Do you need tv license, to watch Now TV? Is anything broadcast live?
bunkum100 to slaha11
15 Sep 16#5
Well you can stream the Movie channels live, and, if you have the Entertainment sub, Sky One, Fox etc.
Jonnoman to slaha11
15 Sep 16#6
No, tv License is only for bbc channels, they try to make it more vague to catch ppl out and make them pay :smiley:
davej1710 to slaha11
15 Sep 16#7
There are no live BBC channels on NOW TV, so in theory, no. I can't recall seeing catch up ones either, but I might be wrong.
batemansxxxb to slaha11
15 Sep 162#8
From TV licensing website
Do I need a TV Licence if I don’t watch BBC programmes?
A TV Licence is a legal permission to install or use television equipment to receive (i.e. watch or record) TV programmes, as they are being shown on TV or live on an online TV service, and to download or watch BBC programmes on demand, including catch up TV, on BBC iPlayer. This applies regardless of which channel you're watching, which device you are using (TV, desktop computer, laptop, mobile phone, tablet or any other), and how you receive them (terrestrial, satellite, cable, via the internet or in any other way).
The licence fee is not a subscription to watch BBC programmes but mandated by law. Under the Communications Act 2003, the BBC in its role as the licensing authority has a duty to issue TV Licences and collect the licence fee.
17 Sep 16#9
Do you sign up and cancel straight away or just turn off auto renew ?
17 Sep 16#10
Grabbed that 30 day trial month for Movies and Entertainment on the Freebies section. But frankly, ain't been watching much of NowTV.
Malcolm in the Middle, Narcos, Mr. Robot and etc are what I'm more into.
17 Sep 161#11
Just logged in , not that impressed with the content , quid wasted imo
Dude1971 to Bradleigh
17 Sep 164#14
Hundreds of boxsets and there's nothing you want for £1?
MrPuddington to Bradleigh
17 Sep 161#17
Yes, it can be a bit mixed. But make sure you have the box, because on the PC you can only see a fraction of the available content.
Bradleigh to Bradleigh
18 Sep 16#34
I'll retract this comment
Bloody roku stick slow and on clicking movies or entertainment to get live stuff it did nothing so thought choices were limited
Seems to have sorted itself with a little patience
17 Sep 161#12
I think its a fab deal, worth it just for Sky Attlantic , and the new box does HD
Not into box sets
More into films tbh
Shared my details so at least someone can use it as I wont
17 Sep 161#16
Sky Cinema/NowTV wipes the floor with any rival in the UK for films as they have all the movie rights, unfortunately.
17 Sep 161#18
do you need a box for this?
17 Sep 16#19
That makes perfect sense , thank you
Installed it on a roku stick , that's probably why
17 Sep 16#20
Better than a poke in the eye
17 Sep 16#21
how do you turn off auto renew?
17 Sep 16#22
Prob another stupid question. I no longer watch bbc but i do have equipment to enable me to do so, do i still need a license or can i cancel it?
Panda1980 to hamish234
17 Sep 16#23
No, you only need to pay for a tv license if you watch live tv on any device, now including BBC iplayer. If you watch on demand you don't need a license.
17 Sep 16#24
great find! I've been looking for a reason to try it!
18 Sep 16#25
Thanks for your trouble.
18 Sep 16#26
My understanding is, if you have a smart phone for example or even the comp used to type above message, is you need one? Please correct me.
18 Sep 16#27
So you get more content if viewed on a NowTV box? I'm currently on a movies 3 month deal watching through my xbox one. Would I get more choice if I got a NowTV box and watched through that?
18 Sep 16#28
its really crafty, its not clear how to turn off the Auto renew
anlygi to Georgedeals
18 Sep 16#29
My Account > My Passes > Cancel
18 Sep 16#30
I have never tried an xBox, so I can't say, and NowTV is not very helpful in explaining this. I assume that on the NowTV box, you have acceses to all the content, and it is my experience that on a PC or tablet you do not. Just give it a try, you can pick up a box for nearly free with a voucher for a 3 months subscription.
18 Sep 16#31
Nope that's not true. The device doesn't matter (as most devices can noawadays) not your capability to watch TV. My understanding is as long as you watch any live broadcasted TV (may include paid for subscriptions such as Sky or other - which is bloody unfair) you have to pay for a TV license. I've had the TV inspectors round to check before and they can apparently scan for TV signals from your house with a van (so don't fib). If you simply don't watch TV there's nothing they can do about it.
All my entertainment is on demand, video games, bluerays and I don't know watch TV at all (a load of crap these days).
They recently updated their rules to capture those that watch TV via BBC iplayer. But my logic is - if you simply use another app there's nowt they can do.
18 Sep 16#32
the scam with this bloody thing is the fact that it auto renew's straight after that month so your paying 10 quid or whatever it is, i wonder how many people they catch out with it?
Spartan88 to donbarney
18 Sep 16#36
That is the reason these free trials exist. Some will stay out of choice, many others will forget and pay at least one actual subscription. Nothing is ever truly given for free.
StevetheDingo to donbarney
18 Sep 16#37
how is that a scam?? its just good business to offer an incentive to try a product...if anything, its us scamming them, afterall none of us are going to keep it beyond the month.
18 Sep 16#33
whats the best streaming method
18 Sep 16#35
Just to be clear, you do need a TV licence to watch on demand content on iplayer. On demand content from any other provider does not require a licence.
18 Sep 16#38
Call me stupid but can anyone confirm that you can cancel straight away without affecting the trial? The wording almost suggests that access to content will stop immediately.
18 Sep 16#39
I cancelled movie and entertainment pass within 5 mins of installing it
So won't take another payment in 30 days
19 Sep 16#40
Thank you
19 Sep 16#41
No problem. I'm well used to it as I alawys use passes. Never paid full price!
Opening post
No contract. Just remember to turn off auto-renew. New customers only.
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All comments (41)
Do I need a TV Licence if I don’t watch BBC programmes?
A TV Licence is a legal permission to install or use television equipment to receive (i.e. watch or record) TV programmes, as they are being shown on TV or live on an online TV service, and to download or watch BBC programmes on demand, including catch up TV, on BBC iPlayer. This applies regardless of which channel you're watching, which device you are using (TV, desktop computer, laptop, mobile phone, tablet or any other), and how you receive them (terrestrial, satellite, cable, via the internet or in any other way).
The licence fee is not a subscription to watch BBC programmes but mandated by law. Under the Communications Act 2003, the BBC in its role as the licensing authority has a duty to issue TV Licences and collect the licence fee.
Malcolm in the Middle, Narcos, Mr. Robot and etc are what I'm more into.
Bloody roku stick slow and on clicking movies or entertainment to get live stuff it did nothing so thought choices were limited
Seems to have sorted itself with a little patience
More into films tbh
Shared my details so at least someone can use it as I wont
Installed it on a roku stick , that's probably why
All my entertainment is on demand, video games, bluerays and I don't know watch TV at all (a load of crap these days).
They recently updated their rules to capture those that watch TV via BBC iplayer. But my logic is - if you simply use another app there's nowt they can do.
So won't take another payment in 30 days