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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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4 Sep 16
Was looking up bundle prices and noticed AWD-IT have some nicely priced i5 and i7 ones... not bad considering they are pre-assembled. The mobo and CPU on their own come to £450.47 from Scan for example... £440.71 on Amazon... that's not including the cooler.

NOTE: For it to be overclocked it needs to be purchased with memory.
Top comments
mamboboy to thelagmonster
4 Sep 16 7 #4
got any links?
5 Sep 16 4 #50
Blimey - that text is densely packed and hard to read. Have you never heard of paragraphs? :confused:
6 Sep 16 3 #95
After lots of hesitation and trying to justify the upgrade - went for it and yesterday ordered the last one priced at £419. Today the price has gone up to £443.99 - which is still a good deal IMHO as it comes with the CPU cooler (~£30)

Will be quite a difference as I am upgrading from Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.00GHz (released in 2008) and based on cpubenchmark it is about 5 times slower compared to 6700k :smiley:
5 Sep 16 3 #44
Me too, I have a great 2600k system that runs perfectly. A few years ago computing power was doubling super fast, but it seems to have slowed down a bit lately. I haven't met anything yet the 2600k can't do fast and well. It helps that I have 12Gb of overclocked memory. And I usually run the CPU stock but have overclocked to 4.8Ghz with water cooling. Maybe I'll upgrade in another 2 years!
All comments (103)
4 Sep 16 #1
Have to buy ram to get the or on the cup.
4 Sep 16 #2
Have to buy ram to get the or on the cup.
4 Sep 16 #3
At this price I'd want a hexacore...
mamboboy to thelagmonster
4 Sep 16 7 #4
got any links?
4 Sep 16 #5
I got an overclocked bundle off scan, was about £20 more than buying separately from PC partpicker, was very pleased as I went for the i7 6800k. between the assembly and overclocking/stress testing, was well worth the £20
PR1 to longback2
4 Sep 16 #7
Got a link, decent mobo...?
fishmaster to longback2
4 Sep 16 #22

It should be pointed out that the i7-6800K is Broadwell-E which uses Socket 2011 and not Socket 1150 which the i7-6700K uses. The typical price for an i7-6800K is £399 so almost as much as this bundle just for the CPU. You do NOT need an i7-6800K for gaming. Lastly the 6800K is Hex core and the 6700K is quad core.

I'd advise anyone to pair this bundle with an M.2 NVMe (Not AHCI!) SSD such as the Samsung SM951 or Samsung 950 Pro.
4 Sep 16 #6
sorry, didn't see this was overclocked too, great deal if awd-it are reputable
4 Sep 16 3 #8
OVERCLOCKED to a Huge 4.5Ghz (only when purchased with memory from the drop down box)
4 Sep 16 #9
Soooooo tempted!!!
4 Sep 16 1 #10
I didn't say you COULD get one for this price, only that I'd want one. The 5820k has been around the £300 mark a few times, and the mobo is about £130 worth, so not that hard to do.
4 Sep 16 3 #11
Got an i7 2600k really need upgrade..they are the only original parts in my pc but I never seem struggle on any game.
I just keep talking myself out of upgrading.
mamboboy to geebeegooner
4 Sep 16 3 #12
Same here. Have a 2500k @ 4.3Ghz and have always decided against when pricing up upgrades... but think I bent a few motherboard pins a few weeks back as now only two of the memory slots work and am now getting suspicious framerate dips in BF1 with my 980Ti. Might have to take the plunge now :disappointed:
fishmaster to geebeegooner
4 Sep 16 #25
What GPU do you have? That would be the part to upgrade. The i7-2600K is easily good enough and can be overclocked if you haven't already, although stock performance is good enough.
appolospb to geebeegooner
4 Sep 16 1 #31
Same here, 2600k 16gb of ram. Wont upgrade as with the addition of a GTX-1070 that i recently got i can run all the latest games just fine so have no requirement to upgrade the CPU.
southseakid to geebeegooner
4 Sep 16 1 #38
that's becuz you know it would be a waste of money
4 Sep 16 2 #13
I am always dubious about pre-overclocked bundles as I am sure they prob just load a bios profile..

