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Sky broadband existing customer deal. 12 months free broadband and half price rental £7.40 / month - £86.80
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
21 Sep 16
My contract is ending in October . Just contacted after a bit of Nagalingesha I have now offered free broad band for next 12 months and £7.40 per month line rental. Great deal.. Just less than 90 pounds for the whole year
Top comments
21 Sep 16 4 #4
not a great deal, just because its what you got. this is for sharing deals that are available to everyone actually its not technically a deal at all, have some cold.
All comments (54)
21 Sep 16 #1
Anyone tried it yet?
21 Sep 16 #2
Thanks for posting OP - you got a great deal !
21 Sep 16 #3
SKY are pushing BB large atm. Its true.
21 Sep 16 4 #4
not a great deal, just because its what you got. this is for sharing deals that are available to everyone actually its not technically a deal at all, have some cold.
billwah2002 to paneds
11 Oct 16 1 #36
​A really great post there. I hope you feel proud of that one.
21 Sep 16 1 #5
Wikid deal ... I to it for £10 lazst month but this is wikid.

For those voting cold it allows us to know ehat the offers Sky etc are actually handing out.

Have some heat lol.
21 Sep 16 #6
I jumped ship about a month ago as I couldn't get through either on the phone or via chat to ask for a deal.
Picked up a BT Fibre deal instead
Coth to CrazyBob
12 Oct 16 #46
How was the transition to bt? Sky aren't playing ball with a decent deal for me.
Anon32 to CrazyBob
12 Oct 16 #51
Done the same as wouldn't offer anything off line rental!

Got BT fibre as broadband is not too fast here 5.9mb/sec

BT fibre through tcb tracked and confirmed at £115 even though only confirmed at £110 the card was meant to be £150 but they sent me one at £125 still waiting for a cheque for £50 as well! Even though they assure me its coming it is a lot of trouble and messing about for the average person!

Even as it stands at the mo £50 fee plus router £8 so £58/12 is £4.83 a month

They said £18.99 line rental plus £12.50 a month for fibre upto 52mb/sec i get 38 on wifi and over 40 when connected directly but thats fine so £31.49 plus £4.83 = £36.32 a month! Even if i never see the cheque and full card i have used the £125 card to pay my first bill and tcb has confirmed £110 thats £19.58 off a month that still leaves it at £16.73 a month less than line rental on its own! If they send the cheque and i get the rest of the card it should have been £150 so £25 more than what they sent. It will shave off another £6.25 a month making it £10.48 a month! Also the new smart hub i don't need as use a time capsule and the old bt openreach modem from a previous deal! Sold on eBay for £36 taking another £3 off!

Total cost £13.73 a month as it stands or £7.48 a month if they finally pay out what they were supposed to! Unluckily for them i took a screen shot of the offer and submited that with the claim!

Fiendishly Complicated and they try and pay you less than what they promise but a good deal! £13.73 as it stands for fibre is great!
21 Sep 16 #7
Is it broadband or fibre
Harley Roadking
21 Sep 16 #8
I called and cancelled my SKY TV deal and asked to be put through to broadband to cancel. They gave me the same deal just to stay on the books. That was 4 months ago. Not missing SKY TV but could do without the telephone calls offering me new TV DEALS. I've had all kinds offered from free for a year to 65% off my old deal. They can't understand " don't want it " even for free. If I stay off Sky for a year and bin the BB deal when that ends, I can get back on board with a new customer deal just as my area get fibre in mid 2017.
21 Sep 16 #9
Just about to start negotiations with sky as my tv broadband and phone contract up in October. As always with sky you have to be prepared to leave to get the very best deal...depends how much you want to push it, if you really want the hassle to switch etc.
21 Sep 16 #10
21 Sep 16 1 #11
want to go fibre and currently with sky, going to try them, dont you need a engineer to come to set you on fibre?
srp111 to essexgangsta
21 Sep 16 #12
​you do if you have never had fibre before. a bt engineer will call and connect you to the green box at the end of the street.
Egoist to essexgangsta
12 Oct 16 #44
​i manage to get fiber for £10 per month and half price line rental. so total about £17.40pm
21 Sep 16 #13
ah ok, yeah never had fibre. Is it a new router etc, i se tup a cctv system a year back and it was a nightmare and im not looking forward to doing it again.
21 Sep 16 #14
just logged into my sky account and clicked through wanting to leave and just been presented with an offer for 12months free...not fibre though

Get your Sky Broadband Unlimited, free for a whole year

£7.50FREEfor 12 months (then £7.50 a month)Sky Line Rental £17.40 per month
Get now

