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19 Sep 16
Not bad for a two year lease on a decent car with sat nav built in. 6000miles or 10,000 from £125pm.

If you think there's better value for money I'd be happy to see it.
Top comments
Monkeybumcheeks to boomish
19 Sep 16 13 #15
There's always one.....
dajambo to kamy786rulz
19 Sep 16 3 #20
SteadVex to sofiasar
19 Sep 16 3 #11
they are! you just have to go for the Seat badge instead :smile:
Latest comments (61)
5 Feb 17 #61
check if you cant find submit enquiry and they will call you back with better deals
26 Jan 17 #60
Sorry did not company/website of this offer ?
14 Jan 17 #59
​please don't....
14 Jan 17 #58
​dumb comment kanny78rulz
14 Jan 17 #57
​some people either don't gave a clue or do they care what they drive @sofiasar
30 Sep 16 #56
I ordered one and they are saying target delivery date is 17th, think the price has gone up about £4 a month since this deal was posted too, hardly a deal breaker though
27 Sep 16 #55
Has anyone else ordered one? I missed out on the zetec but have applied for the titanium @ 3+23 for 162 a month. Just wondered What kind of delivery to expect? I
26 Sep 16 #53
Has this deal expired?
19 Sep 16 #19
I am 20, first car , insurance qoute is coming to 2.3k a year on this. I select 24months, 10K mile pa , 3 months initial. works out about £4,577 after 2 years with no Maintenance.

Should I buy it?
dajambo to kamy786rulz
19 Sep 16 3 #20
steadydeal to kamy786rulz
19 Sep 16 #22
Might be worth looking at some of the Peugeot / Citroen deals, often cheap car, cheap pcp and included insurance
acj7745 to kamy786rulz
20 Sep 16 #40
​It isn't easy when you're that age but it gets easier. My first years insurance at 20 was a fiat punto, £2k, 8 years ago. For perspective I'm 28 and pay £600 a year on a Mercedes s class with a 3.2l diesel engine! So it does get better. I had an Audi S5 for 6 months ago before I swapped jobs and the commute intensified, similar insurance cost.

If you can afford it. Go for it, it is a nice car, I had 60k of driving on an 09 focus, serviced every 10-15miles and no problems what so ever. Traded it in when the EGR started to stick. Honestly at your age, I'd buy it outright. You might just have to temper your expectations to match your budget. Although this very model is cheap new at the moment. There are 4,5 even 6k discount of list prices on a 66.
ghostm4n to kamy786rulz
25 Sep 16 #52
​Not long ago Fiat were doing lease deals on the Fiat 500 that included insurance, designed for youngsters. Could be worth a look as that sort of money on insurance just seems so wrong.
24 Sep 16 #51
Seems quite contradictory.
19 Sep 16 2 #3
Some good discounts on the Focus if you're wanting to buy outright at the moment. This particular model is available for under £14500, with a £6000 saving off list.
Codify to karlie88
23 Sep 16 #50
from where?
22 Sep 16 1 #49
Depends on your insurance company. The policy I mentioned also covers your liability for the rental payments as well as cost of the car which is something to think about. Not all insurers will cover book price within the first 12 months (although some do).
20 Sep 16 #41
Per month Incl VAT based on a 24 month contract. Initial rental £442.62 Incl VAT Processing Fee £180.00 Incl VAT
redadmiral to tomreames
22 Sep 16 #48
(23*146)=3358+442+180=3980/24=£165 per month
21 Sep 16 #47
I thought GAP insurance was unnecessary in the first year?
20 Sep 16 #46
As I said every car is different. One feels good the other not. The engine is noisy in Fiesta, much better in Focus.
20 Sep 16 2 #43
Sorry but this is not a decent car. Buying Ford is a lottery. I've been driving a hundreds of Fiesta's and Focus's over the last few years as a company cars and every car is different. There is no quality as the quality means that every car should be almost the same but Ford cars are all different and many of them have serious engine defects at low mileage. And in my opinion the 1.5 tdci is just the worst car engine I've ever driven.It's noisy, has no torque at low revs and sometimes it just cut off when you try to move on.
The only good think I can say about Fords is a good suspension in most of their cars but not in the latest Mondeo.
benashhug to kryjom
20 Sep 16 1 #45
Your comments on this engine are surprising to me. I have this exact car and find it to be nothing but quiet, refined, efficient and pulls when you need it to. After 18 months of driving it, I've NEVER had it cut out on me either, apart from when start-stop kicks in?

