Pretty much free sky for a year. Free samsung tablet.
*You may be able to negotiate a 30 day contract as othes have.
Top comments
21 Nov 163#1
I'm with sky and I'll give this a go' threaten to leave see what happens - knowing my luck they'll probably just say bye then :disappointed:
Latest comments (389)
22 Apr 17#389
Just issued notice before our current offer ends. As usual they don't offer you much and claim we won't get anything offered to us after we cancel.
Pretty sure will be same as last year within 24 hours a 50%+ offer shows up
14 Apr 17#388
Got by TCB cashback payable at £20. Should have been £26, but not complaining.
20 Feb 17#387
This offer was stopped back on Nov 30th, 2016.
19 Feb 17#386
Just about to cancel and renew - have the offers stopped at mo? Last year I got an Samsung tab from Quidco along with cashback and credit from sky but I see nothing listed on either cashback sites now.
11 Feb 17#385
All am getting on live chat is "we don't have this offer"
31 Jan 17#384
yes getting refused everything basically. It's pure greed by Sky. Anyone not getting deal should all just go with Virgin. They also say there's no 30 day contract. Which I did expect. I'll be cancelling my own Sky tomorrow. Virgin are doing 2 boxes free and you get BT sports and Netflix with them. I am negotiating a 12 month contract with them and they do give you the deals no problem. Sky would soon change their mind. With a mass exodus! They make me so angry the deals are valid and they don't give you them. Whereas Virgin does!
30 Jan 171#383
Yeah me too. Seriously considering to not even bother making a claim. Not sure if it's even worth the hassle.
29 Jan 17#382
Thanks for letting me know. But I get error message. when I go to upgrades and offers. Plus they keep saying it's not available. And the one's I get that say it is but no tablet and have to take Sky Q boxes. Even though my Mum has Sky plus boxes. Also said it ended in December. I think they get a bonus for not giving it out. There's adverts on all channels and except movie channels and even at that the films are sponsored. There's no way Sky should cost so much! Absolutely no way!
2 .Live Chat or use the link to sign up to £8 Bundle for 12 Months with £100 bill credit.
Only option was live chat. And I was offered 60% aka my previous £36 package for £15.20.
Or I could have called them. But no link to activate directly online
27 Jan 17#379
They won't give me it unless I upgrade to Sky Q has anyone got it with Sky+ boxes
26 Jan 17#378
So I finally received my tablet today! Apparently the original they sent out got lost in transit, so had to resend it.
Happy to have finally received it though (even though it's the pearl white one and not black) :smiley::smiley:
16 Jan 17#377
Try again few days prior, but best deals you usually get after your services actually end. Good luck
14 Jan 17#376
Advisor wouldn't budge from 50% discount on a rolling contract (no credit or tablet) today. Told that all previous offers have ended. Two weeks until services end, so I'll try again a few days prior.
11 Jan 17#375
No - I tried to get 75% and £100 ... The best they offered me was 60% off with no credit! I tried to explain how it is, commercially, better in their interests to have a marginal customer at £240 gross margin per year than no customer with zero gross margin! Not sure they followed my argument though! Solution = more accountants working in call centres! Lol! I'll just wait for the 75% offer and watch free view until then!
4 Jan 17#374
This deal has now ended according to the advisor i spoke too. I only got offered 60% off with no bill credit or tablet, which i did not take Anyone else have better luck since the 31st of December?
28 Dec 16#373
Mine was damaged when it arrived. Heads up to check when yours arrives. Looks like a sharp metal object had hit the box, went right through and hit the tablet, causing a slice and dent within the plastic frame
28 Dec 16#372
received mine today :smiley: ordered around 1 month ago.
27 Dec 161#371
Can you look at what version of android the tablets at running. I can't update from kit Kat to lollipop or even marshmallow which is odd for a new tablet
27 Dec 16#370
Mine has been out for delivery since the driver left with the package from the depot on the 20th.
27 Dec 16#369
Parcelforce depots are now closed until Wednesday 28th December. So wont get it till around Thursday now. Was sent out on the 23rd Dec according to Parcelforce tracking.
25 Dec 161#368
You need to copy the tracking number and click the link to parcelforce and then track it from there. The royal mail tracking system does not work for parcelforce items.
24 Dec 16#367
At last. Showing the same on my account now too, track and trace Status shows : Sorry - we don't recognise that reference number. So not on the system/back at depot yet i guess.
24 Dec 16#366
Mine arrived yesterday as well. May sell it and stick to iPad though
24 Dec 16#365
i just went on and it now says: "Your reward is on its way to the address below. It will be with you within 7 days from 24 December.
Your tracking number:
Royal Mail track delivery
If you haven't received it within 7 days please contact us."
There is a link to tracking on royal mail website and on there is a direct link to the parcel on the parcelforce website, will be delivered the 1st postal day after christmas i think.
24 Dec 16#364
Mine arrived yesterday, ordered about the same date. No email though. Others could be in the mail. It was Parcelforce who delivered it,
22 Dec 16#363
Same date
22 Dec 16#362
When did you order the tab? I did it on the 27th November and eagerly awaiting its arrival
22 Dec 16#361
Text off parcel force last night and arrived today - just in time for christmas
22 Dec 16#360
Mine has been sent out by the parcelforce depot two days ago and was due to be delivered on Tuesday but still hasn't arrived.
22 Dec 16#359
Not received my tablet either. It says sent out within 28 days but over that now.
21 Dec 16#358
Cheers pal. Still haven't received it despite it being out for delivery with the driver since yesterday. I'll give it until the end of the day and phone up parcelforce to find out what is going on.
With regards to the Xbox, even if I had the opportunity I would have only gotten it to sell as well. Already have a PS4 myself and wouldn't have needed a second console although making a little profit from something free would have been nice. Good luck with the sale. I'm sure you could sell it off to CEX from a tidy amount.
20 Dec 16#357
Black friday
20 Dec 16#356
When was the Xbox deal active?
20 Dec 161#355
Cheers mate.
Yeah, I had to do the same thing for the box sets to get the tablet. Hopefully I receive mine soon! Glad you'll be getting yours before Xmas!
Have a good one.
BTW does anyone want to buy an Xbox One S FIFA 17 Bundle? I wanted to sell it to buy a PS4 instead :laughing:
20 Dec 16#354
Yeah, Mine tracked at £23 originally although I did not take a screenshot of the tracked amount, only the links I clicked through in TCB up to the Sky confirmation page when making the upgrade. Tracking is currently down to £20 and is showing as an New Sky Customer claim. I think I will leave it for now assuming they pay out the £20 as £3 isn't worth arguing about (especially when I have had other claims that went through even though the order was cancelled by the retailer). I think I will only create a ticket if they don't eventually pay out. Anyways good luck.
20 Dec 16#353
Nice one pal. Good to see you managed to squeeze even more out of Sky. Unfortunately I think none of us were aware and I wouldn't even be bothered trying now to be honest given the effort I had to go through to get them to downgrade from boxsets immediately instead of in 31 days so I could then upgrade back to the boxsets that I had in order to take up the tablet offer.
Anyways, good news is I have received a tracking number finally and apparently it is out for delivery today. I made the claim on the 26th of Nov.
19 Dec 16#352
I had already left, it had been switched off for 2 days. Got 75% off and £100 credit.
19 Dec 161#351
Yeap. Mine originally tracked at £26, now gone down to £16! And also changed type from existing customer, to new customer.
Have contacted TCB, hopefully they can fix it.
19 Dec 16#350
Oh yes, forgot to include that.
Yeap got the £100 credit also.
19 Dec 16#349
Did you get £100 credit too?
19 Dec 16#348
Btw, just to let you know, I got this offer after my notice period expired. Didn't have sky for 1 day before I signed up to the new deal.
Added on the box sets later to get the tablet. Had to add on the HD Sports later too, as can't be added on if no box sets.
19 Dec 161#347
Yeah, so around the time I signed up, they were offering the Xbox to new customers. I said to them that I did want this too as part of my offer, otherwise would not accept.
The first person said no. Spoke to someone a week later they said should be fine. But never came onto my account.
Spoke to them again, and said to them that it should be on there, don't know why it's not. They said they will have to investigate it, and listen to phone calls if they can.
Never heard back from them again so called them back, and the advisor told me that it was already on my account!
Checked online a few days later and it's on the reward section. And got a text today to say it's being delivered today :smiley:
Really chuffed as they would never normally give it. But Tbh with a bit of cheekiness and haggling, you never know. Also, it's immoral to lie, but if you signed up around black friday time, if you *just say* to an advisor on th phone that it was offered to you, and should be part of your offer, you never know, they may just give it.
19 Dec 161#346
Wait, how did you manage the XBox?
19 Dec 16#345
So I have managed:
75% off my main package
50% 1 multiroom (I have 4!)
50% rest of package (think it's for HD or sports hd or something).
30 day rolling contract.
£100 credit on account.
Samsung tablet.
Xbox one s
Receiving the Xbox today (got a text), but still not received the tablet - it's been 2/2.5 weeks!
Glad to finally get a good deal from sky after they've been charging me full price for around year..
Thanks OP, and all other contributers! :smile:
18 Dec 16#344
Had you left Sky or just put your notice in?
18 Dec 16#343
They asked if I had been contacted with an offer by email or post, I said no, then told them I was after 75% off, £100 credit and a tablet. Their reply was that there was no tablet offer but ok to the rest.
18 Dec 161#342
Received 75% off and credit of £100this afternoon, through live chat! happy days.
17 Dec 16#341
Thanks, my bill for the year just reduced to £18!
15 Dec 161#340
Nope, Just keep at them and eventually they will give in
15 Dec 16#339
£22 still showing as existing customer in quidco
15 Dec 16#338
I asked for 75% off any package and £100 credit and was fobbed off with his was advertised by a rogue 3rd party company, for direct offers you should speak to us directly and offer did spread like wildfire over social media but it was a complete false offer! Anyone else get this?
15 Dec 16#337
No tablet here yet either. Claimed on the 26th or 26th Nov.
Have you guys all checked your TCB accounts to make sure the numbers are correct and still say existing customers?
15 Dec 161#336
At least we're all in same boat. Ill Upate if it arrives
15 Dec 16#335
Ditto, around 17 days since i claimed. Nothing yet.
