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Palit GTX 1070 8GB DUAL Graphics Card £349.99 delivered @ Scan
4 stars +362

Palit GTX 1070 8GB DUAL Graphics Card £349.99 delivered @ Scan

£349.99 Scan3 Oct 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 Oct 16
Probably the cheapest GTX 1070 you can find anywhere at the moment. Delivery is free also, might cancel my EVGA order and get this.

Top comments
3 Oct 16 7 #5
The idea that somebody should pay an extra £150 for a horrible bulky AIO hybrid card or hundreds for a custom water loop in lieu of paying an extra £25 for a better air cooler is complete nonsense. Having owned many, many (many) graphics cards, there is a huge gap between the best and worst air coolers, both in terms of temperatures and acoustics. Paying more doesn't always get you something better, but it usually does when comparing the very cheapest models on the market to the ones slightly above them.

To use this specific example, the Dual model uses a much smaller heatsink and cheaper, smaller fans (90mm vs 100mm) which don't stop when the card is idle (despite that feature being advertised on the product page and Palit's own site). It also reportedly gets bit noisier than the larger JetStream/GameRock models under load, which are considered the quietest cards on the market full stop. It also lacks direct cooling for the memory chips and a backplate, as well as using a cheaper, smaller PCB. Although the benefits of any of those things can be debated.

Personally, if I was spending £350 on a graphics card anyway, I'd pay the extra £25 and get the GameRock model for the quieter operation both at idle and at load alone. Others may not care and be happy to save any money they can. That's up them I suppose.
3 Oct 16 6 #30
Do you mean this? >>

2011 is just the original date I created the post. I update it every 3 to 6 months, the last time I updated it was 30th August 2016 as shown at the bottom of the original post, so it's very up to date. :wink:

Scan are abit crap when it comes to RMA process, especially graphics cards. Scan will most likely ship it off to Hong Kong and forget about it. If you haven't received it back from repair/replacement within 28 days, you can chase them up and they will most likely offer you a similar product or the value divded by how much warranty is left. So as an example of 12 months left: 349.99 / 24 * 12 = £174.99 payable back to you.
3 Oct 16 4 #32
I think this is a good deal, so gave it heat. By the way, don't let what I mentioned above put you off buying this card, it's a really good deal. Chances are, a graphics card will most likely malfunction within the first 28 days of use, if that happens you will be well within your rights to request a brand new replacement or a full refund.

I usually stick to EVGA, Gigabyte or MSI, but as shown below the best warranties offered are by the ones in Green. Depends how much you value cost over warranty.
3 Oct 16 3 #3
Looks like it is just a different fan cooling system - not convinced it's worth an extra £40 just to have fans that turn in different directions though:
"The 1070 JetStream graphics card features dual fans that rotate in opposite ditrections. This 10CM-10CM Smart Fan system roatates the adjacent fans in different directions to reduce airflow conflicts in the 1070, and effectively improving the overall cooling performance. "

The smelling pistakes are quoted directly from the Scan site!

If you're going to pay more for better cooling you may as well go the whole hog and get a water-cooled card.
All comments (84)
3 Oct 16 #1
Great deal. for only £100 more than most 1060s and you get a new game. Free delivery on your chosen day is a bonus. Thanks.
3 Oct 16 #2
Does anyone know what the difference between this and the Jetstream version is? (£390)

[edit] Seems to be cooler size
3 Oct 16 3 #3
Looks like it is just a different fan cooling system - not convinced it's worth an extra £40 just to have fans that turn in different directions though:
"The 1070 JetStream graphics card features dual fans that rotate in opposite ditrections. This 10CM-10CM Smart Fan system roatates the adjacent fans in different directions to reduce airflow conflicts in the 1070, and effectively improving the overall cooling performance. "

The smelling pistakes are quoted directly from the Scan site!

If you're going to pay more for better cooling you may as well go the whole hog and get a water-cooled card.
3 Oct 16 1 #4
I got this from amazon.. minus the gears of war and for more.. card is great runs nearly silent!! I'm probably going to return my amazon card and re buy
3 Oct 16 7 #5
The idea that somebody should pay an extra £150 for a horrible bulky AIO hybrid card or hundreds for a custom water loop in lieu of paying an extra £25 for a better air cooler is complete nonsense. Having owned many, many (many) graphics cards, there is a huge gap between the best and worst air coolers, both in terms of temperatures and acoustics. Paying more doesn't always get you something better, but it usually does when comparing the very cheapest models on the market to the ones slightly above them.

