Immerse yourself in your Star Wars battle fantasies.
The ominous thud of an AT-AT stomping down. Rebel forces firing blasters. Imperial speeder bikes zipping by. Intense dogfights between squadrons of X-wings and TIE fighters filling the skies. Immerse yourself in the epic Star WarsTM battles you’ve always dreamed of and create new heroic moments of your own in Star Wars Battlefront.
27 Sep 16#16
ok am tempted as can use some cex credit to get this and then couple with the season pass, shame as a hard copy, GOTY edition if available would have had more tradability.
27 Sep 16#15
I held off buying until last week when the season pass went on discount, and I wish I'd bought it sooner. Damn, the first time you realise you're standing at the feet of an AT-AT I defy you not to stand there taking in the details... until you get shot, and do it all again. The graphics on this game are exceptional. Sure it lacks the weapon customisation of BF4 and the ilk but c'mon, it lets you fly an X-Wing! Heat added for the price :smiley:
27 Sep 16#13
what exactly does the season pass give you, mind me asking?
Curlynob to luvadealme
27 Sep 16#14
Quite a bit actually (I've just purchased it at the special offer price). There's 4 expansion packs included in the season pass. Outer Rim (Tatooine) and Bespin (Cloud City) are already available. Death Star has just been launched (2 weeks early for Season Pass holders) and Rogue One is out early next year. When you've downloaded all of 4 expansion packs you'll have 20 additional weapons and bits of tech, 8 additional hero / villain characters, 16 multiplayer maps and 4 new game modes that aren't included with the original game. The Death Star expansion pack has got a lot of attention because there are no space battles in the original game. Lots of people have argued that the season pass content should have been included with the original game. I agree with them, but at the reduced price I literally thought, what the heck! The amount of content included and the amount of enjoyment I know I'll get from it, is worth it to me.
26 Sep 16#12
The season pass is on sale in the psn store for £23.99 till tomorrow
26 Sep 16#11
I think you really need the season pass to get the most out of this game. The maps etc you get as standard get boring quite quickly.
26 Sep 16#10
oos I think :disappointed:
26 Sep 16#9
I can't seem to buy it (option is greyed out), maybe sold out?
26 Sep 16#8
I might buy this just for the VR X-Wing mission.
26 Sep 161#7
That's fantastic! I'm gonna have to buy it at this price! :smile:
26 Sep 16#4
Is there still a lot of players on this game? I'm considering buying it now, £10 was my biting point :stuck_out_tongue:
Yeah I was playing over the weekend but then again that was due to the release of the new expansion for the season pass as-well as a double xp weekend. I was on for the double xp and had no bother getting games. Was always full for me
Opening post
The ominous thud of an AT-AT stomping down. Rebel forces firing blasters. Imperial speeder bikes zipping by. Intense dogfights between squadrons of X-wings and TIE fighters filling the skies. Immerse yourself in the epic Star WarsTM battles you’ve always dreamed of and create new heroic moments of your own in Star Wars Battlefront.