Cheers Op. After missing out on a few boomerangrental deals, I managed to suss out how to buy lol
6 Oct 16#6
Price or the game itself?
6 Oct 161#4
Gosh darn it. So tempting. Personally haven't seen it this low before.
6 Oct 16#3
How do you buy from them? Do you need to be on the per month rental thing?
rimz790 to GigahurtzUK
6 Oct 16#7
No, just choose to buy then you register to buy the game...
dealowl2014 to GigahurtzUK
6 Oct 161#8
Click on the buy tab at the top of the Web page, search ratchet and clank in the search box, or the name of any other game you want, then click on the black box that says ex-rental now and it will add to basket. Then click on basket, fill in details and pay. It's even free delivery :smiley: I think that's the whole process.
Opening post
This ^^