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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
5 Nov 16
A tradition in most households; ideal for the festive period ahead! Why not buy as a gift for an elderly relative or friend?

97% off RRP. 12 issues for £1.00!

Easily cancel Direct Debit.

Registered before? Should work again in a new name.
Top comments
Ed Winchester
6 Nov 16 6 #42
Theres an ignore function. First time I've used it on here, but someone up at half 3 on a Saturday night playing internet polis warrants it.

Cheers for the OP me dear, good time of year for the old radio times, just as I'm hibernating.
5 Nov 16 4 #2
£5.25 if you go through Topcashback.
Profit and free TV guide.
All comments (248)
5 Nov 16 #1
If you have had it before so many times, they won't let you have it, even after they had set up a direct debit on my account they stopped the order. Did not even tell me. They are useless.
5 Nov 16 4 #2
£5.25 if you go through Topcashback.
Profit and free TV guide.
ansonuk to dinosteveus
6 Nov 16 #21
Thanks its a no brainer
5 Nov 16 #3
Do you cancel direct debit straight after first one goes out?
letslaughadam to Keeleyc
5 Nov 16 #4
Yep, although I prefer to leave it a couple of issues first. :smiley:
5 Nov 16 #5
Ok thanks will do that. Do they stop sending it once you've cancelled dd?
5 Nov 16 1 #6
Nope, the issues keep on coming until number 12.
5 Nov 16 1 #7
Brill, Thankyou
5 Nov 16 1 #8
Cheers op... ordered Ta.
5 Nov 16 1 #10
5 Nov 16 1 #11
Thanks :smiley:
5 Nov 16 #12
Listed last month
5 Nov 16 #13
thanks op ordered
5 Nov 16 1 #14
awesome. with £5 cashback 'tracked' with quidco!!!!bargain
letslaughadam to ohmycrickey
6 Nov 16 #15
Great stuff. I've updated the title - thanks!
6 Nov 16 #16
will this include this month's with the netflix code?
letslaughadam to donnamaca
6 Nov 16 #17
First issue will be 15/11/16 - prob not.
6 Nov 16 1 #18
Good to keep up with who is going to be on Babestation
6 Nov 16 #19
​shame, thanks. Might give it a try anyway
6 Nov 16 #20
Voted hot but really do not believe in fraud advice
6 Nov 16 #22
good deal
6 Nov 16 #23
did this for the last 3 years. 1st year got it no problem. last year they set up the direct debits but we got no books. this year I signed up 2 weeks ago and again nothing. waste of time in my opinion if you've had it before but good if it's your first subscription
6 Nov 16 #24
Thank God for changing the description
6 Nov 16 #25
What break? That you advocate fraud & now its been deleted?

No. I wont give it a break. A deal is a deal not fraud which you advised.
6 Nov 16 1 #26
Please. Just stop. There are countless posts on here where people suggest adding 'a' to house numbers to benefit from a second trial or offer.
6 Nov 16 1 #27
No there isnt.

People advise setting up new accounts. They dont advise people to lie about their names!
6 Nov 16 2 #28
Yes, there is. Only a couple of weeks ago I was browsing the Sky TV thread and it was advised to add an 'a' to the address to benefit from new customer offers. I refuse to seek out the hundreds of other trial/offer threads where this has been advised.

I have not advised anyone to lie about their name. Anyone is free to register with eg: J Smith, Smith J, J Smithy, Johnny Smith, Jon Smith, Mr J Smith.

In addition, regardless what name the buyer chooses to register with - the valid direct debit card would require the name as stated on the account.

No fraud is being endorsed here so please climb down from the moral mountain.
6 Nov 16 #29
You advised people to change their name by adding a "t" into their names in this instance.

Please stop. You were wrong & advocated fraud by changing their own surname to gain services that they would not be entitled to.

I like your deal & voted hot but dont indicate to people that they would get what they are not entitled to by committing fraud.

If you have a problem with other "deals" then report them.
6 Nov 16 1 #30
Heat added. Ordered mine, thanks OP x
letslaughadam to Dlu
6 Nov 16 #34
Wishing you happy reading :smile:
6 Nov 16 #31
Oh. & dont be going through my history of posts trying to track something down because that is beyond normal.
6 Nov 16 1 #32
Just regarding the other point made, my next door neighbour as added an 'a' to their house so they can have 2 lots of refuse bins. Live and let live, life's too short x
6 Nov 16 #33
It's 3am in the morning, do you have nothing more interesting to pursue? People are free to register online accounts in their name of choice. No advice was suggested to add a 't'. If I prefer to be called John Smithy instead of John Smith then I'm free to have the RadioTimes delivered to my house in the name of John Smithy.