Every CPU is different and it means these pre-overclocked bundles will over voltage the processor to get a generic stable overclock..
derp1664 to ftoowner
4 Sep 16 1 #24
Correct. Given the time taken to find optimal overclock vs the premium they charge for these bundles (compared to the sum of parts) you can be sure they are not paying someone for multiple hours of overclocking. You would need to find the voltage floor yourself for a 'proper' overclock. That said, it will just work straight out of the box so I guess it's okay for some people who aren't keen on overclocking themselves... even though it will be pumping loads of unnecessary volts through the cpu!
longback2 to ftoowner
4 Sep 16 #37
​my (scan) bundle was delayed because the first CPU wasn't stable at the overclock after a couple of 24hr stress tests, and (told me) they replaced it with the one I have now, if that alters your opinion at all.
4 Sep 16 #14
I love that arctic freezer 13
4 Sep 16 2 #15
You need to increase settings or/and resolution to get the best out of your GPU. At lower resolution the CPU will struggle giving up and down frames, at the higher settings and/or resolution will use less cpu and FPS will be steadier all the way through. Your cpu is still very good for the 980ti the problem comes for these people that at all cost do want to play on these high frequency monitors. the 2600k at the same frequency is only 10/12% less powerful than the 6700k
4 Sep 16 1 #16
Try other games.
Would be strange to just happen in one game.
4 Sep 16 #17
Cheers for info. I'll be sticking with it for a while longer now :-D
4 Sep 16 #18
take my word for good, I got 2600k, 3770k, 4790, 3930k etc... and I always do tests on the lower power cpu's, I know what I am talking about. I only need to get a nice gtx1080 sli now, even if I do not need it, lol
4 Sep 16 #19
Running a 980ti but got a vive a few weeks back.
Still not struggling on games even like raw data so it's a decent set-up.
Might pick another ti up but sli support always put me off.
4 Sep 16 3 #20
I can atest to this. On Overwatch I was having horrid stutter for awhile and every time I dropped settings it seemed to get worse, bumped the settings up from where they were originally and the game was much more stable (I run a 2500k @4.3ghz and a R9 285 for reference :stuck_out_tongue: )
4 Sep 16 #21
personally i would only buy a cpu right now if you really need it just wait for zen or even kabylake
4 Sep 16 #23
every game does behave in a different way, @1080p some do need a better cpu (ex:crysis3) but the most does not and at higher settings and/or higher resolution, the cpu usage does come down. The 2600k is the very best for O.C.,you can go up to 4800mhz no problems but with a very good cooler and should not be a problem with a 980ti sli. Any eventual future upgrade other that the 980ti sli might be affected by the pci2 lanes.
4 Sep 16 #26
My cooler is a bit pants tbh. Think it's running at 4.3 might get a new cooler and some fans. It's like a radiator since I got a new case :-P
4 Sep 16 #27
4 Sep 16 #28
GTX1080 is the natural upgrade for you, or you could go for 980Ti SLI, although SLI won't give consistent performance across all games.
4 Sep 16 1 #29
excellent company, can personally vouch for them. excellent service and the overclocked bundles are well built and properly tested to make sure stable.
4 Sep 16 1 #30
I put my 980Ti on ebay but pulled it as it's still smashing everything.
I'm. Not really into 4k gaming and it's playing vive well enough.
If you wanna have a nosey at my rig it's here

