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18 Oct 16
Think a great deal via uswitch on EE

ultd mins + texts and 5gb data

6 months of free Apple Music + 6 months of free BT Sport + Speeds up to 60Mbps + Tethering + Use mins/txts and 500MB data in EU + WiFi on London Underground + EE Film Club

phone normally £135 on this deal, use code "USW1016D" for free phone

cost then £35.99 a month for 24 months

total cost £863

Not a bad deal considering phone £599 alone .... £263 line rental over 24 months then
Top comments
18 Oct 16 22 #50
Perhaps we pop our heads up from our phones and join the real world for more than 3 seconds a day
19 Oct 16 16 #123
Your £7 Nokia can't browse the internet with any degree of competency, hold people's music collection, play their favourite games, act as a fall monitor for the disabled, back up its numbers securely so a lost phone isn't lost numbers, act as a gps, let me see if there are gay men or women interested in a hookup nearby in an age where we are still embarrassingly vile about others peccadillos, acts as a credit card, tracks calories, finds bargains (posted from my smart phone), can display my spreadsheets, runs word, has a camera worth using.

Let's be fair, if you want to compare a smartphone to your £7 Nokia, you have to do a likewise comparison with cars, and quite frankly £74000 for a spaceship is quite a bargain
18 Oct 16 7 #98
was just answering the question that was put out... meow....
18 Oct 16 4 #40
Android people on then fence watch this
All comments (412)
18 Oct 16 2 #1
Looks like an awesome deal....
18 Oct 16 #3
nice deal for new i phone

18 Oct 16 1 #4
Scorchio - if only i was due an upgrade :disappointed:
18 Oct 16 #5
Op, you should put 'unlimited mins+texts' or similar in the main title.
18 Oct 16 #6
very tempted.. which colour black is this does anyone know?
toonarmani to mrbojangles90
18 Oct 16 #13
"Jet black" is only available in 128GB and 256GB models, so this is the standard black.
18 Oct 16 1 #7
Good deal :smiley:
18 Oct 16 #8
Must be best deal yet? See if you get 6 months apple music and bt sports inc as well. Worth mentioning in post if so. Good spot
18 Oct 16 1 #9
I take it 32gb, that's becoming quite small now and soon to be the equivalent of the 16gb.... regardless it is cheap
18 Oct 16 1 #10
Good deal. Bought this yesterday.
18 Oct 16 #11
If I had 20% corporate EE discount could I use this too? Or is it not directly through EE?
the porter to AlfieW123
18 Oct 16 #12
Nope it's
18 Oct 16 #14
Don't want one - but this is Hot!
18 Oct 16 1 #15
18 Oct 16 #16
Smoking hot :smiley:
18 Oct 16 #18
18 Oct 16 #19
someone's spammed it :disappointed:
18 Oct 16 1 #20
18 Oct 16 #21
Does anyone know if the phone will automatically be locked to the ee network, or will it lock to the network of the first SIM card that is entered into the phone? THanks.
18 Oct 16 #22
i think it gets locked to the first sim card that goes in
18 Oct 16 #23
Does anyone know if the phone will automatically be locked to the ee network, or will it lock to the network of the first SIM card that is entered into the phone? THanks.
18 Oct 16 1 #24
Guys do you think there will better deals in November with Black Friday
18 Oct 16 #25
Does anyone know if the phone will automatically be locked to the ee network, or will it lock to the network of the first SIM card that is entered into the phone? THanks.
kane36 to dealseeker99
18 Oct 16 #26
Yeah locks to first sim I think
DirtyQwerty to dealseeker99
18 Oct 16 #29
​Use a Three sim to be safe.
18 Oct 16 #27
code doesn't work for me now.
says invalid code
18 Oct 16 #28
An actual good iPhone 7 deal. Congrats OP.
18 Oct 16 #30
Didn't need to use the code. Ordered for the partner. Great deal.
18 Oct 16 #31
code not working now
dealseeker99 to djmalone1985
18 Oct 16 #32
I didnt need to use the code. I hit 'Get Deal' which took me to you switch and then I pressed continue which took me to checkout and the discount was already applied.
18 Oct 16 #33
Wouldn't buying the phone from Apple direct with Apple finance work similar also your getting a unlocked phone. However with this deal your getting minutes etc.

Don't know what to do as I have a sim only deal with 3
leehardacre to southlondonboy
18 Oct 16 #34
Apple Upgrade Program is £33.45 per month on its own without the minutes and data.

If you're not bothered about upgrading in 12 months then this is the best deal available right now.
18 Oct 16 1 #35
I'll have half a dozen
18 Oct 16 #36
Ordered! Thanks for posting :wink:
18 Oct 16 #37
thanks OP how can I find list if companies which are eligible for ee perks?
18 Oct 16 1 #38
Brilliant deal
18 Oct 16 #39
Been waiting a while for a good deal to pop up, thanks OP :smiley:
18 Oct 16 4 #40
Android people on then fence watch this
18 Oct 16 #41
Anyone used before ? ?
18 Oct 16 #42
This is one of the only iPhone deals I've voted hot! Good find.
18 Oct 16 #43
can i do my upgrade with this deal?
18 Oct 16 #44
Hot deal, but was told to wait to the iPhone 7s.....
18 Oct 16 #45
Dunno how people get by on 5gb, I've got 45gb including my tablet and I only just get by on that... but even then most of the time I'm connected to wifi.
18 Oct 16 1 #46
you must have a standard internet provider in your home then.
you must be solely relying on your sim plan to tether. therefore 45gb will be not quite enough.

5gb for most people who have a in home broadband connection will connect to that, therefore will be enough.
18 Oct 16 #47
Cheers OP. Been waiting for a nice deal on this:

Used buymobiles to get my last phone. Never had an issue with them.
18 Oct 16 #48
you must be actively connected to the internet 24/7!!
18 Oct 16 #49
I have Virgin at home... I might watch some videos at work and use up 1gb right there just doing that. Downloading updates can be a few gb a month and I listen to podcasts which are 100+mb each and Apple music is streaming which uses 3gb a month itself. Today I watched a movie at work and that was 5gb...

Considering I've used 3TB at home last month.. I bought like 10 digital games, they're about 50-100GB each.
18 Oct 16 22 #50
Perhaps we pop our heads up from our phones and join the real world for more than 3 seconds a day
18 Oct 16 #51
I want a job at your place! Do you review films for a living?!
18 Oct 16 1 #52
No I work at a desk, but I can do work and watch stuff all day, most the time it's just background sound tbh. As long as you get your work done the boss don't care...
18 Oct 16 #53
My new 7plus has got a serious vibration on the back screen when playing audio. So I am bit worried
18 Oct 16 #54
When I add the deal to my basket and continue to checkout, it says the upfront price is FREE?...oOoO
18 Oct 16 1 #55
5GB data not enough these days, well for me anyways. If you watch any Netflix/Youtube 5GB will be gone very quick making your phone as useful as a 3310 if not on wifi.
18 Oct 16 #56
Is there any stock anywhere ?
18 Oct 16 1 #57
You're holding it wrong.
18 Oct 16 #58
Not bad, all the good deals will start in the next month, I just bought the 7+ outright as I have a great sim only deal with three.
18 Oct 16 #59
Is that with or without case?
18 Oct 16 1 #60
Probably the most depressing thing I've ever read on here. 45gb ffs
18 Oct 16 1 #61
They're finally starting to be on offer on a contract, for years you've just been basically paying it back on an interest free loan. O2 being the worst offender where your phone plan effectively gave a £10 saving off the outright price.

Will be interesting to see what happens as public wifi hotspots grow and grow - people are using messenger apps rather than texts so an unlimited allowance is almost meaningless, and supposedly calling on a mobile phone isn't as used as in the last either. The networks will be **** to try and justify 20 odd quid for a meagre amount of data in the future.

