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3 PAYG 4G Trio Data SIM Pack Preloaded with 12GB of Data £20.85 with 5% discount code @ MYMEMORY
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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26 Sep 16
Three's Pay As You Go Trio SIM has all SIM types on one card, so whether you need a Standard, Micro or Nano SIM, you can just pop out the one you need.

Comes with 12GB data preloaded, so you can so you can catch up on the game highlights, Skype your gap year kids, play Angry Birds and tweet your heart out. Data valid up to 12 months then just top up and Pay As You Go.

Use your data abroad at no extra cost.

Being charged to use your data abroad isn't great. With Three you can use it abroad at no extra cost in 18 Feel At Home destinations while on holiday, including USA, Australia, France and Spain. See for details.

4G at no extra cost.

Paying extra for 4G sucks. We believe you should get fast internet at no extra cost. That's why Three offers 4G at no extra cost. All you need is a 4G tablet and be in a 4G area. List of Feel at Home Countries: Australia. Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Macau, New Zealand, Norway, Republic or Ireland, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, USA

Product Code

5% discount code VUB5 *thanks to danno178*
3% off quidco *thanks to chrisvoi*
All comments (72)
26 Sep 16 #1
Oops - great minds... I just submitted this and spotted I'd been beaten to the punch :smiley:

Looks pretty promising for roaming abroad...

If anyone know of a bettr deal for overseas calls and Data please let me know.


26 Sep 16 #2
Will be good for my trips to Portugal and USA. Thanks.
zetec2000i to jamsammy99
26 Sep 16 1 #11
Just so you know I'm on holiday in Portugal right now using this sim and 3G is the best signal I can achieve.
ebaysniper to jamsammy99
26 Sep 16 #18
I bought this for a trip to Boston. I'm in Boston USA, right now. It has been very, very slow. Next to useless. Not just in Boston, but also in Connecticut and New York. It didn't even get 3G using this SIM while I've been in the US. If you are going to visit someone in the USA. I would suggest using a USA seller on Fleabay and getting a pre-paid T-Mobile SIM delivered to where you will be staying. I also did this just in case. I'm so glad I did. The T-Mobile speeds are truely 4G and I picked up a half decent SIM for $26. The Three "Feel at home" service I suppose, is still good for calling UK numbers from the US. It's just that the Internet speeds in the USA, using the Three SIM are rubbish.
26 Sep 16 #3
Is this valid for 12 months from first use? I would like to buy one for my mifi but I am not going away until November.

Look like a great deal - thanks OP
26 Sep 16 #4
Greta spot! VUB5 takes 5% off too!
26 Sep 16 #5
3% off quidco
26 Sep 16 #6
Oops - forgot a bout Quidco :disappointed:

As far as I could tell from the MyMemory blurb, it's a 12 month period... presumably from when it's activated? No doubt there will be small print in there that gives an absolute cut-off. I'll look when it arrives and share anything I learn.

26 Sep 16 1 #7
Or just buy the sim from any 3 store and get 12gb data Payg for 20 which is the same deal or 17 if you commit to a 12 month contract
dijital to jakethesnake8394
26 Sep 16 2 #8
Not a very good comparison, this is 12gb to use over the while year for £20.85, yours is £20 for 12gb in one month.
26 Sep 16 #10
Just done this using Quidco and then also 5% code. Having made a purchase of 3 got a further £10 cashback on next purchase due to opening a new account having been referred via Quidco. So bought another. £10 further cashback with next purchase came up again. So bought another with hopefully 2 x £10 cashback being tracked. To sweeten things further I also get 12 months of Quidco premuim free. Ha :smiley:

Hoping the use of the 5% discount code initially doesn't fluff things up.
26 Sep 16 #12
Just a warning it seems to come from Switzerland and took a couple of weeks to arrive.

On mine they put a customs value of £11.85, which was a blatant lie to avoid paying tax.

I know cheaper prices sound good, but I'd quite like to keep the NHS...
supermann to EdCov
27 Sep 16 #36
Um... There are no custom charges in the EEA as far as I know. We are in the single market. At least for now.