No fraud is being committed whatsoever as the bank account details are included as per the account.

Now please go and sit back and pour yourself a nice drink, maybe stick on some music.
6 Nov 16 #35
Nope. You advocated fraud by people just spelling their names different to get services they might not be entitled to. Fraud is fraud. Now as your post has been amended I suggest you move on.
6 Nov 16 #36
Thank you! Seemed to work for me
6 Nov 16 #37
great deal.. thanks
6 Nov 16 1 #38
I've just signed up again. It's just not Christmas without the radio times! :smiley:
6 Nov 16 2 #39
Dude, go to bed. You've been trolling for hours.
6 Nov 16 #40
Thanks for the post. Got the subscription for £1 and also got £5.25 cash back from TCB!
6 Nov 16 1 #41

Nice. Do you know what a troll is? & do you think this site should allow people to publish ways to defraud & what do you think HUKDs liability would be should they remain published? Grow up please.
Ed Winchester
6 Nov 16 6 #42
Theres an ignore function. First time I've used it on here, but someone up at half 3 on a Saturday night playing internet polis warrants it.

Cheers for the OP me dear, good time of year for the old radio times, just as I'm hibernating.
6 Nov 16 #43
Thanks :smile: went through topcashback!
6 Nov 16 #44
thank you, bought as a gift via TCB
6 Nov 16 #45
Voted hot for the deal and comments :confused:
6 Nov 16 #46
Do I just cancel the direct debit after the first issue or do I need to inform them too?
6 Nov 16 #47
answered above.

Just cancel the direct debit.

I will also email them out of courtesy too however
6 Nov 16 #48
This has happened to me aswell. Last order was a while ago though so fingers crossed
6 Nov 16 #49
Added that troll to my ignore list also. First time I've had to use it.
6 Nov 16 #50
Do I just cancel the direct debit after the first issue or do I need to inform them too?
6 Nov 16 1 #52
I didn't know they do On-Demand TV now. That could be pretty useful.

Edit: I should emphasise that cancelling Direct Debit at your end is not sufficient. It will probably work, but is not the way DD is supposed to work and they are entitled to continue billing regardless. Direct Debit is the payment method, it is not the contract.
6 Nov 16 2 #53
Calm down dear.

I've seen numerous deals which benefit HUKD'ers in exactly the manner you describe. I haven't seen the Mods close many down or delete comments. I'd suggest that they probably jump on the bandwagon too.

You make your own choices on here. If you wish to sit on a pedestal and adopt the moral high ground then I have the utmost respect for you.

Meanwhile, I'm away to create a new account to benefit from this deal. For the fourth year running. Might do it in one of the dogs names this year. Aren't I naughty?

6 Nov 16 #54
It keeps adding x3 to my copies I stepped back and only 1 ordered?! Ipad
6 Nov 16 #55
the website is incredibly slow
6 Nov 16 1 #56
Thanks OP
6 Nov 16 1 #57
Thank you OP
6 Nov 16 1 #58
Perhaps that's what happened to me. They confirmed the order, set up the DD, but then nothing. Order still shows on their system, but the subscription isn't showing. Like you say, would be helpful if they let us know. A simple "sorry, you are not eligible" would be something at least.
6 Nov 16 #59
They do this frequently where there's a history of previous cancellations. The direct debit's set up and drawn on, one copy arrives, then it all stops. You can ask for your pound back, but that's as far as you can take it.
6 Nov 16 #60
Thank you OP , we normally buy one of the newspapers over the Christmas period that has the "free" extended festive tv guide, but to be honest the last couple of years these have been worse than useless and barely cover the week between Christmas and New Year. Would have happily paid £1 for the Christmas issue, but will now be £4 in credit for taking all 12, topcashback I do love you :wink:
6 Nov 16 #61
12 issues £1 wow and £4 profit
6 Nov 16 #62
Anyones top cash back tracked?
6 Nov 16 1 #63
Thanks great deal!
6 Nov 16 #64
Great offer at £1 for 12 weeks for those who like Radio Times or just want the Christmas issue. Personally I will get TV Choice which I get every week. Much better than the Radio Times even at 52p per week.
6 Nov 16 1 #65
So its £12.00 less TCB £5.25 so 57p a copy instead of £2.30
I think the Xmas edition was £3.20 in Dec 2015

