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Sky Sports Month pass on NOW TV £10.99 Ryder Cup
5 stars +569

Sky Sports Month pass on NOW TV £10.99 Ryder Cup

£10.99 NOW TV29 Sep 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
29 Sep 16
Watch the Ryder Cup. Get a Sky Sports month pass for NOW TV for just £10.99 remember to cancel immediately (you still get the rest of the month) or get charged £33 after the special offer month. When you go to cancel they offer you 2 months at £25 a month if you stay.

Enter voucher code MONTH1099

- yorxman

Also available to watch: 3 x Formula 1 GPs, W/C Qualifiers, Premier League, Championship & La Liga football, Test Cricket etc
- yorxman
All comments (128)
29 Sep 16 #1
Awesome. thank u. heat
29 Sep 16 1 #2
Thanks OP - I'l testing my luck and trying to get £8.08 from TopCashback
Fingers Crossed for a months Sky Sports for £2.91 :confused:
29 Sep 16 #3
thanks for this, do you or anyone else know if you can save a month pass like you can a day pass?
yorxman to unclejim27
29 Sep 16 1 #5
You can activate it whenever
kelsbels12 to unclejim27
29 Sep 16 #6
​it has to be used within tine frame
29 Sep 16 #4
Quite enjoy playing golf, but never enjoyed watching it... same with snooker and darts.

Anyway, good price, thanks :smiley:
29 Sep 16 #7
29 Sep 16 #8
​how do I know the time frame?
29 Sep 16 #9
​28th September to 28th October - if I'm wrong I apologise, I've just added my pass and it activates it straight away. Its an offer for people that want to watch the ryder cup.
29 Sep 16 #10
​​28th September to 28th October - if I'm wrong I apologise, I've just added my pass and it activates it straight away. Its an offer for people that want to watch the ryder cup.
29 Sep 16 #11
Thx was waiting for a Ryder cup sky sports deal
29 Sep 16 1 #12
Brilliant - thank you
29 Sep 16 #13
so if I buy this and activate it next week it will still only allow me access until the 28th Oct or will I still get a full month from the date it is activated? Sorry but I've never used now tv before
kindafunnylookin to Mikey1610
29 Sep 16 1 #14
​It just says you have to redeem it by 23:59 on the 2nd Oct. I would imagine you get the whole month from when you redeem.....
29 Sep 16 #15
hot hot hot....offered me sky sports on cancelling straight away for £25 for 2 months as well
yorxman to mickgoodie
29 Sep 16 #25
£25 for 2 months or per month?
29 Sep 16 #16
​It looks like the offer starts from when you buy can't save it and redeem later.
29 Sep 16 #17
How do you cancel straight away? looked at accounts but a bit confused
dippyem to zippypants
29 Sep 16 #20
Go to manage my passes at your online account, you can do it there. It is on the right hand side. It took me a wee while to find my way round it as well.
29 Sep 16 #18
​thanks alot
29 Sep 16 1 #19
Thanks. Got it for my dad. My Mum will not be pleased!
29 Sep 16 #21
Thanks go it now
29 Sep 16 #22
Aww you are very welcome.
29 Sep 16 #23
good find op, heat added
29 Sep 16 #24
Great stuff. Was going to buy a week for the golf anyway. Cheers op
29 Sep 16 #26
Per Month for 2 months.

