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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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17 Sep 16
as title says it all
Top comments
17 Sep 16 3 #19
How polite.
I voted hot fyi, my comments were also positive, should you possess the intellect to comprehend that subtle nuance you wouldn't look so ignorant.
17 Sep 16 3 #15
This will go auto cold as it's Vodafone unfortunately.
Much like last year moto g went auto hot...

This is good deal, and don't forget some roaming is also included!

I went to ee and personally the coverage where I go has been worse than voda so it all depends on your area
17 Sep 16 3 #8
Have to jump in here to defend Vodafone a bit - I've moved to them from Three and for me Vodafone is like a breath of fresh air compared to Three. I can get a 4G signal where there was nothing at all from Three. I can visit webpages and download stuff at good speed whereas with Three, even with full 4G signal strength you'd have to wait or get timeouts. When I left Three they sent me a final bill to say I didn't owe them anything then helped themselves to another monthly payment and then sent me another final bill to say I didn't owe them anything.

Only good thing with Three was you could visit lots of European countries and get roaming included but I get that with Vodafone now anyway. I guess with Vodafone you just have to hope nothing goes wrong and you have to deal with their customer service team...
17 Sep 16 3 #7
You will be disappointed with the mobile data speeds, and worst cs ever, they overcharged me twice, after 50 odd calls and reporting them to the ombudsman they finally gave me my money back, 4 months later. Now I have moved to ee and have to say the mobile data coverage is more than adequate, it's even faster than my home fiber when it's on double speed :smile:
All comments (96)
17 Sep 16 #1
Gosh is this for real. Looks great deal. Heat added.Thanks OP

20GB Gosh :smiley:
17 Sep 16 2 #2
Yes it's real, got it the other month but at 22.20 or 12 with cash back.

So far it's been fine. Had option of free Spotify, now tv or sky sports mobile.
dragoncurt to gogboy
17 Sep 16 #3
Oh that is a great deal. Oh and them options are very good too.

billyblanka to gogboy
17 Sep 16 #6
Hi could you please tell me where I add the option of free sky sports?

Can't see it anywhere

17 Sep 16 #4
Plus quidco cashback £25
17 Sep 16 #5
good deal even without the cash back :wink: yy
17 Sep 16 3 #7
You will be disappointed with the mobile data speeds, and worst cs ever, they overcharged me twice, after 50 odd calls and reporting them to the ombudsman they finally gave me my money back, 4 months later. Now I have moved to ee and have to say the mobile data coverage is more than adequate, it's even faster than my home fiber when it's on double speed :smile:
17 Sep 16 3 #8
Have to jump in here to defend Vodafone a bit - I've moved to them from Three and for me Vodafone is like a breath of fresh air compared to Three. I can get a 4G signal where there was nothing at all from Three. I can visit webpages and download stuff at good speed whereas with Three, even with full 4G signal strength you'd have to wait or get timeouts. When I left Three they sent me a final bill to say I didn't owe them anything then helped themselves to another monthly payment and then sent me another final bill to say I didn't owe them anything.

Only good thing with Three was you could visit lots of European countries and get roaming included but I get that with Vodafone now anyway. I guess with Vodafone you just have to hope nothing goes wrong and you have to deal with their customer service team...
Val2015 to daniver
17 Sep 16 #10
The same as me, although all people are saying that Vodafone is no good, I have way better coverage and Had one problem and the customer service helped me straight away by chat, so I am happy with Vodafone
jaypr to daniver
17 Sep 16 1 #23
My experience was the complete opposite of yours. Moved from Three to Vodafone and the signal and download speeds from Vodafone are so much worse than I ever got from Three.

Even though I'm supposed to be in a Vodafone 4G area I never get a 4G signal. Just did a speed test with my wife's Three phone and my Vodafone and on Three she's getting 23Mbps whereas I'm getting 3Mbps.

