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Log Burner Stove Fan £24.99 @ Aldi
5+ stars +783

Log Burner Stove Fan £24.99 @ Aldi

£24.99 Aldi23 Sep 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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23 Sep 16
More and more people have log burners nowadays and with winter just around the corner this is a must have, to enable you to spread that warmth around your home.....It can't be beaten at this price.

Starts this Sunday (25th Sept)

With an optimal working temperature of 205°C-345°C (230-650F)

Stove Fan is designed to be used on the top of a freestanding wood stove.

It helps to cut energy costs by dispersing heat around the room, using your stove's own heat as its energy source.

This maximises the efficiency of your stove so the room is warmer and means you use less fuel.

Dimensions: 21 x 24 x12cm

Material: Aluminium

Product Type: Tools & Equipment

Temperature Range: 205 - 345 degrees

Weight: 1kg
Top comments
robertoegg to phatbhoy
23 Sep 16 30 #40
Luckily my neighbours have no children, and need killing.
23 Sep 16 21 #11
what about an abnormal radiator?
joedastudd to phatbhoy
23 Sep 16 11 #31
Burning wood is carbon neutral, sustainable and modern setups are very efficient and clean.

That "clean" electricity from the grid mainly comes from non renewable fossil fuels.
I'd be far more worried about diesel vehicles then I would wood burners.
23 Sep 16 4 #34
Really? Depends what you mean by green.
You are correct that total thermal efficiency for fossil generating plant is lower, remembering of course that the end goal is to produce electricity not heat.
However, coal is burned at high combustion temps and the flue gas is treated to remove particulates and sulphur dioxide.
Natural gas burns cleanly anyway, no sulphur or particulates.

Burning wood at low temperatures in an oxygen-poor environment, then releasing the exhaust untreated generates lots of fine particulates.
It is certainly potentially carbon neutral and sustainable, but that doesn't automatically make it good for local air quality.

Elsewhere in the world, wood burning is starting to come under scrutiny - control measures have been taken in Tasmania for example:
"From 2001 to 2004, the number of households that used wood-burning stoves fell from 66 to 30 per cent. Atmospheric pollution from air particulates during winter fell by 40 per cent.

Deaths among men fell by 11.4 per cent, particularly from cardiovascular causes, which saw a decline of 17.9 per cent, and from respiratory causes, which retreated by 22.8 per cent."
Latest comments (139)
28 Feb 17 #139
Never been had before then?
28 Feb 17 #138
When will the Log Burner Stove Fan £24.99 @ Aldi come back on offer. I was told that it would be in the new year.
16 Nov 16 #137
Care to share how you made one? Cheers
17 Oct 16 #136
Totally agree, i bought one and brought it back after one use - blades are almost flat - you get more airflow from a ***t
28 Sep 16 #135
None in Bridgwater.
26 Sep 16 #134
About 7 or 8 left in Chester-le-Street at lunchtime today if anyone's interested
26 Sep 16 #133
This article tells us we should only be buying sealed room stoves.
Hope that helps
26 Sep 16 #132
Why would you want to circulate cool air? Burners are designed to be run hot - more efficient and also cleaner. The fan on my burner starts before I reach best burn. The fan is really useful here - heats the bungalow much better (and quicker) than without the fan.
26 Sep 16 #131
Log burners are excellent, however, hot air rises and using a fan makes the heat go sideways, making the most of the heat generated :smiley:
26 Sep 16 #130
Just got one from Baguley Aldi. 13 left in stock, near the back of the store / cold meats.
26 Sep 16 1 #129
Doesn't work unless the log burner is hot, useless.
26 Sep 16 1 #128
Sorry. I'm Dyslexic and my spell checker software wasn't working.
26 Sep 16 #127
Or with your spellings :wink:
25 Sep 16 #126
Got one this afternoon in the clock face St Helens store, had about 5 left
25 Sep 16 #125
This deal has got me thinking that these burner stoves can't be that good if you need to blow the air around the house to warm it up. I thought they were supposed to be the beezneez.
25 Sep 16 #124
Same here, just don't get it. I had a wood burner installed in April and I was told all the points mentioned in the comment you quoted. To accompany this I have three wood stores which are currently full. One of these is full of seasoned ash logs but the other two are from wood i've found or cut down, with permission. These won’t be ready until next winter at least. I have a list of what wood is best to collect and I only stick to those types. I'm not risking a chimney fire while other people I know burn everything they can find.

