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HSBC 10 Year Fixed Fee-Free Mortgage - 2.49% - Max 65% LTV
4.5 stars +417

HSBC 10 Year Fixed Fee-Free Mortgage - 2.49% - Max 65% LTV

HSBC8 Oct 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
8 Oct 16
HSBC have further reduced their 10 year fixed mortgage rate down to 2.49%.

Appears to be open to all mortgages provided your LTV is 65% or greater.

Seems to have only just been changed, as mortgage comparison tools are still reflecting 2.64%. It's a good deal, but it all depends on your personal circumstances. Appears to be the cheapest in the market.

Others have indicated that HSBC are strict / difficult to obtain mortgages with.

The previous HSBC 10 year fix deal at 2.64% is shown here:
Top comments
Master G to bubblesmoney
8 Oct 16 6 #34
"LOOONNG story short" So pleased you didn't give us the LOOONNG version. :confused:
8 Oct 16 3 #10
Good deal for those of you like me who are risk averse.
Here's an idea some of you may wish to consider based on my recent experience: I applied for the Coventry 2.39% (but 50% LTV so may not suit everyone) deal back in September, didnt put a penny down (you add the £999 application fee to the mortgage term to achieve this) got my mortgage promise, which I can exercise anytime up until December... So basically a 3 month free hedge bet and of course you are free to check the market again (eg December) to see what's happening before pulling the trigger. Little bit of effort involved in applying but for me was worth it. Happy rate hunting all!
Latest comments (53)
28 Nov 16 #51
Has this been pulled?
muddyfox470 to HangTime
7 Dec 16 #52
As of 06 Dec, the offer is no longer available.
muddyfox470 to HangTime
7 Dec 16 #53
As of 06 Dec yes, they now offer 2.99% for 10 years. It appears it is due to the mortgage swap rates increasing across the globe.
13 Oct 16 #50
nice find
9 Oct 16 #49
​That was the long version :smiley: I was just recapping the long story at the end :smile:
8 Oct 16 1 #44
HSBC whilst offer the lowest rates are absolutely awful to deal with regarding mortgages. Slowest bank ever.

They are the cheapest for a reason.
bubblesmoney to andy1989
9 Oct 16 #48
​In the end you have to see what suits your interests best. For a little hassle lasting few hours, it's worth saving nearly 0.5 to 0.7% of a life time tracker mortgage that might last for beyond 39y. Savings really add up which is easily demonstrated using mortgage calculators for capital repayment mortgages.

HSBC are thorough vetting mortgage applications and went through expenses and income etc like a comb. Hence why they didn't need Govt bail outs unlike RBS et all.

Previously had access to RBS fixed staff rate mortgages but didn't accept that and instead got a life time tracker from HSBC. Best decision I ever made refusing staff RBS mortgage and going with HSBC.
9 Oct 16 #47
unlikely they will charge an early redemption for monthly overpayment (phone them to confirm, I did with N-wide) as it is usually perceived as a gradual reduction (which is preferable to the lender) rather than one large redemption.
8 Oct 16 1 #1
Is it possible to only get a 10yr mortgage, therefore just pay 2.49℅ for the entire term?
eslick to coathanger
8 Oct 16 #4
tellyt to coathanger
8 Oct 16 #6
You take out the 10 yr fixed rate over a 10 year 1 month term so you won't incur early repayment charges.
davewave to coathanger
9 Oct 16 #46
Overpay and reduce the term.
8 Oct 16 #21
I need a 10 to 12k mortgage to buy my place thats worth about 60k but the lowest the rbs will go is a 25k mortgage which is obviously too much, are there lenders out there that would give me a 10k loan instead of a mortgage (as again the rbs wont do that either)
Sorry if the above is a bit of a dumb question but I'm useless at all this financial stuff

Master G to smiffy1888
8 Oct 16 #23
There are plenty of lenders who will, if you meet their lending criteria of course. Try this best buy comparison.
seaniboy to smiffy1888
8 Oct 16 #24
Go for HSBC they love low risk customers with good credit files, 12K mortgage on a 60K asset is minimal risk. A secured loan would be on owning the property first which you don't and a mortgage is cheaper than a loan so a fixed deal like this is ideal, you know your mortgage payments for the next 10 years, on a 12K mortgage you should easily be mortgage free in 10 years.

Are HSBC really that hard to get mortgages/credit from ? I know someone with average credit file and 3K a month whom wanted a 30K remortgage on a outright 190K property but they refused. Yet I got a £5000 credit card no problem (above average credit file as I just built it up having avoided credit for years but needs must for a future mortgage)
seaniboy to smiffy1888
8 Oct 16 1 #25
Ok just confirmed with a friend, who bought their property under final Right To Buy in Scotland & competed days ago, they were forced by RBS to take 28500K out on a property purchase price of 7K, a 40% LTV mortgage, mortgage is 4 times the property asking price - this is crazy!!! a government majority owned bank forcing people to take higher mortgages ...this is what led to this mess in the first place!

