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Sky Q complete package for £30.00 per month
3.5 stars +276

Sky Q complete package for £30.00 per month

£30 Sky Digital12 Oct 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
12 Oct 16
This is a deal from MSE

Here's a breakdown of the deals:

The Complete bundle (incl sports and movies), 1TB Sky Q box – £30/mth + £15 set-up (norm £80/mth + £15 set-up). It's for 12 months, and then rises to the normal £80/mth so diarise to haggle or ditch to avoid the hike. You'll be able to record three channels while watching a fourth. You get the complete works incl all Sky Sports and Sky Cinema in HD (but not non-Sky premium channels, eg, BT Sport). See full channel list.

The Complete bundle (incl sports and movies), 2TB Sky Q box + watch in 2nd room – £42/mth + £60 set-up (norm £92/mth + £60 set-up). It's for 12 months, it then rises to £92/mth so diarise to haggle or ditch to avoid the hike. You get the same as the £30/mth deal above but you can record four channels while watching a fifth. Plus you get a mini box to watch Sky in another room and access to Ultra HD (4k) on compatible TVs. To watch in more than two rooms, you pay an extra £99 per extra mini box.

Broadband from £5/mth if you take its line rental - not compulsory. Sky charges £17.40/mth for line rental and you can opt for one of its three broadband packages. It's beatable on price (see our Cheap broadband guide) but each Sky Q box acts as a booster for the new Sky Q router only. See full Sky broadband info.
Top comments
12 Oct 16 3 #7
Might order for my work secret santa
All comments (280)
12 Oct 16 1 #1
Worth pointing out that when you come to haggle your renewal...and you will...if you go ahead and cancel they will take the Q box back off you so you won't have a box to pick up the free channels.
HayleyW83 to Krinkle
12 Oct 16 1 #3
Interesting. Will they? Is this in the T&C's I wonder? If it is they have you over a barrel really so would have no reason put the cost of the monthly subscription down.
4leafed to Krinkle
12 Oct 16 #6
Going by the last time I cancelled to renegotiate a good deal, you only need to be out of service for a matter of minutes before you can get back in touch via live chat and get another good deal so you won't have had your box returned yet. Shouldn't be a problem.
12 Oct 16 #2
That's actually the best deal I've seen on Q! I'm currently paying £31 for Sports, Movies and the HD pack. I'm not under contract so I'm very tempted by this.
12 Oct 16 1 #4
If you have had sky in the past and have your old box. Get them to install a hybrid LNB so you can just connect the old box back if need be at renewal. This is for new customers but I believe if you sign up in your partners name it should also go through
TheBlueWhale to maionline1
12 Oct 16 #40
I signed up last week to upgrade my kit but found a bit resistance to them agreeing to install the hybrid LNB as I have a Freesat TV.Had to say that was a deal breaker but I still don't trust the installer
12 Oct 16 1 #5
"Sky Q boxes and the Sky Q hub are loaned equipment supplied to you at no cost and remain the property of Sky (or another Sky group company) at all times."
winifer to qwerta369
12 Oct 16 #10
But also useful if it breaks, as since its not your property they can't flog you the crap insurance they seem to keep trying to flog to me to protect against my box breaking.

As when you renew you go on a rolling contract, if it breaks cancel subscription and send back to them. - Although having a quick read they'll repair it at any point anyway with sky q
12 Oct 16 3 #7
Might order for my work secret santa
12 Oct 16 #8
Will redo this in my wifes name, as stuck on £86/month for everything at the moment after old deal ended.
12 Oct 16 1 #9
but do you get all channels, when you go to check out it asks if you want to add entertainment package?
12 Oct 16 #11
Hi just tried to sign up but they insist I take the phone line as well... but I dont need a phone line at £17.40 a month! Anyone any ideas? Ta
Krinkle to Catnhouse
12 Oct 16 1 #15
As it's a new contract you may have to connect your box to a phone line as per their T&Cs...hence their insistence on you having a phone line?
maionline1 to Catnhouse
12 Oct 16 #16
Here's how i did it

1: Click claim offer in the email thy send you
2: Click join today on the link it brings up
3: Click don't have sky if it asks
4 Click buy bundle. It shows £30 with a £15 setup
12 Oct 16 #12
I signed up to Sky Q in a name of a random so can't wait to see how they're going to try and get their 2TB & mini back!
12 Oct 16 #13
I am already a sky customer (gave my months notice to leave yesterday) So, if i sign up in my wifes name.... i will still get this deal?
tighty to Garuuff
12 Oct 16 #14
haha im in this exact same point except my 31 days notice runs out on the 7th Nov. watching with interest[
mcormack to Garuuff
12 Oct 16 #32
No, only one per household.
12 Oct 16 #17
You may be able to choose the installation date. Just choose one after your disconnection date
12 Oct 16 #18
hi ,
my broadband is up on the 20th october , do i just ring them up now and cancel my broadband . then order the above for after the 20th in my wifes name . or can i get this ordered for this week ?
12 Oct 16 #19
Same here. Current package and discounts ends on 1st November. Not getting any joy with haggling with them at the mo
12 Oct 16 1 #20
Use this live chat after putting your notice in
They should offer you at least 50% off
12 Oct 16 #21
can you get ultra HD with this?
NIgelK to derbree
12 Oct 16 #22
Says in the second to last paragraph in the description you can 4k
12 Oct 16 #23
Just taken up on this, My current £30 deal runs out on 22nd Dec so taken this out and they will delay installation until 23rd Dec.
adamski88 to djdanj89
12 Oct 16 #25
Hello, does this mean your years subscription doesnt start until 23rd december? Were currently renovating our house and hope to move in at christmas, but dont want to be paying for 2 months sky subscription for no reason!
12 Oct 16 1 #24
Never thought I would ever say this about sky
But since having sky Q (also got a good deal)
Its amazing great selection of Movies and box sets
Love the idea of being able to watch stuff from the box down stairs in the bedroom
The WiFi range is great
Can watch 4k clips from you tube etc now downstairs with no buffering
The uhd is out standing great amount of 4k to watch and the sound 5.1 dolby is a big improvement
Got to be my best buy this year
If you have a 4k TV and a decent surround sound set up
You will not be disappointed
12 Oct 16 #26
Last month they were offering Sky Q2TB + 1x Mini Box for Multiroom, Sports/Movies & HD Pack for £35/mo and free setup so that 2TB deal isn't great but still good!
12 Oct 16 #27
can we downgrade this offer at all? not interested in movies
kiish to adamski88
12 Oct 16 #30
No they'll offer the increased near full price. It's basically fixed.
12 Oct 16 #28
If you take Sky TV with Sky Q, separate 18 month minimum terms apply to your Sky Q subscription package, Talk, Broadband or Fibre products.

Is it still a minimum 12 month contract as the above term seems to imply the last 6 months will be at the full rate.
12 Oct 16 #29
Just ordered this it's a 12 month contract
12 Oct 16 #31
Be good for my mother and father in law! They pay £60 a month but just want sports! Any way to get this? They have a double barreled surname with my father inlaw using one and my mother in law using the other!