How did you vote in the EU referendum out of interest?
26 Sep 16 1 #13
OP Please update your feel at home list. It is now cover 42 Countries including Germany. So it is even better...
26 Sep 16 #14
Indeed jakethesnake comment is utterly misleading ...
26 Sep 16 #15
can you tether using this sim card in an Iphone?
26 Sep 16 1 #16
VUB5 at the mymemory checkout
26 Sep 16 1 #19
I have just returned and not quite to levels you describe but I agree it's not fast in the USA I did notice you can connect to either AT&T or T-Mobile and switching between them helped massively.
26 Sep 16 #20
Just got back from Spain and it has been quite slow wherever we went, OK for WhatsApp but browsing the internet was pretty frustrating. Trying to download a 50mb app was virtually impossible. Yet when I ran a speed test I had a good ping and a respectable uload/dload speed.
26 Sep 16 #21
Can you make phone calls as well, or just for the data?
27 Sep 16 #22
Got one of these for parents, they are in Canary Islands and getting poor speeds can't even download anything 3G plus is the highest they got but speed test shows 25mbps down and 1.25 Mbps upload. Very poor.
27 Sep 16 #23
There is more counties now, who did you copy? be honest?
27 Sep 16 #24
Huh? What are you talking about? be honest about what exactly? I copied and paste from mymemory site
27 Sep 16 #25
Can you use these in a phone, running down the 12GB data over the year and just sticking on some PAYG credit for the odd call?
porkupine to PR1
27 Sep 16 #35
Kinda. I got one in the last lot. You can add credit, but you don't get the Three 123 pay structure. Texts cost 10p but calls are pretty cheap. Good for a dual sim phone, not great otherwise.
27 Sep 16 #26
Anyone know if there is any cashback from Quidco or TCB ??
27 Sep 16 #27
Will this sim work in EE mifi ?
chappers to Flanbay2
27 Sep 16 #28
Yes if its unlocked. The unlock codes are 99p on ebay, but be patient and do it slowly so that it gets its connections sorted. Plenty of tutorial Videos on Youtube.
Ive just done one for this exact reason, works a treat, far cheaper than EE
27 Sep 16 #29
I'm could do with this if it will work in Greece. I need to use my mifi when I'm out there as I don't have any broadband set up in my house. The Greek version is about £30.00 per month for far less data with cosmote. Wondering about the overall cut off date though as won't be going out till next spring due to health problems.
27 Sep 16 #30
Does anyone know if tethering is allowed on this sim? Sorry if that is a silly question, I know Three don't allow it on some plans.
brainsys to hurley31
27 Sep 16 #31
This sim is designed for use in a mobile mi-fi unit. The whole point is so other devices can share it (ie tether) on its own wifi.

It may work in an ordinary phone although in the past Three have blocked them when they find out. Block just means it won't work in the phone but will if you transfer back to a mifi device. Dunno whether they still do this.

It should also work with a mobile data device - eg tablet.
Queasyrider to hurley31
5 Oct 16 1 #58
I've been using this for the last 5 weeks in spain. It logs onto either Yoigo or Movistar. I bought my old Galaxy S2 to use it in but they blocked me as tethering isn't allowed. I bought a movistar wifi stick for 3 euros at a local flea market, took it to another stall and paid 7 euros to get it unlocked and it's working great on 3g. It's great for browsing but if I want to download anything I have to go to a nearby bar and use their wifi. Of course it would be rude of me not to indulge in a pint of San Miguel for 1euro while using their wifi.
27 Sep 16 #32
Thanks for the reply. I will give it a miss then.
27 Sep 16 #33
Are these started from purchase or activation : can I use a sim for 12 months then use another then last so 36 gb over the 3 years?
27 Sep 16 #34
Thanks very much for this. I use the EE Osprey like others but tge sims with them are too expensive and a dew months ago I watched the videos abd hacked it.

This is an excellent deal
27 Sep 16 #37
Hi guys, I wondered if anyone could offer any advice... I'm moving house to an area with poor broadband 2mb/s.