I would happily recommend the Focus and particularly this engine to anyone! But, each to their own.
20 Sep 16 #44
I would advise against a new car for your first vehicle. It is inevitable that you will get a few bumps and scuffs so a new vehicle is maybe not the best choice. As others have said, get a banger that you don't need to worry about and get a years no claims under your belt. That should half your insurance quote. Then go look for something new/newer. Think of all the beer tokens you'll save!
19 Sep 16 1 #23
don't listen to me i don't know your circumstances .... if its the kind of car your looking for and you can afford it then go for it. although at your age i would rather spend my money on beer and drive something like this...
Mathaeus to dajambo
20 Sep 16 #42
I'm sure it says something in the bible about "thou shalt not but stickers on a car unless it's for sponsorship purposes!" Be careful.. You could burn in hell for this :smiley:
19 Sep 16 1 #12
i'm currently leasing the same car from nationwide vehicle contracts for the was 375 initial rental...125 a month for 4 years...180 processing fee!!!!!!...8000 miles per year....don't know if the maths works out and i know it's longer lease, but it might help
garyjn to garyjn
19 Sep 16 2 #13
ooops...just noticed this is the focus...mine is the fiesta...ignore
hcc27 to garyjn
20 Sep 16 #39
That doesn't sound like a bad deal, however my only concern with leases over 3y is that the lessee becomes liable for any repairs to the car when the (usually) 3y manufacturer warranty runs out. Having said that, the Ford Focus is usually a uber-reliable car so you probably won't have an issue.
20 Sep 16 1 #38
​The name does it for me too!
19 Sep 16 #36
Seems a good deal, would you recommend GAP insurance and if so how much would that cost on top?
jumbosausage to allandnhs
20 Sep 16 1 #37
Personally I'd go for GAP, liable for remainder of the lease cost in the event of write off. I've got cover with ALA (contract hire plus). There's always discount codes floating around. I ended up paying £84 for two years. Worth it for peace of mind.
19 Sep 16 #35
Personally it sounds like your budget and what you want are in no way compatible .

My first car was a crappy fiat panda . I paid a little under 1k for it but it was in insurance group one so my first insurance was like £1000 . Which felt like a lot at the time .

Whilst it was not the best car in the world it did beat the bus or my motorbike on a cold rainy windy morning . And thats the main thing .

If the car you want is not in your budget have you looked at Cat C/D write offs . these can be a reasonable way of saving money on a given make and model aslong as the repairs have been done properly and a proper inspection carried out. If in doubt always get a second opinion . That extra £100 or so to get a proper second opinion can save you thousands in the future . But do bear in mind the car will be harder to sell . Ive had friends buy cat c or d cars when they are planning to keep the car until it is scrap if you wanna change the car after 2 years or something like that id steer clear .

In simple blunt terms it seems like you need to increase your budget or decrease your expectations
19 Sep 16 1 #34
Corsair more common than a fiesta :laughing::laughing::laughing:
19 Sep 16 1 #18
polluting diesel
canaryruss to lumsdot
19 Sep 16 1 #33
​prefer mine unpolluted
19 Sep 16 1 #14
I bought a decent car for 4k 2 years ago & I still have it, seems like a better deal to me..:smiley:
Monkeybumcheeks to boomish
19 Sep 16 13 #15
There's always one.....
ferrarionur2 to boomish
19 Sep 16 #32
Not the same thing
19 Sep 16 1 #31
Does anyone know which alloys it comes with and whether it will look like that in the pic
19 Sep 16 #30
Thank you very much for the advice. I will have to find a used car then. But struggling to find something like fiesta newish shape for my budget, don't want these other cars like Vauxhall corsa they way too common.
19 Sep 16 2 #29
Why not look for a cheap used car in insurance group 1 to get you on the road and get a few years NCB and some driving experience

