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MIELE WMB120 Washing Machine10y Warranty £870.00 @ Currys
3.5 stars +240

MIELE WMB120 Washing Machine10y Warranty £870.00 @ Currys

£870 Currys20 Nov 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
20 Nov 16
First deal so don't rip my head off.

Capacity: 8 kg

Spin speed: 1600 rpm

Quick wash time: 20 minutes

Energy rating: A+++

Ten-year manufacturer’s guarantee

Advertised as £945.

DISCOUNT CODE - £75 off the marked price. Enter code WASH75 at checkout makes it £870.

Quidco have 10% off all curry's items today so this could come down to £783 which I think is pretty good. It says you cant use it conjunction with any other offers. not sure if you can apply the code and get 10% quidco.

I paid £890 for a similar machine last year.
Top comments
21 Nov 16 4 #31
Anybody in the trade face palm's at people questioning Miele. Yes we cant fix them as Miele hold their tech close to their chests even the old stuff but you cant bemoan the quality of the item and they are actually much better value than people think, it's just hard to justify a such an outlay for many people on a menial task product

You are stuck with the same technology for 10 years.. - They wash clothes, 90% of the feature's in the last 10 years have really been gimmick's, Samsung Eco bubble don't do anything.

My old Bosch lasted 15 years at half the price. - A modern Bosch brought in the last 8-10 years be a different kettle of fish now, they use off the shelf parts now just better quality ones where 15 years ago Bosch had a very similar ethos to Miele

I have never had a washing machine, yet, that has not lasted 10 years. - You are lucky many people haven't.

To justify the price, the warranty should be at least 20 years. - price is right for 10 years

Many machines come with a standard warranty of 5 years or more at half the price, eg Panasonic and Samsung - Few do not many and these 2 brands are pretty poor for reliability. People will think they have a quality machine with a Panasonic, think again its made by Vestel in Turkey and you only get 2 years on a Panasonic now because they have allowed Vestel to source the parts at "Vestel" quality where before Panasonic said they must be matched to their samples provided.

Ref the reply regarding the energy efficiency that's an up in the air calculation keeping an older machine running is just as cheap especially these quality machines, the rating are part of the EU energy program which has cost us all a lot of money and doesn't work they are already on the 3rd revision and its confusing, if OEM's could put a hot fill on their appliance they would, except for the cheapies as its a cost cut for them.

Changing an appliance for no reason or buying a cheap washing machine is a false economy and is incredibly uneconomical and ever more dangerous to the environment as it costs more to remove and dump these cheaper machines, can cost council's upto £3500 dumping one machine and pulling the bits off that can be recycled.
Latest comments (64)
2 Jan 17 #64
my miele dishwasher has done about ten washes a week for 15 years and the only problem was the rubber seal rotting
1 Jan 17 #63
Turns out my current Bosch dishwasher is just over 17 years old (used 4-5 times a week) and I've never had to fix anything on it and it wasn't a high end model.

I checked when we bought it because It has just started to occasionally leave white deposits on utensils and other stainless steel items, which I'd guess means its water softener is giving up the ghost, 17 years is pretty old for ion exchange resin. If it was a better machine, I'd have been tempted to try to open/cut a hole in the softener and replace the resin.

If a dishwasher fails in much under 15 years, then I'd suggest it is a crap one.
1 Jan 17 #62
Haven't logged in for month or so need to find a new phone but though I would come back to this one having been doing a weeks repairs on lot Panasonic washing machines due to design faults and will be doing a load more probably simplest test in design missed, epic fail PCB & element changes easy but shouldn't have had to do these

Common just reading your new comments do make me laugh we enjoy your beef and leave you to what ever you want to say as long as it makes you happy :smiley:
25 Nov 16 #61
I have to do a coloured and whites wash most days as I run a small B & B. During the winter there is no way I can leave dirty washing unwashed for days. Anyway an extra 2kg drum really isn't going to make much difference.
24 Nov 16 #59
Common Sense, I am guessing you are young and on your first own-purchase washing machine. Your comments about 'being stuck with the same technology for 10 years' and not even being sure whether you can mix coloured and whites at the same time - and most of all, your belief that a larger drum means that you can wash twice a week (or whatever) all shows that you know very little about the actual nuts and bolts of washing for a family.

