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23 Aug 16
Called Sky today.

Contract was up in 3 weeks so told nice Man on the phone I wanted to cancel.

Or could he give me a good deal.

So he gave me a good deal.

12 months contract.

Unlimited Broadband and line rental.


Would have been £27.70 pm

So saving of £17.70

He said offer is only for today,

I have now called back and ask how much it would be for Unlimited Fibre.
Got away with £20 pm, no connection fee and £20 credit.
Am happy with that.
Top comments
23 Aug 16 29 #1
only today and only for you :wink:
23 Aug 16 9 #2
only today and only for you

Why only for me.
If you call and ask it could be for you too Mr Grumpy...
23 Aug 16 6 #3
Good to know what is being offered to people so others know what to aim for when trying to haggle. We gave notice last week for both Sky TV and Broadband and will wait to see whats offered.
tfish to ftoowner
23 Aug 16 4 #11
better than this? A fiver maybe? Free? *sighs*
All comments (152)
23 Aug 16 29 #1
only today and only for you :wink:
23 Aug 16 9 #2
only today and only for you

Why only for me.
If you call and ask it could be for you too Mr Grumpy...
argosextra to hjm
23 Aug 16 4 #5
Not only for you I called them last week and they offered me free broadband and line rental for £10.00 plus evening and weekend calls for free but I'm waiting for £100.00 credit
mjunaid106 to hjm
28 Aug 16 #57
Someone can't take any joke. Sales agents are famous to offer "only for today and only for you" deals and I believe that is what @Broxy referred to.
23 Aug 16 6 #3
Good to know what is being offered to people so others know what to aim for when trying to haggle. We gave notice last week for both Sky TV and Broadband and will wait to see whats offered.
Glesgabear to Pavers
23 Aug 16 #34
Seems the £10 a month line rental and free broadband is only open to people who do not have Sky TV. If you do, the best after haggling is free broadband and £17,40 a month line rental.
23 Aug 16 #4
I will check ours, which i think may be up for renewal soon :innocent:
23 Aug 16 #6
If you leave it till longer you get better deals
tfish to ftoowner
23 Aug 16 4 #11
better than this? A fiver maybe? Free? *sighs*
23 Aug 16 1 #7
I was also offered the same deal earlier today by Sky, when I cited the current Plusnet offer.
rporteo to zen135
23 Aug 16 #12
What's the plusnet offer? I can only see free broadband and 16,99 pm line rental, or is that it?
23 Aug 16 #8
any good renewal offers incl anytime calls and international calls?
hjm to mubashar
23 Aug 16 1 #10
You would need to call them.
They are really helpfull...
spicerboy to mubashar
23 Aug 16 #38
They used to charge £5 month for the international deal that finished last year but current customers could have it for £8 per month for 2 years then £12 extra per month
23 Aug 16 #9
I have sky tv and am looking to get broadband with them is there any possibility they would offer me the same
maxj77 to Cece28
23 Aug 16 #36
​they will give you a deal but check your broadband speeds for your area we recently moved (15 miles) and our internet has gone from great to very bad and still have 2 months before ours is up
23 Aug 16 1 #13
Just tried this. I've got 3 wks left on my contract as well but they wouldn't budge below £15 mth.
hjm to fret123
23 Aug 16 #19
I suppose it is just who you happen to speak to I reckon...
Try again if you haven't accepted it yet and call the number for broadband cancellations 03300 412 548
23 Aug 16 #14
I've always been offered unlimited broadband free, so I think the free broadband is standard. Good deal getting the line rental for £10 though. When I last renewed I got free unlimited broadband with £17.70 line rental & £50 credit on my account.
hjm to plymouthgal
23 Aug 16 1 #23
My last deal was. Free BB and half price line rental and £100 credit. So it didn't cost me nothing for 11 months. Just finished now. Best deal ever it was...
23 Aug 16 #15
Got line rental and fibre BB for £20 PM for 12 more months, on Monday, retensions.
23 Aug 16 1 #16
Well ok for some I had full package at half price for a year, my contract was up and now it's a eye watering £120 a month. I rang up told them there was no way I was paying £120 a month I want a better deal... I got... Nothing and was told I should be grateful for the free TV I got last year. I asked her if I could cancel sky and rejoin with a new customer deal I was told no only after 12 months. So I've cancelled anyway.
I've now got my phone and broadband from ee for £18 a month, just need a tv deal now. Any ideas?
bigdeal66 to spyro123
23 Aug 16 1 #22
They will be ringing back after a few months to get you back,keep bartering with them then after the 5th call it will be cheap.

