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Opening post
1 Oct 16
1000 minutes

5000 texts

2GB of 3G data (talkmobile do not offer 4G at this moment in time)

£7.50 pm before cashback

£1.50 pm after £72 cashback (requires sending bills at months 4, 6, 8, 10, 12)

£0.66 pm after topcashback/quidco £10

- This is a great deal if you don't need 4G. To be honest, unless you want to pay for an unlimited/very high allowance data package, there's not much point of 4G anyway.

- talkmobile use the Vodafone network, which may be a deal-breaker for some.

- I have used before, and submitting cashback has been easy enough. No problems.
Top comments
Eildor to rick5cass
1 Oct 16 5 #7
Hmmm I'm not sure why that would be easier. When you do it online you simply upload a PDF copy of your bill... takes just a few minutes to do.
All comments (93)
1 Oct 16 #1
No doubt this will go cold, I too have used mobile phones direct cashback without much bother, one issue but they helped me sort it. As for talkmobile, it's a shame they're on the back of Vodafone 3g but at this price who cares. I'm on talkmobile at present, at least I know it'll be near impossible to exceed my data allowance. No problems with calls or texts, just data is slow especially as where I live and my desk at work doesn't get 3g speed just 2g. I have to walk out my office to get 3g.
1 Oct 16 1 #2
good deal. heat from me, unfortunately no good to me as voda signal woeful by us! most casual users will never need 4g anyway!
1 Oct 16 #3
My contract just expired with talkmobile and I have been very happy with piggy tailed Vodafone`s coverage where I live.
I am looking how could I possibly get this deal as I am existing talkmobile customer?
Cancelling existing contract then porting number to some temp pay as you go and then getting this deal and porting number to it? Sounds awful complicated

heat added
1 Oct 16 #4
how do you get the cashback, do you have to email your bill.
1 Oct 16 1 #5
You submit the relevant bill via their website. They will send you a cheque for the amount once your claim has been processed. See the FAQ here

As long as you're organised and do not forget to claim, these deals are hard to beat.
1 Oct 16 #6
I used to send them my paid bill in the post and once approved get a cheque, this was easier than doing it online for me
Eildor to rick5cass
1 Oct 16 5 #7
Hmmm I'm not sure why that would be easier. When you do it online you simply upload a PDF copy of your bill... takes just a few minutes to do.
1 Oct 16 #8
Agreed but I dont always have a proper PC to use all the time just a tablet which I am not too sure how to download PDF or JPEGS on.
1 Oct 16 #9
aaah fair enough :smiley:
1 Oct 16 #10
If I use this on a Vodafone Smart Prime 6, will it work without unlocking?
Eildor to smallclone
1 Oct 16 1 #11
I *think* you would still need to unlock the phone, though I am not 100% sure.
PaulPogba to smallclone
1 Oct 16 #31
You should try unlocking with this link:

It's free but you need to have been with Vodafone for 90 days (or 30 days if you're on PAYG)
1 Oct 16 #12
was looking at this an hour ago and really fancy it buy keep thinking they'd find a way to deny me cash back.
has anyone used quidco and has cash back?
1 Oct 16 1 #13
I've used a talkmobile payg SIM in a locked Vodafone handset without any problems
1 Oct 16 #14
If it does need to be unlocked you can get the unlock codes off ebay for a few quid. Likelihood being you wouldn't need to anyway.
1 Oct 16 #15
thank you
1 Oct 16 1 #16
Look at the TM Trustpilot reviews before considering this.
Eildor to Scotty2k0
1 Oct 16 2 #19
2.6 rating ...but you may be surprised to know that o2 have 1.5, Virgin have 1.4, EE have 0.8, Vodafone have 0.4 -- so... should we avoid all of these network providers based on that? 3 have 7.6, yet many here have had bad experiences with them also. I personally had the worst ever customer support experience when I was with 3.
1 Oct 16 #17
Could you cap your bills?
1 Oct 16 #18
Have Talkmobile changed their policy on requiring a PAC upfront during the ordering process or not at all? That was always the dealbreaker for me.
KrazyPonk to Ferris
1 Oct 16 #30
Got this deal for my wife a couple of days ago and had no problem giving Talkmobile her PAC today - should be ported in 3 days time.

