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Recreated Sinclair Bluetooth ZX Spectrum (Unlocked) £51.99 @ 365 Games
3.5 stars +294

Recreated Sinclair Bluetooth ZX Spectrum (Unlocked) £51.99 @ 365 Games

£51.99 365 Games18 Sep 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
18 Sep 16
Usually seen these for either £99.99/£89.99 or £79.99 don't know about today's prices?Does seem dirt cheap at £51.99

Recreated Sinclair Bluetooth ZX Spectrum (Unlocked) Product Description

The ONLY full-size recreation of the 1980s personal computer - the Recreated Sinclair Bluetooth ZX Spectrum with authentic rubber-keys, play-control of games - classic and modern.

The games for the Recreated Sinclair Bluetooth ZX Spectrum are available through the internet via the Spectrum online webstore.


The only Sinclair ZX Spectrum device for use with phones, tablets, Macs / PCs and even TVs

Authentic rubber-key, play-control of games - classic and modern

IWireless with high-speed Bluetooth 3.0 technology

Portable - combine with a phone or tablet for fun or productivity on the go

Optimized - the recreated device's 'GAME' layer has been perfected for iOS / Android apps and for games in general

QWERTY layer has been honed for applications requiring access to all the functionality of a full-size keyboard

Supports Apple AirPlay and Google Chromecast enabling wireless streaming of what's on the screen of a phone, tablet, Mac or PC to an HDTV

PLEASE NOTE: This is the unlocked version of the console, goto for access to the free web store

Top comments
18 Sep 16 44 #4
10 print "this looks like a good deal"
20 go to 10
notukdeals to Shinobei
19 Sep 16 14 #28
syntax error line 20
18 Sep 16 13 #9
Steve Wilcox is a bad man he didn't pay people for their software sales either and this kickstarter went really bad
18 Sep 16 11 #16
Not interested unless all games have 5 minute load times and the associated oscillating whine.

And then fail to run.
All comments (67)
18 Sep 16 3 #1
Heat added, £3.90 in reward points and 2% TCB (existing customers) 5% (new customers)
18 Sep 16 2 #2
Cool thanks for letting us know,I'd buy it but skint right now lol
18 Sep 16 1 #3
£40.57 from a seller (JYW Global Ltd.) on Amazon.
18 Sep 16 44 #4
10 print "this looks like a good deal"
20 go to 10
WIZARDZSYS to Shinobei
18 Sep 16 #6
Lol? I can do better than that abc123
notukdeals to Shinobei
19 Sep 16 14 #28
syntax error line 20
Onlybreduced to Shinobei
19 Sep 16 1 #32
​syntax error
18 Sep 16 2 #5
It's just a bluetooth keyboard that looks like a Spectrum. The games run on your mobile device.
MonkeysUncle to Muig1972
18 Sep 16 1 #20
Jesus, just read it, who would pay £50 for a keyboard for something which was designed specifically not to have a keyboard.
18 Sep 16 4 #7
hhmmm.. still think it's overpriced. half the price again and it would fly off the shelves.

heated because it's a speccy though
18 Sep 16 8 #8
About 2-3 times the price but still a good buy if you like the Spectrum computer range.
18 Sep 16 13 #9
Steve Wilcox is a bad man he didn't pay people for their software sales either and this kickstarter went really bad
18 Sep 16 3 #10
The world needs a ZX Spectrum mobile phone!
HankHandsome to skykid3
18 Sep 16 1 #11

They had the right idea with the C64 version, but a Spectrum version would be awesome ..
androoski to skykid3
19 Sep 16 #34
I saw a phone case looked exacty like a small one in one of the tat shops on holiday this year. Nearly went for it but was £14 for a phone case.
Monkey nuts 2
18 Sep 16 #12
Got one of these from amazon but the games download link said the site had been taken down. Ended up sending it back.
18 Sep 16 #13
Interesting link, thanks.
18 Sep 16 1 #14
Nice. Can't really quibble when Rick Dickinson is on board, the industrial designer responsible for the look of the original rubber-keyed Speccy and its follow-ups.
18 Sep 16 3 #15
Most of you posting in here obviously *are* on the spectrum... :wink:
18 Sep 16 11 #16
Not interested unless all games have 5 minute load times and the associated oscillating whine.

And then fail to run.
18 Sep 16 2 #17
I recently purchased one from
Seller has more than 10 left and I made an offer for £39.99 which was accepted, you may be able to get it cheaper.

It is true that the makers have pulled support for this device, however the ones from this ebay seller are unlocked and this device can be used as a bluetooth keyboard in conjunction with any spectrum emulator.

Tested with Manic Miner and yes it feels and smells the same, i.e. as frustrating as hell when compared to the responsiveness of a modern day keyboard, but very nostalgic and worth every penny.
18 Sep 16 1 #18
They were pants then and pants now. Why the hell not just buy an original at a car boot or somewhere or use an emulator.
Tiberius16 to MonkeysUncle
18 Sep 16 #21
If you buy one from a car boot sale you are faced with 5 minute load times and a stack of tapes (however I have successfully loaded from a cd-r many years ago) which I for one have no patience for now I am older. If you simply use an emulator with a modern PC keyboard it doesn't feel the same.

