These games are on sale for 79p each but you can also buy both for 79p as a bundle! Looking forward to playing these as they both have some top reviews.
Great deal for those of you who missed out last time this was posted.
17 Oct 16#12
Nice deal :smiley:
13 Oct 161#11
Thanks OP
13 Oct 16#10
Both available on the Play store for 79p each.
12 Oct 16#8
Does it work for Android?
dawkinsdog1 to hezmeister
13 Oct 161#9
I can't see a bundle price for them on the Google store, but both Lara Croft Go and Hitman Go are saying 80% off at the moment.
I can't tell you how much that is as I own them both already and it helpfully just says "purchased" instead of a price, should be cheap though. Both great games.
12 Oct 161#7
79p and an infinite amount of shame for being an iPhone owner.
12 Oct 16#6
Yawn. Been this price pretty much constantly for at least the last 12 months if not longer.
12 Oct 161#5
Cracking find. Heat!!
12 Oct 163#4
Not posted! Your link 4 weeks old..
But this promotion started today...
Opening post
Great deal for those of you who missed out last time this was posted.
I can't tell you how much that is as I own them both already and it helpfully just says "purchased" instead of a price, should be cheap though. Both great games.
But this promotion started today...