Has anyone put this in their wifes name? Did it work if the name was diferent or could it even be the same name? Is sky q in HD? They don't have 4k but do you still have to pay extra for HD on the sports? Any comments would be appreciated!
12 Oct 16 #33
Ye that's correct, 12 month contract starts 23rd Dec
12 Oct 16 1 #34
Cracking deal, heat added! p.s. will they have hybrid LNB on the vans at no extra cost?
12 Oct 16 #35
So you buy the mini box outright for £99 which is useless after a year when they hike prices and take the sky q box back.
Worth waiting for Sky to ditch line rental charges.
12 Oct 16 #36
Last time Sky did the mse 75% off code, I managed to get 2tb box, plus multi room, broadband, ALL movies and Sports and box sets in HD. For £58.90 a month only £10 install. Absolutely loving using Sky Q, breath of fresh air after using tivo for years!
12 Oct 16 #37
Got the code now how I use the code? Do I have to phone them or can I do it by the web page? Can't see here I have to put the code ???!!!!
12 Oct 16 #38
New customers only right?
12 Oct 16 #39
I just signed up to upgrade to Sky Q last week and as part of the read out of the contract by the rep he stated that on cancellation the box would need to be returned as you are in effect renting the box. This also means there is no £65 call out charge as you are effectively renting just like you would with Virginmedia's TIVO box
12 Oct 16 #41
Is there broadband as bad as reported
12 Oct 16 1 #42
I wonder if this applies to new customers only. I signed up to upgrade from Sky+HD TV just last week. I do not have any other service with them and the telephone was not part of my conversation with the rep. At the outset of the conversation I told the rep I was not interested in broadband or their telephone services
12 Oct 16 #43
Got fibre from them 3 years ago and have to say it's been brilliant for us.
12 Oct 16 #44
UHD (4K) is only available on the 2 Terabyte box not the 1 Terabyte or Mini Q boxes
12 Oct 16 #45
Me too, my 31 days are up at the same time
12 Oct 16 #46
Question. Does sky q allow rf out with magic eye style capabilities
12 Oct 16 #47
from sky web page "Sky Q 2TB, Sky TV and Sky Q Multiscreen subscription and a UHD TV needed to view UHD content" :disappointed:

so also you have to have the multiscreen for extra???? is not inclueded in this offer , is it?
12 Oct 16 #48
so is £42 if you want to have UHD not £30
12 Oct 16 #49
They will send you an email with the code. In that email Click claim offer and just follow the steps
12 Oct 16 1 #50
Sign up under another name, for the furthest install date possible. Your viewing card will arrive within a week or so, then just keep logging in to the site to move your install date backwardsbuntil you reach a point your current deal expires.

That's what I did.
12 Oct 16 1 #51
So if I was to upgrade to sky q from sky+ do they change the lnb so I wouldn't be able to use my old sky box in another room or if I ever stopped paying for sky service
12 Oct 16 #52
New LNB is fitted and isn't using the same frequencies so would render the existing boxes useless - I think.

But no reason you can't just change the LNB back to the legacy system once you stop the service, 5 minute job.
12 Oct 16 #53
​I tried under different name (wife's ) and it told me I had a contract at that address and couldn't continue with the install.
12 Oct 16 #54
Very tempting, just cancelled my sky deal this afternoon
12 Oct 16 #55
Does this come with fibre?
12 Oct 16 #56
​i disconnect on the 17th, install on the 21st. Did it initially in wifes name, but chrome auto filled mine-still went through as i added my house name to the number and street. Had confirmation email, and £15 payment taken.
12 Oct 16 1 #57
They will change the LNB but ask the engineer to install a hybrid LNB as you need to use freesat. You may need to push the engineer though
12 Oct 16 #58
No fibre, just a tv package starting at £30. You can add broadband and talk but the price will increase
12 Oct 16 1 #59
Good deal if you watch a lot of TV. Can't justify £42 a month for the little I would watch.
12 Oct 16 #60 Go on chat to get the 2tb deal for 35 per month.
12 Oct 16 1 #61
​When was this done as my half price deal has come to an end and will be calling them tomorrow and how much persuading did it take to get offered that
12 Oct 16 #62
Exact same thing happened to me. Except I didn't use your wife's name.
12 Oct 16 #63
​Just a about 20 minutes ago and no persuading was done
12 Oct 16 #64
Are you an existing customer? Which chat option did you use?
12 Oct 16 #65
​No I'm not an existing customer and I was on the website and on the join sky TV page there is a live chat option I used
12 Oct 16 #66
Great deal, hot. Going to try and sort this out tomorrow and cancel my current subscription
12 Oct 16 #67
Got Sky Q soon after it launched. Cancelled it last month. Main box would glitch or lock up and the mini box got to a point where it would require a reboot every time as that would lock up/the UI turned black.

Great technology in principle but still needs time to iron the kinks out, even the Sky engineers that came out agreed on that point.
12 Oct 16 #68
​Will attempt a live chat tomorrow to see what they can offer me as an existing customer, I imagine not that without having to work hard for it
12 Oct 16 1 #69
Chat. Is. painful.
12 Oct 16 #70
I'll have to wait till my Virgin Media deal is over, £39 for 100Mhz broadband, line rental and second worst tv channel. The Tivo box has become so laggy, even after a complete reset, that I look forward to returning to Sky. Thank goodness for my little Now Tv box that will keep me going until March 2017.
12 Oct 16 #71
There is a hybrid LNB available but you will need to insist on that otherwise your old kit is useless
12 Oct 16 #72
No. If you are getting a mini box as well you won't need an RF connection as the two boxes talk to each other wirelessly.
12 Oct 16 #73
Was that because it was the same name as i said earlier my mother in law uses a differen name than her husband as its double barreled!

