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BT shop - Lenovo B50-50 i3-5005U 4GB 128SSD 15.6" DVDRW Windows 10 - £259.99
5++ stars +853

BT shop - Lenovo B50-50 i3-5005U 4GB 128SSD 15.6" DVDRW Windows 10 - £259.99

£259.99 BT Shop8 Sep 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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8 Sep 16
This is the best deal I could currently find on an i3/ssd laptop with a 15.6 inch screen. Please be so kind and comment if you are aware of any better offers :smiley:
Top comments
quidstretchy to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 32 #8
Get the SSD you'll be able write in full words again
K1LLER HORNET to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 23 #4
No. Just no.
jonnythefoxx to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 20 #22
if all it is going to be used for is working browsing and light media why would you sacrifice; boot times, load times, battery life and noise levels for more storage.
xela333 to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 13 #3

An SSD is much more shock resistant, silent too and will make the laptop much snappier to use than a hybrid.
All comments (90)
8 Sep 16 2 #1
Very cheap and very well spec'd for the price.

As long as you're happy with the 1366 x 768 screen resolution I doubt you'll find better.
8 Sep 16 3 #2
do u need the ssd? anything your going to be using this laptop for shouldn't need the loadings speeds. if u insist on it for £10 more you can get the hybrid version of this with 500gb hdd and and 8gb ssd. might sound like a tiny ssd but what it does is shift the data you use regularly to it. plus u get the added bonus of 4 times the memory
xela333 to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 13 #3

An SSD is much more shock resistant, silent too and will make the laptop much snappier to use than a hybrid.
K1LLER HORNET to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 23 #4
No. Just no.
mrew42 to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 11 #6
SSD is the making of many laptops. Anyone who knows WILL notice the difference
quidstretchy to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 32 #8
Get the SSD you'll be able write in full words again
matdey to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 4 #15
Storage space not memory.
losdamianos to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 3 #19
no no no no no please either tag your comments with [SARCASTIC] or do you own research as someone MIGHT actually take you seriously
chrisredmayne to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 3 #34
My I3 PC used to take about a minute to load up before, stuck a ssd in it and it takes about 4 seconds. Makes windows so much more usable I wouldn't get a PC without one now
8 Sep 16 #5
hot hot hot from me :wink:
8 Sep 16 1 #7
...and if you don't know?
8 Sep 16 #9
Wow. Super cheap for almost current gen i3 and ssd.Should make it nippy for office work and some online browsing, and ram super easy and cheap to upgrade if necessary. Have lots of heat!
8 Sep 16 #10
BT shop is renamed DABS of old, wonder if their customer service still sucks.
MazingerZ to powerbrick
8 Sep 16 #29
​Can confirm its atrocious. No replies to any emails. Obscure contact details. Scripted tech support. I had to return a fulty mobo this month. After about a week of back and forth theyve arranged to take it but say ot will take a further 7 to 10 days. Im prepared for a bad service and its gonna get worse... Never again
8 Sep 16 1 #11
8 Sep 16 #12
8 Sep 16 #13
Voted hot.
8 Sep 16 1 #16
Couldn't agree more! I threw my retired desktop drive (OCZ Vertex 2) into a budget Celeron laptop (N2815/Passmark: 866 :confused:), now it flies. It makes an incredible difference to terrible computers.
8 Sep 16 1 #17
Powerful processor & graphics what dose this mean any thing works in the byte section?.
8 Sep 16 1 #18
IT pro : been upgrading HDD to SSD on laptops/PCs for family and friends it gives almost any system a new lease of life, if its a new computer without SSD don't buy it, this is a good entry level computer for surfing, netflixing, spread sheets, email and all general use go for it, remember say no to SSHD (hybrid drives)
8 Sep 16 #20
I understand what an ssd does and I do know. the point I'm making is this is a capable budget laptop. your only gonna be using this for browsing, light media, word spread sheets etc. why do u need a ssd in a laptop that is already capable of doing that quickly and without effort. if it was an older laptop that struggled or a top spec laptop I'd expect and ssd but this just dosent need it. unless you specifically want it that is
jonnythefoxx to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 20 #22
if all it is going to be used for is working browsing and light media why would you sacrifice; boot times, load times, battery life and noise levels for more storage.
pc5020 to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 2 #36
All computers should have SSDs now, the difference is night and day, once you've experienced the benefits of an SSD you will not be able to go back to using a HDD wihout moaning your t*ts off...
mrew42 to dreamt12
8 Sep 16 #40
Your point is poorly articulated and your penultimate point makes no sense.
You'd expect an SSD on an old or a top spec laptop, but not one in between unless you want it?
8 Sep 16 #21
£20 off if you purchase via laptop direct and take trial membership from which.
8 Sep 16 #23
Would this be good for any type of gaming? I want to play games on Fightcade and my girlfriend wants to play Sims, but would it handle anything better? Something like Starcraft 2?
8 Sep 16 #24
Your point is un-informative. You say that an old laptop or a top spec. would need an ssd. You then say that this is capable and does not.

