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24 Nov 16
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Choose a free 32" LG TV or Lenovo laptop

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Choose a free 43" 4k Ultra HD LG TV or an Xbox One S

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Sky network areas only. New Sky Broadband, Talk and line rental customers joining without Sky TV only. 12 months minimum contract. Separate contracts for Broadband & Talk. Prices may go up during your contract. See below for further terms.
Top comments
24 Nov 16 3 #4
Sky never do offers for long term loyal customers, been with them for 11 years and had to start cancelling sky packages since they kept getting expensive and raised my monthly price up to £101 but at least I got it down to £70. It's still not good enough, we don't even get the new box despite paying higher price, and new people only have to pay £13 for 12 months with all packages to get the new box, like wtf. :confused::disappointed:
Latest comments (30)
27 Nov 16 #30
I left sky about week and half ago and also left bt (internet) same time to join with now tv as their combo deal was bang on for the money (i was saving around £40pm) and with their new smart boxes its all I needed. BUT what I failed to realise is I didn't have an outdoor aerial so that was another cost on top. So I've cancelled now tv, rung bt and said I wanna stay and then I saw sky's black friday deals with this tv my eyes lit up, I had the free tv off them last year too. Problem is I want to be able to record its just easy. So I just signed up on my girlfriends name jobs a good'un. Yeah they are a rip off but its them, virgin or bt they're all **** in their own ways and costly but i've always found sky tv better than the others their UI is clean and simple.
27 Nov 16 #29
It was an unsolicited email from them - I have it in writing. I'd post a photo if I could ever work out how to do it lol
26 Nov 16 #28
Sky are ****, they're getting desperate now they don't have many big football games
26 Nov 16 #27
i would double check the 5 years bit, personally i went back to them with 60%off everything and promised no contract and 60% off for life. so went thru with it 12 months later it shot up to £93 a month. when i phoned up and complained and threaten to leave and explain the deal i was told on the phone they said that was impossible as all offers/deals are only ever vaild for 12 months and is stated in there terms and conditions which the sent a copy to me by email.

i hope im wrong but i think you may have just been fleeced.

i voted with my feet dumped them went with nowtv and lost 1 channel i watched but total cost a month for telly phone and bb £35 including line rental. i have also recently just got prime with amazon and fire tv for £59 for the year so works out £4.91 a month not including hardware to watch. so in all £40 a month alot cheaper than sky overall. best move i ever made :smile:
26 Nov 16 #26
Thank you for your help emon13, teabags36 and Dr. Bawbag. I did try to to cancel via online and as we will be moving early next year I let them know that we were looking at our other options like Virgin and BT - I just didn't seem to have any luck. Thanks again :smiley:
26 Nov 16 #25
I had non virgin sales calls from the very day I was connected. I had them change my number after I questioned how anyone but them had my number.
I have at least one call a week from them 'reviewing my services' and then trying to sell me stuff. I have letters most weeks trying to sell me mobile phones and emails too.
I have never once bought or upgraded anything.
I can only assume then that like you say, they fancy me. And I can hardly blame them for that!
26 Nov 16 #24
I have had about 2 calls from Virgin in 4 years. They must fancy you or you are gullible
26 Nov 16 #23
log into your online account as there should be a deal there,also you may have unintentionally opted out of media contact so sky cant contact or hassle you,if sky know you will pay over the odds its unlikely you would be considered for any great offers. Sky cant be beat for tv thats FACT and there fibre is better than BT despite using bt infrastructure. When your deals up with BT cancel and get a better deal elsewhere then the next year do the same with chosen provider . i do this every year and always get cashback and at least 60% off. At present i pay £59 for all skys channels in HD and 78mb fibre pro and phone,its higher than i like because i only got 60% of tv this year but the fibre is great price compared to others for that price.
26 Nov 16 #14
Hi everyone, I've cancelled my Sky as no luck with any deals - they were snotty when I tried to make one to stay. Actually though, the black Friday deals are better, so my partners decided to sign up in his name, but its not working/saying we are a household and such so that we can't complete the order. Does anyone have a work around for that? Thanks :smiley:
Dr_Bawbag to Penny74
26 Nov 16 #16
Wouldn't worry, they'll call you up in a few days. I'm assuming you still have a period of your current month to run ? If so, hold fire and they'll call you up. I'm also assuming you did it incorrectly. They must know people just call up to cancel and don't really want to leave. Say you've just signed up with BT and are looking to either cancel your current sky package or downgrade it to the very basic depending on what the basic package costs. If the basic is too expensive you're just looking to cancel.
teabag36 to Penny74
26 Nov 16 1 #18
ive done this around 5 years now currently my partner has it in her name her deal was 60 percent off and £125 bill credit which makes our bill around £7 a month for family bundle, now we normally get a small amount of questions when we rejoin like i see you have sky in that house we always say its the lodger lol then they say so its not your partner no we say weve split up.