15 Dec 16#334
Same here, claimed on 1st December first thing in the morning.
15 Dec 16#333
Still no tablet for me! Place order roughly 2 weeks ago
12 Dec 16#332
Anyone had their cashback on TCB change from 23 pounds to 20 pounds after tracking? Mine originally tracked at 23 pounds but has now tracked at 20 and it now says "Sky Digital TV & Broadband - New Customers" instead of "Sky Existing Customers Offers" like it did originally.
11 Dec 161#331
Doesn't work for me. Adding box sets shows £7.20 extra per month (60%off on £18.00) :disappointed:
11 Dec 16#330
Must of been added after like you said haha. No tracking details on mine, just my address and the usual blurb
11 Dec 161#329
11 Dec 16#328
is this still an active deal? just moved into a house with dark age internet...lucky if I get 2meg!!! used to be a sky customer & still have the multi room house has sky dish so would this be the best bet to get decent TV?! gonna be gutted not being able to stream prime or iPlayer YouTube etc...any advice greatly appreciated!! ;-)
11 Dec 16#327
I take it they at least sent it via a trackable courier so the postie doesnt pinch it :smile:
11 Dec 16#326
3 weeks tomorrow for me... fingers still crossed
11 Dec 161#325
It has taken 2 weeks no email just turned up
10 Dec 16#324
From what I know unfortunately is when you take up multi room it extends the tv subscription contract along with it. But you may wish to check this sky as I could be wrong.
10 Dec 16#323
I got variety package contract finishes in February 20th 2017, I have also signed up to sky multiscreen in July 10th 2016. I pay £16.00 for variety getting 50% off and £6.00 for multiscreen 50% off as well so total I pay is £22.00 a month.
My contract finishes in February so I need to give them 31 days notice to cancel can some one help me?
1. If I cancel the variety package in February do I still have to pay for multiscreen because it finishes in mid July or can I cancel both by giving my notice in by January.
2. If I was to cancel in January and gave them 31 days notice will I get the 75% off and £100.00 credit straightaway or do I have to haggle with them.
3. If I carry on with sky what is the best way for me to get the best deal on both the packages or just the Sky package, forget the multiscreen don't even need that.
Can someone be generous enough to help me out as I'm not sure what and where I should start.
What are my options and what is going to be the best way to contact Sky by phoning Sky, going to sky chat or emailing them please share your thoughts thanks
10 Dec 16#322
ordered mine last Saturday - heard nothing so far.
10 Dec 16#321
Yer be interested to know also - still not received mine and hoping it arrives before christmas!
10 Dec 16#320
nice one! when did you claim it and did you get a tracking email?
10 Dec 162#319
Its arrived :smiley: Samsung tablet will make nice xmas present for somebody :smiley:
10 Dec 16#318
don't know if the offer is still on but regards the offer was only applicable when your sky services were fully switched off. so the best deal will be given when your contract is fully completed then give sky a live chat or call. Use the come back to sky link suggested in the thread...
10 Dec 16#317
Hi my sky contract finishes on 20 January I wanted to cancel and sign up to this deal would it still work and shall I call them to give 30 days notice
7 Dec 16#316
can anyone please tell me if this works if I had broadband and phone and have just left, if not what would be the best deal?
a. lowest monthly price
b. getting a freebie
sorry to be dense but always seem to get ripped on these broadband deals, was paying £46 a month to sky for standard adsl broadband and phone....
7 Dec 16#315
Claimed on 1st Dec, nothing yet...
7 Dec 16#314
Claimed mine on the 29th on old account. Still waiting for it too.
6 Dec 16#313
they probably have a load to send out. mine took about a week. they will eventually get to everyone.
6 Dec 16#312
same here
6 Dec 16#311
Still not received my tablet and claimed 2 weeks ago. No confirmation of claimed either just if i visit the claim link it doesnt let me claim again and it says it will be shipped within 28 days.
5 Dec 16#310
has this ended cant find it on topcashback
5 Dec 16#309
Still waiting for my tablet :disappointed:
5 Dec 16#308
any one know if the tablet has quick connect for mirroring.
4 Dec 16#307
Tried everything to get 75% off! No luck!!!!
3 Dec 16#306
How do you get round the £199 skyQ charge?
3 Dec 16#305
Cancelled Sky a month before and it finished on 30NOV. Made several chat attempts and on 02DEC managed to secure their complete TV bundle with sports HD, cinema and box sets + multi-room with 60% off for 12 months (the complete bundle) + £100 credit on my account. Works out £38 per month, £29 after the cash credit is applied. Overall about 70% off their normal rates and just one day without Sky :-) This is my third year of doing this. Would never pay full price as it is extortionately expensive. Persevere with the chat attempts as it's a bit hit and miss as to whether you get a representative who is in a generous mood. Incidentally I tried valiantly to get the deal on a monthly rolling basis, but, no luck this time around. The agent said that with that level of credit they couldn't do it on a month to month basis.
2 Dec 16#304
I got my tablet today. I think I claimed just under a week ago.
2 Dec 16#303
I am still waiting been a week now
2 Dec 16#302
It's been about a week since my claim and got a text that it's going to be delivered today
2 Dec 16#301
mine tablets been dispatched.
2 Dec 16#300
Can anyone confirm how long sky take to ship the tablet once you have confirmed your address in the 'claim' web page?
1 Dec 16#299
Has anyone with the 75% off and £100 credit upgraded to the sky Q offer they're now showing? It's saying after upgrade that my complete package cost would be £32.90 comprising £20.90 for full package plus £12.00 for sky q multi room and I also have to take out a new 12 month contract but concerned this might scrub out my 75% discount..
1 Dec 161#298
Just got sky 75% off after having a nice chat with a lady. Will get BT fibre on the weekend and hopefully if everything works out, would cost me £15 a month if i sell tablet for £100.
1 Dec 16#297
You could always have unlimited fibre with BT for £16 and get TV with sky, which will around £10 not including cashback and rewards.
1 Dec 16#296
all i can see on bts site is 42.99 a month[/quote]Think best deals maybe gone now.. The current one means (42.99x12)+£60-£150-£120 = £25/month
1 Dec 16#295
As anyone got thia offer if they last had sky at least 1 year ago?
Just worried they might call my bluff and say the letter is only for those who have recently left.
1 Dec 16#294
1 Dec 16#293
If I'm understanding correctly then you paying £36.90 for box set TV + ul fibre with a £100 credit so effectively ~£29/month which sounds a bit in the high side to me if there's no tcb/quidco cash back involved.. A returning customer to sky will pay ~£21pm (assuming £100 for the tablet, £100 credit and 75% off telly bundles).....
Isn't BT of more interest to you given that, for a new customer, BT ul fibre +telly + phone net around £14-£18 per month for a new customer (considering tcb casback + MasterCard from BT)??[/quote]
all i can see on bts site is 42.99 a month
1 Dec 16#292
If I'm understanding correctly then you paying £36.90 for box set TV + ul fibre with a £100 credit so effectively ~£29/month which sounds a bit in the high side to me if there's no tcb/quidco cash back involved.. A returning customer to sky will pay ~£21pm (assuming £100 for the tablet, £100 credit and 75% off telly bundles).....
Isn't BT of more interest to you given that, for a new customer, BT ul fibre +telly + phone net around £14-£18 per month for a new customer (considering tcb casback + MasterCard from BT)??[/quote]
didnt know bt do that..damn i might have to ring sky and see if i can get anymore that what you would do? and yes its sky tv+telephone+broadband unlimited+ 100 credit
1 Dec 16#291
If I'm understanding correctly then you paying £36.90 for box set TV + ul fibre with a £100 credit so effectively ~£29/month which sounds a bit in the high side to me if there's no tcb/quidco cash back involved.. A returning customer to sky will pay ~£21pm (assuming £100 for the tablet, £100 credit and 75% off telly bundles).....
Isn't BT of more interest to you given that, for a new customer, BT ul fibre +telly + phone net around £14-£18 per month for a new customer (considering tcb casback + MasterCard from BT)??
30 Nov 16#290
well I went on sky chat after ive just left virgin..and theyve given me sky tv originals+boxset, sky unlimited fibre broadband, sky telephone and for 36.90 a month including vat and fibre compatible hub..all activation fees waivered and just 9.95 for broadband box + free £100 sky account credit..i literally chatted rubbish saying i got 75% off in the post lol he did say i could have all the above with sky movies as well for 41 quid but i didnt get it. I did try and say others got sky q+ multiroom and sky sports or cinema..but live chat advisor was having none of it..:disappointed: wonder if i can ring back and chat rubbish and say he promised sky q as well lol ..
Oh and he did say i'll need to buy a sky+hd wifi box for the tv as currently we have tivo..but seen they are £10-20 on ebay so minor really...i still saved £200-300 a year compared to their online price for new customers/putting in the laptop at roughly 100 value and £240 on my current yearly virgin price am paying now..
Don't really know if i got that an amazing deal but did save some money!
30 Nov 16#289
This is an awesome deal, thank you. I was six months out of contract and it all worked perfectly - just hoping tablet turns up within 28 days, website says it will...
30 Nov 161#288
Mine just says we will get your reward ready within 28 days of the claim and post to your address.
30 Nov 16#287
I am on complete bundle, Am i eligible to get this deal. Thanks
30 Nov 16#286
I got mine last week.
30 Nov 161#285
Na... It's been 3-4 days since I claimed it, no info..
30 Nov 16#284
Has anyone else got there tablet yet are is anyones showing up tracking info on their sky account??
29 Nov 16#283
Yh looks like I would never get the 75% off. Still happy with the %60 off and £50 credit. On a 30 day contract which is nice. Will try the tablet and cachback later tonight.
29 Nov 161#282
If you are within the 31-day notice period you are unlikely to get the 75% off deal, but if you are outside the 31 days you have a decent chance. Tell them you got an e-mail from Sky with the 75% + £100 offer, and you want to take this offer before it expires on 1 December. If they ask to see the e-mail paste in the e-mail that was posted here earlier in the thread, making sure you put in your name at the top of the email:
We haven’t forgotten that you were a Sky TV customer, which is why we’d love to welcome you back to award-winning TV with a great offer. Right now, it can be all yours again from as little as £5.63 a month for 12 months.