You have been blagged by a salesman into thinking that all the stuff that Does Not Matter is important. You will find out with time that what is Important is a machine that is quiet, ultra-reliable, washes very well, and washes real -life loads. And carries on doing so well into a second decade. Not washing mythical 8 or 10 kilo loads, not 'technology' (lol!) or any of the other confused things you keep posting. Remember, a larger drum NEEDS a larger load or that larger drum will break from trying to spin unbalanced smaller loads. Personally, I don't ever need to wash 8 or 10 kilos of anything, nor (REALLY LOL!!) am I going to go out and buy more stuff just so that I can wash a large load. What on earth are you on about here??! This is about washing machines, and you are getting all emotional as if you are defending your choice of football team or something.

A Miele hits the spot perfectly for those that know what they want. A Samsung or Panasonic is unlikely to have the same reliability, and may be a poor choice for many for exactly the reasons that you seem to believe are desirable..
Common Sense to Jonny678
24 Nov 16 #60
You are wrong and shows your poor judgment. I am not young and have two teenage children. My first machine was a Bosch and lasted 15 years. I did not speak to any sales people. My second is a Panasonic and cost less than the Bosch did 15 years earlier. It has better features, such as a timer (the Bosch lacked) allowing me to set the time I want the wash to finish (not start), large loads, quick wash that the Bosch simply did not have. It is more efficient and much much quieter. I was surprised how quiet is was. Much quieter than the Miele my neighbour had and would not drain after 6 years and hit with a £250 bill.

The number of washes per week have been reduced due to the larger drum. We have enough clothes to last over 1 week, if required.

I do not know why you think I do not understand coloured washes and whites. May be because of your old age you are confused. Of course I do understand and not not mix them. The point I made was new technology has emerged which splits the drum so you can wash together in one load as opposed to collect white and wash and collect coloured clothes and wash as separate loads.

Many Miele machines do not drain after 6 years and look outdated and faded after years of use.
No doubt you drive a 20 year old car and believe efficiency and technology does not advance and every new feature is a gimmick.
I have to admit I have a 22 year old Mazda MX3 (purchased from new) that has been Sorn for 2 years, replaced by a BMW due to fuel efficiency! The Mazda was much more reliable :wink:
Common Sense
24 Nov 16 #58
Yes it does. Instead of washing whites 3 times a week, with a larger drum you can reduce this to twice a week. Same for coloured clothes. I am sure if you have enough money to buy enough clothes so you would not need to wash daily.

Else buy a LG or Haier split drum to allow washing both together.
Common Sense
24 Nov 16 #57
You really do not know what you are talking about. They cannot prove anything. To prove they have have to run for 20 years and not simulate using a flawed model.

Let's talk about the countless people who complain their over priced Miele with a pathetic 2 year warranty will not drain and it costs £300 to repair. A quality product designed to last 20 years that often did not last even 6 years.

Explain why a single machine would have a fault if it was designed to last 20 years. Could it be their design failed and their 20 year claim was nonsense? Make a claim and put your money where your mouth is - offer a 20 year warranty. They will not as they have no confidence in their design. Explain why Miele make a claim and do not back it up. I await your explanation.

If parts are out of stock for so long, you can get a refund or replacement under law. Know the law.
File a claim online against a company in the small claims court and within 2 weeks you will have a repair or replacement and costs paid back.
24 Nov 16 #56
So your comment saying I should get a machine with a bigger drum really doesn't help then. I will stick to my reliable Miele.
24 Nov 16 #55
You put in this deal the Panasonic warrant page. There are a quite a few trade that read these threads most moan at me because they say I will cost them business.

Been to a Panasonic today first job reminded me about this deal. Module gone interlock stuck (customer had damaged it, pulled door back to far rattled the hinge offline smashed the top of it and she didn't say anything, yeah I know what you done) rang up CDS, stock not due for 6 weeks! on PCB and interlock not in stock for 3-4 days. Yippee! abuse time!, this is what you get. She said she was going to complain to Panasonic was only 7 months old. I've already seen 3 year old Panasonic's with obsolete parts.