It's daft like me ha ha ha.
4 Sep 16 #32
GTX-1080 .... Yes for people that like to spend £600 on a graphics card alone. No thanks !
4 Sep 16 1 #33
It's not for you, there's plenty of people, some of my clients for example that will pay double that for a GPU. There's people who will pay £100,000 for an audiophile music system, although I would argue the GTX1080 has a perceptible increase in performance, so maybe not a good example. £600 is not a waste if they can use the performance and some people can, and some people just want higher end gear.
4 Sep 16 1 #34
Are those Harman Kardon soundsticks pretty decent?
4 Sep 16 #35
Never really use them. Got them on a voucher glitch on here for £70 or something.
But when I use them they are very good.
4 Sep 16 1 #36
I was just looking for some speakers that are reasonable for listening to music when I use my Mac Mini as the internal speaker on the Mac Mini is as expected not that great.

Anyway back to this deal I need to sell my dual Xeon system with 32GB RAM and do a Skylake or Broadwell-E build.
4 Sep 16 #39
​just checked, the price has gone up since and the overclock isn't as high, mine is 4.4ghz, they only offer that in the oc10 bundle which is more expensive
makes this deal even better!
5 Sep 16 3 #40
thanks guys im running a 2600k still with a 970 strix i think i will stick with this for another 12 mths before upgrading my gpu if there aint more then 10 pcent upgrade wise
5 Sep 16 #41
Hmm Kaby Lake mobile chips are out, the desktop parts should follow soon.
Not a breakthrough but tests show an improvement.over Skylake
5 Sep 16 #42
How are they making money off this deal? no matter what i try, pc part pick still give me a higher price in total. Are not brand new?
5 Sep 16 #43
Wondering the same thing, I am an IT reseller and can get no where near this price from trade resellers. No idea where they get their stock.
5 Sep 16 3 #44
Me too, I have a great 2600k system that runs perfectly. A few years ago computing power was doubling super fast, but it seems to have slowed down a bit lately. I haven't met anything yet the 2600k can't do fast and well. It helps that I have 12Gb of overclocked memory. And I usually run the CPU stock but have overclocked to 4.8Ghz with water cooling. Maybe I'll upgrade in another 2 years!
5 Sep 16 #45
Not sure whether to upgrade my measly i3 or buy the PS4 neo...
5 Sep 16 #46
An upgrade to your i3 machine will be cheaper and more powerful. Plus games will be cheaper and you won't have to pay to play the games you've bought online.

PM me with your current spec and what you've budgeted to spend. The PS4 Neo will be underpowered when it eventually launches from what specs have been seen in the wild.
5 Sep 16 #47
I'm just squeezing the last out of my AMD 8350 at the moment, and my 12gb of RAM cos 4gb broke. And my 660 still does stuff alright :wink: We'll see in a couple weeks when I start uni
5 Sep 16 #48
PM'ed many thanks!
However I kinda want a PS4 so I can be casual when playing some games.
5 Sep 16 #49
Only place where you see improvement by upgrading such old gen cpu will be online multiplayer, but it also depends on gpu you curently using, i was in same boat, had i5 2500k at 4.9ghz with 2x970 also both overclocked 1530mhz core, games like witcher 3 and tombraider didnt had much problems few fps hiccups in certain places but that is normal, where a lack a cpu power was in bf3 or bf4 when playing 64 maps, cpu usage always close to 90%+ on all cores and could maintain stable 120fps for use with my 1080 144mhz monitor, with all settings maxed out! This was a shout for cpu upgrade, picked i7 2700k from ebay, overclocked it to 5ghz and voila, seems all my problems was sorted out 140+ fps with no huge drops. Then I upgraded to 980sli and you are in same boat again, cpu lacks a power to squize all out of both cards, ofcorse I still was playing bf4 and bfh with maxed out setting with average fps over 140+ fps but once I increased resolution scale i was expierenced same problems, my cpu usege was over 90%+ on all 8 cores and had some bad fps drops over different maps, i could be due to drivers too but most likely cpu bottlenecking. This was the final straw for my so i decide to upgrade my cpu but this time i went for 5820k as it were at good price and will last a good coulpe years too. Still same games same settings just cpu upgrade from i7 2700k 5ghz to 5820k 4.2ghz and ram from 8gb 1600mhz to 3200mhz 16gb, cpu usage around 40-50% around all cores and fps went up for another 20+fps in total i dint notice any diference in wither or both tombraiders, only at built in benchmark ive scored few fps more with new cpu but in game you cant really notice it, only in multiplayer where it puts real stress on both cpu and gpu, only thing at bf1 alfa where my sli didnt work properly and gave me less fps then with single 980. if you going for multi gpu setup with such high sli setup with 980ti i would recommend you also upgrading your cpu as any 2nd gen will bottleneck them, maybe not everywhere but in some cases very hard. When I made my upgrade ddr4 was very expensive and upgrading from 1155 to 2011 wasnt that cheap, but now if you sell you old setup for good money the complete upgreda wount be that expensive as you think and in my opinion well worht!
5 Sep 16 4 #50
Blimey - that text is densely packed and hard to read. Have you never heard of paragraphs? :confused:
5 Sep 16 1 #51
Economies of scale? They buy bulk direct from the manufacturer of each component and decide on the margin they want to make on resale.. This is how retailers work. They are not buying from ebuyer haha.
5 Sep 16 1 #52
haha - always good to see lots of ppl with similar spec all in one place confirming it is still good for a while. Another i7 2600k owner here :smiley: Bumped up to 16GB and a 1TB SSD recently for Windows 10, so I suspect my graphics card will be the item to upgrade - currently 2GB GTX670 OC Windforce 3X

