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>>EXPIRED£629.96 (ONLY 24HRS) delivered @ QVC >4 EASY PAYS OF £157.49
4 stars +324

>>EXPIRED£629.96 (ONLY 24HRS) delivered @ QVC >4 EASY PAYS OF £157.49

£157.49 QVC11 Sep 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
10 Sep 16
Item number: 508651

Cheapest I can find for this TV.

£669 Refurbished Argos via ebay:

4 Easy Payments (Intrest free payments over 4 months NO CREDIT CHECK) of £157.49

Free delivery / 'Direct despatch: please allow 7 - 10 working days for delivery. UK mainland only'

QVC also offer 30day money back guarantee even with USED items + normal Samsung warranty.

Available now on there website but they will do the TV launch at midnight with demo for 24hrs as Today's Special Value.

Sky: 650 / Freeview: 16
All comments (81)
10 Sep 16 #1
Might have to get this ... Love QVC easy pay
10 Sep 16 #2
Looks really good for the price, especially with easy pay.
10 Sep 16 #3
Excellent spot OP. For 'undeciders', you get 30 days to try it out with a no-quibble return and full refund of the first easy-payment if you decide not to keep it. With items of this size they also uplift it for return without charge. Heat added.
Ted Wales to Rainboy
10 Sep 16 #5
I've got the one with the freesat HD. I think it's the 6400 but basically the same panel and processor. I was really surprised by the speed, lack of blur and the upscaling. Someone might shoot me down about it being and 8bit panel or something else I had to learn before I chose a tv. But at this price it is indeed a steal.
10 Sep 16 1 #4
Amazing price but I'm not too sure about the reviews. Has anybody bought this tv?
10 Sep 16 1 #6
get this KU6000 or KU6400? what the difference apart from Freesat HD?
what is Freesat HD?
mcormack to iz123456789
10 Sep 16 1 #11
It's HD with Freesat
Ross87 to iz123456789
11 Sep 16 #21
I've seen them both in the flesh and the 6400 has a much better panel. No motion blur on movies or sports.
10 Sep 16 #7
what is the warranty on this tv at QVC because john lewis is offering 5 year guarantee
AJ92 to iz123456789
10 Sep 16 #8
In description.
SUPERCOOLWILLOW to iz123456789
10 Sep 16 #10
QVC is only the standard one year warranty but i think samsung give a 5 year on it
teng to iz123456789
11 Sep 16 #35
I checked price of this tv in john lewis, it is priced at £789
10 Sep 16 #9
30days? REALLY
ahahahah lol
10 Sep 16 #12
when was this a tsv at qvc? not today as it's a fleece thing.
AJ92 to Nimitz46
10 Sep 16 #15
As it says in description at midnight.
10 Sep 16 1 #13
10 Sep 16 2 #14
:confused: You should read it again.
11 Sep 16 1 #16
I love how they sold this. "You can watch BBC1 in HD"......great way to justify buying a 4K TV. :smirk:
11 Sep 16 #17
Never used this easy pay before when would the first payment come out straight away on purchase or next month ? Thanks
Elevation to kaiser051
11 Sep 16 #18
They take the first payment there and then. And if you want to return it you'll get everything refunded apparently. On large ticket items like this they come to your door to pick it up.
11 Sep 16 1 #19
I bought this from Argos for just under £800 . And I have already been in touch with them as the picture is awful on mine . Very blurry . Customer services are rubbish as I spent over 2 hours getting told to reset the TV .must remember to call them this week .they couldn't even tell me how to set it up picture wise.
volksdub to mark333
11 Sep 16 #20
The next model up KU6400 fixes the problem with picture blur. This TV is known for it. It's the only negative really, along with the sound. But most people run through sound bar etc
kaiser051 to mark333
11 Sep 16 1 #40
11 Sep 16 #22
Looks like I'm stuck with a lemon
11 Sep 16 #23
Get yourself on AVforums mate (google), there will be people much more willing and informed to help you.

As a rule, turn off any eco rubbish, or dynamic backlighting, turn off the advanced stuff like noise cancellation. For HD content turn off sharpness enhancers.

Colour wise you need a decent calibrator or advice from the above.
11 Sep 16 #24
Cheers will do . I even bought new Xbox one lol
11 Sep 16 1 #25
Isnt this easy pay stuff massively open to abuse?
zedlor to haritori
11 Sep 16 #26
How so, precisely? Asking for...a friend :man:
11 Sep 16 #27
Ordered but no confirmation email.....anyone else having same issue?
teng to Craig8CC
11 Sep 16 #36
Commenttook around a hour or so for confirmation on my order
11 Sep 16 #28
It's so frustrating seeing such good deals on these TVs. Since my dad bought a 1080p LG OLED I'm completely screwed. I just have to have an OLED 4k, and they just will not come down fast enough for my impatience!!! Still, if you've not got such 1st world woes, then this is a fantastic deal. Heat from me!
fishmaster to pukenukem
11 Sep 16 1 #29
You'll find that by the time you have your OLED 4K HDR TV that you'll want the 8K TVs that are just coming in then (yes I'm predicting the future here).
11 Sep 16 1 #30
I decided to investigate the HDR implementation on this TV, looks like it's HDR10 and won't support Dolby Vision (the other HDR standard).