I'm having my chimney swept twice a year. I would normally do things myself but I want to let the pro's do it. Plus I'm not good with heights :smiley:
25 Sep 16 #123
None in Bishop Auckland store at 10am! Asked a member of staff who informed me they had only had 12 delivered to the store :confused:
Steve-O 2008
25 Sep 16 #122
Must be a good buy, all three stores in Carlisle sold out right away!!
25 Sep 16 #121
No sign of them in Bedminster, Bristol :disappointed:
25 Sep 16 #120
great deal many thanks picked up 2 early morning
25 Sep 16 #119
picked up 2 plus thanks OP
25 Sep 16 #118
Sold out Quedgeley Gloucester by 11.30
25 Sep 16 #117
sold out in Bicester by 1020
25 Sep 16 #116
Ditto....we have had the inset version for 18 months...excellent log burner, multi-fuel too.
25 Sep 16 #115
Cheers OP. Got one in Aldi, Gilmerton Road, edinburgh. At 11:00 = 4 left in WORKZONE black and yellow boxes....beside the axes and sledgehammers etc. Looks great...same as the £40 B&Q one (Made In everything these days of course). :smiley:
25 Sep 16 #114
I don't know yet as the burner hasn't been lit this year. To be fair, I'm happy with the 2 blade, but had read that 4 blades were better. If it is, it's probably only marginally better, but I felt it was worth a try.
25 Sep 16 1 #113
So would you say a 4 blade is better than a 2 blade?
25 Sep 16 #112
Are wet logs bad for environment because of the reduced efficiency or how does it work?
25 Sep 16 #111
Well, no, open fireplace, efficiency: about 20%, and look at the link right below your post, they say about 74%, so your numbers are not very precise.
24 Sep 16 #110
I agree with many of your comments, but not with the way you generalise the people that buy log burners. For the record, my logs are stored in log stores outside (plural - allows for multi-year seasoning). I have two huge log cages either side of the burner. Logs come in and spend several days warming before use. I have a moisture meter to ensure batch moisture levels. I sweep the flue myself several times a year (bought rods and brush from ebay - it's a 10 minute job). I don't understand anyone burning damp wood - does damage to the flue which is why I use the moisture meter.
24 Sep 16 #109
Oh you've learnt to use the response button correctly now have you?
24 Sep 16 1 #108
It was and is a f. joke!
Nothing against log burners, just some of the dicks who buy them. The dicks who are the real problem... for every log burner lover who buys properly seasoned logs, there will be one who thinks 'oh **** seasoned wood, I have tons of old furniture in the garage, it's wood isn't it? it's green (just like the person!) it'll burn - yeah, and give some poor **** cancer!
It's 'advised' ...Nope it's RECOMMENDED! ...that the chimney must be swept at least TWICE a year when logs are used, or even more than twice if they are constantly used.
How many **** adhere to that?
You already know the answer, don't you? Few, because it means spending extra of the 'green' that they don't want to. They'll burn the cheap 'green' wood or branches found lying around though. We had a neighbour burning chopped up old pallets, or any old wood lying around. Painted, varnished? So what? He didn't give a damn. He was reported, but sweet f. all was done. The last laugh was ours though - during the winter when his flue chimney fractured due to the moisture content corroding the steel part and a fire started inside their house. Luckily nobody was hurt but the good news was that he was successfully prosecuted. They did a check of people in the street who were also using log burners, basically giving advice more than anything because of what had happened.
One resident had bought a load of correctly seasoned logs but because it was all stored outside it had become really damp - we'd actually had some snow the week before. When they entered his home as his wife let them in, he was actually putting wet logs into his burner! He knew he should have had some inside the house to dry out over a few days, but no, his feeble excuse was that he didn't want damp logs inside his nice clean house, so he chucked them straight in the burner! How many others are taking risks like this the expense of others and even their own health?
As stated, no problem with log burners just the ones who put the logs on the burners!
I would like to see serious repercussions for those who don't follow the correct way of using them. Like stopping and fining the thousands of drivers using mobiles illegally.
Fat chance!
24 Sep 16 #107
Another useless comment from Soldierboy001
24 Sep 16 #106
​stovax stocton multifuel. put some kindling , 1 log , shovel of coal house toasty ( boiler stove )
24 Sep 16 #105
I burn most of my woody garden prunings and junk mail as well as logs and old softwood moldings etc in my wood stove. Is an essential part of my ecology. If this was say a tenner I would have one then it would save my Punkah Whallah from having to work so hard...
24 Sep 16 #104
Link to our burner below. In hindsight, I'd have bought a slightly smaller burner, say 5 or 6kw instead of 8.4kw. I erred on the side of caution, rather have a burner too big than too small. My bungalow is 60ft long. The only problem with this one is that it takes quite a lot to fill it and if you buy your logs, it's more expensive. I tend to help people dispose of trees they've cut down :wink: Biggest two tips would be season your logs well and make sure they're very dry when you burn them :smiley: Needless to say really, but make sure your installer is good - I had heard that he needed to be Hetas registered for insurance reasons - not wanting my insurance to be invalidated, I followed advice and received a certificate when installation was complete.
24 Sep 16 1 #103
There's an echo in here.:smile:
24 Sep 16 #102
It just sits there
The Crew Designs
24 Sep 16 #101
So will this need fitting to top of fire or will it just sit there ?