Never had any problems with redemption deals with MobilePhonesDirect - now have 3 contract on the go with them in my family, and all paying out the cashback regularly. Easy to upload the correct bills, and they pay out quickly too.

On the down side, TCB hasn't tracked for me this time yet - but give it time.
1 Oct 16 #20
Don't expect too much from the data sadly..
Old Gold
1 Oct 16 #21
can you tether with this deal?
1 Oct 16 #22
talk mobile uses grade B Voda network, customer service as bad as voda if not worse, less minute, only 3g, about the same price as voda 8gb deal. why would someone want this one? (no offence op,just want to understand)
Eildor to fr3dy77_sp33d
1 Oct 16 1 #23
Isn't the Vodafone deal 5.50 a month? This is 66p a month.
1 Oct 16 #24
How long does the cashback take to pay out? They stipulate that cashback won't be paid if the contract's disconnected, so a chance the month 12 payment won't appear if one wants to get it for 66p a month.
Eildor to Ferris
1 Oct 16 1 #25
If I remember correctly, usually within a few weeks of submitting the bill. But you can Google it and see what others say.

I've never gone beyond the minimum contract length, and have always received the final cashback payment.
1 Oct 16 #26
That's good to know. Tempted by this offer, but frustrating as I only just took out a one month TM sim-only to take away on holiday with me (customer service has been excellent so far, by the way).

Superb deal though :smiley:
1 Oct 16 #27
Just got an e-mail from MPD stating that I didn't pass their security checks... which is weird. I'll have to give them a call tomorrow and see what's going on. Definitely not prepared to send them all of this information, though:
1 Oct 16 1 #28
cashback - use only if you can afford to lose all of it and wouldn't be too bothered , in which case it's worth it..otherwise just get a standard deal
1 Oct 16 #29
stupid hukd application just lost my comments
2 Oct 16 #32
It is always a struggle to get your cashback, read reviews on trustpilot.
2 Oct 16 #33
I have just finished a cashback contract with mobile phone direct, no problem getting cash back at all. However, Talkmobile signal is so bad. Good price though.
huangxq2 to greatoffermcr
2 Oct 16 #35
For me, talk mobile signal is so good. 3 is the worst. EE is in between.

I am on this contract, best signal ever had.
2 Oct 16 #34
I and many others have never had any issues with these types of cashback deals. I have used Mobile Phones Direct before without a problem, as have others. trustpilot is full of positive reviews... 8.9/10... so I'm not sure what you mean.
2 Oct 16 1 #36
yep unfortunately had personal experience of this, with 2 redemption deals.

redemption = cold IMO
2 Oct 16 1 #37
You should be fine as I use a talk talk sim in my vodafone locked handset and it works fine
2 Oct 16 #38
​Were/are you able to keep your old telephone number for these redemption deals?
I looked at the faqs and was it was not clear whether you can or cannot
2 Oct 16 #39
Yes you can keep your existing number. The same procedure to porting the number applies. However once you port the number you just have to update it with mobilephonesdirect (online by signing into your account).
2 Oct 16 #40
I was using MPD's cashback before (Dec 15 - Aug 16) with no bigger issue. There was one problem in the middle (refused to pay cashback because of the wrong bill sent, they stated), but after contacting their CS (and being advised to send following bill) - everything was ok. The cashback was quite big (£252 all together), so it *seems* to be a safe deal.
2 Oct 16 #41
The only real danger of the cashback is if MPD goes bust, and the only problem with a Vodafone locked handset will be if they change the network they piggyback on. Both unlikely and I'm sure if they swapped network talkmobile would be tasked with helping unlock phones
2 Oct 16 #42
Well, I just cancelled my order. Called MPD to find out why I had failed the security check, and they basically said they randomly perform checks on customers blah blah blah I said, I'm not prepared to e-mail off my passport, driving license, etc -- not something I have had to do before.
2 Oct 16 #43
When is this offer on until?
2 Oct 16 #44
To me any redemption is not a deal but it is a honey trap ...
How come a trap is deal ..
If they sincerely wanted to provide a deal why did not they just discount or reduce the monthly payment or automatic cashback.
2 Oct 16 1 #45
Perhaps you don't understand how redemption deals work. I would suggest doing some research first.