"Dolby Vision is a premium HDR specification developed by Dolby. However, none of Samsung’s 2016 TVs will support Dolby Vision, only the open HDR10 standard."

The HDR is standardised though so at least it'll do the job properly. Shame about the lack of Dolby Vision support though.

For people thinking eh? HDR is HDR right? Nope there's a format war between HDR10 and Dolby Vision and to make things worse, some manufacturers are not using either and instead using their own non standardised version/s.
11 Sep 16 #31
60hz no thanks
11 Sep 16 #32
Heat added - I have been looking to upgrade to a 4K TV - thank you OP
11 Sep 16 #33
I wasn't eager to jump over to 4K but this is very tempting. I'm happy with my 55"LG & no 3D on this tv. Is there much content on sky at the minute?
11 Sep 16 1 #34
Shame Panasonic stopped making plasmas :stuck_out_tongue:
11 Sep 16 #37
i currently have the ue55ju6400k but i belive its not 100% 4K nor does it have HDR. for this price is cheaper than my current purchase. its it an identical tv with just better potential image quality and actual 4k? can someone help me or please :smiley:
11 Sep 16 #38
I have the 6400 and the picture is fantastic! For those having issues make sure it is on the latest firmware. They don't automatically update you have to go to settings and search for it.
The 6400 has freesat HD and also a different stand and is black and silver.
11 Sep 16 1 #39
Im telling myself i dont need it.. i cant afford it.. i dont need it... but I WANT IT!!! easy pay with qvc leads me into all sorts of temptation!!
11 Sep 16 #41
Same. I only have a 32" HD TV in my room for gaming, I think 55" would be a big upgrade, but I wasn't planning on getting a 4k ready console for a while. I guess it'd still look awesome on my regular ps4. Paying in 4 installments is so tempting!
11 Sep 16 #42
That's a plus for me, absolutely hate TV's processing video and creating extra frames to supposedly help with motion blur, the soap opera effect just gives me a headache.
11 Sep 16 #43
Found this on a YouTube review:

Will it work with Xbox one S? "It will not. Xbox One S needs HDR 10, and a 10bit panel system. This TV supports HDR10 but on an 8bit panel. So you will only get HDR for media, not gaming. As for everything else, this TV supports HDMI 2.0a. So you'll get full 60hz support even at 4K (Though the S only uprenders, does not support native 4K 60fps). Just use HDMI1, enable UHD mode and switch to gaming mode. If you want full HDR even for gaming, Samsungs TVs need to be the KS7000 range or higher."

I'm going to wait a year or so until this crazy HDR format war concludes.... its far too complicated at the moment to make sure everything is compatible
11 Sep 16 #44
I dont know pay first payment and then, pay no more? not sure how it works tbh.
11 Sep 16 1 #45
Thanks for bringing that to my attention, I guess I wont be buying a new TV until this is all sorted.
11 Sep 16 #46
Thanks for posting this. I looked into it further myself and it seems that you can't watch movies or play games in native 4k HDR without a 10 bit panel.

I cancelled my order, I'll wait a year and grab a 4k tv when the Xbox Scorpio comes out.
11 Sep 16 #47
il explain easy pays

basically you pay £157.49 today & in 7-10 working days they deliver the TV & after the 30 day money back garantee if your happy with it they will automatically debit £157.49 from your bank & then they will do that again a month later & then a month later

hope this helps

if not the blurb from QVC on easy pays are "When an item is available in Easy Pay instalments, you'll be informed of the offer alongside the price information on-screen.

With Easy Pay you must pay with your debit/credit card, and the first instalment will include postage and packing.

Please note that on an Easy Pay instalment plan, your payments for this item will be taken from your chosen credit/debit card over several months. The card you choose will need an expiry which falls after the last instalment payment date."
11 Sep 16 #48
You cold just pay first month then report your card lost , since is not a credit agreement i dont know legally how wold they chases you for the rest of the payments.
11 Sep 16 #49
thats a good plan :smiley:
11 Sep 16 #50
what is FREESAT HD?
like what HD channels do you get in that that you dont get with FREEVIEW HD?
11 Sep 16 #51
I'm confused, you can't play games or watch movies in 4K?
11 Sep 16 #52
This is

When mine is connected to my Xbox one s it says this . My tv is a 2016 tv but I was under the impression that it was a 10 bit panel
11 Sep 16 #53
8K?? Can we even see 8K worth of res? I think I'm going to need an eye upgrade for that one.
11 Sep 16 #54
You absolutely can tell the difference, when the first 8K prototype panels came out a couple years ago, I remember reading that people who had seen them you could easily tell the difference between a 4K panel and 8K, it was visible.