I would be making a complaint against RBS to the FCA.
nige182 to smiffy1888
8 Oct 16 #26
Couldn't you just get a tracker mortgage for 25k, then just repay the excess over what you needed as an early repayment? Usually tracker mortgages have no early repayment charges, then you would have the mortgage amount you want and can repay as quickly as you want.
notos to smiffy1888
8 Oct 16 #27
Perhaps a personal loan would be more suitable? There are some decent rates available and most don't have any set up fee or significant early repayment penalties. It might be a bit more on the monthly payment but that could be offset if you're in a position to take advantage of the loan
benlondon to smiffy1888
8 Oct 16 #38
​What kind of place are you buying for 60k?
aztech to smiffy1888
9 Oct 16 #45
Take out the 25K or more and offset what you don't need straightaway so in effect it's a smaller mortgage. Just say you have some building improvements in mind and need the extra. That way you always have access to a cheap loan if circumstances change.
8 Oct 16 1 #28
If you have 60% LTV or better and satisfy hsbc criteria then there is no better rate out than that I am aware of apart from their life time trackers of 1.74℅ (30+ years more or less depending on circumstances. 1.49% above base rate). Fee was £749. valuation was £190 I think. no exit fees, no early redemption fees, no over payment fees.

But hsbc can be a pain and pig headed to deal with. just needed 44% LTV but some idiot in hsbc underwriting dept, released my part exchange amount as builders incentive and refused to count the entire part exchange amount of £160,000 and only wanted to count my additional cash deposit for LTV calculations. Had to put a formal complaint in about the idiots in their underwriting department. Yes I called them idiots lacking basic maths competency in my official complaint. Had to also write to their social media teams to get this expedited and after enquiry they apologised to me and agreed that my calculations were correct entirely and their underwriting dept was wrong. Got 1.74% life time tracker and also apology and a small financial contribution as compensation for my troubles.

Mortgage was approved instantly at first meeting. initial meeting is usually a 90 months appointment at HSBC. they usually need a second 90 minute appointment after a week. but you can ask for a combined 3h appointment to do everything in one go. I want aware and had only booked 90 minutes appointment phone team booked only 90 minutes but managed to pester mortgage advisor to do it all in one day and after 3h 10 mins appointment mortgage was approved immediately. also got competitive home insurance 25% discount when done together. Same for term life insurance. Valuation appointment was done in under 3 hours. Valuation done in under 1 week. mortgage offer confirmed in a few more days and moving in a couple of weeks. I could have moved sooner but refused and asked for a week more as otherwise it would have been inconvenient for me. All done and dusted in under 1.5 months of seeing new home. Could have been sooner but delayed it by choice by one week.

LOOONNG story short, complain to HSBC management if HSBC underwriters are being a pain in the ****. Some Jokers at their underwriting dept need to be fired. I have already written to them about that. if more people do the same then some of them might actually get fired.

Am happy with my market leading rate and low fees and no other fees for early payment etc. Plus competitive home insurance and life insurance etc, don't forget the 25% discount when done together with mortgage. As always compare. In my case it was by far the cheapest option.

For part of my mortgage they allowed me to port my earlier rate of 1.24% life time tracker rate for my earlier mortgage without any additional fees for porting it.

Please note to avoid delays and referral to underwriting team, keep you mortgage duration lower than state retirement age. if longer then needs automatic referral to underwriting team causing further delays.

Initially underwriting team wanted additional £45,000 to be eligible for tracker life time mortgage due to them ignoring my part exchange amount from deposit calculations as they considered it a builder incentive! But after referring them in writing to their complaints department it got sorted with an apology and small compensation. I did later make an additional cash deposit but that was by choice and the complaint was to prove a point to their underwriting team who **** me off. My earlier life time tracker mortgage with HSBC was faultless and didn't encounter any idiots last time around. They can be picky but for those that qualify there can't be much better deals out there.
Master G to bubblesmoney
8 Oct 16 6 #34
"LOOONNG story short" So pleased you didn't give us the LOOONNG version. :confused:
andreasuk to bubblesmoney
8 Oct 16 #43
​hot for your long essay
8 Oct 16 #42
​it cost at least £750
8 Oct 16 #14
Hsbc are notoriously hard to please, you need to be squeaky clean and dependencies better be covered by a healthy basic wage.
Master G to mxer450
8 Oct 16 2 #15
That's called responsible lending.
andreasuk to mxer450
8 Oct 16 1 #41
​this was true in my situation.
they looked at financial stuff very very seriously
it should be done like that..that's everyones interest.
8 Oct 16 #40
​actually , I may need a 10 to 20 thousand pounds mortgage are there anywhere that offer such mortgages
8 Oct 16 #39
machester - middleton
8 Oct 16 #37
I had a bad experience with them, and the customer service was shocking. Good deal, but be prepared for hassle if you have any issues.
8 Oct 16 1 #36
it depends. I have been accepted for their remortgage of 5 year fixed at 1.89%. bad customer service at start having refused and abruptly closing my application. I threatened to close accounts and so far they are doing their best to fix things.