All of our Bundles come with 75% off so whichever you choose we’re looking forward to welcoming you back with great entertainment at an unbelievable price.
Click on the button below or call 08442 411 330
But hurry, this offer has to end on 1 December.
The Sky Team
29 Nov 16#281
How are people going about asking for the offer on liv chat. I have tried and only get %60 and £50 credit. How should I approach it.
28 Nov 16#280
Worked for me yesterday via live chat
28 Nov 16#279
I've spoke to them but they aren't offering anything as they are saying it's only for a handful of customers
28 Nov 16#278
Is this working still ?
28 Nov 16#277
my live chat isn't working.. anyone else have this problem or a different link? my partners screen is saying open 8-8pm mine is saying open 7.30-11pm so not sure I'm on the right link
28 Nov 16#276
I got mine the next day after claiming it.
28 Nov 16#275
lOOKS LIKE MINE HASNT BEEN SENT OUT YET THEN :disappointed: Samsung Galaxy Tab E
We'll get your reward ready for you within 28 days from the date of claim and send it to:
28 Nov 16#274
I'll be selling mine as I have no need of it.
28 Nov 16#273
Although a free tablet is nice, one downside of this model is it cant see faster 5ghz wifi band. Has anyone else noticed it?
It's very strange for a newer device like this not have 5ghz band connectivity. My 2012 moto tablet can connect to 5ghz and still going strong
28 Nov 16#272
How much is this tablet worth?
28 Nov 161#271
No email but when you log in to, if it has been dispatched already, you would be able to track it.
It comes by next day delivery.
28 Nov 16#270
Anyone else have the box sets at £4.62??
28 Nov 16#269
my contract finished today ended today after giving 31 days notice 31 days ago. My online account shows that i no longer have a subscription but the "come back to sky" link still says that i am inelligible. Any ideas? I'd rather not do the online chat as i want the £20 quidco.
EDIT: i ended up ordering via chat and got the 75% off + £100 credit. I then had to wait 1-1.5hrs before it would let me upgrade to boxsets and get the samsung tablet.
28 Nov 16#268
I just want the Samsung tab e ...
any 1 selling one ??
28 Nov 16#267
Mine says it will be extra £4.62 per month.
27 Nov 16#266
27 Nov 16#265
You need to have been disconnected for over 30 days
27 Nov 16#264
If you ordered the variety package your monthly cost will increase by £1.50. The tablet will get you £80 if you sell it on ebay so you would make ~£55+ profit after fees
27 Nov 16#263
Amazing thanks, but have a question.
I have tv with sports - got 75% off and 100 credit with live chat.
If I try to get tablet as outlined, how much extra will I have to pay per month? Will it change my deal I just got from live chat?
Thanks - sorry I'm getting a bit lost in this thread. Ta op - ur a star.
27 Nov 16#262
After complaining, spoke to a manger and got the 100
27 Nov 16#261
Cant get the 100 quid credit on live chat. No mention at first then They said 50 after i asked then haggled to 75. Madness.
27 Nov 16#260
Best i've been offered ( i've tried several times over the last few days using online chat ) is a 60% discount on my original TV bundle with sky sports and half price unlimited fibre BB and no discount on line rental at all so £47.40 a month in total with £50 credit to my account, asked about upgrading to Sky Q but no discounts on anything so full price at £87ish a month ( no thanks ), i've about 10 days left of my 1 month cancellation period.
27 Nov 161#259
Basically I got a text from Parcel Force saying my package from Sky is on the way.
No email as such just a text i woke up to on Friday morning.
27 Nov 16#258
To the peeps who have received their tablet did you get an email to say it was being delivered on such and such a day or does it just turn up?
27 Nov 16#257
Is that for broadband or fibre? Their offer is broadband £15 with a £75 voucher and possibly some cashback. They wont offer me any deals at all on fibre.
27 Nov 16#256
I renew today my internet from the sky from £ 27.40 to £ 15 I'm happy
27 Nov 161#255
Wow, this is a smoking deal. Almost free telly for a year and samsung tablet. Unbelivable really
27 Nov 161#254
Thank you op. I was in my 30 day cancellation when this deal was posted. This morning i asked again and was granted the 75% off and £100 credit, £20 quidco and free Samsung tablet. Followed the steps outlined and total monthly bill is £9.50 with hd boxsets. If cashback tracks (which it should) I basically got free 12 months of sky and a Samsung tablet.
Amazing deal.....See you all again next year
27 Nov 16#253
Tried that - didn't work. As am on the original bundle, advisor said variety is an upgrade and am not eligible as i am already given an offer
27 Nov 16#252
Finally i now know why mine was also
showing as 7.20!!!! Thanks
26 Nov 16#251
Received the tab yesterday. Posting this msg from new tab.
Yesterday I was on chat to activate 3d which is part of box set
Agent told me I am on monthly rolling and I can downgrade if required.
No 12 month contract which is a bonus
26 Nov 16#250
Why? Box sets aren't exclusive to Sky Q. Also there's no box included with this deal.
26 Nov 161#249
if you've come back to sky on the 75% off offer and are within your 14day cooling period then you can ask them to be downgraded to variety and they should do it without charge on the same day (ask to speak with someone in the downgrading team). then next day use tcb to upgrade it back to box sets.. get the cashback tracked and claim the tablet
26 Nov 16#248
Should you guys not get Sky Q box for free given that you upgraded to box sets?
26 Nov 161#247
When you sign up for the boz set it is a 12 month contract it says in the T&Cs that you have to agree with and tick the box.
26 Nov 16#246
thanks guys - think, should have asked for variety while rejoining - missed that. Still pondering whether to upgrade to box sets for 7.20 as the tablet is free anyways which costs 100, guess not bad. wonder if i can cancel the boxsets after getting the tablet
26 Nov 16#245
£1.50 is for people already in Variety Pack and with 75% discount.
I think you are currently in Original Pack and 60% discount, and so £7.20 is correct.
26 Nov 16#244
If you've followed all the other instructions, the price changes to £1.50 once you get to the basket page.
26 Nov 16#243
Box Sets say 6£ extra but when I login it goes up to £7.20
Not sure how to bring it down to £1.50 - did I miss something or is the offer valid to only few?
25 Nov 161#242
Need to get my excessive sky bill controlled!!!!
25 Nov 16#241
Rung sky and blagged the 75% Off TV box set bundle, 100 credit and free unlimited broadband. Monthly cost is just 26.90 for everything Inc line rental. Tried the sky chat and gave up, constantly busy......
25 Nov 16#240
Do you need to have actually left Sky (i.e. wait until you no longer receive the service) or just told them that you are cancelling to get the offer?
25 Nov 16#239
Going to try again tomorrow morning, lets hope it works!
25 Nov 16#238
They've got a bad habit where they need to be told what you are eligible for otherwise they try to give you less
25 Nov 16#237
was that for %75 off and £100 credit? I just tried and was only being offered %60 with £50 credit :disappointed:
25 Nov 16#236
worked for me. well chuffed! :-)
25 Nov 161#235
im seeing it as £4.50. still might go for it tbh, thank you
25 Nov 16#234
You can sign in to your account then 'upgrade' to the box sets for £1.50 a month more.
That will reset the contract start date to 12 months from now though.
25 Nov 16#233
damn, signed up on the offer last week before i saw the tablet. any chance i can get it retroactively?
Link says "Buy a qualifying Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, Galaxy Tab A or Galaxy View."...
25 Nov 16#230
I haven't been a customer for more than 12 months for TV and two advisers have told me this is only for those who left within last 12 months :disappointed: Any tips?
Upgraded to Box Sets on Tuesday 1:00 PM, received the Tab 12:00 today. Just took 3 days.
25 Nov 161#225
I just received my Samsung Tab E (Model SM-T560) delivered via Parcel Force
25 Nov 16#224
I have now received my email to claim the tablet, I was on a rolling contract but it did say in the T&Cs when you sign up for the box set that by taking the box set out you enter into a 12 month contract.
25 Nov 16#223
Everything has gone smoothly and Tab is going to deliver today. Thanks op. Just not sure about cashback, it was tracked but process is going to take 6 months.
25 Nov 16#222
if you go to topcashback go to sky then existing customer offers. you should see one that is 26 cashback with a tablet. if you select that one the offer should say 6 pounds for the boxsets a month but if you are on the 75% off returning customer offer when you go to place the order the cost drops to 1.50 a month. once everything is processed and active you will get an email from sky saying you can activate the offer on the tablet. it took about 24 hours for that email to come through. then the tablet should be with you within 28 days :-)
24 Nov 161#221
Worked a treat not got the email for the tablet yet but it is showing on my accounts page so fingers crossed
24 Nov 16#220
anyone know what model of galaxy E its likely to be?
Great find OP, all seems go have gone through for me :smiley:
24 Nov 161#219
give it a day.. might take longer for some than others..
24 Nov 16#218
Mine not tracked after 20 hours!
24 Nov 16#217
took more than 6 hours for me
24 Nov 16#216
How long does it take to track on TCB?
24 Nov 16#215
Yes, exactly what I did, it stated £6 on the page but when I logged in it changed to £1.50 it then came up with the amount I'll pay per month £9.50 and says free Samsung tablet below that (if I remember right)
24 Nov 16#214
Oh and got 30day rolling contract but cash back was only £23 now. Nonetheless it's still a smashing deal
24 Nov 16#213
it's worked for me. Top marks! Heat added
24 Nov 16#212
Did you sign up for variety on live chat and then go via topcashback to upgrade to box sets? How exactly does it get lowered from £6 to £1.50?
24 Nov 16#211
Not been a TV customer for a few years, cancelled broadband in September and managed to get this deal today, went through tcb to get box sets and haven't received the tablet offer yet though.
Cheers OP!
Ps I got it through live chat. They offered 60% first and then I asked them to match this offer and they did!
24 Nov 16#210
I think they hands are tied for fibre and phone line rental, as they use BT infrastructure , they have to pay BT a certain amount.
For TV they can discount aggressively as it's their own service.