Here's a recent article saying effectively the same thing, the caveat being the panel is 98"! >
11 Sep 16 #55
With respect to what in particular? Your statement is false, you can definitely do both of those things and with this TV. I don't know anything about the input lag on this TV but imagining it's OK then you can game using it.
11 Sep 16 #56
Everything online has this panel listed as 8 bit only.....
11 Sep 16 #57
And on further investigation this isn't HDR at all....

"We are entering the 6 series. These are no longer branded “SUHD” but will still offer 4K resolution. Samsung also advertises HDR but be aware that none of the 6 series models have the hardware to reproduce HDR, hence “HDR processing”. They can receive the HDR material but not reproduce it."

11 Sep 16 #58

Samsungs own website lists 10 bit support as N/A

Like I said, now just isn't the time to jump in on these.... not if your concerned about your future devices being compatible
11 Sep 16 #59
Lol what are you talking about, its 4K and is now capable of HDR(via firmware), 8-bit not 10-bit however due to the panel. Its always been 4K and even does 4:4:4 chroma 60hz 4K for PC, through HDMI 1 port.

HDR confirmed using a test file from Exodus: Gods and Kings UHD. The average blacks usually seen on the 6400 are vastly improved thanks to the HDR firmware update. Only on HDR sources of course.

Will see how much better when the HDR update for all PS4 machines is released, which is soon apparently.

The number one reason i bought the 6400 was because it could do full chroma for PC and motion blur and input lag(essential for gaming) was amongst the best available.
11 Sep 16 #60
This explains that better

11 Sep 16 #61

Lol HDR streaming version called HLG.

Good grief, minefield indeed :smile:
11 Sep 16 #62
​hello, thank you i thought so ! some people jabbering online about it not being full 4k and i was a bit worried . also i saw concocting information weather it was HDR compatible.

yeah i have my gaming pc in the HDMI 1 port because of this.

thanks for the info and helping out :smiley:
11 Sep 16 1 #63
I don't know if you have colour space set to native but there is a slight improvement over auto.

Its all a little misleading as there is currently hdr, hdr-10, Dolby Vision and now HLG.

All have different standards and requirements i wonder if there will be one standard for HDR.
12 Sep 16 #64
I think what they wanted to know was something like what the hell Freesat 'whatever' was in the first place?, hehehe. :-)

Freesat is basically something along the lines of a poor man's Sky Satellite Dish TV, but for TOTALLY FREE! (you WILL however need an existing Sky Dish on your house/flat somewhere in order to be able to fully exploit this feature in the first place though?). :-)

A bit like how the original Freeview Box was like a poor man's Cable TV equivalent too, etc? (and also for FREE!), lol.

Simple as that really?. :-)
12 Sep 16 #65
Incorrect. A Sky dish is not necessary.
12 Sep 16 #66
Are we sure there is no credit check? Showing as in progress the order but no payment taken yet.
12 Sep 16 #67
QVC DO NOT DO credit checks. Look on there website for your self.
12 Sep 16 #68
I think he meant a satellite dish.

ps your pedantic is showing.
12 Sep 16 #69
yep they dont do credit checks & this item is coming directly from samsung so will take longer to update the shipping ect
13 Sep 16 #70
Yeah I was eying up the LG's as they support both, but the OLED prices are still nuts and the relatively poor brightness levels compromise HDR. Settled on the Samsung ue65ks9000 in the end, will keep for 2 years and then chop in - hopefully by then the winner of HDR will be clear or all manufacturers adopt both standards.
18 Sep 16 #71
Has anyone had their set delivered yet?
19 Sep 16 #72
I called them Friday and they advised the order has been sent to the supplier and should receive a dispatch email Tuesday or Wednesday this week.
21 Sep 16 1 #73
Has anyone else's been despatched yet?
21 Sep 16 #74
I've heard nothing at all.
22 Sep 16 #75
Just received email that delivery delayed till w/e 7th October
22 Sep 16 #76
Got the same message, w/c 7th October. That's a bit annoying.
22 Sep 16 #77
Same here. Weird as I called them this morning and they said it would be out for delivery tomorrow.....
23 Sep 16 #78
Me too. I know sometimes these things can't be helped but it is pretty poor in my opinion. I wonder if it's worth complaining & seeing if we can get a discount :smiley:
4 Oct 16 #79
Anybody had anything yet?
5 Oct 16 #80
Delivery scheduled for tomorrow.
6 Oct 16 #81
Nothing scheduled for me. Gave me number for Panther deliveries but they have nothing for me either.
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