Core components must now be pushing 4 years old, so pretty good going :smiley:
5 Sep 16 #53
I want a sandwich. Cheese.
5 Sep 16 #54
And there are speling mistakes.

Let's all go back to school.

and pass exams before we can post on here,
5 Sep 16 #55
pathetic price imo
5 Sep 16 #56
with the 2700k might be the case that it comes to the point were the pci2 lanes might not be good enough with
gtx980ti sli. A pci3 lane would double the bandwith. Must buy 2xgtx1080 to test how they will behave with my multiple sytems.
5 Sep 16 1 #57
Links to cheaper please? :smiley:
5 Sep 16 #58
nice ty
5 Sep 16 #59
How good is this deal?

I was planning to wait a year to upgrade my i5 but if this is about as good a deal as you'd get at anytime, I might buy it now. So buy or wait?
5 Sep 16 #60
who buys such a expensive set and cares about stupid £20?

I can understand if that would be worth £500 and someone would find it for ie. £400
5 Sep 16 1 #61
Good deal but only had my rig for 9 months so can't justify a total upgrade yet xD

I run a i5 6600k, 16GB DDR4, GTX960 4GB, any advice on how to futureproof my pc a little? Make it suitable for the upcoming 2017 games perhaps
5 Sep 16 1 #62
just built my new rig with these components, running a 1070gtx and the machine is a beast!
5 Sep 16 #63
Tje bandwidth isnt limiter in this case and ypu could only see a real diference btw pci2 and 3 in multi gpu setup 3+ at same time. ​I had GA-Z68XP-UD4 rev 1.3 which supports pci3 bandwidth, but cpu is just to weak to handle such oint of data, also all cores being nearly fully utilized, slows the comunication with gpu.
Thats why you have overal lower fps and pfs drops when cpu usage spikes to max load.
5 Sep 16 2 #64
2500K here, I'm in the same boat :disappointed:
5 Sep 16 #65
I'll sell you a hexacore AMD processor and motherboard for this price if you want.
5 Sep 16 1 #66
GPU 100%
5 Sep 16 #67
What DDR4 memory make do they sell this bundle with? Can't seem to find any info...
5 Sep 16 #68
Do you mean in comparison with how much the CPU and Motherboard cost from Amazon? Don't forget that price isn't including the CPU cooler. Also it's pre-assembled so people don't have to worry about bending socket pins, damaging the motherboard, or having issues installing the heatsink, etc.

