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LINX 1010B 10.1" Tablet & Keyboard - 32 GB, Black @ Currys - £119.99
4.5 stars +446

LINX 1010B 10.1" Tablet & Keyboard - 32 GB, Black @ Currys - £119.99

£119.99 Currys1 Dec 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
30 Nov 16
Not for everyone, but if you want a cheap windows 10 laptop you could do worse. I bought this last Christmas for my wife - It was £129.99 at the time on a special deal - so while only a tenner cheaper this time it's better than anywhere else at the moment. It's a brilliant bit of kit - runs Kodi, ideal for browsing or working with Office. Hope this helps someone!

Linx YouTube 1010B review
- Fleabum
Top comments
1 Dec 16 6 #1
Good price but I got to say it's crap
Battery doesn't last long and the screen is pants.
Wifi is terrible.
amour3k to pcastley
1 Dec 16 3 #2
I've had the total opposite, from my Linx 10 Lite Tablet, 16GB version ..... :-)
All comments (93)
1 Dec 16 6 #1
Good price but I got to say it's crap
Battery doesn't last long and the screen is pants.
Wifi is terrible.
amour3k to pcastley
1 Dec 16 3 #2
I've had the total opposite, from my Linx 10 Lite Tablet, 16GB version ..... :-)
seanmckenna to pcastley
1 Dec 16 1 #7
​maybe you were unlucky or maybe it depends on expectations. For me the battery seems to last forever, the screen is very sharp - or as sharp as I need it and I've not had a single WiFi connection problem that wasn't the fault of my crap broadband
1 Dec 16 #3
Wifi on these is terrible. Totally hit and miss, I had to create a guest wifi to connect to when it wouldn't connect to my main wifi and swap between the 2 depending on how it was playing up.
1 Dec 16 1 #4
regarding WiFi issues, anyone care to share what router they have or what type of WiFi? I previously had BT with their HomeHub 5 dual band WiFi ... horrid router... caused numerous problems for me with various devices.
dotnetter to dotnetter
1 Dec 16 2 #5
​not interested in buying this tablet, just trying to help those who have one or those who may be considering a purchase. not all WiFi is equal! lol
1 Dec 16 1 #6
Same here. Tablet has been awesome all around. Wifi is reliable, battery lasts me three days with video use for around 4 hours a night. If you have WiFi issues, go to Heat added.
1 Dec 16 #8
Had mine for around 6 months now & the battery ain't that bad. Never ever had any issues with the wireless dropping out, screen looks fine to me for what i use it for.
To add, mine hasn't got the keyboard. Does the keyboard drain the battery?
1 Dec 16 1 #9
Cheers OP, ordered for collection for Xmas present, Heat!
1 Dec 16 #10
Got this last week from Staples for £99.99 as part of their Black Friday promotion

Only had limited time on it, but for me wi-fi has been fine (Sky broadband). Out of box Windows OS needed quite a few updates but now these are in place it seems a good tablet for (well for me) sub-£100.

Haven't opened / connected the keyboard as not sure if I need to use this seperately so may yet sell on e-Bay.
amour3k to aing69
1 Dec 16 #12
With any luck, come Christmas time going, they'll repeat upon such cool price's again?, hopefully .....

The Linx 10 Lite, 16GB has served me well!, but is mad limiting on space (ESPECIALLY as Windows 10 deliberately insists on mandatory 'updates', irrespective of whether you expressly agree to them or NOT?!, most annoying!!!, and as such killed much of any real useful internal space again, I've heard there is a way to turn-off that annoying Windows 10 feature somewhere?, but don't know how to do it?, if anyone is more familiar on that end of things, your input would be most appreciated, thanx). :-)
1 Dec 16 #11
got to say I am impressed with mine, I got for £99 from Staples last week. Ended up getting 4 as my friends were that impressed by them. Wifi on mine is good connecting to a virgin media superhub 3 but it is only on the 2.4ghz frequency so if you have a lot of networks around where you live from other peoples routers then you can get interference. Only thing you can do is to change the channel on your router try 1 6 or 11 ideally. There is an app on the windows store called wifi analyser which can display what network are around your area, just pick a channel that has the least overlap.
The screen is pretty good and speed was fine for using youtube and browsing the net at the same time using the perfect tube app and edge browser.
1 Dec 16 1 #13
I managed to nab one of these the other day and i can confirm its the 2016 model and it was like brand new bargain at £59