Offered me all channels including sports/HD/multiroom (no movies or BB) for £12.50 still said no,hate paying to watch repeats and adverts half my viewing time.

I am also with EE have been for a few years with the basic BB,downloads at 14MB/S so fine for me,haggled a deal to include anytime calls and 1000 mobile minutes for £18.20 :smiley:
23 Aug 16 #18
can you tell me their phone number? thanks
hjm to vicko
23 Aug 16 1 #20
I called cancellations... 03300 412 548
23 Aug 16 #21
I saw this offer too. But I didn't want to go through the hassle of not having internet for a week.
Plus with Sky I never had a problem with connections.
Better the devil you know I say, as with some the connection drops all the time...
23 Aug 16 #24
Ah thanks for that! Let's hope they ring me!
23 Aug 16 1 #25
Got mine for £7.50 per month for 12 months
hjm to craigdwilson12
23 Aug 16 #26
They offered me that also, but it wasn't unlimited BB....
23 Aug 16 #27
Just got my line rental 12 months £7.40 per month and fibre another 12 months for £10 per month
Very pleased :smirk:
23 Aug 16 #28
I've been on unlimited fibre since last year for only £7.50 a month as line rental for free on the line rental saver deal. It's been good and happy with the deal.
argosextra to a666andy
23 Aug 16 1 #32
Only £7.50 wow, how long we're you on the phone to Sky and how did you get that deal
23 Aug 16 #29
I got line rental plus unlimited broadband for 2.5 per month without cashback
argosextra to haleluohao
23 Aug 16 #31
Is that £25.00 a month or £2.50 which is it and how did you get it so cheap
23 Aug 16 2 #30
That's the deal I had as well but don't forget the upfront payment £5.00 I think it was and £6.50 for router delivery so it's £11.50 I paid and £8.70 a month for 12 months total paid £115.90 - £100.00 credit in my account it was £15.90 into 12 months comes to £1.35 a month for broadband and line rental
23 Aug 16 #33
The deal I got from sky was 60% off and £100 credit for TV.. Don't get broadband through sky though as there fibre is expensive and they couldn't match virgin deal
23 Aug 16 1 #35
Omg just rang got 8 days left before switch off and could only offer £34 for bb and calls rip off
hjm to sharoncadnant
24 Aug 16 #43
That's even more than the standard rate...Call them again but go through cancellations. Good luck..
23 Aug 16 1 #37
Called up the number as im out of contract best they could do was free bb £25 with unlimted calls and line rental :disappointed:
spyro123 to MrMan2011
23 Aug 16 #39
It's disgusting how it's 1 deal for 1 person and not the rest!
23 Aug 16 #40
23 Aug 16 1 #41
Just wanted to say a big thank you to OP, gave Sky a call told them I wanted to cancel and mentioned the Plusnet deal, offered free broadband for 12 months and £10 line rental straight away, very pleased!
hjm to tippii
24 Aug 16 #42
Glad you got what you wanted also...:-)
24 Aug 16 #44
Probably on the phone for about 40 mins whilst they checked options, availability etc. Read me the spiel and then processed the order, had a laugh and good banter with the rep, who originally offered it at a tenner all in then said he could knock another 2.50 off a month right at the end.