So £6.75 verses £28.50 or 322% more for "normal price" this deal should be 1000º
6 Nov 16 #66
Still waiting for mine to track at the moment!
6 Nov 16 #67
Quidco tracked almost straight away for me
6 Nov 16 #68
If the speed of their website is anything to go by you may wait 6 hours before its confirmed.
6 Nov 16 1 #69
Your right there,took ages to get to the radio times subscription page,now waiting after I changed the region to north west..........still waiting......still waiting..........zzzzzzz
6 Nov 16 #70
Yup try clicking the area again as I was getting that, even though it is grey sometimes it lets you select it and the buy now appears. I have just went through all the pages and got to the pay arena and then received a server 400 error, GGGrrrrrrr
6 Nov 16 #71
Thank you, they are slower these days! It's still a great offer for the £1 even without the cashback :smiley:
6 Nov 16 #72
Yep just done that to me!
6 Nov 16 #73
i've downloaded movies on a 56k modem faster than this site loads a page!
6 Nov 16 #74
This isn't true, cancelling the DD is all you have to do with most if not all magazine subscriptions.
6 Nov 16 #75
Says 12 issues for £1. That is all 12 issues, Not £1 each.
6 Nov 16 #76
Yeah - Christmas 2017!! :smiley:
6 Nov 16 #77
I give up. page times out with server errors every time I try and go and pay. how long is this offer on for? maybe ill try in the early hours tonight when hopefully the site wont be so congested.
6 Nov 16 #78
page wont load
6 Nov 16 #79
Unfortunately, this is going to mean cancellations by Buysubscriptions - whenever their systems pick up large numbers coming through after a HUKD post they smell a very large rat because they know there'll be a high percentage of cancellations, and they just refuse to honour the deal after a few days.

You might stand a slightly better chance by going through a different link and a different browser with cleared cookies, but even that might not work whilst they're 'on alert' for applications they really don't want or need.
6 Nov 16 #80
Oh thanks I miss read wow as was wondering why everyone mentioning a profit!
6 Nov 16 #81
Got Order Confirmation Email - Finally!! :smiley:
6 Nov 16 #82
i give yup, entered my bank details just to be hit with a Runtime error. good luck if you get it.
6 Nov 16 1 #83
I'll post on this thread if I actually receive a copy! Wish me luck!!
6 Nov 16 #84
Think site is down now
6 Nov 16 #85
website is a joke, absolutely useless. gave up in the end!
6 Nov 16 #86
Think we've crashed the site. Haha
6 Nov 16 #87
voted hot but ive never known a slower site than @buy subscriptions, could of nipped to the papershop quicker ha
6 Nov 16 #88
Just tried to process but the website was crashing. Must try again later
6 Nov 16 #89
Further to my moaning above about them not letting me have another subscription, my £5.10 Top Cashback is now payable, so £5.10 for nothing, thanks Radio Times.
6 Nov 16 #90
I can get through eventually to the order page, but when I selected the Radio Times for the South West region, I get a grey screen - did you get this?
6 Nov 16 #91
That's what I've got and it's not moving!!
6 Nov 16 #92
Mine has now moved, no longer grey (accepted the subscription for the South West), and I have just clicked on 'Buy Now' - still loading that though - I think the site is just extremely slow. I'll let you know if mine goes through later.
6 Nov 16 #93
mine said system error after entering direct debit details but I've had a confirmation email
6 Nov 16 #94
Now it is trying to give me 5 issues for £5 (when I fill in my address details) even though on the page it shows a picture for 12 issues for £1?
6 Nov 16 #95
yes, that screen eventually clears but ive given up for the time being, might try again but quidco reviews are slating the site
6 Nov 16 #96
Mine's finally gone through - it takes ages so major patience is required! Only click on 'buy now' once otherwise it will add multiple to your order.
6 Nov 16 #97
This deal has not expired - I have just completed it through Quidco - I did try with Topcashback but was having major issues going through them. I have managed to set up the direct debit for 12 weeks (South West Radio Times), however, it took a LONG time to go through.
6 Nov 16 1 #98
Thank you very much.
6 Nov 16 #99
​Surely just after the last issue is delivered, this will give you a week to cancel your DD...
6 Nov 16 #100
has this been taken off quidco?
6 Nov 16 #101
6 Nov 16 #102
Painfully slow, takes about 3 minutes to go through stage loading website. Not expired
6 Nov 16 #103
I have done this a few times, but always let the subscription run for at least a year or two after getting the 12 issues for £1 as it is only fair.

