offered from retentions
But more than happy to keep at that
29 Aug 17 #1172
Do you happen to have the screenshot saved and would you be able to PM me the screenshot if you do? Would be very grateful if you could. Thank you!
30 Aug 17 #1173
Sorry the screen shot I took was very geared to showing the agent it was my screen shot. It had his conversation pretty much in the middle of it. Is that link no longer working?
I wonder if they took it down after I showed it still working?
3 Sep 17 #1174
Whats the best offer going that people are getting 60% ? im not fussed about mine i have cancelled as dont have time for 99% of the crap on skytv might join virgin tv as they have decent offers.
5 Sep 17 #1175
Cancelled yesterday, I got:

Sky Q Box Sets
Sky Q Silver
Sky Q Multiroom (Box in bedroom)
Line Rental

And it cost me £24 per month for the year. What is the best deal to get onto now, as they're only offering me a more expensive one!
6 Sep 17 #1176
They called me offered 50% and wont discount the multi room he said he cant do any better so im no loss with out with sky if they dont discount anymore i wont go back....
22 Sep 17 #1177
Did you managed to find goos deal? i am in same position as you are.
7 Oct 17 #1178
7 Oct 17 #1179
Just cancelled my tv package as I m at the end if the deal offer..what are you guys getting for next deal?
9 Oct 17 #1180
Is anyone getting any similar offer this we are now coming at the end of the 12 months 75% off ?????
9 Oct 17 #1181
Same here giving notice in the next month let's hope something good comes up, this was a cracking deal I dont know if they plan another.
10 Oct 17 #1182
As per this deal running out. I got offered 60% off. Decided to cancel as still not worth.
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