Can someone tell me does that work?
12 Oct 16 #74
If you are subject to a price increase with effect from 1 Nov and are in an existing contract Virginmedia will let you terminate your service early without penalty. I did so on Monday
12 Oct 16 #75
anyone know the calling off period if I'm not happy with Sky Q? What will they refund?
12 Oct 16 #76
Had about an hour on chat, couldn't improve on the £42 - reckon there will be better at Christmas if they follow their usual pattern
12 Oct 16 #77
​Are you an existing customer?
12 Oct 16 #78
Yeah, but nothing is worth going through that chat again - I'm out. Roll on the Chrimbo deals
13 Oct 16 #79
thanks mate. how did u do this, could u just pick a date online or did u need to contact them directly?
13 Oct 16 #80
Online, here's where the offer was originally posted:
13 Oct 16 #81
How can you find out if you have the price increase?
13 Oct 16 #82
I was on sky live chat earlier and got the same deal 2tb box and mini + Sports,Movies for £35
And installing next Friday. So hot from me.
13 Oct 16 #83
​Yep, I got the same deal 2TB box + mini box, Box set package, Sky Sports and Sky Movies for £35. It's being installed today. My Virgin Tivo boxes were so slow and laggy and with the recent price rise just decided to quit Virgin after about 15 years with them (when they were Telewest)
13 Oct 16 #84
do you have to take out line rental with them?
13 Oct 16 #85
Just tv but you can add broadband with linerental if you want
13 Oct 16 #86
If direct debit comes out of different bank account then no problem.
13 Oct 16 #87
You need Internet for sky q if your having q and a mini. Doesn't have to be sky but u need it and u won't be installed without it
13 Oct 16 #88
How much is the one off cost on the £35 a month sky q with mini box as I am going to try and get that offer later. Does anyone know if the one off cost does it go onto your next bill
13 Oct 16 #89
If I was to give in me 31 day notice in do I still have to pay an early termination fee.. and how do I find out how long I have on my contract??
13 Oct 16 #90
Any reason why a different bank account for the direct debit? Went through fine for me using my current one, Cheers.
13 Oct 16 #91
​The one off cost is just the same as in OP for the 2tb box and it must be paid upfront.
13 Oct 16 #92
I have tried with about 4 different live chats to get the £35 deal. Each time they say the offers not available. The one I have just come off said it was a deal yesterday. I spoke with them yesterday and they said the cheapest was £42. Shocking sales team and have now given up joining sky and will stick with Virgin. Fancied giving Sky Q a go as well but obviously wasn't meant to be. Virgin Retention's have offered me the whole TV package with 200mb broadband and phone for £61.88 so a good price.
13 Oct 16 #93
[quote]My Virgin Tivo boxes were so slow and laggy and with the recent price rise just decided to quit Virgin.
The same reasons I decided to leave and go with Sky.
13 Oct 16 1 #94
​Also means that if you currently pipe freebies around your house to other TV's using the RF then you can't do this with Sky Q.
Mr Shoogles
13 Oct 16 #95
Can you tell me please if this includes line rental? I tried to get the same but was only offered £78.50 so I initiated the 30 day cancellation process so I can change to Sky!
13 Oct 16 #96
Has anybody obtained cashback (quidco or otherwise) with this deal please?
13 Oct 16 #97
You can tell the installer that the current dish is your private property. For instance you may have acquired it from an independent install that had nothing to do with BSkyB. You can insist that they leave that in tact and install a separate dish for Sky Q.
13 Oct 16 #98
I don't know what the arrangements are for them recovering cancelled boxes but I can't see them wanting it back straight away as they'll be desperately trying to win you back in the weeks after you've left so will probably leave you with it for a short while at least to save on costs of removing and reinstalling.

Whether the box itself will lock up and disable access to even Free-to-air channels post cancellation I'm not quite sure.
13 Oct 16 #99
​Don't think I will be doing that, don't want two dishes on the house
13 Oct 16 #100
Not quite the same, but with my £35 deal I got a £50 Mastercard which I'll get in the post within 28 days.
13 Oct 16 #101
So you also got the Sky Q multiscreen to wath it on UHD/4K?
13 Oct 16 #102
Quidco is at £125 and now tracked, lets hope they honour it
13 Oct 16 #103
I feel your pain, took a few goes and probably 90 minutes all in - but got there for install on Monday lol
13 Oct 16 1 #104
​This was including line rental. It would appear they have paid a year upfront as I got an email thanking me for paying upfront and sales person said to ignore the email. She worked in retention. I've ended up with Full TV including movies and sports in HD, 200mb broadband and weekend calls for £60 a month, fixed for 12 months.
13 Oct 16 #105
Isn't that fraud by misrepresentation? Direct debit/ method of payment gives away who you are?
13 Oct 16 #106
I'm a new customer and the engineer said he didn't stock hybrid LNBs. I stated on the Sky forum it was mentioned this was available and then he suddenly "found one". Apart from that initial bit of lying he was great, took down old dish and installed a completely new one with the hybrid and connected our freesat back in.

Sky are trying to move everyone on to Q boxes even from the normal HD ones so I guess they're trying to not give many out.
13 Oct 16 #107
Good deal OP and voted hot, BUT
Useless Sky customer service. Can't order online as says it can't find any engineers in the diary, live chat not working, and phone line says 15 minute wait. All this from a company that makes £1.1billion in profit last year. You'd think they would pay for a few more phone reps to look after the mugs who keep giving them money!!!!
13 Oct 16 #108
I'm an existing customer and currently on with the Sky Chat people now, they've stated this is a third party deal so they will see what they can do but cannot guarantee anything. This has fallen in line with me thinking of leaving anyway so regardless I plan to finish today with a better deal or no Sky TV.
13 Oct 16 #109
I contacted Sky and the best they gave me was complete bundle+ sky Q 2Tb for £30 but with £199 installation feed ... No thank you
13 Oct 16 #110
Contacted sky to put in 31 days notice, offered 40% off no mention of Q and no better deals. So have go a code for this deal and if I dont get anything by next week I will be signing up in the other halfs name.
13 Oct 16 #111
Just off the phone with Sky. I'd cancelled my contract at the weekend as the best they were offering was 20% off compared to my current 25% and half price fibre.

Took a punt and called the number from the cancellation email (03442 411 760) and as soon as I mentioned Sky Q they wouldn't speak to me due to "lack of training on it" but put me through to the sky Q sales team. They wouldn't give me the MSE offer as I'm not a new customer, but offered me 60% off without me asking. Took that straight away, then when I asked if he could do anything about my fibre jumped straight in with half price for another 12 months and a £50 credit. So all in all pretty happy.

I know it depends who you get etc. But just wanted to let those folks having problems know that the offers are available
13 Oct 16 #112
​Yes, just not got a UHD/4K TV (Yet)
13 Oct 16 #113
They sent out letters/emails in August. I didn't get mine so I phoned customer services and asked if an increase was forthcoming. That's the only way to find out.
13 Oct 16 #114
​I paid £10 upfront. My next bill is £35.
13 Oct 16 #115
Lol, tried to create my skyid and it said an account already exists with my email. So I logged in and it was an account I had 10 years ago with an old address and everything. God knows how that's working but it looks like won't be able to have a skyid. What a shame, hopefully means I can kick the 'engineer' out a bit quicker if we can't use any of the app stuff. Result.
13 Oct 16 #116
​On my call tonight, the advisor mentioned something about my account having a price freeze since 2011 so it hadn't risen. Didn't want to start the conversation that it was bulls**t as I had to listen enough about how if I cancel I would need to come back on sky q etc.
13 Oct 16 #117
That is good deal ... They offered me that but with a £199 upfront pay ... That put me off ..
Prefer pay £42 per month with all and £60 for installation...
Mr Shoogles
13 Oct 16 #118
Thanks for the reply :smiley: that's a cracking deal - hoping I get a call back with a similar offer but won't hold my breath!
13 Oct 16 #119
Just tried to get the deal. The guy on chat wouldn't drop any lower than £42 P/M for the complete bundle with a 2TB box and the mini and the £60 upfront cost :disappointed: any tips on what you guys said to them to get the £35 offer? I kept telling him it was too expensive and even mentioned that other people had bagged the deal for £35 and he tried fobbing me off saying it was a flash deal and all the 'offer codes' have now been used...
13 Oct 16 #120
Couldnt even get on chat. What links you guys using?
13 Oct 16 #121
​I had the same problem tried for over an hour, so just called them
13 Oct 16 #122
i have managed to cancel, was looking to see if i could get a decent sky q deal as a exsisting customer. if not, then i'll take up the MSE in the Mrs' name :smiley:
No biggie. ​
14 Oct 16 #123
I recently put cancellation in for my sky and within days they offered me 50% on everything. So I'm getting the following:
12month contract.
Sky Q 2tb with mini box
HD subscription
Sky Sports HD

£47 per month and £90 for installation

Is that good deal?
14 Oct 16 #124
It's the same deal as the one on this thread - just frontloaded.
14 Oct 16 #125
Doesn't seem like. Multi screen is a must and charges at £12 a month additional on top the monthly charge I believe. You won't get ultra hd channels or movies with out it
14 Oct 16 #126
That was my question and after 5 min waiting that saied that I just needed the Sky Q 2 TB do have all in UHD ??!!! Maybe they just want to sell you the extra £12, for the multiscreen, even if you don't really need ...