Good deal OP
18 Oct 16 #62
Does anyone else's order status say 'Awaiting Stock'?
18 Oct 16 #63
18 Oct 16 #64
the apple has gone rotten
18 Oct 16 #65
amazing deal.
definitely hot.

my contract with EE expires next month, it was an iPhone 6 with 1000 mins and 2GB data for £34 a month.however I later replaced the phone with a Note 5 and few months ago with an iPhone 6s.was thinking about going sim only (three 4GB unlimited minutes deal for £9 a month) but now not sure!
18 Oct 16 #66
strange no one mentioned headphones issue so far.
18 Oct 16 #67
So I'm guessing the iPhone 6s will be coming down in price too? I don't like paying over 30 quid for a contract. But I'm not a heavy user
18 Oct 16 #68
Apple Upgrade Program does include AppleCare Plus in that price though. Arguably a nice benefit and it would be unlocked as well.
18 Oct 16 1 #69
Congrats pal - You've managed to make an iPhone deal hot and overcome the android sheep!
You deserve a VIP badge just for that.
18 Oct 16 #70
I personally despise IOS but I can appreciate that this is a hot deal :wink: I'm after a 6S for my 12 yr old son who is obviously the oracle when it comes to knowing which phone is the best!
18 Oct 16 #71
Only 51 weeks to go!

Live for today, life is short.

p.s. Android user, but heat added
18 Oct 16 #72
18 Oct 16 #73
im after 7plus any help
18 Oct 16 #74
" Today I watched a movie at work and that was 5gb..."

mmm, what kind you job do you have? I would like one where I can watch movies at work!
18 Oct 16 #75
Hot deal.
18 Oct 16 #76
Super Hot Ordered Cheers Op
18 Oct 16 2 #77
Wrong thread, thats the Note 7.
18 Oct 16 1 #78
i have an ee account that is on rolling contract, can I buy this and port my old number to this?
18 Oct 16 1 #79
EE is a dealbreaker......the most incompetent parasites among the providers imo.
Zetec Andy
18 Oct 16 1 #80
I'd be all over this if it wasn't that shambles of a company EE.
18 Oct 16 #81
Messenger apps use data, so does Youtube, Spotify, Whatsapp, downloading apps, Catchup tv apps, Netflix (offline viewing coming soon), sending/receiving pictures/video, instagram, snapchat, etc. Data has never been used as much before as it does now. If you think there's a decline of data usage you're mistaken. Also lower demand doesn't necessary equal higher pricing, it usually makes the price lower.
18 Oct 16 #82
Never thought I'd see the day that an Apple iPhone is deal of the day. Heat from me as it seems a great price for what you get.
18 Oct 16 #83
Great deal, heat added
18 Oct 16 #84
Not an iPhone fan but this is HOT! Have some heat! :-)
18 Oct 16 #85
Bargain for the best phone on the market. Scorching HOT.
18 Oct 16 #86
Hmm tempting I could buy my old contract out for £280 sell the phone for 350

Get this deal and be happy.

Although I'd rather wait for the next iPhone
18 Oct 16 #87
I'm on a contract with with ee which just so happens expires in 2 days. If I get this deal, is it simply a point of me contacting ee to transfer the contract to the new number?

18 Oct 16 #88
Apparantly the 32gb model might be slower than the higher models, like 256gb .... see video below
18 Oct 16 2 #89
Haha with the amount of traffic I've created for they should give me a free iPhone!

Cheers for the feedback guys, very much appreciated.
18 Oct 16 #90
order the 128GB phone via the e2save deal on the other thread posted today on iPhone 7- £90 upfront £33pm but only 2GB data
18 Oct 16 #91
Don't do that. Too many stories of Three's not being able to unlock phones it didn't supply itself and Apple's refusing to help.
18 Oct 16 3 #92
seems to be an awesome deal! £860 for a phone...
i paid £600 for my volvo v40 2 years ago. i drove 20k miles bringing it up to 220k miles so far. it loads up to 400kg of furniture, compost, what not.
ah, phone, i nearly forgot: i bought a nokia 2 years ago - it was a deal on here, £7, no top up necessary, battery lasts me 2-3 weeks per each charge and i can keep in touch with people, it fits into the glove box and a pocket.

you lost me guys with your 'deal'. proportionally, your would have to own a £73700 car to make it up to scale.
how many of you do?
is there something i missed?
how can you afford to throw away, down the drain, that amount of cash?
18 Oct 16 1 #93
32 gig makes it unviable. Good price for those who don't mind the slow memory access. For a power user it's a false economy.
18 Oct 16 #94
the 32gb version is alot slower in transfer speed compared to the 128gb and 256gb, check unboxing therapy in youtube.
18 Oct 16 #95
i own a £73000 car
18 Oct 16 #96
you could have 122 volvos :-)
18 Oct 16 #97
So ****ing what?
18 Oct 16 7 #98
was just answering the question that was put out... meow....
19 Oct 16 #99
Best iPhone 7 deal. Well done OP.
19 Oct 16 #100
where would I park them?
19 Oct 16 #101
Does anyone know of deals like this but on o2?!
19 Oct 16 #102
Very good deal for an iPhone 7.
19 Oct 16 #103
I'm on a sim only with EE can I get this deal anyway possible thanks
19 Oct 16 1 #104
Needs and wants, the same example could be used with someone buying a Ferrari instead of a Volvo.

a deal is a deal, saving anyone money is the whole point of HotUKDeals :smiley:


19 Oct 16 3 #105
Wooow I'm an iPhone user on the fence about getting an android and the video started well. I was ready for some good reasons and he pulls out some of the most bottom tier weak reasons ive ever heard. Terrible video. :confused:
19 Oct 16 #106
Great deal
19 Oct 16 #107
Ultimate sheep heaven
19 Oct 16 #108
Good deal price wise... but EE! Never again! In my experience their customer service (instore and call centre-when you got through) was terrible!
19 Oct 16 #109
is this not a scam site? they also trade under the name of affordable mobiles and the facebook page for that is full of customer complaints....
19 Oct 16 3 #110
Shut up Flanders....
19 Oct 16 2 #111
Haha isheep make me laugh .i won't pay more than 200£ for a phone. No 3.5 jack and it costs this much
19 Oct 16 #112
19 Oct 16 1 #113
on the wreckage of the warehouse burnt down by Samsungs?
19 Oct 16 #114
Paying a similar price for my 64gb 6s, but only on 3gb data. Definitely a good deal this. Unless you like earphones.
19 Oct 16 #115
Shame it's not 64gb but great deal
19 Oct 16 #116
I use a majority of the phones features, I do all my email on it, most of my browsing, play games, listen to music, it's my satnav, Uber has saved me a ton of cash multiple times, posting this.

I paid £700 for my Ford Focus estate, and have put 10k miles on it so far with nothing going wrong. However this car is used to transport my several grand worth of mountain bikes around. It's all about prioritising where your money goes.
19 Oct 16 #117
You need to find a better paid job as that is not a lot of cash.
19 Oct 16 #118
No, I don't understand that either. Perhaps they meant "for" rather than "to"
You're welcome.
19 Oct 16 1 #119
Who in their right-mind spends that much money on a phone? .... ah sheep.
19 Oct 16 #120
Where would you park your 122 £600 Volvos? In the scrap yard where they belong?
19 Oct 16 #121
Will the phone be locked to EE?
19 Oct 16 #122
And use wifi
19 Oct 16 16 #123
Your £7 Nokia can't browse the internet with any degree of competency, hold people's music collection, play their favourite games, act as a fall monitor for the disabled, back up its numbers securely so a lost phone isn't lost numbers, act as a gps, let me see if there are gay men or women interested in a hookup nearby in an age where we are still embarrassingly vile about others peccadillos, acts as a credit card, tracks calories, finds bargains (posted from my smart phone), can display my spreadsheets, runs word, has a camera worth using.