It is funny how people just don't trust anymore unless you can totally prove it and shows without the internet and proof on there any advice is here say and I an not one to waste my time to try and get one up on someone or troll them, I must be getting to old now I am only trying to help with no scare mongering your just trying to say all I know is crap because I cant show it on the internet is a bit of a poor show. Just trying to show a bit of reality within the white goods market how warranties are not valued but to Miele they do value it very honestly as well.

You don't really understand the white good market its just grab grab off the internet. The levels of quality and how that bears when the prices come down. Who owns who, who makes what I could do a massive history on it and people would go oh sh** thanks for that but really they wouldn't care it's white goods and that's boring, no really it is.

The white goods trade has some really good people in it and I want to help give some advice I've worked in the trade for 25 years and can tell you now I would definitely have a second hand Miele than a new Bosch/Siemens/Samsung/LG/Hoover/Electrolux because they make absolutely no effort to make a good machine all parts are generic off the shelf now and the quality is dropped considerably year on year and 95% of these new feature's are really just gimic's make no improvement at all.

I would rather have an expensive well engineered machine that has had 20 years testing where you can see the quality in the product (and no Dyson's are not included in this) and you look at the Hanning drain pump and its a work of art, pump housing rough edges are even curved off. I do have to chuckle you saying that Miele would have poor material and quality control they certainly do not.

If Miele claim it then they can prove it, they don't just test say 10 machine for 20 years they test hundreds all in different conditions and environments.

LG are brushing shoulders with them at the moment over steam washing claims and Miele are saying bring it on and in public not behind closed doors

I'm no Miele fan far from it the trade can't fix them because they keep all their information close at hand because they only want repairs done to their standard using their standard of parts and when you do get to fix one like putting an ahem pattern element in you are impressed at what's under the bonnet.

What do I have, I have a Hotpoint Washing Machine (on 2nd door seal), Beko Dishwasher (replaced pcb), Beko Fridge Freezer (was recalled had to get service force out to repair it because they wouldn't let me have the bits to do it myself, boo) because they were already in my house, would I have brought any of these, hell no but they are still working after 5 years but can I say they are certainly not quality.

I like to offer my help and advice on it and could give considerably more detail but unfortunately it would put me in a bad position as only certain parties know. I could give you the few models Panasonic will not honour the 5 years and they would have papers ready saying no, even if you were insistent on a repair under warranty, best you would get is a replacement machine and the hastle of getting the old out and new in which creates another one on the scrap heap, warranty should be straight warranty not what they want to do for the better of themselves and not the customer.

Apple batteries reactive materials using a chemical process for energy source on a electronic mobile device, different kettle of fish not even similar quality control to a mains powered mechanical device used under motive stress. I use to do quality control for Hoover at Ibstock.

I would worry about carbon footprint of a product is way more important and destructive to the environment than an energy saving from efficiencies of an appliance and is something we are actually obliged to learn now in the trade.

OEM's motto to the public is Smile and say its Green but it's really it's f*** o** and buy another machine that was from a trade training session as well. :wink:

I don't have any beef with you don't like what they offer for the price I totally accept that but its like saying Rolls Royce sell your cars are Astra prices because it can do the same. I don't post on things I don't know a lot about and pulling to much off the web to combat a bit of helpful knowledge and distrust in claims I would say is bit harsh

As I said I am no fan because they don't like trade but I see where they are coming from and understand why they do what they do and they offer high quality product at a wide range of higher prices and that price they have to factor in warranty costs into it and it will be a quality service provided with that warranty and not be 2bob John who wouldn't know his 6205ZZ from his Askoll (pump that is) who's only training would be how to hold a screw driver correctly. (disclaimer: there are not many 2bob john's but you could get one)

doh waffled again I 'ant spell checking this lol
Common Sense
23 Nov 16 #54
Where did I state this?