its best to do it on online chat i find it harder to lie on the phone speaking to someone, in the last 5 years weve never had worse than 60 percent off and my partner is about 6 months in her contract so ive been out of mine same time and ive had an offer by email recently to come back 75 percent off.
emon13 to Penny74
26 Nov 16 #22
We had this situation, my brother cancelled his contract and I got that Sky Q multiroom deal for £42 p/m. I first spoke to live chat who said that I can't do it online because the system recognises my brother having Sky and it does not acknowledge that he's cancelling. I was then referred to speak to someone on the phone and he was like "No you cannot do this otherwise other people will do this bla bla bla" I ended the call and tried again. The next speaker confirmed my order within 10 minutes, no questions asked.
26 Nov 16 #17
get an openbox. no need for sky
chopp3rr3ad to juliandean12
26 Nov 16 #21
​openbox are crap well better boxes out there eg zgemma
26 Nov 16 #20
£50 a month :confused:
26 Nov 16 #19
Was with them for around 20+ years. Paying full price for TV and net and when I phoned to leave or get price lowered they didn't offer squat apart from remove some channels like movies or sports to lower price. I did do this to lower the price and took a new contract to get hd and a box that could record.
After that was up I went to leave again and go to BT for 72mb internet and Sky just said you don't need that speed. Just stay with us and our slower net for roughly the same price as BT were giving me for the faster package so i told them I just wanted to cancel everything and would take BT Youview and fibre net.
Never once did they phone to offer me anything better.
26 Nov 16 1 #15
As mentioned by others above, the trick with Sky is to call up and cancel. SKY are notoriously difficult to leave and that reason is because they will throw every offer at you under the sun. Got so ridiculous about 3 years ago that I walked away with the full sky package for £25 for the full year. Don't call them up to ask for a deal, get put through to their cancellation dept as they're the ones that will offer you the best deals.
26 Nov 16 #13
Does anyone know what the model number of the 4k tv is?
24 Nov 16 3 #4
Sky never do offers for long term loyal customers, been with them for 11 years and had to start cancelling sky packages since they kept getting expensive and raised my monthly price up to £101 but at least I got it down to £70. It's still not good enough, we don't even get the new box despite paying higher price, and new people only have to pay £13 for 12 months with all packages to get the new box, like wtf. :confused::disappointed:
focux007 to Inyxzee
24 Nov 16 2 #5
​I've been told to cancel and take a new offer out in partners name. alternatively I cancelled and the offers got better better and better until they offered FREE lol!! you just gotta be ready to go without for a while so maybe wait until after xmas :smiley:
nuttyginger to Inyxzee
26 Nov 16 #12
I just had an email from them offering me my current package (50% off no contract tie in) for the next 5 years. They clearly worked out the admin costs in me threatening to cancel every year and figured this would be cheaper
26 Nov 16 #11
do we know exact model of tv?
25 Nov 16 1 #10
i hate sky. crap!
24 Nov 16 #9
Your nuts!1 11 years paying mad prices and accepting it without leaving,you deserve to be ripped off for that.
LEAVE AND WATCH WHAT HAPPENS,over 10 years with sky and most i pay for full package in was £35 at worst and £20 at best in HD
24 Nov 16 #2
already posted
nexus76 to julieallen
24 Nov 16 #8
been using sky for over a decade with deals and never once been hassled and even if you was just turn of marketing in your account.
24 Nov 16 1 #7
I do this every year. Works a treat. 70% off for 3 years running now.
24 Nov 16 1 #6
​I'm with virgin hassle at all...never had a sales call.. just a couple of emails a fine with that.
24 Nov 16 #1
They will then hassle you every day for the rest of your life trying to get you to add this and add that and try this and buy that....relentless pressure selling....Once they get their hooks into you, you are doomed.....
fireman1 to PLANKT0N0
24 Nov 16 #3
You have obviously never had virgin. Emails, phone calls, junk mail from he day you join forever more.
nuisance phone calls all the time from your phone provider is classic.
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