Let's be fair, if you want to compare a smartphone to your £7 Nokia, you have to do a likewise comparison with cars, and quite frankly £74000 for a spaceship is quite a bargain
19 Oct 16 #124
Free phone. Of course it is. There are some real crazy people out there, who think this is free
19 Oct 16 1 #125
Soo tempting but I'm going to hang fire for the 7plus.
Was actually contemplating getting the Note 7 prior to that would've been a blazing deal!!
19 Oct 16 #126
This is the Matt black on display. The jet black looks like it's been cut from a wheelie bin and is a scratch magnet.
19 Oct 16 #127
I don't need my PHONE to do any of the above... I need it to make/receive calls and send text messages.
My £8 per month Sony does everything I actually NEED it to do.
I can also store my music on it (what's more, I can expand the memory on it, which you can't do on an iPhone), I can play games on it, I can use the GPS and browse websites without issue.

And as for your car comparison - the purpose of a car is to get you from A to B.
Mine 2005 registered Hyundai Matrix may look ****, but it gets me there in the same manner as a Ferrari would do and, if you stuck to speed limits, it would get me there at the same time!
19 Oct 16 #128
A sad indictment of the world we live in i'm afraid.....45gb not enough....ffs
19 Oct 16 #129
Ordered last night but they said it is out of stock whereas it is shown as in stock on the purchase page.
19 Oct 16 #130
19 Oct 16 #131
If its the 32gb it will be matte black. Jet-black is only available on 128gb and 256gb :smiley:
19 Oct 16 #132
Has anyone had they order prossesed?
19 Oct 16 #133
I haven't even received a confirmation email
Mr No
19 Oct 16 #134
LCD screen, is this the retro edition?
19 Oct 16 #135
Got a confirmation email last night but got this this morning:

Thanks for your order. You have successfully passed our initial security check and your order is ready for processing. However, your iPhone 7 32GB Black is temporarily out of stock.

As soon as it becomes available, we will process your order, send you an email and ship your phone for free, next day delivery.
19 Oct 16 #136
Ah so you are carrying two devices! Tut tut! How many spare pockets you have now?
19 Oct 16 #137
Two devices?!
19 Oct 16 #138
Would like to buy this, is it out of stock like the few mentioning it? Also how much do they take out of your account?
19 Oct 16 #139
Will be locked to EE before you even take it out the box.
19 Oct 16 1 #140
You make an assumption that making calls and sending texts are all anyone needs a phone for - in which case a £7 phone would do the job. That may be your only needs, but you are in the minority. In this day and age people need their phones to do more, in order to remove the need to carry numerous devices for different purposes, and because they need these "extras" for business/leisure reasons.

Your phone has:

No decent camera for photos - would need a separate digital camera (factor in cost/having to carry it)
No decent camera for using as a scanner - would need a separate scanner (factor in cost/having to carry it - not portable)
No decent music player/storage - would need a separate iPod/Walkman/Minidisc/Gramophone/music player (factor in cost/having to carry it)
No ability to use Skype/facetime - needed a lot for business and for keeping in touch with family when away - i.e to see your kids. Would need a laptop/netbook/tablet or something to do this (factor in cost/having to carry it - not portable)
No ability to use video streaming - For when away from home with work. Would need a laptop/netbook/tablet or something to do this (factor in cost/having to carry it - not portable)
No ability to use sat nav/google maps - would need a standalone sat nav/gps/maps for using in your car, or for directions to places
No ability to get the news - would need to buy newspapers

I'm sure there are loads more I am not even thinking of, but factor in the cost of all of them, plus the huge backpack to carry them all in, and it will be more than the cost of this phone (and the physio costs to sort your back).

Honestly, of all the devices and modern technology we use, the phone is the most versatile and most important. If I had to get rid of technology, it would be the last one I would give up, as in some way, it can do almost anything a lot of other devices do (albeit maybe not to as quite a high standard). Heat added as this is a great deal.
19 Oct 16 #141
I've had one but nothing since x
19 Oct 16 #142
How long after you ordered did you receive this x
19 Oct 16 #143
Great deal!
19 Oct 16 #144
are EE now BT mobile again, I'm still unsure about this.
19 Oct 16 #145
just ordered......but after i ordered i been told they dont have any in stock.......even if on their website says "in stock"......rubbish website
19 Oct 16 2 #146
Think how much it would cost to own all of the components separately? Good camera? Good phone? Handheld console? etc.

This is the world we live in.

I drive a £300 Renault Laguna so that trumps your Volvo, and I dont see any issues with this deal.
19 Oct 16 #147
already with EE who couldn't come anywhere near to matching this deal so existing account cancelled and 2 new phones ordered, 2 x £5 more per month but will now cancel Deezer so that's the £10 - sorted

Huge thanks to OP for posting this deal - have been waiting since June for the iphone 7's and a good deal
19 Oct 16 1 #148
HI we've had reports the thread is being derailed - MISC forum is the correct place for general discussions on income etc - this is a deal thread for an iphone 7, if posts here could relate to the actual deal (price, features, availaibility etc) thread tidied, thanks all
19 Oct 16 #149
Ordered, thanks OP!
Received order acknowledgement but nothing else yet.
19 Oct 16 1 #150
Could get a similar Android phone for £300 then a £10 per month sim = £540 over the 2 years

This is such a rip off
19 Oct 16 1 #151
For you maybe - not everyone likes Android.
19 Oct 16 3 #152
Cold because buying an iPhone is never a good deal.
19 Oct 16 #153
True.... and I'm not slating the deal here, but for me one deal breaker between Android/iOS is that you can't install Kodi on iOS. Either way, both are better than a Windows phone!
19 Oct 16 #154
overpriced apple crap.

voted hot :stuck_out_tongue:

in all seriousness, great deal on what is probably a very good phone.
19 Oct 16 #155
Love iPhone or hate it - this is the BEST deal you can find.
19 Oct 16 #156
iPhone might be the speed champ of mobiles - though 32gb model is said to be quite a bit slower than 128 or 256gb:

iOS Blog: Tests Show 32GB iPhone 7 Models Have 8X Slower Data Write Speeds Than Other Capacities
19 Oct 16 #157
19 Oct 16 1 #158
Their emails got sent to my junk folder for some reason, had to verify my ID, just a heads up for anyone that has not recieved confirmation.
19 Oct 16 #159
19 Oct 16 #160
You can install Kodi on iOS using XCode, you just need to manually sign it;

Cheapest iPhone contract i've seen so far was last week on moneysupermarket mobiles, I sat on the fence with it and its gone now! it was the 32GB version on 3, £31 a month and it was only £9 upfront!
19 Oct 16 2 #161
What do you do for work lol?
19 Oct 16 2 #162
Err I think that's what the poster was trying to say? If all you need in a phone is to make and receive calls and do basic text messaging, a £7 nokia will do admirably.

However, if you NEED to send messages and make calls across the globe for free, take near-SLR quality photos of your baby when she gives you a gap-toothed smile, use as a GPS while up and about so you can be directed to that obscure pub your friends are at, play a console-quality game or listen to a TED talk on the move, use as a wireless hotspot for your work laptop on the train so that you can clear your emails by the time you get to office, check your work emails on your Microsoft Exchange account before your go to bed, link up to your VR headset, manage your bank and PayPal accounts on the go, avoid having to carry and maintain a separate Oyster card on the Tube, and importantly, see and buy the latest deals on HotUKD before they're all gone, etc etc etc, then you NEED your Samsung Galaxy S7 edge.