I think I will take the £42 offer with all and the £60 installation fee (new client) as I can also request later the VAT off for my month payment. :wink:
14 Oct 16 #127
Why are the installation costs different for the two boxes?
14 Oct 16 #128
Not in conjunction with any other offers like TCB ?
14 Oct 16 #129
Lol, cus they can, and it's soooo much more complicated and posher - so you have to pay more.
15 Oct 16 #130
Took this offer out a few days ago and getting it fitted in two weeks time.

You don't have to take a telephone line out or their broadband as others said, just simply say you only watch the TV package.

I had sky broadband but cancelled in March but I was still able to take the offer out, it's only if you had sky TV in the last 12 months they won't let you do.
16 Oct 16 #131
Anyone managed to get quidco as well as the £35 deal?
16 Oct 16 1 #132
Nah, can't be arsed with quidco, they weasel out of the bigger payouts as it is - without using it in conjunction with an offer.
16 Oct 16 #133
My topcashback is tracking at £136.50
For the £35 deal.
16 Oct 16 #134
will they give the free TV as well ?
16 Oct 16 1 #135
Haven't read all the comments so apologies in advance but I had 10 months to run on my Sky pacakage, stripped it down to the bare minimum of £20 (plus I had existing 20% discount so it's £16) and re ordered in the other halfs name and it still works out considerably cheaper than if I were to upgrade on my own account. and that's before I factor in installation costs.

One quick question, my original package will still be running so I would like this box in another room with the basic package, does anyone know if this is possible? Will I have to ask the engineer for a hybrid LNB? or will they put an additional dish in?
17 Oct 16 #136
Is this a 12 month contract? i just cancelled my broadband and tv with sky which is due to finish on the 1st november. I have however moved to a new house. Can i still be a new customer at a new address (living on my own so cant use someone else's name) please help someone. Many thanks.
17 Oct 16 #137
what is the £35 deal?
17 Oct 16 #138
how can you get cashback on the £35 deal if its given to you through livechat?
17 Oct 16 #139
I went on topcashback and left the window open on Sky page then when I finished with live chat it just popped showed £136.50 so don't know how it worked it just did.
17 Oct 16 #140
I wanted to get the deal and added unlimited fibre broadband however the initial setup charge went upto £74 even after going on chat they refused to change the price, is it really not possible to get that cheaper?
17 Oct 16 #141
Adamski88 - The £35 deal is the same as the £42
17 Oct 16 #142
If there anyway of getting the broadband/line rental cheaper on this?
17 Oct 16 #143
Carphone Warehouse is also offering the Complete bundle for £30 with no setup fees (new joiners), for those who prefer to go somewhere in person. Apparently they have been offering this deal for a month, according to the sales lady at my local branch.
17 Oct 16 #144
I tried the online chat to get it but they didn't offer any different than what's available on there website
17 Oct 16 #145
just tried online chat , no luck all they offered was the 1tb box for £48 a month
17 Oct 16 #146
So where do I even start...

We pay £42 a month at present for TV (Variety) Sky+ old HD box.
Broadband standard speed / old old router (unlimited). £10.
We pay £20 a month to BT (unlimited anytime & LR).
Overall £72.

Customer of Sky for 8yrs. Upgraded to existing deal 3yrs ago and not asked since for anything and contract is rolling.

Called Sky after seeing all this on here. Wanted ;

Sky Q 2TB box (Silver) + mini box + multi room and this package (all channels / sports / movies / box sets) 30pm+12pm=42pm.

Sky line rental £17.40pm + anytime calls (told its £8pm a month extra).
Sky fibre unlimited £10pm (if taken with LR above).

Told them we happy to pay install cost for Sky Q (£60).

Best they would give is - Sky Q 2TB / mini box / multi room top package is ;

£64.40pm no movie package just sports / box sets & every other channel minus movies.
£71.20pm movies / sports / box sets & every other channel.
This was a 'deal' and a discount they tried to say (10% for 10 months). For 10 months then even more for other 2 months. Think + 10% more £70.84pm or £78.32pm
Didn't mention install costs so not counting that.

Then £9.99 for 10 months for LR (instead of £17.40), 2 months at £17.40.
£20 pm for for 12 months Sky fibre unlimited.

Told them we would pay at most £65pm + installation costs nothing more for all we want. Would not budge (called twice) spoke with normal customer services and retentions and a retentions manager.

If we cancel can get all these deals as new customers MADNESS.

Might cancel it all.


Spoke with someone on live chat and asked for above and mentioned others have got as a existing customer as a upgrade and they were trying to charge 117+ a month & £60 and £30 installation. They were adding on box-sets and sports / movies separate and adding them up. So annoyed ! Most we would pay is 77.40 all in and installation.
17 Oct 16 #147
You got the wrong person. I've just done mine, said a friend had recently had the offer. Wife's maiden name, offered the 2TB full package/extra room at £42 a month no problems. The £60 installation is a stinger but I'm happy enough.
17 Oct 16 #148
​I might try again tomorrow
17 Oct 16 #149
I got this in email:
17 Oct 16 #150
I've been without Sky for about 6 months, went with wife's maiden name, it initially refused my registration until I changed the name.
17 Oct 16 #151
When will people learn. Sky does not reward loyalty. They care only about a new customer numbers. Cancel and sign up in another name. Do it every year.
17 Oct 16 #152
How do you sign up in partners name? Use name before married with same address? Then cancel on 1st then 31 days till cancel and get new installation date for 1st following month so only a day without TV / Broadband and Phone that way?
17 Oct 16 #153
Installed today, funky side effect of knocking my 5ghz wireless down to 2mb download from 24mb. Ordered another mini box which will take 3 weeks lol
17 Oct 16 #154
It really doesn't have to be complicated. Sign up as Donald Duck if you want. So long as the surname is not identical to another at the same address, you're a new customer.
17 Oct 16 #155
Meh...same deal that I posted 2 weeks ago and it went cold...just can't win on here
18 Oct 16 #156
Going to cancel and wait for them to offer 50/60% off or what I want and if not cancel and rejoin under partners maiden name.
18 Oct 16 1 #157
I intend to flip between Virgin and Sky this way. Like you say, new customers get all the best deals
18 Oct 16 #158
I need mine installed after the 7th November due to my subscription ending then, I can only get 5th November at the moment as my install date, has anyone else been able to change their install date after ordering this package and is it just a simple call/chat to customer services or can this be done online?
18 Oct 16 1 #159
Set it at 5th November, then as you get closer you should be able to shift it further
18 Oct 16 #160
This is the currys offer in store
18 Oct 16 #161
Does everyone know this is an 18 month contract so 6 months of origonal cost after your first year? Just read terms and conditions before placing order:-

"Separate 12 month minimum terms apply to each of your TV, Talk and Broadband products, except Sky Fibre which has an 18 month minimum term and except when you take Sky TV with Sky Q. If you take Sky TV with Sky Q, separate 18 month minimum terms apply to your Sky Q subscription package, Talk, Broadband or Fibre products. If you end your contract(s) during the minimum term you will have to pay an early termination charge."

