Seems good for Bt broadband customers. 12X8-40-49.5 = £6.5 total for 12 months
Topcashback is offering £58.50, much better than Quidco, plus their website is up and running
- Sweetcorn12
Top comments
Common Sense
22 Nov 1613#22
Because they can all speak English and tend to be graduates. If you speak correct English, they understand very well. I would say their standard of spoken English is far better than many British people and would score higher marks than the average British person in GCSE English. They are constrained by what they are allowed to do.
But, compared to TalkTalk, their chat responses are very slow. I suspect they handle multiple chats at one time.
Before insulting Indians, consider how many "thick" British people say "I do not know nothing" or think the 8th letter of the alphabet is "haitch" as opposed to "aitch". They cannot even speak their own language correctly and then insult others. It's comical.
22 Nov 1610#2
For Christ sake, why can't you be bothered to put FOR BT CUSTOMERS ONLY in the title instead of wasting a minute of my life opening and reading a deal that interests me, only to find its availability is to a limited few.
Good deal, yet I'm tempted to vote negative but won't cus I'm a gentleman!
jymufc to Quids
22 Nov 164#6
probably due to the deal being from one of the worst companys in the world for customer service i would imagine.
22 Nov 163#5
Limited few?? The UKs largest provider, may not be the best, but to be honest they are all as bad as each other.
All comments (62)
22 Nov 16#1
Hot from me. seems a good deal. why the cold votes?
jymufc to Quids
22 Nov 164#6
probably due to the deal being from one of the worst companys in the world for customer service i would imagine.
Common Sense to Quids
22 Nov 161#17
Because some people think the previous deals were better and effectively were free.
Eg unlimited mins and texts, 500MB data or 4GB data, 500 mins, unlimited texts were all profit making deals if Quidco or TCB pays.
Compared to yesterday, this is a poor deal.
22 Nov 1610#2
For Christ sake, why can't you be bothered to put FOR BT CUSTOMERS ONLY in the title instead of wasting a minute of my life opening and reading a deal that interests me, only to find its availability is to a limited few.
Good deal, yet I'm tempted to vote negative but won't cus I'm a gentleman!
dijital to tyke
22 Nov 162#10
I completely agree, it makes me soo angry when people do that GRRRRAAAAAAGGGGGHHH!!!!
Or maybe, chill out love.
agnostic to tyke
22 Nov 16#11
A full minute? That's **** terrible.
siadwel to tyke
24 Nov 16#56
Perhaps you could put some deals up yourself to show the OP where they're going wrong :wink:
22 Nov 16#3
I did this last year, going to order another sim and do the same thing :-)
22 Nov 16#4
I was just looking at this as realized old deal had finished only any good for BT households or friends of BT households !
The £5 per month is no where near as good now as it was unlimited text and mins.
However the £15 / month for 20Gb unlimited mins and unlimited text looks good with the 49.50 Quidco and £80 Amazon voucher
Cost £180 - 49.50 - 80 =50.5 / 12 = £4.20 / month
Not as good as the £8 a month detailed but if you need more data and talk time doubt it can be beaten.
Sambat to zeberdys
22 Nov 16#44
Good luck getting the Amazon vouchers, they owe me two, and no luck so far!
22 Nov 163#5
Limited few?? The UKs largest provider, may not be the best, but to be honest they are all as bad as each other.
22 Nov 16#7
Just upgraded my existing SIM from 4gb to 3gb (never use 4GB) saves me £2 a month and the possibility of a voucher too handy harry thanks very much.
22 Nov 16#8
Does anyone know if you can you get the vouchers/quidco for multiple SIMs? I would like to get 3 SIMs.
Salaman to smileyboy
22 Nov 161#15
No reason why not - I've just ordered 4 sims over the weekend using different usernames on the same 'broadband' address. As mentioned none have tracked on Quidco/Topcashback (used 2 on each) but I am expecting to get 4 amazon vouchers.
Regarding the amazon vouchers:-
You need to activate your sim and wait two weeks before you can apply for it (to avoid returns). It then will take 'up to 45 days' to receive it, so don't expect to have it by Xmas.
apjashley1 to smileyboy
22 Nov 16#41
Have a look at the Family plans, IIRC extra SIMs are half price
22 Nov 16#9
Just spoke with BT hoping to get my plan reduced by £1 a month and they said the offer is for new customers only.