Can't wait to get off Vodafone, no matter where I go their signal and speed is always worse than Three.
17 Sep 16 1 #9
Once you're on a Vodafone Red Value plan, text "entertainment" to 97613 and it will send you a text with a personal link to a website where you can sign up for free. Vodafone lists 2 other methods of signing up but neither worked for me.
17 Sep 16 #11
I'm in a contract with Vodafone that ends next month (I'm in the upgrade period). Does anyone know whether I can buy this now and have it start when my contract ends, or whether I just need to wait to the end of next month before getting into a new one?
dannyblackbeard to olidea
17 Sep 16 #21
​Don't see why not. I'd be cheeky and ask for more. They don't like losing customers.
17 Sep 16 #12
Does this have the entertainment option?
the porter to roadie
17 Sep 16 #28
17 Sep 16 1 #13
I work all over the country and get great signal 95% of areas . Been with them 4 years now , was with Three for 4 years before , who I also thought where good , their internet speeds are quicker than Vodafone, but Vodafone have a UK customer service .
17 Sep 16 #14
Does this allow for tethering of the data so I can use on my laptop
17 Sep 16 3 #15
This will go auto cold as it's Vodafone unfortunately.
Much like last year moto g went auto hot...

This is good deal, and don't forget some roaming is also included!

I went to ee and personally the coverage where I go has been worse than voda so it all depends on your area
paneds to Qrunch
17 Sep 16 2 #18
​yeah 80 degrees cold moron
17 Sep 16 #16
Wondering if the entertainment has been removed? It was t clear when I ordered via mobiles but I got it ok.

However direct on Vodafone it seems to only have the advertising logos for entertainment with a newer 25gb package

I moved from EE and have to defend them too as been better coverage for me overall and the speeds are mostly faster.

Can't get the app to refresh my allowances though, reset to cure that before but tried further resets but it's stuck on the 14th of September with 17.4gb left which it will be less, not s huge amount less but you would want accuracy if had a lesser package or was a really heavy user
17 Sep 16 1 #17
Just want to point out, on the Vodafone site free sport /Spotify /now tv only appears as an option on the 25gb plan now
17 Sep 16 3 #19
How polite.
I voted hot fyi, my comments were also positive, should you possess the intellect to comprehend that subtle nuance you wouldn't look so ignorant.
17 Sep 16 #20
Been with Vodafone for over ten years and until recently I never had a problem. Had a nightmare with the phone signal cutting out. You're entitled to refunds or fee free cancellation of your contract. They offered the latter to me. I'm now looking for a new supplier. From speaking to people in my new area it's bad for most operators. So, for people on older handsets I'd look at that too. As for terrible CS I can only assume I'm put through to other departments due to my contract length, never had a problem so bemused at the reports of terrible service.
17 Sep 16 #22
​be aware though that the deals they offer fluctuate massively dependent on who you get through to. took about 5 calls to retentions to get a decent offer
17 Sep 16 2 #24
Don't do it to yourselves, I was one of the lucky ones that got away from Vodafone. Their deals are cheap for a reason, by far the worst company I have ever dealt with. They are modern day scam artists who will rip you off... if you experience any problems with their network good luck in getting it sorted.... if you still take the deal then it's your funeral. Much better off staying away, you have been warned.
17 Sep 16 1 #25
At £3 per day = £42 over a 2 week holiday!
17 Sep 16 1 #26
We used to have 20 handsets at our office on Vodafone stuck on a 2 year contract, ended last month and got the hell out. Rubbish signal, slow speeds, clueless CS. Caveat emptor.
17 Sep 16 1 #27
I'm in the ABV camp myself (= anyone but vodafone). Been with them for 4 years now and cannot wait to switch to another provider. For 4 months of my contract I had no signal at all, apparently this was when they were upgrading their masts in my neck of the woods to 4G capable, CS kept promising me a refund as soon as the work was finished. I have chat transcripts and made numerous calls to complain. Promise after promise. Nearly 2 years on, no refund. On my second line which I took out for my partner, they cut it off immediately after I rang up to request a PAC number and give 30 days notice which meant she had 2 weeks without a working number. Too many issues to list here but awful, awful company and I'll be complaining to the Ombudsman as soon as I'm away from them (not going to do that until I've successfully ported my number elsewhere incase they shut me off without notice too!)
the porter
17 Sep 16 #29
Cheaper at e2save £9 after cb
17 Sep 16 #30
Does this come with a handset or no
17 Sep 16 #31
Cold. For £3 (or £4 depending on the reseller) per month more you can have
25GB 4G UK Data
unlimited UK minutes
unlimited UK texts
4GB inclusive roaming data
unlimited inclusive roaming minutes and texts
Your choice of entertainment for 12 months
Now TV
Sky Sports Mobile TV