In fact I didn't think they would set up another direct debit for me when I applied a few weeks ago, but they did.
6 Nov 16 1 #104
Same thing happened to me earlier this year. Only indication I wasn't going to get the RT was that it didn't arrive on the promised start date!
Emailing them to ask where it was and only THEN did they said I was denied the offer as used before.
No statement available as to what counts as too often/recently either = useless as you say!

So if you have had the offer some time(s) before & or/recently then don't expect an accepted order to actually mean it gets delivered!

Otherwise if you are a new subscriber it's a genuine bargain & I always found it easy to cancel to ensure dont continue into full price sub. And if you're a "newish" subscriber, good luck with getting a fresh trial, just don't be surprised if it's frustrated WITHOUT TELLING YOU!
6 Nov 16 1 #105
Cool thanks - just done
6 Nov 16 #106
Mine just has done, after buying this morning - so about a 10-hour delay.
6 Nov 16 #107
somebody tell me why the hell it's worth giving my bank details to Radio Times just to get £4.25 profit & 12 free copies of the mag

surely this is a scam
6 Nov 16 #108
If it says that you get all 12 issues for £1, then why do you have to cancel the direct debit?
6 Nov 16 1 #109
Thanks OP.

Currently trying to get this but the website is being painfully slow...been 20 minutes and got as far as putting my email address in...could be here all night I reckon!
6 Nov 16 #110
Does anyone know what date the XMAS Special is going to be? Buying the subscription as a gift and want to make sure they recipient gets this edition of the magazine.
6 Nov 16 #111
You get 12 issues, which continues well into early Jan 2017. You can guarantee this issue will be received, especially as it's stated in the description during checkout.
6 Nov 16 #112
As mentioned on the site and during checkout, after the 12 issues for £1 you will be charged full price for the continued annual subscription. If you don't cancel, you'll pay this.
6 Nov 16 1 #113
Hey,John Smith is my name!! :confused:
6 Nov 16 #114
Yep, but you can choose the start date and Eden0032 may be considering deferring this so that it starts from the Christmas issue (as I've done).

Going on the date last year (5 December), I'm guessing that it'll be 6 December this year; 29 November seems too early.

At the end of the 12 weeks, it automatically rolls over into a standard subscription if not cancelled.
6 Nov 16 #115
Yes, you are correct in that I wish to defer the subscription until the XMAS issue as it is a gift. Thank you - I will start from 6th December :smile:
6 Nov 16 1 #116
You're welcome. :smiley: As I say, I'm guessing to some extent, so you could bring it forward by a week if you want more certainty - but here's confirmation of last year's date for reference:
6 Nov 16 2 #117
A scam? Why? You're buying a magazine subscription, it's a pretty standard new subscriber offer, and they need your bank details to set up a direct debit.
6 Nov 16 #118
Thank you. Don't suppose you know how to cancel (without creating an account)?
6 Nov 16 1 #119

Cancel their customer services, apparently (and cancel your direct debit with your bank, to be certain):
6 Nov 16 #120
sucker! :smiley:
6 Nov 16 #121
Talk about patience after about 20mins site worked placed my order for 12 issues £1 so dont give up thankyou for tip :smiley:
6 Nov 16 1 #122
TCB has just tracked for me too. Sweet deal OP
6 Nov 16 #123
TCB also now tracking
6 Nov 16 1 #124
thanks for posting - site was very slow but order went through :smiley:
6 Nov 16 #125
Garbage. Failed at the final screen.
6 Nov 16 #126
Try again? As you'll see from the posts above, it *is* going through for others, but as you've found, the site's responsiveness is suffering
6 Nov 16 #127
I've just had this as well - taken me all of an hour waiting for the site to process each part and get "site can't be reached" right at the final bloody hurdle.