Doesnt sound great at all?! Is it easy to haggle the last 6 months?
18 Oct 16 #162
I can confirm it is 12 months if you don't take the fibre.
18 Oct 16 #163
Anyone know price / deal for 2TB package st currys.
18 Oct 16 #164
I had noticed this too and called Sky for confirmation as throughout the online process it repeatedly states 12 months for Fibre, but on last page before purchasing states 18 months. When I rang they said that it was all definitely on 12 month contracts, not 18. I've gone ahead and ordered, I'll wait for my full contract details to confirm.
19 Oct 16 #165
Also confirmed with Sky chat and phone, this is a 12 month contract for the Sky Q
19 Oct 16 #166
How do you get the broadband deal with this offer? Does TV then goes checkout.

- A year's unlimited 38Mb fibre. It's £10/mth for the entire 12mth contract, it then rises to £20/mth (£39 activation).
19 Oct 16 #167
Before you go to checkout, you should see a screen that says something like monthly cost and one off cost. On that screen there should be a link that says broadband and talk. Click that
19 Oct 16 #168
Wow are sly now doing 18 month fibre contacts? Used to be a year. No way renewing with them, or anyone for 18
19 Oct 16 #169
It's always been 18 months with most suppliers for fibre. You now see some at 12 months
20 Oct 16 #170
Is this done on purpose? Sounds sneaky! I use Freesat in my bedroom, so by taking out a Q deal I would loose this should I ever leave Sky?

Might just haggle a deal on my current box. I don't have a 4K Tv so UHD doesn't matter and I can live with recording 2 channels. Any other major benefits?

One last question and may be a deal breaker as my surround is a older Sony and uses optical cable. Does this have Optical out?
20 Oct 16 1 #171
Mine was fitted this week, I requested Sky fitted a Hybrid LNB which facilitates Sky Q and Freesat from the single dish. They aren't apparently obligated, but I'd personally wish to mandate it as it isn't specifically called out which I do see as sneaky IMO.

If does indeed have an optical out, amongst others:

Experience wise even without a 4K TV (I also am not planning to buy one until transmission catches up) you can benefit from 1080p (Sky HD is 1080i only), a nice clean (subjective) menu and better UI though it does takes some getting used to and is initially confusing (why is YouTube and VEVO under 'Online Video' and not found within the 'Apps' menu like Weather and what not.

You'll also get the Sky Q app (but check you have some compatible devices), which can form part of your seamless viewing ecosystem. We had multi-room with Sky HD previously and the unified planner, is much better than having to series link across 2 boxes and manage the recordings independently - if you're part way through an episode you can move to another device and watch right away, a la Netflix.

For me the Dolby Digital settings across HDMI and Optical were appreciated, along with much faster EPG and generally fast UI. I'm also not entirely sold on the touch sensitive remote, though you do also get a standard button depress one, which is MUCH better than the piece of junk Sky HD remote that was spongey and non-responsive midway through its life. Smaller cleaner looking box, Mini box is ehm.... Mini from a multiroom perspective.
20 Oct 16 #172
If you have had a price increase from virgin recently like I have, you can cancel out of your contract with no penalties and take advantage of this deal.
20 Oct 16 #173
The_Hoff, Sky do not broadcast at 1080p, only 1080i, it is the Sky Q box upscaling to it to 1080p. Your tv more than likely has a better upscaler so would suggest you go into settings on the Q and change the hdmi resolution setting to 1080i and let your tv do the upscaling instead. Most sky engineers are obviously not in the know about this and just leave the setting at 1080p.
20 Oct 16 #174
Just spoke to Sky on Sky Chat and apparently this offer does not exist
20 Oct 16 #175
All sky fiber deals are now 12 months, it changed today with the prices going down at last
20 Oct 16 #176
Thanks for the detailed update. Sounds good. I have the 50% off in my account settings but will haggle for more. Not necessary for it in bedroom but £12 extra a month would be a nice luxury.
Shame these aren't self setup. With working nights have to work out best days for them to come. Obviously if I stuck with my own box nothing would change.

Then need to try haggle BT fibre next. I would go everything with Sky, but heard internet not as great.
20 Oct 16 #177
gilliand3a, you can go onto moneysavingexpert and fill in the form to get the code for either £30 or £42 deal (not 2tb £35 deal which is luck of the draw). It doesn't expire until tomorrow so whoever told you that is wrong. Try another chat advisor, if your lucky your get an advisor who is in the India who are less stringent than the ones in the Uk.
20 Oct 16 #178
Is it £42 for full sports and movies with extra mini Q box?
What about Sports HD? I know movies now comes HD yet Sky try charging extra for sport. Would Sports HD shove it up to £48?
May have a crack online with chat.
Is the Hybrid installation agreed online or have to haggle with the installing engineer?
20 Oct 16 #179
You have to request it on the day of fitting. If they don't have one I suspect you could phone up and say "what the fk, you've taken out the freesat services to my kids rooms..." it might get you a discount/credit or perhaps they would along you a Mini box to shut you up?

RE cost, I got a different deal, so £35 for Q plus Mini with sports and movies all in.

Good luck.
20 Oct 16 #180
Yes the £42 includes Sports and HD (also try your luck and push for the £35 price mentioned earlier in the thread as well as by The_Hoff above), the complete package, if it was me I would try and get them to agree to a Hybrid Lnb during the chat or at worst get them to put a note on the system that you have requested one (record or screenshot the chat as backup) as the engineer may well try to wriggle out of giving you one and you then have the proof to show one was either agreed or requested. Other option is if you don't mind two dishes on your house, get the engineer to install a separate one to the one you already have.
20 Oct 16 #181
Just frustratingly tried chat and both advisors said that they couldn't offer Sky Q as separate team and that I would have to reinstate my account, just to talk about Q. Said even if I call, they won't help unless I reinstate my account first, then they will let me know what Q deals they have.

I was going around in circles for ages. To be offere 30% off current price of £80. Only when I mentioned I had got 50% on my homepage, did they offer me the same.