With this you get less UK data, no roaming data and no Spotify etc.
maggie_wcf to miffyl
17 Sep 16 #32
Can I please ask how do you get that?
17 Sep 16 #34
I too have just moved to this deal from 3. Fairly painless. Why people insist on telling you about their home signal is beyond me as its totally dependent on location. For what its worth mine is better. Vodafone's billing is a joke, it took them a month to get my payments even slightly correct. However as long as you hang on to the email confirming your correct tarrif it will be sorted out in the end!
Overall, I'm glad I changed as the deal is about as good as you'll get currently.
17 Sep 16 #36
Nope. Only available on the 25gb package now.
17 Sep 16 #37
No. Feel at home is free if your contact includes it.
17 Sep 16 #38
Does it include tethering?
17 Sep 16 #39
That 25GB offer is now expired from e2save. You can only find the 20GB on their site, unless im missing someting
17 Sep 16 #40
Does it include tethering?
17 Sep 16 #41
Does it include tethering?
17 Sep 16 #42
Yes you can, I was in the same situation as you were. On an Iphone 6 Red contract £48 and reduced to the £22.20 and kept my handset. Remember and use quidco with this instead of going direct to vodafone, if you go into your vodafone account it will tell you if you can upgrade at moment. I'm now on this 20GB deal and to be honest fantastic price for what you get.
17 Sep 16 #43
wow hot
17 Sep 16 #44
​brilliant, thanks!
17 Sep 16 1 #45
17 Sep 16 1 #46
Shame about Vodafone - I would really hate to do business with them again.
17 Sep 16 1 #47
This is exactly the same thing that is happening with me right now, each month they charge me double what I am meant to be paying and promise to refund me via crediting my account, but they carry on overcharging and customer services are clueless, each one tells me a different reason why I am was overcharged and one even told me that is actually how much I should be paying without checking my contract with them. *** AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE ***
17 Sep 16 #48
I went from the one plan on three to Vodafone, this is good value for money with spotify or now tv to boot.

Downside was signal was shocking in Cornwall, limited to towns like Newquay etc. I had to hunt out wifi continously.
17 Sep 16 1 #49
I'm on Vodafone with the same deal, just 12gb rather than 20. Would Vodafone allow me to change my deal so I pay the extra and get 20gb. It's my first time getting a contract, normally payg so I don't know. Thanks
17 Sep 16 #50
Not so sure it includes the entertainment stuff unfortunately..
17 Sep 16 1 #51
I'm with you. Moved to vodafone from o2 about two years ago and its been absolutely faultless, and very fast. I am in London if that makes a difference
17 Sep 16 #52
Plus you got 4GB of EU data per month vs 2GB on this deal
17 Sep 16 #53
Worst customer service ever. Cut me off last Sunday. Took 4 days to reconnect. Over 8 hours of calls, customer service representatives swearing, personal insults from the highest level customer service team. Never have I ever encountered such appalling behaviour from a company. I couldn't even transfer my number because it was disconnected. Now want to charge me a £150 disconnection fee.