I might try again tomorrow morning when the interest may hopefully have died down. Not worth this much hassle for a quid though.
6 Nov 16 #128
wow cant believe how poor that website is. no chance im putting card details into that.
6 Nov 16 #129
Just keeps failing. Probably because everyone is signing up!
6 Nov 16 #130
Website keeps failing:
"System Error
Sorry there was a problem loading the page. Return to home page"
6 Nov 16 1 #131
Thanks, £1 subscription and £5 Quidco tracked succesfully.
6 Nov 16 1 #132
Great find, ordered and £5 on quidco:)
6 Nov 16 #133
Surely Quidco cashback is £1 as item costs less than £1.01.
6 Nov 16 1 #134
Thanks for the post - voted hot !
6 Nov 16 #135
Yeah - the sort of sucker who values the only intelligent and comprehensive Radio/TV mag on the market, which currently costs £2.30 a week in a newsagent, and pays £1.30 a week for it on subscription. Quite apart from the first 12 (worth £27.60) costing just £1. :stuck_out_tongue:
6 Nov 16 #136
Tracks at £5.00.
6 Nov 16 1 #137
Wow, £4 profit.. you'd be silly not to snatch up this deal.. hot
6 Nov 16 #138
Has anyone else had to wait for a confirmation email please? I saw an order number but haven't received an email.
6 Nov 16 #139
I got confirmation from TCB
6 Nov 16 #140
I did this last month when it was first posted, got £5.25 from TCB which I actually withdrew last night.
6 Nov 16 #141
I did the same deal for the last two years and last year it tracked at £1.05 (through TCB) because it was a £1 subscription. No idea why it didn't this year.
6 Nov 16 #142
After receiving a slim bin recently then that's a good thought...
6 Nov 16 #143
​Thats cos so many people are taking up this deal. It popularity on top cash back is higg.
6 Nov 16 #144
Open the first couple but not read them. After the third of fourth you'll be just slinging them in the bin, still in the plastic wrapper.
6 Nov 16 #145
...and what could you spend the £4.00 free cash on?
7 Nov 16 1 #146
I ordered this about 5.30pm yesterday evening and had a confirmation email almost straight away. I've just checked my TCB account and it shows as £5.25 pending... So far so good - Thanks OP :smiley: HOT from me.
7 Nov 16 #147
Ive taken out their offers for someone as a gift a few times including the £1 one before. However I tend to let the subscription run for at least 6 months as it's cheaper than them buying RT at the shops. Also I think that if everyone takes up the £1 offer and they lose too much money that they will increase the prices or stop the offers. It's a great deal for those who usually buy it anyway. Once the latest 6 months runs out, I'll be looking for the next one. Saves me searching for a Xmas present this year :smiley:
7 Nov 16 1 #148
Much easier to buy this morning - access to the site restored, offer still available, Quidco still tracking, purchase made!!
7 Nov 16 1 #149
;)I to managed to access the site this morning. My Quidco cashback has tracked too! Will wait to see if it comes off! Thanks OP:D
7 Nov 16 1 #150
just got on the site fine as well and placed the order, so we'll wait and see. certainly worth a punt for a quid.
7 Nov 16 #151
I have signed up for a Quidco account but have never used it before, what do you have to do to get the £5 cashback
7 Nov 16 1 #152
Signed up
7 Nov 16 #153
Not a sausage. If you find the offer on quidco and click "get cashback" it'll open a link to the site where you can sign up.

It'll then use the cookies it leaves on your PC to ensure it "tracks" which will mean you'll get the cashback, but bear in mind the cashback won't pay out for many weeks.
7 Nov 16 #154
Thanks must remember to cancel. Do I cancel by phone?
7 Nov 16 1 #155
Online, company email and bank online.
7 Nov 16 #156
Thank you! :innocent:
7 Nov 16 #157
Haven't received confirmation email yet (been over 24 hours). Should I be concerned?
7 Nov 16 #158
Not really - they can take a few days. And even after sending it, they'll still sometimes cancel if you have a 'history' with them.
7 Nov 16 #159
Never ordered from them before! fingers crossed it arrives soon :smiley:
7 Nov 16 1 #160
8 Nov 16 #161
When can you cancel the DD? if I cancel after 1st issue delivered, will I still get the rest?
Ed Winchester
8 Nov 16 #162
I wouldn't. I usually wait till there's only a couple left due.
9 Nov 16 1 #163
Just in time for Christmas programmes. Thanks Op. Heat added.
9 Nov 16 #164
Ive done this about 3/4 times before (with different companies though!) over the years. Each time I've cancelled the DD about a week after the initial £1 sub has been taken from my account, and once I've received at least the first copy. Everytime I've done this I've received all 12 issues without a problem. I'll do the same this time and keep my fingers crossed it still works as I've not subscribed with this company before - HTH's :smiley:
10 Nov 16 #165
TCB tracked and I've just checked my Current Account online and the Direct Debit has been set up! :smiley:
10 Nov 16 #166
Heat added . Quidco only showing £1 cashback. Presumably they have changed their cashback rates due to popularity of the deal.
10 Nov 16 #167
rules for quidco and TCB seem to be different for this deal.
10 Nov 16 1 #168
Thank you OP - ordered!
10 Nov 16 1 #169
Quidco should match TCB if you put in a claim quickly.
11 Nov 16 #170
Tracked for me on Quidco for five pounds on 8th November.
Thanks OP ... love the Christmas/New Year edition of the Radio Times ... appreciated <3
11 Nov 16 #171
Still not had confirmation email, and it's been what seems like ages! Any advice about what I should do? Don't think they've taken payment yet either (but I did start the subscription from december)
11 Nov 16 #172
check your online bank a/c to see if the direct debit has been set up