Horses for courses, absolutely. Nothing wrong with your £7 Nokia at all.
19 Oct 16 #163
I called today to ask about stock and was told the black is OOS. I've ordered a black one whilst the offer is on, so hopefully it will be available soon. Just letting anyone know who's thinking of this. I also called CPW to ask for a price match - couldn't get remotely close on the same package - at least £150.00 more.
19 Oct 16 1 #164
Not everyone agrees with you.

A deal should be objective, not subjective.
19 Oct 16 #165
​If you've got more money than sense, yeah. I'd never spend that kind of money on phone. You can get similar specs for WAY less. iPhones are fashion accessories not smartphones.
19 Oct 16 #166
Apple People might want to look at the Google Pixel before purchasing iPhone7:
The Verge Pixel Review
19 Oct 16 3 #167

its all about the OS.
19 Oct 16 #168
Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question but I am already in a contract with EE. If I go ahead with this deal will this replace the contract that I'm currently on or will it start a brand new contract so I'll be paying two contracts?
19 Oct 16 #169
other colours available:



thanks OP. been using Android (Note 4, still a fantastic phone though) for over 3 years now, but somehow missing an iPhone lol.

i ordered the Rose Gold earlier at around 7am, tracking status as of 11:42am = "Order Dispatched".
19 Oct 16 #170
It seems like a good deal, but it is only valid on the 32gb iphone 7, you should make people aware of this in your post. Unfortunately I need way more storage than that for my errr collection... :stuck_out_tongue:
19 Oct 16 #171
Unlocking an iPhone on Ee is so tedious, not worth it for me.
19 Oct 16 #172
No one cares about the pixels fgs.
19 Oct 16 #173
look at the other iPhone thread,there is a 128GB phone at a erasable price via e2save
19 Oct 16 #174
Seems like a great deal and voted hot for me, if only I was due an upgrade...

On the fence about wether or not the 32gb is worth it or not, watched a benchmark video of the 32gb versus 256gb phones yesterday and the difference in the read/write speed of the two is surprising (for me at least)

For anyone interested the video was posted by Unbox Therapy on YouTube yesterday evening, I'll try link the video later
19 Oct 16 #175
Are you Neo? are you plugged into the Matrix 24/7? i have 3gb on my phone and that's enough for me.
19 Oct 16 #176
its not that much of a difference tbh.. transferring a 4gb movie is 1 minute longer which is not bad at all imo.. but if thats all you do then maybe you want to shave a minute off and pay extra for the 256
19 Oct 16 #177
im on the fence about this one, never really took a contract out more then £15 usually just rolling sim..

im paying £15 now with virgin for unlimited text unlimited calls 5gb 3g data

so in effect this phone would cost me 20.99 extra which works out to £503 for the latest phone with payments over 24 months..

while ive just bought a 6s plus for £500, still have not opened it and could return it..

something about been locked down for 2 years is something I don't like but this is an amazing deal imo
19 Oct 16 #178
its £30 more but you get less data(2GB) for 128gb phone
19 Oct 16 #179
It's a amazing deal, however, do u guys think the Black Friday can bring better deals than this? Worth waiting or shall I grab this one?
19 Oct 16 #180
probably better to go for this deal then and sell up when you get it and buy a second hand 128 or 256
19 Oct 16 #181
Lol... I have 500Mb and only use majority of that due to Pokemon Go.
19 Oct 16 #182
​That is a good question actually.

The best answer you could possibly get about this is from EE themselves by calling 150 from your current EE mobile during std opening hours.

"Our standard opening hours are 8am to 8pm weekdays and until 6pm on weekends. Calls outside that time (till 10pm weekdays and 8pm on weekends) cost 50p per call. These costs also apply to calls to 07953 966 250."
19 Oct 16 3 #183
Without being rude,but admitting to owning a VOLVO with 220k on the clock and bragging it can carry 400kg of COMPOST just shows what type of person you are.

Don't worry I'm sure there will be a deal along shortly for a pipe and slippers
19 Oct 16 #184
You could spend your life going round in circles waiting for the best deal.
Could you get similar or better come Black Friday? Possibly.
However you may then question if you could get better again come Xmas sales...

Question is whether or not you are willing to gamble on that happening.
19 Oct 16 #185
Slowest performing version! Look up the 32gb performance people all over complaint. I'm still running a 4s on IOS6 best software ever!
19 Oct 16 1 #186
0.86k for a phone
19 Oct 16 #187
iphone 2G here on IOS3 best ever.

that aside, the performance difference isn't a big enough deal to add the extra £200
just wondering why no1 realised this with the 6s iphones because it was the same with them also.
19 Oct 16 #188
Has been a lot worse (almost double) in the recent past...

Apple iPhone 7 25GB (£65.99pm + £99.99 upfront cost) 24m @ EE £1,783.75
19 Oct 16 #189
Was just about to purchase for the husband but he's questioning the reliability of EE I know that 4g will be good in our area but what are people's reviews on EE phone call signal strength? We live in Manchester so I'm thinking it should be fine.
19 Oct 16 #190
Does anyone know if the phone is unlocked?
19 Oct 16 #191
Shame the code doesn't work on the 128gb. I'd have snapped it up for a similar price
19 Oct 16 #192
check the other iPhone 7 deal on hotukdeals thread - for £30 more you get 128gb but less data 2gb.
19 Oct 16 #193
My £100 sim free phone does all of the above
19 Oct 16 #194
Typical there's always someone comparing a smartphone to an under £10 device. Android versus iPhone is fair game though, there's a lot of similar functionality in considerably cheaper phones.

This from reddit sums it up:

One thing that always makes me laugh is people state that it is a 'PHONE', and PHONES should only TELEPHONE people and compare them to Nokia or some other completely basic functionality device. They have evolved in to being a personal computer that has call functionality, in the case of Smartphones they are a combination of PHONE, MP3 player, Gameboy, wallet, fitness recorder, computer, and GPS Navigation. They have just retained their historic name, it is a nod to history. So to dismiss them is stupid, if you need a personal device that only makes calls then pay little, if you want all of the above them pay alot, just don't get butt-hurt they have the same name.
19 Oct 16 #196
Comment just stating what I'm happy with. Apps all work fine and still functioning. I love apple however, after constant debates between friends a lot of my friends over the years have moved over to android because of the amount of updates apple phones get and the amount of restrictions. I'm on a sim only plan on my ios 6 iPhone 4S and until something happened to this ill b moving to android.
19 Oct 16 #197
Hot if 5gb of data is enough for you...
19 Oct 16 #198
I hope not! Lol
19 Oct 16 1 #199
Question -How do you milk sheep
Answer - release a new I phone
19 Oct 16 #200
19 Oct 16 4 #201
Talk about over simplification - hardly just a "phone" now is it?

How about - 0.86k for a:
- Phone with unlimited use of calling & sms
- Sat Nav (one that lets you change which service you use!)
- MP3 Music player
- Near SLR quality digital camera
- 4k UHD & 240fps slo-mo capable video recorder
- Dashcam for all types of road user
- Fitness tracker
- Personal Computer (with access to office applications, email, bank management)
- Lightning-fast portable games console
- Document Scanner
- Credit/Debit cards secured with fingerprint verification
- Portable storage device
- Portable 1080p media player
- Dictaphone
- Daily Newspapers
- Digital loyalty card manager
- Compass
- Torch
- Spirit Level
and probably a load more individual features that I've missed up.

