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Brand New iPhone Se 64gb Unlocked £389.00 Smartfonestore
4 stars +398

Brand New iPhone Se 64gb Unlocked £389.00 Smartfonestore

£389 Smartfonestore25 Sep 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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25 Sep 16
I have seen it at this price with them a few times recently, but usually only have one or two in stock, there is currently 27 Grey ones, and a few in other colours too.

I am an android kind of guy, that's just the kind of guy I am, but I do like the Se size and quality and have been tempted (just that irritating lightning charger thing puts me off).

Anyhow, still probably the best iPhone you can get.

£394.98 Delivered
- rodman
Top comments
25 Sep 16 9 #2
You forgot to mention the fact that you can use a "3.5mm headphone jack" :stuck_out_tongue:
25 Sep 16 4 #4
That's minimum £409 isn't it, or am I being obtuse?
25 Sep 16 3 #14
Thanks for posting this deal! Been looking to get the SE for a while. I had the 6 and hated it ever since I bought it, always had issues and had to take it back, plus the size of it was too big to get used to.
The 7 is a joke.

You can also get 5 quid back on TCB or quidco. I might try it on TCB. Quidco has always let me down, pretty much hit and miss that site.
carefulbuyer to Ralph888
25 Sep 16 3 #8
​.7 inches for a start
Latest comments (75)
23 Oct 16 #75
oos long time
27 Sep 16 #65
I have 5S, can someone who maybe had 5S and moved to SE tell me if the WiFi range/performance is any better. My one is not bad its just when I get to loft room connected to my TP link router on ground floor with Virgin 70Mb i get about 10-15Mb over vpn and youtube becomes sluggish.

and also do any of you reckon Apple might make a SE smaller edition iPhone again next year perhaps?. I agree with people here 5S/SE size is so nice and compact and feels like a tiny device that does so much ad chargers very quick too.
ronaldmacdonald to kamy786rulz
27 Sep 16 2 #67
I have had the 5s,6,6sPlus and now the SE. It's way way more speedier than the S and the wifi ac receiver is much better. It's a huge performance leap and you will notice it. It's just updated to ios10 and runs great. If you haven't had any of the larger phones inbetween you will take to the SE like a duck to water. I really like it for pocketability. I now use my iPad more for heavy duty browsing though.
rich146 to kamy786rulz
22 Oct 16 #74
I compared my old 5s with my current SE and yes I found that the wifi had improved with the SE in my case. I also found that the 5s wasn't much slower and sometimes faster which was interesting. Buy from John Lewis and get 2 years warranty
8 Oct 16 #73
​thats not what she told me
4 Oct 16 #72
I asked them if it was SIM free or Network unlocked and got a stock answer that didn't answer my question. Asked them to clarify if this is retail stock or not and got jack **** in response.

So unless someone who bought one says any diff here, these are probably ex-network and will need reactivating if you ever swap SIM cards.
2 Oct 16 #71
If your unsure if it will lock to the network of the first sim you put in, just sling a THREE sim in the phone. They will then unlock it FREE for you.
25 Sep 16 #23
I hope its got a bigger battery in it than an ipod touch 6 or you will need to be plugged into the mains with a long lead all day.
batezy_1984 to foes4you
30 Sep 16 1 #70
The battery life is brilliant
28 Sep 16 #69
It's starting to struggle a bit now with freezing and battery life but not bad considering it's coming up to 5 years old. I'll treat myself to a new phone for Xmas, most likely an SE
25 Sep 16 1 #34
Does it stay unlocked or lock to first network sim you use ?
Arstar to blimeycolin
28 Sep 16 #68
Would like to know the answer to this as well, if anyone has bought the phone from Smartfonestore.
27 Sep 16 1 #66
I had a 6 from launch.
I do prefer smaller phones but got used to it (only just). In the last few months, I was having to charge it overnight (as usual) and during the day too.

I was hoping for a smaller option when the 7 came out.

Bought a 7 but took it back without even opening and got myself an SE last week.
I absolutely love it.
Perfect size with one handed operation. Slips into my pocket easily and the battery life goes nearly 2 full days on one charge with the same amount of use as when I had my 6.
Slicker in operation than my 6.

