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Opening post
9 Nov 16
Already posted here (but expired)

and all credit goes to original poster. Just re-posting as that post has expired but the deal is still available.

details from original post

Yes. balance transfers to clear other credit cards can be found cheaper but this deals lets you transfers cash straight into your bank effective free loan for a nominal initial fee of 1.69% which works out at only 0.63% PA initially!!!

Now this Virgin money offer can be treated as effectively a mega cheap loan.

You can borrow £1,000.00 for £16.90 for 32m (so averages a very low £6.34 per year or 0.63%)

You can borrow £5,000.00 for £84.50 for 32m (so averages a very low £31.17 per year or 0.63%)

You can borrow £10,000.00 for £169 for 32m (so averages a very low £63.38 per year or 0.63%)

**** Loan period depends upon the amount you are borrowing ***
Top comments
kroe9 to emlin
9 Nov 16 15 #2
​Well you transfer money into your bank
account, and then go to bank and draw out the cash... soooo.
9 Nov 16 5 #6
Better off getting a standard balance transfer card (e.g ) and then transferring whatever balance you want to another card you don't owe anything on. Then speak to that card company and have them transfer your credit balance to your current account (as you can't be in credit on a credit card)

Always works and get much better fees. Above link is 0.63% rather than the 1.69% of this deal. An extra 5 mins work but worth it if you are after the best possible deal.
9 Nov 16 3 #10
Remember not to apply with virgin money if you've already applied in the past six months.... automatic decline and footprint registered on credit file. Virgin only allow you one application every six months.
All comments (48)
9 Nov 16 #1
You can't get cash with this. The title is misleading.
kroe9 to emlin
9 Nov 16 15 #2
​Well you transfer money into your bank
account, and then go to bank and draw out the cash... soooo.
zippypants to emlin
9 Nov 16 2 #3
Yes you can that's why its called a money transfer card, it get paid direct into your bank account
That's always been cash to me maybe you know different?
Deal_HUNT3R to emlin
10 Nov 16 #26
Of course you can. Sigh.
9 Nov 16 1 #4
No fee to transfer this money to a normal account?

Am I right in thinking you could use this to overpay mortgage then repay this meaning less interest?
Preying_Eyes to fishleg003
9 Nov 16 #5
Apparently, yes
Dealmaker to fishleg003
10 Nov 16 #13
I like this idea too. If you use the money saved keeping the same payments you'll chip more off that mortgage. Obviously in 3 years we need to find the lolly to payback the initial sum.
purplevimto to fishleg003
13 Nov 16 #38
​That's exactly what I've done. Overpaid £5000 on the mortgage and now paying the CC off. Will apply for a money transfer again once I've paid this CC off. Should save thousands in interest.
9 Nov 16 5 #6
Better off getting a standard balance transfer card (e.g ) and then transferring whatever balance you want to another card you don't owe anything on. Then speak to that card company and have them transfer your credit balance to your current account (as you can't be in credit on a credit card)

Always works and get much better fees. Above link is 0.63% rather than the 1.69% of this deal. An extra 5 mins work but worth it if you are after the best possible deal.
9 Nov 16 #7
good points raised here thanks helpful
9 Nov 16 2 #8
I think you'll find the total cost to borrow £1,000 is £1,016.90 not just £16.90 as you've put. You do have to pay the principle back as well you know.
smellyonion to majortom
10 Nov 16 #15
No, "borrow" implies that the original amount is to be repaid back. You suggesting that the cost to borrow 1000 is 1016 implies that you pay 2016....
ibblackberry1 to majortom
10 Nov 16 #21
But that's not the cost of borrowing. That cost is the interest etc, the capital is just the capital.
howarth3 to majortom
10 Nov 16 1 #28
Incorrect. The cost of borrowing £1000 is £16.90. The total repayment is £1016.90.
9 Nov 16 #9
What would be the timescale from application to money hitting your bank?
afc4eva to tanelpadar
10 Nov 16 1 #19
I think about 2 weeks
purplevimto to tanelpadar
13 Nov 16 #39
​Within three days.
9 Nov 16 3 #10
Remember not to apply with virgin money if you've already applied in the past six months.... automatic decline and footprint registered on credit file. Virgin only allow you one application every six months.
10 Nov 16 #11
I don't get it, £10k for £169 a month for 32 months means ul only pay back around £5400. What about the rest?
tomdavidrichards to futura
10 Nov 16 #12
No the interest on 10k would be £169 in total
10 Nov 16 #14
If you already have a virgin card can you apply for another?
10 Nov 16 #16
is it new card holders? About to buy a new car and was thinking of a money transfer card for this very reason.
10 Nov 16 #17
Is this to transfer an existing debt on current card to a new card with a lower rate of interest? I want to buy a conservatory, if I pay the balance on my existing card and then transfer, I pay the low rate over 32 months. What if Barclays will not allow me the limit required?
10 Nov 16 #18
I did this the first time around, I think it took about 2 weeks but did have to send proof of I.D/address which was a bank statement/copy of driving licence. I asked for £10,000 received £6900 credit but £6550 cash transferred to my account. The loan cost me £110 to get for 32 months. The idea was to pay off my car but the interest is so low it wasn't worth it. So I have put it in a few high interest bank accounts to make money instead. By January (this started in August) I would have made the £110 in interest it cost me to take out the loan but the banks have cut some of the interest rates on these accounts so that will now take longer if you tried it from the new year but the loan will be making me money from January and I have £6550 sat in the bank just in case. Be aware you do pay back 1% a month so my monthly payments are £65. Definitely worth doing in my opinion even if it is just to have it there if you need it (as long as you have restraint)
benlondon to afc4eva
11 Nov 16 #36
​I wouldn't say it is definitely worth doing just to have £10k sitting in your bank account in case anything happens, that is quite poor financial advice
10 Nov 16 #20
You can do as you suggest but my example was a way to get the funds to take as cash/in your bank account.