To use this specific example, the Dual model uses a much smaller heatsink and cheaper, smaller fans (90mm vs 100mm) which don't stop when the card is idle (despite that feature being advertised on the product page and Palit's own site). It also reportedly gets bit noisier than the larger JetStream/GameRock models under load, which are considered the quietest cards on the market full stop. It also lacks direct cooling for the memory chips and a backplate, as well as using a cheaper, smaller PCB. Although the benefits of any of those things can be debated.

Personally, if I was spending £350 on a graphics card anyway, I'd pay the extra £25 and get the GameRock model for the quieter operation both at idle and at load alone. Others may not care and be happy to save any money they can. That's up them I suppose.
3 Oct 16 #6
​gamerock is wider won't fit all cases... it's 2.5 slots. I recommend the above
3 Oct 16 #7
Does anyone have any experience with having to RMA a card to Palit? From what I could find they don't have a RMA centre in UK. How does the warranty work for Palit cards?
RexNoctis to koahhe
3 Oct 16 #35
Not had to return mine, sorry! I assume it would go back to Scan in the first instance?

I've run a Palit 770GTX 4GB for a number of years, not had any issues running 3 monitors (1 3440x1440 and 2 1600x1200) as well as an Oculus Rift. Really annoying, it can run the Rift with no issues apart from the warning at the start which says the card is below minimum spec.

I'll be buying this, good spot OP!
3 Oct 16 #8
is this a blower?
Joehawkins609 to wildswan
3 Oct 16 #17
3 Oct 16 #9
I think this is outdated mate, saw it on hexus forum but it's from 2011 and am sure evga has a UK rma centre now so who knows how inaccurate this is.
3 Oct 16 #10
ok pal sorry thought it was up to date
it's dated jan 1st 2014 my bad
3 Oct 16 #11
Cant help but think Nvidia is really milking the money for these cards.
skykid3 to 999tigger
3 Oct 16 2 #12
The apple of video cards
3 Oct 16 1 #13
I bought a Gigabyte Gaming G1 1070, had to reorganise my HDDs and all the cables to fit this card in. If you have a Mid tower, good luck guys, it was a pain in the backside for me. I can still hear some of the cables being grinded by one of the three fans. Let's hope they're not too hungry... :smiley:
3 Oct 16 #14
Jetstream has a better cooler, but also takes more slots - 2.5 (i assume this means 3 slots are unuseable) vs 2 for the regular card according to the Palit website.

Since the clock speeds are the same between the two cards, you probably wouldn't see much if any difference in overclocking, as Palit are likely speed binning chips for the "Super Jetstream" version.
3 Oct 16 #15
Out of curiosity does the gears code with these things net you the preorder bonus'? Cant seem to see a definitive answer anywhere
3 Oct 16 1 #16
Hmmm was going to the the MSI GeForce GTX 1070 ARMOR, but this is almost £40 cheaper!!. Anyone actually got this card and can comment on how loud it it and are Palit a good brand?
3 Oct 16 #18
Its too bad they don't want to dip below that #350 mark. But maybe Black Friday will bring some new surprises for us.
3 Oct 16 #19
Is this worth going for.. I am coming from a 970 sli setup. But lately sli has proved worthless.. Directx12 support is still awful. So want to swap them out for the powerful single card. Been look at the EVGA card but this is over £70 cheaper :sunglasses:
Never bought a Palit, cant imagine their is much difference between brands but I need reassurance for piece of mind :smiley:
I will be gaming at 1440p @ 60 fps, with every option cranked up :smiley:
3 Oct 16 #20
Sli is still pointless? Crap. I just bought a 1440p 144hz monitor and was thinking of getting two 1080's to try to push the monitor. Is SLI really that bad then?