I haven't seen any sky fibre deal as generous as TV deal
24 Nov 16#209
Ive not had tv subscription before and cancelled my fibre a couple of months ago so tried my luck, was offered various offers including sky Q original bundle £10 with the free gift, sports & cinema for £18, the £150 "installation fee" for free but they couldnt offer any discount on the fibre/ line rental nor offer any bill credit, got all that down to £54 I dont know if thats any good? but its too much for me to afford to be honest.
24 Nov 16#208
managed to get it downgraded on 2nd attempot without any of the penaly cost or notice issues... have upgraded it back to box sets today... lets see if tcb tracks it and if i am going to get the email to claim the tablet.. either way its worth a try... :smiley:
24 Nov 16#207
Another glorious cock-up by Sky resulting in being tendered one offer or the other. Couldn't apply for Tab online (blocked) probably because Sky didn't activate the tv bundle. Maybe this why the tv package couldn't be upgraded to the Box set with their offer quote/unquote”free tab E for existing customers upgrading to box sets”. Sky say if one applies for the Tab then the 75% is likely to be removed and tv at full cost, as it's one offer per account. Confused! Bah Humbugs. Sky drive me nuts!
24 Nov 16#206
24 Nov 16#205
i only get an offer for 60% off and no credit on account
not been a customer for about 7 months
24 Nov 161#204
all done. thanks.
24 Nov 16#203
That's what I thought! Thanks for confirming.
I don't often use TCB (new user). Can you try that link ('Customise Your Page' on SKY page) and confirm if you also get the error please!?
24 Nov 16#202
I think it's £26 for TCB 'Plus' members, everyone else gets the £23.
Also there's no way of TCB knowing which Sky package you're on.
24 Nov 16#201
Ok, just realised the £26 cashback offer on TCB only shows when I'm not logged in to the website - 'Sky existing customers'! Once logged in it changes to £23 cashback - must be down to the TV package I have - Original where I got £96 credit meaning I don't pay anything for my TV package??? How does it even TCB know what SKY TV package I have!?
HOWEVER, I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS get this error when trying to access Sky 'Customise Your Page'!!!!! ARGHHHHHH
Internal Server Error - Read
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Reference #3.42bc3bc3.1479979992.13ce0738
24 Nov 16#200
It's still on the TCB site....
24 Nov 16#199
got the 75% discount and £100 credit via the live chat with no problems only problem I had was with topcashback I could not find any Sky offers to try get the £26 cash back tho I was able to sign up to box sets for £1.60 a month (was £6) and was able to claim the free tablet tnx OP
24 Nov 16#198
no £100 credit showing for me.
24 Nov 16#197
if I add movies would it still be 75% OFF.
24 Nov 16#196
It's in the deal title "Samsung galaxy E". I upgraded to box sets via TCB yesterday, received email this morning that I could claim reward, just done that and it said I should receive tablet within 28 days.
24 Nov 16#195
Sorry to ask but didn't see it, which Samsung Tab is it and when do you get it if completed as stated above? Thank you!
23 Nov 16#194
I've canceled my TV sub - but sky advised me not cancel broadband n line and just allow other company to take line when ready. But to get returning customer offer do u think I need to authorise broadband and land cancellation ? Realistically how long do u have to not be with sky before u can be classed as returning customer ? I Tried haggling have called 3 times this week they still wouldn't come close to the offers available to new or returning customers
23 Nov 16#193
where to check end date? Any way with all the credits you would just be paying £14 for the whole year and free tablet. So does it really matter 12 months contract or not..
and by the way if TCB gets paid, you make some profit too
23 Nov 16#192
I got that deal last week.
23 Nov 16#191
I signed up for verity. couple of days later this deal came in. upgraded to box sets and tablet
23 Nov 16#190
Went for the sports pack first then added box sets for £16.37. just checked for adding movies and it's an extra £50+.
so think i'll stick.
So if u after sports get it first, also asian package was available for £10p/m but it's gone up to £15 for anyone interested, might only be available for a little while after you re-join so check straight away.
23 Nov 161#189
I managed to get the variety package with 75% off. I will be paying £8 monthly with £100 bill credit which is effectively free sky package for 12 months.
I have also upgraded to Skybox set for £1.5 with Galaxy Tab E
Thank a lot OP.:stuck_out_tongue:
23 Nov 16#188
WARNING (unless anyone can help): I've had 75% off deals before and pretty sure been able to add sports and/or cinema during contract and 75% off has applied to these as well. Just been online to check this was the case and if I try to add sports it removes the 75% offer off current bundle and just applies half price sports offer, price per month jumps from £9.50 to over £40 per month! Any body managed to add sports/cinema and get 75% applied to them (I know latest T&C's suggest you lose discount if package changed but as that wasn't the case when adding box sets I was hopeful!). I'd suggest that if you were thinking of trying to add sports/cinema after probably safer to go for full package straight away. Hope this helps or someone can help me
23 Nov 16#187
Which Terms are these?, I am not sure.
If you are talking about TCB cashback, so far status says tracked. It still needs to be confirmed and payable, which will take atleast couple of months.
23 Nov 16#186
I ordered yesterday 1:00 PM and when I checked today morning 10:00 it was there. So around 24 hrs.
23 Nov 161#185
I cancelled a number of months ago as they couldn't offer me any better than 50% at the time
23 Nov 16#184
I've just done it. had to sign up to top cashback, how long does it take to show?
23 Nov 16#183
Thanks Raj, I'm getting the error now when I click on 'Customise your package'. The link must be down! Btw, did you not get the cashback??? Also, some people are saying it's against your terms on TV package, is that correct???
23 Nov 16#182
Nice one! Did you have to put your cancellation in first or had you already left sky a while ago? I'm in my 30 day notice period and apparently told I cant get the 75% as I've not completely left sky.
23 Nov 16#181
Just been on live chat and got 75% off full package and £50 credit. Advisor opened with the 70% offer had finished and then came back with 60% and £50 credit so I said I would have a think he then immediately came back with a 75% and £50 credit.
Very very happy
23 Nov 16#180
This is what I did yesterday
1) Click My Sky
2) Select Customise Your Package
3) Then under section 'Upgrade your Sky package', select 'Box Sets'
4) Then Click 'View Order Summary' and proceed
23 Nov 16#179
I can't get the box sets for £1.50!!! :-(
Either doesn't appear at that price or the following error shows up! Anyone experiencing the same!?????
Internal Server Error - Read
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Reference #3.ac427b5c.1479916656.2043a14
23 Nov 16#178
TCB tracked today at £23.. If it pays out only £31 for 12 months Box Sets and Samsung Tab.
23 Nov 16#177
I've just been on live chat and they said I had to ring the sales team, as they couldn't help me, I didn't even get an offer off them
23 Nov 16#176
Couldn't work out how to get the tablet as I wanted sports and movies.. got complete package £20 a month and £100 credit rolling contract
23 Nov 16#175
Yes you can
23 Nov 16#174
I meant on TV packages,no broadband mentioned in this deal!Got the full TV pack for £20 and £100 on credit which works out around £12 a month for the subscription.I think it is a good deal!
23 Nov 16#173
Everything!!!Movies,box set,kids,music,sport HD chanels.EVERYTHING!
23 Nov 16#172
The wheelie bin ate my old box, any chance I could blag a new one?
23 Nov 16#171
Heat added. Used link to get variety for £8 pm and £100 credit. Once sky had confirmed the order was processed and sky was active and then went through TCB to upgrade to box sets. That went through at £1.50 although I haven't received an order confirmation, however when I look under claim rewards it says Samsung Galaxy E tablet will be sent when service active so it has been recorded. After doing all this has anyone added sports and got 75% discount applied to that as well?
23 Nov 16#170
I signed up last week for the 75% off and £100 credit offer.
Now I can see I can add the box sets for £1.50 a month + the free tablet with the small print saying it will be a 12 month contract. Has anyone who signed up last week now added on the box set upgrade and is the end date the same or would it now be staggered?
23 Nov 16#169
Box set upgrade is a 12 month contract. £1.50 applies if your bundle has variety bundle already, I suspect your package doesn't but only has original bundle (£5 per month at discounted rate) hence why the increase is £4.50 (£9.50-£5.00)
23 Nov 16#168
is the box sets upgrade a 12 month contract.
We got the Sky Sports package yesterday for 75% discount which is showing as 11.97 a month and £100 credit on top. So about under £40 a year. Not sure if that is a good deal? As I didn't get it done was not sure how much sky sports normally is or is it added on top of original.
Topcashback showing £23 and when I goto box sets its £4.50 a month (from £18) with a free Samsung Galaxy E. I guess there will be a 12 month contract so £4.50x12= £53 - £23 TCB so tablet works out £31. I dont have use for box sets and already have a tablet Shall I get it?
Who are the people that get it for £1.50 which package how much?
23 Nov 16#167
anyone confirm they have got 75% off and £100 credit as been advised by sky that it doesn't exsist
23 Nov 16#166
Can you explain how you managed to get hold of the tablet? Did you first sign up for an original bundle deal and then?
23 Nov 16#165
I've got the same problem with sky q
Can't seem to remove it from basket
23 Nov 16#164
Just wanted to ask has anyone had sky q (£199 fee)added to basket when upgrading to box sets
And does anyone know how to remove it ?
23 Nov 16#163
Same here claimed my reward too
23 Nov 161#162
Same for me, I too got a claim reward email today.
23 Nov 16#161
Hi I got the 75% off and the £100 credit. I chose the cinema bundle so get it for £9.50 a month. I did this yesterday morning & it wouldn't let me add the box sets so I have been waiting for my account to be active. I received an email today saying it was now active, so I have gone into TCB and selected the box sets upgrade.
Sky is letting me do this upgrade & get the tablet but it's at £4.50 a month - this is because I have the cinema package - but it's making me upgrade to a Sky Q box for £199 installation fee! It won't let me upgrade to the box sets without it ? Anyone else had this? Thanks
23 Nov 161#160
I upgraded to Box sets 1:00 PM yesterday and received email today morning 4:00 AM to claim to Tablet.
So for an extra £54, 12 months Box Sets and Samsung Tab
23 Nov 16#159
Nah.. The full pack would be about £30 plus £50 credit
or circa £48 with line rental & unlimited BB
23 Nov 16#158
Including sports?
23 Nov 16#157
Sky Ts&Cs state Offer cannot be taken in conjunction with any other offer. Discount does not apply if you change your package.
