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19 Sep 16
Cashback redemption deal - not for everyone but good if you don't mind the hassle for the cheap tariff.

Vodafone SIMO
- Unlimited Minutes
- Unlimited Texts
- 8GB Data (4G); 500MB European roaming data

Quidco/TCB £5 cashback - every little helps
Top comments
20 Sep 16 3 #11
Be warned of the awful customer service they are not flooding the marked with ever changing deals like this for no reason. I have been with them for 4 years and about to leave. Cant even set up a direct debit properly. Great when they do what they say. That is rare though
All comments (48)
19 Sep 16 #1
Does anyone know if you get spotify premium with this? Appears so on the voda website but not mentioned in e2save..
19 Sep 16 1 #2
Are you sure it's on the Voda site, I thought they removed the option other than the 25gb one
19 Sep 16 #3
Enjoy up to 24 months’ access to Spotify Premium when you buy a Red Value Bundle (excluding Red Value 2GB Bundle) or a SIM only Red Value Bundle.
19 Sep 16 1 #4
If you bought a bundle on or after 10 April 2015

If you’ve bought a Red Value Bundle with more than 8GB of UK data, you’ll get Spotify Premium included for the length of your agreement. If you have a Red Value 4GB Bundle you’ll get a 6-month subscription included. Spotify Premium is not included with a Red Value 2GB Bundle.

Vodafone FAQ
Leonlee to Prickinthewall
19 Sep 16 1 #5
Unfortunately that's not true. This deal doesn't include free Spotify. The only SIMO deal include entertainment pack is the 25GB package, as of today.
19 Sep 16 #7
Beware - e2save seem to be having difficulties with their Vodafone contracts. I took out a couple of the £19.55 15GB ones two weeks ago, but I'm being charged £23.00 per month. e2save have assured me that it is a "known problem", it will be corrected and the overcharging refunded, but I see no sign of that happening so far...

Also, Vodafone customer services have to be tried to be believed! I've spent 10 days trying to get my number ported with my PAC. Still hasn't happened after four attempts with "Customer Services". Fifth time lucky tomorrow....
malky39 to dwvl
27 Sep 16 #32
​I got the 20gb deal 2 months ago, used the online keep you number form requested that it was done on the Tuesday and that's when it happened flawless, bills have all been correct aswell.
kbirc7 to dwvl
28 Sep 16 #34
​have you ported a number across? I had loads of problems with mine which seems to be because I ported a number in. e2save were sending Vodafone a list of affected numbers including mine, but as I'd changed my number the process didn't work.
20 Sep 16 #8
Had a long text chat with a Vodafone representative as I was rather put out that they had advertised the entertainment bundle (e.g. Spotify etc) with £17, £20 & £25 tariffs through to 31st October. Representative accused me of being 'mistaken' and refused to check her facts although I know I'm right. Such a shame that Vodafone (which has good coverage where I am), seem to be really shocking at customer service and as a company behave unprofessionally by changing deals during their offer period..........
20 Sep 16 #9
Out of interest, where was this advertised? The website shows entertainment pack for £25 tariff only?
20 Sep 16 #10
The link above "Vodafone faq" clearly says it should have entertainment included, it's possible they haven't changed their site but useful to screen grab maybe and use as leverage!
20 Sep 16 3 #11
Be warned of the awful customer service they are not flooding the marked with ever changing deals like this for no reason. I have been with them for 4 years and about to leave. Cant even set up a direct debit properly. Great when they do what they say. That is rare though
21 Sep 16 #12
Other members had similar issue resolved OK over two weeks ago. Post #80 and previous suggests simply tell Voda in a chat
21 Sep 16 #13
Yes, I saw that - thanks. I tried asking Vodafone to fix it on a chat, but they refused, saying it's e2save who must "apply the correct credit code" to the account. I knew Vodafone customer services were going to be bad, but honestly I thought I wouldn't need them, and that people were exaggerating how bad they are. How wrong I was!

(By the way, porting my number failed AGAIN. Unless it happens by tomorrow, I'm going down the formal complaint route.)
24 Sep 16 #14
Technically it states "more than 8gb" I wonder if this is there get out clause to only include it with the bigger data package?
25 Sep 16 #15
Data roaming seems to have dropped significantly to 500mb now, a few months ago it was at least 2GB on the 8GB tariffs
25 Sep 16 #16
Does this deal include any free roaming?
26 Sep 16 #17
Good timing
26 Sep 16 #18
how can i claim cashback? if i need to get the £5.50 deal... any help?
rapid111111 to apple1214
26 Sep 16 #21
​Wait for each bill to come out for the specified cashback months. Then upload pdf bill onto e2save website. Full instructions are given on e2saves site.
26 Sep 16 1 #19
Cheap for a reason, quite frankly the worst company I've ever dealt with. I was one of the lucky ones that managed to get away. They will just rip you off and mess you around. If you go with Vodafone, good luck because you're going to need it. Give them a wide berth!!
26 Sep 16 1 #20
Good luck with getting anything solved with those clowns at Vodafone Customer Services. They are all a bunch of liars that will just mess you around and transfer your call.
26 Sep 16 #22
Been with Vodafone for several years. Been quite happy. Any problems have been resolved quickly by CS. Fast and generous 4G data.
26 Sep 16 #23
Can this deal with e2save be for upgrades aswell. Am already with Vodafone rolling contract.
26 Sep 16 #24
Be lucky getting a 4g connection.
26 Sep 16 #25
had similar deal with voda's signal is not so good, sometimes data is superfast at 50mb/s but usually it is between 2-8mb/s, though this speed is acceptable. was in rural Wales last year - no signal for Voda, while 3 had good signal enough to stream video. Had some billing problems which took hours to sort out by phone and chat. Ony after i mentioned about complaining to Ofcome they redirected me to Complains team who sorted out the problems in 5min! And it turns out that i forgot to submit a bill and lost one cahsback.
but if you have good voda signal in your area, are not forgetful and have some free time to spend communicating with CS - then this deal is good.
26 Sep 16 #26
The page linked is an old outdated page. Spotify is now only on the 25gb plan.