Is there nothing that can push a 1440p monitor to 144hz on ultra settings at the moment then?
Szabster to sparx1981
3 Oct 16 #23
SLI really depends on the software. Imho, i'ts not worth it but that's just my two cents. :smiley:
3 Oct 16 #21
At least my monitor is future proof lol
3 Oct 16 #22
I struggle to find many modern titles that uses sli or dx12 multi gpu. GTA V pushed my cards the best.
With all the "ports" happening of console games, i doubt it will be implemented.
3 Oct 16 #24
So the money is best spent on a single Titan X... or 1080 ti when it comes out in january. Still... I doubt that will do 1440p at 144hz

I wonder what other people are doing to game at that speed. Just lowering settings?? Seems crazy considering the price of all the kit involved.
3 Oct 16 #25
3 Oct 16 #26
oh wow. that bad! I'm currently using AMD crossfire and thought I'll swap to team green to get the better performance and features such as G-sync and 3d vision etc....
rev6 to sparx1981
3 Oct 16 #27
Yeah do that. Avoid CFX :smile:
3 Oct 16 #28
Nvidia are terrible at updating the website. It's the same with surround and 3d profiles, you just can't rely on that information unfortunately.
SLI works with the majority of titles but there are notable exceptions and scaling will vary, so go into with your eyes open.
Don't expect any SLI or Crossfire support from DX12. I know mgpu is a feature but from a development point of view it's a minority requirement so don't buy 2 cards expecting full scale support.
3 Oct 16 1 #29
Would have been nice if they gave a free game away with earlier GTX1070 buyers :-(
3 Oct 16 6 #30
Do you mean this? >>

2011 is just the original date I created the post. I update it every 3 to 6 months, the last time I updated it was 30th August 2016 as shown at the bottom of the original post, so it's very up to date. :wink:

Scan are abit crap when it comes to RMA process, especially graphics cards. Scan will most likely ship it off to Hong Kong and forget about it. If you haven't received it back from repair/replacement within 28 days, you can chase them up and they will most likely offer you a similar product or the value divded by how much warranty is left. So as an example of 12 months left: 349.99 / 24 * 12 = £174.99 payable back to you.
3 Oct 16 1 #31
Top lad :sunglasses:
3 Oct 16 4 #32
I think this is a good deal, so gave it heat. By the way, don't let what I mentioned above put you off buying this card, it's a really good deal. Chances are, a graphics card will most likely malfunction within the first 28 days of use, if that happens you will be well within your rights to request a brand new replacement or a full refund.

I usually stick to EVGA, Gigabyte or MSI, but as shown below the best warranties offered are by the ones in Green. Depends how much you value cost over warranty.
3 Oct 16 1 #33
Nice find op ,very tempted to go for this as I need to replace my ageing 2500k system with hd 7950 lol.
Could be 1 part of my jigsaw or wait for Black Friday, cyber Monday, always a gamble.
3 Oct 16 #34
Good deal but out of my budget!
4 Oct 16 #36
Worth selling my r9 380 to buy this, looking for something to run battlefield 1 at 100+fps at 1080p. Also anyone know what the r9 380 4gb's are selling at the moment refurbished?
nellygtfc to hamzahuk
4 Oct 16 #37
There's a 380 4GB on eBay at the moment at £112 with just under two days left. On the OcUK forum, they go for around £90 inc P&P.
4 Oct 16 1 #38
Appreciate the response, looks like i'll keep this card for another year, as I don't see myself spending an extra £250 for that upgrade. 100fps will just have to wait :disappointed:

Edit - Just seen that offer you were on about on ebay, will see what the final price it sells for, if it goes for £140ish I might try selling mine for that much as it would be a strong indicator.
4 Oct 16 1 #39
Bidvoy is a good tool to judge prices on ebay.
4 Oct 16 #40
Hoping they do some deals with bf1 maybe?
4 Oct 16 1 #41
Maybe, but I'm pretty sure the Gears of War deal is a promotion from a collaboration between Nvidia and the developers/Microsoft and has nothing to do with Scan or any retailers. The chances of EA offering a free copy of their most anticipated game seems unlikely.
4 Oct 16 #42
Decision, decision! Maybe time to sell my R9 290x 8GB and the AOC Freesync 144hz monitor (Which is amazing, despite doomsayers saying TN is pants, frankly do the calibration right and l did not notice much difference)
And thankfully price of G Sync monitor is coming down, but then for a 144hz G Sync, though, that is another problem, because l can never go back to normal hz again after tasting the forbidden fruit that is 144hz.
And can pick it up from the way to Uni, feel sorry for guys/gals that don`t live near the store, there are unbeliveable bargain instore that is not advertise online, where l picked up the R9 290x 8GB for an unbeliveable price and l could not pay straight away, and asked if it could be held for me for a week, and they did (Thanks to that wonderful lady again, if l forgot to thank you enough)
l know Scan get bad press here, but from personal point they have been wonderful for every purchase, unlike should l mentioned names? another pc shop in Manchester, by God, the parts failed always a week after warranty expire, good luck with getting replacement from them.
4 Oct 16 1 #43
While you could argue that competitors offer slightly more for the money over Apple products the same cannot be said regarding Nvidia. They may dictate the pricing on GPU's but they are second to none.
4 Oct 16 #44
Oh dear! you starting a war? good lord, you not our envoy to middle east.:laughing:
4 Oct 16 #45
If 1080p gaming is your preference then stick to one card like a 1070, 1080 or Titan X. If you want to game in 1440p or 4K running games at max settings then the way to go is SLI. You're looking at approximately 50-100% perf gain over a single card.
4 Oct 16 #46
Premium brand dictates premium prices. If you want the best it comes at a price.
4 Oct 16 #47
EVGA awesome warranty wise, Corsair unbeliveable (No quibbles will upgrade to the highest model, and in my own experience refuse it because it`s not my preferred keys (at which point most manufacters will tell me where to go) but not Corsair they managed to find my preferred keys to the highest model, how is that for customer service, on contrast MSI, don`t get me started, after going through the loops of faulty MB, making me look like an idiot, despite building the damn thing myself,which once googled, indicates it`s an unsolveable end user resolution.take it back to retailer, which l was quite happy to,but here is the conundrum retailer no longer trading, no longer trading? MSI said proof it, thankfully the cease to trade was on org. website, posted the link, proof of purchase next request (which remembered is already on their warranty website, okay have you tried the checks suggested (At which point l felt sorry for my end user, when l did IT support) l have, it seems you have a faulty MB (Never) but you have to send it to us at (Now the painful part, wish bought it at Amazon) Netherlands at your own cost.Once back selling the damn pc.
Rant over
4 Oct 16 #48
Now you starting the war, my kids got Ipad mini 4( Which left to me will never happened but hey once you overuled by the OH, so when getting it, l said there is no need for the 4G one, as they will not need a SIM card or phone, so opted for wifi only with maxium GB available knowing, they will fill it with rubbish in no time, but then came Pokemon
which they cannnot do on their very very very (my words) expensive Ipad, but that dad on his cheap LG G pad, that cost the princely price of £99, thanks to one of the deal here.Oh by the way l`m not restricted to what l do with mine.
Can we use your pad, NO it`s not happening, you made your choice deal with it first lesson in life, oh by the way, the second one found out the other day, after an update, l have to reset everthing again, who does that?Security?Please.
4 Oct 16 #49
Pls.Pls.lgnore the advice , l will let more experienced HUKD members tell you why, l could, but will be biased due to my response on this thread.
Some will be gentle, and some will tell you the advice what crap it
4 Oct 16 #50
Great price! only a good deal if you haven't got a side window on your case and you like gears or war.
4 Oct 16 1 #51
funny thing is apple and nvidia are now working together, consumers rejoice :sarcasm:
4 Oct 16 #52
​got it a while back for a bit more, and in my fairly basic case I barely hear it, if at all.
4 Oct 16 #53
Do the fans stop spinning when idle? Someone was saying earlier that even though palit has advertised as such it doesn't actually work.
4 Oct 16 #54
​honestly haven't looked, but it seems a legit claim going by noise levels. They have a utility which may well allow you to tinker with fan profiles, as well as OC if so desired, but I've not as of yet as I've had no need.
4 Oct 16 #55
From experience with Nvidia albeit lower version, they do not spin, (but then could not work out if it was the PSU, that stops it spinning (sounds stupid) as that one dont spins at all no matter how much l push the GPU (Nvidia) and at full load, they are manageable on conrast the bad boy that is red, brace yourself.
4 Oct 16 1 #56
This is different to the Apple vs PC market.
Nvidia currently has NO competition. As in, there is no card from AMD to compete with the GTX 1070/1080. That is why the pricing is terrible right now. Even with the 1060, the offerings available to actually buy on AMDs side, namely the RX480, are overpriced and have poor availability.

