Used in most phones including iPhone 4S and older, Samsung Galaxy S5 and Sony Xperia Z2
Nano SIM
Used in some of the latest phones including iPhone 5 and newer, Samsung Galaxy A5 and Nokia Lumia 930
Smart Cap Buffer - £5.00, you may increase or decrease this safety net at any time by calling customer services
Just to remind everyone about the uswitch offer for life mobile
posted before but 1 month ago
Top comments
16 Oct 164#1
I'm still on the £1 month deal nothing yet about it going up!
weebigal to kernowmike
16 Oct 164#5
Because it runs on EE and they don't want to share, having got a jump on the 4G market, they need to maximise their own customer base. No doubt they will allow virtual operators access to 4G in time.
toonarama to machomansavage
17 Oct 164#32
Why? I was unaware of this deal. If you are offended by it don't read it.
Funnily enough, my Dad asked about that the other day (I took it out for him when it came out). It must be up soon right, the six month thing?
16 Oct 161#2
If you've already got a rolling contract with life mobile, is it easy to move to this deal.
Stompa to stepea
16 Oct 161#10
Yes, I did that a month or so ago. Just give them a call.
16 Oct 161#3
what is the £1 a month deal please?
16 Oct 16#4
why no 4g?
weebigal to kernowmike
16 Oct 164#5
Because it runs on EE and they don't want to share, having got a jump on the 4G market, they need to maximise their own customer base. No doubt they will allow virtual operators access to 4G in time.
16 Oct 16#6
Wrong, they already offer 4G, you can upgrade to it after your six monthly payment, don't what the cost is though.
16 Oct 16#7
Was just going to post the same as the one above, EE own life as well just their way of offering cheaper services.
Life is good if you can cope or live in an area where there is 3G signal and don't believe the coverage checker it told us it was very good, but opposite was what we were getting even in a highly populated area.
Their customer service was good, porting either good to extremely poor and cancelling either done smoothly with an attitude or not done the first time.
16 Oct 16#8
I cancelled my contract with them recently due to the data going from being really fast to nonexistent 50℅ of the time.
It's a shame because this is a great deal, but as their customer base grows I suspect that they are throttling the data just like giffgaff have been doing.
16 Oct 16#9
Price wise it's a great deal and service works fine for calls and texts, however, I find data can be slow or non existent a lot of time
cazsilver to Joshfount
16 Oct 161#29
Yes agree the data connection is rubbish! Purchased for my son a couple of months ago & whenever were out, he`s the only person not to have any internet - need to cancel
I just upgraded to 4G with them. £12.95 for 4GB (4G) and 1500 mins
16 Oct 16#13
I left Virgin for the same reason, no 4G, I've gone to 3 and get AYCE tests & minutes and 4Gb 4G data, three quid dearer but more bang for your buck. I flit between Dunstable and MK areas mainly and have experienced no signal problems yet, even in the villages in between.
16 Oct 161#14
Details of the 4G upgrade from an earlier post here
16 Oct 16#16
what are they like for customer support?
djnield to Mucka
16 Oct 16#17
Best in the biz. Friendly UK call centre that answers your call straight away.
Such a novelty these days!
16 Oct 163#19
I've had no service at all with EE for days in South and West Yorkshire, in fact they have periodically reduced network to 2g through the day meaning no network access for internet, and limited to non existent on mobile access.
Their service centre's have lied about service so many times I've stopped phoning them now for help.
If you do not believe me check EE out on or another internet site which monitors complaints and sites, or services which are down.
16 Oct 16#20
ha. no...
16 Oct 16#21
I am on this contract and as far as the tariff is concerned, I have no complaints.
However, what I was not told when I switched was that for reasons not explained, because I was switching from another provider who uses the EE network (TPO), the number I was porting was unavailable for four days and this just happened to coincide with a time when I really needed to be contactable. Every number port I have done in the past occurred with minimal inconvenience sometime in the small hours.
Had I been forewarned, I would have submitted my PAC at a different time but once it was in progress, I could do nothing but seethe for four days. Life blames TPO and TPO blamed Life.
16 Oct 16#22
Good deal but I got 52bultd fibre bb freee BT doirts on BT tv box and sim with 500 mins and 4gb data for £7.08 per month
16 Oct 16#23
16 Oct 16#24
If you want to know how just look through my deals, it's the one that is minus 200 and odd
16 Oct 16#25
Looks a great deal if no 4g is required.
Any idea how long it is likely to last as my contract is due to end next month.
Heat added
16 Oct 16#26
toonarama to machomansavage
17 Oct 164#32
Why? I was unaware of this deal. If you are offended by it don't read it.
arpster to machomansavage
17 Oct 16#36
Ignore this bozo........
Not seen it before. Hot. Thanks for posting
16 Oct 16#27
no 4g and don't know when it will be available and the cost to upgrade. no wonder why this is so cheap now. Cold for me!
