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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
12 Nov 16
Get a £50 John Lewis Giftcard AND 26 issues of the Radio Times with a cover price of at least £59.80 (including the Christmas/New Year double issue) for £49.99.

If you can use the John Lewis Giftcard, the Radio Times subscription is effectively free.

£5 potential Quidco puts you into profit.

26 Issues by Direct Debit only. No other payment options available if JL gift card is ticked.

- JDavies
Top comments
12 Nov 16 5 #16
Er, no...I actually subscribe to, and read Radio Times, so I got a 6 month sub for free...

Plus, I actually shop at John Lewis the John Lewis £50 gift card is worth £50 to me...

Just because you don't like/read Radio Times doesn't mean every one thinks the same...
13 Nov 16 3 #29
I wonder why people bother to put up these great deals when all they get back is abuse! Everyone has personal preferences but that doesn't mean because you don't like it is not a good deal.
All comments (69)
12 Nov 16 #1
Thanks OP! Great find. Does anyone know if you can use the gift card for online groceries on the Waitrose website?
jo-bb to Crapweasel
12 Nov 16 #3
​can normally
Common Sense
12 Nov 16 #2
You can also get 12 issues for £1

£50 John Lewis Card is hard to spend for many as they are usually undersold.
I do not consider a £50 JL card worth £50. I prefer the cash.
I just could not find what to buy for £50 when I received a card to spend free from loft insulation.
12 Nov 16 #4
Once bought can you unsubscribe straight away up to the 26th issue? As every 1/2 a year (26th issue) I guess you would be charged £49.99 for the next 26 issues.
12 Nov 16 2 #5
As soon as your direct debit is taken, cancel it with your bank so that they can't take any more.
12 Nov 16 1 #6
Great deal if you want more than just the Christmas issue!
12 Nov 16 #7
Is it possible to select a delayed first issue...say, sometime in December?
12 Nov 16 1 #8
Just to answer my own question...

I just went through the checkout process, and I was able to select any issue date, up until 31st January 2017 as my initial issue...

So this will dovetail nicely with my current "12 issues for £1", which is due to finish on January 17th...So I selected January 17th as my initial issue.

Not quite sure if this means my £49.99 DD will be delayed because of this, and consequently the £50 JL gift card, but as long as it all arrives eventually, I am happy with that.
Forgottenshopper to KevinM
12 Nov 16 1 #9
How did you find the deal via Quidco ? As I can't find the link, keep getting the 12 issues for £1.00 offer..
12 Nov 16 #10
​i had a similar issue. I can see the deal fine from my mobile. But when I try to view from my wife's mobile it doesn't appear when I search, I wanted to do it from her quidco as she has 10 bonus. I could find it by searching for radio-times on my phone via quidco was bottom left Ie result 7 of 7. But no matter what I did from my wife's it would not appear in any browser, with either desktop or mobile engine even after clear app cache....
12 Nov 16 #11
I didn't bother with Quidco, to be honest...Getting this effectively for free was enough for me...I just went via the link above.

£49.99 for the subscription, and £50 back in JL Gift Card...that was good enough for me...
luvsadealdealdeal to KevinM
12 Nov 16 #12
wow - you saved £1
12 Nov 16 1 #13
please ask yourself if you will actually read this rag

I got the last edn so that my daughter can get a free month's Netflix

nobody has even opened the Radio Times - which is a pretty pointless publication these days
Newbold to luvsadealdealdeal
13 Nov 16 #19
Pointless, maybe, for the sort of people who see the Sun and Mail as quality newspapers, but not for the 3/4 million who choose to buy it ever week. It's readership is 42% AB, 69% ABC1 - that says quite a lot, but probably not to you. :wink:
royals to luvsadealdealdeal
13 Nov 16 1 #30
​have to agree. waste of paper. pointless when it was first out and even more pointless when the social media age starred. as for these days, waste of time
12 Nov 16 #14
Eh? What are you wittering about?
12 Nov 16 #15
you just spent £50 to get £50 back plus some junk to recycle

personally I would call £50 Amazon as worth about £45
12 Nov 16 5 #16
Er, no...I actually subscribe to, and read Radio Times, so I got a 6 month sub for free...

Plus, I actually shop at John Lewis the John Lewis £50 gift card is worth £50 to me...

