BioShock: The Collection is the collection of the three previous BioShock titles remastered for next-gen consoles.; Return to the cities of Rapture and Columbia and experience the award-winning BioShock franchise like never before. BioShock: The Collection retells the epic journeys of the BioShock universe beautifully remastered in high resolution.
Top comments
joanddan7 to 7mik8
8 Sep 1610#3
Mixmixi has posted 491 deals if each deal saved you at least ten pence that's £50 which means this game would be free and £20 in your pocket for a visit to the thrift shop for a banging outfit....
You can thank him by hitting heat...
The whole point of this site is to post cheapest deal possible...
Where do we draw the line...
Talib to 7mik8
8 Sep 165#2
Especially when the site selling it has a history of denying data breaches and not alerting their customers about it at all. A poor site that should be banned on here.
8 Sep 163#5
And this is where the site seems to fail. Unfortunately, although I'd imagine most OPs would prefer it that way, not every deal is aimed at every single person. We'd love it to benefit everybody, but it doesn't in most cases.
Look at the deal for what it is, it's the cheapest current price for Bioshock: The Collection, yeah you've possibly ordered it from Base and you feel that 10p isn't really worth you cancelling it for, but for many and myself included I have no issue with Boomerang Rentals. Yeah they **** up, but most of us have stopped singing from that hymn sheet now.
Heat added Mix.
Latest comments (36)
9 Sep 16#36
I don't set the rules mate, maybe a mod can help better. But I know no user can edit someone else's title or price unless they're either a mod or are the same user who posted the deal. So turkey cannot edit your post.
9 Sep 16#35
Well turkey should have just amended the price of my post from 4 weeks ago instead of starting a new deal as the price had only dropped 84p , you would think he would know seems it's ok for some to start a new deal yet others get deleted by mods
9 Sep 16#34
Turkey's deal was posted 2 weeks ago. Within the first month of the post if the difference in price drop is less than £1 you are allowed to alter the title of your post and in that case any new posts will be spammed by MODs. That is as much as I know and I am not sure if there are any exclusions at all or not.
9 Sep 16#33
It is indeed double standards, I posted a Bioshock deal last month from base then old turkey posted one from the same company 86p cheaper and that was allowed to stay , yet mine today was deleted :confused:
The price on turkeys deal was altered today after I posted my deal :neutral_face:
9 Sep 16#32
Yes, I'm well aware of that. It has to be 5% cheaper on the same site, Ie it would need to be £29.35 on boomerang before it could be posted again, and boomerang are different companies so I'm sure it's allowed.
9 Sep 16#31
Have you not read this thread? This deal was cheaper by 10p!
9 Sep 16#30
If you're gonna repost a deal, it has to be around 5% cheaper :smiley: meaning it needs to be about £1.50 cheaper before you can post it from
Woah, twice the saving of the original deal! You should post that in a new thread!
8 Sep 161#1
10p cheaper isn't really much to be amazed at.
Talib to 7mik8
8 Sep 165#2
Especially when the site selling it has a history of denying data breaches and not alerting their customers about it at all. A poor site that should be banned on here.
joanddan7 to 7mik8
8 Sep 1610#3
Mixmixi has posted 491 deals if each deal saved you at least ten pence that's £50 which means this game would be free and £20 in your pocket for a visit to the thrift shop for a banging outfit....
You can thank him by hitting heat...
The whole point of this site is to post cheapest deal possible...
Where do we draw the line...
MBeeching to 7mik8
8 Sep 161#15
Perhaps they should have sold it for £30.99 with a free Freddo, it would get 1000° :stuck_out_tongue:
shyscorpion to 7mik8
8 Sep 16#25
A penny saved is a penny earned.
8 Sep 16#24
Please let's not start this pointless argument here. We all know PC games are dirt cheap for all the piracy that goes along with them as well as grey keys etc around. Consoles are less susceptible to these problems and games are being sold more expensively for them. If you're a PC gamer, this is not the threat for you. The deal is for a PS4 game and a PS4 might seem like a tiny computer but it's from a different planet where aliens are coming from... So let it go mate.
Ps saw a couple of decent PC games posted here today.
8 Sep 16#23
What are you talking about, it's PC gaming in 2016 not Linux kernel development! Patching drivers or sound cards is not something that anyone does. In fact almost no one even has sound cards these days; the in-built ones in motherboards are more than good enough for anyone who's not creating music. Nvidia GeForce Experience handles drivers in the same way any software has updates ("there's a new driver, install it whenever you want"), and can even automatically optimise games for my hardware.
8 Sep 16#19
How can this be hot? It's like £5 for the trilogy on PC! People complain that PCs are more expensive than consoles, but then pay £30-£40 to buy games "remastered" because the originals (that they paid £40 each for) don't work in their new consoles!
konkywonky to commenter14
8 Sep 161#20
It's hot because it is a good price for what it is, it's irrelevant how much it is for PC as that isn't going to work on your PS4.
callumbowen123 to commenter14
8 Sep 16#21
Some people though like me have only played the 1st bioshock so 'remastered' game is great.
superspongebob to commenter14
8 Sep 16#22
I also view this collections not a bad price because it includes all the DLC.
Re the whole PC argument I game on console because of convenience, nothing more, I don't want the hassle of having to patch my drivers or sound card, making sure it's compatible with every bit of my hardware every time to try to get it running smoothly or deal with aim bots that I see plaguing every single PC forum
8 Sep 161#18
Is that because freddo's are now probably 88p due to inflation?