16 Oct 16#28
This has been this price for months now
16 Oct 161#30
Quick question... On these 30 day contracts, does the monthly renewal date keep moving as some months don't have 30 days?
And do these contracts actually run for 5 days short of a year, or 6 days short in a leap year, so every year the 12 month anniversary date moves earlier? So is 12 months of 30 day renewals actually 11 and 3/4 months?
Not sure why this has been bothering me but it has! Sad, I know!
17 Oct 16#31
Been with them for months now and the speeds are 5h1te across peek times.
17 Oct 16#33
Just to say joined up on this deal few weeks back
So far so very good very quick port from 02 efficient and signal fine including for me fast enough 3g
Highly recommend so far
17 Oct 161#34
Similar, also have this deal. Support is good, website is good. Unlike the shambles TPO was.
17 Oct 16#35
Been with Life a few months now. data speeds aren't great but can get H+ at work with sppeds of about 15 mbs and 2 mbs download. For less than £6 a month I cant fault it.
17 Oct 16#37
Been with them a while now, great signal everywhere. Have no issues with the data side, works well enough for me and I haven't noticed any slow downs at all. Every time I have needed to contact customer services (which hasn't been a lot) they have been friendly and knowledgeable.
I've had terrible times with vodafone and 3 so it's nice to finally find a decent mobile provider.
(your experience may be different to mine)
17 Oct 16#38
Ignore him, looks like he's jealous as every deal he has posted has gone cold lol.
Heat from me as Im currently looking for a new contract.
17 Oct 16#39
I have the Life sim, poor reception where I live, missed calls, missed txt messages. Often a txt message takes a minute to send.
That is in Worcester.
Even worse for me is the ID sim, often no network connection at all.
£9.45 for 3GB, instead of £5.95 for 1.5GB
(works out at £4.72 for the same deal)
17 Oct 16#41
This deal has been going on for months and has been posted on HUKD before.
17 Oct 161#42
Not sure that the 1.5Gb version has been posted that often.
I've just upgraded from the 1Gb uswitch offer version to this 1.5Gb version. It might not sound like much but that's a much more comfortable safety margin for data usage. :smiley:
Thanks y'all. :smiley:
17 Oct 162#43
I am with Live Mobile over 6 month and so far so good. Very happy especially with customer support which just pumped up my contract from 1GB to 1.5GB when I mentioned this deal.
17 Oct 16#44
Thanks OP. Ordered 3.
17 Oct 161#45
Been with them since January. No issues at all. After reports from people a month or two ago about poor data speeds I've been keeping a careful check and carried out loads of speed tests in various locations. No problems at all. Also, no issues with call disconnects. C's are great, friendly helpful people who pick up the phone straight away.
17 Oct 16#46
shame it's not 4G
17 Oct 162#47
Depends how you look at it. Their 3G speed averages 8-12 MB where I live and goes to 20 MB the closer I get to the town.
Way faster than I used to get with Three 4G.
17 Oct 161#48
Someone said after six months they'll upgrade you to 4g but it costs a little more! Don't know if that is true or not
17 Oct 16#49
Ahh it's only 3G
17 Oct 16#50
TPO is poo
17 Oct 16#51
Interesting what if you're going from EE to Life
17 Oct 16#52
Interesting what if your got from EE to Life
18 Oct 16#53
message to Anon if you ring life mobile and tell them what you have done for them you may possibly get the deal I got they sent me a goody bag and gave me 2 free months
18 Oct 161#54
Their 3G is perfectly adequate depending on location
18 Oct 16#55
Any text alerts for missed Calles
18 Oct 16#56
See post#14
19 Oct 16#57
I realise this is a few days old, but to those still receiving updates and are on Life. ? do you get a time lag before your call goes through to ringing after dialling? I'm currently using an iphone 5 but have also experienced this on a older iphone 3 recently too. It just seems ages before i ever get the ring tone.
19 Oct 16#58
I have an android handset and get this, but I also experienced this when I was with EE before I joined Life.
19 Oct 16#59
Thanks Thar. It could be EE then as Life uses them. My previous providers were talkmobile who used Vodafone I think and o2 and I don't ever recall such a lag with them on connecting calls.
22 Oct 161#60
the best provider ever I have seen, the price is great, the customer service is fantastic don't need to repeat twice the same sentence and 100% understand English as they are based in UK!!!! the FB negative complaints and reviews can be ignored as it's not true.
22 Oct 16#61
Ive just got my PAC from EE - Quick Q: Can I port from EE to Life mobile..?
22 Oct 16#62
If it doesn't start with tls yes
22 Oct 16#63
Take this deal down already posted
22 Oct 161#64
Yes, you can. I ported two numbers over successfully.
22 Oct 16#65
get back under your bridge
24 Oct 16#66
Alex uk. I agree. Customer service great. Calls and texts work fine. Internet goes ok for me! Using in North Yorkshire :-)
25 Oct 16#67
Ordered one for my daughter! Better than PAYG deals.