I cancelled my Sky a week ago via chat but still 3 weeks to go. How have people got the Q deals in chat? Am I just unlucky on the night? First advisor reckoned deal I mentioned ended 3rd Oct. Second advisor also said I had been told by first advisor the deal doesn't exist. So chats are obviosly saved. Looking like I ain't going to get it :0(

sky account is cancelled so you will not be able to discuss about the sky Q deals. To have the sky Q deal the account should be active first.
20 Oct 16 #182
The deal is meant for new customers only (or left 12 months or more), this is maybe why you are having problems getting it but as has been said before keep trying different advisors until you get lucky.
20 Oct 16 #183
Can you sign up in someone else's names for example your partner?
20 Oct 16 #184
Juat wait until closer to the time you are going to be switched off. You should start getting calls from the retention dept throwing offers at you to come back.
20 Oct 16 #185
Yeah, she has different surname, but preferably would use same joint account. Or would same bank account flag up not new customer?
20 Oct 16 #186
I just clicked through the link and seen the £30 or £42 by signing up for offer in girlfriends name and email address.
Am I right thinking best scenario is set up in her name and bank account as new customer and just let mine cancel? I can then request install date after mine has cancelled?

Technically would be new customer as it's her not me!?

How did people go from the £42 to £35 however?

**Just thought** If I do the above I think I might loose BT Sports as Internet and Phone is my name so BT Sports will no longer be linked with my Sky account......oh its bloody complicated!
20 Oct 16 1 #187
Just sign up in your partners name, the bank account shouldn't be an issue. The £35 deal is when some people tried contacting sky directly. This is the last day so don't risk it.

According to this you should be able to add BT sport anyways

Set the start date to a day after yours cancels. If you can't choose a date far enough just choose the latest one and you should be able to push the date along every few days on the online account
20 Oct 16 #188
Thanks for that bud.
Thought I have until midnight tomorrow to complete the deal?
I have just seen on my BT account an area where I can swap viewing card number to another one.

So same account, same address won't flag up? Thought I would need new bank details too, as surely they check to make sure new customer!?

Can get full package for £40 (With 50% off code), but for £2 extra and £60 setup fee I think getting Q sounds great.

Is Sky as bad as what people say for internet? Currently with BT but a few months that will shoot up in price too. Currently pay £45 but when out of contract the Sports costs a fortune. Seen unlimited Fibre with Sky £10 for 12 months.
21 Oct 16 #189
Just checked and the email says 23:59 today is the latest you can use the code.
As long as it's fibre and they estimate you a decent speed you should be ok.
Fibre unlimited is £10 but line rental is £17.40 so it would be £27.40 extra.
Personally I think it's not the best deal with broadband but just tv ATM

Some people have signed up successfully in their partners name. If you're worried sign up with different bank details (partner for example) and a month into the contract change it back
21 Oct 16 #190
Yeah was what I was thinking, but read a few stories with SKY being wise to it and checking postal address for occupants and cancelling new customer offers. Would love the deal, but wouldn't want it getting messy.

I have Sky current deal ends in 3 weeks time
BT discounted deal ends end of March.

So I'm in limbo in the middle of two providers and technically in a position of not being a new customer with either except Virgin. But heard they ain't too great.

I just been on phone with BT as they offer thier Tv top package for 12 months for £10 at moment (instead of £16) so would get most of what Sky are offering minus Boxsets and movies (I can get elsewhere for free) and Sky Sports (a pain but BT Sports does show some good football)
Only problem with that is from April until November my Fibre discount would be back up to full price.

Sorry for waffling, but as you can see I'm stuck between contract dates. I have been offered Fibre up to 76mb on my online account with BT for £15 a month, but that's a 24 month deal and don't like being locked in that long.

Love Sky Sports as a luxury and having everything condensed into one box with pause and recording etc. Arghhhhh, more frustrating then car insurance lol
21 Oct 16 #191
Looks like it is has now expired! :disappointed: Saw this yesterday and wanted to sort this morning! If anyone has a spare code - that would be much appreciated!! :smiley:
21 Oct 16 #192
I managed to get sky complete (boxsets, movies and sports) last night for £30, fibre unlimited £10 and line rental £11, 12m contract - moving from TalkTalk as their box is rubbish - user interface awful.

Wouldn't do anything on 2tb box - had to take multiroom and higher one-off fees.
21 Oct 16 #193
Decided to try chat for the £35 deal myself but couldn't improve on the £42 offered immediately. Was on chat for over an hour, but after him checking said it expired over two weeks ago. When I mentioned a colleague had just got it they cheekily asked for their name so they could check on how the offer was put through as they didn't know how to do it. Asked if he could wrangle it with a manager but again no go. Oh well, may try again later. Would of been happy with the £42 initially but after seeing other people getting it for £35 I'm determined to get it or wait for Xmas offers.
21 Oct 16 #194
Try chat, they are still offering it if your happy with £42. As above, I'm determined to get it for £35 now.
21 Oct 16 #195
Be nice this thread to keep going to see how people get on.
I like Sky because they have over 50 HD channels and everything kept on one box.

However I could just go with the BT deal for £10 a month (Free BT sports in HD (Pay £6 for it being viewed on Sky box)). Box sets and movies via Kodi. Only sticking point is Sky is for Sports. But then I only watch an occasional football match at weekend and maybe a bit of boxing.
Nice to have Sky as a luxury but is expensive.

Currently get all lot for £30 a month as last year I got 65% off and £50 credit on account.
21 Oct 16 #196
Is this as a 'New Customer'?
I would be happy to pay £42 and £60 installation to stick with Sky, but both times tried chat they won't speak about Q unless I cancel my cancelation? Strange they wont even pass me to the Q team to talk options unless I'm not currently under cancelation. Guess they are confident they hold all the cards!?
21 Oct 16 #197
As a new customer (more than a year ago since I last left). As said, I'll try again later to get the £35 offer.
21 Oct 16 #198
I just went on the online chat, my contract expires in 30 days. He wouldn't offer me any deal whatsoever, so i've cancelled. I'll call or chat again next week to try again.
21 Oct 16 #199
Just tried again as well but still only the £42 deal with £60 setup.
Mr Shoogles
21 Oct 16 1 #200
Just posting in case this helps anyone. Costs are very slightly rounded! I couldn't get Virgin to match this deal so I'm switching to Sky and was looking for the best broadband deal. Managed to get BT for the equivalent of £6.50 a month, inc line rental and BT Sport (not HD). This is because it suits my circumstances though!

Go through one of the links on topcashback (I did the one for BT BB, TV, calls and mobile at £161.60). You'll then get the options for:

£10.99 a month for 50MB BB
£205 line rental saver
£67 installation/setup fees
Free weekend calls
BT Sport but not HD
£10 mobile tariff which gives 500 mins, unlimited texts and 2GB data

I pay a tenner a month to giffgaff anyway for a lesser tariff so I've not included that in the price! Excluding the mobile, the total cost of the year is £404.