This offer will re-commit you to Sky Broadband Unlimited, your current Talk package and Line Rental for a 12 month minimum term. This offer will replace any existing Sky Broadband Unlimited offers on your account. It may take up to 3 days for the offer to be applied to your account. See below for further terms.
pcgamer2014 to essexgangsta
22 Sep 16 #20
Can you give me the link to cancle pls? It just take me to phone number or live chat and they refused to give me anything. thanks
21 Sep 16 #15
​new router but your cctv will just plug into it and should work fine or get some of those ethernet plugs
21 Sep 16 #16
ok thanks, yeah i had to set up port forwarding so i can view the cameras on my mobile outside the house i think i then have to sort out all the ports on the new router.
21 Sep 16 #17
That's not true - when we switched to fibre, we didn't have an engineer come to the house. Most companies don't nowadays.
21 Sep 16 #18
Any hints as to what you actually said OP?
22 Sep 16 1 #19
sky have an offer via phone or in currys/pc world for

​Sky Q 1TB box

Box Sets + 80 channels

talk line rental

talk anytime extra

Sky Fibre Max

Sky Q Hub

for £26 new customers only
dirky to brendanhickey
12 Oct 16 #48
Can you give detail on this please?
22 Sep 16 #21
I clicked through on mysky to thinking of leaving and when I clicked the link for abetter price, it flashed up on my screen. incidently I've just called sky because the live chat was really busy and got £10 a month unlimited fibre and a £50 credit to my bill and will take about 2 weeks for the engineer to switch the line over but I wont need a visit myself from the engineer which is handy so no time to be taken off work.
23 Sep 16 1 #22
was on a chat with sky advisor and manage to get: Sky Fibre Unlimited - £10 per month for 12 months and thereafter £20 per month. Sky Line Rental - £7.40 per month for 12 months and thereafter £17.40 per month.. Sky Pay as you Talk - £0.00 per month. Total - 10+7.40+0.00 = 17.40 for 12 months
23 Sep 16 #23
i just had a webchat with Sky, the webchat personnel offer me free broadband and £50 credit, but i refused. i told him i want the free broad band for next 12 months and £7.40 per month line rental as the package here, and the offer granted and i took the offer happily.
this offer £86/year is not as good as the MSE newbie offer (£64/year), but i had been using Sky for 1 year, the service had been good (compared to my EE experience) and i am happy staying with Sky.
Fellow hotukdeals members here highlighted Sky fibre deal which is a good deal (£17.40/month for fibre speed), but 16Mbps (£7.40/month) is good enough for me and family, i dont need fibre speed. So, this deal is hot from me, tipped me what to request at Sky.
23 Sep 16 #24
Just tried to negotiate a new deal since the MSE one I'm on at the moment comes to an end in October. Best they could offer me was free BB for 12 months, but still £17.40 line rental :disappointed: Maybe I should have negotiated harder.
23 Sep 16 #25
I managed to get £10 for unlimited fibre, but no movement on line rental. Still, that was enough to stop me changing.
24 Sep 16 #26
Just went on the Webchat and was offered 50% BB but nothing on Line Rental, for another 12 months, and absolutely nothing more. Is there any pattern to those getting the offer? I assume everyone is coming to the end of the Money Saving Expert deal? Did you use Webchat or Phone? Did you go to or something else? How long did you have remaining on your contract? Did you quote another company's deal (e.g. PlusNet)

link for 12months free BB (+£17.40LR) (then choose any provider, but not "I think I'll stay")
24 Sep 16 #27
I'm coming to the end of the Sky deal, 8 Oct. When I did eventually find the link to the Sky web chat it opened a pop-up and there only seemed to be the option to speak to them over the phone (either a callback or I call them - I opted for the former). I'm not sure if I picked the wrong web chat option, but I was OK with speaking over the phone.

After being offered free BB but £17.40 line rental I surmised that either the best deals are reserved for customers who haven't previously been with them or who have been paying full whack, *OR* what you're offered is purely down to the particular rep you speak with (I seem to remember this used to be the case when negotiating mobile contracts with EE)

The chap I spoke with was friendly enough, but I couldn't help feeling like he was using the (excellent) MSE deal that I'm currently on as a bargaining counter for not giving me further discounted line rental. I don't blame him!

