There's plenty of deals lately for high end graphics cards so here's one for us poor folk. Performance against the GTX 950 is arguable on both sides but it is NEWER and CHEAPER.
Sure, save up more for a better card, but £100 is already a fair wack for 1 PC component. Sure, buy a used 960 for around this price, but this is brand new.
I'm sure it will handle newer at titles at around 30fps and it will smash everything else, for around £100 i'd say that was good. Still beats a PS4/XB1.
Top comments
catbeans to ST3123
31 Aug 165#12
No one is going over 1080p with this card and the difference between 2GB and 4GB version of this card offer no performance increase in the majority of games at any kind of reasonable settings for the card. Even when allocated mory exceeds the 2GB. The only real exception being Vulkan Doom with very high settings.
Latest comments (30)
11 Sep 16#30
Now £99.98
2 Sep 16#28
It needs dedicated decoding hardware built in (as all graphics cards have these days for h264 video). At the moment the lowest end graphics cards that can do it are this and maybe the gtx 950 I'm not 100% on that. There are others with partial hardware decoding (meaning it still takes some CPU processing power as well, or that they can do 8 bit but not 10 bit decoding). It's also supported by the built in graphics on some newer processors.
Alternatively a reasonably powerful processor like an Intel quad core can do it fully via software but thats dependant on resolution/bitrate (so a low end processor might manage 720p but not 1080p, and high bitrate 4k video would take quite a strong processor to decode smoothly and use a lot of power doing it. That's a bit vague because I haven't tested it extensively.
bigbloke to Mrdom
3 Sep 16#29
2 Sep 16#27
Awesome, thanks! Kinda new to this
2 Sep 16#26
What is actually needed to do this?
1 Sep 16#18
How does this compare to a sapphire r9 270x toxic edition?
I picked one up for £70 at cex, wondering if I got a deal
globula_neagra to 54M13
1 Sep 16#25
yours is better
1 Sep 16#24
Well I do hold a grudge, particularly when they act aggressively and try to dodge their legal responsibilities. Similar situation to yourself which wouldn't have occurred if I had used a proper retailer, such as Amazon. Lesson learnt, don't use Scam again.
31 Aug 16#5
Decent but 2GB really is the barest minimum to have in a graphics card these days. Even keeping the resolution down to 1080P you are going to be struggling to maintain high settings on newer titles. Not necessarily saying pay more though. As always the case if you are willing to step back one, even two generations, you can buy a lot more performance to the pound. Yes, that will mean buying from places like eBay and perhaps buying used but doing so can net you a lot more card for the same money. I got a highly factory overclocked GTX780 for about the same price as this, which performs at the same level as a GTX970 and to my delight I found it even has HDMI 2.0, which was super rare back then.
keepitonthelow to ST3123
31 Aug 16#6
Just so you know a 970 destroys a normal 780
catbeans to ST3123
31 Aug 165#12
No one is going over 1080p with this card and the difference between 2GB and 4GB version of this card offer no performance increase in the majority of games at any kind of reasonable settings for the card. Even when allocated mory exceeds the 2GB. The only real exception being Vulkan Doom with very high settings.
RyanBest to ST3123
1 Sep 161#23
stating the obvious. There is a market for these cards for a reason, people don't mind lowering settings or expect to play highest settings on the newest games maintining high fps.
1 Sep 161#21
Not unless Scam have improved their aftersales customer care by 100%, I wouldn't touch these shysters with a barge pole.
McHotpoon to v8griff
1 Sep 16#22
Hope they have improved a lot of people like them still. I had to send back a processor as it arrived with bent pins years ago but when they received it back there was nothing wrong with it the bent pins had mystically straightened themselves back in to line in transit and so they refused to cover the cost of return postage grrr, then declined a replacement and said it would cost more to reorder the processor as the price had gone up. So I have never used Scan since - probably cost them a fair few hundred quid in sales and now I will join you in referring to them as Scam! As you can tell I don't hold a grudge :-)
31 Aug 16#14
Will this card be good enough to playback 4k 60fps content or even 5k?
Roph to Muffinss
1 Sep 161#20
Yes, all RX 4xx cards have the same video decoding block, 4K60 is no problem.
With this, you can even encode HEVC/H.265 at well over 100-400fps, depending on resolution.
1 Sep 16#19
Ebuyer have same model (different OEM) for a few quid less, with free shipping.
"I think a second hand R9 270x is a better choice" i think also
31 Aug 16#16
I realise I could wait for that but it would require a system upgrade which is pointless on a system which is also a home server with many hard drives. It would be a relatively minor drop in power consumption for what would be most likely a larger cost outlay than just getting one of these, and having to wait. By which time I could get a used one if these for less than this anyway... This really is looking like the cheapest option overkill though it obviously is.
31 Aug 16#13
I've been tempted by this because i want a card with low power requirements that can properly handle h265 video, gaming performance is not of real concern because i have a more powerful pc for gaming already, but im holding off for now because its ridiculous overkill for that purpose but its the best cheapest option currently. I wonder if they will release a lower end card any time soon... Alternative suggestions gladly accepted.
31 Aug 16#15
Not expecting a lower end card based on Polaris. If Polaris feature's are required then you are probably going to have to wait around a year for Zen/Polaris based APUs.
31 Aug 161#1
people on a budget would like this, good deal if it does everything you need.
clnsndrs to dealsonmeals
31 Aug 161#11
Thanks mate i ordered this to go with my sons birthday build and this seems perfect for his needs and my budget. He is not a heavy max setting fanatic and doesnt play many high end games so this is great. One less component to buy now and just a motherboard bundle and HD to get :wink:
31 Aug 16#10
I think a second hand R9 270x is a better choice
31 Aug 16#7
Second hand 780/970s are £130+ plus the extra power consumption.
ST3123 to Settee
31 Aug 16#9
Often yes, occasionally, they will sell lower especially the 780 will, if you got a 970 even at £130-£140 I'd say that was a bargain and way better VFM than a RX460, as the 970 is still a very capable card, especially for 1080P...
31 Aug 16#8
It's pretty close, older games favour the 780 latest games favour the 970, but I don't just play the latest games and it isn't a 'normal' card as it has a decent overclock as standard and a huge triple fan cooler so could probably take a bit more OC if I ever needed to...
Opening post
Sure, save up more for a better card, but £100 is already a fair wack for 1 PC component. Sure, buy a used 960 for around this price, but this is brand new.
I'm sure it will handle newer at titles at around 30fps and it will smash everything else, for around £100 i'd say that was good. Still beats a PS4/XB1.
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Alternatively a reasonably powerful processor like an Intel quad core can do it fully via software but thats dependant on resolution/bitrate (so a low end processor might manage 720p but not 1080p, and high bitrate 4k video would take quite a strong processor to decode smoothly and use a lot of power doing it. That's a bit vague because I haven't tested it extensively.
I picked one up for £70 at cex, wondering if I got a deal
With this, you can even encode HEVC/H.265 at well over 100-400fps, depending on resolution.