Thanks for the deal, will give you 2 exclusive live F1 races - will be great if the topcashback works.
29 Sep 16 #27
Worked for me too - am delighted
Hope they give me some offer when I look to cancel
29 Sep 16 #28
Got it thank you. This is about the price that Sky sports is worth.
29 Sep 16 #29
Hot! If only if it was this price normally, I would subscribe without hesitation.
Agharta to Dickytwo
29 Sep 16 1 #32
But think of the impact on the sales of Bentleys; think of the children!
29 Sep 16 #30
Lovely, just extended my sports until 19th November!! Cheers OP
29 Sep 16 #31
Heat, I do like a bit of the Ryder cup, was going to get a week pass just for that.
29 Sep 16 #33
awesome deal : ) no sign of my topcashback tracking yet though. Happy with the price anyway
Dickytwo to RonBurgundy1
30 Sep 16 #38
Me neither :disappointed:
29 Sep 16 #34
Nice find thanks OP , was hoping I could find a deal on Sky Sports to reduce the cost of 4 separate day passes for October's F1 races plus I get to see the All Ireland replay on saturday now.
29 Sep 16 #35
Cheers, no Golf for me, but F1, Tennis and football is worth it!
30 Sep 16 #36
Excellent deal OP. Heat added.
30 Sep 16 #37
This is a great price - thanks order placed :smiley:
Voted hot
30 Sep 16 #39
Does anyone know if you can have a month pass and week pass banked on the nowtv account at the same time without activating?
30 Sep 16 #40
Just bought this.. not working on my xbox one.. hdcp error.
30 Sep 16 #41
Thankyou very much, i would have bought 2 day passes for the 2 sky exclusive races this month, plus i get to watch all of qualifying and gp2. Still an awesome deal if topcashback doesn't track.
30 Sep 16 #42
argh cant find it- the link says page not found. It popped up then disappeared.
30 Sep 16 #43
30 Sep 16 1 #45
tbh though you just enter the code MONTH1099 you buy any month pass
30 Sep 16 #46
Brilliant, this works for current subscribers also, I have been able to apply this for when my current voucher expires mid-October.
30 Sep 16 #47
Mine has tracked!!! It took a few hours after the purchase.
30 Sep 16 #48
Heat. But I watch all my sport online on livesport24 for free :smile:
30 Sep 16 #49
thanks- blonde moment.
30 Sep 16 #50
None of the links working for me?
30 Sep 16 #51
I just cancelled my month pass which ends on 26 Oct and entered the code it states the 10.99 pass starts on 26 Oct when my existing pass ends, result!
30 Sep 16 #52
Also wondering when this needs to be used. Usually with NowTV you can register the code. Then 'Activate' it at a later date.

Is this the same? Only want it for the football and its the stupid international break after this weekend, so don't want to activate it yet.
30 Sep 16 #53
Just tried to buy a sports pass using this code MONTH1099 but it's not recognised. Help please!
30 Sep 16 #54
None of the links work :disappointed:
30 Sep 16 #55
​Just got it to work! result. Thank you OP. Also chanced my arm by going through Top Cash Back, so fingers crossed....
30 Sep 16 #56
Are you adding the code to the month sky sports pass section? Adding to day or week won't work. I've just tried and the offer code works fine.
30 Sep 16 #57
Brilliant! Thanks a lot..
30 Sep 16 #58
For a month pass my son tells me it activates straight away, unlike the day and week pass. So you may as well start watching.

BTW, nice one op. Two F1 week passes for my so will cost me £22 for the month, so this is no brainier for me.

I excepted the offer of £25 per month for 2 months, and have put placeholders in my calendar and will keep or cancel these dependent if there's sport I want to watch in Nov and Dec
30 Sep 16 #59
Thank you so much was going to get a week pass for Ryder Cup, F1 & footie this weekend there was a code for 10% off but this is awesome value for full a month. Also tried to cancel right away and was offered £25 a month for 2 months have accepted that but can still cancel again if change my :smile:
30 Sep 16 #60
Love it £1.39 for a months Sky Sports TCB works great find hot hot hot
30 Sep 16 #61
nice one, very nice 3 cracking matches next month + Rugby for a few quid if TCB tracks .......have some heat :smiley:

Have more heat OP , just noticed back to back rugby next sat All Blacks, Springboks, Wallabies and the pumas.....+ about 3 or 4 others, works out about 30p a game........
30 Sep 16 #62
I'm thinking of cancelling virgin, getting the phone and broadband deal, and getting a now tv box. are they any good as a cheaper alternative? btw heat added ;-)
30 Sep 16 #63
can you get sky NFL Games With this?
30 Sep 16 1 #64
Just got a good deal from talk talk for broadband, worth a look , for now tv I use the the free app on my phone or tablet and stream to chromecast...... works well
30 Sep 16 #65
Thank you OP. Great offer and I also took the £25/month for 2 months after this one expires. Tidying up my account now, does anyone know if there is an offer comes up for the Entertainment Month Pass if/when I stop that renewing? Thank you.
30 Sep 16 #66
Just to warn about the Chromecast, Now TV count it as a device, so phone + tablet + 2 chromecasts would count as 4 devices which is the limit.
30 Sep 16 1 #67
Basically, what I've done a few months back - been using the NowTV Entertainment Pass deals that have been flying around recently. You can watch Live TV on the NowTV boxes (not as many channels as normal Sky) but I watch everything on catch up anyway to avoid adverts. I think it only displays at 720p and not full 1080. You can buy the boxes with 3 months Ent Passes quite cheaply at the moment.
The only difference with Virgin (over Sky) is that when you cancel the TV your box doesn't work as a freeview box - luckily my TV had the relevant inputs and I plugged my old Sky TV satellite leads in and I now have FreeSat on my TV too.
30 Sep 16 #68
What is the quality like for the sports stream these days?
If it is only on a par with the live streaming for movies, sky news and sky sports news then i`ll pass (excuse the puns)
30 Sep 16 2 #69
I have a four month movies pass of anyone's interested? just gone over to sky and they included movies in the package.
30 Sep 16 #70
I think Sports month passes are like the Movie and Entertainment ones and activate immediately.
30 Sep 16 #71
Going for free? :smile:
30 Sep 16 #72
​ Thankyou for your reply, I've just seen that the new now tv boxes comes with freeview, definitely going for it, and just buying passes as and when i need them, save a fortune in the long run ;-)
30 Sep 16 #73
Good offer, heat added. I doubt I would get TCB because I already have a Now TV account. Still cannot complain at £10.99 for the month though!
30 Sep 16 #74
Excellent!! Got it just now. You just need to go to site and offer is on it you don't need a code or anything.
30 Sep 16 #75
just bought this for the Ryder Cup. don't have a smart TV, but obviously have sky digital. Also have PS4 connected so have a pseudo smart TV. please,please can anyone advise me how to now watch the Ryder Cup now I have a month of NOWTV?
30 Sep 16 #76
Do you have a NOWTV box? If not I am presuming you already have a NOWTV account to have purchased the voucher. That way you could register you computer in the add device section and watch it from there.
30 Sep 16 #77
Awesome, have been waiting for a sports deal for a while. Just in time to see my team play Arsenal at the weekend :smile: Heat added
30 Sep 16 #78
​no, don't have a now TV box. using ps4. I'm now watching it live, but possibly better deal. I bought it through quidco, and it seems it could cost me as little as 2.99?!?!?
30 Sep 16 #79
this is a decent price £33 is too much
30 Sep 16 #80
​no but open to offers
30 Sep 16 1 #81
Voted hot and not a bad deal.
However, if you can get kodi onto a device, I would much sooner recommend sports mania subscription for sports.

£1 per week for every useful sports channel.
30 Sep 16 #82
​Yes you would
30 Sep 16 #83
Thanks OP.

If I cancel now, would that remove the remaining month or do I get to keep the month? if that makes sense. I do not have the best of memories to remember end of the month.
30 Sep 16 #84
I will be interested when it becomes free..
30 Sep 16 #85
If you cancel now you get to watch the rest of the month and then it will not renew.
30 Sep 16 #86
Thanks OP
30 Sep 16 #87
Thankyou OP. Usually use, which was 10.99 a month now 14.99, but will view legally for a month instead. Sky sports is a rip off. F1 should be free to view
30 Sep 16 #88
How? When I link it to TCB it asks me to register a new NOWTV account. If I already have an account surely inputting the same name and address details would tell them I am already an existing customer?
30 Sep 16 #89
Is it legal ? Got a link please :smiley:
30 Sep 16 #90
anyone know when November and December's football matches on skysports get released?
30 Sep 16 1 #91
30 Sep 16 #92
Ordered have some heat John, the qualifiers next week too. :wink:
30 Sep 16 1 #93
Did it work?
30 Sep 16 #94
Has this deal disappeared for anyone else? Link is dead and offer no longer on Now TV front page. Regular price now by looks of it. Time to kill deal admin.
30 Sep 16 2 #95
Still there for me.
Go to your account, My passes, sports monthly - click on Apply Voucher and use MONTH1099

Sky Sports Month Pass
Voucher: MONTH1099
You'll pay just £10.99 a month for 1 month. After your offer ends, you'll pay £33.99 a month. Or cancel anytime.
Offer starts on: 30 Sep 2016
Offer ends on: 29 Oct 2016
What you'll pay today: £10.99
30 Sep 16 1 #96
Applied mine earlier today. Now watching Everton game, Liverpool and Norwich tomorrow. Thanks OP
30 Sep 16 #97
Take it out tomorrow and you get these as well instead of Everton v Crystal Palace:

Everton v West Ham
Southampton v Chelsea
Stoke City v Swansea City
30 Sep 16 #98
I just paid for a month pass cause i was off! So paid the full £34 no offers anywhere even though did go through tcb but it dodn't track so had to put in a customer claim! How can i get this for another month?

Do i have to cancel then apply the pass again what do i add?
1 Oct 16 #99
I just signed up for new now TV account in dads name to try get quidco and also to add 4 new devices quidco not tracked yet ( how long normally take?) not worried if don't.