As of now check 2 available hurry its a steal at this price.
1 Dec 16 1 #14
Same issue with WiFi here, even after various driver updates. Tablet was pretty fast and would have suited my needs but had to return due to WiFi dropping all the time.
1 Dec 16 #15
I've had mine for about a year. Really impressed with it for the cost. Good build quality. Good screen. I had wifi dropping but a new update on windows 10 has sorted that out for me. Only negative about the tab is the speaker is a bit quiet
1 Dec 16 #16
Oh and the battery is good. That's also improved with windows updates. Mine lasts a few days on standby and light use
1 Dec 16 #17
Not a bad tablet for the money, but it is heavy and a bit flaky. Wifi dropping, occasional issues like non-responsive screen or switching on. The 32GB storage is pushed to its limit by Windows10, although I have an SD card to store files some windows updates have given me error messages due to lack of storage space. I use mine for mainly watching films / iPlayer downloads whilst travelling and browsing the net on the sofa. I don't expect it to last past another 24 months to be honest.
1 Dec 16 #18
Saying that, it did get me out of a scrape a few months back when my main laptop picked up a virus and I needed a clean machine to change all my passwords to various accounts / sites. The fact that it had a keyboard made it a lot easier for this.
1 Dec 16 1 #19
There were two a few minutes ago, then during the few seconds I spent reading the specs, there were both sold!
1 Dec 16 #20
the £99 Staples deal was a steal - great price
1 Dec 16 1 #21
Horrid little machines, at any price.
seanmckenna to wingman0401
1 Dec 16 #23
care to elaborate?
1 Dec 16 #22
Awesome tablet, bought one last Christmas and use it daily. Worth getting a memory card, and can also recommend the Brotect glass screen protectors if you're in any way worried about the plastic screen (though the keyboard offers a lot of protection too)
1 Dec 16 #24
Can't understand the hate.

For the price it is a very capable little tablet. I use it to browse the internet, use Netflix, VLC, stream and even play a few old games on GOG no problem. Battery is fine too.

Yes it is poor compared to a decent i3 laptop...but it isn't an i3. It's a Widnows tablet and it has a different use case.

1 Dec 16 1 #25
i would buy a used thinkpad for the same price. faster, better.

new laptops are a bad deal nowadays.
1 Dec 16 #26
I have the earlier Linx10 with keyboard. The Tablet itself is great with Win10, the keyboard and trackpad are not so great but adequate.

I've been wanting to get a 10b.
I suspect different people have different exceptions and when they say that the tablet is "horrid" what they actually mean is that they personally don't like it.
1 Dec 16 #27
Not particularly - I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said but trust me, there's a reason they are at this price point.
The Lone Ranger
1 Dec 16 #28
I bought the leather model for £79.99 from Sainsburys earlier in the year and a 3rd party case/Bluetooth keyboard last month. It won't replace a proper desktop or laptop, but this is great for anyone who wants a tablet. I've installed Office 2013 on mine and it runs great.
1 Dec 16 1 #29
good price if just using for basic functions
1 Dec 16 #30
Lol a hot deal @ £120. This site cracks me up. Got one for £99 in 2014 when staples had their offer on, swiftly went back and swapped for the 8" version. Suppose I was comparing it to my asus t100ta (which was also a bit crap) and my old surface pro which was lovely, other than battery life.
1 Dec 16 #31
I bought the same 2 in one netbook/tablet from staples last friday and paid £99.
1 Dec 16 #32
got the v1 version & it does everything its supposed to do. great for those older pc games stored on my steam account.
1 Dec 16 #33
I used mine as a pinball Fx2 tablet, great fun.
1 Dec 16 #34
This seemed decent at first but mine is less than a year old and it is now so slow that it's virtually unusable even for simple tasks
1 Dec 16 #35
Perfect tablet for those that need to do basic laptopy type things like a CV or long emails etc. It wont win any prizes for speed or screen quality but the price more than makes up for it as you can use your left over cash for a tablet you will probably use more for day to day use (thats what I've done).

The battery is horrific with the keyboard attached,for some reason it drains it badly. The only reasonable fix is to change what the main power button does,change this to go into hibernation upon pressing. Obviously this means the next time you use it will take 10secs to boot back to where it was which is much better than having a dead tablet.