Now Panasonic's have 5 years, yes on registration and they have to be honoured. Ask a solicitor instead of listening to your ignorant bosses. There is no trap as long as you register. Again, you seek to mislead with nonsense. Miele provide a 10 year warranty on some models, on registration. So what is the difference? "To claim visit: or call 03301606640. Terms & Conditions apply"

None are warranted for 20 years. So to claim they will last 20 years is misleading. Why not say 100 years? Some will last 20 years or more and some will not and have not. Simple things such as poorly made seals fail. Why should they fail if designed to last for 20 years? Poor material, or poor quality control. If Miele put their money where their mouth is and provided a 20 year warranty, then yes, it is a good buy. More then double the price for a 2-10 year warranty is poor value.

Apple have such great quality control and have had to recall batteries. There is no evidence Pansonic do not have high quality control procedures. Produce the evidence from an independent report or company report. You just make statements without evidence on the basis you in the trade, which means nothing.

I can afford a Miele, but regard them as over priced and not worth the money. The company does not have the confidence in its product to offer a 20 year warranty, but makes ridiculous claims they are designed to last 20 years. If one machine fails within 20 years, it means a design failure. I really do not care about carbon footprints. I want a reliable machine at low cost that washes well with a low cost per year of use. This is not a Miele, for me.
Common Sense
23 Nov 16 #53
I do not think you can mix the colour and whites in the same wash with the Panasonic.

I think they have been reduced to 8kg capacity now Eg NA-148XR1WGB

LG and Haier have a machine that splits the drum in two and you place clothes in each section. I am not sure which it is.

This is a logical development. A 10kg drum split in to two is a great idea.
Miele does not offer this!
23 Nov 16 #52
Which model is this?
I tried searching but couldn't find the model that allows me to put all my colours and whites into the same wash each day.
22 Nov 16 #51
​Agreed, any half decent machine should last 10 years. Mine is a Hoover 1600 spin washing machine. Bought 10+ years ago, never 'serviced' and no hint of an issue (touches wood).
21 Nov 16 #50
I love Miele, me....
21 Nov 16 1 #49
I admit I'm no expert in it on the costs read it in a trade magazine the article was about councils are always over the limits on the tonnage they are allowed to take to land fill because of dumped or tipped white goods and some are stripping machines down to try and keep the tonnage down and the overall cost to do this via man hours and getting companies to do it and the cost verses the cost of the fine for going over the limit. Some guy for one of the councils said it costs them £3500 fine and the main issue was when there are floods and all the damaged appliances.

You did win me a tenner though on the warranties, said you would find that Panasonic one out and quote it.

It is actually 2 years not 5 years and like everything else "its a trap!", if it was 5 years they would have to state 5, 2 + 3 isn't 5, as a number yep but not as a warranty. They show the 5 year logo but they have a disclaimer.

Here how it works.
The extra 3 years is a date expiry promotion once it expires the next one activates so the dates will shift, LG & Samsung do the same and generally it's on the basis that you have to register and by a certain time to qualify for the "promotion" the promotion being additional 3 years.

Now as this is a "promotion" and not a contract to provide warranty for 3 years they are within their rights to cancel this "promotion" if they see fit. They cant cancel a 5 year warranty but they can do so on a promotion and is the reason why its 2+3 and not 5.

Don't bite my head off I am no legal wizard but this is how it is explained to us by "bosses" and stems from the classic watchdog issue of the Samsung RS21DCNS evaporator and dispenser issue's. If they have a highlighted quality issue and the extra 3 years is going to cost them a load of dosh they can legally, don't ask me how cancel the promotion which would be the 3 years.

The Apple/China Panasonic/Turkey is a different kettle of fish. Apple will have massive quality control against their product people on the ground checking out whats coming out of the factory.

Panasonic have dropped the ball and now let Vestel decide the quality which will mean poor quality components. Now Panasonic have realised we have the quality of component but the build quality is poor from the Vestel factory so we are loosing money as we are having to repair due to poor quality control.
So they have decided to setup their own factory and for now just make the high end models, once the Vestel contract expires dump them so they have now let Vestel use their own sourcing to save some dosh as the parts will be much cheaper.