Apply for the card I card I linked.

Do a balance transfer from the new card you applied for whatever amount you want to an old card you have that you don't owe anything on.

Then the old card will now be in credit by whatever you transferred. Call that card provider and say you have accidentally put it in credit and ask them to transfer you back the money to your current account. They'll happily do it as they shouldn't have credit balances.

You end up with that money sat in your bank account that cost a much lower fee than any of the transfer to bank cards.
10 Nov 16 #22
you can only transfer 90%of your available balance over
10 Nov 16 #23
Completely agree with this. I have done this many times.
10 Nov 16 #24
Great for anyone trying to clear debt. Rubbish for people who can't manage their personal finances and will just end up in more serious debt. Not one for me.
10 Nov 16 #25
Did exactly this several months ago - got the card within a week and transfer was activated before I received the card this is far easier and quicker than transferring balances and you have complete control of payments as they are taken from your bank.
purplevimto to Pipcola
13 Nov 16 #41
​Same here. Got the money in my account before I got the card. I swiftly overpaid the mortgage before I could even get a whiff of the money!
10 Nov 16 #27
"0% for 32 months on money transfers made in the first 60 days of account opening (3.50% fee)"

Sorry I only have 1 credit card so I don't know much about handling fees, can someone please explain the 3.50% fee?
jenci28 to iLikeDiscount
10 Nov 16 #30
Check the previous (expired) post:

"Please note 3.5% fee taken straight away and thern difference refunded within 2 weeks to bring it down to 1.69%"
10 Nov 16 #29
is this for new applicants only?
10 Nov 16 #31
Can you do a balance transfer from the new card to the old with Barclays online banking?
10 Nov 16 #32
Please excuse my ignorance but have never had a credit card before. I need to pay off my kitchen finance (£8.5k) in next 3 months before it puts me on a high interest rate. If I take out £8.5k on the credit card is there a minimum repayment per month? I'm due to get a vat refund soon which would pay it off so presumably I could clear the balance at any point when that comes in?
tomdavidrichards to mjc23
10 Nov 16 #33
No minimum payment or interest aslong its paid off before the 30 month although don't know the limit you will be given
10 Nov 16 #34
You have to pay 1% back a month minimum payment
10 Nov 16 #35
On Barclaycard online or through the barclays app I would say yes.
13 Nov 16 #37
I think this is why we have so many people in trouble with debt - they try to forget about the capital, just as you have .... the capital repayment is part of the cost of borrowing and should always be thought of as such
13 Nov 16 #40
​I set up a DD debit to the credit card so that in three years time it's all paid off.
14 Nov 16 #42
Got the confirmation email yesterday and said I'll get a follow up email with details. haven't heard anything yet though, how long did you guys wait for second email to come through?
14 Nov 16 #43
I dnt understand bank money can somebody explanation plz it's me I av to pay only £16 for 32 months if I borrow 1000 right?
chrisgunn123 to lindajane102361
15 Nov 16 #45

You pay back £1016 at the end of 32 months. Not just £16.
How it's explained above is that you transfer £1000 to your current account at a transfer fee of 1.6%. Then for 32 months you have the balance of £1016 at 0% interest. As long as you pay up your credit card before the end of 32 months. Then you won't be charged any extra. Making it a grand total of borrowing £1000 for £1016 over 32 months.
14 Nov 16 #44
Sorry but you're incorrect. The capital isn't a cost.....

1) ''When companies borrow funds from outside lenders, the interest paid on these funds is called the cost of debt''

2) ''The main thing to consider before borrowing money is how much it will cost for you to pay it back. The true cost is the amount you are charged on top of the capital amount of the loan; such as the interest rate and additional fees. This will differ depending on your type of credit: Credit card, bank, a short term loan, family or friends''
8 Dec 16 #46
They wouldn't do it for me I transferred the money and they would only put it back onto the original credit card which is the Barclay Card . Don't try this way "
9 Dec 16 #47
Hi, to those who are waiting on confirmation. They currently have a huge back log. I applied 21st November and only just got a response and acceptance email.
12 Jan 17 #48
Now went up to-1.99% fee
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