Stuck on £16 a month for 20GB data although they did say I can get double speed 4G for free... not sure if thats an offer for all customers or just me.
22 Nov 16#12
No Quidco tracking for me either. Let's see if the Amazon voucher actually turns up
22 Nov 16#13
its the excitement followed by the disappointment though
22 Nov 16#14
Don't forget that you have to claim the amazon voucher once the SIM is active. They say 'up to 45 days' for delivery and mine actually took slightly longer. But it did arrive.
22 Nov 16#16
I dont have bt at home, but i have it at work. Will that work?
EDIT: It wont, chat comfirmed
22 Nov 16#18
Yesterday the deals were
1) 500 mins, unlimited texts, 500mb data for £5 per month. Worked out to £19.50 profit over the year after cashback/vouchers
2) 500 mins, unlimited texts, 4GB data for £10 per month. After £60 voucher and £49.50 TCB worked out to a little under £1 per month.
Based on deal 2 (if you are happy to pay 50p or so per month for an extra GB data) I wouldn't bite and keep a close eye on deals this weekend. BT are notorious for fiddling with vouchers/tariff etc.
Common Sense to SuperSai18
22 Nov 16#21
A few days ago the deal for 2 was
SIMO 2GB Plan (doubled to 4GB)
£10 for 500 min calls, 2GB (4GB now) of data and unlimited texts (£15 if you are not in a BT household until 28th April). Plus get an up £60 Amazon voucher and £65 cashback from TCB.
BT broadband customers. £10 x 12 = £120.
£65 cashback and £60 Amazon = £125
£5 Profit.
So this is now a poor deal.
22 Nov 16#19
So true, they are still using Indian call centres. Most the staff don't understand English and they have no customer service skills whatsoever. I do not know how BT can get away with it.
22 Nov 16#20
Good luck with Quidco. They (BT) have screwed me over twice for both mobile and broadband contracts. If you don't believe me just look at all the one star reviews on Quidco. I'm cancelling when my year is up and will not be going anywhere near BT again.
Common Sense
22 Nov 1613#22
Because they can all speak English and tend to be graduates. If you speak correct English, they understand very well. I would say their standard of spoken English is far better than many British people and would score higher marks than the average British person in GCSE English. They are constrained by what they are allowed to do.
But, compared to TalkTalk, their chat responses are very slow. I suspect they handle multiple chats at one time.
Before insulting Indians, consider how many "thick" British people say "I do not know nothing" or think the 8th letter of the alphabet is "haitch" as opposed to "aitch". They cannot even speak their own language correctly and then insult others. It's comical.
22 Nov 16#23
Fair enough in which case then yes it's not the greatest deal but relatively speaking (50p a month for 4gb internet) it is still better than most deals available so for that reason I won't vote it cold.
I didn't know TCB/Quidco tracked at £60; if they did then that would be brilliant but I've heard instances where the cashback did not track. We should really therefore be quoting these prices net of the Amazon voucher only and consider any cashback a bonus.
22 Nov 162#24
*Sigh* This is why this once great nation is in such a mess. It's ironic as they are probably more qualified than you and all the other racists.
If you speak proper English then you will have no problems whatsoever communicating with them (I've never had a problem and find it admirable their quality of English which is their 2nd or sometimes even 3rd language is so good). They may have difficulties understanding people with strong accents but then again so do I.
Complain about poor customer service or whatever else don't blame their ethnicity. Besides, most people only remember the negative incidents and not the numerous positive encounters with 'Indian call centres'.
Common Sense
22 Nov 162#25
Quidco did not offer £65 . TCB did for only a short period. It then changed. I posted it on another thread.
The Black Friday deals are worse than yesterday. Quidco was £49.50 and I confirmed with Qudico on a chat and kept the transcript. I think BT have an issue with tracking and may not pay up.
None of my purchases tracked on Quidco and I had to raise claims.
By broadband purchase states I am not entitled to a Mastercard cashback, yet BT confimed I am. I complained. I am not impressed with BT so far! If my cashback claims and Mastercard are not paid I will be annoyed.