I fancy trying this on my solid fuel coke fire
24 Sep 16 #100
Last year I used a 2 blade fan with my 8kw log burner and found it made a huge difference. I live in a large bungalow so it seems to help channel the heat sideways to heat more rooms. We leave the bedroom doors open during the evening and the heat gently takes the edge off the temperature making the bedrooms comfortable (but not too hot). Earlier this month I bought another fan, this time a 4 blade and will be adding it on the other side of my burner this winter. If I'd seen this fan from Aldi, I'd have bought it. The 4 blade fan was twice the price :disappointed: Heat added (excuse the pun!) - great devices for making the most of the heat from your burner!
24 Sep 16 #99
It's £36 until just before 11:00. You may not need to sign up for Prime to get the lightning deal.
24 Sep 16 #98
what ever happened to the clean air act?
24 Sep 16 #97
I have 3 open grate fires in my house. Does that make me a bad person ?
24 Sep 16 #96
on another note does anyone know when aldi and lidl start sell wood briquettes please, I always like to get the first batch when they first arrive before they get wet as always left outside at my local stores
23 Sep 16 1 #95
I got this far... an Australian on HUKD??? MODS, MODS!!!!
23 Sep 16 2 #94
Bernard Manning called using a landline from 1978 and wants his joke back.
23 Sep 16 1 #93
well no-one told my neighbours, they are producing more children at an alarming rate

new evidence....log burners make you more fertile!
23 Sep 16 #92
I have a Aarrow Stratford sf30 which has a full double skinned water jacket it cost me £2k 10 years ago but heats the hot water and 8 radiators and still going strong. I burn anything in it and in the winter I have zero bin collections from the council and the room that it is in doesn't get hot as the only heat from the stove itself is through the glass.Standalone woodburners are notorious for just making the room they are situated in unbearable hot and the rest of the house unheated. You can go to their website here
23 Sep 16 #91
I have a Stratford sf30 which has a full double skinned water jacket it cost me £2k 10 years ago but heats the hot water and 8 radiators and still going strong. I burn anything in it and in the winter I have zero bin collections from the council and the room that it is in doesn't get hot as the only heat from the stove itself is through the glass. a Link to one I found on gumtree. Bargain if you are near cumbria
23 Sep 16 #90
​how much is this on the lighting deal? not a prime member but could give me an excuse to sign up to it
23 Sep 16 #89
That would be bonfires, not stoves!!!
23 Sep 16 #88
So if I'm not on the grid is it okay to burn wood? My BBQ isn't on the grid will that kill my children? Troll Alert
23 Sep 16 #87
Biggest gimmick since snake oil, save your ££s
23 Sep 16 #86
​It'll be DPF filter fitted to all stoves next... or will it be WPF!? :smirk:
23 Sep 16 #85
Well I will be there trying to get one and as normal they will have none or just the one.
23 Sep 16 #84
Do some research on the web, there's lots of good info out there. We're about to install a Dik Guerts Ivar (4.9 Kw). If you install one rated above 4.9 you need to have a vent installed. But the kw rating is a bit of a single dimension measure, it also depends on the firebox volume, and the one we've chosen has a big volume firebox meaning you can tease a bit more than 4.9 kw from it if you need. The rating of the fire needs to match the space (room/s) you want to heat.
23 Sep 16 1 #83
I wish people with wood burning stoves would f××× off round our area as I'm sick of the smell and ashes all over my f×××÷÷× car in the mornings.
23 Sep 16 #82
We have a "town and country" Rosedale stove, very happy with it indeed.
23 Sep 16 2 #81
Struth! I didn't come here for an argument, I was just curious if anybody recommends these as I have a wood burning stove.