You then get:
£161.60 cashback
£125 BT reward card
£40 amazon voucher (comes with BT mobile)
Total there is £326.60

So that works out at £6.50 (£404-326.60/12) a month for 12 months, excluding the mobile tariff.
21 Oct 16 #201
where does ur code go? i filled out the form last week but cant remember where the code went :S

i didnt get it emailed to me
21 Oct 16 #202
​I put in my cancellation a week ago, been getting calls all week from sky, only managed to answer today turns out they no longer say we will give you % off. They just say we can bring your bill down to whatever price they come up with said I would leave it the guy spoke to a manage and brought it down more to £58 boxes, movies, sports, line rental and non fibre bb. Was out so couldn't work out of my head how much the discount worked out as so left it. Will see if I can get the £42 q deal as that's better
21 Oct 16 #203
You should get 50% off any package with Sky whithin a few days.

I have thought about this deal in the other halfs name. But not worth the risk should they cancel the deal by knowing and ending up paying £90+ a month.

Going to stick with being cancelled in 3 weeks. Considering BT Youview box with Entertainment package £5 + £5 for HD so a tenner a month. Kodi can sort the rest. Least I then have a box I can record on and do catch-up. Plus should be mine to keep and use the features in 12 months time, unlike the Sky box that loses its record function.

Just hope the Youview boxes have improved since the very first ones, as I have just updated my old Humax 1000 box and is really slow!?
23 Oct 16 #204
Does anybody have a spare code, deal seems to have ran out now. Thanks
23 Oct 16 1 #205
If the deal has run out a code would be useless then.
23 Oct 16 #206
I think the code is valid for 60 days but is no longer possible to generate a new one. Thanks for the help
23 Oct 16 #207
If you go to online chat or one of the Sky concession stands within any mall they will still offer this deal as I've tried both in the last few days to get the prior £35 deal but all they are offering is this £42 one.
23 Oct 16 #208
Brill thanks mate
24 Oct 16 #209
Does anyone know of any offers for Sky Q this seems to have finished
24 Oct 16 #210
Finally, after managing to get a code from another forum managed to get this deal for £35 a month (£60 setup) for 2tb + mini Complete Bundle for 12 months after going through chat. Also, going through quidco has got me £130 cashback tracked as well (whether it gets paid is another matter).
24 Oct 16 #211
Hi i dont suppose you can give me a link to where you got the code from or is a multi use code that would be great

Thanks in advance
24 Oct 16 #212
Sent you pm tubbyhubby
24 Oct 16 #213
would love a code for sky q for my dad who wants to get it installed, pretty please :smiley:
awkward old git waits till deals dead then asks me if i can get for him lol
24 Oct 16 #214
Thanks for the PM just posted a message on there
24 Oct 16 #215
Ordered this deal the other day. Thanks for posting. very happy me x
24 Oct 16 #216
How did you get it as I have been trying today and getting no where
24 Oct 16 #217
I registered for the code on Friday and signed up. Think it ended that night.
24 Oct 16 #218
Tubbyhubby, sent you another pm.
24 Oct 16 #219
Hi could anyone please send me a code...thanks
24 Oct 16 #220
Hi can you pm me the order outline as want to get them to amend my order but don't think they will as I've also got fibre half price and cheap line rental - may have used up all my luck
24 Oct 16 #221
Hi have you got the code please? Missed this the other week and been looking everywhere for a code. Thanks
25 Oct 16 #222
Me too please :smiley:
25 Oct 16 #223
Can you bring the install date ahead to sooner? Still got another 17 days to wait. Boooo.
25 Oct 16 #224
I had to wait a MONTH - just for an extra Q mini box lol
25 Oct 16 #225
​Hey there, could I grab a code too if you don't mind? Thank you so much!
26 Oct 16 #226
Don't have any I'm afraid, sent some advice to tubbyhubby re claiming the deal once he finds a code.
26 Oct 16 #227
Hi Just an update i could not use a code in either mine or my wife's account so gave then a call and tried to get them to honour the code over the phone. They were going to but i decided i did not want the sport and movies so got the original bundle inc box sets with a 2TB Sky Q and 1 mini with multiroom for £31 a month on a 12 month contract with a £60 installation fee, that's a pound less than i am paying now but all new kit fitted and i am in my 30 days and having it fitted a week before that expires just to make sure we have no loss of Sky.
Call them and talk it was easier than their chat sessions which were a waste of time for me.
26 Oct 16 #228
Hello all.. Can someone please send me a code. I am on my knees, as I have beeb hunting for this elusive codes for days now and this site appears to be my last resort.. I thank you in advance.
26 Oct 16 #229
I think it is area related as i could have had mine installed this coming Saturday but as i am in my 30 days notice i put it back for 3 weeks.
26 Oct 16 #230
You just need to give the sales team a call. I did not tell them i had a code just that a friend had been given the deal and can i have the same, He was more than happy to do a good deal. I did not have any luck with the chat sessions
26 Oct 16 #231
Okay! Thanks mate
26 Oct 16 #232
30 days shouldn't matter should it if its in a different name install?
27 Oct 16 #233
yes they staye the box is only on loan
27 Oct 16 #234
says the deal is no longer available
28 Oct 16 #235
Which deal are they saying isn't available, the £42 or £35? The £35 is but you need to find a friend's code from someone who still has them. The £42 maybe has finished as the advisors were using left over mse codes as far as I am aware (although they will deny their codes are from there) but personally I didn't think that was a good deal anyway and so persevered until I managed to find a £35 code (person I got it from I don't think has any left so please don't pm me asking where I got it).
28 Oct 16 #236
Just had my new router arrive getting it ready for my installation in 2 weeks time. It is bigger than the original Sky router so hoping it is dual band.
29 Oct 16 #237
Hi just wondering if anybody can help.

Contract ended. paying 110+ for sky tv (All channels + HD) & BB line rentals.

Cancel through chat advisor today as he only offered me 20%.

I am interested in the skyQ offer but my husband has already had an account with for my mother in law so change name is a no go.

When I contact them/ they contact me again what will be the best way & best price to negotiate a skyq offer please?

Thanka for the help x
30 Oct 16 #238

Go on that chat and say you've recieved an offer of 60% off in the post to come back to sky and you want sky q. See what they say
You should get at least 50% off sky packages
2 Nov 16 #239
This is interesting as i was told our old boxes will not work once you get SkyQ
2 Nov 16 #240
The statement is true but as is often typical is incomplete because the call handlers appear to have limited information. The LNB supplied with the new dish is incompatible with old kit or Freesat Kit so older Sky/Freesat equipment will cease to work but there is a hybrid LNB that can be installed that allows the older kit to work. After long discussion with Sky the representative I spoke to apparently checked out the situation and told me that installation of the hybrid LNB is at the discretion of the installer (I find that hard to believe) I will find out on 21st November but I have made it clear when ordering the upgrade that the installer must provide a hybrid for my installation or I will decline the installation and regard Sky as being in breach of contract. The installer has already contacted me and I made the position clear to them also
Should you get it installed ask for the hybrid and check with installer on arrival before allowing them to change the existing dish.
2 Nov 16 #241
The installer must fit a hybrid LNB, lots of people have had one fitted and that way you can use your old boxes or freesat at the end of the contract if need be

You must ask for a hybrid LNB on the day of the installation, if they refuse don't go ahead or ring sky whilst they are there
2 Nov 16 #242
The installer put me a new dish up. No idea about the lnb used - but they are as cheap as chips - buy off fleabay and just change it in 12 months if you want freecrap back
2 Nov 16 #243
That's another way to do it one for sky q and one for usual sky/freesat, but I wouldn't want two dishes personally
2 Nov 16 #244
No he took my old dish down - so I can just replace the lnb in future -10 minute job
3 Nov 16 #245
We are prob going to have 2 dishes when Q installed, as we are using old dish on front of house to a bedroom for the option of freesat and then will have the new Sky Q dish on back on house hopefully.