Cause it needs ssd, any computer does.

"Your only gonna be using this for browsing, light media, word spread sheets etc"

How do you know what people will be using it for?
8 Sep 16 1 #25
How good is the cpu compared to i5 6200u, I don't want to end up paying £200 more for that and full HD laptop + 4GB extra RAM because I don't think it's worth it
8 Sep 16 #33
This is a basic laptop.
If you need that better cpu you'll want the extra ram and screen resolution.

5005U Passmark
6200U Passmark

The 6200 is quite a lot faster. It can turbo boost to 2.8GHz while the 5005U has a max of 2.0GHz.
8 Sep 16 #26
Plus 2% Quidco
8 Sep 16 1 #27
Would've snapped this up straight away if the screen was 1080. Still great value. have some heat :smile:
8 Sep 16 1 #28
Will this run minecraft?
8 Sep 16 1 #30
It is a good deal OP. The only better deal I have seen was the i5 verion for just over £300 posted here a few months ago....

128gb SSD is just fine. The kids and the hipsters will still have 100gb free on this drive, because........this is 2016.
8 Sep 16 #31
I just ordered this for a mate for his kid to use at college Exactly the same machine brand new with guarantee but the box has been opened £237.47 next day delivery is $9.95 and 2.02% cashback from TCB.
8 Sep 16 #32
Size of the screen is pointless if the resolution is weak.
8 Sep 16 #35
Cheers, I need a laptop to handle office work and coursework as well as obviously browsing. Wouldn't mind playing league of legends from time to time too. I think this should handle it.
8 Sep 16 1 #37
I agree, SSD is the way forward now. SSD is a norm these days, because you can buy 1TB SSD for the price of 128GB when it just came out.
8 Sep 16 #38
8 Sep 16 #39
Anyone got a how to guide to add an ssd to a Lenovo laptop please?
8 Sep 16 #41
Which one? Model etc?
8 Sep 16 #42
8 Sep 16 1 #43
It'll be absolutely fine for that.
You'll probably have to turn down a few settings on League to hit 60fps constant but that'll be the case on any integrated Intel gpu at this level.
8 Sep 16 #44
I can't access the link at work but I'm hoping that there is more space than just a 128bg ssd drive? Almost makes the laptop useless having that little space.
8 Sep 16 #45
Gaffer tape.
8 Sep 16 #46
That's all there is
8 Sep 16 #47
Would you say it's worth investing more and buying HP 250 G5 for £425 with a possible £11 cashback making it £414 for i5 6200u 256GB SSD and FHD + 8GB DDR4 RAM?
8 Sep 16 #48
8 Sep 16 1 #49
Lenovo customer service is horrible.
8 Sep 16 #50
I was thinking of buying the HP 250 G5 over the lenova ideapad from, but be advised, the lenova from (£100cashback) has a better screen, an ips screen whereas the HP 250 G5 has a tf panel.
The lenova has backlit keyboard, bigger trackpad thats in the middle, better build quiality, you can buy a bigger ssd in the future. (I got the lenova from very)
8 Sep 16 #51
I've got a Lenovo desktop & they have been nothing but helpful.
8 Sep 16 #52
Spec wise absolutely but see the comment quoted below by Enterpart.
Specs can only tell you so much and build/material quality is something you need to look into.
Always check reviews.
Feel free to quote/contact me if you need any more help deciding.