So how about you go out, buy all these products, tell me how much it cost, and then fit them all in your trouser pocket.
19 Oct 16 2 #202
Question: how do you wind up android users, that should be completely unaffected by the sale of iPhones?
Answer: Release an iphone
19 Oct 16 #203
I just got a unlocked iPhone 7 for £450. Use my three sim £19.99 a month with unlimited data. Lovely.
19 Oct 16 #204
19 Oct 16 #205
Comment Luke that's a HARDY;)
19 Oct 16 #206
Only 2 gig of data though
19 Oct 16 #207
Even though I have no plans of getting an iPhone 7 as I'll wait for iPhone 8 but still very much impressed with the post! Knocking off £135 is awesome!!! Definitely heat added !!!
19 Oct 16 #208
19 Oct 16 #209
So called Android Boy here.
I noticed this deal when it was first posted and I have seriously thought about jumping on it.
I have previously had a go with an IPhone 5 but got so fed up with trying to get it synced with ITunes I gave up.
I even had my in laws try to set it up and 2 hours later we called it a day.
They did mention this is one of the pitfalls of Apple stuff.
After I watched the YouTube video posted by Cigbunt I have decided to give this a miss until Apple make their platform a bit more easier to modify to individual taste.
I have voted this deal hot and not looking to start a war.
For now still stuck with my Note 3 which is at this moment still a very good phone.
Looking forward to the issues with the Notes 7 battery being sorted, hopefully same sort of deal may get posted.
19 Oct 16 #210
yep, although if you are ee customer for broadband you get extra 5gb a month
19 Oct 16 #211
Yeah. Can anyone clarify if this means it won't be sent out by tomorrow?
19 Oct 16 #212
Just get a white clone Goophone 7 for £75 delivered and your friends will never know :wink:
19 Oct 16 #213
I have Purchased this deal but....... the status says "awaiting stock". Does this mean I will be waiting a long time? Also did anyone receive an email straight away from them as I have not received anything.
19 Oct 16 #214
I ordered yesterday and still haven't received any confirmation email. When I placed my order it said it was in stock for next day delivery but when I check my order status it says awaiting stock.
19 Oct 16 #215
I was puzzled by your confident assertion about me not being able to use a memory card with my phone, especially when I hadn't told you which phone I use, but then I noticed that your entire post was an admission that no, your £8 phone isn't able to do everything the phone in the deal can do. You quite defensively try to justify why you have an £8 phone, when not one person has reciprocated the attempted shaming of people who buy different things back at people with cheap phones.

As for my car comparison, what if B is on the moon?
19 Oct 16 #216
No. I have just phoned them. You cannot port your number internally via a third party provider. Frustratingly the only way is to cancel your current contract and get a new number with this deal even though its on the same network.
19 Oct 16 #217
As someone who relies on my fall monitor functionality, for my safety, are you absolutely sure your phone sensors are reliable enough to detect a fall every time?
19 Oct 16 #218
Ordered but out of stock
19 Oct 16 #219
I didn't say anything about your phone, I clearly said you can't increase memory of an iPhone.
19 Oct 16 #220
It's only the black that is out of stock! Don't buy the black one and you can get next day delivery.
19 Oct 16 #221
I thought you only used your phone to make calls & send SMS, with a few tunes stored on there?
19 Oct 16 #222
Then why reply to me, especially when I was specifically talking about a Nokia and you have a Sony
19 Oct 16 #223
I was nearly going to go for this and then my sis said she just got hers on 02 for the 128gb phone and a 7 plus for £5 quid more a month than this, although she paid £100 upfront... not sure what to do go for 7 or 7 plus... heat added anyhow good find
19 Oct 16 #224
Where from please? Post the deal!!
19 Oct 16 #225
I said I only need it to do those things but also said I can play games on it... Read my response properly!!
19 Oct 16 #226
I was defending the other guy you were so determined to take a chunk out of for having a cheap phone.
Simply pointing out that an £8 per month can do almost everything a £40 per month phone can do.

Each to their own... Don't take it so personally.
19 Oct 16 2 #227
Good luck with that. Seeing as they have permanently ceased production of the Note 7 you might struggle!
19 Oct 16 1 #228
Over 24 months that is still £930 so not a big deal other than being unlocked.
19 Oct 16 #229
19 Oct 16 #230
when you place an order it does say that it will add a new line to your existing EE account. if you want to update the link points you to ee website.
19 Oct 16 1 #231
Just Port to another network on Pay as you go then 24 hours later port back, I've done it loads of times
19 Oct 16 1 #232
For people already on EE contract here's what I found on one of the forums:

Ask EE customer services to change your contract sim card to a PAYG sim card,  and once you have your new contract up and running just call customer services and ask them to move your PAYG number to your contract sim card.  
 When you call and give 30 days notice ask for your PAC code you will then need to get a O2 or Vodaphone sim card you then call O2 or Voda and give them this PAC code to move your number to this other network.   once its moved over you will then need to call O2 or Vodaphone customer services and ask for your PAC code you then give this code to EE to put the number on your new EE contract account. 
19 Oct 16 #233
How easy will it be to unlock this?
19 Oct 16 #234
so £45 per month
19 Oct 16 #235
​If its all about the OS then buy an older model iPhone, and save yourself some money.
19 Oct 16 #236
I usually use Tesco Mobile for this sort of thing, English call centre simple.
19 Oct 16 #237
Where else in life can Joe Public get access to the best there is. Most of the time there is always something a ton better you can only aspire to (houses, cars, hi-fi etc). iPhones have become a leveller.
19 Oct 16 #238

Wow if that how it makes you feel buy 2
19 Oct 16 #239
£50 android phone can do all that
19 Oct 16 #240
Where u get your iPhone for 450?
19 Oct 16 #241
Can someone advice me on how is the EE as a network provider I just did a quick google search apparently they have very bad reviews on their customer service so not sure if its really worth it thanks
19 Oct 16 #242
can i keep my phone number?
19 Oct 16 1 #243
Thank you! Not sure if it is worth the trouble though :wink:
19 Oct 16 1 #244
So, recent SIM only deals for unlimited calls, unlimited texts, 4gb data at £9 a month with EE or 3 go cold. Add a £600 iphone to get 24 x £35 a month and it goes scorching hot. Just goes to show the sheep alluring power of any apple product. Can't stand anything apple myself, it just seems like a user interface for idiots to poke at with their fat fingers. You can't control it, it controls you, that should be apples marketing slogan
19 Oct 16 #245
​every provider has crap customer service. ee has best lte for me so far
19 Oct 16 #246
However, for all those asking, I do hate almost everything, but have to say EE are pretty decent, I rate them fairly highly.
19 Oct 16 #247
Yes jojo an extra £10 a month for the plus... weighing it up!
19 Oct 16 #248
Heat added just ordered it cheers OP
19 Oct 16 #249
Hi Guys, I currently have a sim only deal on Tesco Mobile, and I would like to buy this deal, but is there any way I could keep my existing number? Thanks in advance :-)
19 Oct 16 1 #250
​wow - such needless anger
19 Oct 16 #251
Not a bad deal considering how stupidly overpriced the carriers are charging for the iPhones! Heat sir.

I've gone and purchased an Asus Zenfone 3 Ultra instead though.
19 Oct 16 4 #252
Proper anger. It's the sheep comments I love. If you don't like it move on.

It's almost ironic claiming the sheeple card when you are actually an android sheep following the usual baaing of the android flock.

It normally comes down to being so committed to being anti apple that you actually become angry with the stance you have taken. Realising that you are actually on the wrong side of the fence but the stand you have previously taken means you are stuck there.

Whatever. You don't like it. Move on. I think this is a crackin deal so thanks op.