22 Nov 16#26
You have every right to feel aggrieved. You have all the evidence anyway so hopefully it should be straightforward in claiming what you are owed. Yes I've read that BT have issues tracking in the past which is why I am mentally considering this deal without it!
22 Nov 16#27
Edit - Not racist, no time to take you off your high horse.
22 Nov 16#28
Hot from me.. does anyone knows when will they start charging the monthly fee? My O2 contract ends in January.. wondering if i can wait unitl December.
22 Nov 16#29
Never received amazon voucher for last 3 of my orders
22 Nov 16#30
Good luck. Everything of mine tracked but BT still refused to pay out. Down over £200. Complains procedure with BT is useless - Call centre just emails back standard replies. My next step is using snail mail to the head office in the UK.
Common Sense
22 Nov 16#31
What was the reason for refusal to pay? Was it Quidco or TCB. All issues should be directed at Quidco and TCB and not BT.
22 Nov 16#32
Can I suggest when ever you go for any of these cash back / voucher offers you take a screen print of the relevant offer just in case you have to argue the point later after all this forms part of the contract that induced you to make the purchase. My household has had numerous BT offers Broadband and SIms and they have always been paid so long as they are claimed correctly.
I think on eof the best was fibre broadnand and BT sport if I remenber was £210 cashback from TCB and £120 saimsburys voucher making the package very affordable and delivering about 22mbps .
22 Nov 16#33
Nice offer...will check network where I live
22 Nov 16#34
Quidco couldn't help. Problem caused by BT cancelling my original order then recreating it. Why? They refuse to tell me !!! Not happy.
22 Nov 16#35
SIM ONLY are on WAR ..
22 Nov 161#36
Init bruv, totally spot on, mint
22 Nov 16#37
Worth checking your deals if you have an existing sim still in contract. I signed up in Feb this year.
Changed my current BT sim (20GB, Unlimited Texts/Calls) from £25 a month down to £16 a month. Happy with that.
(Checked the other sims and it seems they are all £1 above the Black Friday rates for existing customers)
apjashley1 to tyepye
22 Nov 16#40
Was showing as exactly the same prices on my account, so I dropped my £9/2Gb to £8/3Gb. I did get my Amazon voucher too and Quidco tracked.
22 Nov 16#38
does anyone know what happens if you move away from BT in the middle of this contract. I currently have my broadband with them but I'm likely to switch once the current contract is up.
fisi22 to TheDickieBoy
22 Nov 16#39
You pay £5 extra
22 Nov 161#42
I was on the £8 for 2GB plan. Changed to 3GB for nothing extra. No change in term length either.
I got my TCB and Amazon voucher earlier this year too. Equal to £1.33 a month for me which is brilliant. I use Amazon all the time so I can treat the voucher as cash.
Brilliant coverage, had no issues at all with BT Mobile. Uses EE as I am sure most people know, 'standard' 4G is nice and quick too.
22 Nov 16#43
Can i put my mums house down as she uses bt basic and broadband which she is not going to change!
I am with BT but could leave at the end of the contract and then they charge you £5 more!
Also at the end of the contract does it carry on at the same price? Or does it go back to 2gb and £10 a month! Let me know
JoeSpur to Anon32
23 Nov 16#48
It will have to go on the same bill as the phone line/internet.
22 Nov 16#45
Are you saying you just upgraded online on your current contract and you were able to get the amazon voucher and quidco to track as well? I thought you had to take out a new sim for those to be valid?
23 Nov 16#46
No they are not - the 5th one is half price and only 2gb data on each
1st £10
2nd £8
3rd £7
4th £6
5th £5
23 Nov 16#47
Lol very well said! :wink:
Common Sense
23 Nov 16#49
Are you sure? I thought BT will create an account for you and you pay the mobile bill yourself. The requirement is BT broadband at the property and not you have to be the contract holder. E.g. students share a connection and the landlord may pay, but they can qualify for the sim.
23 Nov 16#50
Quidco dropped to £38.50 now but TCB is £58.50 so makes £18.50 profit on £5 sim and £2.50 on £8 sim with 20Gb now working out at at a cost of £3.45/ month.
assuming all cashback is paid and vouchers claimed
Common Sense to zeberdys
23 Nov 16#51
What does the "until 28th April" mean? Will prices go up mid-contract?