I had just got to the end of a year of 7.50 for unlimited standard bb and no line rental and rang to see if they could continue it before i decided to leave. Previously was an o2 bb customer moved to sky when they purchased the service.
25 Aug 16 #45
£14 if you taking evening and weekend calls , with out calls only broad band and line rental £10.
25 Aug 16 #46
Just tried and they offered me £17.44, worth trying again at some point?
hjm to deanlfc
25 Aug 16 #47
Did you call Cancellations number?? I would def try again. It seems it matters who you speak to...
25 Aug 16 #48
Yeah, rang he number you said above, I'll try again tomorrow.
argosextra to deanlfc
25 Aug 16 #49
It's not for 1 day only it's all about who you talk to and how much your willing to bargain
26 Aug 16 #50
I'd advise cancelling a month before your contract is up (unless they offer a silly deal), otherwise you'll get a nasty bill the next month. Then in the weeks to come they'll be calling you left right and centre with deals for retention.

The phone agent told me you can cancel the 'cancellation' about 3 working days before the date you originally discussed, so you're not in jeopardy of losing 'retention' deals which Sky seem to do quite well on for their customers compared with other companies.

If you do stay with them ask them when the earliest is that you can call to cancel the new contract before it expires and set a calendar reminder! Best of luck. :sunglasses:
26 Aug 16 1 #51
Got an email off them today offering £10 off line rental meaning it would cost £17.40 in total, rang the number on there and the guy said the best he could do me was £15 a month but if I accepted the offer yesterday (which was free broadband) I would get £20 off overall. I then rang cancellations and the lady there applied both of the deals so it's now £7.40 a month. Also offered me fibre at £17.40.
26 Aug 16 1 #52
Thank you op, gave them a call, managed to get the £10 a month and £25 credit to my account, happy with that :smiley:
27 Aug 16 #53
My Sky Broadband is finishing on October 5th. I was on 12 month Free Broadband and half price line rental of £8.70 a month

I called them today and they offered to me for £27.40. I'll break it down for you it's £10.00 broadband and £17.40 line rental total is £27.40 a month during 12 months contract

I said I want to cancel and they came back with £10.00 a month for free broadband and line rental during 12 months contract if I decide to stay on.

What shall I do stay with them or cancel and get better elsewhere.
hjm to argosextra
27 Aug 16 1 #54
If you are already with Sky and you are happy with connection, I would stay.
As bear in mind, if you change you have extra cost for box and connection fees.
You will also be without BB for a bit.

I was happy with £10 pm and never had any problems with connection from Sky...
27 Aug 16 #55
ive just got unlimited fibre and line rental for £20 a month is that any good wasn't sure if this deal was for the standard broadband or fibre.
28 Aug 16 #56
I managed to get this same deal. They offered me just line rental price but I told them that I would rather switch to a different provider who would give me cashback etc. Then they offered me just £10 pm for this same deal, which I accepted.
29 Aug 16 #58
Hi, does anyone know if I change the broadband provider, if there will be any break of service? My cancellation email states 'Please note it can take up to ten working days for the broadband service to be removed from your phone line, after which your new provider will be able to take over your phone line.'

Many thanks in advance :smiley:
hjm to lxx
29 Aug 16 #59
I was without connection for 10 days.
That is one of the reasons I stayed with sky as I need internet every day.
I believe you will be without it for a while no matter who your provider is..
And you get charged in most cases for connection fee and box..
29 Aug 16 #61
I changed from Sky to Plusnet on the 18th. Sky went off at 8:04am. Phone line reconnected about 1:30pm and internet went live about 5:30pm.

If you get your new provider to sort out the disconnection date it should be the same as the install date.
29 Aug 16 #60
Thanks...that's too bad. But Sky only offered me £17.40pm for unlimited BB and line rental.
30 Aug 16 #62
Thanks a lot :smiley:
I am thinking of moving to Plusnet too, how is it comparing to sky?
My Sky contract ends on 16 September, shall I set the install date for Plusnet as 16 September?
Thanks again
30 Aug 16 1 #63
It's not as fast (about 25% slower) but it will probably depend on location. The router range is less than the sky one (still fine in 3 bed,2 story house) just couldn't get as far walking down the road. If you have your own router you can save the £6.95 and use your own. You are not locked in like sky.
No down time so been reliable so far (only 11 days).