Now back to my flock. They are the ones that are generally happy with their lot and refrain from commenting on the android sheep. Let's be honest that's what they are too. Just angry sheep all making the same baaaaaa
19 Oct 16 #253
Where from please & for how much?
19 Oct 16 #254
Still makes way more sense to go with the iPhone upgrade program or pay over 20 months with apple directly then sim free it.
19 Oct 16 #255
Just bought for my partner. He's happy especially as o2 told him £50 upfront and £43 a month to upgrade on Sunday. It was also free at checkout without using the code. I also bought a contract from another site ( and had no problems and it was cheaper than going to O2 direct but I stayed with them.
20 Oct 16 #256
Hi D, yes you can - just purchase this deal, then request PAC (Porting Authorization Code) from Tesco, and port your tesco number to EE.
20 Oct 16 1 #257
that's £240 extra or double the retail price difference which is about £120
20 Oct 16 #258
Hot deal
Bought now waiting delivery
20 Oct 16 #259
Anyone know if this can be done as an upgrade?
20 Oct 16 #260
I'm after a good EE sim only deal with tethering, can you recommend one? For £9 then buy the phone from apple at £27.50 - works out cheaper and phone is open/unlocked
20 Oct 16 #261
Brilliant video and all the reasons I couldn't get on with Apple again. The back button is the biggest miss for me
20 Oct 16 #262
if you're not a heavy user, the other posted deal here is a little cheaper.

e2save £33.49/mo. (£25 upfront - discounted using code)

e2save code: EPIC15 (£15 off)
+ possible Quidco/TCB (£40 cashback)

e2save Apple handsets also allows use of your preferred network (first SIM card inserted). all EE new contracts includes 6months free Apple Music & BT Sport.
20 Oct 16 1 #263
Best deal out there I've seen but I have to say, prices on smartphones are reaching an all time high & it's starting to get ridiculous!
20 Oct 16 #264
Great heads up, thanks.

Through EE the 'upgrade' price for this exact contract is £40.99 and £100 for the handset (£1083 total cost) - Even after going through retentions they couldn't touch this deal. :sunglasses:
20 Oct 16 #265
You don't need to download app updates while you're out and about. Just set them to download when you get home. Spotify lets you cache all your content. I watch a lot of YouTube and iPlayer but I have an app for caching YouTube and I do the same for iPlayer - it's far better for battery life anyway. Every night I cache stuff I might want to watch on my commute. I used to do the same when I worked night shifts even when there was wifi as it saves draining my battery unnecessarily. Snapchat, WhatsApp etc do use data but it really isn't that much, unless you're sending and downloading videos constantly. I personally never watch catch-up TV. I get 20GB a month and I used to come fairly close to it when I worked nights but now I use about 10GB a month.
20 Oct 16 #266
Hello, thick person here!
I'm going to have to change over from 3 to EE for this, but can't change providers until the end of the month. Would the 24 month contract start once the SIM is put in the phone?
20 Oct 16 #267
Ordered yesterday, had email saying I've passed security last night, they'll send as soon as they have stock. Guessing demand has been reasonable...
20 Oct 16 #268
Unilkely, it will probably start immediately, otherwise I suspect people would never use the sim and just sell the phone.
20 Oct 16 #269
ordered but got email to say out of stock. Hopefully get it soon?
20 Oct 16 #270
Who ever takes the time to review a network because they got good service though? Considering they're the biggest network they are statistically likely to get the most complainants, and people are VASTLY more likely to take to the internet to complain than they are to praise - which is the overall flaw with this sort of research.
20 Oct 16 #271
It starts once the agreement is made and the SIM arrives. If you choose not to use the SIM you'll still pay for it.
20 Oct 16 #272
G5 user here as well as iPhone. Think you're just very familiar with Android - if you use both regularly you see that having no back button is no great hardship - particularly when you can fluidly swipe back through most apps on iOS.
20 Oct 16 #273
Don't really understand where the passion comes from - I use both platforms happily - they both have features and quirks the other doesn't have. If you like one more than the other, use that one. Easy. No need to get angry at what people choose to spend their money on.
20 Oct 16 #274
I presume this is locked to ee. In general what's the best network for unlocking iPhone s?
20 Oct 16 #275
What app do you use to save iPlayer and YouTube ?
20 Oct 16 #276
Same. Black 32GB out of stock.
20 Oct 16 #277
I had the iPhone 6 16gb and now I have the iPhone 7 32gb and I've not had any issues with speed or performance and I use mine all the time.
20 Oct 16 #278
I'm on EE. I rang last Thursday and they said 7 days for the gold 32gb & 14 days for silver 32gb so I think it's a general stock issue.
20 Oct 16 #279
Does anyone know if you can transfer your number with you? I looked online and can't see where you can add a PAC code? thanks
20 Oct 16 1 #280
Ordered yesterday around 2pm and received today - in Rose Gold colour.
20 Oct 16 #281
My post is about getting this as a new contract / new number and then transferring your old EE number to it.
It makes no sense to take the 'upgrade' offer.

20 Oct 16 #282
Does anyone know if you can transfer your number with you? I looked online and can't see where you can add a PAC code? thanks
20 Oct 16 1 #283
woo just ordered this deal - I had only just ordered the 6S for the same price - arrived today - going straight back to the carphone warehouse :smiley:
20 Oct 16 #284
20 Oct 16 #285
The write speeds are 8x slower on the 32gb model so copying files takes longer.
It's hardly the end of the world, just something purchasers should be aware of.
20 Oct 16 #286
20 Oct 16 #287
Hi there have you received your phone yet? Just wondering if there is any catch?
20 Oct 16 #288
Will hang on and try for 128gb in decent offer during BF Week I think
20 Oct 16 1 #289
Back in stock today
20 Oct 16 #290
I wondered this too and found out you can only do this once you've received the phone. You have to then ring up the network provider with the PAC code
20 Oct 16 #292
iPlayer can cache anyway. On iOS I use something recommended on here ages ago called Video DL Pro and on Android I use Snaptube.
20 Oct 16 #293
I'm in the same boat, you know if they are in stock yet?
20 Oct 16 #294
Nice deal but I just got the same deal direct from EE on renewal @ £32.19/month and free phone...
Most probably because of the above deal though, managed to get a good deal with EE
20 Oct 16 #295
I ordered the black not long after the deal was posted. Despatched this afternoon for delivery tomorrow.
20 Oct 16 #296
20 Oct 16 #297
Be aware of frauds
As they will ask your card info with 3digit back pin. I have experienced unwanted card transactions just after I gave my info to them.
21 Oct 16 #298
Got got the email for delivery tomorrow (Friday)
21 Oct 16 #299
Anyone know how the 6 months Apple Music works ?
Does it start once the contract starts or can itv do activated at anytime ?
21 Oct 16 #300
Just phoned EE for a renewal , they wouldn't budge from the price they advertise , £50 a month and £50 for the phone !
21 Oct 16 #301
Yea I got that email after ordering, have you got your phone yet?
21 Oct 16 #302
Is this offer for the Matt black iPhone 7 or the piano black ? I can't see it on my order
21 Oct 16 #303
It's scheduled to arrive between 13:22 and 14:22 today! Just porting my number to another network today so I can bring it back to EE on the new contract
21 Oct 16 #304
It'll be the matt black. Piano black is only available on the 128/ 256 GB.
21 Oct 16 #305
I've ordered this but no emails back and website still says "processing" so now I'm starting to think they won't honour the deal
21 Oct 16 #306
I'm doing the exact same too, I'm porting to Tescomobile as they didn't require a top up to generate a PAC
21 Oct 16 #307
​meant to be delivered today. worst service ever from UK mail! !! never turned and confirmed as delivered
21 Oct 16 #308
Just a word of caution. I have an Apple care warranty for my old iPhone 6 Plus. Under the care plan they can send you out a replacement phone while you send them back the broken one.

If you're silly enough to return longer than 2 weeks, as I was, they charge you £599 for the replacement cost.

If you do subsequently send it back this is subject to a restocking fee of £166 and they refund £434.

So this is a warning, if you're sending it back, make sure you do it within 2 weeks!