Be warned
*Original bundle is offered at £5.63 x 12= £67.56 , a profit of £32.44 without any upgrade
23 Nov 16#156
Got the full pack for £20 on 12 months contract plus £100 on my account so around £12 a month after using the credit which is awesome for everything. I could not get the cashback and the tablet with this option but I do not care.
22 Nov 161#155
I just got off the Live Chat from a "Abida " & "Shirifa". (2 separate chats.)
Started the chat saying I am thinking of re joining Sky if the price is right.
Long story short.
After haggling and saying I cant afford what they are offering,
"Abida" offered me. 60% Tv and Cinema. and 50% off unlimited fibre broadband. No tie in contract on tv. Plus £50 credit on my bill.
"Shirifa" on the other hand was very stingy.
He only offered me 60%on the tv and then normal for fibre broadband.
Its all about who you speak to. If they are not playing ball. Leave the chat. Come back later and try again. Next time i am going to try the conversation with.
" Hi I spoke to your colleague Abida and she offered me 75% off Tv and Cinema with 50 % off fibre broadband unlimited and £100 credit on my bill for me to rejoin. But unfortunately the chat window crashed and I was unable to confirm the order."
Il update what happens.
22 Nov 162#154
This is a great deal! Thank you for sharing this, OP! 12 months Sky + a £100 tablet, for £14 (before cashback)!
IMO i'd add 'OR FREE Sky' to the title, seeing as if you just stick with the £8 package, the £100 credit covers all 12 months.
22 Nov 161#153
Thanks OP
22 Nov 16#152
When I downgraded today from box variety bundle the sky customer expert confirmed my outgoings will change from £9.50 to £8/ month. Although she didn't seem to be the most knowledgeable of the experts add she charged me early termination fee even when I'm in the cooling off period
22 Nov 16#151
Not sure where my comment went!
Anyway, the T&Cs state that to receive the 75% discount you must not change package? Although you price is showing correctly online I'd be interested to hear what happens after you've "upgraded"? Technically Sky would be within their rights to cancel the 75% off offer and you're not complying?
22 Nov 16#150
Would this work with the £5.63 original bundle too? Thanks
22 Nov 16#149
Chat is showing busy all the time!
22 Nov 16#148
I must have got lucky then!
22 Nov 16#147
Can I cancel after 10 months?
22 Nov 16#146
Same with me. I guess I would wait for couple of days to see if I can claim or else contact them on chat.
22 Nov 161#145
Well done... Makes me wonder if its me who's asking the wrong questions for being lumbered with early termination fee and 31 days notice for downgrading... :smirk: Good for you anyways :smiley:
22 Nov 161#144
12 months contract. I got that 75% + £100 crediy offer posted before and went for variety bundle. Currently paying £9.50 for box set. Downgraded on phone and went through TCB for upgrade to box set again online to get Tablet offer.
22 Nov 16#143
I see why this is a different price for me now. I have 60% discount as previously stated. I also have the Original bundle
This deal is for the Variety bundle which with 75% off is reduced to £8 a month. Then adding boxsets for an extra £6 with 75% off is an extra £1.50 a month
Time to see if I can negotiate my 60% discount up to 75%
22 Nov 16#142
How can I get a good discount on the sports package please? Left Sky TV around 6 months ago but still have internet/phone with them.
22 Nov 16#141
That's what I thought but the customer service adviser didn't agree.. I'll challenge it tomorrow, thanks for the reassurance
22 Nov 16#140
I believe you get 4.5£ if u are on original tv package..
22 Nov 161#139
What price did you get the new boxset deal for, was it online or over chat? Also, is this a rolling contract or 12 month?
22 Nov 16#138
Has anyone been able to claim the Samsung tablet.
Did you have to go to claim my reward and how was it done?
Im seeing the same message about my services becoming active but its already active so not sure why i cant claim
22 Nov 16#137 come it is 1.50 for some and 4.50 when I do it? I have the 75% off... anything I am doing wrong? thanks
22 Nov 16#136
Managed to downgrade my package from Box set on 2nd attempt to Sky cancellation department without 31 days notice. i upgraded it on 18th Nov. Afterwards, i upgraded back to B9x set using new offer through TCB. All depends on the operator on other side really.
22 Nov 16#135
I rang up to cancel this morning, then went on to chat this afternoon. The best I was offered was 60% off and £50 credit. I then said my friend was offered 75% off and £100 credit I was told all offers are account specific and this was the best offer available to me. I then started another chat after a while and was offered 60% off and £50 credit again. I said my friend had agreed this deal a matter of hours earlier, I was called a liar and asked if I had any proof. I told the agent I had a screenshot. I was then told the offer ended a couple of hours ago and my friend must have been one of the last ones with the offer. The best he could offer me was 60% off and £50 credit. Any tips for me to get the 75% off and £100 credit as I'm looking to try again tomorrow, as so far I seem to have hit a brick wall.
22 Nov 16#134
If you signed a new contract within the past 14 days you are entitled to alter it without penalty and without having to provide 31 days notice. You should stand your ground on that as it's firmly within the terms and conditions.
22 Nov 16#133
the Muppets just rang me! offered me 60% discount for a rolling 30 day contract ,which I refused once we got down to the T&C's and I had to use my old dodgy kit, and the deal was not incl sky Q......I only pay £4pm to use now tv off some cheap vouchers I bought off fleabay ,so why would I go back!
22 Nov 16#132
£100 credit is on top of 75% off standard price. So if you take original or verity bundle, you have it free for 12 months.
22 Nov 16#131
Exactly 12 months...
22 Nov 16#130
On TCB I only get the option for £23 cashback and the cheapest box set to select is £7.20!?
Also when I go to complete it shows the following error???
Internal Server Error - Read
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Reference #3.29367a5c.1479830634.1f20f37
22 Nov 16#129
i asked them` to remove it but it takes 31 days notice so even though i have downgraded my package from box set to variety (and paid 8 pounds early termination charge) the box set will stay on my account for 31 days and i reckon i wont be able to take advantage of this offer afterall :disappointed:
22 Nov 16#128
I've been repeatedly told its only for customers who were 'sky customers' in the last 12 months.
22 Nov 16#127
How long ago were you a sky customer?
22 Nov 161#126
It's actually £96 bill credit they give you which pays off the Original TV bundle when discounted at 60% (£20 - 60% = £8. £8 x 12 = £96). I gave up on chat and gave them a ring instead! I'm just about to take advantage of the rest now :-)
LOVE this website and high 5s to 'platterfish'!
22 Nov 16#125
I can't ever get through to a chat agent! arghhhhh
22 Nov 16#124
I was definitely thankful that they didn't ask me to show anything, as I had nothing either!
True. I'll probably see out the whole 12 but I can definitely see how a rolling contract is useful.
22 Nov 161#123
Im exactly same as you.
I ordered last night at around midnight.
This morning i can see boxsets active and billing etc is updated showing that i now have box sets.
No email confirming the offer or deal.
Also i thought that the tablet claim we do manually so when i check my claims it says once services are active reward will be sent.
22 Nov 16#122
I signed up on the 75% off & £100 credit boxset deal last week. I can't get this to work, only see a £23 offer on TCB and the link just takes me to a sign up/build your bundle page. Go to the claim page says there's nothing to claim. :disappointed:
22 Nov 16#121
Didnt work with canceling and then doing rejoin as still in notice
22 Nov 16#120
They kept asking me to show them the email with the 75% offer, which at the time I didn't have. Next year I'll try to be better prepared!
Another good thing about not taking the tablet offer is that it ties you in for 12 months - the contract you got is rolling so you can get out at any time you want.
22 Nov 16#119
I definitely think it's luck, as I tried to negotiate a discount of any sort during the week. I signed up last year on a half price introductory offer which was due to expire.
The most I got was 'their very best deal of around 30%' off so I went ahead and cancelled.
I wasn't even going to cancel and try 75% originally but like many others I thought it stupid that they don't even seem to try and keep customers.
One thing I definitely noticed was when I called/used live chat in the daytime I got absolutely nowhere but when I went on live chat in the evening I got the offer straight away, as mentioned above.
Looking forward to next year to do it all again :stuck_out_tongue:
22 Nov 16#118
After 4 attempts I couldn't get beyond the 60% offer and £50 credit so you did very well. I'd rather have 75% off than 60% off with a tablet that has only 1gb RAM and a 1200x800 screen
22 Nov 16#117
I haven't but doesn't seem so bad then!
I was really lucky when I got the 75% off as I decided to have a go on Friday evening, on live chat while watching T.V.
I got through to someone and all I said was I'm in my notice period and received a 60% offer on my Sky box but people seem to be getting 75% and credit so he went to speak to his supervisor.
He came back nearly straight away and said 75% was absolutely fine but no credit was available. I didn't bother arguing the credit as I'm fairly happy to pay the £9.50 a month.
22 Nov 16#116
Have you seen the screen res on the tablet, or how much RAM it has in it? I wouldn't feel too gutted. Reading the thread it seems it's harder to get the 75% off this week in any case, unless you've had all your services terminated over 31 days ago.
22 Nov 16#115
Thanks for the advice :smiley: . I think I'll leave it in the end as I'm not sure it's worth the risk of not having 75% off with the box sets.
It's a shame they couldn't get one sent out, although I knew I should have waited the extra few days for Black Friday week!
22 Nov 16#114
How long were you out of contract for, and what number did you call or was it live chat? Thanks.
22 Nov 16#113
I got it on Live chat a few minutes ago. I left about 2 years ago.
22 Nov 16#112
I got nowhere with online chat - 31 days notice shoved in my face. I had to get back to work so couldn't argue at that time. To speed things up I tried calling this morning and they accepted that I could cancel box sets in the 14 day cooling off period, and did it for me. Took a long time for them to process this - must've been on the phone the best part of half an hour.
As long as it's 75% off with boxsets when you rejoin (and there is some doubt about this: people are quoting they were offered different prices when they logged in - I had to pay £1.80 but some others are quoting over £6) and you really want the tablet go for it. If the tablet isn't that important to you I'd leave things as they are.
22 Nov 16#111
Not sure I'd want to pay for it, seemed like a nice gift for someone :stuck_out_tongue:
I tried going on live chat and asking what to do as I only took out the deal on Friday. They told me that it wasn't available with the 75% offer and it would take 31 days for the cancellation to process, even though I'm in the cooling period.