Well worth the money for me,i ditched me laptop last year for this and its worked a treat. No WiFi issues for me.
1 Dec 16 #36
for 40 quid that I paid for it , theyre pretty spectaclur
1 Dec 16 #37
​Why am I not surprised...
1 Dec 16 #38
I bought for £ 99.99 years ago. This is very old stock now. I like the new 12 inch 12v64 with 4gb ram model selling for £200 at Sainsburys but this one is very old.
seanmckenna to sam_of_london
1 Dec 16 #39
​According to Amazon this was released in Sept 2015 so just over a year old. Granted the specs aren't bleeding edge but then again for the money...
1 Dec 16 #40
I bought a Linx1010B coming to about 1 year now.

I would suggest that people buy the TPLink nano wifi adapter (under £:sunglasses: and that would resolve any wifi issues.... it did for me ....

I am now thinking of giving this to my daughter so I can buy something else with a higher screen resolution.

Anyone with experience of the Dell Venue 11 pro or the Chuwi Hi12 as a replacement for the Linx?
1 Dec 16 #41
Meh, crack on and buy it then.
1 Dec 16 #42
​intelligent response
2 Dec 16 #43
Hi, Does it come with a touch pen, or can you buy one to use?
2 Dec 16 #44
​no it doesn't. should be able to pick one up on Amazon for a fe pennies
2 Dec 16 #45
I've read through the other responses, and it would seem like you are very much in the minority. I bought one of these in last year's BF sales (for £100) and it is absolutely fine: the battery lasts well, the screen is clear and the WiFi is reliable. It is a really good machine for the money, in many ways superior to my iPad.
Perhaps your own machine was a bad one, or maybe you don't have any direct experience and are repeating uninformed hearsay?
2 Dec 16 #46
You already have 5 of them on each hand.
2 Dec 16 2 #47
I don't know why, but IT posts always attract unhelpful posts from ignorant people, this one is typical. Wingman does not own one of this machines and has never used one, but for some reason he/she feels the need to need to state the item is rubbish, and when asked to justify his assertion by seanmckenna he declines and further exposes his ignorance.
This does not matter of course, serious users and buyers can ignore unsubstantiated comments such as wingman's, but I do wonder why people such as he/she subscribe to this site when they have nothing constructive to offer.
Ho hum.
2 Dec 16 #48
Not that I should have to, but here's a screenshot of when I sold mine in September this year, after not being happy with the performance on offer;

Insulting me by insinuating that I have never owned nor indeed used one of these devices shows more about your character than my own.
2 Dec 16 #49
The screen on the Chuwi looks great for the money but after watching & reading some reviews - the performance looks terrible. Reliability & build quality also appears to be a big issue. There are some great deals out there for Dell Venue refurbs.
2 Dec 16 #50
Have you tried cleaning up the OS?
Windows will slow down with months of use. Try CCleaner to remove unwanted temp files and clean up the registry. Worth a try :-)
2 Dec 16 #51
Mine is shocking as well :disappointed:

Can't find a fix for the battery issue since the latest win10 update, was having to get it to hibernate rather than sleep as if it was in sleep mode the battery would discharge in less than 12 hours with no use!

But now the hibernate method isn't working either, so charge mine up to 100% don't use it for a day or so and come back to it and it will be 0% and needs charging!

Going to contact support this week to see if they can provide a fix!
2 Dec 16 #52
Wingman, you brought that on yourself - Othen described exactly what I had thought following your responses. I have no particular loyalty to Linx, but given your initial negative response it was a fair question to ask. As you have had a bad experience, your view is fully valid and its good to know.
2 Dec 16 #53
Genuinely, I wanted to like the product. In theory, there's nothing to dislike about it - hence why I bought one. I enjoyed it to begin with but the true colours of the system swiftly showed themselves to me, perhaps my expectations were off-kilter, or too high?

To suggest point blank that I clearly haven't even picked one up though (not suggesting that you, yourself made that point), is short sighted at best. Often the case on the internet that people are quick to dismiss everything.

With regards to giving a critique of the system itself, well, unfortunately that's not my forte. Reviewing a product is insanely difficult as I've found everyone's mileage varies. I am a light to medium user of PC's (if work is excluded), however my mother is a very light user and we both found the Linx 10.1 difficult to live with. That's why I made the initial comment, it literally is/was all I could muster to advise people away from the machine.

Not wishing to make enemies or anything on here, but I'm not going to sing the praises of a machine I didn't enjoy at all, nor should everyone be required to critique it to ad nauseum degrees.
2 Dec 16 #54
This thing is terrible, honestly.