And if you include ram (which is already cheaper or as cheap as competitors) and they'll pre-overclock it for you as well.
5 Sep 16 1 #69
My current rig is an I5-2500k, 7850 HD, P8-Z68 Pro Gen3 Motherboard, 16gb ram (think DDR3)
Would this be a big jump for gaming? (Was going to get an RX 480 soon, would my current cpu really bottleneck it)?
5 Sep 16 1 #70
I want a Nissan GTR for the price of a Micra.

Sorry, I thought we were trading stupid and pointless comments.
5 Sep 16 #71
all relative to settings really. I had a 2500k overclocked for years, running with an old matrox cad based card before going to an 8800gtx (iirc), didnt really struggle with anything at medium settings, but anything High / ultra was an issue, this is before the whole HD revolution too.

I imagine a newer machine will run the same games much nicer than your existing setup, always been told motherboard - cpu - hdd are the most important features to build on.
5 Sep 16 2 #72
Har har! And whoosh!

You missed the point entirely! That wasn't a comment about grammar. It was about readability. The odd smelling pistake doesn't make a block of text unreadable, but I bet I'm not the only one who can't be arsed to read through that large dense block of text.

There's not much point in typing large amounts if it's done in a way that puts people off reading it.
5 Sep 16 #73
GPU.. GTX1070 would suit
5 Sep 16 #74
If you've OCed that 2500k adequately (4Ghz+), you'll have no problems running the vast majority of games at high with a new GPU. I've still got my i7-2600K with my old Radeon 6950, and have no plans of upgrading my CPU, just need a new GPU!
5 Sep 16 #75
Futureproof is an impossible word. You can't futureproof anything. Anyway to answer your question the weakest part of your system for gaming is the GPU. If you have a 1080P or 1440P monitor then a GTX1070 is a sensible upgrade, you can grumble about the cost but currently AMD don't have any high end competitive cards out,I know it's a bit of a sweeping statement but in general it's true. So the GTX1070 is a decent upgrade, it gives you performance for £350-£450 that AMD can't touch until next year give or take one game which is DOOM and something like a Fury X. Anyway I digress, the GTX1070 is a sensible upgrade. Your CPU some could argue is also a weak point of the system in terms of the future, but to pick one upgrade now for gaming it's the GPU.
5 Sep 16 1 #76
RX480 is a logical upgrade especially if you plan to run DOOM, the CPU can be overclocked, there was a jump in performance between Sandybridge to Ivybridge, after that you need Broadwell-E to make any significant performance gains, Haswell and especially Skylake are more about introducing some new technologies and power consumption savings, the lack of competition from AMD for the past 10 years has seen Intel stagnate on performance.
5 Sep 16 #77
I had similar issue with my i7-2600 and msi z68 mobo. 2 banks suddenly stopped working (bsod with 4 memory sticks in, stable with 2).I solved the problem by simply refitting heat sink and reapplying thermal paste.
5 Sep 16 #78
link dead
5 Sep 16 2 #79
wheres the socket that allows me to join 5 of these together with quad sli on each.... and you guessed it, i'll be playing lemmings and web browsing....... :smile:
5 Sep 16 #80
So out of the loop with PC gaming which make it pretty daunting now, if I wanted to build a machine how much would I need to spend to get something playing the newest games on the best settings?
5 Sep 16 #81
Keep in mind Battlefield 1 still isn't finished without any functioning DX12 support.