Being in the trade these poor quality machines are now abundant in the market and they are truly a false economy and all the OEM want you to buy new but don't keep your old ones working. Saving energy and resources is the key and the cost to run a new model will be cheaper than the one but not by that much really, take into account buying a new machine to save you money has actually cost us all more, think of how much of a carbon footprint that new machine you have brought be much higher than the energy you are saving by getting a new machine.

If you can afford a Miele and this one is a bargain please do so but do keep it for 20 years!

Common, we know you have a beef with Miele and the whole cost of it but everyone except Miele use off the shelf parts now Miele don't and they do engineer their own products in their own factories or if they can not they are proper quality controlled and do not use crap suppliers. They do test their machines relentlessly and I can tell you and ZERO and I mean ZERO OEM's test to anywhere near their level and that includes BSH group.

Oh and the £1999 one doesn't have 2 years warranty like it states on Curry's site, one of the 4000 errors on there. When I read up on it some time ago it had 5 and discounted 10 on offer at the time it was only £35 extra but this might be different now or supplier dependant.
21 Nov 16 #45
Everyone has their own opinion and this is mine....

The reason why I bought a Miele instead of another brand is because other brands simply do not make machines like they use to.

I know it's very expensive but it works out £89 a year for me (£87 for you people) and it's not everyone's taste.

The only other brands I was considering were Siemens or Bosch with 5 year warranties and they worked out approximately the same per year.

Our last washing machine was a Zanussi....that lasted approximately 20 years. Companies simply don't make products to last for 10-15 year anymore because they would miss out on revenue. They price it lower(in real terms washing machine prices have not risen drastically) and make a lower quality product hence it having to be replaced more frequently. I felt it was a false economy buying machines that constantly needed to be replaced.

If my Miele washing machine lasts more than 15 years, it will be definitely worth it. Anything more will be a bonus....
Common Sense to Genius_Discounts
21 Nov 16 #48
How do you know a Panasonic or Samsung costing £350 will not last 10 or 15 years? Would you buy a Miele costing £1999 with a 2 year warranty? You cannot calculate the cost per year as £999.50 as it should last longer, but you never know.
Common Sense
21 Nov 16 #47
Many people can afford them, but are intelligent to understand it is a poor deal and spend their money on something else. May be they are rich as they can identify poor deals and know how to make money.
21 Nov 16 #46
Only if you can't afford it.
Common Sense
21 Nov 16 #44
I get it. Miele is overpriced, they claim their products are designed to last 20 years and if they do not, tough. They do not have the confidence in their products to provide a 20 year warranty. They should be banned from making a 20-year claim. It makes me laugh when you hear a Miele breaking down before 20 years and Miele saying tough and the repair will cost hundreds of pounds.

MIELE WMV960WPS Washing Machine - White £1999 and a stonking 2 year warranty. Yes, two whole years.
Surely, this makes you laugh.
21 Nov 16 #43
Appliances Direct are a proper cowboy outfit,absolute nightmare when it comes to sticking to agreed delivery slots and refunding cancelled orders. Took me 6 weeks to get a refund for a cancelled order they failed to deliver 3 times !
21 Nov 16 1 #42
You really don't get it, your reply made me laugh out loud, poor possum.
21 Nov 16 #41
That's why they joined hot deals....
Common Sense
21 Nov 16 #40
You forgot delivery at £19.99 for a 4 day service.

They think you get what you pay for. So if you pay more for an identical product they think they get more. :wink:
21 Nov 16 #39
Expensive for a washing machine plus you can get it cheaper at £799 with Which Trial here:

Are people who buy Meile's too lazy to do a quick Google search?
21 Nov 16 #38
Panasonic are good. Miele are good. Sorted....
Common Sense
21 Nov 16 #37
Provide the evidence for such a claim. I suspect you have very little knowledge and make ridiculous claims and are no expert.

Panasonic offer a 5 year warranty by registration/claim. So you are wrong. Please admit you are wrong :wink:

So what if they are assembled by Vestel? Apple do not assemble their own products. They are assembled in China.