The CPU performance is top of the line for 2006, and so is the RAM. A 5-year-old used laptop smashes this into a thousand pieces.
2 Dec 16 #55
had one for over a year now and runs fine, battery lasts for a good 6 hours plus, when not in use its standby time is great, i do have other devices and often this is left on standby for over a week and it still has 40% left. one thing that may help those experiencing battery drain issues would be a factory reset, especially if this has not been done since upgrading from windows 8.1 to windows 10.
Not a knockout tablet spec wise but does the job better than most alternatives in this price range. hot from me
2 Dec 16 #56
I wouldn't even think updating to windows 10 .
2 Dec 16 #57
​ok wingman we'll not fall out over it
2 Dec 16 #58
​hey mate. i actually appreciate your comments on this. i just bought one but am thinking of returning it due to comments by various people who say that after a few months it goes slow.
2 Dec 16 #59
​While its not the best spec ever I don't think its that bad either and your comparison with 2006 specs is questionable. My old 2006 PC has long since given up the ghost having struggled to run windows xp. That said, no point in comparing it with 2006 specs, now is what counts. It's not the best spec but for the money its competitive.
2 Dec 16 #60
​hi sean. how long have u had urs. becauze i have heard ot gets slow in a matter of months and i just got mine.
2 Dec 16 #61
Intelligent response :wink:
2 Dec 16 #62
Your call buddy, I'd advise taking it back if it's still within it's return period by all means. However, I managed to get a decent resale value on mine so I wasn't too fussed.

Depends what your reasons for buying it are? Are you after great portability? Is it an absolute must?
2 Dec 16 #63
​yes its in the return period. i have had it for 2 days. on the first day it was fine.
i installed some applications and noticed small bitz of lag here and there. so at this rate in a couple months it will be very laggy.
i need portability but i also need a lasting product.
2 Dec 16 #64
hah you enjoyed that :smiley:
2 Dec 16 #65
Tough to say and it depends on what you are using it for. Mine is not noticeably slower and I have it almost a year - but it doesn't get a serious amount use. If its just browsing, kodi and a bit of office - just make sure you regularly clear your cache, temporary files and browsing history. Sensible housekeeping will help big time. Oh and watch out for viruses :smiley:
3 Dec 16 1 #66
Grabbed one of these from Staples during their Black Friday deals as I wanted something low-spec and cheap I could use to plan routes on my satnav when touring.

Trackpad accuracy on the keyboard leaves a little to be desired, but is still usable. It did take some tweaking of the power settings to sort the battery out (hibernate or disable wifi in sleep I think did it) and I popped in a 128gb sd card to up the storage. But for the price, does what I need it to, hfm
3 Dec 16 1 #67
The WiFi issues are caused by the fact it's a combined WiFi / Bluetooth radio. Disabling Bluetooth will get the WiFi working lickety split. The challenge is getting them both to work at the same time. I managed to get this going after trying a bunch of different drivers, you can download them from linx

Its definitely not a speedy machine, but pretty useful for basic tasks and really it's only a hundred quid. Battery life is shoddy on sleep / standby, I have to actually shut down in windows to make it last, doesn't work like an ipad.
3 Dec 16 #68
What reviews? All the ones I've seen are positive.
4 Dec 16 1 #69
had a linx 8 - the processor is getting on but it's surprisingly competent and can run 2d games & visual novels fine and having full windows is great for the price. poor multi-tasking, poor battery and poor wifi (some googling and installing new drivers sorts common problems) plus the onboard storage rapidly fills up but z8300-based devices aren't much better so it's great price with a proper keyboard. be aware you are getting windows on the go as run by a crappy PC - expect lag, slow load times/app switching and near complete lack of 3d gaming but it's still full windows so far more versitile than android and lots of great indie games too
5 Dec 16 1 #70
If ONLY that particular £99 'Deal' existed again, huh?. :-(

5 Dec 16 #71
Interesting tips there, thanx. :-)
5 Dec 16 #72
Don't expect any support after 1 year warranty is up, my linx 10 was killed by a windows update, nobody cares
5 Dec 16 #73
so was my 8, booted up but doing anything made screen go black. if yours can boot then plug in a keyboard, hold shift and restart it then go to recovery option and it re-installs windows on itself, did the job for me.
5 Dec 16 #74
It tried to reflash the bios/firmware causing it to be erased, windows automatic updates killed it, the only solution is to reflash the bios using a programmer (like a raspberry pi) and opening up the tablet and wiring to the eprom. Plenty of people effected and both owners of Linx and Microsoft just say each side is at fault.
6 Dec 16 #75
I never use Bluetooth and wifi is still an issue.
6 Dec 16 #76
And it does not have enough RAM. From China, you can get similar tablets with better screens and 4GB of RAM, which means you can actually use the full potential of Windows. And even then the small screen is a severe limitation.