I now have an iPhone 7 plus with an apple care plan. I hope this helps someone. Better to know this than not. No one from Apple told me in advance but it was in the agreement somewhere, had I gone through the terms and conditions.
21 Oct 16 1 #309
smiler, are you going to write and complain? I would. Seems unreasonable and not very apple-like.
21 Oct 16 1 #310
Not very Apple like at all - Apple Stores have, for example, done warranty repairs on iPhones bought in the USA! (which is definitely NOT covered). Sounds like it should be possible to sort out by a bit of moaning.
21 Oct 16 #311
anyone had their order paused?!
21 Oct 16 #312
It's already resolved, I didn't complain, I said sorry for my negligence at not reading the agreement. They didn't have to waive the charge, but because I had bought a new iPhone 7 and a new care plan, I didn't have to pay the £166 in the end. But this comment was just a warning to others buying an iPhone under an Apple care plan - please make sure you return it within 2 weeks.

I have been nothing but happy with Apple and I'm loving my new iPhone 7 plus!!
21 Oct 16 #313
Ps I got a full refund for the returned phone. Happy ending.
21 Oct 16 #314
I've had this, with a voicemail left too. Tried calling them to be told that the person dealing with my order will ring me back in 10 minutes. This was over an hour ago, think they are due another call from me...
21 Oct 16 #315
And just as I post this, the phone rings...typical!

They were just checking that it was a new line that I wanted and not an upgrade, as I already have another EE sim only contract. All being processed now for apparent delivery tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
21 Oct 16 #316
After receiving email yesterday saying iPhone out of stock and will notify when new stock arrives...the phone turned up this afternoon :innocent: so replenishing stock very quickly. Great deal perfect timing as my old contract ends next month
21 Oct 16 #317
Mine arrived today !!!
21 Oct 16 #318
Be excited, it's worth the wait!
21 Oct 16 #319
​thanks mate, they said the same to me yesterday and it still says the same on my tracking today! does yours still say paused??
21 Oct 16 #320
Just checked and my order is paused too. Rang customer services but they are now closed, and looking at the Contact Us section it appears they are closed all day tomorrow! Bit annoying seeing as the phone was showing as In Stock when I ordered it on Wednesday!
21 Oct 16 #321
Ordered this phone from this link this morning and already been shipped
21 Oct 16 1 #322
Same !
I ordered the phone at 1pm yesterday and my daughter ordered at 6pm

She's had an email this evening saying it's been delivered tomorrow !

What about mine
21 Oct 16 #323
Got the wife to order herself one. Thanks for posting!
21 Oct 16 #324
How does everyone track their order, it doesn't say on the link what information they require to track it, I ordered on Thursday tea time and still have had nothing other than an order acknowledgement email.
21 Oct 16 #325
mine was successful order but out of stock
21 Oct 16 #326
Go onto their website click on help and then click track order and put in your postcode and order number
22 Oct 16 #327
a quick update for everyone I ordered mine yesterday it arrived today by ukmail yay :smiley: I still haven't opened the box for some reason I think what if its not the original iphone as the deal is through the 3rd party any ideas on how to spot the fake iphone 7 anyway thanks OP its a great deal
22 Oct 16 #328
should use waltr to sync your songs on iphones itunes is awful try waltr
22 Oct 16 #329
you could try ring apple and check with them?
22 Oct 16 #330
Just ordered 5 mins ago...will update as and when...03.45-22/10/16..
22 Oct 16 3 #331
22 Oct 16 #332
I ordered 19/10 and it says order placed queued for processing - anyone else still waiting ?

I wondered if it is because I have ordered 2 phones - one for me and one for my other half
22 Oct 16 1 #333
I ordered on 19th and mine still says paused!​ I rang on Thursday and they said they were getting stock in. I'm gonna ring again today.
22 Oct 16 1 #334
Mum? Is that you? You never told me that you had joined HUKD!
22 Oct 16 #335
people who have managed to order and get one the next day what colour did you go for? I'm assuming most people on here like myself who ordered Wednesday are waiting for the black one to be back in stock? I'm not impressed by the lack of communication from but suppose if you want something cheap you loose customer service.
22 Oct 16 #336
says on the website customer services is open Saturday 9-5 but when you ring it says the offices are now closed???
22 Oct 16 #337
No. if you read again, it specifically says they are closed specifically, 22nd October.

Anyone tried the other sales line?
22 Oct 16 #338
​my bad.. It doesn't say that in the confirmation email though.
22 Oct 16 #339
No, they've clearly changed that on the website, knowing how overwhelmed they were going to be.
22 Oct 16 #340
Mines stuck at "decision pending" spoke to them yesterday and they said credit checks on both connections passed fine but EE had not provided something so they needed to contact EE but they where closed, said would contact EE today and meant to ship today but still at decision pending grr
22 Oct 16 #341
Ordered the Rose Gold one yesterday, order now at 'Awaiting Stock' not the end of the world as contract only runs out in another 6 weeks so will avoid paying early termination fees for a bit.
22 Oct 16 #342
Quick update, my order status was 'Paused', saw last night that the Customer Services was supposed to be closed today, so filled out the'Message Us' form. Got an email back today saying that I would receive a call from them, which I did immediately.
Turns out they wanted to know if I wanted to keep my number, as I said that I already had a contract with EE when I placed my order. To do so would have meant upgrading, at an extra cost of £260! Said I would instead just port my number out and back in again via another network sim.
My order has now been approved and should receive my phone on Monday
22 Oct 16 #343
I am with EE. they cant give me the same deal. Can I still get this one and keep my number?
22 Oct 16 1 #344
crying here
22 Oct 16 1 #345
22 Oct 16 #346
The only way you can keep your EE number on this new EE contract is if you move your phone number to another network, get pac code from that network, then phone EE and give them the pac code after you get the new contract...Dont move your number to vodafone, you have to wait 30 days until they can give you a pac code, with o2 you have to register a sim and top up £10 before you can get a pac code, it may be easier trying giffgaff.
22 Oct 16 #347
Wow thats an eye opener. Thanks for sharing!
22 Oct 16 #348
Just bought and delivered already - as described lovely phone
22 Oct 16 #349
I usually use Tescomobile for this
22 Oct 16 #350
I'm going to do this. So I just pick up a free TescoMobile SIM, will I need to top it up first?
23 Oct 16 #351
decided not to get this phone, I just got a new 6s plus if it wasn't for that i'd be all over it

but what stopped me, is thinking this phone is £100 more for a smaller phone with less res, also 6s plus still shows to be the fastest phone for everything apart from benchmarks
23 Oct 16 #352
Great deal but phone memory isn't near enough for me, heat added non the less
23 Oct 16 #353
This deal is ridiculous. Wtfffff
23 Oct 16 #354
Best deal for the 7 ? What you guys think
23 Oct 16 #355
Wife Ordered pink rose 10pm Thursday received by midday Saturday. Was going to get 1 for daughter also but can't give up £17 unlimited data contract I have with three as just too good
23 Oct 16 #356
Ordered Tuesday received Friday great deal
23 Oct 16 #357
£50 quidco for too...
23 Oct 16 #358
​Doesn't track as need to do it via u switch. Offer not on their direct site
24 Oct 16 #359
almost 900 quid for a phone? :laughing: ....a mug and their money are soon parted

24 Oct 16 1 #360
That £863 includes a 2yr contract with 5GB of data.
24 Oct 16 #361
Anyone else had the message '3D Authentification failed?' With Santander and never had this issue before. Buymobiles sent me to my bank who in turn have said it's on Buymobiles side. Bit stuck now
24 Oct 16 #362
Any ideas how to get this unlocked?
24 Oct 16 #363
Had the same issue. I went back a step and manually entered my address.
24 Oct 16 #364
Hi, I'm already on EE sim only but my contract has finished over a year ago. Can I transfer my number to this phone if I order? Thanks!
24 Oct 16 #365
​I know. I was giving a frame of reference.
24 Oct 16 1 #366
​You have to speak to the network operator and with EE you have to pay a fixed fee of £8.99.
25 Oct 16 #367
iOS vs Android is old. They are fairly interchangeable with minimal work these days. Apple makes it a bit harder to migrate away data from your account, but otherwise it's fine. Surely you just get the best deal phone? I couldn't care too much about an allegiance to a brand as long as the quality is there. That's for suckers
25 Oct 16 #368
Thee hundred and something upfront...
25 Oct 16 #369
Thank you OP, just in time!
25 Oct 16 #370
Can anyone confirm if this is unlocked when you receive it and you can insert any sim
25 Oct 16 #371
I'm sooo teetering on the edge of getting this. I got the iPhone 5C deal that was on here about 2 1/2 yrs ago, with EE, and am still with EE from that contract, so well due an upgrade (although my 5C died some time ago and I bought a 2nd hand 5S).