QUESTION -----> We have taken BT fibre infinity 1 unlimited and have seen things about 3/6months free or free with BT fibre infinity 1 BT Sport package.
5 Nov 16 #247
My sky deal was at end of contract so I put in the cancellation notice. I then signed up for the MSE £30 deal with my spouse details and bank details.

It all went through fine and I have a viewing card waiting to be installed next Friday. So it is possible to sign up as a new customer, with different details and bank account.
5 Nov 16 #248
5 Nov 16 #249
I have cancelled today. Trying now to sign up in the wife's name but getting told there appears to have been at this address. Any thoughts?
5 Nov 16 #250
Can you click new customer? Try your wife's middle name if she has one and change the bank account details
5 Nov 16 #251
Joint account or same account? Has to be different bank account.
5 Nov 16 #252
Just seem to be getting snagged on the address - basically the website is saying there appears to have been Sky at this address before - that is true but thats not the point!!
5 Nov 16 #253
Try putting a space and then your house number. Some people have added an a to their house number, but that's up to you
6 Nov 16 #254
Yep that worked a treat, thanks. 1 last question- can I book the sky q install prior to my current sky contract ending in 1 month? Think sky contract ends in December but can get Sky Q installed next weekend!
6 Nov 16 #255
Worked for me (within 1 week) but will vary from region and availability of installers
6 Nov 16 #256
I wouldn't as when they activate it they'll see you already have sky at the address. Personally I'd do it the day after disconnection
6 Nov 16 #257
In the same boat. Have sly bb in Mrs name and TV in my name disconnects 20th Nov. Will try what's mentioned above. Should be able to get this deal.
6 Nov 16 1 #258
I am in a similar situation BB is in my wife's name and the Sky TV in mine.I have given notice but have agreed a deal with Sky on my Wife's account for the 2TB box multi room cost £60 installation fee and £32 a month contract thats what i have on my contract and the same price as a i am paying.

Being installed on the 19th November... happy chappie
6 Nov 16 #259
Ordered. All went through OK!
6 Nov 16 #260
What's the package they've give to you?
6 Nov 16 #261
​Not really. I had my sky q installed yesterday, my exsisting Sky multiroom doesnt end til the 13th....
Had no issues. Got two dishes on the house so just working my way through the recordings on the old box before I put the second Sky Q box on.
6 Nov 16 #262
That's good to know. Not everyone wants two dishes on their house
6 Nov 16 #263
Why would you have 2 dishes on? Is it a new dish for sky Q?
6 Nov 16 #264
Yeah because skyq uses a different LNB. Ideally you should ask for a hybrid LNB on the installation day so you can use skyq and have the option of freesat or using your old Skyhd box at the end of the contract. Remembers the skyq equipment is just loaned to you, similar to how virgin work, so at the end of the contract it needs to be returned if you leave
6 Nov 16 #265
I have the family pack with HD and multiroom for £32 a month.
6 Nov 16 #266
If you did it this way it would be £42 but the main difference is movies and sports being included. Up to you whether you'll watch them
7 Nov 16 #267
The Everything package was £30 but did not include multiroom so that took it to £42 as i did not want to pay that much i got him to take of the sports and movies bringing it down to the £32 so was happy with that and of course it is the 2TB box as well. being installed on the 19th a week before the expiration of my 30 day notice.
A good deal for me personally
7 Nov 16 #268
​I had the standard sky multiroom before, but used to have problems with the box that had the wire coming the dish at the front, over the roof, and to the back bedroom. Sky engineer said, the slates on the roof can cause damage over time to the wire for the box hence why the issues. He suggested putting a second dish on the back of the house. Not much of a issue for me personally which I accepted from him.
The Sky Q engineer only changed the LNB on the dish at the back of the house and didnt do anything with the dish at the front, leaving it for freeview etc if needed.
I have the multiroom on the Sky Q package, so wont really be needing the dish at the front, but its good for me personally if i ever needed it in the future :smiley:
7 Nov 16 #269
We will be doing same. Is Sky good to go on old dish (Freesat) or do we have to do anything? Back of house dish will be for Q and front of house old dish is kept incase or if we put Freesat upstairs with it.
7 Nov 16 #270
​Sky engineer used the same dish at the back of the house which was being used for the old sky setup.
He just changed the LNB. This one records more at once, so can assume it needs more tuners :smiley:
7 Nov 16 #271
Yes the new LNB has more tuners in it.
10 Nov 16 #272
Does it need more cabling to the box


Does it need more cabling to the box as all my sky cable goes through the loft and down a false wall.
10 Nov 16 #273
This is not true. The Sky Q box has 2 x F Connectors only. This is confirmed if you look at the technical specification documents at this page
11 Nov 16 #274
If anyone has an order in progress and it isn't installed yet, a day or two before the install date call them up to cancel. Speak to someone in the Q team and say you're having second thoughts as it's still a bit expensive for you. They might give you a bit extra discount or something else (credit?) to help!
11 Nov 16 #275
Did you get a discount?
12 Nov 16 #276
I had actually put in notice for my regular Sky contract and signed up for Q with my spouse details.

I then got a nice deal on the regular Sky, took that up and then called them to cancel the spouse' order - which is where the "pre activation cancellations" team member told me his job was to try to keep me. He couldn't actually do anything because we had an active subscription but his wording made me think basically it was some kind of pre activation retentions team where they might have tried to keep the order going. So I think it's worth a punt!
15 Nov 16 #277
Any luck with the threatening to cancel before the install? ​
8 Dec 16 #278
Got some SkyQ deals posted to me for NEW customers only though

SkyQ 1TB box (No Multi-room)
All channels (Inc boxsets, sports, movies

£35 P/M for 12 months

PM if anyone is interested
8 Dec 16 #279
I have a code too if anyone wants it. Expires 15 December.
10 Dec 16 #280
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Nerf Battle Racer
3 stars +101

Nerf Battle Racer

£149.98 costco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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PS4 Sony Dualshock 4 V2 Controller Jet Black 365Games
4 stars +357

PS4 Sony Dualshock 4 V2 Controller Jet Black 365Games

£29.99 365 Games10 Oct 17
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Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members
3 stars +155

Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members

£8.99 HMV 10 Oct 17
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Oct 2017

Embr icon pack - free
3 stars +122

Embr icon pack - free

Google Play10 Oct 17
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Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg
3 stars +151

Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg

£9 Waitroses10 Oct 17
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Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9
3 stars +143

Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9

costco10 Oct 17
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Wrapping paper
3 stars +133

Wrapping paper

£0.48 Tesco10 Oct 17
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Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal
4 stars +300

Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours
3 stars +115

Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours

£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
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Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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