TCB is £51.75 and not £58.50. have I missed something?
SIMO 500 MB Plan £5 a month for 200 mins, 500mb of data and unlimited texts (£10 if you are not in a BT household). Plus get an up to £80 itunes card. Exclusive Offer £51.75
23 Nov 16#52
TCB showing as £58.50 for me and above based on being or Knowing a BT customer , Bt bill the customer who takes out the sim direct not the household bill payer unless they take out sim then they add it to their monthly package cost.
Example my kids use BT sims signed up independently paying their own bills.
23 Nov 16#53
Despite saying £80 Itunes on TCB when you click through it is £80 Amaxon that I consider more useful.
Common Sense
23 Nov 16#54
Shows £58.50 in a private window. I log in and it shows £51.75. May be as I have a classic account.
23 Nov 16#55
I was told it has to be on the same bill, but u may separate it after its ordered/live.
24 Nov 16#57
Anyone know if you can get amazon vouchers or cashback on an upgrade?
Sweetcorn12 to lawsonoswal
25 Nov 16#58
Why don't you ring them?
Scorpion to lawsonoswal
25 Nov 16#59
I couldn't see anything saying you couldn't so went for it.
Also - do not ring them, if you ring them the contact will be logged and they'll use that to say your order wasn't completely wholly online, which will then mean no vouchers. I speak from experience on this one, as they claimed I'd not done it all online when I ordered last year. Unfortunately for BT I have one of those history plugins in chrome which details everything and could prove that I did, they also couldn't detail the date and time of the calls. So after a bit of a battle I won - but do not ring them :-)
25 Nov 16#60
Thanks for that.
Has your cashback tracked this time then?
27 Nov 16#61
Cheers - just signed up.
£8 * 12 = 96 minus 40 Amazon gift card minus 51.75 TCB = £4.25 for a year...!!!
TCB tracked within a few minutes. (unlike on my BT fixed broadband order which I am having to chase up...)
Even though the BT broadband service is in my name I was able to set this up as a separate account (with separate banking details) by following the order flow and giving a slight variant of my name and a different e-mail address. Still passed the credit check. (I wanted to pay the mobile bill out of my business account)
2 Dec 16#62
Did 4 thru TCB and Quidco, just one tracked, so have to make 2claims via TCB and one via Quidco.
Opening post
Topcashback is offering £58.50, much better than Quidco, plus their website is up and running
- Sweetcorn12
Top comments
But, compared to TalkTalk, their chat responses are very slow. I suspect they handle multiple chats at one time.
Before insulting Indians, consider how many "thick" British people say "I do not know nothing" or think the 8th letter of the alphabet is "haitch" as opposed to "aitch". They cannot even speak their own language correctly and then insult others. It's comical.
Good deal, yet I'm tempted to vote negative but won't cus I'm a gentleman!
All comments (62)
Eg unlimited mins and texts, 500MB data or 4GB data, 500 mins, unlimited texts were all profit making deals if Quidco or TCB pays.
Compared to yesterday, this is a poor deal.
Good deal, yet I'm tempted to vote negative but won't cus I'm a gentleman!
Or maybe, chill out love.
The £5 per month is no where near as good now as it was unlimited text and mins.
However the £15 / month for 20Gb unlimited mins and unlimited text looks good with the 49.50 Quidco and £80 Amazon voucher
Cost £180 - 49.50 - 80 =50.5 / 12 = £4.20 / month
Not as good as the £8 a month detailed but if you need more data and talk time doubt it can be beaten.
Regarding the amazon vouchers:-
You need to activate your sim and wait two weeks before you can apply for it (to avoid returns). It then will take 'up to 45 days' to receive it, so don't expect to have it by Xmas.
Stuck on £16 a month for 20GB data although they did say I can get double speed 4G for free... not sure if thats an offer for all customers or just me.
EDIT: It wont, chat comfirmed
1) 500 mins, unlimited texts, 500mb data for £5 per month. Worked out to £19.50 profit over the year after cashback/vouchers
2) 500 mins, unlimited texts, 4GB data for £10 per month. After £60 voucher and £49.50 TCB worked out to a little under £1 per month.