Links to the Daily Mail or Guardian are about as fashionable as coffee/red wine/bacon is good/bad for you articles.

Using the blanket term 'solid fuels' to include coal peat and wood is a product of ignorance.

Where I live, I'd guess that 95% of all wood burned is either wind-felled or saw mill waste. I say 95% but almost everybody I know has a wood burning stove and don't know of anybody who burns purposely felled wood.

Most of my heat for the last six years has been from the stove and my electricity bills have averaged £25 per month. I am actually going to reduce the amount of wood I burn because my landlord just installed a biomass system which burns wood pellets and like many estate owners, he is getting a massive subsidy from the government and gets paid for every unit of heat it produces - given the current political climate (geddit?!), it is doubtful that systems which are environmentally harmful would be getting government money.

For the production of heat, wood burning is extremely efficient; about 50% in an open fireplace, about 80% in a stove and about 95% when burned in pellet form. Most wood is locally sourced and, as mentioned, is natural waste. Gas is comparably efficient at point of combustion but requires exploration, extraction, storage and transport. Electricity isn't an energy source - it is a method of delivery - the infrastructure and generation require massive initial input of energy, generation and transmission are not particularly efficient.
23 Sep 16 #80
Thanks so much for the info, our son has Prime!
23 Sep 16 #79
can not order on line
23 Sep 16 #78
Really..? Get with the real world.. what do you think the grid pushes out into our atmosphere every day? This is a great way of heating your home and stoves are far more efficient than open fires these days
23 Sep 16 #77
Don't know how good quality these are but stove fans are usually at least £50! This seems like an absolute bargain for anyone with a stove! Heat!!!
23 Sep 16 #76
cold squeezed out a log and burnt it but fan didnt spin
23 Sep 16 1 #75
Ok last words on this matter as some folk just dont listen

"The last thing anyone concerned about health or the environment should do is install a domestic wood stove (17 November 2007, p 34). Woodsmoke contains many similar chemicals to tobacco smoke and is associated with similar health problems – heart and lung diseases, mouth, throat and lung cancer, middle ear infections, cot deaths, genetic damage in babies and exacerbation of asthma.
Current levels of fine particle, or PM2.5, air pollution cause an estimated 32,000 premature deaths per year in the UK. Traffic is a major source – the average passenger car emits about 150 grams of PM2.5s a year. But a typical “low emission” wood stove produces more than 100 cars do (see"

From the not hysterical
23 Sep 16 #74
If people are burning laminate flooring offcuts, glossy magazines etc then they should be prosecuted.
23 Sep 16 #73
Daily Mail....really.
Might as well use the viz or beano as evidence. Complete scare mongering poo rag.
23 Sep 16 #72
I didnt say that - but power stations tend to be located well away from residential areas and are regulated and manged properly - small wood burning stoves are emitting harmful pollutants right in the residential areas - and end up being used to burn any old ****
23 Sep 16 #71
By all means - go read them they are out there.
23 Sep 16 #70
As opposed to burning coal for example, to make electricity, which harms no-one and nothing. Pudding!
23 Sep 16 #69
No, I'd prefer proper peer reviewed scientific publications instead of hysterical press nonsense. ;-)
23 Sep 16 #67
I dont know where to start with the level of ignorance being demonstrated here - Edinburgh is not a smokeless zone. It has a smoke control area

If your wood burning stove is smokeless you cant be using it - because they all emit smoke.