If a new machine does not have a 5 year warranty, do not buy it. There are plenty of machines with 5 year warranty at less than half the price of a Miele. If Miele is expected to last for 20 years or x washes, they should provide a 20 year warranty or for x washes. They do not as they do not have the confidence in their products. Anyone can claim their product lasts for 20 years. To put your money where your mouth is is a different proposition.
21 Nov 16 #34
My Miele washing machine came with a 10 year guarantee. It's now 8 years old and never had any trouble with it. It's used every day for 1 or very often 2 washes. Would definitely recommend.
Common Sense to mikes123
21 Nov 16 #36
Why not get a Panasonic with 10kg drum? Surely, then you would not have to wash so often. Even with a family of 4 I do no need to wash every day. The Panasonic is so quiet and does not require an extra rinse and you can programme it to end a wash at a particular time. It had a 6 year warranty at less than half the price of Miele.
21 Nov 16 #35
Currently using an LG direct drive washing machine. 9.5 years on and no issues thus far.
20 Nov 16 #17
Ah, so many experts here. What if I can easily afford it, and just want something that's nice, well built, well designed, and quiet. Basically the best money can buy. Am I then allowed to buy this?
andreasuk to benjai
20 Nov 16 #21
​silly comment and you know it
Rogier_Arpignot to benjai
21 Nov 16 #33
Yes, but just don't tell anyone on here. If you comment positively on anything that costs more than a quid, you'll get ripped to bits.
21 Nov 16 #32
£945.00 for a washing machine that isn't even top range? your crazy

10 years warranty is not enough for that price
21 Nov 16 4 #31
Anybody in the trade face palm's at people questioning Miele. Yes we cant fix them as Miele hold their tech close to their chests even the old stuff but you cant bemoan the quality of the item and they are actually much better value than people think, it's just hard to justify a such an outlay for many people on a menial task product

You are stuck with the same technology for 10 years.. - They wash clothes, 90% of the feature's in the last 10 years have really been gimmick's, Samsung Eco bubble don't do anything.

My old Bosch lasted 15 years at half the price. - A modern Bosch brought in the last 8-10 years be a different kettle of fish now, they use off the shelf parts now just better quality ones where 15 years ago Bosch had a very similar ethos to Miele

I have never had a washing machine, yet, that has not lasted 10 years. - You are lucky many people haven't.

To justify the price, the warranty should be at least 20 years. - price is right for 10 years

Many machines come with a standard warranty of 5 years or more at half the price, eg Panasonic and Samsung - Few do not many and these 2 brands are pretty poor for reliability. People will think they have a quality machine with a Panasonic, think again its made by Vestel in Turkey and you only get 2 years on a Panasonic now because they have allowed Vestel to source the parts at "Vestel" quality where before Panasonic said they must be matched to their samples provided.

Ref the reply regarding the energy efficiency that's an up in the air calculation keeping an older machine running is just as cheap especially these quality machines, the rating are part of the EU energy program which has cost us all a lot of money and doesn't work they are already on the 3rd revision and its confusing, if OEM's could put a hot fill on their appliance they would, except for the cheapies as its a cost cut for them.

Changing an appliance for no reason or buying a cheap washing machine is a false economy and is incredibly uneconomical and ever more dangerous to the environment as it costs more to remove and dump these cheaper machines, can cost council's upto £3500 dumping one machine and pulling the bits off that can be recycled.
21 Nov 16 #30
incredible, my last 4 lasted only 5 years of washing 15 times a month, until I started to repair its pumps when it was worn.
20 Nov 16 #25
My miele dishwasher is similar. 15 years of one or two cycles a year with only the rubber seal needing replacing. I could buy a newer, more efficient one but the amount of energy that goes into making these things makes it unethical!
Common Sense to spatter
20 Nov 16 #27
My Bosch dishwasher is now 19 years old, cost half the price of Miele and has had no repairs!
melted to spatter
21 Nov 16 #29
Dishwashers should be very reliable though. I'm only on my second and my first was bought in the 1980s. The first (a Hotpoint branded dishwasher manufactured by Bosch) was well over 15 years old and still working fine when we replaced it, the second is a Bosch, which I'm tempted to replace as it isn't as good as the first, partly due to it being more energy efficient.