This is purely for nostalgia and would require fond memories from back in the day. If you thought it was pants then the recreated spectrum keyboard is very accurate and would deliver those same pants memories.
18 Sep 16 #19
How times have changed. Not very authentic
18 Sep 16 5 #22
This is all very well but it really needs to come with a Quickshot 1 joystick for an authentic Daley Thompson's Decathlon wagglefest :sunglasses:
Gollywood to spoo
18 Sep 16 1 #23
​I want it to come with knackered O & P keys for authenticity
davej1710 to spoo
19 Sep 16 #30
You were posher than me then. Had to use the keyboard. Think it was Z & X. Still feeling the pain of alternating hammering my two index fingers to make him run, 30 years on.
john swfc
18 Sep 16 1 #24
The smell though, does it have the smell?

Must be over 25 years since I got rid of mine, and I can still remember the delicious smell and feel of those rubber keys.
18 Sep 16 3 #25
i remember having copied tape cassettes with the counter numbers scrawled on the insert as to where each game loaded from.
The Bloodster
19 Sep 16 1 #26
i still have the original with a load of cassettes in the loft lol
19 Sep 16 1 #27
Actually you can get snapshot files of the web and speed up the loading so it only takes seconds.
19 Sep 16 #29
Ah, but not as realistically pants as an original!
19 Sep 16 1 #31
Voted cold as this is just a themed bluetooth keyboard and (apparently buggy) companion app for your phone. So Buyer Beware I guess.
androoski to Pyrii
19 Sep 16 1 #35
I voted hot because it's a themed Bluetooth keyboard and companion app for your phone with nostalgia value.
19 Sep 16 #33
Still have my Speccy and all the games, along with every other computer and console, though with PC emulations I can't be bothered hooking it up these days.

I'd be tempted by this but I'm holding out for the handheld Spectrum Vega+ that was supposed to be released later this year. Something like a 1000 games built in plus the ability to download others freely.
JoeSpur to dawkinsdog1
19 Sep 16 1 #37
I'm the same, I really should sell them but it's the nostalgia and knowing that once it's gone I will never own one again that keeps me from doing so. Especially in the case of Sega MegaDrive 32X-CD, I know I'll never be bother to hook it all up again :laughing:
19 Sep 16 #36
Overpriced and no longer supported.

Save your money and run an emulator on your tablet!
19 Sep 16 #38
Yes, just like that mini NES released earlier this year, this is purely for the nostalgic aesthetics. Much better off using the emulator via a PC.
19 Sep 16 #39
Why is this kid's toy priced over £10? cheap keyboard costs £2-3 the "electronics another £1, so £46 is for being fooled.
Justme1969 to stanlenin
19 Sep 16 #40
It's not really a "kids toy" though is it. How many children do you know who would want one of these or know how to use it ... not many :smirk:

The reason it costs over £10 - is manufacturing costs - a more limited run than your average crappola keyboard and unique features, compared to your average crappola keyboard.

Feel free not to buy one.
19 Sep 16 1 #41
The days you could copy (back up I mean) games on a double deck ghetto blaster
19 Sep 16 #42
Used a golf ball to rollbetween the 2 keys. It was much easier
19 Sep 16 1 #43
Just imagining the reaction of a 12 year old who wants a PS4 for christmas but gets a Speccy instead :laughing::laughing::laughing:
19 Sep 16 #44
Am I the only one here that still has his original Spectrum? :stuck_out_tongue:
gabesdad to parsimony
19 Sep 16 #45
Still got my 48k Spectrum Plus from 1984, and all the games too, plus a C64 and tape deck. Still prefer that time in gaming.
xenophon to parsimony
19 Sep 16 #55
I still have my 48K original from Xmas 83 although eventually I had to use it with the case opened up because it got so hot it would stop working, so it's been knocked about. Haven't a clue if it still works. I also still have the 128K that I bought in 88 that does continue to work.
19 Sep 16 #46
Hmm quidco shows just over £1 of cashback being tracked for this after I bought it instead of the £10 the site advertised. Never mind, I was buying it at £50 anyway, I've had one before but it was hampered by the rubbish software and dodgy manufacturer's restrictions, however the hardware and packaging was really very nice indeed so I've bought another one to split it open and put a Raspberry Pi in there.
xenophon to tarcus
19 Sep 16 #56
See you have the Knight Lore character as your avatar.:sunglasses:
19 Sep 16 #47
Yay! Now we can all remind ourselves just how terrible all those Spectrum games actually were. Sounds great through the rose-tinted glasses of yesteryear wishing, but I bet they look dreadful in practice now.