1 Nov 16#68
ok no 4g - but if there wasnt any data allowance and someone put this on here saying 1000 mins and 5000 text for just 5.95 a month - it would be hot ???? i got the same deal - havent used the 1.5gb data as fails to connect but never going to use 1000 mins a month either but allfor 5.95 - you cant go wrong as no huge bill every month
S t e v e
2 Nov 16#69
Can anyone with experience of LIFE Mobile give me an idea of how long these prices usually last? I don't want to sign up and get a price rise in a few months time.
2 Nov 161#70
I don't think they increase their prices. There's effectively 4 official tariffs (excluding these uswitch specials) and there's been no sign of price changes in the 6 months I've been with them. Take more than 1 sim in the same household and they automatically offer a discount too.
S t e v e
2 Nov 16#71
Thanks djnield. That's a useful bit of info. I assume that's only if you order one of the the standard tarrifs direct with LIFE rather than the Uswitch offer.
2 Nov 161#72
I haven't tried it but I believe they will. The discount gets added to the cheapest tariff you've chosen from what I gather.
7 Nov 16#73
anyone know if this runs on EE do you need to unlock an EE phone to use the SIM (as with o2 you have to do this with giff gaff)
Interesting, thank you. I'm already with them for phone and broadband.
14 Nov 16#79
14 Nov 16#80
Comment TOTAL BS! I've more than one sim in my household and I don't have discount..... Stop talking crap!
15 Nov 16#81
Does that mean that the £1 sims will be forgotten about?
15 Nov 16#82
can you use this in a locked to EE phone?
tahir1231 to OrangeAgent
22 Nov 16#83
what are they like for phone and broadband? i am with talktalk and thinking of switching over,
22 Nov 161#84
I have 80/20 unlimited fibre with Plusnet with a sync speed of ~76 Mb. Been with them 3 years now and I have had no issues whatsoever with the broadband, the line is rock solid. I pay up front for the phone line (Line Rental Saver £185.88 pa), which saves me a few quid a month, but I hardly use the landline any more.
Opening post
Tariff NameUswitch £5.95 ExclusiveUK Minutes1000UK Texts5000UK 3G Data1.5GBContract Length30 DaysMonthly Cost£5.95
Standard & Micro SIM
Used in most phones including iPhone 4S and older, Samsung Galaxy S5 and Sony Xperia Z2
Nano SIM
Used in some of the latest phones including iPhone 5 and newer, Samsung Galaxy A5 and Nokia Lumia 930
Smart Cap Buffer - £5.00, you may increase or decrease this safety net at any time by calling customer services
Just to remind everyone about the uswitch offer for life mobile
posted before but 1 month ago
Top comments
All comments (85)
Life Mobile £1 Deal/s:laughing:
Life is good if you can cope or live in an area where there is 3G signal and don't believe the coverage checker it told us it was very good, but opposite was what we were getting even in a highly populated area.
Their customer service was good, porting either good to extremely poor and cancelling either done smoothly with an attitude or not done the first time.
It's a shame because this is a great deal, but as their customer base grows I suspect that they are throttling the data just like giffgaff have been doing.
Such a novelty these days!
Their service centre's have lied about service so many times I've stopped phoning them now for help.
If you do not believe me check EE out on or another internet site which monitors complaints and sites, or services which are down.
However, what I was not told when I switched was that for reasons not explained, because I was switching from another provider who uses the EE network (TPO), the number I was porting was unavailable for four days and this just happened to coincide with a time when I really needed to be contactable. Every number port I have done in the past occurred with minimal inconvenience sometime in the small hours.
Had I been forewarned, I would have submitted my PAC at a different time but once it was in progress, I could do nothing but seethe for four days. Life blames TPO and TPO blamed Life.
Any idea how long it is likely to last as my contract is due to end next month.
Heat added
Not seen it before. Hot. Thanks for posting
And do these contracts actually run for 5 days short of a year, or 6 days short in a leap year, so every year the 12 month anniversary date moves earlier? So is 12 months of 30 day renewals actually 11 and 3/4 months?
Not sure why this has been bothering me but it has! Sad, I know!
So far so very good very quick port from 02 efficient and signal fine including for me fast enough 3g
Highly recommend so far
I've had terrible times with vodafone and 3 so it's nice to finally find a decent mobile provider.
(your experience may be different to mine)
Heat from me as Im currently looking for a new contract.
That is in Worcester.
Even worse for me is the ID sim, often no network connection at all.
£9.45 for 3GB, instead of £5.95 for 1.5GB
(works out at £4.72 for the same deal)
I've just upgraded from the 1Gb uswitch offer version to this 1.5Gb version. It might not sound like much but that's a much more comfortable safety margin for data usage. :smiley:
Thanks y'all. :smiley:
Way faster than I used to get with Three 4G.