I've only had two faults with them, rusty baskets where the plastic coatings have gotten damaged, and from when we took part in a trial of a liquid dishwasher detergent in the first which rotted the seal around the powder flap and got in the door where it also rotted the wiring insulation, so I had to rewire the door.
20 Nov 16 #23
I have used the same Bosch washing machine for 20 years, has never skipped a beat and has never been serviced. You do get what you pay for with white goods.
Common Sense to David23
20 Nov 16 #28
... but much cheaper than a Miele! I bet the Bosch had a tiny drum and may have lacked a built-in timer.
Common Sense
20 Nov 16 #26
Approximately 25
20 Nov 16 #24
My last Miele lasted 16 years before it died and survived three small children and real nappies. They also wash really well and the enamel stays pristine.

Miele's warranties have a limit of 10,000 hours. If an average modern eco wash is about two hours, that is about ten washes per week over ten years, so you're unlikely to hit limit that with a washing machine. However, on a dishwasher the limit is potentially problematic. Our dishwasher is on at least twice per day (three times at the weekend) and the eco programmes on a modern Miele can be three hours long. We worked out that extending the five year guarantee would only give us an extra year as we would hit the limit at the beginning of the seventh year. Our old Miele dishwasher lasted 16 years too and it was interesting comparing the specifications of the old and new machine. There was very little difference in energy and water usage. Quite surprising and shows how efficient even old Miele machines are.
20 Nov 16 #22
How many times you wash per month with this washing machine?
20 Nov 16 1 #20
I would rather have a machine that did a thorough, proper wash and rinse in 65 minutes than one that takes 3-plus hours in order to do the same wash with far less water and so earn the EU eco rating of A+++. Have a look at the Which reviews - none of these machines rinse properly unless you select the extra rinse option (and particularly read the user reviews). And none of them are better than an A or B rating if you select a quicker wash time. The eco ratings do NOT measure how effectively they wash clothes. In fact they are almost the exact opposite.

Honestly, people. Do you seriously buy a washing machine because of all this nonsense eco hype? It is like the rubbish comments you get on here when comparing some shyte cheapo laptop with a well designed, built-properly decent machine. You can't compare by reading the so-called 'specs', you need to look at the thing in action down the line.
20 Nov 16 #19
​Same here (my one lasted around 17 years), but not too bad when you think this works out at £87/year and if you use it a lot then it's a nice warranty so still hot.
20 Nov 16 #18
You sound dull! That's what I did 15 years ago....
20 Nov 16 2 #16
I've just set fire to it.....Cheers.
20 Nov 16 #15
Mine's a Zanussi jetwash, so ought to be pretty good at rinsing, but our previous hotpoint was the same if we didn't select its extra rinses feature, they'd be enough of the biological agent left in clothing to cause itching and skin rashes.
Common Sense
20 Nov 16 #14
Yes. No issues of residue on a Panasonic machine with 6 years warranty or Samsung Ecobubble with 5 years warranty. You must have a poorly designed machine.
20 Nov 16 1 #13
Great machines and superb engineering. They are built to last for sure - just try moving one!!

Years ago I considered Miele products but the issue is that 10 years on the unit will look dated!

So now I go with Siemens with 5 year warranty but half the price and get a mid term refresh if that makes sense!
20 Nov 16 #12

Is lower water usage really such a big advantage, I have to use the extra rinses button provided on my machine, because otherwise it doesn't use enough water to get all the washing powder residue out. And if I use the extra efficient, low water usage wash programmes it washes the clothes for much longer, which causes extra wear on both the items being washed and on the machine.

I miss not having a hot water inlet on my modern machine, as it uses loads more electricity to heat the water up than my old one did, and it was much cheaper to use hot water heated by gas, on top of which I'm thinking of getting a solar water panel. Also my modern machine furs up badly, I had to dismantle the water pump trap recently because fur had jammed it up and nearly clogged one of the pipes, limescale wasn't such a problem in my old machine, as much of it would have been deposited in my hot water cylinder, and never reached the machine.