If it's a trap, it's a trap that's saved me £400+ over the past 5+ years.
2 Oct 16 #46
It might work for you, you could avoid the trap. Not falling into the trap so far does not mean you will not if you are still into this redemption game.

Forget it or say you are abroad when you do not have access to your bills, you will pay the inflated price where they make huge profit from you. What about people who forget to send their bills. It is a unethical way of doing business setting a trap benefiting from vulnerable people forget to send their bills.

If they sincerely wanted to provide a deal why did not they just discount or reduce the monthly payment or automatic cashback ??? Moreover you will need to send it several times during the contract, not just once on a pre-defined windows. Miss the deadline and you will be stunk by the already inflated monthly contract

Keep in mind this business model is still exist to this date because they still making profit from vulnerable people who forget to send back their bills or lack of understanding the redemption game. They are the party who produce the bill why do they need you to send the bills back to them ??

Also your figure of saving £400+ might be irrelevant to other people. Few people for instance even make a profit from cashback.
2 Oct 16 #47
Well, if you have some kind of a moral argument against cashback, then that's your own choice; I can't argue with you about that. Most people who follow the instructions provided for claiming cashback, do save a lot of money. If you can't fulfil the requirements for making a claim, then of course this deal isn't for you. But to say that only a few people benefit from cashback is incorrect. Most who make their claim as instructed do benefit from cashback.

Again, I'm not convinced you know how cashback works. Also, MPD do not produce the bill, talkmobile does.

Lastly, even if you were to forget to claim once or twice, this would still be a good deal. But there isn't any reason for you to forget to claim, you have a smartphone with the ability to set a reminder -- no?
2 Oct 16 #48
would i have to send them the 4 bills when i try to claim the first cashback new to cashback
2 Oct 16 #49
MPD pay via bank now not cheque.
2 Oct 16 #50
also do you send the 3rd months bill at month 4 or the 4 months bill
2 Oct 16 #51
btw what do i do if i want to upgrade my phone in a few weeks but i am using a micro sim on this phone and the phone i want to upgrade to uses nano how would this work out.
2 Oct 16 #52
Rip my arm off. Heat.
2 Oct 16 #53
Awesome, even easier then :smiley:
2 Oct 16 1 #54
I would suggesting calling talkmobile/searching their website for the answer. It should be as simple as requesting a new SIM card from them (providers may charge for this, though).
2 Oct 16 #55
Talkmobile do not charge for replacement SIMs in my experience (as of two days ago when I broke my original 3-in-1 SIM :smiley:)

I have read reports of problems transferring the account to the new SIM, and so I haven't bothered doing that (yet) and just got an adapter instead.
2 Oct 16 #56
Seems a good deal, just got free mobile from Talk Talk as part of their broadband deal ( 100 mins 100mb and 250 texts) I am a fairly light user but the mbs might be a bit low (I use whatsapp a lot) , will see how I get on with it and maybe go for this if its no good , thanks OP have some heat.........................
2 Oct 16 1 #57
whatsapp in general uses very little data... it's when you send a lot of pictures/videos that it may become an issue. But if you leave the pictures/videos for WiFi, you shouldn't have a problem. 2000MB over 30 days is about 66MB a day.
2 Oct 16 #58
Cheers will see how I go.........:smiley: .....I mostly use it at home so will be using wifi , so 100 mb might be ok.....
2 Oct 16 #59
Thanks for posting this, do you know when this will expire?
2 Oct 16 #60
Not sure mate, but I wouldn't expect it to be available forever... it's just too cheap!
2 Oct 16 #61
crappt network , old cashback deal that you will never claim, who had paper bills now a days... poop deal better else where
2 Oct 16 #62
wow what a really bad deal... old cash back scheme, poor network, who gets paper bills lol give a wide berth
2 Oct 16 #63
Yes, just one more thing, once I order it, my contract would be started?!
Or it would started once I actually put the sim into my phone and start using it?!
2 Oct 16 #64
I am not aware of any provider waiting until you've started using the SIM card before starting the contract. I believe it usually starts once the SIM has been dispatched. Best to give them a call if it's important.
2 Oct 16 #65
I decided to go for this. Will get talk mobile to flip my number over when this arrives.
2 Oct 16 #66
Just make sure to read through the MPD website so you don't run into any issues with the cashback.
2 Oct 16 #67
2 Oct 16 #68
Have been with this company for nearly a year, and stuck with them for another year. Always get a bad data signal (so at least you wont run through your allowance!). They'll never update to 4g which might fix that. And had never got a signal when abroad...
Stay clear...
2 Oct 16 #69
you sure if you claim tcb it doesn't void cashback
3 Oct 16 #70
I've used MPD before, and claimed both without issue.
3 Oct 16 #71
You can get £75 without claiming by going direct with TalkMobile via Quidco, subject to the risk of Quidco not paying up (only 1GB data).
3 Oct 16 1 #72
Only for 24m contract over £30
3 Oct 16 #73
Mobile Phones Direct Ltd did go bust:

But Mobile Phones Direct (Online) Ltd is still active.
3 Oct 16 #74
anyone could shed some light, my contract with talkmobile expires this month (via e2save). if I would ask for my PAC number, cancel the existing contract and join this one, would they notice and not allow to join because I would be coming from same network?
3 Oct 16 #75
I have fiber Broadband with am with TalkTalk. What do I need to do to get this 100 mins 100mb and 250 texts ??

3 Oct 16 #76
The offer seems to have gone from the MPD web site. Expired?
3 Oct 16 #77
It seems like this deal has now expired.

...luckily, I reordered (after apparently failing the security check), and this time had no issues. Got the dispatch e-mail 4 minutes ago!
3 Oct 16 #78
Glad you were able to get it. I left it too late!!
3 Oct 16 #79
I have the same problem too. Did you call them to cancel the order, then re-order?
3 Oct 16 #80
Yes. This time after ordering I received an e-mail stating that talkmobile advised that my application be referred to them. Not sure what that was all about to be honest, but seems to have gone through OK now.
4 Oct 16 #81
The deal is better now 500mbs, 200 mins and unlimited texts

From what I understand it comes with certain packages , I got the medium fibre broadband with £5 off for 12 months , so £22.70 pm
5 Oct 16 #82
Someone previously asked a question regarding the SIM. I ordered a nano SIM, and received a 3 in 1 SIM (so it works with all 3 sizes). I think most providers do this now.
5 Oct 16 #83
I've received this today. Abysmal data speeds on HSDPA. 0.25mb down and up (may just be my area in Cumbria). Seems like they have very limited bandwidth from Vodafone... still 2g signal is very strong for calls and texts so for 66p I'm laughing. Cashback claiming seems an easy procedure
5 Oct 16 #84
Did you use the Vodafone/Talkmobile coverage checker to get an idea as to what you can expect?

I'm getting 10 - 20 mbps.
5 Oct 16 #85
Just went on the site and my signal shows strong for 3g so no idea what's going on. Went for a walk too and still capped at 0.25mb down. Very frustrating actually. May ring and cancel in then morning as I do use a fair bit of data.
Eildor to alcurtis93
5 Oct 16 #86
Ah that sucks :disappointed: If you've confirmed that its definitely not your phone and that there's no issues in the area, then yeah might want to consider cancelling. Sorry mate.
5 Oct 16 #87
​I have a moto x style so not that old. I'll try in another phone but looking likely it's just vodas network in my area
5 Oct 16 #88
Unfortunately I missed the deal!
Today I tried to get it but it was gone! Wish there was a way to get! Now just hoping they put the deal back on!
9 Oct 16 #89
7 Nov 16 #90
The deal is back on
12 Nov 16 #91
I've had a look, and it looks like it's not the same deal. As far as I can tell the current deal is £3.50 a month after cashback... which is still quite good. Perhaps you'd like to post the deal :smiley:
12 Nov 16 #92
It looks likes its gone up... I got it at £1.50 when I posted above... Just keep an eye on it it may go down again
12 Nov 16 #93
oh right! thanks I'll check back later :smiley:
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