I always said I'd never go for another 2 yr deal, and would much prefer to get the iPhone 7 direct from an Apple store interest free, and get a SIM only deal, but I can't find a decent sim only deal that matches this in terms of mins, data, tethering etc. I want to stay with EE as their signal seems best for me and where I go caravanning.

So anyone seen any SIM only deals that are under £11 a month (with EE) that match or better this offering (ie buy iPhone from apple for £599 and get SIM only elsewhere)
25 Oct 16 #372
Is 4G a deal breaker for you or is a 3G signal acceptable? If you can live with 3G try looking at a Life Mobile 30 day rolling sim. It is owned by and runs on EE. Problem is, their nearest comparable tariff is 4000 mins, 5000 text and 4gb data for £13.95 a month which makes it £933.38 over 24 months including £599 for the phone sim free. So more expensive than this deal and no 4G signal.
25 Oct 16 1 #373
Ordered this phone last week, still no word on its whereabouts and can't get in contact with the company about it, they aren't emailing me or answering the phone! I am feeling a little fobbed off at the moment, has anyone had the same treatment???
25 Oct 16 1 #374
Exactly the same here , they will not respond to emails and will not answer the phone so my order remains "on hold" , pathetic !!!!
25 Oct 16 #375
Hey man I was in your boat earlier this week, I was panicking because i wasn't hearing back on my emails! I rang them telling them they are basically taking the **** and I need it soon and what would you know I checked my tracking thing and it said a phone has been assigned to me and is on its way due for delivery the next day! So all I can advise is to push for it (which I know we shouldn't have to do) but my phone arrived fine and the deal is awesome, so don't worry the company is legit just super slow. Hope this puts your mind at peace a little!
25 Oct 16 1 #376
Ordered at around 17:30 on Thursday and recieved it next day on Friday...
25 Oct 16 #377
Would it be better to enter my EE number in the existing phone contract section as it states it will speed up the application? I will be cancelling my existing phone contract on ee and will be transferring the new number to this contract. Thanks!
25 Oct 16 #378
Can't be without 4G I'm afraid, I live and work in 4G area, so am v much used to it now. Our local Sainsburys is offering a Three deal for £9 a month for Unlimited Mins/Texts and 4gig of data, but it lacks the tethering i need.
25 Oct 16 #379
What's the best payg sim to get to port my existing EE number to, to then port back? Best, read cheapest... in terms of min top up and speed
25 Oct 16 #380
I used Three. Didn't have to top up a penny!
26 Oct 16 #381
26 Oct 16 #382
So if I go to the Three store they'll give me a sim that I don't have to top up in order to port my number to?
26 Oct 16 #383
Called EE, couldn't get near this deal, despite me being with them nearly 3 years. Got my PAC.

So been an bought PAYG Three sim, min topup £10... to port to that.

Now which colour to order?
26 Oct 16 #384
Sorry for not replying sooner. I ordered one online for free and it came within two days and didn't have to top up. Number is back to EE now on the new contract.
26 Oct 16 #385
I ordered on Saturday afternoon and no update yet. Emailed them and no reply.
26 Oct 16 1 #386
Same thing, I called them today and it's been sorted and will delivered tomorrow.

Call this number and quote your order number

0345 413 6238
27 Oct 16 #387
Ordered on Tuesday and received next day...
27 Oct 16 #388
'act as a credit card' wouldn't want a credit/debit card attached to my phone.
27 Oct 16 #389
Great deal! Thanks for posting!

For anyone interested in boosting the data you can go to 10GB for £40.99 after the first 30 days. You can also revert back to the original £35.99 at any time.
27 Oct 16 #390
Had to call them today as had not had an update on my order since placing it yesterday.

They asked if I was an existing EE customer to which I said yes but didn't enter my no on the site as was unsure if I'd lose the discount, they said I'd still receive the discount but adding my no. helps speed up the process in terms of credit checking me as I've been an existing customer of theirs (EE's).

Anyway she also said the auto address had got all my address on one line and so the system couldn't process things - the address was auto generated by my postcode so she edited it and now everything has gone through ok and it's being shipped to me tomorrow.

So those waiting, I'd call them on the number posted above and they're very helpful.
27 Oct 16 #391
ordered 19th Oct and they arrived yesterday - all good - thanks to the OP for the deal
27 Oct 16 #392
I ordered on Sunday last weekend, the only update I've had is they are running low on stock. Is that what you were told? If I call do you think they will send one out?
27 Oct 16 #393
I called them three times today and each time had to hold more than 30 mins. First time they advised my existing EE contract got a different address and need to change it before process. I changed and rang again. The agent said he ll put it for processing and cut my call off. Then I rang around 1. Hold for 41 mins. the woman said I will receive an email once they processed the order. Dont know what else to do.
27 Oct 16 #394
Call them as there could be a problem with your order, (there was with mine and they failed to tell me until I emailed them).

I was only on the phone a few minutes each time
27 Oct 16 #395
mines been dispatched
27 Oct 16 #396
Mine arrived yesterday (next day delivery) by UK Mail.
Excellent phone, best Apple deal that's not a local store specific offer that I've come across.
I ordered through Quidco tracked for possible £30 cashback as well, see what happens!
This should be hotter, but can't rid this site of Apple haters!!
27 Oct 16 #397
Ordered on Tuesday eve and order still hasn't changed from "order in progress" status. :disappointed:
27 Oct 16 #398
I ordered this deal last Friday and it has been on hold ever since.
I have called buyamobile five times since then, always minimum wait in the queue of 27 minutes up to 43 minutes.
They stated that EE could not take the £2 from my account for the credit check.
My bank has confirmed on numerous occasions that they authorised EE to take the payment.
Now I am stuck in limbo between EE and Barclays.
Buyamobile is the opposite of proactive, did not get order confirmation email, was not notified when my order was placed on hold and generally was not contacted by them once, also do not have the time to spend 1 hour a day chasing them
27 Oct 16 #399
What number are you calling, I called today and got through immediately?

I called 0345 413 6238
28 Oct 16 #400
Ordered yesterday eve & received this morning. Thanks OP :smiley:
28 Oct 16 #401
Thanks , everything s now sorted . EE upgrade couldn't match this
28 Oct 16 #402
Last Sunday I decided to buy the iPhone 7 Plus. £45pm no upfront fee. unlimited txt/calls and 10GB data. Very good deal
29 Oct 16 #403
Mine arrived yesterday. Very pleased with it so far. Although will take some getting used to that size, from having a 5S. Still waiting for my old EE no to port to the PAYG SIM, before I can then port it back to EE on the new contract. Thanks OP though,great spot and a good deal. Sure as Xmas comes more will follow. But a big fat heat from me.
31 Oct 16 #404
Interested to see that deal , do you have a link ?
1 Nov 16 #405
anyone know if this includes ee's wifi calling?
1 Nov 16 #406
1 Nov 16 1 #407
Yes it does. Just logged in and checked my account and it says wifi calling.
1 Nov 16 #408
​nice one. thanks.
1 Nov 16 #409
1 Nov 16 #410
2 Nov 16 #411
expired :-(
5 Nov 16 #412
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