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Hisense H65M7000 4K UHD TV NOW £1,029.00 @ Crampton and Moore! 9/10 review by AVFORUMS
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23 Nov 16
Hisense are not to be ignored, this set, currently the top end has had a very good review by AVFORUMS a trusted and respected reviewer. They are pretty thorough. For the price you will not get better and even beats likes of Samsung at many things. One not to be ignored. 65" for now (BT were cheapest at £1128) £1029!! and from Crampton and Moore!
Latest comments (49)
11 Dec 16 #49
Got John Lewis to price match Crampton & Moore, then got Richer Sounds to price match John Lewis' price match and they did it. Actually because I am a new customer for them they offered £1020 with next day delivery:

TV is awesome, installed it on a moving wall mount.
8 Dec 16 1 #48
Thanks for the info, they price matched Cramptons for me also. Happy days.
5 Dec 16 #47
​Yes I know that, but they won't match anything else. My JL price was already a price match so the said they can't match a price match which I can understand.
5 Dec 16 #46
Just to let you know they have always price matched/beat TVs with 5 year guarantees., They can't refuse 5 year warranties as that's the highest you get from any retailer apart from them.

I myself got the 50 inch KS7000 from RSounds for £759! Absolute steal as the TV has gone back up to £900-999. :smiley:
3 Dec 16 #45
Bought one from RicherSounds for £1099.
1 Dec 16 1 #44
​No JL price matched the crampon deal no problem.

I don't get all the people talking about richer sounds price match, it's garbage. They wont unless it asks had a 6 year warranty. The problem is that nobody give a 6 year warranty which they know hence richer sounds do not have a price match and are a waste of time.

John Lewis ftw!
1 Dec 16 #43
Hi, did you buy online with JL? They have agreed to price matched Richer Sounds for me but suspect they might say no to this deal as the warranty is only 2 years at Crampton and Moore. Thanks
29 Nov 16 #42
just had this price matched by john lewis @ £1029 with 5 year warranty..........
richer sounds refused to price match (as usual) because it didnt have a 6 year warranty :confused:

i see many people getting price matches from them but in manchester they just point blank refuse.......and for the sake of a few pounds lose a sale :wink:
25 Nov 16 2 #41
With the recent influx of high spec, high quality TV sets Hisense are churning out at a fraction of the price of the it's competition it has sprung the usual tech fan boy hatred from the clowns who spent over twice the price for a "branded" product thats barely any better. The cycle continues
25 Nov 16 #40
£100 cheaper over at Amazon on Prim, for anyone interested.
24 Nov 16 #37
Dude i read the reviews all the time and who says i havent calibrated my TVs, in my experience, the Panasonic is the much better TV, smart system has actual HDR apps, the screen is twice as bright and the actual picture quality is better.

You just sound like some bitter fan boy.
dudeonline to waynebeetison
24 Nov 16 #39
Not at all I own a 55" Panasonic plasma vt30 series still stunning picture. For the money the review said you can't get better that's the key point. The review overall was a 9 and avforums don't just give out 9s. It's about personal likes too. What one person finds important the next doesn't.
24 Nov 16 2 #38
10bit panel. 8bit board dithered to 10bit.
my eyes can't tell.
oh and reds did look orange at first. tweaked a little and now it's great.
24 Nov 16 #36
No TV is perfect straight out of the box. Look at the AVFORUMS reviews and you'll see they calibrate to get the most out of the TV and this TV was no different to other brands they review, yes some may be better out of the box, but if others aren't it doesn't mean they are 'worse' sets. Do your research.
24 Nov 16 1 #35
Returned ours as the colours are off, orange not red and got a panasonic 750, much better tv and twice as bright which made a big difference on HDR, better colour accuracy and a smart system with HDR apps, also had alot of bamding on football on both the Hisense we had, was £100 more but overall much better.
24 Nov 16 #34
The Hisense model in USA (7000) is the same as the one in Europe. 8 Bit
24 Nov 16 #33
The general consensus is that displayspecs is wrong on this and this has been confirmed 10bit
24 Nov 16 #32
Now I get this has legs either side of the TV make sure the unitt is atleast 120 to 130cm wide. I don't get the design trend tbh it is inconvenient to most
23 Nov 16 #27
Out of interest, if you preferred to buy from richer sounds or John Lewis if they priced match.

Who would you buy from?