I wish they would make proper 2-in-1 systems with a 12" screen size without charging a fortune.
6 Dec 16 1 #77
I have had one of these for over a year now and I upgraded it to Windows 10. I use this as my main laptop and use it each night for about 2 hours minimum. Battery life is decent on mine and I've never had the WIFI signal drop out once. Mine was the Linx Light 10 (2GB DDR3 and only 16GB internal storage) and its honestly never skipped a beat. I only use it for browsing, watching footy streams and playing Championship Manager 01/02 but it does all of this no problem, on Windows 10.
I've just bought a refurbished Lenovo Thinkpad X230i so the tablet will be packed away but will defo keep it as a very worthy backup.
6 Dec 16 #78
​what would you recommend?
6 Dec 16 #79
​​what would you recommend?
6 Dec 16 1 #80
I need one
7 Dec 16 1 #81
This seems the best of the £100ish 10.1 Win10s. But not sure if I need the keyboard, am thinking about the £75 to £90 ebay refurbs w/o keyboard. Is the keyboard any good or can I just plug in afull size kb when I need it (and avoid battery drain?). Does anyone know if a USB hard disk would work. And I assume it doesn't have GPS, which is a shame. Thanks
7 Dec 16 #82
hard drive and keyboard can be used, not sure about the drain on Power - haven't noticed. Don't know about GPS but i don't think so. You can also connect it up to an external monitor using HDMI
7 Dec 16 1 #83
I've had my 1010B for a year now and love it. I've even loaded Office 2016 no problem. WiFi has never been an issue, battery life is good and screen is fine. I've connected to the TV HDMI for watching the MotoGP no problem. Id definitely recommend it.
8 Dec 16 1 #84
I love mine. Had it for six months with no trouble. The keyboard works very well for a tablet, making it like a mini PC. The only trouble is that my cover obscures some of the keys. If you use it with a bluetooth external mouse you will have a better experience than with the touch pad. It has USB ports which I found VERY handy. Some people also like Windows over Android.
Oldcheapskate to chortle
8 Dec 16 1 #85
Thanks for all the info. I'm convinced, just ordered this deal to collect.
seanmckenna to chortle
16 Dec 16 #87
What did you end up buying by the way?
16 Dec 16 #86
Reserved this for collection at curry's at the beginning of the week thinking a bargain for a 10" windows 10 tablet with a keyboard. When we went to collect it we were talked out from buying it, the salesman said even though the deal looked good the actual tablet was awful. He explained that from all the tablets in the shop he would not recommend this model, he even tried to talk us into buying the Acer which was a higher spec for less money. Odd we thought so we walked around a bit then came back to the Tablets. Talking with a second salesman he also talked us out of the Linx. Explaning why they didn't like this tablet he said that on average half of these are returned to them under warranty for faults including loss of power. Ironically they could not show me the demonstration model as that had also got the power fault on it.. I would recommend visiting curry's and asking for the demo and talk with the salesman at your store to see if they say the same before handing over the cash for one.. hope this helps ... and no I dont work for any competitors before the haters start on this thread.
16 Dec 16 #88
Which Acer model was higher spec for less money?
16 Dec 16 #89
I was taken aback by someone trying to NOT sell me something that I didnt buy any Tablet in the end. Just ended up buying 2 network plugs. and then went into aldi next door and found another bargain. a bluetooth keyboard and case for my IPAD. reduced to £6.99. defeated the object as I wanted a windows tablet with a keyboard and ended up using my old IPAD lol. saved £113 win win for me i suppose
16 Dec 16 #90
not sure as cannot see it on the website but I think it might have have been an ACER Iconia One 10.1 but it was £99.99 in store and the 8" was £89.99 so can only assume that the prices are now up again. but it was £20 cheaper than what I ordered and it was an acer 10" but without the keyboard. apparently more responsive and better quad processor. in the end didnt buy anything apart from some network plugs
1 Jan 17 1 #91
​totally agree ....really great BUDGET! tablet got mine X'mas Eve from Curry's £98. HOT
1 Jan 17 #92
Absolutely! Great tablet. No complaints here. ​We've also got the NES/SNES & Sega emulators running and playing all the classics. Love it :smiley:
1 Jan 17 #93
had one since the staples cockup a year or so ago. so much better than my android tablets.
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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