Think I've been had there, extremely unhelpful.
What do you reckon my next move should be? Actually go ahead with cancelling my boxsets?
22 Nov 16#110
You can buy mine off me when it arrives :stuck_out_tongue:
If you call them up ask them to remove box sets as you have this 2-week cooling period that you're in. Once it's removed you can sign in and take boxes sets with the free tablet.
22 Nov 16#109
Same here
22 Nov 16#108
Ok, so I've managed to successfully negotiate the 75% off and £100 credit on no contract.
I've signed up on the original package at £5 a month just now.
Whats my next steps to get the Tablet?
22 Nov 16#107
Any luck mate? I had a hell of a time trying to get any discount last year, even hit 29 days notice without any deals :disappointed:
22 Nov 16#106
Can I do the complete package and still get a tablet?
22 Nov 16#105
Ive been told deal is account specific, and the only some account holders, who are picked out from a lucky draw can recieve this comeback offer. Is there any other way i can approach this then chat?
22 Nov 16#104
Would this work if I gave my notice now? (My contact ends 24th dec), I had a hell of a time getting them to honour ANY deal last year, tried for weeks, even one they had posted directly to me was refused (and they got that wrong had to call 3x to correct.)!
22 Nov 16#103
Does anyone know how to upload a picture from local disk? I can upload image of credit to show where to look for.
This comment box only lets me add an image from the web url
22 Nov 16#102
Thanks but nothing unfortunately.. maybe it will update over night.. although I can see tv package but no £100credit :disappointed:
22 Nov 16#101
What would be the best way for me to get the Galaxy Tab?
I took the 75% off Box Sets deal last Friday.
22 Nov 161#100
Not sure, when I took verity with 75% off, I was told it will be monthly rolling for me and I can leave anytime with 30 days notice.
22 Nov 161#99
It should come immediately if they have applied it.
go to bills section and you should see £100 credit
22 Nov 16#98
I checked my account online and it was there straight away - two credits of 50. I have went onto TCB and found the link, get re-directed to the sky page, go to sign in and then I get a white screen :S
22 Nov 16#97
Yes, I checked this morning and can view box sets.
22 Nov 16#96
Do you have to keep box sets for minimum 12 months?
22 Nov 16#95
Called them & easy to get this deal. ThanksOP.
How much time it will take for £100 credit to appear on account ? Was thinking once I saw the credit then will attempt tab via box sets
22 Nov 16#94
Just a quick update that as of 11:05 am today I have managed to get onto live chat (took a while to get to someone) and the deal is still live. It is worth noting in the terms they show you that the price can go up during the 12 months but surely it can't be too much (I think they usually have an annual increase of ca. £1 for variety pack?)
22 Nov 16#93
How quickly after cancelling can you go on live chat to restart?
22 Nov 16#92
Have you tried accessing a box set on your Skybox?
22 Nov 16#91
I see the same message in claim section
Samsung Galaxy Tab E
This reward will be sent to you once your Sky services are active.
I spoke to an agent on the chat this morning.
First he said it will be sent to me in 15 days. Later he said you should get an email within 24 hours asking you to claim reward.
My boxsets package is active , however I haven't received any email either of the upgrade order or reward.
Has any one received any email confirming they placed order to upgrade to box sets?
22 Nov 16#90
Can I get this? On Original Bundle (50% discount) and had £100 credit applied 6 months ago.
When I add this deal it takes my monthly package from £11.25 to £19/month
22 Nov 16#89
I see the same message. I spoke to an agent on the chat this morning.
First he said it will be sent to me in 15 days. Later he said you should get an email within 24 hours asking you to claim reward.
My boxsets package is active , however I haven't received any email either of the upgrade order or reward.
Has any one received any email confirming they placed order to upgrade to box sets?
22 Nov 16#88
So you connect your virgin landline to it... Doesn't have to be a Sky line
22 Nov 16#87
No you don't. Its just a TV deal
22 Nov 16#86
Can anyone confirm this 75% deal and £100 Credit deal is still live, and a screenshot of convo would be added bonus?
22 Nov 16#85
Did you add boxsets seperately? and are you still entitled to the free Samsung Galaxy Tab E?
22 Nov 16#84
give this a try
22 Nov 16#83
called up and they offered 60%, the best after negotiation was 60% + £50 credit. Could have ended chat and tried again but assumed they would have logged my previous call and offer. Works out at roughly £10pm which isn't too bad for family boxsets bundle.
22 Nov 16#82
Does anyone know when this offer ends? just cancelled Sky but have to give 31 days notice...
22 Nov 16#81
They used to usually say the box has to be connected to a landline to communicate with sky, don't know if that has changed.
22 Nov 16#80
This is a TV deal so you don't need to have Sky phone and BB for it.
22 Nov 16#79
Great deal .... Do you have to have a landline for this ?
As I have Virgin broadband and landline.
22 Nov 16#78
If you go to my sky, under "track orders" you'll find "claim reward" and it should list the tablet together with the message that it will be sent to you when your order is active. So it should be sent to you right away.
22 Nov 16#77
Ive signed up to box sets last night, quidco tracked and when attempting to claim my reward i see this
Samsung Galaxy Tab E
This reward will be sent to you once your Sky services are active.
Do i need yo claim my reward or is it done automatically
22 Nov 16#76
I am gutted reading this, I thought I was OK with everything for £40 a month. I have just signed up with NO CONTRACT all TV HD sorts & movies for £40 clearly not a deal. Would I be allowed this deal ??
22 Nov 16#75
Think they've pulled it!
22 Nov 16#74
Go to shop then existing customers. About half way down
22 Nov 16#73
Just got 75% + £100 20 mins ago, through live chat.
Can't access boxsets page though.
22 Nov 16#72
Just had a convo on chat, and the best they are offering to comeback is 60% and £50 credit, they said the 75% offer is no longer valid
22 Nov 16#71
I also am not sure about the discount Sky are offering on boxsets - my account only offered me £1.80 once in the cart. Others are reporting £6.20, £7.20, and other figures. Not sure how Sky calculates the discounts they are offering on box sets.
22 Nov 161#70
I currently have 60% off. When adding boxsets it is adding an extra £7.20 per month. It's taking the 60% discount off of the £18 upgrade price. If anyone knows how to get it for £1.50 if already a customer on the £8 Originals bundle I'd be very interested to hear about it
22 Nov 16#69
Can you get sky landline on a virgin one ??
Try to do it but somehow doesn't work!
22 Nov 16#68
Don't know how you get £1.50 extra....says £6.20 for me.
22 Nov 16#67
looks like the android boxes and fire sticks are hitting sky lol
22 Nov 16#66
I'm going to call them to check just to be safe
22 Nov 16#65
So i take the Variety pack for £8, then upgrade this to Box Sets for additional £1.50? How long did you wait between the two processes? Thanks
22 Nov 16#64
Worked fine for me, £100 credit still there. Scheduled £9.50 a month. Claimed tablet this morning.
If you attempt any other bundle though the discount is lost.
22 Nov 16#63
The original 75% + £100 credit states offer not available if change bundle. Will this therefore mess that offer up?
22 Nov 16#62
not a bad deal at all, so they are paying you to come back.
22 Nov 16#61
This is a good Thread this. :-)
22 Nov 16#60
If you threaten to leave nothing will happen. You must actually leave. I did this a few months ago and got 60% off full package and £100 cashback without any break in service. Cancelled one day, got online the next and hey presto cheap sky! Remember when you tell them you're leaving you still have service for 30 days. So sort out the contract within 30 days and you've got uninterrupted TV.
22 Nov 16#59
Didn't work for me - added the Boxset option. Right up to checkout & final 'Pay Now' button it showed as £7.75 extra/month
22 Nov 16#58
Yeah I had someone else's email address listed when I tried to order, but I just clicked on edit order and changed the email address to the correct one.
22 Nov 16#57
Would want to get the complete with sports and movies. How can get the £26 plus tablet with this option?!!
22 Nov 161#56
worked for me, thanks so much, I now pay 14 a month for variety pack, movies and boxsets plus get 100 credit and a free tablet. great :smile:
22 Nov 161#55
cost me £4.50 extra per month for the box set after taking advantage of the 75% off & £100 credit last week for the cinema package. so hopefully with the cash back. For the year approx £26 xtra for the boxset and a free tablet. Thankyou...
22 Nov 161#54
Great security.It signed me into someone elses account with my details.I didnt proceed.
22 Nov 161#53
You have 2 weeks to cancel an order. Having said that I found skychat pretty hopeless when I recently tried to amend an order: had to wait an age whilst the operator told me I was tied in to the new price for 31 days and he basically tried to time me out of my request, knowing I had to get back to work by 2pm. So you might do better phoning and telling them you've changed your mind on Box Sets and then once it's taken off, sign up for the offer online and get it for £1.80pm instead. Don't forget to sign in via topcashback for £23 cashback which pays for it, and then you get the tablet as well.
22 Nov 16#52
ohh. I upgraded to box office two days before. Can i still get this offer?
21 Nov 16#51
I dont pay for any extra sky bundles so if i was to cancel sky would the pause rewind and record etc still work? And get HD channels (normal digi HD channels not the premium ones)
21 Nov 16#50
Anyway to get this with sports and kids channels ?
21 Nov 16#49
thanks op will have to try tomorrow as in 14 day cooling off period
21 Nov 16#48
I left 2 years ago, went on live chat and said i've seen the comeback offer, no questions asked. I had no box, bought one off amazon and they sent me a viewing card. Try a different adviser.
21 Nov 16#47
I left sky 2 years ago but still have my HD BOX and DISH. Live chat says I am now a new customer as it has been over 12 months since leaving sky and not eligible for any deal with an existing HD box. Please give easy to follow instructions on how to get the deal for customers who have left over 12 months ago as live chat is treating us as new customers.
21 Nov 16#46
Once in the basket I'm getting £1.80 on the box sets. Have they put the price up?
21 Nov 161#45
This looks like it has worked for me, massive thanks to the OP! Went through TCB (£23 cashback for upgrading to Box Sets), when I clicked through to Sky it added it to my basket for £1.50 per month and said I'd be entitled to the free tablet. Can't claim the tablet yet but I'll check back in a couple of days, screenshotted it in case they try to refuse.