You are correct in that it is better than coal and open fireplaces - but its far worse than a diesel car.
23 Sep 16 #66
Voted Hot. That's a great price for a stove fan and got a similar one that I was reasonably impressed with. That was until I got one of these bad boys here and the difference is unreal - however, it is over 6 times the cost, but it's a thing of engineering beauty!
23 Sep 16 2 #65
Ah yes, the bastion of accuracy and truth....The Daily Mail!
23 Sep 16 #64
I'm rather embarrassed for you.

The CAA is the Clean Air Act(s) - which banned coal burning and introduced the need for approved appliances

The EPA is a US Govt organisation
23 Sep 16 #63
The only B&Q one i can see is the £40 one...and it looks identical making this a bargain if you can get one in Aldi with their usual limited stocks :wink:
23 Sep 16 #62
Very "selective" quoting Mr Pidgeon:

So they conveniently ignored the fact that women had no drop in deaths. No link given by this superficial article.

Strikes me as absolute nonsense. Humans have more to worry about, like smoking, excessive drinking, no exercise, general health issues, cancer and all sorts of things, lonnnnnggggg before they have to worry about a wood burning fire.
23 Sep 16 2 #61
Amazon lightning deal tomorrow starting 6:50am for 12.5cm version but prime members only...

Heat Powered Stove Fan for Wood / Log Burner - Eco Friendly (Black)
23 Sep 16 #60
I'll tell your wife that one!!! :wink:
23 Sep 16 #59
Tell us a youtube of it? :innocent:
23 Sep 16 #58 most cities...smokeless zone. We have a smokeless DEFRA approved log burner, 92% efficient....much better for the environment than an inefficient electric or coal / open fire....and not killing the planet like a VW or any diesel car belching black smoke everywhere !
23 Sep 16 #57
I paid a fair amount more if memory serves, probably (hopefully) shifts more air than this one but this is aBARGAIN for sure. They really do work great imo.
23 Sep 16 1 #56
I made one of these for £13 :smiley:
23 Sep 16 2 #55
CAA is the Civil Aviation Authority. They're not interested in stoves. I think you mean the EPA.

What piffle, I get good mpg from my wood stove!

Best get yourself a carbon monoxide tester, I think your gas appliances could be emitting!
23 Sep 16 1 #53
There are some flat-earthers on this thread.

Burning solid fuels even in DEFRA approved CAA compliant stoves is far worse for local air pollution than using gas or electricity

Carbon neutral comments are laughable and each stove emits far more than any diesel car does
23 Sep 16 #52
Can anyone recommend an actual log burner? Hoping to buy one soon and I have no idea what to look our for.
23 Sep 16 #51
B&Q have a price match guarantee and stock a very similar stove fan. So if there is an Aldi within 10 miles of your local B&Q and its in stock you should get it for £22.49
23 Sep 16 1 #50
Deaths among men fell by 11.4 per cent, particularly from cardiovascular causes, which saw a decline of 17.9 per cent, and from respiratory causes, which retreated by 22.8 per cent."[/quote]
Is that because without a wood burning stove they had to run around to keep warm, therefore improving their health?
23 Sep 16 1 #49
what the f87k are you on with daft t24t
23 Sep 16 #48
23 Sep 16 #47
It can be used on any multi fuel stove.
23 Sep 16 #46
Think I have the branded equivalent bought from Amazon for £40.

These work great - they disperse the heat around the room (and out of the door at night), stop the surrounding wall/plaster getting too hot.