Yes just request a change over date of the 16th. I think they need a minimum of 10 days and a maximum of 30 days.
30 Aug 16 1 #64
Thank you op! Voted :smile:

First called the cancellation line and was offered £12.50pm for line rental+bb. The agent said she'd leave a note on the system with details of the offer so no urgency. I could call back within the next 3 weeks or so should I decide to stay on. My contract was ending on 5 October.

I called back and spoke to another agent. I was offered the £10pm only if I renewed my contract today. Him of 'only today' fame! :smile: I ended up accepting as it's still a very good deal and I enjoyed much of my sky connection free of charge for about 10 months this past year :smiley:

Thanks again op. I wasn't looking forward to spending time shopping around for a broadband deal. This was pain-free and a better deal than I expected to get!
31 Aug 16 #65
Just called up to cancel was offered £15 but refused and then offered this £10 deal. Would have acceoted £15 had I not known about this so thank you.
31 Aug 16 #66
Thanks, I only have the sky router, don't suppose it's unlocked?

Did you have around 10 days without internet connection? I could not afford that :disappointed:
31 Aug 16 1 #67
No you can't use the sky one but keep it safe as you may need it in 12 months time.

No I had about 10 hours down. Sky disconnected in the morning and I was on Plusnet by teatime.
31 Aug 16 #68
I wouldn't recommend sky
1 Sep 16 #69
Thanks :smiley:
May I also ask how long did you contact Plusnet before the day Plusnet took over?
1 Sep 16 1 #70
It was 14 days.
1 Sep 16 #71
Thanks a lot, that's really helpful :smiley:
2 Sep 16 #72
Just when I need to call them they are having technical difficulties with their lines...
UncleWilly to bargain76
2 Sep 16 2 #74
You should offer them a deal to switch providers.
2 Sep 16 #73
good deal for those who don't need fibre. I managed to get fibre and line rental at £20pm for 12months when I threatened to switch to BT
hjm to TheMajorGM
2 Sep 16 #78
Did they charge you for Fibre activation?
2 Sep 16 #75
Useless for Kodi unless you pay for a VPN
hotrod2 to OrribleHarry
2 Sep 16 #76
​since when?
JosieW to OrribleHarry
2 Sep 16 #79
Works fine with the 3 Kodi boxes I have connected round the house :smiley:
Is the URL updater working on your Kodi??
2 Sep 16 #77
Quite a while now most of the decent add ons are blocked with the "big four" ISPs

Will work but with greatly reduced content but if that doesn't concern you then is a really good deal.
2 Sep 16 #80
Including the likes of 1channel? What's the URL updater?
2 Sep 16 #81
Google is your friend.
2 Sep 16 #82
Hmm im not going to vote anything here because just last week I got 60% off the entire bundle and no contract with it. This includes (although I decided not to go for it) Sky Q and their fibre broadband and phone plan too.

So im not voting because its obviously a good deal for OP but I think there are better deals to be had if you jus hand your notice in and wait a few weeks for them to beg.

EDIT: Sorry just to put a number on it, Im now paying £38p/m no contract for their complete bundle, HD pack and multiroom.
Tell them their offer isn't good enough then cancel and within a week you'll be offered 50% off and within 2 weeks it'll be 60%. Probably would go to 70% but I'm away and won't be around when the original with off date occurred and frankly didn't want to miss the rugby championship.
2 Sep 16 2 #83
Hmm, annoying that I just had the same conversation myself before coming on here, best I got was 12.50 a month for the same deal..Hey ho, happy enough I suppose.