Do not go anywhere near these scam artists. There is a recent uswitch survey which reviewed customer service and line speeds. Check that out first before going anywhere near vodafone.
17 Sep 16 #54
Great deal! Shame it's Vodafone, had too many issues with super patchy coverage and ultra crap support :/ Otherwise, 20GB for a tenner a month is superb!
17 Sep 16 1 #55
Worst company to deal with, it took them 10 days to connect me onto there network after ordering. Given run around when called them and on chat....Finally sorted after speaking with there complaints dept directly and it took them exactly 5 minutes to connect me...Sincere advice never ever do an online chat, they are complaints line directly.
17 Sep 16 #56
how do you get the cashback? post or online?
17 Sep 16 #57
Hi, I was in the upgrade period and they seem to have started it straight away as Ive now got 20gb of data to use on my vodafone app. My old plan cost a lot more than this one as well. They just say your new contract will end 12 mths after ur old one was due to end, not 12mths from when you upgrade.
17 Sep 16 #58
Sorry forgot to add I upgraded directly through vodafone not through this deal
17 Sep 16 #59
17 Sep 16 #60
Exactly the same with me, got bills 3 months in a row of over £100 on a 30 pm contract, after talking to them 100 times charges were removed but causes so many problems, their customer service team are very incompetent; i took the first opportunity to leave them when they increased their prices above the rate of inflation, it was on a free but i made sure to check with CS and kept transcripts, not even a week later after cancelling i got a huge £300 bill and was being wrongly followed up because someone put my cancellation through wrongly, after another 15 calls its finally over but i have an ongoing case with ombudsman and have now moved to o2
17 Sep 16 #61
Excellent deal. I'm on the same bundle, £20 pcm direct with Vodafone from earlier in the year. Also got the free Netflix for a year. 4G data speeds superb for me, so this comes highly recommended.

17 Sep 16 #62
Oh, and yes I regularly tether.
17 Sep 16 #63
£9 a month on e2save
17 Sep 16 1 #64
Managed to get get 25gb, unlimited minutes and text plus Samsung s7 edge for £34.50 per month....this was obtained via the online chat apparently it was a mistake and I shouldn't have been offered this, held out and managed to get it.
17 Sep 16 #65
I'm with these two too;) I've had really good network coverage in my house I've had ee and three both had no network coverage not even 1 bar of signal with Vodafone i have 4! There customer service can improve but there coverage is fantastic
17 Sep 16 #66
Hot deal.

I ended up going with £25pm contract direct with Vodaphone and £100 quidco. Bit more expensive at £16.67 a month but i can't be bothered with the redemptive cashback.