If AMD were serious about competing then they would start slashing the prices of the Fury and Fury X. Make people think twice about the GTX 1070.
4 Oct 16 1 #57
£350 for ~1st gen Titan X performance with better power consumption doesn't equate to a terrible price to me, but to each their own :smiley: with pc running but not doing anything taxing, GPU fan is sitting at 30% / 1000rpm ish, but it is quite warm in my flat :smile:
4 Oct 16 2 #58
Seeing how the currency is tanking that'll mean prices will start to creep up. If youre planning to make big purchases like this over the next few months I would jump in now. Because the rise in prices may even wipe out the savings a black friday / cyber monday would normally generate.
4 Oct 16 #59
From reading the comments and some googling, I understand that this model doesn't have an idle fan mode, even though it says it does. Apparently there's a bios version that does let you reduce it but still not turn it off, but as owners of this card say, it's quite quiet anyway.
Funnily enough, idle fan mode is something I actually really want.
4 Oct 16 1 #60
I received my order from scan earlier and I had a few doubts about this card with it being a lower end gtx 1070 but I've been testing the division playing on ultra settings at 2560x 1440 @ 60hz (custom resolution) and constantly hitting 60 fps and temperature no higher than 75 degrees. I did use the enclosed overclocking software "thunder master" and was running at a boost of 1920 ( I'm no expert on this)
Very impressed.
4 Oct 16 #61
​ive got it... the fan doesn't spin at idle
4 Oct 16 #62
​its quiet too isn't it...
4 Oct 16 #63
Northern Ireland isn't in the UK again. No free delivery.
4 Oct 16 #64
​Yeah m8 again I wasn't expecting it to be quiet but it's top notch
4 Oct 16 1 #65
apparently neither is the Scottish highlands!
4 Oct 16 #66
Haha it isn't that bad :P
4 Oct 16 #67
gears of war 4 is windows store only?
4 Oct 16 1 #68
Technology doesn't work like that. The performance is supposed to increase over time without the prices going up infinitely. Otherwise compared to a Core 2 Duo the i7 6700k should be about £2000.
4 Oct 16 #69
same performance at roughly 1/4 of the price only a year later...your example makes no sense.
4 Oct 16 #70
Titan X is an overinflated price. You are paying for "this is the only way I can get this performance" with a Titan.

The 980Ti is a much closer comparison. Sometimes going for £300, most often deals for £320...

...the prices on these new cards are too high for launch and several months down the line they are still too high.
4 Oct 16 #71
I'm no devout Nvidia fan, but Pascal works better for some applications, such as VR, and uses less power. There have been some good deals for other cards, both Pascal & Maxwell (not seen as many AMD deals lately) and absolutely if they suit folks better, crack on :smiley:
5 Oct 16 #72
I wonder if Currys will price match their MSI 1070 8GB model card which is currently £449.99 for this price
5 Oct 16 1 #73
1070 upwards perform admirably at 1440p. I have a 980ti and only some games require me to drop settings to get over 60fps.

A titan x for 1080p? Terrible advice.
5 Oct 16 #74
Hot. Ordered yesterday. Will arrive on Thursday. Now I need to figure out what to do with my 970
5 Oct 16 #75
Thanks - that's great to hear. I assume you've got this exact one (with two fans)?
5 Oct 16 #76
Opposite turning fans will immeasurably reduce turbulence inside the card. It's a nice theory and great marketing effort, that's all.
5 Oct 16 #77
What u looking for? Model?
5 Oct 16 #78
Really useful chart you produced. I refer to it when I buy new GPU's. Good to know the post has been updated. Kudos to you.
Wonder how many cards fail in the first 28 days and after? Manufacturers probably keep this information.
5 Oct 16 #79
Yes the exact one... good card
5 Oct 16 #80
Agreed, I wasn't meant to include the Titan X for a 1080p rig. Realistically the new Titan X should run most games with max settings with decent frame rate at 2K
5 Oct 16 #81
OOS now
5 Oct 16 #82
I think the titan xp would do 4k at high settings.
5 Oct 16 #83
With some games yes, but the most intensive games at a solid 60fps, I'd say unlikely
6 Oct 16 #84
is this future proofed for 4k gaming and VR?
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£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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