There aren't many options for small competent smartphones, apart from Sony Z3/5 (as previously mentioned).
I don't see myself going to a larger size phone anytime soon.
27 Sep 16 2 #64
Just ordered a 64gb SE from Giffgaff for £399 and free next day secure delivery.
26 Sep 16 #63
What's a 'Nokia'? :stuck_out_tongue:
26 Sep 16 1 #62
If only Nokia had released their phone with the laser projector and the one with the optical zoom using the oil bubble I saw as prototypes back in 2009.
26 Sep 16 #61
​my wife says size doesn't matter...
26 Sep 16 #60
100% agree. There haven't been any major or exciting developments in smartphones for the last 2-3 years IMO.
26 Sep 16 #59
Says a lot about people and how much they are suckered in by marketing and hype these days.
26 Sep 16 #58
....Powered by TomTom.......
26 Sep 16 #57
I will have it lol x
26 Sep 16 #56
Yes, but people do, and while I said it tongue-in-cheek you'll find that is largely accurate.
26 Sep 16 #55
For new customers maybe
25 Sep 16 #20
Anyone considering this deal should have more courage and get the 7.
DealJourno to Cameron92
26 Sep 16 1 #54
Or more stupidity.
26 Sep 16 #53
Yeah cos the phone you own makes you cool. Very sad.
26 Sep 16 2 #48
So total price £394.98 delivered

Buy from giffgaff £399 plus quidco cashback, you will end up with same price
Sunni to rodman
26 Sep 16 #52
Plus £10 topup at giffgaff
26 Sep 16 1 #51
I'm also rocking a 4S but stopped updating it because I believe they put something to slow down your "old" iphones in every new update
26 Sep 16 #50
Don't blame you - they're great phones, but if you've been updating it, can't deny it's been getting slower each time?
26 Sep 16 #49
26 Sep 16 #47
25 Sep 16 #1
Good deal voted hot just wish they had rose gold in stock!
shakydaniel to mummymelly
26 Sep 16 #46
walk in John Lewis store and get this for 359£ rose gold , just bought one
25 Sep 16 #45
​Um could apple not have just "looked" at the map information and how Google maps works as a program to improve their own?
25 Sep 16 #44
I'm still "rocking" a 4S
25 Sep 16 #43
Admittedly I was trying to buy it as my company - but this was my experience. Perhaps they are trying to penalise the small business!
25 Sep 16 2 #42
Your wrong
25 Sep 16 1 #41
£399 - honest pricing from giffgaff , I just bought one in rose gold
25 Sep 16 #40
Real price is £467.98. Appeared good and was about to buy until I got to the final page and noticed - this advertised price is excluding VAT! Would be cheaper to buy direct from Apple - totally misleading!
25 Sep 16 #39
£399 (64gb) unlocked from giff gaff and they still have it in rose gold. (£319 for the 16gb)
25 Sep 16 #38
Screen size is way to small for me personally but overall cracking phone great specs and great price would buy!
25 Sep 16 1 #37
Is that even legal? Pretty sure you can return opened new products for full refund regardless of what they say in their terms.
25 Sep 16 #36
They do - someone needs to tell them to reword as their website is misleading and a very poor advert for their businesses ongoing credibility.
25 Sep 16 #27
It doesn't feel like it only because they hide it better. Rest assured...... they will be!
in$anity to hottoast
25 Sep 16 #35
They don't sell the data on, unlike Google, so they just simply use your data to provide better services. Look at how far Apple maps has come! It was awful to begin with and now they're starting to form a half-decent competitor to Google maps. Obviously Google maps still has the edge and will do for some time, but it just shows how much effort Apple is putting into the iPhone as a whole.
25 Sep 16 #33
Why are you regretting it, I was thinking of getting the 7 and selling my SE
25 Sep 16 #32
I've always had great service from Smartfonestore. I asked them directly about the "returned unopened" on new products and they said as the item would be returned used they would only refund Grade A+ value. Not great but you can see their position although they need to be clearer about this.
25 Sep 16 1 #31
its simply the best phone now drean us iphone 8 will come in 3 size!!
25 Sep 16 1 #30
£40 saving over buying from Apple direct is decent.
25 Sep 16 #29
Had one for 5 months- love it.
25 Sep 16 #25
Great phone the best apple made.
fmo to ssc1
25 Sep 16 #28
You're comparing apples and pears :wink: The Oneplus3 is an awesome phone but it will never appeal to people that want a smaller phone like the 5SE
25 Sep 16 #26
oneplus3 still a better deal at 329
25 Sep 16 #6
No ones buying, still 27 in stock, whats the difference between a 6S & Se, anything major?
carefulbuyer to Ralph888
25 Sep 16 3 #8
​.7 inches for a start
plewis00 to Ralph888
25 Sep 16 #17
Smaller screen and no 3D Touch (big whoop). Plus part of the issue is that by having an SE (in any colour other than Rose Gold), it looks like you're rocking a 5s from 2013 which is just so not cool.