Based on deal 2 (if you are happy to pay 50p or so per month for an extra GB data) I wouldn't bite and keep a close eye on deals this weekend. BT are notorious for fiddling with vouchers/tariff etc.
SIMO 2GB Plan (doubled to 4GB)
£10 for 500 min calls, 2GB (4GB now) of data and unlimited texts (£15 if you are not in a BT household until 28th April). Plus get an up £60 Amazon voucher and £65 cashback from TCB.
BT broadband customers. £10 x 12 = £120.
£65 cashback and £60 Amazon = £125
£5 Profit.
So this is now a poor deal.
But, compared to TalkTalk, their chat responses are very slow. I suspect they handle multiple chats at one time.
Before insulting Indians, consider how many "thick" British people say "I do not know nothing" or think the 8th letter of the alphabet is "haitch" as opposed to "aitch". They cannot even speak their own language correctly and then insult others. It's comical.
I didn't know TCB/Quidco tracked at £60; if they did then that would be brilliant but I've heard instances where the cashback did not track. We should really therefore be quoting these prices net of the Amazon voucher only and consider any cashback a bonus.
If you speak proper English then you will have no problems whatsoever communicating with them (I've never had a problem and find it admirable their quality of English which is their 2nd or sometimes even 3rd language is so good). They may have difficulties understanding people with strong accents but then again so do I.
Complain about poor customer service or whatever else don't blame their ethnicity. Besides, most people only remember the negative incidents and not the numerous positive encounters with 'Indian call centres'.
The Black Friday deals are worse than yesterday. Quidco was £49.50 and I confirmed with Qudico on a chat and kept the transcript. I think BT have an issue with tracking and may not pay up.
None of my purchases tracked on Quidco and I had to raise claims.
By broadband purchase states I am not entitled to a Mastercard cashback, yet BT confimed I am. I complained. I am not impressed with BT so far! If my cashback claims and Mastercard are not paid I will be annoyed.
I think on eof the best was fibre broadnand and BT sport if I remenber was £210 cashback from TCB and £120 saimsburys voucher making the package very affordable and delivering about 22mbps .
Changed my current BT sim (20GB, Unlimited Texts/Calls) from £25 a month down to £16 a month. Happy with that.
(Checked the other sims and it seems they are all £1 above the Black Friday rates for existing customers)
I got my TCB and Amazon voucher earlier this year too. Equal to £1.33 a month for me which is brilliant. I use Amazon all the time so I can treat the voucher as cash.
Brilliant coverage, had no issues at all with BT Mobile. Uses EE as I am sure most people know, 'standard' 4G is nice and quick too.
I am with BT but could leave at the end of the contract and then they charge you £5 more!
Also at the end of the contract does it carry on at the same price? Or does it go back to 2gb and £10 a month! Let me know
1st £10
2nd £8
3rd £7
4th £6
5th £5
assuming all cashback is paid and vouchers claimed
TCB is £51.75 and not £58.50. have I missed something?
SIMO 500 MB Plan £5 a month for 200 mins, 500mb of data and unlimited texts (£10 if you are not in a BT household). Plus get an up to £80 itunes card. Exclusive Offer £51.75
Example my kids use BT sims signed up independently paying their own bills.
Also - do not ring them, if you ring them the contact will be logged and they'll use that to say your order wasn't completely wholly online, which will then mean no vouchers. I speak from experience on this one, as they claimed I'd not done it all online when I ordered last year. Unfortunately for BT I have one of those history plugins in chrome which details everything and could prove that I did, they also couldn't detail the date and time of the calls. So after a bit of a battle I won - but do not ring them :-)
Has your cashback tracked this time then?
£8 * 12 = 96 minus 40 Amazon gift card minus 51.75 TCB = £4.25 for a year...!!!
TCB tracked within a few minutes. (unlike on my BT fixed broadband order which I am having to chase up...)
Even though the BT broadband service is in my name I was able to set this up as a separate account (with separate banking details) by following the order flow and giving a slight variant of my name and a different e-mail address. Still passed the credit check. (I wanted to pay the mobile bill out of my business account)