or take out another one using your mum's details & a different email address
11 Nov 16 #173
I didn't get a confirmation email either. That said I logged in to the account I created when I set up the subscription and they've set the direct debit up! I will cancel the DD once the £1 has been taken out.
11 Nov 16 1 #174
Thanks for the post I usually do everything digital but with the £5 Quidco too...couldn't resist.
11 Nov 16 1 #175
Thanks for the reminder!
11 Nov 16 #176
I got the initial order confirmation email but not received anything else. Not sure if this is normal for buy subscriptions/radio times but I know in the past when I have ordered from other companies like imagine and future there is usually an initial confirmation then a later welcome one just before you start receiving them.

Really hope it's gone through right, when should the first issue be for this if it's worked?
11 Nov 16 #177
15th Nov - first issue I believe.
11 Nov 16 #178
Did it just now and it said 22nd November for me
12 Nov 16 #179
I did my order on 6th November and I got the order confirmation email, however, just looked at my bank account and they have not set up a direct debit yet - I thought that the first issue was being delivered for next week?
12 Nov 16 #180
TCB tracked but no confirmation email
Let's see if I get this.
13 Nov 16 #181
Nothing was showing in my bank and I couldn't access the account that I thought I'd created.

Got this back after I emailed:

I can confirm your order has been processed with the subscriber number above.

It usually takes several weeks for a direct debit mandate to be arranged. The first collection of £1 is due to be taken on the 26th November 2016.

The first issue is due on the 15th November 2016.

My records confirm you do not seem to have an account registered to so you may use the information provided to register your subscription and you can manage it online at your leisure.
13 Nov 16 1 #182
Received a Welcome to Radio Times email today. Anyone else?
13 Nov 16 #183
No email other than the original confirmation, but £5 tracked in quidco.
14 Nov 16 1 #184
I recieved a letter in the post confirming the subscription.Thats my pound spent already!
14 Nov 16 #185
I did the subscription on 6th November and got a confirmation email through. However, as of today, no direct debit has been set up and I have not received the first issue (was due 14/11/16, I think). I called the helpline number today and a man that I spoke to there, said that there was no record of me having taken out a subscription - even though he could see it on my account page when he logged in. He asked me to forward my confirmation email (which had my order number and details on it) through to him and said that he would look into it - that was this morning, and I have heard nothing since.
14 Nov 16 #186
Did you or anyone in your house have a previous subscription?
14 Nov 16 #187
​With these guys there's a world of difference between the acknowledgement, which gets sent out pretty quickly, and the confirmation, which comes rather later. I suspect what you had was the former. Quite often, for various reasons, they never actually fulfil the order.
14 Nov 16 #188
No, I've lived here for nearly 17 years and have never had a subscription to them for the Radio Times.
14 Nov 16 #189
You should be fine then. Somethings take time
15 Nov 16 1 #190
got letter to confirm direct debit yesterday and magazine arrived this morning issue for 19-25 November
15 Nov 16 #191
Nothing received in the post today, no further emails after the initial acknowledgement and nothing taken out my bank either :disappointed:

Looks like my order has gone missing too. I have sent them a message requesting a update on what is happening.

Seems odd to have a company that actually doesn't seem to want to process my order though at this price perhaps I can see why....
15 Nov 16 #192
Same boat for me - have sent them an email see what they say
15 Nov 16 1 #193
Received first copy today!
16 Nov 16 #194
Yesterday, I emailed again the man that I spoke to the other day. He replied to say that he had received my order acknowledgement email that I sent through to him the other day. Apparently, he has sent it on to the relevant department - I don't actually think that I'm going to hear any more about this unless I keep contacting them. I've noticed that the offer for £1 is still being advertised on their website as well - perhaps I should do it again?
16 Nov 16 #195
still waiting for anything since the initial email on the 7th november, emails are returning, Facebook doesn't look like its refreshed very often.... pretty poor company the BBC have employed to look after their titles.
17 Nov 16 #196
Not received my 1st copy yet...or any sort of contact from them whatsoever since the initial order confirmation email...
17 Nov 16 #197
Received my first copy yesterday. Happy Days! :smiley:
17 Nov 16 #198
Haven't received my first copy. Only email I've had is the order confirmation email. Not getting a reply from customer support.
17 Nov 16 #199
I was in the same boat and did get a reply. they said everything was ok and that my first issue is actually 22nd Nov and Not the 15th as some have quoted on here. Wondering if those of us who ordered a bit later have been pushed back an issue to the 22nd...
17 Nov 16 #200