I've been researching the use of a 4g router and wondered if there are any unlimited sim only data deals around? Happy to pay but struggling to find anything.. Is there any tips or tricks that could be done and help would be great as I'm struggling as to what to do :disappointed:


27 Sep 16 #38
Excellent deal thanks op
28 Sep 16 #39
I've been looking around a bit myself and the impressed I get is that 'unlimited' on 4G doesn't really exist if you're tethering.
28 Sep 16 #40
Switzerland is neither an EU nor EEA member.
It is, however, part of the single market.
Customs charges apply.
28 Sep 16 #41
I stand corrected about Switzerland being in the EEA. They are not but they are part of EFTA and are also part of the single market which we are in. Therefore there should surely be no tax to pay. It would be different if they just had access to it but we are both actually in it. The whole point of the single market is that there are no tarriff, taxes or quotas on trade.
28 Sep 16 #42
You would think so, and so do probably half the leave voters....however, the Single Market is a way to harmonise rules and regulations as opposed to taxes and tarriffs. The last two are fiscal measures which apply to EU and non EU and Switzerland is a non EU country hence import duty and VAT are payable.
28 Sep 16 #43
I only wish that these 3 Data SIM Cards could be used in a normal Phone? (eg. as normal Pay & Go SIM, with up to 1 Year/12GB's worth of Data attached to it as standard!).

As opposed to that of ONLY a Data SIM Card (which can only Mi-Fi out your 1 Year/12GB's worth of Internet Data, and that's it ..... ) :-(

I'd have luvvvvvvv'ed to have rather had this in my Phone instead?.

With the Mi-Fi 'options' as secondary, rather than mandatory only?, lol.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh well. :-)
paulandpam1 to amour3k
28 Sep 16 #44
They can work in a mobile phone and I do just that.
But you'll have to buy a dual sim phone, I use a Talkmobile sim in slot 1 that gives calls at 10p per hour and all my data is from sim slot 2 that contains a 3 data sim.
29 Sep 16 1 #45
I love this type of Brexit rubbish :man:

The EU is a Free Trade Area and Customs Union.
The EEA is a Free Trade Area not Customs Union e.g. Norway
Switzerland is a partial member of the FTA but neither the EEA nor EU Customs Union.
You can be part of the EU Customs Union alone but not the FTA e.g. Turkey.

A swivel eyed Brexit loon was saying yesterday you have exit the EU Customs Union to control migration.
29 Sep 16 #46
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!, thanx for that. :-)

Yes, I have a Dual-SIM Phone already (but wouldn't mind another Dual-SIM Phone too, any recommendations?, lol), so this will work perfectly then in my existing Dual-SIM Phone, thanx. :-)

What TalkMobile SIM at only 10p per 1 hour are you rocking please? (as I've had a few TalkMobile Contract SIM's in the last few years, but NEVER heard of your one too mind?, or am I missing something?, hehehe). :-)
29 Sep 16 1 #47
OP .. "3 PAYG 4G Trio Data SIM Pack Preloaded with 12GB of Data £20.85 with 5% discount code @ MYMEMORY"

It's showing up as £22.75 for me AFTER the 5% discount code of 'VUB5' is applied?.

Is this correct? (and your Deal needs to be expired?, as it's now gone up).

Was there an error in the info you originally supplied, etc?.

Or is there something else that I'm missing?, thanx.
30 Sep 16 #48
OK. So the sims turned up in the post today.

I will use this in my unlocked Nexus 6 and report back on whether it works... or not. If the latter I'd welcome recommendations on a small Wi-fi dongle.

30 Sep 16 1 #49
I was being a bit thick! I've realised... it's not three SIM cards each with 4GB = 12GB, It's one SIM card with 12GB over a 12 month term. #stupid
3 Oct 16 #50
We've been using one of these happily in France, but read somewhere that it may only last 2 months abroad. Anybody know if this is true for this sim?
ralphaverbuch to lushlady
3 Oct 16 #51
Why? Just login to My3 and see what it states in terms of how much data you've used. I doubt it will have different terms of use if it's on of three's 'Feel at Home' destinations...

3 Oct 16 #52
I hope you're right Ralph, we're coming up to two months and still got 8gb left on it. I'll be well peeved if it doesn't let me use the rest in France...:disappointed:
Anon32 to lushlady
4 Oct 16 #54
Its not designed to be used abroad all the time it's a sim to use in Britain! Clearly states that in the T&C's but of course not your fault its three fault!

Once two months are up the sim is suspended until you head back to the uk and reconnect to the network here! The whole point is we could get an italian sim and just use it here all the time with an italian number! Therefore you would have all different numbers etc... Which then would be chargeable! The only way to scrap that is have a proper pan european companies and one whole number system for europe like the usa
3 Oct 16 #53
Not sure -- just use up as much as you can! :wink:
4 Oct 16 1 #55
Spoke with Three support last night. Seems the card I have is, as expected, a Data only card intended for tablets, dongles, etc. It can work in phones but apparently they look for signs of this and it can be suspended if they believe you're breaching their T&Cs. Just to be safe I stumped up some more cash for a Three Huawei dongle off eBay. Now, I'm just hoping that the 12GB doesn't expire on me before I even have a chance to use it abroad!!