Just because you don't like/read Radio Times doesn't mean every one thinks the same...
12 Nov 16 1 #17
Nooo arrgh! Any other retailer gives that? Would have gone for that but I have stopped shopping at John Lewis after they decided to support Daily Mail, The Sun and Daily Express in their hate campaign. I lose, they lose .. but on the other hand .. I sleep easy ;-)
13 Nov 16 #18
13 Nov 16 #20
it's aimed @ the over 75s, you fit in fine but younger people organise their viewing online :smiley:
13 Nov 16 #21
Don't search for Radio Times on topcashback or quidco, you need to search for "buy subscriptions"

I'd suggest using topcashback as they explicitly quote the radio times deal:
13 Nov 16 #22
Ordered! Great deal - thanks OP!:smile:
13 Nov 16 #23
​yep was searching on buysubscriptions after being linked to the website from quidco. As I said I could find it on my phone, but not my wife's.
13 Nov 16 2 #24
You're still completely missing the point. If you think a 172 page magazine selling 3/4 million copies every week is just a TV schedule you probably also think the Guardian's all about security men. It says a lot more about you than it does the Radio Times. :laughing:
13 Nov 16 #25
got the current edn in the downstairs loo & it's garbage apart from the listings - tbh I prefer a quick scan of the Lidl flyer :smiley: much more interesting
13 Nov 16 #26
Signed up for December 24th any idea when the JL gift card will come through?
13 Nov 16 #27
I haven't got round to doing the £1 offer yet this year, but will be doing it soon.
I'm not sure it's worth spending £50 to save £1 though.
Newbold to 999pez
13 Nov 16 2 #28
It plainly isn't worth doing this just to save £1! Or even £5 with Quidco.
It only makes sense if you actually want the Radio Times, and that was why I posted it. 26 copies bought in the shops costs at least £59.80, so to get them effectively for free seemed a pretty good bet. :wink:
13 Nov 16 3 #29
I wonder why people bother to put up these great deals when all they get back is abuse! Everyone has personal preferences but that doesn't mean because you don't like it is not a good deal.
13 Nov 16 1 #31
Seems like a no brainer to me, thanks OP

13 Nov 16 1 #32
You didn't understand my comment. I do want the Radio Times, which is why I'll be doing the £1 offer, although now I've looked at it again that is for 12 issues, so in actual fact by spending £50 you'll be saving £2!
Unlike some of the other commenters, I do like a paper TV guide as I find it more informative than online guides
13 Nov 16 #33
13 Nov 16 2 #34
My brother in law who has additional needs loves the Radio Times and buys it anyway, so this is great for a gift for him - he's also very hard to buy for!
13 Nov 16 #35
what?You can use it in its like £45....or £50 if you buy and compare your groceries

or just spend it on booze/cigs/milk
13 Nov 16 #36
or forget this deal if you dont shop there and just buy the radio times subscription for a £1 or £1.50
13 Nov 16 #37
So confirm its £9.99 for 52 copies of Radio Times delivered to your door, so 19p a copy or a LOT less than a 55p 2nd class stamp?
13 Nov 16 #38
Can someone confirm post #37 before I press the button.
Common Sense
13 Nov 16 #39
I do not drink, smoke or eat meat. Waitrose is not close, parking is not free and their prices are higher than other supermarkets, so not worth £50 to me. Waitrose milk is expensive compared to others. I do not think the quality is superior.
14 Nov 16 2 #40
For anyone who buys the Radio Times or knows of someone who does, this is a no brainer of a deal - surely!? You can tick the gift option and send the subscription directly as a Christmas pressie to someone else, if you don't want/need it yourself. When you receive the £50 gift card (valid instore/online at John Lewis or Waitrose) if you've no use for this either, you could always give it to someone else for Christmas. Potentially two pressies sorted for a fraction of the usual price & cashback for yourself too. Unless I'm missing something it seems a brilliant Christmas deal to me - HOT from me btw OP :smiley:
14 Nov 16 #41
Hopfully there will be a similar offer in 6 months time for folks that gift this offer.
16 Nov 16 #42
I'm waiting for next weeks RT to come through (got the £1 deal the other day) and if i like the style of it i'll be going for it for sure.

deany76 to Alloneword
16 Nov 16 #43
what £2.30 a week?
17 Nov 16 #44
I buy milk at Waitrose and it is not more expensive than others.
Common Sense
17 Nov 16 #45
Really? Check

5% cheaper at Aldi. 95p at Aldi, Asda now increased to 99p. Waitrose is £1.00. So expensive.
As Tesco says, "every penny counts."
I do not have a local Waitrose either and do not think the quality of the milk is likely to be superior.