When signed up it offered me £1 for months movie and entertainment so done that and also got sports for £10.99

now I'm trying to cancel them but it's comes up with :"do you not want your free contract pass" ???? :confused: or stay with now TV will I have to wait till last day to cancel ?
1 Oct 16 #100
Thank you worked perfectly.
1 Oct 16 #101
Yes - I made the same mistake. You must apply voucher to MONTHLY PASS. Cheers.
1 Oct 16 #102
I applied a week's pass yesterday (free from Npower), so it' active until next Friday. Can I still apply this offer? And if so will it start straight away or when the week is up?
1 Oct 16 #103
I don't have an option for buy monthly sports pass, just to activate a day sports pass I have?
1 Oct 16 #104
​i guess you can not buy if day or week pass ready to use but not sure. if you activate day pass them order month 24 hours later that would work? though offer ends tomorrow midnight. I also have same issue activated day pass last night so will try tonight
1 Oct 16 #105
What am I doing wrong? Trying to use voucher MONTH1099 but keeps coming up with 'looks like the code you entered is invalid' when I try to confirm purchase!! Entered as typed here!!
1 Oct 16 #106
Just got mine now. Thanks for this. For those struggling to get it to work, as others have pointed out, you have to apply code to the month not to the week or the day pass to make it work.
1 Oct 16 #107
OP thanks just signed up
2 Oct 16 #108
Great one, thanks OP
2 Oct 16 #109
Same position, don't want to activate my week pass from nPower today as I want it for the Liverpool v Utd match a week on Monday. Not paying £33 for a month either, looks like i'll miss out on this.
2 Oct 16 #110
​shame they can not stack that would have made it easier. I was lucky as had day pass which I activated and then when expired added month pass last night. You can not add month pass until daily or weekly expired which does not help.
2 Oct 16 #111
Can't you just use a different email account to sign up again?
2 Oct 16 #112
​yes that is a good suggestion also gets around the 2 device rule will put kids pass on separate account on renewal so all can watch different things at the same time
2 Oct 16 #113
It has tracked and been confirmed, yes. Still no guarentee though
2 Oct 16 #114
This worked perfectly for me, I've just tried it.
2 Oct 16 #115
Brill, thanks OP
2 Oct 16 #116
The CS team at NowTV can be absolutely brilliant!

I had a small problem my end so they sorted me out with a free code - well done, NowTV staff! You're the dogs.

Just be polite & pleasant and they'll look after you very nicely.
6 Oct 16 #117
Don't think this works anymore. Keep getting "Hmm, we don't recognise that voucher." Would have been all over this.
6 Oct 16 #118
Not working for me either :disappointed:
8 Oct 16 #119
I haven't cancelled yet but when I look on my account it says:
"Your next payment is: £10.99. Due on: 01 Nov 2016".

Above that is says:
"You're on an offer. Your pass is £10.99 for 24 days
You've got a ticket to the biggest live events on 7 Sky Sports channels. Just £33.99 a month."

So in theory it should renew at £10.99 and if it doesn't I could show them a screenshot showing they stated £10.99 and get a second month for the same price.
For those who haven't cancelled yet what does your account show?
10 Oct 16 #120
Same renewal price for me!
I'll wait until it's nearer the renewal date, then contact NOW TV to find out if thats the price, if it is I'll renew.
31 Oct 16 #121
I am due for renewal tomorrow and it still shows as £10.99 for renewal so am on live chat with them now....
November isn't good for Football on Sky anyway so might not renew even at that price.
This is what they said:

ashwini (31/10/2016, 10:53:32): I got it checked and see the £10.99 offer is only for a month and the payment for tomorrow will be for £33.99.
Me (31/10/2016, 10:54:00): I figured as much which is why I checked.
ashwini (31/10/2016, 10:55:22): However as you got the message for £10.99 you can wait till tomorrow for renewal, in case if you are getting charged more, you can contact us so that we cancel cancel it and help you with refund.

I'll probably pass on the pass.
31 Oct 16 #122
Cancelled my pass, when I did it offered me 2 months for £25. I also contacted chat and they advised me to take a screenshot, but I didn't want the agro of a refund, if it didn't work. Be interesting to know if anyone got the 2nd month for £10.99. Got Kodi as backup anyway.
31 Oct 16 #123
I had the same deal due to renew on the 29th of October also at £10.99. (which I would have paid) I was concerned that it would renew at the normal price so spoke to someone from now TV who assured me that if this happened I would get a refund. Interestingly enough it didn't auto renew at either the reduced £10.99 for a month or the normal £33.99 so I just left it at that as I couldn't be arsed arguing the toss with a now tv customer service representative.
31 Oct 16 #124
£25 per month or in total?
31 Oct 16 #125
So how much did it renew for?
31 Oct 16 #126
£25 per month unfortunately
31 Oct 16 #127
It didn't auto renew for me. When I went into my account it came up at full price at £33.99 so I didn't renew.
1 Nov 16 #128
Same here, it showed it would auto-renew and then on the day it just said no pass.
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