Up to their usual tricks again by the looks of it. These deals are great if they honour them, but frequently they don't, and then they claim not to have received the application.
17 Nov 16 #201
After not receiving the welcome to the radio times email and letter I emailed them using the contact us link yesterday afternoon. Got a reply this evening confirming that the order had gone through and actually got the subscription number to add to my account. Still haven't received my copy yet so looks like it may be lost :disappointed:
18 Nov 16 #202
I haven't had much luck calling directly and emailing the man that I spoke to (he wanted me to send him on my confirmation email - which I did). So, I have just done what you suggested - used the 'contact us' form - hopefully, I will hear back from them shortly. Thank you.
19 Nov 16 #203
same here, had confirmation but nothing else. its my first time subscribing with them. awaiting an answer now
19 Nov 16 1 #204
Yeah I'm in the same boat as others. Got the initial email, thought it was to start 15th November but no sign of the magazine. Maybe they're putting it back to 22nd November as you say.
19 Nov 16 #205
I had another reply via email this morning. According to them everything was setup to start from the 15th as I requested but the radio times never appeared through the letterbox. They have labelled this weeks edition as missing in transit and have extended my subscription by one week. A replacement copy was offered but may take up to 5 working days to arrive.
21 Nov 16 #206
Ah, so it's not just me then... also not received anything yet :disappointed:
21 Nov 16 #207
I got sent through an email today (after emailing them for the 3rd time) saying that my subscription is due to start on 22nd November (I signed up on 6th November). Does anybody know when I should get the first issue if the subscription is due to start on the 22nd? I've checked my bank account and no direct debit has been set up still? Thank you.
22 Nov 16 #208
This boat is getting pretty full! Still waiting here for a reply or confirmation. I've facebooked them, messaged them, email them. With no response. I've also filled out their online contact us form, with out joy. What email is everyone using?
22 Nov 16 #210
I filled in the online contact us form and got a reply within 24 hours. I was told that the first issue will be coming out on 22 November.
22 Nov 16 #211
Thanks. I applied on the 7 /11 and still waiting! I was using a buysubscriptions email ?!
22 Nov 16 #212
Today then !
22 Nov 16 1 #213
Mine has just arrived!!!
22 Nov 16 #214
Received mine today, Had no confirmation email nor is the DD showing (yet!)
22 Nov 16 #215
Exactly the same.
22 Nov 16 #216
I subscribed on 6th November and my first issue has just turned up today. As regards the billing for the issues after the first 12 issues, will they bill me around the 6th November (when I subscribed) or will it be after I have had all of the 12 issues? I just don't want a load of money going out of my account a few weeks before I have received all of the 12 issues. Thank you.
22 Nov 16 #217
Just had a look at my account subscriptions. It wasn't listed there but I have now added it (got my subscription number off of the plastic bag that contained my RadioTimes). It says that the expiry date is the 14/2/17 (final issue is due that day).
22 Nov 16 #218
mine has just arrived too :P
22 Nov 16 #219
I am in exactly the same boat but when I tried to add it it said not found. I have 4 lots of numbers above my name I just used the first lot that started with RT is that right?
22 Nov 16 #220
Yes, that is what I did.
22 Nov 16 #221
Ok thanks. Mine is not working. I will have to contact them.
22 Nov 16 #222
Had an email reply today with regards to my enquiry about the status of my order...

Thank you for contacting Radio Times,

I can confirm we received your order recently after a delay in transfer from the website.

The first issue is due with the issue on sale on the 29th November 2016.

My apologies for any inconvenience caused in this matter, if we can be of any further assistance please do contact us.

Kind Regards

Mark James
22 Nov 16 1 #223
Mine arrived today, exactly as they promised. Though I still never got a second email to confirm and still nothing out of my bank though my online banking typically lags 24-48 hours behind so it could actually have come out now.