I wouldn't want a machine with a mechanical programme timer though, if it is designed properly an electronic one should be more reliable.
20 Nov 16 #11
And if the other machine costs you a few non-warrantied repairs before you finally give up and replace it, it could have cost you a fair bit more. If you feel that technology has moved on and you fancy an updated model rather than having catastrophic failure force the decision upon you then surely that is a good thing. The old one will be worth something to a grateful neighbour/relative or sold on gumtree etc.
20 Nov 16 #8
I've had mine for 15 years. It cost about 600 quid then. I reckon it's done 15000 washes in that time and all its needed is a new rubber seal around the door...
Common Sense to spatter
20 Nov 16 1 #10
15 years ago was it energy rated: A+++? I bet it was not. How much extra energy have you used?
A typical 1 hour wash costs 50p in electricity. 15,000 washes = £7,500. If energy efficiency increased by just 10% over 15 years, this would be a £750 saving. At 20% it is £1500. Many washes last over 2 hours, so over £1 a wash.

Often changing an inefficient machine earlier saves you money. It is not just about lasting 15-20 years.
Technology is not stagnant for 20 years.

Many people would not be confident enough to change a seal and with labour could cost £100.
Many people pay for a washing machine to be installed and others do it themselves.

Undertake a cost-benefit analysis for your own situation. I suspect Miele works out expensive.
20 Nov 16 #9
My Siemens is 20 years old and came with a 10 year warranty, but I will probably get a Miele when it finally dies because the build quality is better on the Miele nowadays.
Timer: yes
Low water usage: yes, but fortunately the default is to override (can't stand machines that favour low water usage over simply washing the clothes effectively)
Hand wash items: yes
Dry clean items: No No No. I wouldn't ever put my tailored suits in a washing machine no matter what the machine claimed to do.

Most new features are marketing gimmicks in my opinion. Including huge 9kg loads, which are great if you want to wash 9kg at a time, but if like me you do lots of small loads because that is how you use your clothes, then these will DESTROY a large drum machine. Large drums cannot handle small unbalanced loads.
20 Nov 16 2 #4
Have been married for 46 years and am stil on my second Miele washing machine. Does not have as many programms as new ones but no digital either so very little to go wrong. I do add decalcifier once every 6 months and even my daughter brings her whites because her machine does not do 90C
Common Sense to totally1
20 Nov 16 #7
Did you have a timer for 20 years so you it would start at night? Did you have a large drum for 8-10 kg load?
How about low water usage and special treatments to allow "dry clean" items to be washed?
Many of these features were not available 20 years ago so you have to wait for new technology.
What does features did a 20 year old model have?
20 Nov 16 #6
I personally wouldn't buy one but owners love them and buy another when they eventually die.
if money no object, get one, it comes on its own wood pallet and has transit skewers instead of bolts.
good price.
20 Nov 16 2 #5
Equivalent £87 per warranted year until 21 Nov then eqiv £94 per warranted year seems excessive compared to say Samsung at eqiv £62 per warranted year. Difference possibly only justified if you prefer the logo or a unique feature.
bond e lad
20 Nov 16 1 #2
Yes incredible machines,hence the 10 year guarantee,you have tried the rest now go for the "daddy of em all " ,,Miele ,forget the price,in the long run it works out cheaper,had mine now for 8 years,incredibly quiet,not 1 seconds problem,,,superb machines,nope,I don't work for from me.
Common Sense to bond e lad
20 Nov 16 1 #3
You are stuck with the same technology for 10 years..
My old Bosch lasted 15 years at half the price.
I have never had a washing machine, yet, that has not lasted 10 years.
To justify the price, the warranty should be at least 20 years.
Many machines come with a standard warranty of 5 years or more at half the price, eg Panasonic and Samsung.
20 Nov 16 #1
A bit much for a washing machine without a dryer even, or is there something incredible about these that I'm missing? Interested, that's all
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