21 Nov 16#44
Go on live chat in the morning and ask them for it.
21 Nov 161#43
Does anyone know how this would work if I was 'rejoining' Sky, but now moved house and needed a new dish and receiver?? Would I have to get a 'new customer' deal?
21 Nov 16#42
Sorry to ask a dumb question but I gave my notice today for cancellation and wI'll be leaving sky on the 23rd Dec. When is the earliest I can get a deal as I don't want to be skyless over crimbo
21 Nov 16#41
do you get tablet from sky?
21 Nov 16#40
It's offering it to me for £4.50 a month.
If you take away the Cashback it's £28
Is that worth it for this tablet?
Also you get boxsets which is good obviously...
21 Nov 16#39
I just cancelled sky last week, and currently serving a 30 day notice, will this work for me?
21 Nov 16#38
but sky say the £100 cashback is conditional on no change of contract from when u accept to renew
21 Nov 16#37
It's worth the risk as you are still upgrading. Regardless the tablet is the reason you would do this deal as cashback is never guaranteed.
21 Nov 16#36
But you will miss £26 TCB?
21 Nov 16#34
It says £6 a month so worst case scenario £72 for 12 months to get the tablet.
Would it still be a good deal?
It's £150 online..
platterfish to escortboy
21 Nov 16#35
it does say £6. However if you have activated the £8 deal it will reduce in the basket to £1.50;
it does seem to be an error now, was working, still use that link to navigate to the upgrade offer. SHOP > EXISTING CUSTOMERS, it will still use the affilate link so may still track
21 Nov 16#31
Looks like it's sky and that's the problem. Cannot access any pages to it through a Google search. Will try again in the morning
21 Nov 16#30
brill thank you its showing for me :smiley: fingers crossed I get the tablet too. seems too good to be true! thanks for your help
21 Nov 16#26
Is there a reason why you need to do this through online chat and not online through the link?
platterfish to Laura21283
21 Nov 16#28
If the offer shows on the link, then no.
21 Nov 16#27
I'm also getting the error when following the link through total Cashback
21 Nov 16#25
I'm getting error too through quidco I'll try talk to sky see what they can do :smiley:
21 Nov 16#24
Tried going through quidco. Getting error...
21 Nov 16#11
Our retention team is currently offline and our call centres are currently closed. Please call back between 08:30 and 19:55. Call a Sky expert on: 03300 412 591 Calls to Sky contact centres are free for Sky Talk customers
FrozenFire to pennyfarthing88
21 Nov 161#23
Trick is to find a better deal and then ask to match it or leave. successful for me since last 5 years upgrades :smiley: Good Luck... i have fibre, called them today.. he offered me 20/month + £50 credit for unlimited 38MB fibre. effective cost £15.8/m
21 Nov 16#22
Error when I click the link through TCB
21 Nov 16#21
Platterfish. I'm an existing customer - have Original Bundle (not in contract), but dont have Boxsets. Will I be eligible for cash back & discounted box set?
Away from PC so can't check my account
21 Nov 16#19
Click on the link on TCB takes me to sky website & Error message appears
' Error
There was a problem. Please try again later.'
platterfish to Shoppaholic16
21 Nov 16#20
:-( try Quidco.
21 Nov 16#18
Sorry can't process your order online is what I'm getting, will ring tomorrow...
21 Nov 16#17
Mine said I had to wait 3 days for my to to be re-activated so maybe you have to wait until it's live before you can add the box sets on?
21 Nov 16#15
Will be a great deal if it works
platterfish to Shoppaholic16
21 Nov 16#16
where do you get the error?
21 Nov 16#14
Error message
21 Nov 161#13
Hi just signed up to TCB, so if I sign up via live chat in the morning I just simply click on the app after and should be able to claim the £26 and tablet please?
Do I need to sign up for the box sets as I don't really need?
Is TCB really this easy?
Many Thanks, for any help.
21 Nov 16#12
There was a problem. Please try again later.
21 Nov 16#10
:confused: thought I got deal getting boxset 75% off and 100 credit...should have gone for original or variety!!??
21 Nov 16#9
I signed up last week for sky, didn't do the live chat method, will give this a try anyway.
Where does it say tablet?
Also where is the £26 Cashback on TCB?
21 Nov 161#3
good deal, but if you're considering on returning they will only offer these deals if you still have a working dish and sky box. I tried today and was told without these I'd have to apply as a new customer.
platterfish to bwlmog
21 Nov 16#4
Do you have a dish, I bought a box from Amazon £17, works fine, Sky sent me a free viewing card.
21 Nov 163#1
I'm with sky and I'll give this a go' threaten to leave see what happens - knowing my luck they'll probably just say bye then :disappointed:
Opening post
Left sky in the last 12 months? Still have the kit?
Left over 12 months? Dont have the kit? Buy one from ebay!
1. Visit or
2 .Live Chat or use the link to sign up to £8 Bundle for 12 Months with £100 bill credit.
3. After signing up go to topcashback and click through the Sky Existing Customer link.
4. Upgrade to sky box sets. This will add £1.50 (it will say £6 until in the basket stage)
5. Visit
You'll get ££26 cashback and a samsung tablet!
Pretty much free sky for a year. Free samsung tablet.
*You may be able to negotiate a 30 day contract as othes have.
Top comments
Latest comments (389)
Pretty sure will be same as last year within 24 hours a 50%+ offer shows up
Visit or
2 .Live Chat or use the link to sign up to £8 Bundle for 12 Months with £100 bill credit.
Only option was live chat. And I was offered 60% aka my previous £36 package for £15.20.
Or I could have called them. But no link to activate directly online
Happy to have finally received it though (even though it's the pearl white one and not black)
Your tracking number:
Royal Mail track delivery
If you haven't received it within 7 days please contact us."
There is a link to tracking on royal mail website and on there is a direct link to the parcel on the parcelforce website, will be delivered the 1st postal day after christmas i think.
With regards to the Xbox, even if I had the opportunity I would have only gotten it to sell as well. Already have a PS4 myself and wouldn't have needed a second console although making a little profit from something free would have been nice. Good luck with the sale. I'm sure you could sell it off to CEX from a tidy amount.
Yeah, I had to do the same thing for the box sets to get the tablet. Hopefully I receive mine soon! Glad you'll be getting yours before Xmas!
Have a good one.
BTW does anyone want to buy an Xbox One S FIFA 17 Bundle? I wanted to sell it to buy a PS4 instead :laughing:
Anyways, good news is I have received a tracking number finally and apparently it is out for delivery today. I made the claim on the 26th of Nov.
Have contacted TCB, hopefully they can fix it.
Yeap got the £100 credit also.
Added on the box sets later to get the tablet. Had to add on the HD Sports later too, as can't be added on if no box sets.
The first person said no. Spoke to someone a week later they said should be fine. But never came onto my account.
Spoke to them again, and said to them that it should be on there, don't know why it's not. They said they will have to investigate it, and listen to phone calls if they can.
Never heard back from them again so called them back, and the advisor told me that it was already on my account!
Checked online a few days later and it's on the reward section. And got a text today to say it's being delivered today :smiley:
Really chuffed as they would never normally give it. But Tbh with a bit of cheekiness and haggling, you never know. Also, it's immoral to lie, but if you signed up around black friday time, if you *just say* to an advisor on th phone that it was offered to you, and should be part of your offer, you never know, they may just give it.
75% off my main package
50% 1 multiroom (I have 4!)
50% rest of package (think it's for HD or sports hd or something).
30 day rolling contract.
£100 credit on account.
Samsung tablet.
Xbox one s
Receiving the Xbox today (got a text), but still not received the tablet - it's been 2/2.5 weeks!
Glad to finally get a good deal from sky after they've been charging me full price for around year..
Thanks OP, and all other contributers! :smile:
Have you guys all checked your TCB accounts to make sure the numbers are correct and still say existing customers?
My contract finishes in February so I need to give them 31 days notice to cancel can some one help me?
1. If I cancel the variety package in February do I still have to pay for multiscreen because it finishes in mid July or can I cancel both by giving my notice in by January.
2. If I was to cancel in January and gave them 31 days notice will I get the 75% off and £100.00 credit straightaway or do I have to haggle with them.
3. If I carry on with sky what is the best way for me to get the best deal on both the packages or just the Sky package, forget the multiscreen don't even need that.
Can someone be generous enough to help me out as I'm not sure what and where I should start.
What are my options and what is going to be the best way to contact Sky by phoning Sky, going to sky chat or emailing them please share your thoughts thanks
a. lowest monthly price
b. getting a freebie
sorry to be dense but always seem to get ripped on these broadband deals, was paying £46 a month to sky for standard adsl broadband and phone....
Just worried they might call my bluff and say the letter is only for those who have recently left.
Isn't BT of more interest to you given that, for a new customer, BT ul fibre +telly + phone net around £14-£18 per month for a new customer (considering tcb casback + MasterCard from BT)??[/quote]
all i can see on bts site is 42.99 a month
Isn't BT of more interest to you given that, for a new customer, BT ul fibre +telly + phone net around £14-£18 per month for a new customer (considering tcb casback + MasterCard from BT)??[/quote]
didnt know bt do that..damn i might have to ring sky and see if i can get anymore that what you would do? and yes its sky tv+telephone+broadband unlimited+ 100 credit
If I'm understanding correctly then you paying £36.90 for box set TV + ul fibre with a £100 credit so effectively ~£29/month which sounds a bit in the high side to me if there's no tcb/quidco cash back involved.. A returning customer to sky will pay ~£21pm (assuming £100 for the tablet, £100 credit and 75% off telly bundles).....
Isn't BT of more interest to you given that, for a new customer, BT ul fibre +telly + phone net around £14-£18 per month for a new customer (considering tcb casback + MasterCard from BT)??
Oh and he did say i'll need to buy a sky+hd wifi box for the tv as currently we have tivo..but seen they are £10-20 on ebay so minor really...i still saved £200-300 a year compared to their online price for new customers/putting in the laptop at roughly 100 value and £240 on my current yearly virgin price am paying now..
Don't really know if i got that an amazing deal but did save some money!