OK, so that's sarcastic of me but the SE is a very good phone and the only real competitor for the small phone crown other than Sony Z3/Z5/X Compact series.
OrribleHarry to Ralph888
25 Sep 16 #24
The letter "E"
25 Sep 16 1 #22
Purchased this a while back (from Apple themselves) and recently traded it in. I miss it BIG TIME. Huge mistake trading it in. You don't realise how amazing this phone is until you don't have it. Fingerprint for Apple pay, super quick processor for games and general use, great battery life (2 days if you don't push it hard) and it charges fairly quick too. I went to android and i've regretted it - android is definitely better than it used to be, but it just feels like Google is mining all of your data whereas Apple doesn't feel like that at all.
25 Sep 16 1 #21
Just read their T&C
"The item must be returned in the sale condition, preferably in its original packaging."

also on link:

"We provide a free 10 day no quibble returns service as long as the handset isreturned unopened.
How pray tell is that a "No Quibble" return then!!!!!
Funniest sentence I've read by a retailer for a considerable time.
25 Sep 16 #19
"Brand new" these where launched some time ago, new would have sufficed :stuck_out_tongue:
25 Sep 16 #18
I'm more iPhone 6 but I do have the excellent £29.99 plus tenner top up Moto E which doubles also as a spare phone and in car GPM "iPod" as well as a pocket computer.

The SE does support "rise to wake" on the iOS 10 latest software update which is a nice feature.
Its the "Apple's M9 motion coprocessor" so the SE is no slouch
25 Sep 16 #16
Had the 6 plus for a few months, which seemed like a good idea at the time. The size was really a pain for fitting in pockets etc, so I bought the se. What a great choice, a really great phone that I wont be changing again in a hurry. The video shot in 1080/60fps is absolutely stunning when watched on a 50" screen.
25 Sep 16 1 #15
:wink: x
25 Sep 16 3 #14
Thanks for posting this deal! Been looking to get the SE for a while. I had the 6 and hated it ever since I bought it, always had issues and had to take it back, plus the size of it was too big to get used to.
The 7 is a joke.

You can also get 5 quid back on TCB or quidco. I might try it on TCB. Quidco has always let me down, pretty much hit and miss that site.
25 Sep 16 1 #13
Is that big bit - the large hole in your bank balance? :smiley: SE is a great phone
25 Sep 16 1 #12
I traded in my SE for a 7...and big bit of me is now wishing I hadn't!
25 Sep 16 #11
The only new ones are grey or gold. Although there's low grade options in silver and pink.
25 Sep 16 #9
I had an iPhone SE and it's great if you really want a smaller phone. Same size and design as the 5S but the internal specs of the 6S. It really feels like a little powerhouse...very lag and very good battery life of about two days. Camera is good as well. It also has fingerprint sensor and works with Apple Pay.
I did find it a bit small for typing but if you're used to a smaller screen it's good.
BagoB to iainmann
25 Sep 16 1 #10
I waited to see what the 7 was like but have gone up from the 5s to SE for all the reasons you have mentioned. Great phone, powerful, long battery and not ungainly!
25 Sep 16 1 #5
Plus £4.99 postage.
25 Sep 16 4 #4
That's minimum £409 isn't it, or am I being obtuse?
25 Sep 16 9 #2
You forgot to mention the fact that you can use a "3.5mm headphone jack" :stuck_out_tongue:
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