Sure if you have money to burn pay 2k plus for insirance . I personally could not tolerate paying that but each to their own

Just consider though any damage beyond fair wear and tear and the leasing company could well claim against your insurance . meaning your premium could skyrocket .

Even what looks like minor panel damage from reversimg into a bollard or scraping the side on a wall in the typical car park accident could cost £1000's when the lease company insists on manufacturers approved repairs being carried out .

I know you probably think you are not stupid and have a sensible head and are the worlds best driver . But the statistics on accidents in the first year after passing the driving test speak for themselves .

Ultimately though its your money and your insurance record so if youve got the money to burn go for it .
19 Sep 16 #26
i want a car that I can just buy and not worry about so want a fairly new car. Don't want these other makes such as peugot/citreon/kia. Im working and dont really want a banger man. At the moment I am looking for fiesta 2013 and on, lol my initial budget is £4,000 max on car so had to resort to auctions of damaged fords to find the new shapes this low.
dajambo to kamy786rulz
19 Sep 16 #28
go for the st-line fiesta although not sure what the insurance will be....
19 Sep 16 1 #8
Where is this Golf R you speak of? may check it out
HankScorpio to tom2k7
19 Sep 16 #27
Mad sheep
19 Sep 16 #25
Does anyone know if I'm likely to get one like in the pic? Which alloys would it come with
19 Sep 16 1 #24
​why do you need a new car at 20 years old ? Each to their own and it's your money but I would think at 20 there are better things to spend your money on. Get a banger and build up your no claims
19 Sep 16 #21
reason please? I NEED A CAR

just did quote on fiesta from same leasing site insurance comes to £2.1K,
Car after 2 years is £4,317

Again is it advisable to do this or am I being silly just by asking
19 Sep 16 #17
If there's a dpf failure during the lease term who foots the bill?. I'm avoiding buying diesel because of my stop start commute.
19 Sep 16 2 #16
sorry I couldn't resist, love the username btw :smiley:
19 Sep 16 1 #9
wish a Audi was in this price range
SteadVex to sofiasar
19 Sep 16 3 #11
they are! you just have to go for the Seat badge instead :smile:
19 Sep 16 1 #5
Hi Guys,
It might be a silly question.
Would anyone be able to comment why most of the equivalent estates car are considerably higher on lease than saloon or hatchback?
Looking at cars like Ford Focus, Mondeo, Audi A6, VW Passat
I know that estates are slightly more expensive when buying outright but the cost of lease cost increase doesn't seem to be in proportion?

jamie19916 to romariopl
19 Sep 16 1 #6
Guessing but it's probably because they are less desirable on the used market, so they lose more value than hatchback; so the lease company take a bigger hit in depreciation.
HankScorpio to romariopl
19 Sep 16 1 #7
Random I know but golf R estate with DSG is currently cheaper lease than manual hatch.
me_lee to romariopl
19 Sep 16 1 #10
Don't know for definite but suspect it's about how easy they are to shift used once the lease ends.
19 Sep 16 #4
I've seen better but my time machine is broken. Should be noted this is 23x 109.60 not 24x It's always 23+12 + Admin. Making it a little cheaper.
Preferred my 23+9 + Admin @ £137 for 10kpy Titanium.
19 Sep 16 1 #2
yeah not bad deal - heat added.

unfortunatley im after a X4 and no deals on these :disappointed:
19 Sep 16 #1
This is a really great deal. Had the Focus for a short time not too long ago, and it's a very nice drive.
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