8 Sep 16#17
I'll probably sing from it for quite a while since I had the inconvenience of calling up my bank, cancelling the card and waiting for a new one after buying something literally two days before there last breach. Not being open about it and informing their customers was pretty inconsiderate imo and it's hard to forgive that when there's so much trustworthy competition. Base, for example have always been pretty good I feel.
That said, we all learn from mistakes and hopefully they have got their act together now. In the case of them being sound, this is a great deal Freddo or no Freddo :wink: Personally I'll bite at the £22-24 mark that most these re-release collections fall too within the coming month(s).
Cheers for the find but not voted either way for being a boomerang fence-sitter.
8 Sep 161#16
I'll stick with base, always had new releases on day of release, never pre-ordered from boomerang and for the sake of 10p I won't be :smirk:
8 Sep 162#14
Luckily I only had £30.89 to spend. OP saved my day.
8 Sep 16#13
I have seen deals cheaper than things I bought the week before and they didn't save me money... but I have also seen deals that are the cheapest at the time I want it... sometimes saving me £350 pounds (robot mower) and sometimes maybe saving me 5p... but the cheapest is still the cheapest and why would you pay more if you didn't have to...
I have not preordered this year and if its here tomorrow at £30.45 and I buy it then its saved me 44p... I wouldn't cancel a preorder for 44p but I would buy it over this...
we all have retailers we don't like and do like...
plenty of people order from these and have no issues.
I don't like game and try and avoid buying from them.. just coz I do... but if a deal is good enough id risk game...
8 Sep 161#12
I saw a deal come up for something I bought 87p cheaper did i rebuy it nope, I did however leave my order and give the OP some heat :wink:
8 Sep 16#11
what are base customer service like ? do they send signed for ?
8 Sep 16#10
Cheers, yeah I like Amazon for their customer service but alas they are not as cheap for this at the moment.
8 Sep 16#7
Out of interest which of the two retailers in question are more reliable for release day deliveries? Can't decide whether to preorder from one of these or wait until release day to see how much Game will rip me off because I've got credit to use up.
prankster101 to superspongebob
8 Sep 161#9
I've ordered from Base on a couple of occasions, and they've been good so far.
Favourite retailer is Amazon however.
8 Sep 161#8
Another title to get when the price drops slightly...
Too many games and not enough time...
8 Sep 162#6
Thanks Buzz, you made my day. We are blood brothers from this moment onwards :smile:
8 Sep 163#5
And this is where the site seems to fail. Unfortunately, although I'd imagine most OPs would prefer it that way, not every deal is aimed at every single person. We'd love it to benefit everybody, but it doesn't in most cases.
Look at the deal for what it is, it's the cheapest current price for Bioshock: The Collection, yeah you've possibly ordered it from Base and you feel that 10p isn't really worth you cancelling it for, but for many and myself included I have no issue with Boomerang Rentals. Yeah they **** up, but most of us have stopped singing from that hymn sheet now.
Heat added Mix.
8 Sep 161#4
so ya saying if I go back to all his deals I would save £50 and then I could buy this game, but in reality I would of spent a **** load of money??
makes no sense. And yeah anything over a couple of pounds would of been a better deal than me having to go onto Base and cancel my order....not even enough for a mix up.
Opening post
Don't forget cashback!
BioShock: The Collection is the collection of the three previous BioShock titles remastered for next-gen consoles.; Return to the cities of Rapture and Columbia and experience the award-winning BioShock franchise like never before. BioShock: The Collection retells the epic journeys of the BioShock universe beautifully remastered in high resolution.
Top comments
You can thank him by hitting heat...
The whole point of this site is to post cheapest deal possible...
Where do we draw the line...
Look at the deal for what it is, it's the cheapest current price for Bioshock: The Collection, yeah you've possibly ordered it from Base and you feel that 10p isn't really worth you cancelling it for, but for many and myself included I have no issue with Boomerang Rentals. Yeah they **** up, but most of us have stopped singing from that hymn sheet now.
Heat added Mix.
Latest comments (36)
The price on turkeys deal was altered today after I posted my deal :neutral_face:
You can thank him by hitting heat...
The whole point of this site is to post cheapest deal possible...
Where do we draw the line...
Ps saw a couple of decent PC games posted here today.
Re the whole PC argument I game on console because of convenience, nothing more, I don't want the hassle of having to patch my drivers or sound card, making sure it's compatible with every bit of my hardware every time to try to get it running smoothly or deal with aim bots that I see plaguing every single PC forum
That said, we all learn from mistakes and hopefully they have got their act together now. In the case of them being sound, this is a great deal Freddo or no Freddo :wink: Personally I'll bite at the £22-24 mark that most these re-release collections fall too within the coming month(s).
Cheers for the find but not voted either way for being a boomerang fence-sitter.
I have not preordered this year and if its here tomorrow at £30.45 and I buy it then its saved me 44p... I wouldn't cancel a preorder for 44p but I would buy it over this...
we all have retailers we don't like and do like...
plenty of people order from these and have no issues.
I don't like game and try and avoid buying from them.. just coz I do... but if a deal is good enough id risk game...
Favourite retailer is Amazon however.
Too many games and not enough time...
Look at the deal for what it is, it's the cheapest current price for Bioshock: The Collection, yeah you've possibly ordered it from Base and you feel that 10p isn't really worth you cancelling it for, but for many and myself included I have no issue with Boomerang Rentals. Yeah they **** up, but most of us have stopped singing from that hymn sheet now.
Heat added Mix.
makes no sense. And yeah anything over a couple of pounds would of been a better deal than me having to go onto Base and cancel my order....not even enough for a mix up.