Ofcom should force providers to abolish line rental, it's a joke to be charged for it if you don't use it, my phone isn't even plugged in.
2 Sep 16 #84
personally had no joy from them, I phoned asking for a retention deal after seeing another thread on here about they're £10 retention deal, i stated the current plusnet offer (which was ~ £9.50 a month after cash back at the time) they wouldn't budge.
so I went with the plusnet deal, that was 5 weeks ago, I've been without internet now for 3 weeks and have just been told by plusnet that it'll be another week and half before I'm connected, this was all after I paid for the entire year up front, they declined my cash back too. congrats to anyone that got the deal or managed to switch without issue.
I just thought I post this here to vent a bit of pent up anger as this farce of an internet switch has been nothing but an headache since the beginning, why couldn't sky of just offered me the deal :disappointed:
2 Sep 16 #85
Is this Fibre or the standard crappie 2mb
2 Sep 16 #86
I've had this for a little while and can confirm I'm still paying £10 a month. I didn't post it as I wasn't sure if they would offer it in every case.
2 Sep 16 #87
same for me it's the same retention deal I got when I negotiate the subscription fee for another 12 month contract. Are you living in london? I presume that's the price for anyone in London and maybe less outside london.
2 Sep 16 1 #88
I got the £10 per month Thank you OP :-) Right on time ...
2 Sep 16 #89
Hello! I just got off the phone with Sky. My 12 months was ending soon, I spoke to a friendly guy, said he'll do £10 p/m for the line rental and free broadband, and I also managed to get a £10 credit.

FYI for new Sky customers offer, £17.40 p/m line rental and free broadband, plus £100 Mastercard prepaid card, so works out £9.07 p/m over 12 months.
2 Sep 16 #90
​I thought about citing that deal too but the operator said because I got 100 m&s last year, I wouldn't be elligible for the new offer. :-(
2 Sep 16 1 #91
​I'm up in Yorkshire... happy enough with 12.50 I suppose based on most of other offers at the mo. No need to fart about re setting wifi, waiting for new router and any cashback claim.
2 Sep 16 #92
​I find it a bit tedious finding the right source that isn't blocked for kodi so I go old school and use my nas... plus only on basic bb.
2 Sep 16 #93
Plusnet went up to £17.99 yesterday...but if you bear in mind you get £123.00 TopCashBack... You can see why they will do it for a tenner....saves them paying out to referral sites every year
2 Sep 16 #94
Your right kodi sucks such an effort now days better of with a now TV & plex iptv so much better
2 Sep 16 #95
Anyone know what line rental saver is? I've signed up for free unlimited broadband starts at the end of the month. Customer chat advisor said I could call up after my first bill a few days after services start and sign up for line rental saver but didn't say how much the lump sum would be. Tbh I'm happy with the deal - 12 x 17.70, minus the 75 Mastercard and 65 cashback through quid Co, it will work out cheap
2 Sep 16 #96
I used Tiscali and talktalk for years before I use sky on my last contract. I thought it's a prime brand and in the end I was dissapointed. the speed was slower and often dropped. I'm glad my contract is over and switched to bt for 13.5/mo
2 Sep 16 #97
Internet is really bad with sky
2 Sep 16 #98
So what was plusnet's reason for changing the install date (from 12/08 or whatever)?
2 Sep 16 #99
when I was negotiating the deal with sky I was bluffing with them. I said I've got multiple offers from different ISPs and your deal isn't that appealing. Initially sky made me an offer of £17.50 per month and after my bluff they gave me £5 off each month for 12 month contract. And you're right it also saves me time from setting up new modem and landline etc.