Well worth the money these...
23 Sep 16 1 #45
Ugly dust collector or is that just the wife :stuck_out_tongue:
23 Sep 16 1 #44
Cold had one before but it chopped my finger off currently suing Aldi
23 Sep 16 #43
You know nowt Jon Snow
23 Sep 16 #42
I got one of the Galleon fans from Amazon last week for £29.99 - this looks almost identical. It is virtually silent and is very effective at distributing the heat. Very pleased with it.
23 Sep 16 2 #41
Burning wood with low moisture content at the correct temperature in a high efficiency stove drastically reduces the pollutants that are released.
23 Sep 16 #19
if you use a wood burning stove and you live in an area where you can be on the grid - you are unnecessarily killing your neighbours and damaging the lungs of their children.

Enjoy the weekend.
Samba123 to phatbhoy
23 Sep 16 1 #21
Evidence for this comment?
cruisecars to phatbhoy
23 Sep 16 2 #24
This is pure nonsense
joedastudd to phatbhoy
23 Sep 16 11 #31
Burning wood is carbon neutral, sustainable and modern setups are very efficient and clean.

That "clean" electricity from the grid mainly comes from non renewable fossil fuels.
I'd be far more worried about diesel vehicles then I would wood burners.
MrSweeney to phatbhoy
23 Sep 16 2 #37
Utter nonsense
robertoegg to phatbhoy
23 Sep 16 30 #40
Luckily my neighbours have no children, and need killing.
23 Sep 16 2 #39
It is not nonsense, although this poster delivered his point in a somewhat surly style.

Remember that solid fuel burning in the UK fell out of favour many years ago with the rise of cheap and convenient gas heating so many of us don't know what it was like.

In other parts of the world wood burning is/was still widespread and has come under scrutiny in recent years as pollution from other sources has been more tightly controlled - Denmark, Tasmania some regions of the US - within the last 15 years or so are starting to realise wood burning is not the harmless thing everybody assumed it was - high levels of fine particulates emitted which stay stay close to the ground, especially in winter.

Don't get me wrong, I like a merry blaze as much as the next man, love having a wood burner in a holiday cottage, but I'll be sticking to gas in my own home.
23 Sep 16 #38
Oh yes, the issue is very complicated. Change one thing and some other problem always pops up!
Ideally we would not need fossil fuels, but I don't think we're there yet.
For better or for worse, the low cost of natural gas heating will keep it dominant for some time I think and on balance I will still take it over solid fuel burning.
Looking to the future, perhaps ground-source heat pumps combined with solar will become more popular, expensive to install though.
23 Sep 16 1 #36
All points well made and well taken. I should have said "potentially", not "probably". Only thing to add is that burning natural gas is releasing the carbon that was taken out of our atmosphere millions of years ago when the earth was the greenhouse it is becoming again, whereas the carbon released by the average woodburner was only taken out a few years ago, hence "potentially greener". All very difficult equations, but all worth thinking through.
23 Sep 16 #33
my 2 pevex log burners carbon neutral 70 to 80 efficiency.
smokeless rated defra rated . keeps damp from blocked up chimneys. and renewable fuel resources.

gezz someone needs to check there facts.
arotabi to frankie1g
23 Sep 16 #35
​It's not your burner that's carbon neutral but your wood.

I don't give a damn if you burn wood, coal or gas to warm your cockles but most people say 'carbon neutral' as a term they've picked up without having a clue what it means.
23 Sep 16 4 #34
Really? Depends what you mean by green.
You are correct that total thermal efficiency for fossil generating plant is lower, remembering of course that the end goal is to produce electricity not heat.
However, coal is burned at high combustion temps and the flue gas is treated to remove particulates and sulphur dioxide.
Natural gas burns cleanly anyway, no sulphur or particulates.

Burning wood at low temperatures in an oxygen-poor environment, then releasing the exhaust untreated generates lots of fine particulates.
It is certainly potentially carbon neutral and sustainable, but that doesn't automatically make it good for local air quality.

Elsewhere in the world, wood burning is starting to come under scrutiny - control measures have been taken in Tasmania for example:
"From 2001 to 2004, the number of households that used wood-burning stoves fell from 66 to 30 per cent. Atmospheric pollution from air particulates during winter fell by 40 per cent.