Anyway, it doesn't matter now. I have initiated a switch to Plusnet with reduced up-front line rental and £60.60 TCB. The switch activation date is 7 Oct, a day before the Sky min term lapses. The general rule of thumb I've employed for switching is to sign up for a new deal two weeks prior to the min term lapsing. Last year's EE=>Sky move I managed to hit exactly the same day for my Sky activation date, so no early termination fees from EE. We'll see what Sky ask for, but it's only a day so can't be much.
25 Sep 16 #28
I spoke to someone online about renewing quoting this deal. I was viewed with suspicion as I haven't paid a penny for a year due to the Martin Lewis deal, they only offered £22.50 a month, half price broadband, that's it ! I said how do I cancel, and they said I can cancel or just change provider, I said I will go down this route. 5 minutes after the conversation, the internet goes off, I have to call up the helpline, which took an hour. internet has had no issue, it seemed quite a coincidence.
yaye to Krislibertine
27 Sep 16 #29
I strongly suspect that almost all of the webchat session is actually a robot, and the only time a human is actually involved is when it can't parse what is being said. Every time I've used it the final question is "what do you want me to do with your account", so perhaps if it gets that one wrong it disconnects you.
10 Oct 16 1 #30
Called them up and they couldn't match this deal, best he could give me was £17.40pm.

Tried their webchat after the call and he'd left a note on my account and the webchat guy couldn't match it either :disappointed:

So looks like I'm gonna have to move to plusnet, MSE have an offer on their site which works out to around £105 over 12 months after cashback
11 Oct 16 #31
want to leave talk talk

what's the best broadband/landline deal? (not interested in making phone calls/tv)
cowsindahouse to InTheKnow444
12 Oct 16 #39
I'm in the same boat, but there didn't seem to be any good deals for just fibre atm

I cancelled my sky tv and I'm just joined virgin getting their mix deal for £37 a month on 12 months contract.. 130 channels, 50Mb internet, and telephone line
11 Oct 16 #32
Can confirm, was offered the exact same deal, also fibre unlimited (40mb) for £10/mo and fibre pro (80mb) for £15/mo with same line rental cost.
11 Oct 16 #33
Only way to get this is by giving your 14-day cancellation notice FIRST then go through to retentions a week later and you will be offered this first time. Don't be afraid to cancel, they will be gagging to get you back and it takes them 10 minutes to cancel the deactivation request.
11 Oct 16 #34
Is MAX only available in certain areas? I need a better upload and can't get Virgin. UK Broadband is pathetic.
11 Oct 16 #35
If you live in the sticks, Sky broadband isn't very fast at all (in my experience). I was getting a max of 0.5mb but after moving to BT am getting 1.5mb. Just something to consider if you're not in a fibre area (Sky were great when I was...).
11 Oct 16 #37
Tried this was told that I could have free broadband but no half price line
11 Oct 16 #38
would rather pay 21 a month for unlimited fibre with SSE
julieallen to dirtydens
12 Oct 16 #40
I expect most people would but not everyone can get it, or get a reliable connection.
12 Oct 16 #41
make a copy of the list, then input into new router, it's not too difficult?
12 Oct 16 #42
Would there be better deals from November once the new advertising rules come into play? If I am not mistaken, providers will no longer be able to say "free broadband" and then show the line rental separately.
steveyboy79 to bozo007
16 Oct 16 #53
​Really interesting question. Anyone got any info about this?
12 Oct 16 #43
Didn't work for me. Called 3 different times last week and was not offered this. Had to switch to Talk Talk finally. Only paying line rental with free BB and some vouchers worth £70. Fingers crossed hopefully the service will be acceptable
12 Oct 16 #45
anyone ever managed to get free unlim fibre? thats my long term goal!
12 Oct 16 #47
Got nothing from them and the offer being presented isn't that great either. Can get half price fibre unlimited for a year if stick and cancel my vodafone order which is due to go live tomorrow but it's still expensive in comparison. If they'd split the line rental cost in half for the year as well I'd have stuck with it. Useless
12 Oct 16 #50
Tried about a week ago. Went online and got a phone back.​ Asked when my contract expires which was a months time (this I already knew) I was waiting for him to make an offer like last year, but he didn't. I then asked if they had any deals as I was on free b/b and £9.99 l/r. but all he offered was £14.99 l/r & £7.50 b/b and said I could give notice now or contact another network to change.
Thanks op, I was going to leave but will try again now :smiley: at least I know they are still doing good deals.
13 Oct 16 #52
Got free unlimited BB, £30 credit.

Used the plus net deal as a negotiation tool. Probably could have gotten to £50 credit but i really needed a **** and they take ages to speak.
30 Oct 16 #54
They won't offer it to me. Telling me
It doesn't exist. Best offer is free broadband but pay £18 for line rental
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