They have done away with all the booking fees and charges. That is nearly £1000.

They will also refund me for the extra I am paying whilst this goes through on the current mortgage with my lender. that again is a few thousand pounds and finally they will add some compensation for how me and the missus were treated. got it all in writing and since the compliant to cancel I have found them to be very efficient.

key is to keep a record as you go along making a note of where there are examples of why they are not Treating Customers Fairly. very big issue with the FCA.
8 Oct 16 #35
Got a major home redevelopment in mind for 2017. Anyone have any links to a decent loan rate? Would be wanting to borrow around £80k over a 15 yr term.
8 Oct 16 #33
I was lucky enough to go on the variable rate posted on this site @ 1.49 with hsbc plus base, a couple of years back with zero fees, no erc, free porting etc, but I did have less than 60% LTV. In the branch meeting, they required a min of 500 pm month to pass through one of their current accounts, so I said I'll pay my mortgage through it by via dd from Barclays, they reluctantly agreed but I had to get the branch manager involved as the advisor insisted it be my main account. The small print mentioned nothing of the sort, so the account approved. Saved thousands already :sunglasses:
8 Oct 16 #32
Interesting, I've seen a few people with HSBC current accounts treated like crap, I only took the credit card as it was cheapest APR with 90% acceptance as building credit file for mortgage, their M&S bank are hopeless that my account after several errors remains unused.
8 Oct 16 #31
Hi, it is almost exactly like your friends situation, rbs is who i bank with so naturally i went to them to sort it out but having read others i'm going to look around now

8 Oct 16 1 #30
Thanks very much folks, plenty of decent advice offered to have a look through, much appreciated
8 Oct 16 #29
I found HSBC difficult with my first mortgage. I went to them first as I'd banked with them my whole life but they offered me nearly half the amount other lenders would. Depends on your needs I suppose because if the amount they offered was enough to begin with I still might have used them
8 Oct 16 #22
Fingers crossed, mine is 2.5 something at the moment.
8 Oct 16 #20
there could be an even better fix by then?
8 Oct 16 1 #19
Shame it's Oct 2017
8 Oct 16 #16
My fixed HSBC expires next year, would they let you change to this? As existing customer...
Master G to RBH
8 Oct 16 #18
You could, but you would have to pay the early redemption fee on your current agreement. You can usually reserve a fixed rate for 6 months so, if your current rate expires within that time, it's worth looking into.
8 Oct 16 3 #10
Good deal for those of you like me who are risk averse.
Here's an idea some of you may wish to consider based on my recent experience: I applied for the Coventry 2.39% (but 50% LTV so may not suit everyone) deal back in September, didnt put a penny down (you add the £999 application fee to the mortgage term to achieve this) got my mortgage promise, which I can exercise anytime up until December... So basically a 3 month free hedge bet and of course you are free to check the market again (eg December) to see what's happening before pulling the trigger. Little bit of effort involved in applying but for me was worth it. Happy rate hunting all!
ran123ran to lllFROSTYlll
8 Oct 16 2 #17
a credit application leaves a mark on your credit file - too many applications in a short period may affect your credit rating
8 Oct 16 1 #13
was typing too fast, yes I have an offset mortgage
8 Oct 16 1 #11
i'm on santander lifetime tracker at 2% above base rate, just decreased to 2.5%. i can leave it whenever i want with no penalties whatsoever, so if interest rates go up in future i can go onto a fixed rate mortgage at any time. If interest rates stay low, I'll stay put as long as its financially sensible (and its interest-only). Banks can never chuck you off lifetime trackers even if you're paying interest-only mortgage payments and not repayments. Banks are going to start getting rid of interest-only mortgages to lessen their risk of lower-income mortgage payees.
Master G to goldengirlz
8 Oct 16 1 #12
That makes no sense. The BOE base rate is currently 0.25%. So +2% would be 2.25%. Of course, if interest rates rise, you could go onto a fixed rate at any time. But, it would not be at this low rate as the fixed rates would rise too. Also, if you are paying interest only, you will pay far more in the long run as you'll be paying interest on the full amount of the loan each month as opposed to a reducing balance if you repaid capital as well. Unless you have an offset mortgage or have funds elsewhere earning more than 2.25% of course.
8 Oct 16 1 #9
Just remember the early repayment charges for a deal like this. You have to be sure your circumstances and jobs are stable over 10 years.
8 Oct 16 1 #8
other providers will follow suit. the pound had Wakefield me
8 Oct 16 1 #5
Wow need to check the LTV we have, a fixed fee for the next 10 years, to me means no worries about changes in interest rate.
escortboy to thepharmacist
8 Oct 16 2 #7
But,we have had 0.5% for the last 7 years until recently. Just how much longer will we be in super low rates for? Depending on your mortgage amount you could save a lot just using a tracker compared to this deal.
If you are risk averse and are happy just to forget about the base rate rising which can lead to stress and uncertainty then this would be a good shout.
8 Oct 16 #3
any penalties?
8 Oct 16 2 #2
if you can afford the repayments, yes.
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