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iPhone 7 256gb Brand New (EE) Smartfonestore £699.00 (Was £799)
3 stars +113

iPhone 7 256gb Brand New (EE) Smartfonestore £699.00 (Was £799)

£699 £799 Smartfonestore9 Nov 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
3 Nov 16
Not bad if this is your thing.
Top comments
KeanoLoL to cuslund
3 Nov 16 7 #22
You're an idiot.
3 Nov 16 6 #12
You mandatorily need Bluetooth headphones do you? What a loads of crap! You get headphones in the box with a lightening connector and you also get a standard - lightening adaptor in the box.
3 Nov 16 5 #13
Did no one tell you, it isn't mandatory to spout nonsense on the internet. Especially incorrect nonsense.
4 Nov 16 3 #35
For anyone who is interested.

*I ordered an iPhone 7 128GB in black from Smartfonestore Tuesday afternoon
*On Wednesday I received an email saying that there was a small problem. They noticed damaged packaging when preparing to ship so could either send another as soon as one came back in to stock, or provide immediate refund.
*I replied via email saying that the phone will be a gift and is needed by end of next week as a birthday present. If they expect more stock within a few days then I am happy to wait, but otherwise I would request a refund.
*On Thursday Smartfonestone sent out a 256GB replacement item for the same price of the 128GB version I ordered.
*Phone has been received today (Friday) and is new as described.

I am a very happy customer. Sure, there was a problem with my order but they informed me immediately and rectified it quickly. They were also unreasonably generous in providing the higher capacity model without charge. My wife (who will become the owner) will never need 256GB, but it is nice of retailer to be so kind. I had never used them before, but given my first experience I will certainly use them again.
All comments (54)
3 Nov 16 #1
call quality on the 7 and 7+ are awful, muffled sound = terrible. I sent both of mine back to Apple store, I now use my iphone 6s and its great. Don't get me wrong its a good phone besides that.
naturelover to rhodyate
3 Nov 16 1 #2
Didn't you try the replacement iphone 7 out to see if you just had a bad batch phone?
rohanonny to rhodyate
3 Nov 16 1 #3
I have the 7 plus,and i have no Issues with the phones. Worth contacting apple about it.
3 Nov 16 #4
No I didn't because I had both the iphone 7 and iphone 7+ and they both had same problem,
3 Nov 16 1 #5
So... It's a nice phone unless you want to us know, make calls...
DonkeyKonk to rvcshart
3 Nov 16 2 #6
Or listen to music with your headphones...
3 Nov 16 #7
why cant you listen to music with your headphones? just wondering as was thinking about buying hubby an iPhone 7 for xmas
3 Nov 16 1 #8
I am guessing due to the fact that you mandatorily need Bluetooth headphones OR the lightning connector ones supplied by apple OR carry the lightning connector supplied in the box
3 Nov 16 #9
What are the terms for the phone to be linked to EE?
markymark34 to rohanp
3 Nov 16 #11
No terms. No contract. They sell returns so some are linked to a provider
3 Nov 16 1 #10
Thats fine as we both have bluetooth headphones
3 Nov 16 6 #12
You mandatorily need Bluetooth headphones do you? What a loads of crap! You get headphones in the box with a lightening connector and you also get a standard - lightening adaptor in the box.
3 Nov 16 5 #13
Did no one tell you, it isn't mandatory to spout nonsense on the internet. Especially incorrect nonsense.
3 Nov 16 1 #14
Agree, these phones come with a lightning to 3.5mm jack as standard.
3 Nov 16 #15
Returns? i thought the Phone was supposed to be new