Do richer sounds have good customer services with there warranty if there is a fault?
morrig to minty72
23 Nov 16 #28
JL then Richer both excellent though.
Amazon nearly price matching +99p more...
Sir_Deadpool_of_Awesome to minty72
23 Nov 16 #29
I'd generally prefer the support of a bigger company over a smaller outlet but in this case richer sounds have a pretty good aftercare rep and they offer a 6 year warranty, over JLs 5.
boogie to minty72
24 Nov 16 1 #31
RS all day long.
SHOULD anything go wrong they loan you a telly whilst yours is not working, and they are deciding on the course of action for your set(fix/replace).
And it's six vs five years(JL) for the warranty period.
23 Nov 16 #30
Tv unit
23 Nov 16 #26
See Above!
23 Nov 16 #25
AVForums Review says it's a 10 bit panel at the bottom, they wrong?
23 Nov 16 #24
23 Nov 16 2 #23
No need to be an ass about it. please show proof his ”facts” are wrong?.

Avforums saying its 10bit,
Hukd Kenny McCormick says 8bit?

I know who I trust!
23 Nov 16 2 #14
so impressed to hear Hisense are mapping content at 1000 nits correctly, now I do feel they've missed a trick though - if they'd have used 120 zone FALD tech (like they did with the K720 that was about the same price) and maybe just used one of those 550 nit panels (instead of 1000 ni) they would of had an undeniable smash hit

that aside though we have HDMI 2.0a ports and a true 10 bit panel not to mention Hisense's 2 year warranty. If I was in the market for an LCD TV it would be this or a second hand 58" DX902 (£1499), can't go wrong with either really
mcormack to wifi300usb
23 Nov 16 #22
It's 8 Bit, get your facts right.
23 Nov 16 2 #21
Great looking telly, and currently on my watchlist over Black Friday, but it's worth noting Richer Sounds have this for just an extra 20 odd notes and it's got the 6 year warranty included, if you prefer a less quibble repair process.
23 Nov 16 #16
Ideas for a stand?
amb47uk to millward84
23 Nov 16 2 #20
Use the one included in the box?
23 Nov 16 #18
Out of interest how / why is this better than the Hisense 65M5500 which is a lot cheaper and has HDR via firmware upgrade?
malachi to SpamJavelin
23 Nov 16 #19
I suppose the cheaper model has software HDR and this model has hardware HDR, which is know as "true/proper" HDR 10bit.
23 Nov 16 #17
fantastic TV, got it from BT shop a few months ago.
23 Nov 16 #15
23 Nov 16 #5
I wish I could see one in action. The 300 peak brightness worries me though. Think I'd rather pay a bit more for a Samsung 7000. Or a lot less for an m3300 and accept I'm getting a budget tv.
Jaybeam to benjam1n
23 Nov 16 #10
Respectfully have a look at the review owners threads on avforums before buying a Samsung 7000. I was about to pull the trigger on the 55" until I read the threads. Real hit and miss if you get a half decent one some people have even had to exchange three because of bad q/c personally I would not put up with that.
pannan to benjam1n
23 Nov 16 1 #13
​So no hdr. Quite pricey for the features then
23 Nov 16 2 #12
went for the 55M7000 version, Amazon is doing it for £649.99 daily deal
23 Nov 16 1 #11
Own the 65k 720 and the 75M900 hisense
And for price, picture quality and gaming there both excellent
Black's are great and the colors really pop especially on the 75m7 900
Great buy heatYour text here
23 Nov 16 #9
@carloroberts1 not sure, get in touch with BT. I would say this.. The SOG act states 6 years now for TVs although you have to prove the fault. I have certainly managed to get repairs done under this for my Panasonic out of warranty. Purchase with a credit card (not paypal) for extra weight behind you.
23 Nov 16 1 #8
what warranty does it come with?
23 Nov 16 1 #7
Native blacks were better than Samsung so much so there was the suggestion you could leave local dimming off if you wanted, when on, blacks were superb.
23 Nov 16 #6
@benjam1n - yes the brightness came up, but even considering that, against the Samsung the advice was the Hisense was still probably the better bet.
23 Nov 16 #4
Trustedreviews gave 8/10 another great result.. When Samsung was in it's infancy it was seen as a cheap brand. Look where they are now..
23 Nov 16 #3
@jaybeam yeah agreed!
23 Nov 16 #1
Jaybeam to dudeonline
23 Nov 16 1 #2
Yeh read that yesterday looks like Samsung and Sony are going to have to up the ante many on avforums are looking at getting this instead of Samsung 7000 series!
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