8 Sep 16 #53

I was gonna go for the lenovo as it was cheaper by £50, similar specs, good build quality and lighter in general, however I was refused credit so did my sister despite having a decent credit score and a credit card. The woman was not able to explain why we were not allowed to have it. The only option to get it was to go through our bank and verify some sort of nonsense, was blamed for identity fraud or something like that.
8 Sep 16 1 #54
Nobody should be using HDDs in this day and age unless it's for nothing but storage.
8 Sep 16 2 #55
I would take a device with 4gb of ram and an SSD over a device with 8gb of ram and a mechanical drive every day of the week.

Disk access happens all the time even just web browsing and light usage. I find nothing worse when using a computer than that grating sound of a hard drive churning away as a computer hesitates while something is happening. SSD's fix that, they make any computer more usable.
8 Sep 16 #56
Great deal. 128GB is fine for most people.
8 Sep 16 #57
Sniper tape.. more tactical
8 Sep 16 #58
Lenovo B50-80
8 Sep 16 1 #59
cold lenovo is PANTS get a Dell.
Buy cheap buy twice
8 Sep 16 #60
Size of laptop is good but screen too small. Anyone recommend a small laptop with a 21" screen?
8 Sep 16 #61
Exactly. Got the B50's at work. So poorly built. Batteries fall off and the keyboard flexes badly under the slightest pressure. HP or Dell for me.
8 Sep 16 #62
From my own experience i3's are not up to the task on laptops.
8 Sep 16 #63
They are fine.
You realize that laptop i3, i5 and i7 chips (at least in the most common 'U' flavour) are virtually the same the same thing, just with slightly different clocks?
8 Sep 16 #64
HDDs are a thing of the past, like headphone cables.
8 Sep 16 #65
Thinkpads are still good.. their consumer laptops arent all that.
8 Sep 16 #66
Poor man's MacBook Pro.
8 Sep 16 #67
I like SSD's so much I have 2 in the laptop I am typing this on! One an m2 2280, one a 2.5" 960gb.

I can't ever go back to mechanical drives.
8 Sep 16 1 #68
hi try this guide, all the software tools you need are free or come with the drive the drive you purchase , you will need a usb sata drive case to hookup the drive then follow instruction, read twice migrate once, happy hunting8)
8 Sep 16 #69
Couldn't have said it better myself.
8 Sep 16 #70
Just a usb -SATA cable should be even cheaper.
8 Sep 16 1 #71
Haha a small 21" laptop. Acer are bringing a 21" laptop out next year. Might be a bit expensive though.
9 Sep 16 1 #72
That's what I call a useful, relevant post, thank you
9 Sep 16 1 #73
I was astounded at the difference when i got an SSD. Slightly concerned about storage space initially, but no problem at all. Cloud storage is plentiful, all of my photos go straight onto a private Flickr account with practically unlimited storage, entire music collection is on phone as well as laptop, chances of both going t*ts up at the same time are slim so there's always a backup. Startup time is superb. Every laptop I've had before has been put out of action by HDD faults, and I've spent many fruitless hours trying to retrieve data from my wife's external HDD which she backed stuff up on. Didn't realise it was stuffed until her laptop went kaputt, and she tried to transfer files from the external drive to put onto new laptop. SSD all the way from now on. Unfortunately the laptop I have to use for work is painfully slow, so I'm constantly reminded of the world of difference.
9 Sep 16 1 #74
It would probably help people if you explained what that task was rather than a blanket statement. It's more than up to the task of what most people require from a cheap laptop. If your task is especially CPU intensive then that's hardly representative of what most people need a cheap laptop for.