There are a new range of processors out very soon "Kaby Lake" so will most likely be worth waiting for them as I am in exactly the same boat as you but with a 1080.
5 Sep 16 #82
I currently have an i5-4670k. Would there be any point upgrading to this? I manily use my computer for video editing using After Effects
5 Sep 16 #83
​not really worth upgrading, haswell chips are still pretty recent and no real significant performance changes
cigbunt to dealsonmeals
5 Sep 16 #92
Decent 500w would be enough
5 Sep 16 2 #84
​actually what am I saying, this is hukd. of course you should upgrade buy this bundle before theyre oos
5 Sep 16 2 #85
Talking yourself out of an upgrade is a good financial habit to have :smiley:
5 Sep 16 2 #86
​Selective quoting? What is this, a tabloid newspaper? As I explained in my post, an Intel hexacore and similar spec mobo have been around this price previously. Granted this is prebuilt, I was just expressing an opinion about the value proposition of this combo (especially given how old the CPU is now).

Please accept my humble apologies for not making my position entirely clear. I obviously deserved a derogatory response.
derp1664 to thelagmonster
5 Sep 16 #87
Need a bit more info to answer that decently. For starters, what resolution is your monitor? Also when you say 'best settings' do you mean you want maximum graphical settings on all games? And most importantly, any budget limit or desired price range? Basically there is a system for every budget, the hardware manufacturers have every price point covered with various hardware
5 Sep 16 #88
Been few years since I built my last PC. If I buy this then what sort of PSU will I need and what mid-range GPU ? I don't really play any games, just photoshop and normal day to day computer work.
5 Sep 16 #89
The GPU is the main deciding factor for required PSU. Be sure to buy a quality PSU which is 80plus rated (Bronze, SIlver, Gold, Platinum or Titanium) from a decent manufacturer (Seasonic, SuperFlower, etc). A mid-range GPU may be overkill if you are not gaming at all.
5 Sep 16 #90
Socket 1151 not 1150 :wink:
5 Sep 16 #91
Over clocked??
5 Sep 16 #93
​No. If your workload exceeds the capability of your existing system then you need to move to an X99 Socket 2011 based system.
5 Sep 16 #94
Yup 6 core is the way to go if you are doing a lot of encoding. At gaming my 5820K OC'ed is not much different than a 6700K OC'ed but switch to encoding or heavy CPU applications and it will destroy the Skylakes.
6 Sep 16 3 #95
After lots of hesitation and trying to justify the upgrade - went for it and yesterday ordered the last one priced at £419. Today the price has gone up to £443.99 - which is still a good deal IMHO as it comes with the CPU cooler (~£30)

Will be quite a difference as I am upgrading from Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.00GHz (released in 2008) and based on cpubenchmark it is about 5 times slower compared to 6700k :smiley:
6 Sep 16 #96
ASUS :confused:
mamboboy to MazingerZ
7 Sep 16 #98
Starting to regret not jumping on this myself now.

I, too, was in the "2500K is fine" brigade, but now after getting a GTX 1080 and playing BF1 I've realised it's causing a huge system bottleneck.
Even at 4.4 Ghz I'm looking at 98%+ CPU usage on all four cores with the 1080 just chilling. I should be getting 90+ fps on ultra @ 1440 but I'm going down below the 60's in the built up areas/around explosions, etc.

September may end up being an expensive month for me!
7 Sep 16 #97
Nice find and heat added. Always keep an eye on new CPU and mobo deals thinking I must upgrade sometime. Then I see on here how many still use 2500k for gaming and still happy , which has talked me out of it again! My 2500k is oc and runs fine on an arctic freezer although keep thinking I should updrade my hd7950 if anything especially as battlefield addict. :smiley:
7 Sep 16 #99
The vast majority of games still don't scale well beyond 4 threads, but the few ones that do, i7 will make a massive difference if you're CPU bottlenecked, yes.
7 Sep 16 #100
443.99 now
10 Sep 16 #101
Your text here
15 Sep 16 #102
It seems that the price is now 443.99pounds...
29 Sep 16 #103
How you getting on with this, I am looking at upgrading my 2500k now (come to my senses) and thinking still this deal or looking at the 6600k.
Gone up to £444 but still not bad to be honest, pre built.
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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