Regardless of what a random page tells you, if it doesn't say it when you sign up and agree to the package, it's not included
26 Sep 16 1 #27
yeas, they are:( ''I'm going down the formal complaint route'' - they told me (over phone and chat) several times that Voda has no formal complaint way- like no email or postal address to write. and there is online complaint form on their website
26 Sep 16 #28
Good deal, voted hot.

How can anyone expect this to include Spotify premium? Is £5.50 not cheap enough?? Some people just want something for nothing.
26 Sep 16 #29
Sorry for being nob, my contract with talkmobile is about to run out, can I ask them for my pac and sign up for this? I'm asking because the both companies seem to be operating on cash back deals and maybe partners or something?
26 Sep 16 #30
I recently got 20gb for £20/month from Vodafone store. Didn't want anything extra like sky etc so didn't bother to enquire as knew I would never use.
I work for NHS so get 30% off taking it to £14/month.
Gerry4400 to msikdar
2 Oct 16 #40
I was informed by Vodafone that you were not allowed to use your discount, due to the price being heavily discounted in the first place. If that was the case everyone would be using this.
26 Sep 16 #31
This won't get Spotify. Looking on, the contract is called Vodafone 4G Red Smartphone Sim Only £17 8GB which means it's not a Red Value tariff.
28 Sep 16 #33
Don't speak to soon
28 Sep 16 #35
​ingore that, didn't read all your post before replying!
28 Sep 16 #36
​I ported one number on one SIM perfectly OK. The other number on the other SIM STILL hasn't happened, despite it being handled by the "Resolution Team" when I called to make a formal complaint last week. Both accounts are showing the same overcharging amount but, to be honest, I don't believe anything Vodafone say or show me any more...
28 Sep 16 #37
Has anyone tried to add the Vodafone Advantage scheme to one of these cashback sim deals? Just wondering what effect this would have on cashback
1 Oct 16 #38
Thinking of getting this would I have problems porting number from talkmobile
2 Oct 16 #39
o2 doing it for £18 with 10gb :smiley:
3 Oct 16 #41
​Strange. They applied my discount. I won't complain.
4 Oct 16 #42
Could this cause issues with cashback when it comes to redemption?
4 Oct 16 #43
can i collect my redemption through jesus christ??
7 Oct 16 #44
TCB tracking at £15.25 brings average monthly cost to £4.23
Tracked as Vodafone PAYM 12 mth, not Sim only :smiley:
Had to get this as Vodafone is the only 2G signal I can get in my house and Voda 4G is strong where I work (and will use it).
Thanks op :smiley:
11 Oct 16 #45
Can't understand why this isn't hotter? I'm looking to jump ship from my current network (Id) as the coverage is horrendous and this is perfect
16 Oct 16 #46
Time for an update, for those who are interested. Warning - it's long:

I made a formal complaint call, and spoke to somebody at Vodafone who seemed capable. He apologised for the porting failures, credited me with a month's rental, noticed that a 40% discount "hadn't been properly applied" so did that, and credited me for the overcharging on the first month's bill.

However, my number still hadn't ported 10 days later! Called for a status update on my complaint, but just got passed round three or four customer "service" people who told me various random things, including that my SIM had never been properly activated. A couple of false assurances on Chats over the next few days still resulted in no activation. Unsure what to do next, I took to social media and tweeted @vodafoneukhelp.

The day after, my SIM stopped working completely. But I did receive a call from the "social media team" who promised to sort it all out. A couple of days later they contacted me again confirming the SIM was active, but I noticed the 15GB data that I signed-up for had been reduced to 10GB! I've been exchanging emails with them ever since:

First they said they couldn't re-instate the additional 5GB, then I pointed out it was in my contract, then they said they would, then I waited and pointed out it hadn't been added, then they said it would be, then I pointed out it still hadn't been, then they said they couldn't after all, and suggested I could sign up to a £37 (!) contract which would give me 20GB. (I see for myself their own site is currently offering 20GB for only £20!)

So, now I've decided I've devoted enough of my life to this quest. I've told them I'll just stick with the 10GB despite my contract saying 15GB, and warn as many people as I can about Vodafone. Their customer "services" are worse than I could possibly have imagined! I've requested my number port again - we'll see if that happens.

(In case you're wondering, Vodafone and O2 are the only networks that give a decent signal where I live, but the O2 signal at my work isn't great. Hence me not ditching Vodafone a month ago. Never say never though!)
28 Nov 16 #47
Be warned - if Vodafone make a mistake in your bill, you won't get cashback
I'm in my 3rd month and there's a refund of late payment fees which I already got last month
If it is added back to my account on the 4th month, e2save will reject the cashback, because they'll think my account is not up to date (as per their T&C)
Are Vodafone doing this deliberately? It's the 3rd month and they still can't get their billing right.
29 Nov 16 #48
I don't understand what you're saying...what do you mean "if" Vodafone make a mistake on your bill? :smirk:
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