2 Sep 16 #100
Called Sky the other day, as my current deal was also up. Mentioned the new Vodafone deal was very tempting and could they do any better. They did and offered me Unlimited Fibre (between 38-40MB) for £10 a month and £10 line rental. All for a new 12 month contract. signed up with them there and then. cheaper and the minimum contract is 6 months less than if I had signed with Vodafone :smiley:
2 Sep 16 #101
No need for that response and I most certainly am not! You loose approx 30% of content with Sky, Virgin and BT due to court orders blocking a lot of the common add ons.
You are rude and misinformed.
2 Sep 16 #102
Change ISP and it works flawlessly
2 Sep 16 #103
i have no reason to change ISP as ive got a pretty good deal atm with sky £20 for fibre unlimited and line rental. ive tried all sorts of streaming devices and as i said nowtv with plex iptv wipes the floor with broken kodi links and just about anything else out there.
2 Sep 16 #104
I just binned Sky. We were paying £80/month for our phone, 38Mbps bb & limited TV service (family+HD). Phoned to complain & they offered me the £10 broadband deal with 12 month contract & reduce the TV £38pm package. They got it down to £55pm. I still sacked them off though because BT had faster broadband @52Mbps & similar TV channels and was £55pm. Quidco also tracked £155+£10 special offer to sweeten the deal. Hopefully the BT service is good.... I've been with Sky for 16+ years but just got annoyed paying that much. I'll keep the Sky box as it's wired to 3 TVs in the house. Not decided how to get BT to all TVs - maybe Android boxes and the app...... ideas welcome. I'm not going to run any more cables though until there's a good way to distribute 4k around the home. Might even take on Netflix & Amazon & still be cheaper than Sky!
2 Sep 16 #105
Now that you've binned them, you'll actually have a much better chance of getting a way better deal than the poor ones you've been offered.
2 Sep 16 #106
With Sky for 12 months , the last two months broadband was dropping off every day after 5 engineer visits including BT Openreach and a new router and cables the problem persisted i left went to Plusnet and the problem miraculously disappeared.............
2 Sep 16 #107
They will be back on to you with half price everything again inside a fortnight.
2 Sep 16 #108
I'll try something new for a change & stick with BT for now. Would like Sky Q eventually. Sky need to sort out their pricing. Charging more for HD these days is ridiculous.
2 Sep 16 #109
moved to Vodafone fibre. £28/month for 78 mbits truly unlimited. you can get half the speed for £24 and their router is lights years away from the crappy one that Sky provides, probably the best router around compared tor the competition. Was able to keep phone number and they took care of my cancelation with sky with no downtime. Perfect!
2 Sep 16 #110
2 Sep 16 #111
I want this : but I'm 0.5km from the catchment.... one day hopefully UFO will land!
2 Sep 16 #112
was thinking about this deal myself how are the speeds at peek times also do they have any traffic shapping etc? just signed up with sky for a new deal but there already getting on my nerves messing my bill up etc
2 Sep 16 #113
I tried cancelling TV and phone earlier this year and didn't get any offers.Rang back a few weeks ago stating I could get a better deal with Talk Talk so I got my BB free (was£7.50 a mth), Anytine calls for £4 instead of £8, and line rental £17.70.Out of the blue I got an email a couple of weeks ago offering £10 off my line rental for a year so snapped it up
2 Sep 16 #114
You need to up your haggle game
2 Sep 16 #115
I'll take 'rude' and 'no need for that response' but not 'misinformed'.