Deaths among men fell by 11.4 per cent, particularly from cardiovascular causes, which saw a decline of 17.9 per cent, and from respiratory causes, which retreated by 22.8 per cent."
23 Sep 16 #32
Phatboy you clearly know nothing keep hugging those trees before us stove owners burn them all Hee Hee
23 Sep 16 1 #30
Not disagreeing with you regarding quality but I can confirm that stove is imported from China. Its a blooming good stove though!
23 Sep 16 #29
Because mine is also 82% efficient, and approved, and because I've looked up the statistics for distribution inefficiencies (ie energy losses) of (predominantly) fossil-fuel sourced grid energy. But let's not burden this otherwise good thread with such dull detail, eh?
23 Sep 16 #28
He's probably talking about local air quality with regard to particulate emissions compared to burning natural gas.
23 Sep 16 #27
The two blade fan is better according to reviews.These are only £5 cheaper than Amazon.I think i will wait for the two blade option on Amazon.Might try it if its reduced in Aldi after a couple weeks of no sale.
23 Sep 16 #20
Unlikely but would this work in an oven to make my gas oven more even at cooking?
edgeone to jamhops
23 Sep 16 #26
Doubt it. There needs to be a heat differential between the base and the heatsink on the top - thats why they are recommended to be placed at the back of the stove where cooler air can be drawn over the fins.
23 Sep 16 2 #25
terry_dactyl- only if you use a cheap Chinese imported stove that has not been tested and approved by defra! my defra approved 5KW Hillandale Silverdale is a good quality stove (complimented by my defra fitter) and is 82% efficient (again tested by defra) so, I cannot see how your comments can possibly be true!

oh and also, good deal on this stove fan...I did run one last year until my plaster mate took it in part payment for a job!!
23 Sep 16 4 #23
Completely ill-informed. My woodburner is so efficient it's approved for use in a smokeless zone. Given how "the grid" produces heat a woodburner is probably the greenest form of heating available.
23 Sep 16 #22
We only have a 17cm gap at the top of our stove, I'd love to get one of these, but the really small fans are way too expensive.
23 Sep 16 1 #18
But a Stirling engine would...........................
23 Sep 16 #17
The pictures and description look identical to the Galleon Fireplaces fan on Amazon for £29.99. Seems to be well rated at 4.6 stars on 711 reviews.
23 Sep 16 1 #16
Winter is coming....
23 Sep 16 #15
Good find.I wonder what make these are,as they are not a common product.
23 Sep 16 #14
Have Some HEAT OP, Good Find
23 Sep 16 #13
good find op, heat added
23 Sep 16 2 #9
Would these work on top of a normal radiator?
moosex11 to TylerDurdenUK
23 Sep 16 #10
steevieboy4u to TylerDurdenUK
23 Sep 16 3 #12
​Temperature Range: 205 - 345 degrees 
23 Sep 16 21 #11
what about an abnormal radiator?
23 Sep 16 2 #8
I have one identical to this and they make a big difference our log burner is in an enclosed space and once this starts spinning it helps push the heat out into the room. We have a thermostat in the room and the before and after temps were greatly improved. After 20 mins a very large open plan room was very comfortable. Worth it at this price as when looking they were £50 and upwards. Silent or I can't here any noise and work by the heated air flow....
23 Sep 16 1 #6
Do they make much noise?
sabu57 to Daniboy
23 Sep 16 1 #7
They are virtually silent, but need to be positioned carefully for optimum effect - to the rear and side of the stove top, so check you have enough headroom. This is an excellent price for one of these.
23 Sep 16 1 #5
For the price absolute bargain. But they ain't no Caframo...
23 Sep 16 2 #4
They should also come with the Aldi 3 year warranty
23 Sep 16 1 #2

These are great!!
steevieboy4u to mxer450
23 Sep 16 3 #3
And they never need any batteries :smiley:
23 Sep 16 2 #1
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Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members
3 stars +155

Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members

£8.99 HMV 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Oct 2017

Embr icon pack - free
3 stars +122

Embr icon pack - free

Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg
3 stars +151

Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg

£9 Waitroses10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9
3 stars +143

Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9

costco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Wrapping paper
3 stars +133

Wrapping paper

£0.48 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal
4 stars +300

Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours
3 stars +115

Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours

£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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