An i3, even a U variant is more than capable of web browsing, playing media, some entry level gaming and the vast majority of use most people will ask of their device.
9 Sep 16 #75
They definitely have their advantages, but while they are less likely to fail, they are more prone to errors over time. And even though prices have been coming down a lot, HDDs are still cheaper. Personally I found that once my ssd kept corrupting my windows installation every 1-2 days on a new install, that I could handle doing something else when my pc boots up while most other stuff that I have been using since hasn't made too much of a difference to want to buy another. Although I have been tempted.
9 Sep 16 #76
​What task?
9 Sep 16 #77
Thanks, much appreciated, I have a Samsung SSD and think I have the caddy somewhere, just wasn't confident enough to try to fit it. Will read 3 times lol
9 Sep 16 #78
I did mine a few months ago, looked up how to replace the drive on Youtube and it took about 4 minutes to do.
10 Sep 16 #79
Hi, my daughter needs a laptop for college, I don't mind spending a £100 more is this a good deal for Microsoft office and online browsing an suggestions would be great, thanks.
10 Sep 16 #80
​Yes it will :wink:
Rude Russy
13 Sep 16 #82
14 Sep 16 #83
That's the 500gb HD + 8GB SSD model :smiley:
15 Sep 16 #84
Great deal and it's still available!
15 Sep 16 #85
Certainly true for a light use laptop. For my main desktop though I've got a 500GB SSD and I wouldn't be without it.

And for those people querying the need for an SSD the answer is no - just no. No PC should be sold without one these days, at the very least for your boot disk.

Looking closer at this deal I think this is a brilliant machine for the money - processor is OK for day to day stuff (miles better than the Pentium in my work PC), SSD will make startup fast, it has a LAN port (not all basic laptops do), it has USB 3.0, it has a DVD/RW drive. And it's made by Lenovo, so quality will be pretty decent. All in all given the cheap price this will make a great PC for kids and light home users.
Poctenicko to biglugs1
24 Sep 16 1 #87
I've just bought the one with hybrid disk (8GB SSD and 500GB HDD) for £220 (open box deal and £20 off applying Which code) @ Laptops Direct and I think it's the best of both worlds. Starts up in 5 seconds and still has a load of space for music, movies and pics. Only downsize is really cheapish build of keyboard and casing. Still good homework laptop for college kids with basic online gaming abilities (Xbox does the trick most of the time anyway).
20 Sep 16 1 #86
Hello cwiara025,

Hope it's not too late to comment. I personally do not find it to be a good deal, the key points are processor speed and hard disk capacity. I did quite a bit of research and found one HP for £299.xx at Laptops Direct. It's an I3 -5005U, with 2GHs processor speed, 8GB Ram and 1 Tera byte hard disk capacity. Instead of paying £259.xx for a laptop with 4GB and only 128 GB harddisk, I would rather pay £40 more and buy the one with 8GB ram and 1 T hard disk HP laptop. Hope this helps.

18 Oct 16 #88
Hi Louie,

Thanks for your reply. I was looking for something for my aunt who will mostly use it for browsing, skype etc so I figured 128GB SSD is a better choice than 1TB HDD due to loading times/convenience. I guess it depends on individual needs :smiley: The laptop looks and works well and she is very happy with it.
23 Oct 16 #89
Do you think then that this would be ideal just for word processing, browsing, etc. I also do a bit of (very) amateur photo editing.
23 Oct 16 #90
Word processing and web browsing isn't even going to break a sweat on it. I obviously have no idea what constitutes amateur photo editing for your own use case, but I use on my i3 4020Y for cropping, resizing and basic image editing again without breaking a sweat.
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