You stated it's useless for Kodi - that is simply incorrect, misleading and misinformed.

I, and many many other people, use Kodi with Sky without VPN. The only add on I have any issue with is 1Channel/Primewire. But I just use many of the readily available add ons - Velocity, Release Hub, SALTS, VC Channel all of which work without VPN and Debrid. Of course Debrid makes for a better experience.
2 Sep 16 #116
What is Sky q silver?

I'm a new customer and I got fibre, phone line, installations, and Sky basic package for 27.40 and £20 credit. Want to know if I've not haggled enough?
2 Sep 16 #117
I pay only for line rental. Unlimited Broadband I have for free. Speed only up to 16 mb but is for free
2 Sep 16 #118
Very easy to get a decent deal with sky. Just called and asked for a new deal as mine expires in 2 weeks. Got offered 20 a month for fibre unlimited and line rental. Mentioned bt and got another £30 credit applied to account. If at first you don't succeed, try and try again
2 Sep 16 #119
This worked out slightly better for me. I went on sky website under my sky. Went to the cancel my subscription and it offered my free unlimited internet. I then phoned sky and said I wanted to cancel. They offered me £10 line rental + 25% off tv package. I mentioned the website was offering free broadband too. The nice lady then proceeded to give me the offer in this post (free BB + £10 line rental) + an extra 25% of tv. I'm not sure if everyone can get the free bb offer on the website but it's a nice way to start negotiations if you already have that up your sleeve
2 Sep 16 #120
best i got was 12.50 but ill take it
2 Sep 16 #121
Nice man? I always get a right cocky arrogant twit.
2 Sep 16 #122
Not that HOT for standard adsl broadband buddy my sky adsl is only 7.50 exclusive of line rental and vat
2 Sep 16 #123
So £7.50 + line rental = £20+? That's not good.
2 Sep 16 #124
Anyone seen/had any offers for upgrading for sky fiber (38mbps) unlimited to fiber max (76mbps)?
2 Sep 16 #125
So to be clear if have standard adsl broadband you should be paying no more than £10 a month inclusive of line rental if you want fibre add £another £10 at most if your paying anymore than your deal is not great.
2 Sep 16 1 #126
I tried as there's currently a deal for new customers on the 76meg for £15 a month no luck tho.
2 Sep 16 #127
I left sky tv and they gave me a deal free broadband unlimited and half price line rental for 1year. Also keep sky + features for free.
I recently came back to sky for 60% off all bundles and £75 credit. Also keeping my broadband deal. I also have anytime extra. HD £6.00pm Happy days. :smile:
2 Sep 16 #128
​they had issues taking over the sky line, asked me to contact sky to sort it, after several phones calls to sky and countless hours in their never ending phone queues sky finally told me the line was fine and had been released and the issue was with plusnet, I then relayed that back to plusnet, following that there was a 10 day silence before they finally said they're setting me up a new line with new number (bye-bye the number I've had for the past 20 years) not that it really bothers me as I don't use a landline anymore, but still could of quite easily not been the case. also in the time between my first comment and this one they have messaged me again saying it's going to be delayed an extra day now, no reason given, the mind boggles.
2 Sep 16 #129
Not so! I use kodi on 3 different set ups every day, no VPN and no prob (Sky fibre). Also got my mate installed (also Sky) again no VPN and no probs.
2 Sep 16 #130
I did the same a month ago, played the waiting game, and lo and behold I received an email offering me 50% off my sky package for another 12 months...I still rang up and tried to haggle. The guy offered me another £50 off and that was it, happy to sign up for relaible broadband and telly again for a year. :man:
3 Sep 16 #131
You loose approx 30% of the content through blocked urls and dead links. Stuff I thought didn't work miraculously sprang to life when I left.
3 Sep 16 #132
Called Sky up yesterday to cancel my BB. Had the MSE deal from last year with account credit etc. As I'd used up the majority of the credit my projected bill for October was £27 so decided to move.
Girl I spoke to at Sky was great. Ended up with Fibre for £20pm for 12 months - £10 Line rental & £10 Fibre as they no longer do a line rental saver advanced payment. Works out not too much different to the BT or Plusnet deals on offer that I've been looking at.
3 Sep 16 #133
Had the MSE deal that was on here last year.
Best I could get was 7.50 discount off line rental + 2.50 broadband + 8 anytime calls (which we use).
Total 20.50 per month for 12mths.
Cheaper than I used to pay for BT landline & calls only and cheaper than TT etc. (if you don't count any new customer extras).
3 Sep 16 1 #134
thanks hjm you've just halved my bill :smiley:
3 Sep 16 #135
i got family pack tv, unlimited BB & line rental for £16 mnth from currys.
3 Sep 16 #136
​is it not a months notice tho?
3 Sep 16 #137
Listen, you are very rude.
I've been an IT professional for 25 years do not insult my intelligence, I know a plenty about kodi and how to use it.
I have not once discouraged others to use Kodi I merely shared my experience ABOUT THIS ISP that was proven via running a script to measure dead link percentage. Kodi works better on other ISPs that is a fact, 1Channel is one good example that does not work on Sky, Virgin or BT.
You believe what you want it's a free country but just stop being a rude "know it all" OK?
4 Sep 16 #138
​No problems so far. We're a family of 5, there's always someone online either playing online games, watching youtube, streaming music etc. We're also heavy streamers as I refuse to pay what providers ask for channel bundles, netflix amazon and now tv do the trick for us. That said, I haven't experienced any kind of speed dropping plus the router is just amazing. You can control it from an app on your phone, create beamed wi-fi connections on the fly to guarantee that the device you're using has priority on the use of the broadband, cut the wi-fi on a specific device, etc, all from the app. Really great!!
4 Sep 16 #139
Currys don't do BB, they have a comparison tool. Or have I missed something?
4 Sep 16 1 #140
I called Sky today and got the £10 per month deal, thanks op! They offered me £12.50 to start with but I said a friend has been offered line rental and BB for £10 and after a quick 'chat with the supervisor' she matched the deal.