Do I still get to use any Sim? Else how is it not locked?
3 Nov 16 #16
Noted the mistake. Comment corrected.
3 Nov 16 1 #17
Yeah they stated it incorrectly but it's still ridiculous you need to carry an adaptor to use the most commonly used connector for audio equipment on the planet. The idea is good but way too early to force adoption on the public. Another 5 years maybe. Stupid idea at this moment in time
3 Nov 16 #18
But in another 5 years people will probably be saying the same, too soon. There is no right time! The iPhone isn't the first phone to adopt this stance (Moto Z and Moto Z Force), yet it appears to be the end of the world because they have done it? I have used bluetooth headphones for some time, won't go back. So it is not an issue for me if my preferred manufacturer of smart phones (samsung, just in case you thought this was some apple fanboy or sheep - yawn) decided to ditch it. My car has bluetooth, I use bluetooth headphones, have a JBL bluetooth speaker in my bedrooom, and chromecast audio in the main living area. I have not used the port for quite some time, I can't imagine I am alone on this.
3 Nov 16 2 #19
Hello!!!!....Its £700 for a phone, £700. You hear that, £SEVEN HUNDRED POUNDS. You can buy a laptop, decent phone & holiday for that money. I really dont get this! If you work on national minimum wages, that 105 hours you have to work to get this, 2 and a half weeks. I would rather 2 and half weeks off work and no phone. Get Android, Apple has had its day!
KeanoLoL to cuslund
3 Nov 16 7 #22
You're an idiot.
sparklehedgehog to cuslund
3 Nov 16 1 #23
Wait a minute, I hope you don't drink or smoke or buy takeaways! I do none of the above yet I choose to test myself as my one luxury to a premium product that, for me, suits my needs.

It's all personal choice and I feel I have a product that for the amount of hours I use it per year equate to much better value for money than urinating expensive booze that is gone instantly or smoking cash into thin air

It's all relative
ktm666 to cuslund
3 Nov 16 1 #27
How is it different to you spending £639 on a graphics card to allow you to play games on your PC? Especially when you can get a used Xbox one or PS4 for cheaper. Horses for courses.
rdbradshaw to cuslund
9 Nov 16 1 #42
I saved up my staff tips for this I had enough after 8 months , no minimum wage needed
3 Nov 16 1 #20
It's the official I, Daniel Blake phone
crispylimbs to DonkeyKonk
5 Nov 16 #39
3 Nov 16 2 #21
No ear problem here!! All good on 7.
3 Nov 16 #24
I agree many people won't find it a problem but at the same time many will. I've not heard one person in the flesh say it's a better idea than having it still. What've you gained by losing it? Sod all. Better to have the option of using it than not. I'd be saying the same thing if android or Samsung etc were doing it too by the way. It's the concept I think is stupid.

My way everybody can use their headphones, your way only some can. And the gain is nothing.
3 Nov 16 #25
After getting an Oppo Find 7 for £110 anything above £150 seems ridiculous. Most folk change their phones every 2 years, yes Apple keep good residuals, but still a big loss. Samsung even bigger loss.

Got my daughtera BLU 5" off Amazon for £80 earlier this year and that is also brilliant.
3 Nov 16 1 #26
But you do have an option, included headphones that use the lightning/microUSB port dependent on device, or a dongle, not ideal, but not the end of the world. The gain for iphone in particular, was supposedly to get the waterproofing they wanted. Less routes of entry, including the physical home button. Plus it allowed them room for the new haptic engine, again, a marmite feature, but essential in helping achieve a more waterproof design. Personally, I would have preferred a larger battery, but that is a personal preference.
3 Nov 16 #28
Others have achieved waterproofing without losing the jack plus that haptic engine is awful move. The home button feels wrong now.

As for carrying a dongle, more connections to go wrong/lose/replace etc. Not gonna happen. This is the first time ever I've not upgraded as felt it wasn't worth it including the price increase. I always get the new iPhone. Not this time.