The dongle in my case was the Huawei E5220.

Info here on setting up too.
4 Oct 16 #56
I use it in the UK too. So you are saying it resets once you come back to the UK and starts counting your 'abroad' use again on your return? That's fine then, I don't use it more than 2 mths in one go, but have been back and forth using it over this year.
4 Oct 16 #57
Usage restrictions

I finally found it...
10 Oct 16 #59
So you cant use this in a mobile phone and tether , but you can put it in a mifi and all access that , whats the difference?
13 Oct 16 #60
Echo that question: I'd want to use this in a MIFI, but if it blocks tethering, I can't see how it can be used in a MIFI.
ralphaverbuch to ourdave
13 Oct 16 1 #61
It works in a MIFI and it tethers....

13 Oct 16 #62
Thanks Ralph
15 Oct 16 #63
Nice one. Mines almost finished.
16 Oct 16 #64
What a load of **** this is..... Bought this for use in America, and it was completely useless. Couldn't surf the internet, complained and was told they only offer 2G or 3G depending on coverage. I used it in Florida and could NEVER get connected to the internet.....Complete waste of money....
16 Oct 16 #65
I'm in the netherlands and using it right now. What I did find is that when roaming it connects to a local network but i still need to login to the MiFi card I bought to use with it and manually instruct it to connect to the network for data. Once that's done it's A OK....
blaster to ralphaverbuch
20 Oct 16 #66
Im doing same as you ive ordered the sim and ive bought a mifi to put it in , im off to spain next Monday see how it fares. How long did the sim card take to arrive, I ordered last Monday and not here yet?
20 Oct 16 #67
Ordered it ages ago now, but I think it was less than a week to turn up.

21 Oct 16 #68
Ordered on the Friday 15th, despatched on the Monday 17th, received Friday today 21st. All the way from Switzerland. Was billed for £22.75 with VUB5 code but MyMemory will refund diff of current price £21.99 within 72 hours.:smiley:
21 Oct 16 #69
I ordered 17th Monday and received today but I did pay extra 99p delivery for fast delivery cost me £22.99 so will setup in my cheap argos £4 mifi and take with me to spain next week.
ralphaverbuch to blaster
21 Oct 16 #70
Just triple check it works A OK in your MiFi first. Worked fine for me but I was using a 3 branded unit I bought off of eBay UK. Of course, I still paid three times as much for it than your £4 unit. Which one are you using?


21 Oct 16 #71
I got the huawei 3g mifi which I got from Argos , it came with a ee 6gb sim card which I sold so the brand new mifi cost me £4 in the end. Used the unlock software I found on the net and unlocked it. I set the mifi up last week with the 3 sim 200mb free sim .
Just pit the new 3. 12gb sim in and its up and working so happy days will check online to make sure its setup for abroad.
21 Oct 16 #72
This one's for anyone using one of these SIM data cardw and planning to use it overseas this weekend. Seems Three is doing sme maintenance which will mean you can't get online abroad, but can in the UK. Here's the blurb they sent me...


From 8pm Saturday 22nd October until 12pm Sunday 23rd October, we're upgrading our billing systems. We're sorry, but as a Pay As You Go customer, this means you won't be able to use some services including topping up. You'll still be able to call and text standard UK landlines and mobiles and use the internet in the UK.

Top-up before 6pm Saturday.
If you're low on credit and you think you'll need to top-up at the weekend, please top-up before 6pm Saturday 22 October to make sure you get your credit in time. You can top-up by buying a voucher and activating by calling 444. Or you can top-up at My3 with a pre-registered card (on your phone or online on your PC).

Services that won't be available:
- Topping up and buying Add-ons
- Making international calls and texts from the UK
- Making any phone calls and texts when you’re abroad
- Using internet when you’re abroad including using and downloading Apps (such as Facebook) and maps
- Making calls to some premium rate numbers i.e. starting with 09, 070 (non-personal mobile numbers) and 076 and all premium text services including shortcodes.

The Three team
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