Mind you, I was never a Spectrum guy back in the day. I was one of the CPC464 oddballs .... :laughing:
19 Sep 16 #48
Quite tempted - I never had one first time round as I got an Oric-1 instead!
19 Sep 16 #49
Thanks mate, on the back of your email I made an offer to the seller that was accepted.
19 Sep 16 2 #50
Not authentic unless the power turns off everytime you move it.
19 Sep 16 #51
Very misleading. Its basically a bluetooth keyboard, it has no emulator or chips built in and requires you to download an an app to use to play the games.
19 Sep 16 #52
i upgraded to the spectrum+3 with a built in diskdrive. I remember the neighbour asking how you rewind it... i felt like a god amongst men.
19 Sep 16 #53
So if this is just a Bluetooth keyboard with an app, Couldn't you just download the app and use any keyboard with it?
Muig1972 to midiman
19 Sep 16 1 #54
Yup. You can get free Spectrum emulators for most devices and all the games are available free. Let me introduce you to the World of Spectrum!
19 Sep 16 #57
Optional numeric keyboard available too....
19 Sep 16 #58
R Tape loading error :smile: I'm tempted but I know I'll use it once then bung it under the bed.
19 Sep 16 #59
That always used to happen right at the end of a 10 minute wait, but what was worse were those damn hyperloading games that would just reset during loading....... :confused:

A little fiddle with the tone and volume controls and try again, lol
19 Sep 16 #60
Nope still,got a rubber key 48k and also a plus2 128k. Have to confess I rigged it up to play beach head about a year ago. 10 year old wasn't impressed. You appreciate the speed of consoles now. Doubt I'll plug them in again - happy with memories of good times
19 Sep 16 #61
A proper gaming machine spectrum 48k wish I still had mine . Bought mine 1983 think it was from wh smiths wow £129
20 Sep 16 #62
Cheers just put an offer of £30 and it was accepted instantly:D
20 Sep 16 #63
It's unavailable it's crowd funded and the buy in price is set to a staggering £175 so far it could drop with customers buying into it but how many will they need to get down to the £100 they want to sell it for or so is stated,bet it's 10's of 1000's more custom to get the price to drop.
20 Sep 16 #64
I never had one my self,I do remember having the Amiga 500 and blowing the board putting ram in,it was most likely a wrong chip at a guess higher volted who knows,it was hilarious to see the power supply smoking thick blueish smoke out and my dad going crazy about it was even funnier.
20 Sep 16 #65
I think it will sell well so I guess around the £120 - £150 price tag which isn't bad for a brand new spectrum as the original 48k sold for £175 and the ZX Spectrum+ £179.95
21 Sep 16 #66
You do not know yet as it's a crowd funded product and the final value is not set,your sort of sky hooking the figure out of the air and making an assumption it will hit £120 -£150 but how does anyone really know if they will drop it at all,it's a pretty system none the less,and would be a nice machine for a collection provided your buying authentic system hardware chips for that cost I'd expect the real remake of the authentic hardware or current remake with a new chip set portraying it like for like,or like they did with the Amiga i7 PC build they enhanced it's power with a new pc to run off and emulated the os via an os build they patent and modeled current rich in current Day features.Although it's not the same, the added abilities and aesthetics of the os and case made it eye candy and it looked great but thousands of £ I didn't have to buy one.I'm sure it used commodore os vision v2.0 but they never made it public,it is for that system only and no longer updated so I heard do not know really if it was dumped as a iso online now,but you can get commodore is vision get the one with the extras if you ever want to try it,they are just modelled versions of Linux can't remember what Linux flavor they are,would be cool for a laptop or PC I suggest go dual core or higher CPU sort of Ubuntu recommendedsystem requirements would be better,OK for those unable to buy anything if they know fuse emulator and it's good eye candy it feels reminiscent of Amiga era.
21 Sep 16 #67
Not quite sure what you're getting at but the manufacturers of this have quoted the sub £150 price range so I'm sure it will be close. The computer emulates hardware as opposed to software emulation.

From the FAQ..
Q. Is the Spectrum Next an emulator?
No, the Spectrum Next is implemented with FPGA technology, no emulation was involved in this beautiful machine.
i.e. it's not like the hobo overpriced i7s PC running winuae etc :wink:

It's also an advancement on the design of the spectrum range so it employs the new ULAplus.
Q. Will there be new video modes? Can we get rid of the colour clash?
The implementation of the ULAplus brings a new colour palette that’s compatible with existing games, and it makes it possible to enhance their visuals (Dan Dare, Cybernoid, Terra Cresta are a few examples already supporting the extra colours). The ULAplus also can display more colours on the screen at the same time. But the ULAplus doesn’t change colour clash: this is a job for some neat code tricks found on graphical engines such as Nirvana. Beyond these tricks, we don’t think about adding new video modes as this will make the Spectrum Next lose its ‘Spectrum’ feel about it. If you feel strongly about this topic, drop us a line -- the discussion is always open and it’s never too late to enhance the firmware.

As for the Amiga the only good amiga emulation besides software Winuae is Hardware Mist range

I run a low end FX8350 so any amiga emulation I do is through Cloanto Amiga Forever/Winuae emulation now as I prefer the integration with windows. I might stretch to AmigaOS 4.1 at some point at around 30 euros. I prefer a real amiga OS as opposed to a linux hack/skin running on mint which was Commodore Vision OS :smiley:

If you like amigas I would opt for Amiga forever 2016 and Amiga OS 4.1 and that should be enough.
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