I've been with Vodafone for 10 years now and their CS is awful. I've had so many bad experiences. However, every time my contract comes to an end they give me really cheap deal and I go running back.
17 Sep 16 #67
Vodafone probably the worst cs in the whole world, got over charged for the last 6 months and 9 chats later , still no luck. Every time i contact them promises and more promises and they are so thick is unbelievable.
I have the proof of the contract offered and easy to see on my bills, i am paying more.
17 Sep 16 #68
​online and very straight forward.
17 Sep 16 #69
Does this include tethering?
17 Sep 16 #70
18 Sep 16 #71
He was talking about Vodafone not Three
18 Sep 16 #72
Why they not meant to be selling exploding phones :wink:
18 Sep 16 #73
I think luck you, who thinks they have UK customer service, everytime i called them call went from Carribean to egypt to india to scotland to ireland.
They are all the same except O2 which is best customer service, i dont know about BT. EE are very arrogant UK customer service
18 Sep 16 #74
Having said all that I am with vodafone, but my next contract will be with EE, there network speed is better
18 Sep 16 #75
​they don't bridge the contract for you. remember that you have to call voda 1 month before contact expires otherwise you will be with them 1 month from the date you call them (which means you will go beyond your contract period and paying full price). if you want to bridge your contract using this deal, you need to call them to convert to PAYG (1 month notice above applies) then it will take 4 working days to port back to new contract. you can order your new contract anytime as it is treated as another line. so calculate your own timing
18 Sep 16 #76
Yes, but you have to supply your own goat.
18 Sep 16 #77
This is brilliant, been on Voda for quite a while and on this plan for 2 months. No issues, even in Europe. The 4GB roaming is additional to the 20GB, it doesn't take it from the 20GB quota. Used it loads of times abroad and save me a fortune. :smiley:
18 Sep 16 #78
Good luck getting any cash back from, never did, absolute nightmare, it's a con! Ultimately they're gambling on the hope you will forget! Is that the type of open and honest, customer friendly company you want to deal with?
18 Sep 16 #79
Is the roaming included for free now? on my current deal I have to pay £3 a day to use my inclusive data/mins/texts when abroad
18 Sep 16 #80
Funny. A few months ago I posted same deal but voted cold.
18 Sep 16 #81
Free but just the 4gb - I pay £3 a day too but there is no 4gb cap, I have 20gb and could use it all abroad if necessary (although it isn't :smile: )
18 Sep 16 #82
Just changed my tariff , 25gb £25 with usual unlimited text calls 4gb Europe roaming, I've had 25% applied so £18.75! Also free entertainment pack
18 Sep 16 #83
please could you tell me how you got the £25 cash back from quidco? many thanks
18 Sep 16 #84
You mean, 4 gig free with your bundle, and you actually get speeds worth using unlike three.
19 Sep 16 #85
​So did you not get the cashback because you forgot. If so not really fault only yourself to blame.
I took out this deal with them and I feel they fully explain how it works. They tell you the months you need to claim on ad you get 60 days to do so
20 Sep 16 1 #86
My claim was declined by initially because the Vodafone bill didn't display a postcode then the December bill wasn't the bill for December but the bill I received in December. They did eventually offer the refund, it never arrived and the member of staff never replied. It wasn't worth any more of my time. Like I said; it is done in the hope that people forget otherwise it is unsustainable and why is it so complex to log into your account?
26 Sep 16 #87
How is this so? I managed to have my cancelled after a five minute call where I explained the service was unusable. Gave me the pac code straight away. I've since bought a new hand set and the line is fine.
26 Sep 16 #88
I agree, I also live in Newquay. Vodafone is the worst network and company I have ever come across. Their customer service is appalling, luckily I managed to get away from them. Steer well clear, don't get sucked in to their bogus deals. They will only end up ripping you off later down the line!!!!! You have been warned!!!
26 Sep 16 #89
You were lucky then and must of been within your 30 days of cooling off period or towards the end of your contract. I have never had to deal with such a bunch of tyrants, liars and con artists. Never again would I ever put any business their way. If anybody does then good luck, as they are going to need it.
smiler594 to cdjp_photography
1 Oct 16 #91
Ok so I totally agree that Vodafone has consistently got my bill wrong every month for 6 months and that their customer service is the most atrocious I've ever experienced in my life compared to EE and three and o2, but hey, my signal has always been good for me and I'm paying £12pm for 20gb after cash back. Even though I have to call them every month for 30 mins at a time to go through the guy, then his supervisor to query every item they put on to make it go over £20 at their end, I haven't lost a battle with them yet !

Would I stay with vodaphone in 6 months time? I think I might give EE another go.
26 Sep 16 #90
Absolutely disgusting company, liars and con artists. I am so happy I am not with Vodafone anymore.
1 Oct 16 #92
Hence the deal alone on price is superhot, but due to the worst customer service I've ever had - cold !
3 Oct 16 #93
If you take this deal, what happens at the end of the 12 months. Is it a case of the usual painful conversation in terms of 'what deals do you have now' only to be told sorry fella nothing half decent. Then you have all that hassle of moving onto another provider
3 Oct 16 #94
​exactly what you have just said
8 Oct 16 #95
I was going to give Vodafone ago but I spoke to an online rep of theirs and they confirmed that I'd probably have to look for a new deal in 12 months time. Shame as I'd like to have e given them ago. ​
28 Oct 16 #96
I just went from three to Vodafone (last Saturday, 25 quid, 25gb, unlimited everything else, 70 quidco). change as three reception was awful. currently running the two Sims and the amount of times Vodafone has a strong signal, where 3 has weak is to often, and proves to me switch was right thing. also got 12 months Spotify. this was direct with Vodafone.
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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