I agree about the battery increase, id rather have a 2mm thicker phone with a better battery life (especially since 10.1 iOS update too as my plus is now not even lasting a day for the first time ever! Mortified!)
3 Nov 16 1 #29
I thought exactly the same, but I just leave the adaptor plugged into my headphones. So it's actually made no difference to me.
3 Nov 16 1 #30
I was a massive apple fan, and was screaming for a bigger screened phone, when the 6 was released, I was almost euphoric, but the battery is woeful. I took a break away from iOS, ran the OPO for a while, then a G4(with a replaceable battery was brilliant), and now the S7 Edge. Unplugged at 7.45am, does me all day until I need to give it a top up mid/late evening, but most of the time I get to bed time without the need to charge. Take this morning as an example, been listening to the new audio book by Alan Partridge, via bluetooth, with occasional browsing and replying to messages, the phone is at 71% as I look at it now. I am happy with that! Until such a time that iPhones are at that level, I am happy with what I have :-)
3 Nov 16 #31
Too late, expired...
3 Nov 16 #32
Have a read through the info on the site. They do sell brand new ones but also returned ones that are graded in terms of condition.
If it was Vodafone returns then those phones will only accept a Vodafone sim card.
3 Nov 16 #33
Expired! Sold out
4 Nov 16 #34
There is 1 back in stock at the moment if anyone wants
4 Nov 16 3 #35
For anyone who is interested.

*I ordered an iPhone 7 128GB in black from Smartfonestore Tuesday afternoon
*On Wednesday I received an email saying that there was a small problem. They noticed damaged packaging when preparing to ship so could either send another as soon as one came back in to stock, or provide immediate refund.
*I replied via email saying that the phone will be a gift and is needed by end of next week as a birthday present. If they expect more stock within a few days then I am happy to wait, but otherwise I would request a refund.
*On Thursday Smartfonestone sent out a 256GB replacement item for the same price of the 128GB version I ordered.
*Phone has been received today (Friday) and is new as described.

I am a very happy customer. Sure, there was a problem with my order but they informed me immediately and rectified it quickly. They were also unreasonably generous in providing the higher capacity model without charge. My wife (who will become the owner) will never need 256GB, but it is nice of retailer to be so kind. I had never used them before, but given my first experience I will certainly use them again.
DonkeyKonk to Orville
4 Nov 16 #36
I think they are a quality place for second hand phones, I have had a few good grade B phones from them that have been like new to me.
4 Nov 16 #37
When they say B grade available for an iPhone 7 does this simply mean a used phone or refurbished because as i understand it the iPhone 7 is fairly new and thus if it was returned after being used then was something wrong with it?
4 Nov 16 #38
By the time you factor in a monthly SIM it is probably more costly than cheaper than say
Your text here
plewis00 to n3m3s1s
10 Nov 16 #47
It just isn't but the fact is most people who can't afford one will want it anyway so will have no choice but to pay for it in installments on a monthly plan.
9 Nov 16 #40
9 Nov 16 #41
This is a steaaaal, no brainer! Worth a bite at this price :smile:
10 Nov 16 #43
Is there a way to charge your phone, and listen to it at the same time, if you do not have bluetooth headphones?

I have a great set, but they are corded.
rev6 to mikeypr
10 Nov 16 #45
10 Nov 16 #44
I was too late... LOL
n3m3s1s to smjung0323
11 Nov 16 #52
cheaper here
Your text here
10 Nov 16 #46
very nice,I like it
10 Nov 16 #48
Still your income and worked hard to get tips for 8 MONTHS then to give them all straight to APPLE!
10 Nov 16 #49
Actually it was a grand over 12 months and yup strait to apple god bless America
10 Nov 16 #50
Hope you paid tax and national insurance on that extra grand you earned!!!! Theres no such thing as tips, its all income! Thats £300 tax to HMRC and £700 to Apple! Hmmmm, think of better ways to spend £1000
11 Nov 16 #51
?. This deal is £700 - then add on bare minimum £5/month SIM for real budget level mins/texts/data so £120 for 24 months = £820 minimum useage
How does that even come close to
Your phone here
11 Nov 16 #53
You've just totalled it up as £820; that other deal is £863 and the phone is only 32GB, how is that remotely comparable?
11 Nov 16 #54
£700 for a phone that will do nothing that a Huawei P9 won't. I guess you pay for the iOS mainly. Each to their own I guess.
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