Great deal, really glad I found it and thanks to the OP!
22 Nov 16 2 #224
My first issue arrived this morning- never received any confirmation or dispatch email, not heard a thing since placing the order, and no money has come out of my bank! not the best organisation or customer service but great deal <3
23 Nov 16 #225
Well I've heard nothing about my subscription......ordered on 7/11 and received confirmation email. My order is shown in the buysubscription account I set up, I completed a form on their contact page to Enquiry about my order - no reply!
No copy has arrived in the post for me this week .....
23 Nov 16 #226
Same here. No response to emails, FB messages and another email sent yesterday with no reply. I'm amazed the BBC have chosen this company to distribute their magazines.
23 Nov 16 1 #227
Haven't received either editions due 15/11 or 22/11. Haven't had any communications from them apart from the initial order confirmation. Quidco is still tracking at five quid. Might email them if the edition for 29/11 doesn't come through, assume what you miss at this end they make up for at the other end of the 12 weeks !
Would be nice to get the Christmas edition. Circling all those tv programmes we never have time to watch is a great tradition in our household !
24 Nov 16 #228
Yes email them.....I did so and received a reply today stating there had been a problem with my account ( due to a previous subscription) they've now resolved it. Will get December 6th issue and 11 after that! Very happy
24 Nov 16 #229
What is the format and position of the number on the bag?
24 Nov 16 #230
The subscription number is directly above your name and address. There are 4 groups of letters/numbers - I only had to enter the first group (mine started RTWS(then 7 numbers)).
24 Nov 16 #231
I thought that might have been the case but when I tried that combo it failed to recognise on the website. Oh well, maybe try again next week.
24 Nov 16 #232
Hi I had the same problem after I copy & pasted the ref & then realised there was a space between the letter & number, took it out & hey presto accepted. Noticed mine is RTLA and then 6 numbers. I've put a note in my calendar to remind me to cancel the renewal before the 12th issue.
24 Nov 16 #233
apparently they had a problem my my direct debit set up (wrong numbers they said!!) why couldn't they email me that three weeks ago? anyway redone so fingers crossed!
3 Dec 16 #234
When and how do you cancel? A month before or anytime?
4 Dec 16 #235
my cash back through tcb has cleared already, happy days :sunglasses:
7 Dec 16 #236
Cancel anytime after they take the £1. Simply cancelling the DD with your bank is sufficient, however an email or message on the contact form is good manners.
7 Dec 16 #237
Had about 5 issues now, but had a letter this morning saying that the DD had not gone through and that they want me to fill in a form and post it. Shambles!
8 Dec 16 #238
Anybody had the £1 taken out yet?
8 Dec 16 #239
Just wondered how long it takes for them to reply to emails, I have cancelled the direct debit but they have not replied to me email asking them to cancel after the 12 issues have been sent.
8 Dec 16 #240
Don't worry about it. You have done your part, cancelled the DD and informed them, so they can't take further payment even if they send more copies before they realise that the dd is stopped. They don't and will not chase you for any further payments.
8 Dec 16 #241
I cancelled my DD and emailed them on their contact form about cancelling it. I've just had an email today from them confirming that it will be cancelled after this promotion.
9 Dec 16 1 #242
Anybody waiting on the Xmas issue which was due to be delivered 2 days ago, i have just got off the phone to them and they are running late, hopefully will be with everybody by tomorrow, but to wait until the 15th before getting back to them.
9 Dec 16 1 #243
I got mine this morning! I'm gonna need a Tea Urn to get through reading it! :smiley:
10 Dec 16 1 #244
i have just checked mine as i realised i have not had a radio times and it says my account is suspended!! all i have done is cancel my direct debit so what do i do now?
10 Dec 16 #245
A few scenarios here:
1.You have cancelled the dd before the 1st payment, then they will suspend the account. Give them a call and say you cancelled by mistake and can you set it up again.
2.You have paid the 1st payment then cancelled. The issues should continue, so they have wrongly suspended the account. Give them a call.
3.They have discovered that you have previously had a £1 trial, they will suspend the account. Nothing you can do.
4.You have not had any issues sent out and the account says suspended. This could be an error on their part. Give them a call.
18 Dec 16 #246

I forgot :disappointed:

but I got there in time :smiley: - just cancelled it, the £1 went out nearly a month ago so I was nearly stung
18 Dec 16 #247
You've not cut it that close - the earliest time that you should be charged again, assuming that you took this out at the time that this thread was posted, should be some time in late January, three months after your subscription started.
18 Dec 16 #248
Even if anybody does forget, all is not lost, you can still cancel the subscription after the payment is taken and any remaining still to be delivered issues will be refunded in full.
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