The Sky service has been fine for me and I generally get 16Mpbs on our ADSL which is perfectly fine for our needs. Not quite as good as last years deal but I can't see me getting line rental and internet for a tenner elsewhere, plus it saves me switching. Heat added :sunglasses:
4 Sep 16 #141
Rang on Wednesday to cancel and was offered free broadband unlimited (which I believe is a standard thing now). They did originally state that I would just pay £17.40 line rental but after some more time to consider my options, I rang back today only to be offered £5 off the line rental. I'm now paying £12.40 a month for broadband unlimited, line rental and their PAYG call package.
5 Sep 16 #142
I called up Sky last friday, and stupidly took up the £17.40pm line rental offer. I saw this post and slapped myself in the forehead.
Called them up this morning. because I'm still in the "31 day cooling off period", mentioned that I did take up their offer, but still wanted to move to Plusnet, due to their £9.24pm line rental deal.
They counter offered with the £10pm. I decided to accept the new deal.

An extra happy ending.
They've charged me £15.08 for the rest of the month of September (5 Sep - 30 Sep).
Then discounted me £6.41
Then credited me £15.08 - for cancellation of Sky Talk line rental.
Then charged me £10 for October's line rental.(1 Oct - 30 Oct)
In the end, it's going to cost me £3.59 for Sky Broadband and Line rental for my October 2016 bill.
Then it will be £10pm afterwards for 12 months

I've had nothing but a good experience speaking to Sky customer service. I can't fault them really.
5 Sep 16 #143
Just phoned Sky to see what I could get (out of contract next month) in short - nothing! I already have fiber at half price and that was the best he could do with line rental on top. I mentioned the £20 for fiber and line rental comments on here and he said he knew nothing about that kind of offer! Doh :disappointed:
Sell Me
5 Sep 16 #144
I have just BB & telephone with Sky which is just now out of contract. Phoned up today and the lady I spoke to knew nothing about the £10 deal. All she could offer me was £3.75 off my broadband for signing up to a 12 month contract. I obviously declined!!! Will be looking to move elsewhere...
5 Sep 16 #145
i would try again i have that deal for fibre & line rental £20pm
6 Sep 16 #146
Topcashback are giving £60.60 back if you upgrade to sky fibre (free for 12 months).

So £17.70p/m line rental less cashback works out at £12.65 p/m for fibre. Not unlimited tho'
6 Sep 16 #147
Just tried Sky again this morning and got a very helpful guy who still couldn't give me fiber and line rental at £20 - best he could do was half price fiber and standard price line rental. He was obviously doing his best to keep me as a customer but I had my figures ready and could show him a saving of £260.20 if I moved to TalkTalk - he still couldn't improve the offer!
6 Sep 16 #148
Well done!

Got to try my luck again - did you call 03300 412 548? Tried 0344 241 0499 but no luck, that's the number from the confirmation of cancellation email in case you change your mind.
6 Sep 16 1 #149
​No, it was a retention deal so I already had fibre with them. We had problems with the broadband however, so got the fibre activated for free when we upgraded.
8 Sep 16 1 #150
My contract is ending soon so rang up cancellations and was offered free broadband only, I said I heard there is an offer of 10£ line rental and free broadband. After checking she offered it to me and I accepted, thanks op for posting this deal
9 Sep 16 #151
thanks OP, got this deal today!
11 Sep 16 #152
Rang today and was offered £10 line rental + free broadband for 12 months or £10 unlimited fibre for 12 months
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