We haven’t forgotten that you were a Sky TV customer, which is why we’d love to welcome you back to award-winning TV with a great offer. Right now, it can be all yours again from as little as £5.63 a month for 12 months.
All of our Bundles come with 75% off so whichever you choose we’re looking forward to welcoming you back with great entertainment at an unbelievable price.
Click on the button below or call 08442 411 330
But hurry, this offer has to end on 1 December.
The Sky Team
We'll get your reward ready for you within 28 days from the date of claim and send it to:
It's very strange for a newer device like this not have 5ghz band connectivity. My 2012 moto tablet can connect to 5ghz and still going strong
It comes by next day delivery.
EDIT: i ended up ordering via chat and got the 75% off + £100 credit. I then had to wait 1-1.5hrs before it would let me upgrade to boxsets and get the samsung tablet.
any 1 selling one ??
I have tv with sports - got 75% off and 100 credit with live chat.
If I try to get tablet as outlined, how much extra will I have to pay per month? Will it change my deal I just got from live chat?
Thanks - sorry I'm getting a bit lost in this thread. Ta op - ur a star.
No email as such just a text i woke up to on Friday morning.
Amazing deal.....See you all again next year
showing as 7.20!!!! Thanks
Yesterday I was on chat to activate 3d which is part of box set
Agent told me I am on monthly rolling and I can downgrade if required.
No 12 month contract which is a bonus
I think you are currently in Original Pack and 60% discount, and so £7.20 is correct.
Not sure how to bring it down to £1.50 - did I miss something or is the offer valid to only few?
That will reset the contract start date to 12 months from now though.
The TVPlayer Offer was mentioned for the same product by Currys
It was also mentioned in "Terms and Conditions"
Link says "Buy a qualifying Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, Galaxy Tab A or Galaxy View."...
No contract
Tablet arrived today.
Just going to apply for the 3 months of TV Player offer with Samsung just now!
Great result :smiley:
To claim visit Offer ends 31/12/2016.
Great find OP, all seems go have gone through for me :smiley:
Cheers OP!
Ps I got it through live chat. They offered 60% first and then I asked them to match this offer and they did!
For TV they can discount aggressively as it's their own service.
I haven't seen any sky fibre deal as generous as TV deal
not been a customer for about 7 months
I don't often use TCB (new user). Can you try that link ('Customise Your Page' on SKY page) and confirm if you also get the error please!?
Also there's no way of TCB knowing which Sky package you're on.
HOWEVER, I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS get this error when trying to access Sky 'Customise Your Page'!!!!! ARGHHHHHH
Internal Server Error - Read
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Reference #3.42bc3bc3.1479979992.13ce0738
and by the way if TCB gets paid, you make some profit too
so think i'll stick.
So if u after sports get it first, also asian package was available for £10p/m but it's gone up to £15 for anyone interested, might only be available for a little while after you re-join so check straight away.
I have also upgraded to Skybox set for £1.5 with Galaxy Tab E
Thank a lot OP.:stuck_out_tongue:
If you are talking about TCB cashback, so far status says tracked. It still needs to be confirmed and payable, which will take atleast couple of months.
Very very happy
1) Click My Sky
2) Select Customise Your Package
3) Then under section 'Upgrade your Sky package', select 'Box Sets'
4) Then Click 'View Order Summary' and proceed
Either doesn't appear at that price or the following error shows up! Anyone experiencing the same!?????
Internal Server Error - Read
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Reference #3.ac427b5c.1479916656.2043a14
Now I can see I can add the box sets for £1.50 a month + the free tablet with the small print saying it will be a 12 month contract. Has anyone who signed up last week now added on the box set upgrade and is the end date the same or would it now be staggered?
We got the Sky Sports package yesterday for 75% discount which is showing as 11.97 a month and £100 credit on top. So about under £40 a year. Not sure if that is a good deal? As I didn't get it done was not sure how much sky sports normally is or is it added on top of original.
Topcashback showing £23 and when I goto box sets its £4.50 a month (from £18) with a free Samsung Galaxy E. I guess there will be a 12 month contract so £4.50x12= £53 - £23 TCB so tablet works out £31. I dont have use for box sets and already have a tablet Shall I get it?
Who are the people that get it for £1.50 which package how much?
Can't seem to remove it from basket
And does anyone know how to remove it ?
Sky is letting me do this upgrade & get the tablet but it's at £4.50 a month - this is because I have the cinema package - but it's making me upgrade to a Sky Q box for £199 installation fee! It won't let me upgrade to the box sets without it ? Anyone else had this? Thanks
So for an extra £54, 12 months Box Sets and Samsung Tab
or circa £48 with line rental & unlimited BB
Be warned
*Original bundle is offered at £5.63 x 12= £67.56 , a profit of £32.44 without any upgrade
Started the chat saying I am thinking of re joining Sky if the price is right.
Long story short.
After haggling and saying I cant afford what they are offering,
"Abida" offered me. 60% Tv and Cinema. and 50% off unlimited fibre broadband. No tie in contract on tv. Plus £50 credit on my bill.
"Shirifa" on the other hand was very stingy.
He only offered me 60%on the tv and then normal for fibre broadband.
Its all about who you speak to. If they are not playing ball. Leave the chat. Come back later and try again. Next time i am going to try the conversation with.
" Hi I spoke to your colleague Abida and she offered me 75% off Tv and Cinema with 50 % off fibre broadband unlimited and £100 credit on my bill for me to rejoin. But unfortunately the chat window crashed and I was unable to confirm the order."
Il update what happens.
IMO i'd add 'OR FREE Sky' to the title, seeing as if you just stick with the £8 package, the £100 credit covers all 12 months.
Anyway, the T&Cs state that to receive the 75% discount you must not change package? Although you price is showing correctly online I'd be interested to hear what happens after you've "upgraded"? Technically Sky would be within their rights to cancel the 75% off offer and you're not complying?
This deal is for the Variety bundle which with 75% off is reduced to £8 a month. Then adding boxsets for an extra £6 with 75% off is an extra £1.50 a month
Time to see if I can negotiate my 60% discount up to 75%
Did you have to go to claim my reward and how was it done?
Im seeing the same message about my services becoming active but its already active so not sure why i cant claim
Also when I go to complete it shows the following error???
Internal Server Error - Read
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Reference #3.29367a5c.1479830634.1f20f37
LOVE this website and high 5s to 'platterfish'!
True. I'll probably see out the whole 12 but I can definitely see how a rolling contract is useful.
I ordered last night at around midnight.
This morning i can see boxsets active and billing etc is updated showing that i now have box sets.
No email confirming the offer or deal.
Also i thought that the tablet claim we do manually so when i check my claims it says once services are active reward will be sent.
Another good thing about not taking the tablet offer is that it ties you in for 12 months - the contract you got is rolling so you can get out at any time you want.
The most I got was 'their very best deal of around 30%' off so I went ahead and cancelled.
I wasn't even going to cancel and try 75% originally but like many others I thought it stupid that they don't even seem to try and keep customers.
One thing I definitely noticed was when I called/used live chat in the daytime I got absolutely nowhere but when I went on live chat in the evening I got the offer straight away, as mentioned above.
Looking forward to next year to do it all again :stuck_out_tongue:
I was really lucky when I got the 75% off as I decided to have a go on Friday evening, on live chat while watching T.V.
I got through to someone and all I said was I'm in my notice period and received a 60% offer on my Sky box but people seem to be getting 75% and credit so he went to speak to his supervisor.
He came back nearly straight away and said 75% was absolutely fine but no credit was available. I didn't bother arguing the credit as I'm fairly happy to pay the £9.50 a month.
It's a shame they couldn't get one sent out, although I knew I should have waited the extra few days for Black Friday week!
As long as it's 75% off with boxsets when you rejoin (and there is some doubt about this: people are quoting they were offered different prices when they logged in - I had to pay £1.80 but some others are quoting over £6) and you really want the tablet go for it. If the tablet isn't that important to you I'd leave things as they are.
I tried going on live chat and asking what to do as I only took out the deal on Friday. They told me that it wasn't available with the 75% offer and it would take 31 days for the cancellation to process, even though I'm in the cooling period.
Think I've been had there, extremely unhelpful.
What do you reckon my next move should be? Actually go ahead with cancelling my boxsets?
If you call them up ask them to remove box sets as you have this 2-week cooling period that you're in. Once it's removed you can sign in and take boxes sets with the free tablet.
I've signed up on the original package at £5 a month just now.
Whats my next steps to get the Tablet?
This comment box only lets me add an image from the web url
I took the 75% off Box Sets deal last Friday.
go to bills section and you should see £100 credit
How much time it will take for £100 credit to appear on account ? Was thinking once I saw the credit then will attempt tab via box sets
Samsung Galaxy Tab E
This reward will be sent to you once your Sky services are active.
I spoke to an agent on the chat this morning.
First he said it will be sent to me in 15 days. Later he said you should get an email within 24 hours asking you to claim reward.
My boxsets package is active , however I haven't received any email either of the upgrade order or reward.
Has any one received any email confirming they placed order to upgrade to box sets?
When I add this deal it takes my monthly package from £11.25 to £19/month
First he said it will be sent to me in 15 days. Later he said you should get an email within 24 hours asking you to claim reward.
My boxsets package is active , however I haven't received any email either of the upgrade order or reward.
Has any one received any email confirming they placed order to upgrade to box sets?
As I have Virgin broadband and landline.
Samsung Galaxy Tab E
This reward will be sent to you once your Sky services are active.
Do i need yo claim my reward or is it done automatically
Can't access boxsets page though.
Try to do it but somehow doesn't work!
If you attempt any other bundle though the discount is lost.
If you take away the Cashback it's £28
Is that worth it for this tablet?
Also you get boxsets which is good obviously...
Would it still be a good deal?
It's £150 online..
Is there a reason why you need to do this through online chat and not online through the link?
Away from PC so can't check my account
' Error
There was a problem. Please try again later.'
Do I need to sign up for the box sets as I don't really need?
Is TCB really this easy?
Many Thanks, for any help.
There was a problem. Please try again later.
Found it by Googling for it! Strange...
The £26 is under Sky Existing Customers
Also where is the £26 Cashback on TCB?
Go on live chat.
Sign up to this :-)
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