I struggle to buy at John Lewis' mostly oversold prices.
17 Nov 16 #46
Sainsbury's, Tesco and Morrisons are all £1. Asda and Aldi price difference is pretty negligible unless you're buying a large amount of milk.

Personally I would choose the nicer shopping experience and free coffee at Waitrose over cheaper milk and I do think a lot of Waitrose food is superior quality. I shop everywhere though.
Common Sense
17 Nov 16 #47
Not all Waitrose stores has free coffee or free car parking. Is Waitrose milk superior?
5% more expensive on just one generic item. Add it all up with the brands.
Example: 750g Kellogg's Cornflakes £2 Asda. £2.50 Waitrose. 20% less at Asda.
Keep shopping at Waitrose and buy the same products for more.
17 Nov 16 1 #48
Waitrose is dearer, yes, but at least it doesn't use a downright lie (Never Knowingly Undersold) to con people like its parent company, John Lewis! :smile:
17 Nov 16 #49
Yeah that's why I said personally. The shops I use do have free parking and coffee.

I doubt Waitrose milk is superior.

The Corn Flakes comparison is poor as they are currently on offer in Asda. The regular price is £2.49. As it is at Waitrose - not £2.50.

As my last sentence said, I shop everywhere. This way I pay the least amount possible for most groceries.

Obviously everyone has a different set of circumstances though.
Common Sense
17 Nov 16 #50
Can you name any brand cheaper at Waitrose? I am interested.
Pringles: Waitrose £1.99 on offer at Waitrose - 2 for £3 (= £1.50 each).
Asda standard price £1.25.
What a pathetic offer.
I wonder if people think Waitrose Pringles are better quality than Asda? :wink:
1 Dec 16 #51
My sub has started but no giftcard yet. Do I need to claim it?
cuckmere to scouser100000
1 Dec 16 #52
No, I spoke to them and they said it will be sent under separate cover and to expect it in the next 7 days but allow up to 21 days.
1 Dec 16 #53
Has anyone received the John Lewis £50 voucher yet? Or does anyone know how long before you'll receive it??
SteveJC to Forgottenshopper
2 Dec 16 #54
No - I was wondering the same thing.
2 Dec 16 #55
I've had a letter saying subscription will start on the chosen date and gift card will come within 21 days.
2 Dec 16 #56
Anyone actual had their gift card yet? Is this some kind of scam? The gift card part I mean.
2 Dec 16 #57
Anyone actually had their gift card yet? Is this some kind of scam? the gift card part i mean.
2 Dec 16 #58
Did you get your letter accepting the sub? When was your first issue?
2 Dec 16 #59
I haven't taken it out yet, I was just curious about the gift card. no-one seems to have received theirs....
2 Dec 16 #60
I read that it takes up to 21 days (presumably from first issue being recieved)
3 Dec 16 #61
Thanks all for the information..
10 Dec 16 #62
Just received my card, ain't been charged a bean, to cancel?
10 Dec 16 #63
Just got my giftcard too! plain white envelope with a giftcard in it, no letter no nothing lol, got it around 12 days after i recieved a confirmation letter, just a quick question, how do i use this online ? As theres a a little silver box in the corner, is the code under there? Thanks
cuckmere to jackthabiskit
11 Dec 16 1 #65
Yes, when you get to the checkout screen select 'pay with gift card' and you then enter the long card number plus the PIN number which is under the silver box.
10 Dec 16 #64
As you said mate no instructions just a card in a envelope, got my "my Waitrose vouchers" yesterday, £20 off £70 in store, just hoping I can stack together
cuckmere to graura13
11 Dec 16 #66
Yes, this is basically just a payment card so it won't affect any of the usual vouchers, coupons and discounts (which are brilliant at the moment!) I can highly recommend the GreenJinn cashback app (Waitrose & Sainsbury's only) to stack even further - there's been a few items they've been paying me to eat and drink! Don't forget your free paper and coffee too :smiley:
12 Dec 16 #67
Happily received 3 X £50 JL/Waitrose cards this morning! Thanks OP cheap Xmas for me this year! (Took out subscription and further ones for my mum and MIL to start in time for Xmas). The deal was a no-brainer!
14 Dec 16 #68
Thanks OP, received my JL/Waitrose £50 card today..
15 Dec 16 #69
Got my card too.
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