I think its a national deal with free click and collect.
28 Aug 16#4
Brought this yesterday. Great find. I missed out on getting one when ASDA sold their BBQs a few weeks ago.
The hubby has already put it together for me. Now just need some good weather to text it out. I brought it so that we could do a small BBQ instead of getting out the beast lo
27 Aug 16#3
Same one same price in B&M
Be careful using a BBQ on a beach . Especially If you place direct onto sand the sand will get extremely and unbelievably hot but won't look any different
Opening post
handy for picnics or going to the beach
I think its a national deal with free click and collect.
The hubby has already put it together for me. Now just need some good weather to text it out. I brought it so that we could do a small BBQ instead of getting out the beast lo
Be careful using a BBQ on a beach . Especially If you place direct onto sand the sand will get extremely and unbelievably hot but won't look any different